261 McGlincy Ln. (74-36) IN"TEH- DEPJ\l1Tl':IBNTl'.L J'.1:S!10:t'\I'1DUI'1 TO~ Building D0par-tment FRO!.1~ Public 1-7orJcs Departrncnt 'X'he requirements of the Public 170rks Department have been sa-i.:j.sfiec1 for the follovdng c1e\Tclopment: / APPLT.C]ilTr~. 0 ~~<<..._ BUILDING ADDRESS_ _ z.coLA C.Q)",,,,~.,. ~ Q. 4\3-1(-~4 COUl~rY ASSESSOR'S P 1-~RCE:S NUBBER II till APPROV]\L HUnBER _l4-=-.3.Je_. ~c.~~ GSO') . PUBLIC wonKS FILE HUl.mE~ WILLIl\H G <> WREl'\, DIRBC'l'OR OP rUBI~JC t'JORI<S By . l~ ,~\./). ~_ - D.-~te 2.2. ~()..V\ (' "~_ ..,IJ0 PACIFIC GAS AND ELE .~IC COMPANY 62.622.4 qopy RECEIVED' MAR 31 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENG\NEER\NG March 28, 1977 ~k JvfcG r;)O) Mr. Daniel O'Keefe 261 McGlincey Lane Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. O'Keefe: An electric survey has been made to determine the cost in connection with installing the overhead conductors to a new electrolier located at the above address. The cost for doing this work will be $59.83, not sUbject to refund. The earliest we will be able to schedule our work to start will be approximately three weeks after receipt of your payment of $59.83, weather and soil conditions permitting. Please contact Mrs. S. Parker of this office, telephone 298-3333, extension 441; if you have any questions. Sincerely, cc: City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 /.7// Jf/'P"'/ ~~A--~ pAl/ ~~er/"~ ;;Fi!-7 ~~7/ G. W. STRICKLER, Supervisor New Construction Department ..... a ~ . ELLIOTT , ANDW,G !~~:,U~N TO. ~]__, I C-2C,D ~I i'-~-- ) ,_ ! rilE ~v. 111 __.{{ I C>' tt.",,-, - 4 HElMS DIAl CASE Public WOrks February 11, 1977 Mr. Georg'. Strickler New Const:ruct10n Paoific Gas . Electrio 00. 111 Al.JIaden Boulevard San Jos., CA 95198 SUBJECT: Campbell Municipal Lighting Dist:rict Enerqia1nq of Blectrolier 261 MoGlinoey Lane ~bell, CA Del"r Mr. Striokler: A new l75-watt, mercury vapor, 120/24o-volt: el.otro1ier has been in.ulled at the above-subject: addr.ss by the OWDer and qen.ral oonuactG.r~ Daniel QllCe.f.. The l-.p is tapped for 240 wlt. Und.rqround conduit has been pla~d along' the frontaq. of the proper~ for future us., but: at the pr..ent t1lle an overhead .ervice drop from the P"'Mr pol. acro.s the str.et: is what i. needed. Pl....... the approxiaat. locations on the attached plan. You are h.reby requ..bad and authoriaed to enerqi.. the el.ctro1ier and incorporate the JIIOnthly charqes for the liqht: into the billinq for the Campbell Municipal Liqhting District:. The bill for the service drop and! or f... for enerqizing the .1ecU'oli.r should be s.nt to Dani.l Qllte.fe at the above-.ubject. addr... "ith a carbon copy to the City of campbell. Thank you and .hould you have a qu..tion, pl.... aont:act the under.igned at your convenience. " Very truly yours, EIJ::.L M. HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER ~\ ~' ~ K .