Rincon Ave. (75-12) : \ , , , \ .0 C! o ~ .0 - L ANOS Of JO'l ,.. .... :: r:,-'{ D F<::. :;,..;~ €;: ~::::'" i...... 441 AC. 4. \ R\NCO~ \AVENUE -~ \ S~9'43..!~W_ J_ \cg \- ~\1> \1\ . to! \~ <..J 1. '" '" :So Q.. ,.\~ 0 ~~ ~ a! \~ ~ "t.. III c) 0 "" z . ~\~ 0 III 0 ~. ':Eo \t ~ 10' ~ \ \ . 20 .~ <:-I o - o .' \ N, o 01 C'I N\ l..,1 pOB. ..\.~., . :: \ a04B'l5"W ':.1:51";J - - N 8904-3'20" E' R/S LANDS OF CA R L I N 0 :, .-:i. .::\ ~.!: :". . . .... .., ..... SCALE: 1": 10' J.M!P TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELl... Dr.By L.M.S. MAY ,1975 CltByL.C.V. MAY ,1975 c::ILand to b. ,ront.d to City Contains 2&2.3 sq.n.1: Pr.par.d by the Offlee of the City EnOl n..,. Campb.II, Callfor"lo RECEIPT CITY CF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. C ,UFORNIA ,7 ~)/, /:} ~ , NAME (, /' f(AV~~~1 ADDRESS('...../()~~~k~~ / ;I - rf /7 ( - . FO)l 7\ .) _ Z' ). /f r.3 ~'..~,"J II", l'jJ,~1 /0r-r~,::r= (".tt-N'''''L. I~ ~ 7 ' ,c)t - / c'-r? r:. : ?? /J; _ 7)'- ~/y- - ~ {}- 3./ FUND NUMBER --<\I' ./ d () ,{ I}-- RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT .'.AY 2]-75 027 -x ';q\" * 1 00.00 85 027A u*100.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. HAY 23-75 ~s 0736 //7 . ai} JU:--~ / BY / ..' r, ) CITY CLERK L-/ if Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy CITY OF CAMPBELL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 23 CITY OF CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA PARCEL N~.. 36, 37, & 38 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON AMENDED ASSESSMENT AND SEGREGATION AND APPORTION~lliNT OF UNPAID ASSESSMENT UPON CERTAIN PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. 1. An assessment has heretofore been levied against said parcel or parcels, being a portion of said Local Improvement District, and said parcel or parcels are proposed to be divided or com- bined as described upon Exhibit A, attached hereto. 2. Pursuant to law, an application has been duly filed with the Street Superintendent requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original'assessment(s) be apportioned or com- bined by said Street Superintendent to said parcel or parcels of land as described upon said Exhibit A. 3. It is recommended that the assessment on said original parcel or parcels be apportioned to said proposed parcel or parcels and new assessment number(s) be assigned thereto as follows: NEW ASSESSMENT NUMBER (S ) 36A 37A 38A ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT 3,651. 71 NONE 5,600.62 APPORTIONMENT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSt1ENT 5,286.08 ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT NUMBER(S) 36 37 38 Dated: .)// , , 195 i iam G. Wren, Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell I. the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell, do hereb~ certify that the foregoing apportionment of assessment, together w~th diagram thereto attached, was recorded in my office on the ,/3 Laday of (7c~ ' 19 7~ ~_ >>L ff~ ;]'0 e~E11iott Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell EXHIBIT A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 23 CITY OF CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA ORIGINAL PARCEL NOS. 36, 37, & 38 The proposed new parcel or parcels are described as follows: PARCEL 36A: All of Parcell as shown upon that certain Parcel Map known as P.M. 75-12 and filed in the office of the City Engineer, City of Campbell, on April 25, 1975. PARCEL 37A: That certain 26.14' wide strip of land running from Rincon Avenue south for 283.53' being a portion of Parcel 3 as shown upon that certain Parcel Map known as P.M. 75-12 and filed in the office of the city Engineer, City of Campbell, on April 25, 1975. PARCEL 38A: All of Parcel 2 as shown upon that certain Parcel Map known as P.M. 75-12 and filed in the office of the City Engineer, City of Campbell, on April 25, 1975. v 'TRANSMITIAL SHEET - BONDED ASSESSM.r.rITS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. 