1849 Pollard Rd. (74-11) ) '7,,0.. ~ ,-y--k-:-j" tC~ ,.<- 'f \ c. J.-- PLANNING DEPARTMENT C I T Y 0 F C A 11 P B r; L L 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS or ~.. ' ~. i j . FOR CONSTRUCTION or r . . ;, ~ ;' -1 :- j .~~ 1 / ~ ~: i. " ;", ". TO BE LOCATED AT ',..- ~') r !',r: i' CONDITIONS: CQnJi don:. .;,1' u.pprov.::d attdc'lcJ. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application fo~ same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in t~e manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE day of , 19 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: /) .7 /J!/ {~aLv u .;{~~ ARTHUR KEE, SEe ETARY--- (:":~ / ',/Cn~.;.. iHI:'~. r" ~ ~~ I r.' ''''.; 1... .y.,~: ~) '1: ~ V" COND IT IONS OF APPROV/\L "5" 74-11 Keill oha, Joyce 1. Fence locatiori'~nd detail to be approved by the Planning Director. 2. landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system' and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of appl ication for bui Iding permit. 3. landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved land- scape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may fi Ie written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of p~rking area prior to final building department clearance. 5. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is r~quired to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbe 11 . A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be .provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. c. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities in- cluding water, sewer, electric, telephone and television.cables, etc. D. Sign appl ication to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until appl ication is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced I'd thin the I imi ts of the Ci ty of Campbell 5h,II I be made with Green Vulley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family d\..Jcllings, multiple apartment units, to all commerciiJl, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establ ishrncnts. ",. fl' l> COND I TI ONS OF APPROVAL "SII 74-11 Kealoha, Joyce Page Two F. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a sol id wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. BUILDING DEPARTMENT G. Wopart of the existing residence can be used for offices, waiting or treatment rooms, etc. unless a change in use is granted. 1973 Uniform Building Code, ~ection 502. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT H. Dedication to plan line right-of-way on Pollard Road. (45 feet north of center line). I. Construction of street improvements on Pollard Road. J. Storm drainage area fee based on $765 per acre. K. That the first phase of the development,which provides for seven runs, be constructed and in operation a minimum of two years before approval or consideration is given to additional runs. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all appl icable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. r J- ,. i ol}.' </'"" r .~ .~~ .( _--C'{ OH1JINAFCE :'iCJ. Q (ll') (..JU..) BEING ,"IN OlUJJNMJCE OF THE CITY or C'\MPBELL i\!\1F:;r)PiG TPE i;CNING ;,L-\P OF THE CT'fY OF C;[~},lP13ELL, CALli' \hJ\ LA, BY Ch!~;~G ::::G Z(j;\I~ i'cPO"; r,<'~- [~ TO P-.D o!.; PROPLE'IS C'!" <JOYCE 11. r:. KEhJ.U!;j', LOCATED f\T 18'lD POLL.\HD EClAD" CA~JPnFLL, Cl',Llj'OENIA. 'TIle Cjty C(1)l1Cj,] oJ' the City of Camp:)".L! doC'~; orcl;jj_n itS folluws: SECTION m.m: That the Zun:ing kI2p of tile City of Campbell gct!:el' with (t';!i'ndmi?nt~; thel'cto, is hereby c]18Df:::ed aud a.mend""c1 arllenCl1!ii::'l1 t s be i Ii r',' out 1 i ned on t h(:: map c: t tached hereto en tit J eel "J::;{UIBIT A." t (l-. Said SECTIon '1",':0: That the abOVC--lD(c?ntioll,,:.(j amendmc:ut lS approved subject to thE' following conditiom3: 1. The applicant is to obtain site and architectural approval of tho plans and. elev:lt:icn:, of tlw proposed development. q t:-, .. That ar environmental impact report accompanying the site and architectural approval application, including a report and rt:comlrendatJ on of a quali :fiec1. acousticaJ engineer on how to maintain reasonable sound levels within the build- ing::> Hnd from open dog r1:n~::;. 3. Dedication to plan line right-of-way "(45 feet north of center line). on Pollc..rd l~oad 1. C t t. f t t' 1 ,on8 "]',1.