15 Railway Ave. (69-73) / ~> ( r / / ,.'---. ~ < .. < ~... C\iS~ ;JirJ C 'if ) ~ ./ ORDINANCE NO. 769 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL BY ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DEVELOP/'lENT SCHEDULE AND NAP MrD LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A PORTION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 730 ADOPTED ON THE 25TH DAY OF MAY, 1970. The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION PNE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell being a part of Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code, as referred to in the Appendix of said COde, together with amendments thereto is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A", entitled "Plans and Elevations","Exhibit B", entitled "Development SchedUle", and "Exhibit e", entitled "Map of said Property." Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the office of the Planning Department as a part of Ordinance No.730. Said approval granted subject to the following conditions: 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on plans, 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant ma~er!al, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be sub- mitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six-foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container in an area approved by the fire depart- ment. Said enclosure shall have six-foot self~closing gates. 6. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 7. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. i, ''1\' " 8. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 9. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. 10. The Fire Department shall determine what type of fire protection is required. 11. Applicant to dedicate to 30 foot half-street right-of-way on Railway Avenue. 12. Applicant to enter into agreement and post bond for one-half street improvements on Railway Avenue. 13. Applicant to process and file parcel map. 14. Applicant to pay storm drain~ge area fee in the amount of $170. 15. The use of this building is to be restricted to warehouse use only. No other use is to be permitted unless additional parking is provided according to Ordinance covering the ne~rly proposed Use. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~~ day of by the following roll call vote: March , 1971, AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, POdgorsek, Rogers, Smeed, eharnberlin NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPRO','ED: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk------ r . .. i ." f ?c.o.\e . { ,:>. ~ , o AV&NUE-U\ -I- -- '2 '0 t;(\" V' ,<' 0~0 ~.." -? '\;- L..o..'nd~ d,0Zdczd +0 'Sou.-\"" Pa..c.\~\c. Ro..\.\\roc:xd COVY\pCkY\C( 2-12-IB8<O B'K- 83 d~d~ p~_ 338)33~ Dr: by I-C V Nov. {'?)(oC!> Gk. by R LC Nov.I<:::;!>G9 .LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 1 kond to be ,ranted to City c., orr\-o... V"'5> \ 7"~ _ 40 I :t Prepared by the OffiCI of the City En,l nllr, Campbell, California PLANNING DEPAR'nlENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: November 18, 1969 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF California Shake -and Shingle Company , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF lO'x12' addition to existIng'"01ilce -building-- TO BE LOCATED AT:____15 RaiJway Avenue "'"____'_____________,_,____ CONDITIONS: conditions of approval attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbc1l r.lunicipal Codc reads as follows: Any approval granted unckr this section. shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which s~ch approval was granted, unless an e xtens i on for 5 ucll ar1IHova] is ob tained 1n' mab. n f' w1'i tten ar,pl i ca t j (i!\ for same to the Planning Commission at lec:st' fiftecl{ (15) days 1 prior tn the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall ~e issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provide~ for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNn~G CO;,[!,l1SSrmJ AT A REGULAR 1.1[ETIi:~; HELD ON THE 17th DAY OF November, 1969 --------_____,_,.____.~_w,___...~___ CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION cc: Engineering w/att.<:- Fire Dept. wIatt. B ./ .. . .. . '. ,/ /.' ,.? Y . -~~_,:/,.:,:_t,~....".~__~,.,{~"'----------... ____ ARTHUR KEr~, ;,');:LI{ETARY "S"69-73 The applicant is not;fied as part of this applic~tion that he is required to meet the followir. conditions in accordance ~h Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. Owner/applicant to dedicate to 80 foot plan line right-of-way on Campbell Avenue. B. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance \vith Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. c. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. D. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. E. Sign application to be submitted in accordance \vith prov1s1ons of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell \Vhich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. .",..----- , ! I I ! I I II , I "- '" " ~ .~ ~ III eo ;) 1;' ...- ; .", ..s };r,~~ ~ ,/ '<10 ~ '; I:~~I ~ .,/ O~ ~ I I ~ ~ r ~ ./ ' I ~l~ iD 'r'\/\~ /1 t. ~ 0 ','5c;\l> \ I ~~. J> r_-:'\. I ~ : D , .,..,,"? \ ~ '- . , q~ ! 't) ~ . ['-<f I I ~--.) ,~ \ ' ~~ ~ I 'VJ \. \..\ \J . 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