~ ~''''J By Lynn M. Snyder Engineerinq Aide I LN8:.k JIrlcloaur. oc: Mr. Dani.l Q I ICeef. CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR O'KEEFE AUTO BODY 261 McGlincey Lane liS II 74-36 McG (150) 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq: a. PCC curb and gutter removal: 60 line ft. @ 2.00 b. PCC removal: 55 sq. yd. @ 2.00 2. Underqround Street Liqhtinq System: a. l~" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 82 line ft. @ 4.25 b. 175-watt, Mercury vapor, IES Type II electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: 1 @ 850.00 3. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 60 line fto @ 4.50 b. Class A, PCC commercial driveway approach: 295 sq. ft. @ 1.25 4. Street Trees: 2 @ 27.50 Sub Total: 15% Contingencies: TOTAL 1. Use $2,450000 for bond amount. 20 Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $ 000 21 Jan 75 LCV 3. Storm drainage area fee is $23.00 (paid $147 thru LoIoDo #4) = 120.00 = 110.00 = 349000 = 850.00 = 270.00 = 369.00 = 55.00 $2123.00 318.00 $2441. 00 IISII 74-36 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY or CAl1PBELL 75 NOH.TlI CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA July 22, 1974 DATE: CONDITIONS ATTACHED '1'0 "S" P.PPROVAL OF PLANS OF Daniel A. O'Kiefe ~ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF body shop bui Iding TO BE LOCATED AT 261 McG Ii ncey CONDITIONS: conditions of approval attached Section 21.42.090 of the Campbeoll MUriic ipal Code l"ead s as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such app:r>oval is obtained by making written application ror same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in tile manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTFJD BY THE CITY OF C/SMPBELL PLANNING CO~HlISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE I day rJU]Y _' 19 74 . CC: Engineering Dept. with attachments Fire Dept. with attachments CITY OF CAMPBELL PLl\NNING CO~HlISSIOU ~~' ~ BY' "_/ _ /1 , . &. u::~t.'~7- / . ARTHUR KE --, S'E1CRETf.RY U \:,' 1) 1 '1 'j n:-:.t: (\' /\!' j 'I ~: i '" /\1, t t t''' 7:l _ :~ (, U; j >1 C 1 t: ~"1 T' i ! i {~J } \ . 1. l'rO)lCTiy 'u' h~" ft,:JICt'd ~l Tl c1 )' , :i 1 '.' . :" c :: p c ,-,~ " " . ,. ] '"" J, ,. 1 T J ,I.' Ide l!.." Ll'(. 0,; l' .In';, ') ,- . L ~t .1 d ;', c:! : Ii ll.(~ ,~ II ;:1 ] ];:nJ~:L:;'J;".' pJ;tll. he l;]:j_,nt~'jJ'cc1 ill ;lCC01-d:1ncc Hj t11 tL,. :I-','rfl\ ('<1 J , :~. J':1.;thfl;] pc:rfoEi;illCJ; bond :in the ~lll()'ln'c of ~'1, nrl(l to he P(J~;I:,'d to 1)1:O.:1]'C J;:i1d;~C:(ljlin\~, fcncill'.; cllld ';"l",-j')inc. (,r l)Td'i'-,c> ")''''1 \,'j 'l,~!~nLLr::'(' C:) riUTl~,-j:l:; of co;~]':l (;1 j ~)n' ~i,uC'~l!~~-:;.;;~~t;'~);< ~;)'~' ar1l)JJ C:~ll'~~ ~:~,;:\r -[j.1 c '..;r~J ttc:rl ~~pr(\Cj1icn.t tf) cn~J',n"'~ "\;."~' "l'-\"!l('j' (',' "'T'); r'I~. " , l'" ...~ . J J.4 10._ ......' - (-. .' ,. II 1 ~ ", '/l;Cj]:? ;,(:,1 :~trir;n:). 