McCoy Ave. (TR5034) RECEIPT , CITY OF ~ -\1v1PBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME DURA STYLE Hams 4102 Moorpark Ave, San Jose 95117 ADDRESS FOR Plan Exam & O:>nstr. Ins.p. Storm Drainage area fee Campbell Lighting Dist Fire Hydrant rental fee 6,200.00 6,800.00 201. 00 585.00 Tent. & Final Map file fee 11 fi ()().... total $13,901.00 REvE;ror'iE:c~~~ ~ds of Silacci FUND NUMBER ale 351 OlfHECK 90-86 o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BelOW. SEP -7-76 005 **13,901.00 SEP -7-76 51 oosA *13,901.00 @s 7509 y;=;, 1~~ ./ . I ' Thank You' CITY OF CAMPBELL / ..< -1 tZ tl'r$ ~ CITIZEN COPY STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. I, Joseph Elliott being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. ~ L'4# Jos ph Elllott Director of Public Works Subscribed and sworn to before me this /~-; day of (Q,ej;z.-li.i!/z. , 1978 "). ,0 -\ ( s1Jza I, JJ' /, ( U-l/x_." - ( . -1) .1L Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. -- ~()Ilil (3) RESOLUTION NO. 5475 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 5034 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 5034 have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into August 24, 1976 concerning said Tract; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that Tract No. 5034, together with all the improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. ,,! f - ~th PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: day of September , 1978 AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Chamberlin NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor ATTEST: V. M. Sheehy Deputy City Cl erk NOTICE OF COMPLETION JLJ;) ./ ,-, )0.1-7 Ji.,o.d, ~. 5 },. i' \ \ - )vL 'to-0'i) ') 9'-'~" L0 NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Elliott the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 25th day of September , 19 78 . That the name of the Subdivision for said owner is Dura Style Homes, Inc. Above Space for Recorder That the nature of title of said city to said is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95-08 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No. 5034 and having the following address: Dated October 12 , 19 78 1 of 2 L>~~' , . ..' ') 'Z//f" ;iiJ.~~ ~d '/ ' os "nl intt Director of Public 'Works ... .... ~ ELLlOn )1f ~NDlING - HELMS \. \t ~ RETURN 10_ ... OISCAr;D DIAl filE &:1('3) '-"" CASE sw,.,. , Public Works July 19, 1977 Mr. George Strickler New Construction Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 111 Almaden Boulevard San Jose, CA 95198 SUBJECT: Campbell Municipal lighting District Energizing of Electroliers Tract No. 5034 Dear Mr. Strickler: Enclosed please find a set of plans for Tract No. 5034. It is hereby requested and you are hereby authorized to energize the seven 240-volt electroliers within this subdivision. The electrical contractor was CVE, Inc. Should any questions arise, please contact this office. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER By Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS:sk Enclosure C., . i:) I n'^f :J'" r~" . ,. .) 5615192 Recording requested by j', ~'dt PAGE.;;].) George S. Nolte c. AssociatesC 7S J "Pj'. 353 ~Engineer or Surveyor) FIL AI" II fp.