950 W. Hamilton Ave. (72-9) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ~ -'- Jh~~ ~/ . ADDR~ ~. a:fl b - FOR f 4J. 72-1 /?;t!~r-: ft/? /l d~~ 4#hu, / ~~~L- ~<- ~ /' ? ~ ;)'l'~ ( ff ,# /J ...J(l {. -,02 Y -C" .)7 / / REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ t;:;1/ /j-- FUND NUMBER ~rrv.<. ~ CHECK" .-/ THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BelOW. 382 CITIZEN COPY (3(;1 o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT MAR -8-73 MAR -8-73 009 ***~,392.00 61 009 A **~,392.00 <!!>s ~/j4 ------../ Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK 9 N m Z n o ~ c:..v CO c::;:) () ::j -< 0-4 ."r ~i- ~: lIc tD FT1 r- r- n :j < n ,... "' :u " .,.<~ Q~Si-4 Z!::-4% mCIllIVi C~"':Il:I IllIm~m mC~() "'~n!!! OZ::z:~ ~CZ m I I I I CO CO . , -J -J W W ...... <l' o 0 o 0 -J -J > * .. .. .. .. .. .. W W ~ \.0 \,0 .' 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"' :u Q Q " --' --' ~ b 0 0 0 ." ~; ^ ~ OJ \ g ." o ~;o ~~ ~~ .~ I '; ~ ~~ i ~. ~ ~r~ ~i s:: o Z IT1 -< o ::lJ o IT1 :u o n )> Ul J: ,~ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM ~ Public ~ks Department The requirements of the Public ~brks Department have been satisfied fO~ the fOll~~..q dev~l?~.el'!t: _., ',., , J4 )--1l::-~ IA/ h/L/6 I,/.) S S(_ C f-L,~yr2- APPLICANT Mj3/2V \/A/S Pel.?/)/zrA//L::::-A-)j STc~/ZE BUILDING ADDRESS <-l~C LAd~5T H,(j;1~/LT{)/V ~Ve-IC'l'E COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 5C>&.:, - Z4 .- 05/ .. S" APPROVAL NUMBER PD 72-9 c:.~ T / /1//EE S'7 PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS B1( ~II-- ;;.JL Date r~-7~ / ~ .. .... flJ-e- ," f 'u 7'1 -'j l November 9, 1973 L\,; ~ i/~L TO & DATE ~' ! ~u}1A' r WGW b--t::~------- BMH _t/__,~'-~v~ ......_____ Pacific Gas and Electric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California 95113 FTL ATTENTION: Mr. Harold E. Ransom SUBJECT: Campbell Municipal Lighting Distri~~, Energizing of Electroliers, North Side of Gale Drive, South Side of Hamilton Avenue, West Side of Marathon Drive ---.--------" ~ -- ... --~ FH F Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a copy of the plans for the construction of improvements on subject streets, which show the installation of three 400-Watt, Mercury Vapor, Schedule LS-2C electroliers and the relocation of electrolier No. 1067, all on Hamilton Avenue; the installation of two 250-Watt, Mercury Vapor, Schedule LS-2C electroliers on the west side of Marathon Drive between Hamilton Avenue and Gale Drive~ and the installation of one 250-Watt, Mercury Vapor, Schedule LS-2C electrolier on the north side of Gale Drive west of Marathon Drive. All of the above electroliers have been connected and energized to the existing systems on the streets on November 1, 1973. Please assign numbers to these electroliers and add the billing for energy and maintenance to the statement to the Campbell Municipal Lighting District as of November 1, 1973. Should there be any questions on the above, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG:ls By Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Civil Engineer cc : P. G . & E. Attn: Sue Parker, New Construction w/enclo8ures 4It 3480 RESOLUTION NO. e II II ! BEING A RESOlnTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAi'1PBELI" COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFOR1\lIA, ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT OF MERVl'N 'S, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, FOR DEVELOrr.lENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 950 HfuYiILTON AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGRE&'1ENT. 