('. ..J.on o. ~::; .ree" 1JnlH'OvetnClJs on Pollard Road. 5. Storm cLcainar;e ()Fe",. fce b:j~::;ed 071 $7(35.00 per acre. 6. That tl1(' first phcLse of th~~ clev(~JoJ)n/:nt, which provide:::; for s(;ven run~;, he con struc ted and in oper:'.t'i un a min i- mum o[ 1>\'0 y(~al';C; betore c:])proval 0.': eonsjclc:ration is given to addi t i.,mal runs. PASSED I\ND !\DOPTED this ~~6th G"Y of Fc:}FU;tl'Y, 1~)73 J by the folJo~ing roll ca]l votb: AY]~S: (>~HiJlciJJ;;e11: Char~b(;:cJ.:j.:nf HiT(("TIC!I: f Paull Pcago}.:-sc}.::: E()I~S : Councilmun: None /) E; S 1.~j>J rr : Co u n (~ i 1 Iii (" n : J'.7one lWl' VOTJ'NG: . f)r.(-t" <"r}' 01""un"" .\ '''Gf'. v -' ..''':.1. ,~.,J -- ,,'. --. ,I L - ..... -~':fl):pr{ tJ\T}'~I) : <~\ ~r'rr:~.-:JI : l.~,. )J();',l~_\~ '1^>~.~~( .:. ,-,[ . "'--'-,"- ...---.-...,.--.-.-.----.--- .. I .) )' (' \. e U'<! ;), Ci Lye 1 ( II. Change of Zoni\ Form CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA REQUEST TO HAVE PLANtn NG C:O:\I~.I I SS ION SET PU Bl. I C II[ARr;~G FOR RECLASSIFICATION OR CHANGl; IN ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES APPLICANT: NAME Joyce Kealoha DATE 10 October 1972 PROPERTY: ADDRESS 1849 Poll8.rd Road ADDRESS_~os Gatos, Ca. TEL. 374-1679 95030 ,j LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION ZONE ___.1 ~ . i ~ t I i I Description: Applicant must file legal descrip- tion of property to be changed in classification. Please attach same. See ill IMPROVLjljENTS: EXISTING Single family residence and a. tower on a 75' 230 kv tower right of way. PROPOSED All of the above plus a 28 run kennel and grooming rooms. RECLASSIFICATION REQUESTED To reclassify that portion of San Tomas Neighborhood District (s) describedrroin_R-2-s_ zone to P-D zone. EXHIBITS (See explanatory material on attached page) 1. Sta temen t See IV.. . 2. Map or Diagram-'i'cceivCClo-y Planning CommissTon A 3-dimensional Model and Drawings are Submitted. ($100.00 must accompany this request to defray the cost of advertising and publication. $50.00 shall be refunded to the person depositing the $100.00 if the request is denied by the Planning Commission and no appeal is made to the City Council.) CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT: I/\Ile the undersigned have s01l1e direct or indirect interest in the above described property. It is understood that such a request is made \dthout the necessity of the Planninp, Commission granting the request. If no hearing is held or expenses incurred, the money a c COIn P 8. ]) Y i n g t 11 ere (i u est s h a 11 be ref U Il d e d . The in form a t i on c on t a in c d herein is true and corrcct to my best knowledge and belief. '~1 St.~l~~'! t~~J S-ignaturc -o-Cpcrson or pc-rsons ri1ii1::i.llg-- request Appendix E PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ C(p ~-"'IE + 245 MARKET STREEt . SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94106 . (415) 781.4211 December 31, 1970 Consent for Dog Runs Within the Metcalf-Monta Vista 230 kv Tower Line Right of Way, LD 2308-0l-l242 (40872) 652 Miss J. H. S. Kealoha 1849 Pollard Road Los Gatos, California 95030 Dear Miss Kealoha: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, hereinafter called Pacific, hereby consents to your use in common with Pacific of the area outlined in red on the drawing marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. This Consent shall be limited to the installation, maintenance and use of fencing and dog runs within said area outlined in red. The a=ea of common use as outlined in red is within a portion of the right of way gr~ted to Pacific by A. W. Athey by deed dated August 10, 1954, and recorded in the office of The Recorder of Santa Clara County in Book 2948 of Official Records at page 270. This Consent is given subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. You agree to ground all metallic fencing in and around said area outlined in red in accordance with the specifications as set forth on Pacific's drawing No. 020607 attached hereto and made a part hereof. You further agree that fencing of and within the area outlined in red shall not exceed a maximum height of 6 feet. 2. You shall maintain a minimum clearance of 25 feet between the closest point of said fencing and the westerly foundation of Pacific's Tower No. 14/67 as said clearance and tower are shown on said Exhibit A. 3. In the event you install fencing adjacent and contiguous to Pollard Road, you agree to construct a l2 foot wide drive-through gate, at a location acceptable to Pacific, for the purpose of maintaining continuous access along said right' of. way. If said gate is to be locked, it shall be fitted with a double looped chain so that either party hereto may install its own lock without interfering with the locking device of the other. Miss J. H. S. Kealoha -2- December 31, 1970 4. You agree to establish and maintain at all times an effective fly abatement program. 