McGlincy Ln. (1960)
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1. 'ftaat the applicant enter into a written asreement with the City
Council COVel:'iDI the following:
a) evidence of right to ua. existing 40-foot right-of-wa,.
from property to McGlincey
b) ne permanently l:'eeponsible for _intflNlnce of new 24-foot wide
double .eal coat pav....t with a-foot rock sboulders.
c) Connect to sanltary Sewers when available.
It is alao recOlllllNmded by Fire Chief Maxwell that the City Council
make provi.iona for spottins of 'ire Hydrant. in this ar... At the
present tilDe there i. no adequate water supply available. Fire Department
cannot provide adequate fire protection under pres.nt set-up. ,A_ further
coament frOll the Ae.iatent City Engineer I Mark Thoma" stated: ""CIAs
referenced in my letter of April 6, 1959. relating to the Schrader
applicatiOD, this are. i, lacking in line utilitie.:J Besidee the
lack of water eupply for Fire Protection mentioned by tli8 Fire Ch1e f t
there are no adequate storm or unitary sewer faci1f.tie.. '1 elf the area
continues to develop at ita present rate, 8 Local Improvement District
wi 11 be required in the near future_J
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Evelyn A...on, Deputy City C'lerk
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Dorothy Trevethan. City Clerk
April 18, 1960
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. . . -, TOG HER WITH a s appurtenant to the abOve d... ....,.~el of~, a
non-~lusive right of way Or ingress and egress and"for.. .. ..... . . .. t!Oftradmaintenance
of public utilities Over a strip of land 40 feet wide, the ce$r line of which is described
as follows:
Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land described
in the Deed from Peter Cristich, et ux, to James D. Griffithsl1t!treiaabove:refetred.::to~nce
S. 330 19' 5311 W., along the Northwesterly line thereof, 699.23 feet to the Westerly
terminus of the hereinafter descm ed easement, the Northeasterly terminus of this 40
foot right of way being the Northerly line and the Westerly prolongation thereof of the
parcel of land so deeded to Griffiths and the Southwesterly terminus thereof, being the
Northwesterly prolongation of the Sou thwesterly line of the 40 foot right of way next hereh
A LSO TOG E'TII ER WITH and as appurtenant to the above described parcel of land
a non-exchsive right of way for in0ress and ei]rc:s;,: and for the installation and rnainte:1ancc
of pu.blic utilitiGS Over a strip of land 40 feet widc~, :.he center line of v/hich is de::.;cribcd
as follows:
Beginning at a point On the Southeasterly line of the above described riJht of way
distant N. 33 191 53" E. 20.00 feet from the Southwesterl] terminus thereof, said point
al..::;o being distant S. 540 35' mil E. 20 feet from the Southwesterly corner of t:1at
certain 5.005 acre tract of land shO\\7 n upon that certain Record of SlJI'Ve'/ filed for record
in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Califor;1ia on November
10, 1358 in Book 99 of l'1aps, atpage 36 ; thence aloner the Southwesterly line of said 5. 005
acre tract of land S. 54 35' 07" E. 300.20 feet to the Southeasterly carner thereof,
and the SoutheasterlJ terminus of this ril}ht of way, the NorthvJesterl~,r terminus of thi:..:
40 foot right of way, being the Southeasterly line of the above described casement and the:
80utheasterly terminus thereof, beinl~: tile Southeastcrl] line of said 5. om) acrt"; tract and
its Soutllwesterly prolongation.
A LSO TOG ETHER WITH a nOn -exclusive rhhL of way for the purpose of inJTess
and egress Over and upon a strip of land 40 feet wide, 20 feet On each side of and measLtred
at ri'.Tht angles to the followinj described center line:
(Cont'd On m:xt paqc::)
Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of that certain 3.846 parcel of land
conveyed by Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District,
by Deed dated March 19, 1958 in Bob.k 4033 of Official Records, page 333 Santa Clara
County Records, from which the Southerly corner thereof bears South 330 45' W. 43.31
feet and South 510 48' West 287.99 feet distant; running thence North 540 10' W. 150.10
feet to a point in the Northwesterly boundary of said 3.846 acre parcel of land distant
thereon North 330 02' 30" East 310.13 feet and North 330 45' East 29.80 feet from the
Westerly corner thereof, as reserved in the Deed from Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to
Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, dated March 19, 1958 and recorded
March 19, 1958 in Book 4033 of Official Records, paqe 333, Santa Clara County Records.