'WHEREAS, r-lervx'n 's, a California Corporation, have submitted an Agreement to this City Council for the development of their real property described upon that certain instrument recorded December 20, 1972, and filed in Book 0162 of Official Records at page 370 in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara in accordance with prescribed conditions; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited in the Agreement and concurrently herewith said Mervyn's, a California Corporation, have submitted Grant Deeds of certain portions of their real property for public street purposes and related public uses (including public utility easements, public service easements, public pedestrian easements,. storm sewer ease- ments); and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that said Agreement is hereby accepted and that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agree- ment on behalf of the City of Campbell; and, . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by this City Council that the said Grant Deeds submitted in accordance with said prescribed conditions be and they are hereby accepted for the purposes for which they are offered. PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this 26th 19 73 , by the following vote: day of March NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek None AYES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED: William R. Podgorsek Mayor J. Robert Dempster, City Attorney ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan '.- . City Clerk ..... o.~. . .. p , ..,.:..' ,/ _....... , 8 r-: ~ N "t ~ b 1 . t -- A'-' E:.l'\~E:. ..-..., ~ .t4A~ \ L... -r:c>~ N eeo~'44'/r: r:::::/2,7,2./' co ~~OS~'4A'1 "'>J ~S2,2"7' ......- .- @....,.. ~ ~ , ' : : A: R ~ 20,00' 6 ~ 000 04-' src;' L = '3L44' 13: R..:: 230,00' A=-\ 20 t:::D' \~II L- = c:::,l, S4 f C : R,..:: 2?::J7:> ,00 L =. 120 ~Ol \~' L- = c::,2,~' ..D: R..:: 20, ex::) L:::. = 00<:> 041 ,:;>(Q"I L-=- ~\,M' '0 o r-.: ?,oo' \1;7 J.. -0 0 ~ ~/'\ ~-4 . \1 QC1) 'X 9-' o 0 ~Jo::> f..9 '1/ .(;'Cl' 0...... 0- V~. <l/ c:.c.A.\....E::- : 1~:::.loo' c::, '7~ 14 2.1" ," Cp.,),.: s:::.,oo" " c;,.A..\-E: + + ::t:> R.. \" E:. · ::- Eo-.~,W\cz.vv\- +c. \::::::.cz ~'<'O..~~. CoV\+o.\ V'\c:::. C> . \ ~ I Ac:.. -:!:. . &A~E:/^eNT TO ~E: <rR.~NTe.D TO ,I-\e. C ITY O~ C~/^P8=L..1- .DQ... ~~ L-c.'-I r-c.~,~ C\c.. 'eoy C S 6 Fee, '\ \ 3. , ill '3 l\l 17 J ~ d ~ <t a t ~ \l1 0 o ':[ 3 N S ~ ~ () 0 Ii '1 ~ 4 I~ @ .,' I -+ r . ... +-+~lLTCN A'Jc=.~'-'e... 'S ego~9(441' W po.B. / , 50.0~:... A: R,: 2.0.00' A" 90-4'-5b" ~' L z: 31. 44" (3: 'R'" 230.00' - N A.... 1Z: - 'S'O'- 19" ro l..-=- '5"1.54' N ~ c.: 1<= /70. CO' ~E: 1 If.::! tOO' ~ N A=- ri'-~o'-19u ('J W 0 1- -::. 38. O~' I ~ 1 1.61--lD~ o~ 1^<t:.rvy).,J.'5 D: R" 20.00' 01 <':''2.. ".r. ~ 370 Ci o ' II BK. A:= 89-"57-20 D L = 31.40' 1Jl ~: 1<= 2.S.CJO' ~ Z o ' (t ,~ 3 0 6. : 47 -4 8 -2..1 ~ I L'Z. ZD.eb( ~ ~ :t==": 1<:::. 42..00' 0 ~ A = 10 ,0_ 1 b - 37 II G L-:: 7-4 .2.4' III b '- :4~.o,' 2.01 -:s "S~:r> 2. ~' I <0 I' -E::.. . 