ENC2002-00078Date: August 7, 2003 TRANSMITTAL FROM THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Public ~Torks Department PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CAMPBELL TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Barry Swenson Builder Green Valley Corporation 777 N. First Street, 5th FlPor San Jose, CA 95112 ~ Joanne M. D'Ambrosia, Senior Office Assistant 175-201 E. Campbell A~enue ENC #2002-00078 We are returning your check in the an City. The check represented plan checl permit. It is our understanding that completed at this time. tount of $1,718.81 that was never cashed by the fees in connection with the above encroachment the project on Campbell Avenue is not to be ~Joanne M. D'Ambrosia Enclosure 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95OO8-1436 · TEL 408.866.2150 - VAX 408.376.0958 - TDt) 408.866.2790 E] 0 0 0 Harold Housley From: Sent: To: Subject: Kirk Heinrichs Tuesday, July 29, 2003 5::22 PM Harold Housley ~ RE: 175-201 E. Campbell Ave. The property is owned by the Agency and the Agency is out of contract with Swenson. time. -kirk- There is no project eminent at this ..... Odginal Message ..... From: Harold Housley Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:zt4 PM To: Kirk Heindchs Subject: 175-201 E. Campbell Ave. ) I am in the process of reviewing the file in connection with the above referenced property. Barry Swenson's engineer submitted street improvement plans and G & D plans. Mr. Swenson also submitted a plan check deposit, which is still in the PWD's Land Development file. Was the property ever conveyed to him by the RDA? Do you have any idea when the project will move forward? Civil Engineeri.ng Associates, ilnc. Civil Engineers Planners Surveyors 635 N, First Street * Building A * San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: (408) 452-1066 FAX: (408) 452-1075 WE ARE SENDING YOU · [] Shop drawings r-t Copy of letter ./~"~Attached r~ Under separate cover via [] Prints Q Plans [] Samples [] Change order [] [] Specifications the following items: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESES ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: Q For approval Q For your use O As requested Q For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved asi submitted [] Approved asi noted [] Returned foricorrections 19 REMARKS [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO If enclosures are not as noted, ~us at 'once.~-----~ PUBLIC WORK~ ENGINEERI~ Date: ~ ~1.6 ¢ (P, ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT IG DIVISION For File No(s): Site Addr ENC. No. ITEM uNrr PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT < $30 K $30 K to $150 K > $150 K $ AMOUNT L DEMOLITIONICL~ARING 1. CLEARING & GRUBBING LS $1.052.$0 i 2. SAWCUT P.C.C./A.C.(Up TO 6') ~:75Z_9 LF $6.10 $4.10 S2.75 ,'~l~ b~ $34.75 $26.30 $12.65 4~-q5 ~. =EMOLIS.~,ST,NGINL~,,LUO RCP'S ~ EA 2. 15" R.C.P. (C~S lid ~ LF $75.80 $55.80 ~.20 3. 18' R.C.p. (C~SS [ID ~ LF $81.0: $69.45 $~.~ 4. 14' R.C.P. (C~S I11) LF $~.~ ~8.95 $68.~ 5. 30' R.C.P. (C~S lid LF $1~.20 $87.35 $75.80 6, r.v. [NSPE~ION (12') ~ LF Sl.25 $0.~ 8. F~T G~TE INL~ (C.C. D~AIL 6) ~ EA $1,620.~ 51.275.~ $1 .~2.~ 9. STD MANHOLE (C.S.J. D~AIL D-I 1) ~ EA $2,315.~ SI,850.~ Sl,505.~ ,,,. co.c~ 1. SIDEWALK ~0% SF $7.~ $6.75 ~. VALLEY G~ER SF $14.50 $I 1.~ $950 5. ,CURB RAMP ~ EA $I,~.~ SI.052.50 S947 25 6. T~E ~-1 CURB ,. LF S13.~ $11.05 $870 7 TYPE AL-B3 CURB LF $1735 S13.~ Sll s CO~aLESTONE ~Di*S SU~FAC~ ,, SF SU.~S S2 LO~ S? ~0 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERII~G DIVISION Date: For File No(s): Site Addr ENC. No. ITEM [, UNIT PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT[ < $30 K $30 K m 5150 K > $150 K $ AMOUNT IV. PAVEMENT I. ASPHALT DIGOUT AND REPLACE ! CF $5,80 $4. H $2.95 2. PAVEMENT WEDGE CUT (6') 3. PAVEMENT GRINDING { SF $0,95 $0.63 $0.42 4. PAVEMENT FABRIC (PETROTECH) SY $2.30 $2.10 i $1.75 5. ASPHALT CONCRETE (TYPE A) · i T $92.50 $57.90 $42.10 6. AGGREGATE BASE (CLASS 2) - i T $47.35 $23.15 $13.90 7. SLURRY SEAL (TYPE Il) SF $0,09 $0.08 $0.07 8 AC OVERLAY ~ $52.00 9 SLURRY SEAL (TYPE Ill) I SF $0.13 $0.11 $0.90 V,TRAFFIC SIGNALS/LIGHTS 1. DETECTOR LOOP (6' ROUND) { EA $520.00 S347.00 $289.00 2. DETECTOR LOOP (6' x 30').