~ Jli'i( 19 IJ 2'l lJ\ '11 When recorded mail to: County Surveyor's Office 70 W. Hedding Street ~ San Jose. California ~. Attention: ~-Ray ..1L"~"- A'1'~"'l"c.1h. )' OFI !,;If,! r:r I DS SIN" ,;\.,,,: ,cUtlTY GE ([, ,C I"~ ; REGi"Td,' i: ,:O;'IeJER 95110 CERTIFICATE OF (For Recorder's Use Only) CI\'-(' O~ ~'?fb-2.L--L--- CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the certain Tract Map No. 5034 filed November 8, 1976 in Book 383 of Maps at pages 10 and 11 Santa Clara County Records, being a map of the lands entitled "Tract No. 5034 is corrected as follows: Corrections on Sheet 2 of Two sheets. W.C.E. indicates Water Clearance Easement is corrected to read "Wire Clearance Easement." Dashed lines lying easterly & westerly of lot lines dividt'n~ Lots 23 & 24 indicate 3' P.S.E. on each lot. !fie name 0 Che present fee owner of real property affected by such correction is as follows: Golden State Title Company of Santa Clara County, A California Corporation. ' CERTIFICATE OF ENGINEER OR SURVEYOR THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above certificate of Corraetion was prepared by or under the direction and control of the under~ signed registered 3-28-77 Dace s~eyor,) '. " ~"":ll'~--.L ' ""-.-. i _ , ' Yd;!/ I, : ~ "',' .-' ,/,!":" j,." .t~...J , . ,~- jL 1, ,-..,--- ~n, .C'.::>. ,i"L'J CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR .~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the has been examined and shows that legend and clarifies location of P.S.E. Lots 23 & 24 -- .,~ DE.,AN P. LARSON County S,-!:veyor '-------. ---- in the Notes and of said Tract 5034. By ----- Date CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction has been examined and shows that it corrects an error in the Notes and legend and clarifies location of Tract 5034. City ~,!lr,"/ / ~ ?:7 Date . , . _...._"'.~'-- \ t, 75.-3:j3' 7 12/17174 INT NOT! CE ro CONSTRUCrmTOERGROUiHJ . y :'.; ::.....;:. 1:._ i . : ... ('1) File ria I"~~~~:;;';I( Oate_____~~)~~~~~c ~. n.--.\- V.- I . i l. --rconlfJa ny) IIOD' I' -Ie.,,;:., '\,,c .:::: r. "\ -'-~ ~_~D.~"n {j r~~_,--'" (\ ..-:1 :::".:(:, (Address ) Attention o To qS\\c> ~/\'i;~0~ (II :.l):~r-y eo. \ (C-ornpany) 5S;Slu.. Ci\.rt'\Uf)~:.d ;\0L ,,(.<t .I~~ti (Addr'eSS) ~Ce o To Attention (4) F --p ~ ~, -c:- rom . . u. - \~.. ~CompanYJ tOC?DO f\.,? /, :,...J ~ '/:'l-{ ot~-~i/10 Address \ ByA:+1'l~4f~Tel. No._~'53-d-OIO Type of t-!ork: Gas%Elec. t;Z(- Te1.00ther 0 . (5) (6) New Business: Reconstruction: Extensionx+ O.H. t.o U.G. Conversion 0 Service}~ Street Improvement 0 :C,. -r,::-.,~... i\ f'. ~. ~t;l~t~. V.: \ I ~\_ 0 C;-J.'\f\ \,.:,,1,) 7',uL,-,,~..o '-=", , ': 0..,1.:'\,", --t . 1 lCC~:O,'h of Proposed ~!o\'k I . '(\~, (,,1,"\ r, l City or Community Tentative Construct Date 10 - oj --I (? ; (7) Da you have exist)n9 U.G. facilities in vicinity? No 0 Yes 0 . ,- 1 (8) Confinning: I I , (Name) J:. "LLC' .U-...- ~. i'- 1\/ .:11, 1:.J..:__'--"---'-__ \Com~any) 13Q~ V\. l-{ *-~ >+ $1' ,'\ :::.~ ~ ~~ (1\dC1 re s s ) (3.To i.,J..::.) , ~ I .~I{f'": _ Attention (2) o To (Company) (Address) Attention (3) Applicant Tract No. '503('- . (12) Sketch: 'C~.L !!D JRK ST JCJ (, . GAS ENGP'G ~~s OCT 1 2 i976 F1L~' CUPEr.m:J HEC HlM CS NJ ELW c Estimated Total Pat~ticipants and Share of Tatal Trench Estimated Estimated Casts Length (Ft)I~~st (S1-, Ga~__IElectric _P1~T -l~~TV ,-- + L ! (9) 1 (10) i (11) , 1(13) I I Authorization for Service or Minor Trench Section Estimated Unit Cost (SIFt) -~~ --- Billing Authorization No. App rO~/u 1 s __ll!UJLiJJ j _1~5L Refe ren ce f{o -'._________' r f- - CAMPBELL FIRE DEPARTMENT - 485 WEST SUNNYOAKS A VENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 - PHONE 408-378-8141 EXT. 227 October 5, 1976 RECEIVED OCT 5 1976 Mr. Norman New San Jose Water Works 374 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, CA 95113 PUBLIC WORKS ENGiNEEHING Dea r Mr. New: This letter wil 1 serve as authorization for the installation of three new hydrants at the following locations: 1. At the northwest corner of Fenian Drive and Keith Drive. 