115 Dot Ave. (63-5) RECEIPT CITY OF" CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date *~I 1-. e:zf 19kY Nam.JIA/ ,/I t/ Jvs/~A/~ ~dH/e A/ Address $~ # "e> /eC!.# J;,A/ ~..Je e2f' ~~, ~ , RECEIVED Doll." /1'",2 J !?,O Cent> l1bJP~ CHECK./<. leAsH reo I FOR 7/,( ~I/ /k;/e""IrJr tJ:tItC~ S /JI r 00::.' ~r/ ?;.t:,q V~~/.u ree... S'7J ~ stteel 4!-///. JJ;,.vJ) /.z ...sO~"'~f"6, Fund CeA/l~ 7062 CITY CLERK By INTER-DEPARTME~TAL RELEASE FROM: TO~ RE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~eN 6 t '~ /( /7/ b 5~'--- ject) I Ih~, ( Ol'mer G Name) /~g=i~ l::~- The following conditicns of approval on subje~t property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. ~~n~'~sf- ~(f)J1k 11~;9 ~->-t-'- J ,#;; _ b-C'-' @l-$J.iT.:L~..J~ 4_l.:v~_~__~2.5~ - -, _.-----------.__.--..-----------_._.._-....~_. _._.-._~_._--._- --.----- ..._...~.----_._.._----~~.._-------~..-.~- --'----------;:1 ~~ .~~, C, ~~~Q 1~ ~~ Bdo?<t-J;-~JJsLr DEPARTMENT By~ ~ y if t~ ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION USE PERMIT NO. 1963-5 JUNE 19. 1963 In accordance with the provisions of Section 9328. Chapter 3. Article IX, of the Campbell Municipal Code. THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH-SCHOOL is hereby granted a Use Permit to construct & Use a multi-purpose school building on property located at 115 Dot Avenue, subject to the following conditions: l. Applicant to provide 41 additional off-street parking spaces and pave In accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 2. ~. & Improvement on Dot Avenue. 3. Storm Drain Fee on entire area. 4. Building to be hooked up to existing fire alarm system and Fire Alarm Plan to be approved by Fire Chief. APPROVED BY the Planning Commission of the City of CaMpbell on the 18th day of June. 1963. Said approval to become valid on June 28, 1963. CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION v. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION USE PERMIT NO. 131 DATE: June 9. 19;:9 In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 43 (Zoning Ordinance of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH (SCHOOL) is hereby granted a use permit to: construct two classrooms on property described in their applica tion filed on the th day of )/iay, 1959 As provided in Section(s) No. (s) No. 43. of said Ordinance Subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to the approval of the Traffic Engineer of a complete parking plan showing ingress and egress and that particular emphasis be given to the loading and unloading of pupils. 2. That the easterly property line facing Rincon Avenue be fenced. 3. That the developer ente}~' into a 1ilritten agreement \:(iith theCity Council covering the following matters: a) Installation of City of Camp'ell curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement .b) Posting Faithful Performance and Labor I,laterial Bonds each in the amount of $1,000. c) Dedication of land to a line 30 feet north of Rincon Avenue monument line ~ required to provide a 6U foot right-of-\.;ray. (j,s, Granted by the City Planning Commission of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of Ca.lifornia, this 2nd day of June, 19 S9 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk Secretary B~l : ~. ~'- ..-'~'" / .:' -..";'L-c" . ?-'-L-/ Attest: City Clerk damson Deputy City Clerk Jnr/rttr ])d/; / A 1- ~ - qLf 71/ RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION i}UTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BY MAYOR AND CITY CLERK vIHEREASt there has been presented to City Council of Campbell an agreement for the construction of roadway improvements beneficial to development of property of o~mer within the City of Campbellt a municipal corporation; and vffiEREASt the City Engineer has explained the necessity for said agreementt and has recommended the acceptance of same; and ~mEREASt the said agreement is approved by the City Attorney for the purpose for which it has been offered; nowt thereforet BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by L;?/,l!rdl [a.l!crn/'('l... Cc'/1/ererlce A:;;( L;....(IC,'7 r/ the:. SeJ-.'Pl'7lh - Dc;'V' Ad Yt7/1lI5/s , be and the same is / hereby acceptedt and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 19_, by the following vote: AYES: Counc i 1m en : NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk I, hereby certify that the foregoing is a passed and adopted the day of a regular meeting of the City Council of the City , City Clerk of the City of Campbell, true and correct copy of Resolution , 19 , at of Campbell. City Clerk