__ i EA $752.50 : $626.25 $510.45 3. :DETECTOR LOOP (6' x 50'1 4. ELECTROLIER i EA $2,947.00 52,526.00 $2,084.00 5. I 1/2' RIGID CONDUIT i LF $10.40 $8.20 $5.80 6 2' RIGID TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ~ i LF $ 19.7( $ I5.05 $ 11.64 7 CONDUCTOR LF $ 0.85 $ 0,65$ 0.55 8 PULL BOX (NO. 3 1/2) EA $347.00 5278.00 $214.75 9 ]'RAFFIC SIGNAL PULL BOX (NO. 5) ! EA $463.00 $405.25 $34730 I0 PULL ROPE - [ LF $0.57 VI. STRIPING AND SIGNS i 1. REMOVE PVMT. MARKINGS (PAINT) I SF $2.65 51.60 $1.05 2. REMOVE PVMT. MARKINGS (THERMO) -- i SF $3.70 $3.40 $l.75 3. REMOVE PVMT STRIPING ...... LF $1.50 $0185 $0.45 4 STRIPING DETAIL 9 ....... LF $1.30 $0.75 $0.32 5 STRIPING DETAIL 22 ...... LF $1.30 50.75 $0.32 6 STRIPING DETAIL 29 ...... I LF $2.35 SI.75 $1.25 7 STRIPINC DETAIL 32 LF $2.50 SI.85 $1.30 8 STRIPING DETAIL 37 (THERMOI .... SF $2.10 $1 75 $1.15 Page 2 of 4 CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Date: For File No(s): Site Addr ENC. No. ['rEM i UNIT PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT < $30 K S30 K to $150 K > $150 K $ AMOUNT 9 STRIPING DETAIL 38 (THERMO) SF $2.90 $2.10 $1.30 10 STRIPING DETAIL 39 [ LF $1.60 $0,90 $0.47 11. LIMIT LINE LF $1.70 $1.30 $1.15 12. CROSSWALK, 12' WHITE LF $1.40 $1.10 $0.90 13. PAVEMENT MARKINGS (PAINT) ~ i SF $3.25 $2.50 $2.10 14. PAVEMENT MARKINGS (THERMO) [ SF $6.60 $5.05 $3.40 15. PAVEMENT MARKER (NON-REFL.) '-"'-"-=' EA $5.20 $3.50 $2.50 16. PAVEMENT MARKER (REFLECTIVE) EA $6.95 $4.75 $3.65 17. TYPE K MARKER I EA S109.50 S92.50 S81.00 18. TYPE N MARKER ~ i EA $109.50 $92.50 $81.00 19. SALVAGE ROAD SIGN [ EA $99.00 $87.35 $75.75 20. RELOCATE ROAD SIGN (WBI ON NEW POST) ..... [ EA SI 15.75 $99.00 $87.35 21. INST. RD. SIGN ON EXIST. POLE ...... i EA $231.55 I $168.50 $t26.30 22. ROAD SIGN WITH POST i EA $347.30 S277.85 S226.30 23 INSTALL 1226S SIGN WITH POST I EA S252.6O 24 STANDARD BARRICADE i LF S15.75 VII. LANDSCAPING I, IRRIGATION. PLANTING WORK SF $7.35 2 PRUNE TREE ROOTS I EA S147.35 $115.75 $100,00 3 TREE REMOVAL EA $684.10 S526.25 $421.00 4 ROOT BARRIER (12') I LF $21.05 $10.50 $6.30 5. ROOT BARRIER (18') ; LF $26.30 SI5.80 Sl0 50 6. STREET TREE (24" BOX) EA $447.30 $34205 ! S315.75 7. STREET TREE (36' BOX) ..... EA $710.40 S589 40 $421.00 8 TOP SOIL BACKFILL ,.. -~ -- CY $26.30 $22.6O S19.05 0 IRRIGATION ~-~ ! LS $1368.25 5710.40 VIII, MISCELLANEOUS I PEDESTRIAN BARRIER LF $86.85 $69.45 $5790 2. CHAIN LINK FENCE (6') LF $17.35 S13.70 $10.50 Page 3 of 4 PUBLIC WORK~ ENGINEERII~ Date: CITY Of G~AMPBELL DEPARTMENT IG DIVISION For File No(s): Site Addr ENC. No. ITEM UNIT PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOUN'T NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT < $30 K $30 K m $150 K > $150 K $ AMOUNT 3. RAI$£ MISC. BOX TO GRADE ~ EA $315.75 $'210.50 $18420 4. RAISE MANHOLE TO GRADE ~ EA $421.00 $364.45 $315.75 5. INSTALL MONUMENT BOX ~ EA $473.60 $364.45 $315.75 6. MEDIAN BACKFILL CY $22.10 $19.70 $16.85 SUBTOTAL ~:1; PREPARED BY: j I0% MOBILIZATION, CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROIdPHASING. REVIEWED BY: CONSTRUCTION STAKING CONSTRUCTION TEST~NO b& APPROVED BY: i 1o~ COmINCENCY [d, T,TAL FAIT"FU'.PERFO A.CE$£C,, I USE THIS MVIOUNT FOR SECURITY j:\forms\engineer's esUmate rev by HH 9_Ol.xls Page 4 of 4 CITY ~F CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION APPLICATION NO(S): ADDRESS: Instructions: This checklist provides advance notification to applicants of the City of Campbell's final on-site grading and drainage plans and submittal requirements. Using this checklist will expedite your application through the City'S