5. This Consent given herein may be considered by others to be an implied endorsement of your plans. As a consequence, Pacific asks that you assure by acceptance of this Consent that you have given due consideration to the ecological and environmental impact of your development. Pacific's Consent is further subject to all the applicable terms and conditions on the reverse of page one hereof. If you accept these terms and conditions, please sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter. Very truly yours, WhL~~'7 NOLAN H. DAINES Manager, Land Department GWanArsdale:RHS Tne ~dersigned hereby accepts the foregoing consent subject to the terms and conditions set forth above and on the reverse of page one hereof. J. H. S. Kealoha Date ~ ~" - r-.. '- .- ~ ./ ~.~ ~-,..., ' . ,. . / ,;". /1 ' ' \ '. I ,- . I ..-\J .~ ,.. ~ ~ '" C6 ~ ,,}> ~ " ~ ~, . 1, ... " '0 .. ~ Q ""Z- ~ ""S> ~~ "~ .. a - , - ~~ ~ /' , <:.- -\J'~ )> // J' '" '" A; ~~ ... /~, 4....J .... .' , , ", '. , "" ... /'/"'''-,,- ... ~~ CO ~ ... " ! I I i -_1-. .. - /WOR6: 4 :/-G/Vuc; ?~a It': ~~4.~RD 8~D EXHIBIT .. A." III=~O' ~... -z r..- , I .~. ..; --::., .. .. ". , - -:"1 ~~";'.~" t ," j '. , . .. - ~c..A.. \..- E:- : \ I, = c.,O' Lo..v-cl~ oS; ~e.o..\a"'Q,. ~"'. ~ce~ o.~. p~, I~Co ; I C?:> 7 .P-- ~ ~c:::> ------ p:- ~ ~~ ~c::::> \ t ~ ~ ~ ~ t \\~ ~ ~ ~ \ \ .L.MiD TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMP~ Dr.By K-V oc:..+ ,1974- Ck.By RLc 0:.+',1974 t ILond to be "."ted to Clt, Contain. o. a ~C:::, a,.c, :: P,epo,ed by the Office of the Clt, Enolnee,. Compbell, Callfo,,,'o CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR S. T. (12), II SI' 74-11, 2C 72-24 Joyce Kealoha 1849 Pollard Road 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq: a. AC removal: 475 sq. yd. @ $2.50 b. Tree removal: 13 @ $lOO.OO c. Misc.: @ L.S. = $],188.00 = ],300.00 = 500.00 2. Earthwork: 476 cu. yds @ $6.00 = 2,856.00 3. Underqround Street Liqhtinq System: a. 1 1/2" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 274 line ft. @ $4.50 = ],233.00 b. 250-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: 2 @ $800.00 = ],600.00 4. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 274 line ft. @ $4.00 = 1.096.00 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 1114 sq. ft. @ $ .90 = 1,003.00 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 266 sq. ft. @ $1.10 = 293.00 5. Street Construction: a. Class 2 A.B., 1 1/2" max.: (9587 sq. ft. ) (0.67) (0.07 )=450 tons = 2,700.00 b. AC pavement, Type B: (9587 sq. ft. ) (0.33) (0.075)=237 tons = 4266.00 @ $18.00 6. Misc. Surface Improvements: a. Adjust to grade: 2 valve @ $100.00 1 manhole @ $175.00 b. City monument boxes: 1 @ $75.00 c. Street Trees, five-gallon size: 5 @ $22.50 Sub Tota 1 : 15% Contingencies: TOTAL: 1. Use $21,400.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $749.00. 3. Storm drainage area fee is $646.00 (0.844 ac.). Prepared by: Lawerence C. Ver saw September 30, 1974 = $ 200.00 = 175.00 = 75.00 = 113.00 $1~598.00 2,790.00 $2],388.00 r--------.---- I ~ , I M I ~\~ \ \ \'f\6' ~ r- \~ \0; r" I li"I I ~: ::c: ;:; E . ::; ~ u. , o u ~ ~'t :~ ~~- )(\ "'\1) ~ . .7~ ~ ~ ~\ ~ ~~ J 7.1 b 71) ~ \)4.- ~~ _ O~ I", M + .,~ . ~ -oQ, '$:t "0 O~ (\I \.- ...~ '1 . \. .~ ( o . ~ (Y) ~ ,... N It ::~ ~ I I . ",\;a~~ ~ d.~ ~7" )'. ',';r '~"""~v" '\\'. ..-:...... / /'0~' \~ ' , ,./~ .~ .<:- \ '\... . . .' ""C / /~/ . 11 / ~~ !J'/i>'<>>~)//:'\ '. \y5.'~' 'rd, ,c.''.. . '(~? '.. i,.~.li" " 9.' . ' 1,- . ~t '__~' /" _ .~~' ;l b~,I'. -.J !\,: U I) <r; , , I , ~ I ==--U;) ~~." ~ " I ... \ , I ,() ~ ~ I)' . "". ~ "', < '. " " 0, .. ('.. . ;; ~ - ' I ':v" q r, / f.' ~'" ' ',' .' " ' , 00 ' ",-;,0 . ' /. , . ':;' I , /-1> '" 1 '-' //.' (> '/ 't "'" _, (" ~ G' /~~ (),), ,,' 0 1-. 0' , <., ,,/ .r' .' '') /. I ,0/,' . 't~" ''.., ,00: /', '> d/ !: ... /".' ...... '<, \ J ~/ \ ; , / oQ. , ~ ^,/'/ ~ \ ",/ ~~-s>o /,' / / > q,'t \ , " " '.. ... / " . ,,- v' . 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