2. At the northwest corner of Parkhurst Drive and Mc Coy Avenue, with the head facing Parkhurst Drive. 3. On the west side of Parkhurst Drive, north of the junction of Smoky Court. Sincerely, . E. W. Borden, Fire Chief camp,b~, .;:,,;?; r: Bep, a r,tmen t //WfpdY7~ S. A. L~_di, Battalion Chief Fire pfevention Bureau EWB: SAL: mm cc: Larry Versaw, Engineering Department <<'" rL- cPk t\:~0 RESOLUTION NO. 5071 BEING A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO VACATE CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THAT CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD, BEING A PUBLIC STREET WITHIN SAID CITY, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE OF THE HEARING THEREON AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell has submitted a report. to this City Council stating' that certain portions of San Tomas Aquino Road, hereinafter described, are unnecessary for present and/or prospective public street purposes; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell finds and determines that said certain portions of San Tomas Aquino Road, a public street in the City of Campbell, maps and descriptions of which portions are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, at City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, are not necessary for present or for prospective public street purposes; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell finds and determines that it is in the best interest and for the betterment of the general welfare of the citizens of the City of Campbell and of the public at large that said portions of San Tomas Aquino Road be vacated; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell does hereby elect to proceed in accordance with the provisions of Division 9, Part 3, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section One: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Campbell to vacate, abandon and close to public use those certain portions of San Tomas Aquino Road, being a public street in said City, maps and descriptions of which portions are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, at City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, refer- ence to which maps and descriptions are .hereby made for further particulars. Section Two: Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 25th day of October, 1976, at the hour of 8:00 o'c1ock p.m. of said day, in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall, at 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, is hereby set as the time and the place for hearing all persons interested in or having objections to said proposed vacation. Section Three: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DIRECTED that a copy of this Resolution of Intention be forthwith published twice, once each week for two successive weeks, which latter publication shall be made not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing, in the Campbell Press, a newspaper of general circu- lation, printed and published in the City of Campbell, and that Notices of Public Street Vacation be posted conspicuously along the lines of the street or part thereof proposed to be vacated at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the hearing thereon. Such notices shall be posted not more than three hundred (300) feet apart, but at least three (3) such notices shall be posted for each portion. Such notices shall state the passage of the Resolution of Intention and announce the time and the place of the hearing on the proposed vacation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1976, by the following vote: 27th day of Septanber AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hamner, Paul, Podgorsek, IX>etseh NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Ralph IX>etseh, Sr. Mayor ATTEST: IX>rothy Trevethan City Clerk .. ~ iV INITIAl & DAH .::r~. -~--..""'