0; p;lr}~ing aTe" In-joy to fin:ll. hllildin;' <.i C i" 'l ;- 1. r: c r; ~~- c .:. '..:':1 j" ~~ n c. I:; . d '! . ;d1 l'tecl!.::;:ic~:l eC!":D;;lC'nt locate(l on roof:~ shnJl be 5c)"(Oe::(;(1 :JI'))~'o\'cd hy tLe I;}:i1ming Dil'cctOl-. Applicant is to sign an agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney that the building shall he limited to a body shop use. The ap;)licm'i.: is notified as ~)art of this applicnt:i 01J th;tt he J.S rccltdrcd to nwet the follm-:ing conditions in ncconlance with OT..lill~n1c:es of the City of Campbell. r: ::-: 5. I , i l I I I i ! A, /',11 pa rkiJ; g and dl' i ve\iay a 1'0 as to be deve loped in comp 1 Lmce u:i th SCCtiC]l 21,50 0:;:- the: C~r::phcll ;-';unicipc;J Code. 1\11 p;:lrld,lH~ sp,~.ccs to b~~ provided i.Ji th ClppTop1'i,:te con.cretc curhs or b u "'J)(~ l' gU:l Y c1 ~~ . I~. lj}1(~ej:grOtlrlc11Jt.ilil~ics to IJG T)l'o\TitlQd d.S reqtljred 1)}" :)(~CtiCj1 20, Hi . 070 0 f the enn})':;:;.11 j\JuTd c ip~...l Code. C. PI <ln~; sukJ:i.::"(: cd to the hl1:: Jdi ng depn.rtmen t for plan check sh~ 11 ]'J'cl-ic'l"'(' (,1,.,.....)'7 "'[.1)(. ]....C.l<..;(.." ()f "1' C01'nl"'cJ"~()1'~ .ro)' "1.('t....."- _J.......(...1.._./.....~___'..f.(J.} .1.... I..J('-_.}J~_ '_ (L....~ ___....;~,;,lJ_._,...,J~... \..l'-"J f.JOUliC] utiLitj.cs incJuJinf', ,:aler, SO,,'CT, clectric, telephone an d tel 0 \' i ~; i on c [t b 1 e s) c t c . n. S:ir:n appJ ication to he sub;:]i 1:ted in (1ccord~1llcc vi th provisions of the s:ii~n onlin~mcc for all signs. No sign to be instnl1c('r until ;11>pJ ication :i~; approvcll and pandt issued by tlic Bu:ilc1:ir;i: ]) c p ;} T 11" C:)1 t . F . 0 n1i n :'l n C' e No. 7 8 ~~ 0 f the eun p b c 11 f.1 1.1 n i c i r' ale 0 c1 cst i p 1.1 :h t cst: ; ,i t a )) y C (I li. r l' ~'. c t for the co 1 J c c t ion ;1 n d c1 i ;,: 11 n s a 1 0 f T e f 11 S e, g ~11' h a :: \:; , 1:C1 g;lrh;;f'c and l-u11bish pro(hJcec1 ,..rithin. the limits of the Ci....-y cf C~l.l!\piH'Jl ~;h:11J he 1,i~l(le \:ith Crcen Ya]]cy J)j:;P()S~l1 COr'1jl;1ny. 'J'h;s rcquirc:licnl app) if'S to nl1 sin.gle f:U:lily d,:c'J l~.]JWc;, ):n:ltiplc a.p~:rtl'l\~})t lmits, to aJl COI';jilcrcla], hll~;ine~c;s, industr:i:JJ> J:13.l1uLtcturin;-;, <lnd cClristructi on cstahl ishJ'lcnt~;. F. Tr~ish cont(:i.nc'}' (s) of a sj ze 2.nd qu;:nti t)' nccc-:;s<lr)' to SC'(VC 1])(' dCVlc}0fJL:t'Jlt sh;Jll be InCited in 'arc;: (s) ;lpprO\'c!1 h:-" the J'ire ]l(')'.'l-~)"'l.t lill]C"'" (l"[']""]-\": S^ )10.'.0'1 ('ll,-](,<"lJ)'( (,-" <.;]1..-,11 cellI"; ..... ,. if.," l-)!~. I. .. ,,~,J..'"t . .......~ ".1...\" . L.\"" ." \.. _-;'_ , :\.o.j) .. .1.... ... .~. ,"l of a COi,crcte floor ;~urr(,llnd::-,d hy a solid '.':all or fen'~(: :Jlll1 },;<\'(: s('lf-clli:;ll1;' dO(ll's of a sj;-.e specific.,} by r]IC: J;jl'e ])'T;lrti'it'JJt. 1\1.1 Cl1l']o:-,ilrc:"; to he: C<Jl'st ruc;'('<1 "t f'.r:\de Jevcl. c: I);) \: i t. (' n ~, (d' /\i)IIl'(I\':~l _. ___.J '.._.___._ .._.~.. Cllj~1 lr,~I".,.1 i ;" ',' I I 'i I'. :', 11 () i '" " ..'