McGlincy Ln. (73-17) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME u~/~ ~ ~ ~- ~~~ ADDRESS o <:1" ,~' ~~,,- , v REVENUE ACCOUNT N~.....:...;:' 7: / / .;2.J- c.J~ "--. / 7.)- '-'v FUND NUMBER It 9' 0 -.,?v-/ 129 CHECK I o MONEY ORDER o CASH /3v DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT JUN 26-73 005 **** 175.00 MUST BE MACHINE JUN 26-73 oosA ** * 125.00 VALIDATED AND 7~ SIGNED BELOW. JUN 26-7] 51 oosA ** * *50.00 1405 <!!ls BY CITIZEN COpy / I ~/ (~nlc You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK - ,. .. . September 4, 1973 County of Santa Clara Tax Collector's Office Controller's Section 70 West Hedding Street San Jose, California 95110 li\iil it\L TO & DATE wsw __~_____ __ ;;TL ATTENTION: Mr. J.oseph Wolfe SUBJECT: Segregation of Assessments, Assessment No. 58, Local Improvement District No.4 :;;-.....--. r' ,._.. ~,,----._._._--- Gentlemen: The subject assessment has been segregated and the segregations have been recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell on September 4, 1973. Enclosed please find (1) the Apportionment of Unpaid Amount of Original Assessment, (2) a copy of the application to the City to apportion the assessment which describes Assessment Nos. 58A and 58B, (3) a copy of the parcel map which divides the property, (4) a copy of the amended Assessment Diagram amending Assessment No. 58, and (5) the new schedule of installments for the separate assessments. If additional information is necessary, please contact the under- signed at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer CSG:ls Enclosures cc: Finance Director TO: Superintenclcllt: of Strcc.c.s.. City of Cumpbe11 Application :i.~; l"1ereby r,:::::.de that you apportion the amount remaining unJ?:li.d on th;:; C1E:::,c.S'.i:il2nt ;:::c;.t fo~th bela'\^! to each separate part: of: t;,-, ori~Jinc~:'. rn.rccl usscs:::ccl ,:;;r; heroin descrj.bed. Original Assess:.nent NO.2LLpcal IlTJJ1X.QYement District No~ 4 Resolution of Intention No. 1697 Adopted c:"'~5 December L-, 19";l'5" Or igina1 Assessment. j.\rnount $ 4 r 2l0.c..Q.Q__ Amount Re..rnaining Unpaid $__~o__be det.e.:rz..mined The original parcel has been divided as follOt"s;: Assessment No. S8A: Parcel A 2S said Parcel A i.s shown upon the parcel map recorded. lJuly 2 , 19.~, in Book__~.of Maps at page ~~_in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California. Assessment No. SSB: Parcel B as said Parcel B is shown upon t.he parcel map recorded_iT~.?__, 19_73__, in Book_32L..of Maps at page ~iLin the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California. It is further request.cd tha.t the be recorded. assessment as apportioned / , / ,~ Da ted-..:.,./ .._-....:.:__,___.__, 19 ..L,:.:~:..~_ '., - /' l . ~//...<:; /1 ./... I.' )' / ' ,,-'" . ,./ .,./. ..:'. ~_. / // ~ I I:;~,<~ I~..:.~~.~::~~~ ~ ._--..:.;:::::~~\~:~-:- :/ ,/ ~' '~:/ "~ '~__~' Oliver II". Ni:~lscm \ ,/'" .__.L~~'_~._,.,.~.....:,.....~,-:~..;..~._~ --- ",./ .' .".." / Roceived ./ , · / / . , 19_._.._._._ -. ---..~....-..-..,~..,..,-,_..._..---"""",,,,- -. /,/" ;/ ,/ f" 13v (1./ / . '. .. ... --_.-..._----,~....,.........--....._,--_...-..-_.._..,.- ''''''- .-....-~,......:_'-..