1315 Pollard Rd. (72-22) June 8, 1972 LCV CITY ENGINEER IS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR F. p. DUCATO - DUPLEX 1315 POLLARD ROAD "s" 72-22 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq: a. AC removal: 534 sq. yds. @ 2.00 = $1, 068.00 b. Remove open P.C.C. box: L.S. = 70.00 2. Storm Drainaqe System: a. 12" RCP, Class 10 line ft. @ 10.00 = 100.00 b. Type II drop inlet: 1 @ 375.00 = 375.00 3 . Earthwork: Cut: (1,040) (0.624) + (5,004) (1) = 27 209.4 C.Y. @ 3.50 = 733.00 4. Underqround Street Liqhtinq System: a. 1 1/2" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 185 line ft. @ 3.00 = 555.00 b. Sta te #3 1/2 pull box: 1 @ 50.00 = 50.00 c. 400-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type III electrolier, with photoelectric ce II, 240 -volt: @ 600.00 = 600.00 5. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 187.6 line ft. @ 3.50 = 657.00 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 741 sq. ft. @ 0.80 = $ 593 . 00 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 228 sq. ft. @ 0.90 = 205.00 6. Street Construction: AC pavement, Type B: (l,040 sq. ft.) (0.624) (0.075) + (5,004 sq. ft.) (1.0) (0.075) = 424 tons @ 12.00 = 5,088.00 7. Misc. Surface Improvements: a. Adjust to grade: 2 valves @ 75.00 = 150.00 b. City Monument boxes: 1 @ 75.00 = 75.00 c. street trees, five-gallon size: 4 @ 22.50 = 90.00 d. Signs and posts: relocate ex. RIR on street name sign post @ 30.00 3 0.00 Sub Total: $10,439.00 15% Contingencies: 1,566.00 TOTAL: $14005.00 1. Use $12,000.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $420.17. NOTE: This estimate is based on being a part of a larger project, therefore, there are no provisions for transitions or other temporary improvements. .. ..:..:::-;.t..:....-.r. ! : ....t........... I L.. (:rr :~. ~:~ -- -- ---.... i . ......... . . '. :........ I -- >-- .... .............. Proposed Center Line ....: Radius 500' ~ ~ Scol. 1"=50' J.AWLIQ...BE GRANT~D TO THE CITY OF CAMPFJEU... Dr.By DK MAY J972 Ck.8y M A y.1J72 _LInd tOM .,o"tl" to Clt, ContaIns 158 Sq. Ft. * ~ P'lpa,.d b, the OfficI of th, Clt, Enll n,.,. C ..pb'". Callf.....o e A I iNlTIA!. TO I & DA-Y~ _ / 1-.---- -.-" ..:~::,f ----7-f:, _l'Q ~____" ~,J '-l..;K....,. t:7 _. i , ---- i -------- i I I . / ! /.Yot,(/II-___, i April 19, 1912 HZ' . I't'ank P. Ducat.o 3698 .:ntrv1e Avenue san Jo.., CIllifornia 95118 SUBJBC'1' I "S" 12-22 Proposed Dl1plex struct;ure 1315 POllard load, "'''.SOl'''. P"ce~, lfp., 4Q3-;l,6-057 Dear ,.. Duaat.o: The lane! ~t you propo.. to develop 18 a part. of a larger parcel of lane! kftOWft .. b....oz,.. parcel No. 403-16-057 as shown upon the mapa of the ~y AII....or. You an, th...tore, subjeQt. ~o the proviaiona of the nb41Ylelon Map Act of 1:h1s state, and, ln part:101llar, aubjeat. to tbta ~~ of ~ Puael Map legis- latlcm. 'lh18 was made 'known to .... Bllio1:t, your archlt.e1:', at the tsa. that be sought: tnfolJUlt.1on frcm us a ffN week. 890. %l'l ca.. you are not faJnl11U With the proce4w:'e, % 8ug'881: that. you conlNlt a civil et'l91neer or a llaim..d land 8UZ'Veyor. 'I'M pucel map requu-.-t 1.. 1n a4<U:l:ion to the other requtrem.nts Willah ha..... been PM'f'louly 81:J.pulate4 by the Cit.y. Xf thia office can be of ...i8tance to you, please contact the underal9M4 at. your convenience. Very tr\lly yours, BXLL M. ImLMS ASSOCtAB CIVIL ENGINEER By I cruz S. Oanez Jr. Ci'l11 Englne_ CSQunap ~'d- c'547 "S" 72-22 PLANS OF FRANK P. DUCATO FOR A DUPLEX TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT 1315 POLLARD ROAD IN AN RH ZONE APPROVED BY STAFF ON APRIL 14, 1972, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with concrete curbs or bumper guards. 2. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 3. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 4. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. 5. Applicant to dedicate to 45 foot 1/2 street right- of-way on Pollard Road frontage. 6. Construction of 1/2 street improvements on street frontage. 7. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the amount of $765.00 per acre. (C:. LL~ \ h".;:' ') (12 It.-::) 1f ') Z":2-. Cc The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. " .-'( S,J /d-dc!J- CITY or Cl..HPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR !!S!! APPROVAL AerzlL..:._J_O __1972.._ I n a c c or d an c e wit h S e c t ion 21. 42 . 010, C hap t e r 21. If 2 0 f the Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned he~eby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land /3/:5 ~~~ci~ P ,. N b ~ ";1 .J! (: t~ 2 7 o ICY urn er ." ,,' ,'~ ' . The land referred 10 in this Policy is described os: SCHEDULE C ':':Hlt !),J.rcel of 1;:-,;\(: in thc; Ci tv of C~T'~';jeJ.l, C()unt~' of Santa Clz\ra, SU~te of C;:~lift)X'ni;;l, dcscrib(":(:: as fol1o:..'~;:; Lot 32, as SiIO-,;H on t~lC nap of 'l'ract :;0.311 "....istcl 1)t;; Las '~ont~nu5, filc(l June 3, 1')46, r,oo}: 10 of YV.p:3, pages 4.1 nnd 45, Dantu Clara County FecorrJs. plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Comr.:ission,. one by th€ City Engineer and one returned to the applicant. 5. The application shall be accompanied by a ~O filin!7, f $'D. ('Ie) , ceo 6. The City of Campbell requires installation of all utili- ties, including electric, telephone and television cables to be unde~ground. PlaDS should be made accordingly. ~~cf~_fit~_ Signature of Applicant 30 7 S~OjV~ tC-v-f<- . -.--- ~ - :-----~..-----------,----~~,---~--- Ajdres of Applicant h-p_V:,_-2 ~ - (!__~..__ City State Zip Code Telephon~, No.: 2--G 6 . ~ 778' Filed in the Office of the < ~J ~,19Z.;L 3~q.o (;}I- tStl