.... C \.... . ) ;:; j,j C] " " . rlJ!;J,] I: ~:t:;:':C; jilY/..~',Tlj,':T (; , S t (l) r~ d;~;~ j I}. j }'. c r v (": h;; ~. {" f! (1 n ::.~ 7 () ~~ 1) c r ~,c r (; . II, J~f"";(')\:'{l C' '..!~,t:,.il1~~ ll"1 ]'.'(:\'::iY ;\-;'ll~l-ro~".~1\(.~.) ;i~'i(; ~;id.c'\\':lJ; (:on:.l-'~ll.l.~i dri\'(\\,':~y :q:]"]'();;Ch ;:1 ]](,\'.' 1C(:~,:;Oj1 Ili ~i(:c()rd;inC{' \',':ith C:it'\' ~ P (; c i f j c ;; t i. (; Jl:; , J. In~)t(;,1J clc;ctrc".lJ.jcr :iJlrl strc,~-~t Il'C\C~; in ;1ccord(11)CC~ '\'.1.i.11 Citv' :; T: c; c j fic:t -{~ i () 11 S , }) U 1 L 1 ) -; ..' ~ C i 'j J . 1 ) :\ 1 " T > ~ L \;'f J. AppliC:iJlt Jtu~~t provide t\..'O c:,:it:~ frc):') b1ti]clin~~ in c(\nfc;'r"<:ilcC ,vith Sectj(Jll :~302 of tl,c Canp:;clllln5[orr.l Builclil:!"" (:od(:. .. The app:i.icant i~:, notified tkJ.l. he Sh~lJl cO;:lply with all appliC:lhlc ~ 0 des 0 J" 0 rcLi I"! :1 }l C C S 0 f t h c. C:~. t)' 0 f ~ '; 1: p k-,; 1] '111 i C h r e r t a i 11 tot 11 i s d8\'clup)dC~nt and are not herein SFCClj:1Cd. c7.,.OO 7.c. 2/&,03 ?lI'OO 7:c. 2/'7,?() \ 11 l~ . ~ ->l ~ ,: :\ &'~ 'I\. ~ ~.lJI ~.~ ~ .:). ~ \) \.~~~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ II. if~ ~~ \) ......~ ~ l~ I~ 1 I ~ :\ ~ C'\ ~ t' ~ ~ "1 ~ 6n?de ,5r~ak ~4," 00 t:c. elf;,. "J"f' urG.lda ~n:!!<:1k VI ~ 1) f) ~ "I 2f ~. ~ ~. " ~o ") ~ ~ \). ~ ~ ~ 'I S: lit I" " .. f'- A ~ I l t~ .....0 Q' L,.~ 1)~ C'Ps/. Z. {I C l/r, v q.. t~ ~~ Ex l S f. Ii'~dri(z>' , I" J/eaoer 'l!3c:vrd . -"'.-' .-A.,-/....~ K;' o ~..; ~i, ,.,.,-r/ '-,l ,. \. .. .~. k' \ ..........~I .'-...;. . . ): .Ill) ~.5: ~ ~ (}, ".)li b '" .<0'\ !I> f i ~0\ ~1 ~ Cl ~ >) 1Jt: (;.. o 0\ ,-Y f~ , ~\.f ' ,0 0 C?;d>... .~ ~..o ""X~ ,,~"". :fl. >;. /,' J/..,., ~,.~... "':"'.:'" "f::'': ,;/ j . J ~"'., ," .' . 'flfJI ., ...~rl.~'. ....'t.. . ' . .:,...'t:. ~ .>>f ,: ',\. ". f' '\ ,,', ~ ..,. ',i, . ~\ ,'~ ~ ); ". \ ..,.~. f. '", -;'il":. " .,. , .~' .'j':'; ...'. " ~!.........(, .. . - . " . ......::....~ '.. ~;,/..{: .~,',~.'~. >~,~\<':' ,. 1 ~.~~~ .' '. i ...... ~ . . ";~ . ','~ . ~f !.\. . ~, 1 -i% . ~"'~ s~~ 1t~~r ~~ ?<~ . ' ~"~-~ J ........ ....." .. ,'.+,l.~' , l' t. .....,~: I,,:' ~:'.':.. . ;..: ~ ~_. '~( 1'~"~;/' ':~'~'~~;/:'~ i .. .. ",fl. ~~ "":'... " ~ ,,:" , "')oi' ~ . '" if _,"~ .' ....~ f ('1,. ~, i.; ;', ~' ,',t, . , J. :.~~ ~..,.' ~^ ..* ." . -. " "'.. :l;\~ ~',. ';.: t~ \....,:' ~i- ': >. '~, .ort;< . -~\ , "':: :. ~.. ,,~ . . ., . CITY OF CAMPBELL STREET EXCAVATION PERMIT No._2.(____~ ( L':~<~ ,. . //x,) ..-_.L___ /.' ,;1 Pursuant to the terms of Section iIIte'f 01 the Campbell Municipal Code, a permit to excavate within the public right of way in the City of Campbell is issued based upon the following conditions: 1. The location of the job and the nature of the work to be done within the public right of way is as tollows: I!'.:" Lt II t ---LL_i...L1JcullLl,..--U1iL id_i\.:..._ld11 III j""-.Ll\ U i J~.Ltll.i..-i-i..