---.~---"'-'';'';' -'=- ~'_.":"_-t u~_~.______ BMH______'..'~~ FTL_____.,~. RLD_,___, RESOLUTION NO. r--------------..;. i l '---'['----'--' BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FI~k~:~~-~~-:z:Au..d-~.5""03 y TRACT NO. 5034 AND AUTHORIZING THE fo'AYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 5034, for approval; and WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers conditions pertaining to the approvals of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City ~6uncil of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shmm thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _____ day of _ 1976, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk JI] N,.t: GEORGE S. NOLTF ND ASSOCIATES .. Civil Engineers" tanners. Surveyors SUBJECT TrfA ~t Np, 5o?//- ,-CI'1I"1lf' It..LI..J C 11 /./ ~, JOB NO, /6 Z - 7 I DATE 0 - 7.1- 7!~ DESIGNED BY kl L 1-1) r. CHECKED BY -- ,?rO/f,1l tJt1A~~. Q.A-L~ ~' i---1Y,-te~1I4 ~~, .-'~'----- l-,! : !." t If-N~ v.s~ ~, ~~, Oe...t,41. {f (J()O S; ~ L;;Is) reFef..rAr/~: FLIi+ (11- I ~) l.bC.'" f/pn (};""{JkLL, __ . " .::4~--~Ci._.-..~:;~-~~'~ ,,-----', ,--- --' ..' .,.,--.,--' ' , ",. '" . --" ',-- Lp_e.}e,R.r!\I."1__ilP"1~_OL~__,IfI1Il()F:.e..__..Coe__fCF:.l,~)bJ-! "~./I" .",., .,. I ' ~"-'" .-....+_._~,-_._."..-~_...~,... -- : ! ~ i : i . , ~ -, t--- - ---.~'" j i ! : .' "-1'--- r--- I ' : i . \ ' Ii'. . ' L___L_..,l._---L_,_._, , I I : ~_,__.L_ ,----L-, I' . ' I ii, t----:n_- - -t.- ..-.----'t- -.-_. ..- ..... ...,..^, . . I : i i r-----..I.--.---,..--;-,-- '.-,--- L--.L--,t---.,.l,--, [.,._L,_._ --+------1 i I I ! Ii' . ! : ' r--i-T --;---T-i" '---'-r--~--.' : ~-,-+-,-i----;- __L ._L_." -.n'f .-t t l 1 I I t~I=-J~-,~~:~ .+... " r -- "-J~-r ' .. ! ! i " 1 ...J J L_J__n:_.' __ftS5lJ r/1 R . , Lt'l A f.' t'/'J r- . Jf) be. L j ,3 ~ % .lfoc,o'. G.t2,g;; ! j 1 f-..--I----l ~,-"" ---r-- " ./s% ;."till,Hr<-u;pr W}1!..ks ea&i ~_._1__~,_,~____i_._,. .,___,~,-~:S7;7e .l~~;5oYe t1/~("L 6 tJ~} 0 Iii : I I I I : . I 1 ~ I q,.;- __,L_-t-,L_-_,-.1Jl- .,Elfp~" 1~J!. L~"'? ' ",As fl1t+Lf ~+1feej~ __ - p, gO ~ll/CWA~ ~ .~ ~J r1 [}( ~ 0, SD &8'> " h Ilfr7S c.' ./0 tJ.. '7_ b ~ --,' ~-- I L.. I f I I f " .0,10 ~,(JG ~, crL. 0>0. :o~ L r l t! ,u t/ c S:rlf-.e?<: 1- AF.!.F'FJ ~ 1 1'" : i :/Nlt /'IS.. f:; , , ' 5AII JO.Sf, ~1'hf61 IL -----1 1 . I I : ! 'nod r--' i,--.,j, , i ! /3 JI<1: , I {, 1", 1 ;111"~" ,Vf;fc!l.Jl' { ft1.f~)fJf}fl0'" : . l' , '~ 0," x I, t . in f t- I I II ,~ J( """ I i NBD.' GEORGE S. NOLTF Civil Engineers · SUBJECT ND ASSOCIATES lannera . Surveyors r Ib1t:t Nt, {o?-1- r---r -;---T -'--'-----'--'--'--';-- ", -, ~-'--,- !.,. i' PeTe",,.,,, NY; 1)0.... ()~ Ii"" r l/3 JOB NO. //-; 2. - 7 f . DATE ,j - '--4-- 7 t DESIGNED BY 4), If . ~ CHECKED BY ,~: al'1~l"" Irr,q1!o..... ~o fk.~ 7;'-'0"" 0';- 'tJ,. 4D't?:, f l/e4oJ> ~&,g, 4Jd It) ffl,>, Len'j f~ -., - /') , . / . ,-... .-. "'" '" "r'" l.. ",'v t::1 rt.oo-j _m Cv)-ft!1l, '/i....(. ln~f t'1"-t t~tl.l !---.+ -------.---..7.... -----~-..-.-. .-- ,.,.-.- .~------- ,- -- .:.----r--..... -.-t-_"n _.. + 'Z. ~'''' /2 t'ltr"" ISC>. t~ t"~. . ~. - , '~JLJ_ 1 i !U,>>t r' -- .