ALSO TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive right of way for the purpose of ingress
and egress, over and upon a strip of land 40 feet wide, 20 feet measured at right
angles On each side of the following described center line:
Beginning at a point in the center line of McGlincey Road, distant thereon North 370
20' East 125.01 feet from a One inch iron bar at the point of intersection of Gaid center
line with the center line of a 20 foot rOadway, said iron bar also being at the Southerly
corner of that certain 10. (5 acre tract of land conveyed by S. N. Hedegard, et aI, to Matteo
Catalano, et ux, by Deed dated November 30, 1925 and recorded December 12, 1925 in
Book 204 of Official Records, page 248, Santa Clara County Records; running thence North
540 10' West 292.44 feet to a point on the Southeasterly boundary of that certain 3. 846
acre parcel of land conveyed by Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to Santa Clara Valley Water
Conservation District, by Deed dated March 19, 1958 and recorded March 19, 1958 in
Book 4033 of OfficialRecords, page 333, distant thereon North 510 48' East 287. 99 feet
and North 330 451 East 43.31 feet from the most Eastern COrner of lands conveyed by
H. Dyke Walton, et ux, to Cruz F. Torrez, et ux, by Deed dated December 4, 1951 and
recorded December 6, lD51 in Book 2329 of Official Records, page 68, Santa Clara County
Records, as granted by Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District to Joseph M. Reiter,
et ux, by Deed dated April I? , 1958 and recorded Jul} 31, 1958 in Book 4138 of Official
Records, page 473, Santa Clara County Records.
ALSO TOGETHER WITH the 5 following de~)cribcd rights of way:
(l) A right of way for ingress and egress and the in:=;tallation and maintenance of
public utilities over a strip of land 40 feet wide the center line of which is the
Northwesterly line of Parcel C, as said Parcel C i3 shown upon that certain Record of
Survey for Pete Cri:=;tich filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County
of Santa Clara, State of California in Book 98 of Maps, at page 3C, record:=; of said County.
The Northwesterly and Southeasterl,)' lines of said 40 foot strip to be shortened and lencJt'l-
ened to intersect the Westerly line of said Record of Survey.
{2} A right of way for ingress and egress and tho installation and maintenance of
public utilities over the Westerly 10 fect of Parcel C as shown upon the Record of Survey
hereinabove referred to. The Easterl! line of said 10 foot strip to be shortened to
intersect the Southeasterly line of Parcel C, as shown upon sa"id Record of Survey.
(3) A right of way over a strip of land 15 feet wide l,lin'] Westedy and adjoining the
Easterly line of the West half of the SoUt:1WOc:=t quartoI' of Section 3f1, Township 7 South,
Range 1 West, M. D, B. ~l M. and extendinC] from McGlincey Lane, N. 00 27' W.,
to the point of intersection t:lCreof wit I a line that is parallel to and Northwesterly 20. 00
feet at right anr;rles from the Northwesterl/ line of Parcel C, as ,:ho\Vn upon said Record
of Survey hereinabove referred to,
(Cont'd on nexJaJe)
. ... " ,- ....
(4) A right of way for purposes of ingress and egress over the Westerly 10.00 feet
of that certain 0.243 acre parcel ofland described in the Deed from C. C. OU, et UX, to
Ray N. Brown, et ux, dated March 18, 1946 and recorded April 23, 1946 in Book 1351 of
Official Records, page 105, recOrds of said County.
(f,) A right of way for road purposes over a strip of land 10 feet in width the Westerly
line of which is described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of that certain 2.62 acre tract of land described
in the Deed from C. C. OU, et ux, to Louis Spinazze, et ux, dated May 9, 1945 and recorded
May 15, 1945 in Book 12tl9 of Official Records, paae 543, Santa Clara County Records,
running thence along the Westerly line of said 2. b2 acre tract N. 00 16' W., 169~ 51 feet to
the Northwest corner thereof.
ALSO TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive right of way for the installation and
maintenance of public utilities over a strip of land 10.00 feet in width, the center line of
which is described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point in the center line of McGlincey Lane, distant thereon N. 370
201 E. 110.01 feet from a One inch iron bar at the Southerly COrner of that certain 10. 6
acre tract of land conveyed by S. N. Hedegard, et aI, to Matteo Catalano, et ux, by Deed
dated November 30, 1925 and recorded December 12, 1925 in Book 204 of Official Records,
page 248, Santa Clara County Records, thence leaving said center line of said lana and
runniwr along a line parallel with and distant 5. 00 feet Northeasterly at rifJht angles from
the Southwesterly line of the 0.904 acre parcel of land conveyed by Clarence de Vries,
et al, to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, a water conservation district,
bJ Deed dated March 24, 1958 in Book 4045 of Official Records, page 540, Recorder's
File No. 1455789, and the prolongation of said line, N. 540 35' 07" W. 442. 58 feet, more
or less, to the Southeasterly line of the parcel of land first described in the Deed from
Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to Peter Cristich, ct ux, dated August 13, 1958 and recorded
August 20, 1958 in Book 4154 of Official Records, page 45C~, Santa Clara County Record.s.
Excepting therefrom that portion thereof included within the bOU:lds of saD McGlincey Lane.
The Northwesterly terminus of said right of way being said Southeasterly line of said
parcel of land so described in said Deed to Cristich and the Southeasterly terminus thereof
being the Northwesterly line of McGlincey Lane.