42.C(?' :.' <B 9 ~ 89002' <::x)" '" .... .. GI-r--< ~ LAM p-e.e:l-L '5"" 7b44 O.l"". ~430 GALE DR.I VE:. ---rRAc-T 4185 ~\:::: 2/0 ~ 38-~~ .LAW> TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELl- Dr.By /^.)/A. /-31 ,1973 CltBy I.-C- \..J 2.- Co ,1973 cJil ~ t ILond to ~e ,rollted to cUr Contains D.i::>5l At:..:! Prepared by the Office of the City En,1 n..r. Campbell, Callf.rllla I,' 1~(( I,- )': \ ,i ORDINANCE NO. 881 -- Iv. BEING Idl or~DIIUNC1': or TEI: CITY COUIlelL or Tllr:: CITY OF C/itIPBf,LL Id"L:EJlnG SECTIONS K AliD L or OP.DINANC[ No. 8G8 adop1:ing FL^lJS~ LLLVATIOllS AND DEVLLOPHLlJT SCHEDULE rOR A PORTION or THE PLfd:JH:D DEVELOPllENT Z 0 N L 1\ S EST A b LIS E r: D BY 0 1: ~ I : 1 A N C E lj 5 5 ADO P T 1: j) 0 NTH E 22nd day OF JU~Et 1964. (Application of James W. roug and Associates). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follo\-:s: That Ordinance No. 868 of the City of Campbell is hereby amended as follows: K. Construct street improvement on Gale and Marathon Drives with the following exceptions: 1. Sidewalk to be deleted on Gale Drive and the area landscaped by the developer. and: 2. A variation to the standard 10 foot sidewalk on Marathon Drive to be approved by staff. L. Ovmers to constx'uct the balance of streei: improvcli1crlts on Hamilton AVen\H~ \-lith a variation to i'lH~ standard 10 foot sidewalk to be approved by staff. U. Condition U to be eliminated, PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th day of Decemberl 191~ by the follo~ing vote: NOtS: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, podgorsek None AYtS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councillnen: None APPROVr:D: ------~-~;----~..,.,.__._-------- Wil11am R. podgorsekt ~ayor ATTEST: .._--.-...:"'"----.-...-.~....,--.......,.....~-."---~'~..~..-"..-"J ..'~.....--;-"'-"'-...,-..----.,...... DOr'01:hy Tl"(''''L~i.lliH)t Cl.....y \:1cX'1: ,\ ; \ L~'h -~~ o IZ DIN A)'; C r: NO. 8 6 8 rr:?' ,\ ~'>- ,V+--- C~ PD .7Z-:J BEl N G A!~ 0 R D} N l\ :l C~: 0 r T P}~ C IT Y C C U ~r elL OF TEI:: CITY Or CM1PBl:L.L ADOF'':'2:NC; f)1-.!dlS, E LEV A T ION S 1\ N Ii DE VEL 0 P;-: L JlT seE Ci U L r. r 0 K A PORTIOlj or THE pL!d;ln:D I)I:V}":LOiI<U:T ZO;;}: AS ESTADLISllr:D bY or<DINl\llCE itSS ADOPTLD o N T j I ;: 2~) ;1 D D!. Y 0 F J 111l r J 9 6 ~ . ( 1\ P P 1 ice: t j 0 n of Jawes W. foug and Associates). /.... " / ~' '~ T 1: e C i t Y Co U n c 5..1 0 f t i1 e C i t Y 0 f C a In p 1)(', J 1 doe s O)~ (l Ci in a s folloH:3 : S~CTION ONE: That the Zonin~ Map of the City of Campbell is her e bye !1 ,lTl f, C d and am end c d by ado p tin p; the at t a c 11 e d " E x 11 i bit ,\ n , entitlc(l "Plans and Elevations", "Exhibit B", entitled "Development Schedu_1_c", rlnd "Exhibit C\l~ entitled "l-lap of said Property", as per application of James W. foug and Associates on property located at 950 Vest Hamilton Avenue. Copies of said exhibits are on file in' tbe office of the Planning Director. Suid approval granted subject to the following conditions: A,. added in Property to be f2Dced and landscaped as indicated Dud as ':red" en plans. B. Landscarc p!an indicating type of plant material, location of boss bibs or sprinkler system arid, type of fencing to be sublliitted for approval of the Planning Commission at time of application for b u :\ 1 cl ill", per' m it. A 1 J. pIa Yl t era l' r e <1 S to bee n c ). () sed \,/ i t hi n If" t 0 [, II raised concrete curhs. c. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plRn. D . r a i t h f u 1 per for m 'ct '1 c e bon d j n 1: he am 0 U n t 0 f $ 5 , 0 0 0 t 0 b C'. posted to insure landscapins, feYlcing and striping of parking arc~ witllin three (3) months of completion of construction, or applican~ may f i 1 e \oJ l~ i. t tell a g )' C e In c n t: toe 0,,1 P .1 ct.? 1 and c; cap i n g, f e T: C i ~'! r:. 2m d striping of parking area prio~ to final building department C1CarilJlce. E. Trash containerCs) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the deveJopment shall he located in area(s) approved bv ~h~ fire dcp~rtmcnt. llnless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall COTlsist of a c () n C}' " t e f J. 00 r sur Y' 0 U n d e d by a s 0 J i d \! a) lor f c nee i::' n cl h 'Ci \. C sclf-cle,sing doors of d size specified by the fire dCDartment. f. All par L in g ii r:d d I'::' v CFay i1f'C i!:"", to 1)(> de ve lope din compL~tl. nee ...d t L ~; c c t ion 2 1 . 5 0 0 f t h (~ C a In p b e 11 1'llJ. n i c i p ell Cod c , ^ J 1 par kif, i~ S J) El C C :~ to be p)~ovided '.;)-cl; appr'op:c3,ate conCl'cte cup));.; or bu:::pcJ' gU3.f'cl:~, G. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. H. Plans submitted to the buildinr; department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underg~ound utilities incJ,uding water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. I. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. J. Owner to dedicate right-of-way for Gale and Marathon Drives to provide for 50-foot wide streets. K. Owners to construct complete street improvements upon Gale and Marathon Drives. L. Owners to construct balance of street improvements upon Hamilton A~cnue, such as sidewalk, driveways, additional street lighting, street trees, etc. M. Ow~ers tD pay storm drainage area fee at $765.00 per acre. N. . Owners to apportion assessments levied pursuant to Local Improvement District No. 12 in accordance with the requirenlents of the Streets and llighHays Code. tile I,jap O. O\-mers property in Act. to process, file and record a parcel map to div~de accordance with, the requirements of the Subdivision P. Fire hydrants. mains and appurtenances to be installed as required by the fire department. Fire hydrant rental fees to be paid to C i t Y 0 f C a 1:1 p bell iJ. t the rat e 0 f $1 9 5 . 0 0 p e)' h y d ran t . Q. Public utilit~ and/or public service easements to be dedi- cated as may be necessary: R. Owners to provide all utilities underground. (Conditions Nand 0 sl1all apply only if t11C current proposal is to divide the property at this time). S. Clas:, 112 ABC" fire extinguisbcrs to be mounted in cabinets witbin 75 feet of travel from any point in the building. T. All roof-mounted equipment to he screened as approved by Planning Director. lJ . P 1<1 n s for P 11 a s c I I t 0 b e pre s en t e d f (I yo arc hit e c t Ul~ a lap }' l:' c> V ,i J pr1.or to iSSl}dnCC of" a buildinl.: J)erJnit, - ?- The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of C~mpbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this l~th day of by the following roll call vote: November , 1972, NOES: Counci11:1en: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek NQne AYES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Mayor -- William R. Podgorsek ATTEST: . City. Clerk Dorothy Trevethan -3-