- I ' Lo_ ,0 ~.s- ~_.... "." ,.. ~--+.- '2.~ 210. '2.. :f"I''':: 11. J\'jJ.., ? ~ e~.,.._ __.____,: !' '" t~, , ~4-0 , ~--- ---: ,..,-,~ ,......,... --.'-----', !Cf:,*~ . 4)0' "n_ _', "'____"___~__-__ ~._,~..--, . IS M;'" 2. )1.. _ ~ q /$rd- I.~S 1,+5 I,~ I. ~ 4.......,- /4........... 1/1'5' 0'------[" /,1- ~" __1 ___ I L.___!___~_ ! ' 1-' !'-- I I' I r" l ! I ~. l i I I --. t .._. 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S.iIocc.i by dc~J d3tcil Ap~il 2, lS63 and r~2:1rJ0:1 in Lsc~ 5925 of Official ncc.L'l:'c2~ at P:'lJ2 675, SO:lt3 t:I2.::'~Q C.j~~~~y l--:c-:(,l.~(:s; c:;:(:(;I.:J:iLG tllCt-c- fl.~OD (1) the PQl:cel of lc.nu co;..voyc,J Ly !~:ctL:~::~ Sila~_c,l tl!~,J \;ifc '"0 tL02 Cj ty of C.:l;':~)L)e12, by cc'cd (12tcd 3,J:~J.t.:.::n.~y :, ~j!r 1~/::4 ;::;LJ l'ccGri.'lc..l in Daok 0727 llf {Jfilc:J.a:. IL::c('/t'C;O ;:n: PQL': r(L~ \J ~;;.:;ut-J ,,":2a:'~G (>:~L:n::y VCC01:C8; (2) the pG:.'"t..i nu --.if GQid l~:.nJ.2 _Lj '\.i~~t::,~in t1.:12 L(H':~:<:.~lt.y lir~cc r;f t::c city ULL:'\..:vlJ Lr..2:'\J':.l [;,0 I-:;.~C~~J 1.'C:....::,2 Gi;.ld ~::..:.:.u 1'Gl._~,~~1 Aquino nJ~d. 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I II I I ~ I I , I I .J <('~~O\..UT/OJ\t ~(\ <- ~ <( -i S2 m a: z ~ ~ .vf,.- A...J:; ''>76 -191Q R E eEl V E lSan~a Clara Valle~ Wa~er Dis~ric~ AU G 11 1976 PUBLIC WORKS 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY ENGINEERING SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265,26'1lCl) INITIAL & DATE August 10, 1976 '\ C ..) , 1- ~ n?',"iH '~~ Mr. William Helms Acting Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 FTL- Dear Mr. Helms: ~lD ~--'"., --- \ ,'/' ) ~ ,.1, ",__", -: ,;:\G-oV .- --'--- , _ L:-1.-~........_!'._lL_~,_______ .....--. t:1+,,~_. We have reviewed the preliminary improvement and grading plans for Tract 5034, Lands of Silacci adjacent to San Tomas Aquino Creek, sent to us by George S. Nolte and Associates on July 2. The San Tomas Aquino Channel is contained within a fenced and adequate right of way. The reinforced concrete lined trapezoi- dal section has a 1% flood capacity. Please include the detail for the collar connection between the 15-inch R.C.P. and the 15-inch C.M.P. with the proposed outfall details. The enclosed detail sheet #10 may be used for reference when designing the collar. When working in the channel provisions are to be made to pass any existing flow unless otherwise arranged with Mr. Larry Wilson at extension 368. The proposed site grading adjacent to the District right of way is satisfactory. Any existing chain link fence removed or dam- aged during construction is to be replaced in accordance with the enclosed detail sheet #17. Please show this note on the grading plans. Our District has been using the existing well at the southeast- erly corner of proposed Lot I to measure the depth of groundwater. District staff is presently investigating the possibility of con- tinuing the monitoring procedure by installing an offset which would provide access within the adjacent creek right of way. Although District personnel would not enter Lot 1 when checking the well, we will need a deed for a small easement (about 10 feet square) which would contain the well. Our Real Estate Division would prepare the description and deed. If our research results in a decision to discontinue the monitoring, District Ordinance 75-6 requires that the owner instruct a qualified con- tractor to obtain a Well Destruction Permit from this office (contact Mr. Zozaya on extension 379) and seal the well in AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Mr. William