- _.L XL --l.t 1 1',-" L- -. , L..l__ '~... L \ U_ r AT. .2;.,J. LH.,-Lli':LLJ-~iL1i~~_._-+___ . , (I ul( L _1 I. I C~ u I~ cL )___________ _._____.___ 2. A diagram is attached and thereby made a part to each of these forms showing the location and dimensions of the work and relating this to existing underground facilities. 3, Work will begin on___~~u__!U...L_________, 19_.__, or notify the Campbell City Engineer 24 hours before beginning work. 4. No street shall be closed without full conformance to Section 7106 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Safe crossings shall be maintained in conformance with Section 7105 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. (These blanks to be filled in by the City Engineer ONL Y) L: I.' ~ L^ 8. Special Conditions: 'I tJ Import backfill material as required by City Engineer, o Replace existing roadway structural section with equivalent type and thickness of material plus one additional inch of asphalt; or 4 inches asphalt over 12 inches R-78 base rock, whichever is greater. " ,,' o Work to be completed prior to occupancy at structure. D Work to be staked 3 feet back of face of curb by J licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and three copies of the cut sheets sent to the PubliC Works Department before star ting work. o Open cutting of pavement will NOT be d.llowed; dll pipes 01 condUit shall be jacked under existing pavement, " -~, o .... J_' .........:..... ~. 'L',--"-L7'~~'-''''' ....<. ..- ~ ti -). ~ ,/ .I'<~'" /,,",- .I / / __-L.-L~_~ ___ ...L;____~_~_.L...._"~'-- ":'.L_ ,. ,r-,.. ~ ."" --.... --.:' . '" r;r....:'<-._ / .i'....-"\,......., ,c? 4:.. ,. Deposit (money or bond) required to gl"lIamee restordllon of public right of way. $,/ _UL- --.- f The deposit in 6b above will be returned, 111 full, upon satisfactory restoration of public right of way, /,7 " 0e .' #. 7 ') C 0 b. :i' " 7, 8. The Permittee hereby agrees, by affixlI1!,! hiS signature to thiS Permit, to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents, and employees free, safe, and harmless from any c1alln or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this Permit. 9, Acceptance of the Permit by the named Pern,itt8e cunstltutes acceptance ot any and JII conditions upon which this Permit is granted. This Permit does not relieve the Pennittee of any obligation to obtJin any other Permit required by law. I ..... , II -, ,.; ~' ,~ . '\..,. J / ~/f ~ /. (signature of Permittee) ADDRESS[L-.2___",dc.L ...~..,j:~( check one, .--!_ _---"-~n " ACCEPTED (date) APPROVAL: ~'j' /J' - -r ... ,,~ Residence ( l .. - - I' '. , /1:r4P/;;; ~~ I OPERA~N~ ( ASSOC. lQ- J~ :7!2.._ CIVIL ENGR. DATE DESIGN: ASSOC. CIVIL ENGR, DATE 3 Copies: Permittee City Inspector File Permittee must sign, date and forward to City Engineer fOI approval. Permit is valid only after signed by City, Permit'is not transferable, SPEEDOMETER STOP START TOTAL DIARY ~ 4 ~y ~""/.Db DAT~.600 7- 7~ /' ~ ~ 26"/ /~-~~~ 44_/~ PAGE NO, CONTRACT lOCA liON WEATHER TEMP, MIN. MAX, :-Z:C;r:.