review process. Prior to submitting a final on-site grading ahd drainage plan list to the City Engineer, please place an "X" in the space to the right of each iter0 below to indicate you have complied, place "N/A" to indicate that the particular item does not apply. Review applicable sections, which are referenced in parentheses, before checking off each item. SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF ENGINEER I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CH/ COMPLETION OF THIS CHECKLIST AND PROFESSION CODE, AND THA1 STAND.AP, DS. Signature Date Printed RCE # 3 Expiration Date OF WORK. ENGINEER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I ~RGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AND S DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT (SEAL) I ' CITY ITEMS i OK N/A COMMENTS I. GENERAL 1. Applicable General Notes included. 2. 24" X 36" sheet size used, including borders for land ~,. divisions I -1- CITY ITEMS OK N/A COMMENTS 3 Title Block/scale/north arrow shown, i 4. Plans must be clearly readable before iand after microfilm reproductions. 5. Engineer's name, number, expiration idate and signature included. , 6. Vicinity Map shown (must be microfi!mable). 7. Sheet Index and key map included fo~ 3 or more sheets. ~ 8. Cross sections as needed for clarity. 9. All adjacent streets labeled correctly, i 10. Reference to City benchmark. ~ 11. Existing and proposed property easement lines. 12. Streets dimensioned (existing right-of-~way, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk and Parkways). 13. Adjacent properties labeled as to use. ~ II. GRADING 14. 1 ~ contour lines (existing and proposed). 15' elevations. Existing and proposed building locatiOns and pad 16. Proposed elevations at high points, grOde breaks, and other significant locations. 17. Finished grade elevations at building !omers. 18. Lot comer elevations and the elevation at the high point in the yard. I 19. Side and rear yard topography extend!ng a sufficient distance beyond property line (20' mi~mum) to determine that proposed grading will not impede existing drainage patterns. 20. Existing and proposed fences or retai~ing walls. '~, 21. Quantities of cut and fill in cubic yarc[s. 22. Lots numbered and dimensioned per final map. I -2- CITY ITEMS ~ OK N/A COMMENTS 23. Grading conforms to approved preliminary plans. ',~ 24. Sufficient elevations on adjacent parcels must be indicated to demonstrate that proposed grading will not impede existing drainage patterns~. III. DRAINAGE 25. Location and elevation of overland release to public storm system shown. 26. Roof drainage outlets shown, i 27. Interior drainage facilities identified (catch basin, pipes, swales, etc.). , tx 28. Size, grate elevation and invert elevation of all inlets shown and cross section of drainage Swales shown. 29. Pipe materials, slopes and sizes showaa. /',, 30. Channelization of flows to adjacent pl'operties will not be allowed. 31. Construction of french drains will not be allowed. 32. Sheet flow across public property will not be allowed. IV. NOTES 33. City of Campbell GENERAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES are included on the plans. -3- V. SEAL OF ENGINEER OF WORK I 34. Seal of Engineer of Work shown on ~lans as follows: SEAL OF ENGINEER OF WORK: I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for this project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with current s~andards. The design shown hereon is necessary and reasonable and does not restrict any historic drai~nage flows from adjacent properties nor increase drainage to adjacem properties. I understand that the check of project i drawings and specifications by the City of Campbe!l is confined to a review only and does not relieve mC, as Engineer of Work, of my responsibilities for p~oject design. Engineer of Work, P.E. I Date Firm Address Telephone RCE # Exp. , j:\forms\grdchk2 Rev 6/29/00