Helms -2- August 10, 1976 accordance with District standards. By copy of this letter we are requesting that the owner's engineer obtain our decision on disposition of the well prior to preparing final grading plans in this area. Upon receipt of plans revised in accord with the above require- ments, a construction and encroachment permit will be issued. The well permit, if required, will be issued separately. Any questions may be direeted to Mr. Eugene H. Sullivan, Supervisor of our Permits Section, at extension 257. Sincerely yours, ,';rl ttY..tc-Q.-y", e, r~~~ Malcolm E. Burns, P. E. Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosures: (1) Fencing Detail (1) P.C.C. Collar Detail cc: George S. Nolte & Associates P-l 'SANT,"A CLARA r0UNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTR ICT, San Jose, California By 0 E A. N Date \ \ r -, 0 C:hkd. By Date Sheet No. /7 of Subject Job No. L -rC.C. ?iov/de ;/Iefol I/?se~f.5 Cl7o/7nel Sll.Je -.~.{~. .;..A....:: ,.-, : :/ [ .~.,.~ , ..i : . -A ~: /-1 I ~~~:,: -~.: XI I ~:.::.:,~ ej:, ,.;'~ I 1.'/: :~~~~' , t; ,:'.~ t= :t.,-a ~.' -.._",'-~,(: 1W~ If G '.1 .... . :'4 -'C:' f 'j. :~.- ..' . .'.~' : L . -. . n . ,(> : <1..- f <~ : ,~.. 4 ._~. .", -.,' ii, WJngwol/ or \ Tr4lp, Lln/n.J / '" , / 4 "ml/l. (Typ,) A j, -j ~J ....' f '\.9 ',,\-::'''''\ &,.sJ. Gr. 1 I .... ... Cl~ ~ Veri/co / Lln/175,\ \ l ~ , -. \ , 'A. ~ i.'~. ,.: .L ::. l~ ! I I I .".. .~..t ,l:' 1. '- - PC.C. ") \. ~ .... I try 4 "mil? (TyP.) L Z 1/ C /. )- jV::')J~5 : /.) ;:0" ~o/~-IJ' I l~ndn'1 ,'.s ~~com- n)t!..,d~d alonq C~~-<~ Tho-I: 0.) At'e- d~~~ -.Jhon "s,,~~.J 6.) rlQ~e "Iape $ ~~p#~ .,11,,,,.,, JU/ ond a"~ a'(!~~, #'0... "/1. 2.) tt,$/s. ~b;"(., a"e/ 6~ces . ::sr,() II eo,., 10,-.-. ~ oS .ec+, "" BD d-/ ..;S h3 h .s.p~ c: $ . - 4 '0,/1/. fry?) ." ~.J ~. ~ "- .... . " 8..' () " ~ ~', I -L ti. p.. : I ,.;~ I~~"" '. (l ' '- pc. C, ,c.. L ~ 4 2'/ ! ,_ c, rEA/{"t //V5T4!.(4 T/O/fl N. -r. s. ~ EI\i~-C;\ CLj~RA ('1UNTY f-LO.:)D CONTI~OL DlSTRICT, S~n JO:'.2. CCilifcr:t;Ci " By Q to:: !:. Co.J Dzte_3 - - 0.:> -10 Chkd, [:y D2te: _ . /:,-, . She(:t No. ~_ vf Su!:'ject Jo::' r~~. J ~ CtJrrt/(J2 IcEd /1/t/mII7V!77 or steel Pipe Il'l " G" r"I7i/l7. (fy'p) Co/lor ;C;CC COLLAR DETAIL (fiJ /VOT TO Scale , , ~Ol.-UT/O", Q:-<<;~~0 <- ~ <( -l ~ m (!. Z ~ ~ -/-'I>- ",-4 ''>?6_191Q" Sonia Clara Vall~ Waier Oisirici RECEIVED I !,NfnAL ;" DATE 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CAlI~UKI'lIA 95118 I TELEPHONE (408) 265,2600 ' ------' f-~ :~H----,- ,1'- ,------ p~~~J- t.d ;ll~ - -- - -- ~Y' TO JUN 11 ,Q76 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Mr. William Helms Acting Director of Public Works City of Campbell ~~ 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 June 9, 1976 s;~tlJ"4\ (?~ GO f'l TO PC-A7--J~/,~-<-, f 13 v / '- f) / po...) C..- 0 cQ/I({ Dear Mr. Helms: We received a request from Golden State Title Company for a flood report on Tract 5034 located adjacent to San Tomas Aquino Creek and at the intersection of San Tomas Aquino Road and McCoy Avenue. We declared the Tract free from flooding in our flooding report issued on June 7. A copy of the report is enclosed. We have not received improvement plans of the Tract for our review. Because grading in the vicinity of our right of way can affect the proper operation and maintenance of this facility, we request that all grading be done in accordance with the enclosed Sheets 20-20B. Details of the grading should include the actual cross- sectional view and be shown on improvement plans. District Ordinance 