~k~~~ 0-.,1::: A r~hr//7 .JJ)/~/2LJ~ k~~~:A) ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~...~ -~~ ~~ ~ .L/~~ 8~ 5.6J~ ~/1L1 a r7~ r.8~fi ~ O~~.,~~ ~p~ ~r" -'./2~..o~ ~~~ L:7~/ ~-- ~ .; 7LfYti!5 - , - 1/f ~.- k0'-k.-*; ') - ?-76 MBF WORKING DAY NO, SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED ....I ....I L.LI <t CD z a.. Cl: r- ~ 2 a. <( ;i. LLI U U U LLI 0:: -' l.L. ~ o CD a.. >- ~ I- U U i )f- -t' c /"'I. ('1) \,--' +=1 ji ~ ~ ~ ..,J -<-; '~ ~ Lr, -1-1 JJ, Y ri , ...' ,""'.:. \, i Ii Q ~' I w ::!: <t Z ~ rBi ~ ~ d ~! ~. 1 01 CFi '-I ,Qj I ! \ 01 0.\ 8\ rfl -t , I ~i o ;jJ rn , 1 I a:; I iJl <l: U Z :J o :;: <l: o 0 ~ <::) o 0 a a <'::! N I.' I@ I 1 \" I'" jd i> ~ -J! 1 3\ or '" --' --' w CD ~ a.. o ::!: ><t ~U c u.. ;:0 >- I- U Q)! ~ -.Q', '--;- d ....5::.. __: -+-i' v: -, ..> --' o Z I- Z ::J o U U <t w ::J Z w > W Cl: ~ o . . .. .. * < II") II") o 0 o 0 . I ~I -4 ~ c..o CVj CO r-- > ~ o U Z w N ;::: iJ 0 0 0 ~ @ M M " N N '" ... . .. .J ~ .. . U :J .. << > J: ~ 0 . .. u I/) ~ 0( * u 0( <C 0 N N N N -1. 0 0 ...J v, L.LI \.Q :!: \ o:l Z ll: Q.. Cl: UJ II") II") 0 0 I- ~ Lr.. ll: 1'7" 1'7" a. ..J 0 M M - <( <t >- N N UJ LLI U U z ::z: % 0 -< <( U .J UJ ...., -, I.L. ..J ~ I- 11l w 0 C!j 0:: 0 In d Il. Z >- ::E ~ <t I- u Z 1&1 ~ ::l Z 0 ' - 0 ex: ~ Ii::i:Z~ cx:::> U u W -Vel:..... t U CD ~5 Wel:o~ Ln 0 <t ::!: V=el&l v ::l ... ~ CO w ~5 1ll1llel:0 z ::l Z !O 01&1 ... Z 0 :r:~::;Z N w z 51 ~Vlel:!:2 j: w > :;)>Vl 0 ::!: uJ ::l =e ~ ex: Lr.. l-~ L:" ~ Jl Jl W !l: o o 0( Cl: o ... co X :..... Cj cr: o \Q \0 r- r- \0 \0 I I or W ~ ~ 'W I- I- e...J L) = = o ~ Cl: w Z 0 . Ii:i:Z~ -uet~ Wetow U:;:wln ~w<o !QlnQz J::;;~C) "'::Jet- :;:>'" c.u CD ::!: ::J Z o Z ::J u.. ~ J rvI ,J J.C::I ~ -- RECEIPf C'.....V OF CAMPBELL _AMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ('oj ;fQrn, Q COY1((eie CCU-~?Oe ( I (0 ADDRESS , ' FOR CXCQ.Uec+iD n -=reln'lIt*- 7~, t()O Jli lvAd Ct J~Q 1$1,~OO. 00 RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO, 350 A- FUND NUMBER ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER 0 CASH \ 1- ~sS DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 13-76 009 ***1,200.00 OCT 1)-76 8 009 A **1,200.CO @, 7900 ,.~.1\t~ omee,"' CITIZEN COPY Thank You CITY OF .CAMPBELL L/C( (I)-C) 71ic /1 . ~,j /V r" I- ;/(~/ {VV .0 /;2 _ '1- 7 f. C (flJ I 1-- ~ )'1/-0 CITY OF CAMPBELL STREET EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 4't~ ~~. ,..:~ 76- 113 " , ( Pursuant to the terms of Section ~' of the Campbell Municipal Code, a permit to excavate within the public right of way in the City of Campbell is issued based upon the following conditions: 1. The location of the job and the nature of the work to be done within the public right of way is as follows: - /~~ ~~:::'7~~.:;~~~"t:'=~~.?P-~ ~:_~~-' 2. A diagram is attached and thereby made a part to each of these forms showing the location and dimensions of the work and relating this to existing underground facilities. 