-,_.""'.,,.....~,.....- Irene LT. Nelson , , , r1' T,~ /\.:: S :.l.( . ,: ~ ;-; 'i 1 ~,.. j i~_~)>:r) /).~;L~~i~S ~';>i~.~-!'.~~J.'S j\~;Sl~SS():'~.~ S !?.;\r~C:~_:I.J ~\:C/a .........,.,.#'<._"._,_...."-'<_ ___f'*'~___..._.Jo,'~~,..,.~"J;P..~~ CC 'j,'Y 0:/ C.-;, Fi31':LI, PUBLIC :U-E'ltOVEi:ENT no. L.T.D. L~). 1.; ~--~-- ---.......-------",.-- nm,a;LI) AS SESSI<E:~T (-:0. 5e,_A -----_...,....--..--...._--_-...--~ ....... -..-....------ yEt\f\ PRINCIP/d... INTETm~:;A _ \ ~-=-- . 2.~; 78 l-- ~;':::1 1965-66 I 192 : 22 \ 105 ,00 ~'____~"''''100'''''''''''''' ro......" ._ I "y _ _____ - ~.. 1 ....--- "-'~,........,.--~.~ 195s.~.~:r . 1._ . . !92.: 22 J. . ~9T~ 12G(~-_-li)~-~z?J- .-..-'~89-1~90?,1.,.J 1953-59 1 192 '22 I _~ _ "135~:I?L~~'.:: ;~ '1_ 7lJ .:.s5 '3"Q.:] 1 I ..._ ~.2?. '22 L. _ .__6~_' 55 191J.--72 I 192 : 22 \ 58 187 :::r2-.;;-r" . -~2 :::1 ._.-~1-:56 -;D..'(I,T-==-=~~': ;-r~-..~;;-- 1?[1!'.::J5 J___ 192 : 2~.1~ 1915c'(,,-.J 192 :22 \ iO :011 r- -- -'-,-~ ---'-'-;- lql~:7.(::. [__192 : 22 II_~'~ n,o .e_'~? ":8? - ...-1517.1:-7[5 _ 208 I 211 1~) ,61 191fl-'(9 I ----------:0;. I ~I~-I-.--;~-;;;- ---1-" ----------'--- \ __---c:.:.- --::=:::::-.::.::::::.=-~...:::::-=:::::::-:=::---------~~_.~-- , ~ .....----- .-' ---~------_.....---,------ ..........:- _ T~Il~: --=:~~~~-'l---.. 9;~ .~-] BY -,--,~----- DATT~ ~__...._,,_,_-..----_....,~ __ f TRANSMlr~ . SHEET.. BONDED ASSESSMF""'C; ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. - ... PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. CITY OF CAIJIPBELL L . I . D. No. it BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. r:;8'" B ./ YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST , 1 1964-65 88 . 32 60 135 , . 1965-66 84 1 r:;r:; 46 ,18 ././ t 1 . 1066-67 84 I 55 42~ t . 196rr -68 84 . 55 39 L~2 I , 1968-69 84 . 55 36 04 84 I 55 . . 1969-70 32 66 1970-71 84 I I:=; I:=; 29 '28 ././ , I 1971-72 8411:=;r:; 25 '90 ././ I i 1972-r(3 84 1 I; I:=; 22 '73 ./-' I I lQ7~-74 84 ' I:=; r:; 19 '~t:) ././ . , 1974-75 84 '55 16 138 1 , 1 07~ -76 84 t 55 1~ '21 I . 1976-77 84 II:=;I:=; 10 ,04 ./-' , . 1077-78 91 ,59 6 .87 I '44 1978-79 91 .51-. . 3 . . 1 TOTAL 1,286 t 404 '81:=; .10 ./ BY DATE . ... . August 20, 1973 Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch Attorneys and Counsellors at Law P.O. Box 152 San Mateo, California 94401 ATTENTION: Mr. George H. Maude SUBJECT: Apportionment of Assessments, Assessment No. 58, Local Improvement District No.4, McGlincv Lane, City of Campbell Gentlemen: Enclosed please find copies of (1) an application to apportion the assessment together with a description of the real property, (2) the Apportionment of Unpaid Amount of Original Assessment, (3) the Notice of Apportionment of Assessment, (4) a copy of the Assessment Diagram of the District, (5) a copy of the Parcel Map which divides the real proper~, and (6) a copy of the amended Assessment Diagram, amending Assess- ment No. 58. The amended Assessment Diagram is not yet in its final form. It will be put in its final form after the l4-day waiting period reauired by the Code for notices. P~ease have your office prepare the annual schedule of install- ments,which we will sUbmit to the County Controller's Office, and forward three copies to this office. Please submit your statement to this office for payment. If there are any cruestions or if you wish additional information, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HEEMSt, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG: ls Enclosures By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer '(j' rro~ ":! .:.: ~:::: , , \- ,. OJ. ~:: t: .'