75-6 requires the owner to show any existing well(s) on the plans and to inform us regarding proposed use thereof. Please contact Mr. Zozaya on Extension 379 for information on Well Permits. Please see that improvement and grading plans are furnished to us for review and issuance of any necessary permits. AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Mr. William Helms -2- June 9, 1976 Any questions other than those pertaining to well permits may be directed to Mr. Eugene Sullivan, Supervisor of our Permit Section at Extension 257. Sincerely yours, m;~ C,~ Malcolm E. Burns, P.E. Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosures: ( 3) 8-1/2" x 11" Grading Details cc: George S. Nolte and Associates Lt....--l-~,.,-,W...:..i.'.:.j--_...,. ~ ",__~,_,.,:__ u':~d.Dy_ ___._.l,,,..1___.--e..,,. "".\1\';';,. , 'f!h'f,."'1.K0...C.9 n? m ":. [! d (;.S,L - 'p /'c a I ()/::. r-rlc 1" R Iw, ~~~~.'Q,...,.~t~.~~~~___.4 'tl':"_ (]/~o. d/n Q Ad i a c.' .,.." ~ i ."0 - Job No. _..~ -_b._ . -......,......n... .........~..._ , O"tNlopm~nl ~;> Vall~y uJ<s~" {'hlnc.1 I ~i-ReCjUired R/W '4:/ or Flatter I CExist. Oround _ _ _ _,' _ _ ~I _ _ L _ ~ -,~ I j~1 '- , f[:TI - II C , W:;lII:::III:'Zi"':-II/;:/II,' I rrrt : I - , ., , Finish Cra de . . '" " ...... - -- - - OPT/OAI CD _ ~vdopmcr'" ~-ir--fl>- Va/lt-y IVai!!'/'" /),/1"" : f(~1Uired R!JY , . . .~ 2'(Mox,) :' (4:/ or rla~ie~ ,I 5E:u:5f1n:; (]round ll"fI{"iI)~;C;-/7-;-lli 1.//I.!cllh7:71i~__ " I. r'-f ''''II)~?,crF~'' I t - - - - - - - - :....:/;'~ - - ---"'~ - . . 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A .A " , / A .~ P ~_~~ly~ NT5. SANT~CL~~CO~NT~ FLOOD CONTROL WATER DISTRICT 516 EAST MARTHA STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 DONALD K, CURRLlN GENERAL MANAGER June 11, 1971 Mr. William G. Wren Director of Publie Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. Bill Helms Associate Engineer Dear Mr. Wren: Reference is made to the tentative map of Lands of Silaeci adjacent to San Tomas Aquino Creek sent with your letter of May 24, 1971. We have noticed from the plan what appears to be a property line discrepancy. The blue property line along San Tomas Aquino Creek as shown on the map would seem to be in error. Aeeording to our records and as indieated on the recorded map for Traet 3163 it appears that all the lands northwesterly of the Distriet's existing 20-foot fee right-of-way line is under the ownership of Silaeci (see enclosed marked plan). If this is in faet eorreet, we request that all the land between the edge of our existing fee right-of-way and the most westerly edge of the 70-foot right-of-way line as shown on the enclosed marked plan be dedieated to us in fee. Any questions relative to proper dedieation procedures should be directed to Mr. Donald Lawrie of our Real Estate Division. If this area is not Silacci lands, then our right-of-way requirement will have to be revised aeeordingly. We further request that your City require the developer to plaee a minimum 6- foot ehain link fenee along the length of the right-of-way line. In addition we request that site grading and improvement plans be sent to us for review. The grading plan should indicate how the lots adjaeent to the creek are to be graded relative to top of ereek bank and our right-of-way line. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 299-2031 CLERK OF THE BOARD 299-2031 ENGINEERING DEPT. 299-3841 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPT. 299.3841 Mr. William G. Wren -2- June 111 1971 Alsol should the developer intend to construct any storm drain outfall into the channel or do any other work within District right-of-way plans must be sent to us for review I approval and issuance of the necessary permit prior to the start of any construction. Very truly yours, #Y<~.K" ~/ k> Ronald R. Esau I Director /IF''-"' Public Services Department Enclosures cc: George S. Nolte and Associatesl San Jose ./ /" ,r:' CONDTIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED TO TENTATIV~ SUBDIVISION MAP OF THE LANDS OF SILACCI~ LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF MC COY AVENUE AND HARRIET AVENUE AND WESTERLY OF SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD. 1. The installation of sanitary sewerage mains and services to serve all lots within the subdivision and to conform to proposed plans of Sanitation District No.4. Sewer service to be provided by Santa Clara County Sanitation District No.4. The reservation of an easement along the southeasterly boundary of the subdivision for facilities of County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. 2. The installation of water mains and services and appurtenances to serve all lots within the subidivision. Fire hydrants to be installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Water services to be pro- vided by San Jose Water Works. 3. Th e re s erva t i on of land for' San t a Clara Count y Flood Control and Water District channel along the southeasterly boundary of the subdivision. 4. The cleaning and filling of existing septic tanks and other existing sanitary sewerage facilities within the subdivision. The filling and capping of existing well within the subdivision. This work shall be done in accordance with the regulatiofis and specifications of the County of Santa Clara Health Department. 5. The dedication of a 90-foot wide right-of-way for the extension of Harriet Avenue and the construction of standard street improve- ments for a typical 90-foot wide public street thereon. 6. The compliance with Article IX, Chapter I~ Part I of the Campbell Municipal Code including underground utilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the said Code. 7. Recordation of easements to be approved by the City Engineer to provide for development using the zero lot line concept on the subject lots. A P PRO V E D B Y ']{ E P LAN N I N G COM MIS S ION ON JUy 7, 1971 L{::t~!!eC ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY RATIFIED BY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON JUNE 14, 1971 -IZ;~ 2~c];zf;~___ D' ROTHYdREVJ::THAN, CITY CLERK COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 .----, ,. "" ." ./<<,., .,~ , ,,",?:> v--" May 28" 1971 i - ."', \ '-- ". -- -., Mr. William Wren Director of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell" California 95008 Attention: Mr. Bill Helms Dear Sir: Re: City of Campbell ,-i~;~;--'~f~~~~~~) --- .-... ---._--._._----~---~ .---/ Please be informed of the following: 1. The District is now preparing plans for a 24-inch trunk sewer in the Fenian Drive - Harriet Avenue street connection (proposed). This trunk sewer will continue westerly along the Northerly boundary of the proposed Flood Control right of way. 2. We are now negotiating with the Developer for an ease- ment across this property", very truly yours, PRN: j Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer (:2 R~ ~ By P. R. Nichols Associate Civil Engineer 21 OlItAWINCI NU...D1 I r I 1 0 .ON' [ ( 1 I:' "~','" l- " ': ~', ,"' "', -, _ I I \' ; 'I'''' 1< I I' 1 "',-- -'?: , I I .- I! I i~ '1 d,: I I: "~I \\ .. . 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