264 Railway Ave. (1962) , R= 430' Ll= 7"32'03" L = 5".54' T' C:6.3/' --- .. 45' III > <r P.o.8. )- 17J a: "! ~ q) rv j \ I a: (Y 0\ \9 -t <fj ~ ~ ,Cl '1\ " ~0 C'~ ~"'t>> - -s-- &+ ~ . ~ "0 ~ <", <J :s. .:::,~ ~'X ";)... ..,. () () I) . ....-, r... ~_ I:) -r ::~ {.. \ \- , " " l\l o 'J. ~ \J t) " Jo e: 5 Al..v,t:lDo R O.R. 4354-/17 1.- (...' , ''', ~ \' . "i ;" . . , .. ~ ~...;~.!_-,- ----------l .-.--- '.,- -- '---'. --.-- f .... ----1 /).. / C) /' // / /' SCALE.: 1"= 40' .~ .~ DATE' 'Ci - 24 - ,,~___ " ", Dr<- {~W '" F3y~--,L~__ , ( I{D ~.lY__ . jj'. j .. . ~ (JP-pJ CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF JOE SALVADOR FOR -'- ADDITION TO EXISTING INDUSTRIAL BU.1LDING LOCATED AT 264 RAILWAY AVENUE AS APPROVED BY CAMPBEll PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEETING HELD ON TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1962 1. Conformance with Article IX, Chapter I, Part II. of the Campbell Municipal Code Including: dedication to Railway Avenue Plan Llne; agreement for future street Improvements; Storm Drain Fee In amount of $1]0.00. CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: ..e ~e l ,- Lot 21 Block 4, as designated upon the t;ap of Rucker-'s Addition in t,l:e Town of CEllrpbell, which sa.id Yap is of Rcord in t.he office of the Recorder of t.he 'Gount.~r r-fSantn Gbr5l, St1lte of California, in Book "F" of r\;apB , p['1~e 39. *A~ID* .- All of lot 20, Block 4 as thown upon t1- at cert.air, l1E1P entitled, -,,, ap of Rucker3 Addi ~ion ir, the Town of Cnr.pbel i, which rap~ filed for recorri in the office of the recordE1y ':}ount:". of Santa. Clara, State of C~11if:)rnia, in Book F cf laps, at Rage 39....... IF .-. re. re. ~ 22.5' - c' ~I '- 22.0' a.. ~' ~~ CI) 0 II' 0. 0 0 Lot 20 '- -0 a.. q eX) 0 W Ii') eX) Ii') => (X) Z C\J lO W Lot 21 r-- > -(X) C\J <( Joe Salvador r-- - 4354.0R.17 Ii') - r-- lO <;t -;::: r-- 45' 0 >- <( 3: -.J - <C Lots 20 and 21 in Block 4 of a:: "Map of Rucker's Addition" F. B.M:39 .'" .. ,"'~ I Land to be granted to City . L AND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR STREET PURPOSES Prepared by the Of f ice of the City Engineer February, 1960 Campbell,California - .. .. I CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO II S" A'PllOVAL or PLANS Of JOB SALVADCl\, rOl. STORAGE BUILDING TO BI LOCATED AT 264 RAILWAY AVENUE. AS .PROVED BY THE CAMPBELL PLANNING CCHtISSION ON FORUARY 2, 1960. 1. Owner enter into written agreement with City Council covering: a) Dedication for street purposes, at this time, of sufficient land along entire frontage on Railway Avenue to provide for 8 standard 66 - foot street. b) Installation of standard curb. gutter and pavement between gutter and stable pavement. The.e improvements to be provided at owner 1 s expense and at luch future time al the Council calla for salDe a. required by improvement of lailay Avenue in this vicinity. Deed and Agreement to be recorded. CAMPBILL PLANNING CCltMISSION /~ damson. Deputy City Clerk 2, 1960 CAMPBELL CITY CaJNCIL /' . ./r, '.'/ ~ -() _?, Dorothy vethan, February'it, 1960 c,/ --- ! I - . ./ ~ "'/,(. " '. -"" .. l.-. y' ........ City Clerk ... ... I CITY OF CAl.'\1PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION NO. Application for uSn Zone Approval JaD. 2, Date , 19.!!- In accordance with Sections 19:286 and 19:287 of Ordinance No. 43 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plansA 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follQ~s: (Ina~rt pr attach legal description. ) 1.0~ :Ulilock 4 J.il the'fown of CUlpbeU Sub. Book , of Map. page 39. J.ot 20 Bloet 4 of .pa of the Buoker. Adclitlol1 in eaap'bell, as reoorded in t' '. "" -........... ot Santa Clara ot California in book , ot IaPIl page 39. 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a uritten statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers in oonsidering his a'Oplica tion.) Conatruot101'1 ot a .hedroak storage build1Dg. 3. The prp~Qeed improvements will cost approximately $ lO,ooa.OO . 4. Applicants should attach three (3) oopies of site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One oopy will be retained by Planning Commission, and two returned to applicant. r 'Mt/.;i 'e . (j) tft , J 1~~C 5-111 . ~'\~t4 At; ;t1~~i, \ t111 Sit,1. Ir.~ ~lgna.t~reor Applicant 264 Raika7 A..... Address of Applicant Filed in Office of City Clerk. Callpbell, City Cal1t . State PIl 8-8S20 Telephone