.. ":::'~ L 8 I Ci;.;y of Ci:,;,1~);~'2J.l i\:,;):L5.c;~:':ic; j.,E:; lY=r(~'\:',r L:e)':,::: t;;::'.t yot.'. C'F'\)o:ci.:.j,on th8 amount 1~ '- , ." ,m., ~~.,; ... -_4 ':.~'11t. ~~<~>:: ~'.~;~~t~:l 1.>~:~I.O~.<" 'CO c:-J.c11 E.: ..... '-r. ..:..... \.'" ....' '-- :.:. CC; :~ 0::" .L ~-l~~ :L :' ~)Cl:C C c~ 1 ~,'~ oS.::3 C~ S S ;~-~ {i ~t s 11 C1: a il"l. de scr j,!.~; ::..:1. Ori.ginal J\::'>S2~3;::I:,:,-;:-lt l';o'.22J..J::.c;'&9...LIE.\r~1.:.Qyement District No.4 Resolution of Intention HO.___L(222- (~> .::.; Ado:)tec1 December 9 19.d:3- Original AsseSSw8nt Amount $4,2l0~OO A:11ount Remaini.ng U~1paic1 $-.to 0_e det.8)::rnined 'l'he original parcel has been divided as follm'Js; Assessment No. 5SA: Parcel A as said Parcel A is shm'ffi upon the parcel map recorded July 2 , 19 73 , in Book 325 of Maps at page ~in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California. Assessment No. 5SB: Parcel B as said Parcel B is shown upon the parcel map recorded July 2 , 19 73 , in Book 325 of Maps at page ~in the office of the County Recorder, COWlty of Santa Clara, State of California. be It is furth:)r reques'ted that: th8 assessment as apportioned recorded. DJ.tcd ----,;,//'-. f' ~~-/;~/-=-- -. <'72 19 /_-'> ....-), . - A /J .,' . /~:..; / tJ;tf;:J.J~Z2,;.{' :",-- Ol~~yer H.j..;eJ,.son',.; , ~ ,.J ( _ .Y7/-r L' - I... ~__":-_"'-"-""-:-,."L' _,__ ._ Irene J' .-"Nelson I . . / / ; I ) /..::,7/ 19 -/~...;:_..;_ l~ccc:tvcc1-:L:L: /L.:.L_~__.:.-;":' .. //. , ' ,/ / J /,/ .' , // " i / ..- i, / . Bv (~Y'!.-i. /-,-::// /-f. ,.' --r-,/ / /'~ '.-/" ,/ ... _~_____,~_'"_,."_"~___,___",-,,,,,,,-,.,:,"4-,'_'" i -- / i / v ,i1 ()' " , ( J., ]. , j j,e,') .__S5~_ Hd'EO\!EHG1\ij' DISTIUCT NO.4, ClT',{ O.t" C!&IPE.ELL LOC/\L l:,:.::nT;,-"ro, ,.1 ii~,,~;::'U;;,Tt. h,lG hc::::etoforc been levied against propC:'t'ty unc'\'CC',: Dia.gJ:2lm and AssessmcrJt: No .~, Local I!t:)1?rovemen t _ .EisJ::!ict l~o. ~~L_s:..:!:.!.y o~ .Cam12bell ;[0): cl,ud expense of the work of ir;,provements dC;EC:),~.~xt.ion of Intent.ion No. 1607 adonted on _.'"'-'-^.~~- .... __.."JlC'S=Qr),c)";,.._.5l..____, 19_...5L, by the City Council of the City of c~ .. 1.1, L, ,02 C:;li.::'c;',..:aia, <lnG snid prc:j;~rty h::::,,: nm'l been di\/;J.(,cd ini.;o '~:!(~ separ:at.o parcels of land hereinafter described; and ~Ti1EREAS, pursuant to law an application has been duly filed with the S-(:ree't Super intGndent, requesting that the amount remo.irdng unp,dd on said original Assessment be apportioned by said street Sup8rintendent to said separate parcels of land described herein~ NOW, TfillREFORE, I, the undersigned street Superintendent do hereby apportion to each separate parcel of land hereinafter describl,::d of said original property the proportionate part of the amount: rernainin~J unpaj.d on said original assessment that would have been levi8d on said separate parcels of land, respectively, had f3i::l.id original property been so div:tded at the time the original assessment was made. Dated:__.....huqUst, 20 'I -;19 fj} · fOr!': I U./.J1M/<1 .