3. Work will begin on beginning work. , 19__, or notify the Campbell City Engineer 24 hours before 4. No street shall be closed without full conformance to Section 7106 of the Campbell Municipal Code, 5. Safe crossings shall be maintained in conformance with Section 7105 of the Campbell Municipal Code, 6, (These blanks to be filled in by the City Engineer ONL Y) a. Special Conditions: tIl '>j ~ ria ~ ;?;? g ~~ Import backfill material as required by City Engineer. g ~;5. ~ : [!;d Replace existing roadway structural section with equivalent type and thickness of material plus one additional ~ C/). ~~. ~ 0 C/) inch of asphalt; or 4 inches asphalt over 12 inches R-78 base rock, whichever is greater. rtOoS>-'J> ~ ~ ;~: :: ;:: r:~; Work to be completed prior to occupancy of structure. ~ E ~, ~ ~ ~ Work to be staked 3 feet back of face of curb by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and three copies of ~;; n c- Cl x b CJl the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Department before starting work, ~ [, ~ f; ~ ~. ~ Open cutting of pavement will NOT be allowed; all pipes or conduit shall be jacked under existing pavement, 0;:; ~:,,::r ()) , ::v ~ \1> <:T ~ _ ::J e. I~ ::::J- lILJ N ~ lU rf) 0 ~' ::l I.C c-+P)O Q ,p. ,<, '-+, ::l '0 ::r lOcI> ..-t- Q) CI) ;:;: ~~~El~ [-:J c-+ .... CI) c.n ";rp. /~5 14""'~/~r;-~~~~~"- a/~~L_~:.a-4"'d4..k:'~.L-- ____n_____ , 2~Y- -~ .....-.' ".7 .... l~'rc.;> ~ /~:/d? ~.. ...::~~.a..~-/~~~H----- b, Deposit (money or bond) requ ired to guarantee restoralion of public right of way. $ /~O~.,. . "" 7, {. . ( ...... The deposit in 6b above will be returned, in full, upon satisfactory restoration of public right of way. 1 /-'1 ,,"-t :, ,. ~t" l .... ))' I ( 8. The Permittee hereby agrees, by affixing his signature to this Permit, to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents, and employees free, safe, and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this Permit, 9. Acceptance of the Permit by the named Permittee constitutes acceptance of any and all conditions upon which this Permit is granted. This Permit does not relieve the Permittee of any obligation to obtain any other Permit required by law, ACCEPTED __...~_____n'~ _~_ .___._.." ______. - n...____...__ -.--.--.-----.---~---- ,---- --..-.--. .- 'j ", / (signaturp of Permittee) r (/ i ( I } ,- ) I I (date) ADDRESS _______________________ check one: Residence ( or Business ( APPROVAL: ,---- --.--.----,--- .---...--.-----------'--..------ ASSOC. CIVIL ENGR, DATE DESIGN: ASSOC. CIVIL ENGR. .-- . DATE OPERATIONS: ------ ----.-------------.- -- - .-------.-....-----..-- 3 Copies: Permittee 'City I nspecto!.. hie Permittee must sign, date and forward to City Engineer for approval. Permit is valid only after signed by City. Permit is not transferable.