261 McGlincy Ln. (67-3) ';il' rV'J "i .J\ . i) IN .// '.U / ,pLANNING DEPART::IENT CITY OF CAIIPI:;ELL 7S NCRTH CENTRAL AVEr:UE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 1-1~-(,7 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Panic1 n'l{eer(> , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF spray hact!; TO BE LOCATED AT: 2(,1 '.1c:ainccy Lanc CONDITIONS: 1. The F,uildin~ shall comnlv ;!~, " Crollp E, Division 2 oCCUrrdlCV (1 ~ 5 e t for t h in t h (l 1 9 C.f ,j j1 i f 0 1"11' ;) u i 1 di n g C::~! f: . * * * * * Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one Jlundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such 2?proval was granted, unless an extension for SUCl1 approval is obtained by making w'ri tten application for same to the Planning Commis=-ion at least fif""::een (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA1\1PBELL PLl\.NNING C01,;>lISSION AT A REGULAR r'.lEETING HELD ON THE 16th lJj\Y OF Junu:try, 1967 CITY OF CA;.lPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: __. T>. V. 1~'~ Se,eretary / bt Beginning at the _Jint of intersection of tl. Northwesterly line of McGlincey Road, 40 feet wide, as established by a Deed to County of Santa Clara, recorded October 14, 1947 in Book 648 of Official Records, page 75, with the Southwesterly line of a 0.91 acre tract of land conveyed to Giuseppe Bincoletto, by Deed recorded November 24, 1948 in Book 1709 Official Records, page 7, and as shown on the Record of Survey hereinafter referred to; thence running along said Southwesterly line of the 0.91 acre tract N. 36 degrees 11' 12" W. 114.94 feet; thence leaving said Southwesterly line and running S. 51 degrees 48' W. and parallel with the Northwesterly line of a 2.62 acre tract of land conveyed to Louis Spinazzi, et ux, by Deed recorded May 15, 1945 in Book 1249 Official Records, page 543, 80.0 feet; thence S. 36 degrees 11' 12" E. and parallel with the said Southwesterly line of the 0.91 of an acre tract 95.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the said Northwesterly line of McGlincey Road; thence along the said line of McGlincey Road N. 66 degrees 04' 30" E. 80.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and being a portion of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 1 West M.D.B. & M., and shown on a recorc of survey filed December 28, 1948 in Book 21 of Maps, page 17, Santa Clara County Records. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of land 10 feet wide adjacent to and Northwesterly of the Northwesterly line of McGlincey Lane 40 feet wide, as granted to City of Campbell recorded February 1, 1965, Book 6833 Offbial Records, page 608. ~\{l -<;~~ -\ -'"" \ \ ----- ,~ \....:.. -" ~ v ~ ~ -'\\." ".' /.'? .::y ".2"\, (..; .y ....., ....... :; l~ 9E 1-0 --)'1 OEv'Z [9 /5 "-, A o ,~ 05 I", I;;; it...: !~ {Jf7 SS'9L! _'._\_ \ - 1t1! \ \0" '. ~ \, 'qO~\,/ .~ ;.~:: :J> ~... '. '- :~ :1 "'~ :'~, " I: ~:. 8 ~"I 0' I,V' --~ 30'Y'd , 5fr '')'1 567': q,'" a -0- ... , ,0:::~:> II /,~<i,'" I -....: ,! " ')'1 '70'; ,'- 0'1 ... .f!96 ' I (.~. -...;.,~ i?,/ ....... - ~\,~":,, ...~ "J~ ^1, Y ! "~. ~ /,:,- 99 Ii , s/ V ~I ,~ 6'..:;" 59~' N: ES " os/ f'011 , , ' ". 58o~ I ~'Ol",,! '__. I _______. I A ::--..,. _~-''111 ./7~ /' C ,- 16 V~nJ V'lN\;I5 ~~i ;; ~,oC'<9" ~ 0'1 c ..o! ~ i ---------J ....... ---- 'J'1 66Z'v u; I I I : 1 .f\oi \,A G" Nl ,j,! I' 0: Ii r '::l IN I'" 0 5Z 1~ !\ 1 II " II " !, 1/ Oll II 1/ 11 ~ 'I ~ '" , 00 Z = ! /I ?7IC'S @ rl~ <5' , :-.,; r 'i ~-- ~,-, ffi::::?' ~ ,', _;'tr:r -." 1> '" ..~. ; i~'" ~.' , . ,....., ^,;:, ~ ':"-' . ~ .; ~v ~;'~"C~~h" ~' '-' .! t -.~"", 1\-'.1,' ,.....'...' t ~ .- - '.''-'' ~ ..' ..,( ~.,.~, ',:\~ <' .~,; .., h~~"'~':"- . ~,' -..... '<;< _' .'1 '-r.o.' 11 tlv )!OOg II II .~ VI. "IIN~O::l\lVJ ,,~ '.' ,,' ... -"' A:""{I""!('t::) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CM1PBELL, CALI FORNIA TO: !\ePLJ~~I~J~_.fQ~~~~"__.~I?ROY A~_,-'y' ARIA;~CE OR USE PE rU.lI TS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo CO?y of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill 1n necessary information: ~ -1///C/).. Name 5 as sno\.m on 0' Fe /?-__2 .;.{...3 07 'J, Jh ""-'-"'~ ~~J i. i /J ~ :,/,'} ~ .I L ;, Tv i <>' J 4..-1 7 ') -} j V f Recorder's Number For Office Use Only ?iied , .. as part of application for ~(:-.-7!iit ::> c.f" r 1c1 c. /' '- ___ S;~~<,- d < J /;3c- c2- .. ~- / :/ / ;~~ ~ .07 ~. :tor Jj (' ~ / .r-- - t (, (') .,-- " /~~ Z \...jcd) ',,-_' d C' ~ ~~~~~ci