~(lt~4 {:A;t.i.l':l:Lam G. viren(' Superintendent of Streets, City of Ccunpbell Apportioned as follows: ASSESSI1ENT B9~~ 58A 58B ~OUNT $2,923.90 1,286.10 TOTAL: $4,210.00 I, the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell do hCY.:'eby cert..ify that the foregoi.ng apporti.onment of assessment, together with di.agram trwreto attached, was recorded in my office on the___day of_ _..~ , 19_.. ) TO: Stone and Yc?'::..DGb?r.s, 13)4 Russ Bu.i1 di1lSL, San F' r a.!1 c:i ~j co, C,J J i. f(),r~'~! i a the or:Lginal of bonda if3suc:d to repres8nt. unpaid assessr,lcnts in :~ {,+\'1~O\;'2 l"):coj c:ct. ~ NOTICE IS rIE:.~::CDY GIVEN th".t nn a:.)po:r.t:iomnent. of Assc;~[:ment Number 5tl_ has becm made ,pursuc.:nt 'co Division 10, Part 10.5 of the St.reets and High\'lays Code as shown below. You are further notified that unless you request a hearing within fourteen (14) days from mailing of this notice, the said apportioned assessmeni; Dated: August 20, 1973 shall be .~e.c..or.ded. ./. I. ) / .; 1/ I' / ";t- ~ / ....;1 C.... I "'j .. . // /1. ,/./ I .I t/,/... ,,,1,1. .///....///.,//1. ". ,i .I //, 'J ///1. / { I~' - , I ,,- ,i / /- A""., c..., ~ ~"""-'''-'-~'"-''''''''';''"\I~_....., ..-.... . wirii'amG. Wr~n, I' (/. \ Superint0ndent of Streets, City of Campbell original ASSC3sment No. 58, L~cal .I~p~ovement District No. 4 Original ]\.ssessment Amount $4r210QQ.9__ Amount Remaining Unpaid $ to be deteJ;,m,ined Resolution of Intention No. 16Q7 l~dopted_. De~.,:.1~1~.J:~_1.~_ ~P?ortione~_A~ fol~.ows~ Assessment No. 58A l}rn 0 ul1 t $2,923.90 1,286.10 58B $4,210.00 fY}'l- J~) P.~1. 73-17 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED TO THE TENTATIVE PARCEL HAP OF THI.; LANDS OF OLIVER NELSOn ON HC GLINCEY LANE. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 413-13-064 1. final map shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in conformance with the provision~ of the Subdivision Map Act. 2. The property is within the boundary of Local Improvement Distr'icT Uo. 4, a special assessment district. The OHners are required to file an application with the Superintendent of Streers to apportion the assessment levied pursuant to said special assessment districtt all in accordance with the provisions a~d requirements of the Streets and Highways Code. The fee for apportioning the assessments is $125.00. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR or THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON JUNE 8t 1973 . /- , /.. "'. // .,/./ /'}.// / ./ ..7 '.:..{ /.' ., ....".) i '.- '.,..... /" '\.', .;..,__-",~_ ;/,,~ lXiffHUR A .c 1<ft-; PLANNYITG"....I.JIRECTOR---. APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY or CAMPBELL ON JUNE 8) 1973 \ \ ~ ;// /. . I V.-'! . . '('/ ,i.l .' ! -"''''''''"-....~.~-.-;'-~._._.,~.-_...,____;....._.__...~M.__.._"..._,____.___w_.'_'_'''______ WILLIAM G. WREN, C1TY ENGINEER