40t;:, - J:OI - CITY OF CAMPBELL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 23 \-3 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. 36 - A YEAR PRINCIPAL INTE REST , , 197,5-1976 63 III 523 '04 I I 1976-1977 189 ,93 357 (79 I I 1977-1978 189.93 344.a8 , 1 1978-1979 284 ,89 331 .76 I 1 1979-1980 284 89 312 .25 , I 1980-1981 284 89 292 73 1981-1982 284 '89 , 273 22 , . 1982-1983 379 185 , 253 70 . I 1983-1984 379 185 227 168 , I 1984-1985 379 '85 201 '66 , . 1985-1986 474 182 175 '64 I I 1986-1987 474 ,82 143 'II I , '1987-1988 474 ,82 110 ,60 I , 1988-1989 569,77 78 ,07 I , 1989-1990 569 ,77-- 39 p3 5,286 108 , 3 665.06 . I , TOTAL . BY DATE 'TRANSMIl J.AL SHEET - BONDED ASSESShuNTS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 40~ - r;,-, - ~ \4- CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 23 BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. 38 - A YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST 1 1 1975-1976 47135 392144 , 1 1976-1977 142,50 26R'4h , , 1977-1978 142,50 258'hq . , 1978-1979 213.75 24R,q~ . , 1979-1980 213 75 234.28 1980-1981 213'75 , 219 64 1981-1982 213'75 205'00 . . 1982-1983 285'02 190'36 , . 1983-1984 285'02 170 '83 1 1 1984-1985 285'02 151 '31 , , 1985-1986 356 126 131 178 , 1 1986-1987 356 126 107 138 1 - 1 1987-1988 356126 R? 'OQ , 1 1988-1989 427 153 58 ,57 . 1 1989-1990 427 .53 29 .29 1 1 - f f TOTAL 3,966 25 2,749 .94 BY DATE . , '; ~ ~ '/I/Ii OJ' /'111'.' J:\H!J (II :-,....1' II ( 10\/1.\ \'.'\U,['.T'" 1:) NUfHH l:ENI HAL AVENUE - CAMPIJELL. CALIFORNIA !:lb008 -TELEPHONE: (408) 378,8141 Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch 630 North San Mateo Drive san Mateo, California 94401 ATTENTION: Ms. Nancy J. Roth SUBJECT: Apportionment of Assessments Local Dnprovement District No. 23 Assessment Nos. 36, 37 & 38 Enclosed please find copies of (1) Application of Apportionment, (2) Report of Superintendent of Streets, (3) Notice of Apportionment, (4) an amended Assessment Diagram Map of the assessments, (5) Parcel Map of the properties. Would you please have your office prepare the necessary apportionment sheets that are to be submitted to the County Controller's Office and forward three (3) copies to this office. This office will put on the new assessor's parcel numbers and forward them to the County. Please submit your billiQg to this office. Thank you for your cooperationi and should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ENGINEERING M NAGER L-C- By Lawrence C. Versaw, Engineering Technician I LCV: sg Enclosure CITY OF CAMPBELL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 23 CI'l'Y OF CAHPBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA PARCEL NO(S) .36,37&38 ... NOTICE OF FILING OF REPOR'l' AND AMENDED ASSESSMENT FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID ASSESSMENT UPON CERTAIN DIVIDED OR COMBINED PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND AND GIVING NOTICE THAT A HEARING THEREON MAY BE DEMANDED. TO: Buel G. Profitt 10 Kinder LaQe, Hillsborough, CA 94010 the original purchaser of bonds issued to represent unpaid assessments in the above project: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment of the unpaid assessments on the above-described parcel or parcels of land has been made as shown upon the attached Report of the Superintendent of Streets: NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN to you as the original purchaser of said bonds which are now outstanding that you may demand in writing a hearing upon said report and amended assessment within 14 days from the mailing of this notice, which is the date hereof, and that, unless you make such demand, said amended assessment shall be recorded. Da ted: "~~~~ --:e --<,/ Y? ~~~rui~~~ ~se E llott Superintendent of Streets City of Campbell ?A R 3~ A ~C2.w -t=-'<'O~+: 4ol.~4' +~. o..'C'eQ.(@ o.a'?~14 J + 4. ~V'o"y+. (@ 13.,=:>g-T3S) -: +~. "5+C'<'M (@,o.OOB?(S,:>) :: + f. R../~ (@ JO. \Z~3>) -= +~. pQ. v- <2.0... - - -B. R/~ c-~e.d.\+ 10. ~ ~ ; + \ \. Vz ~a..V) \ . ~ + , Z . I V"\d. co~-\- ~ 14. x "O~C ,~. x IIG,. r:,~3r'=>~o + 21. X ~'.2~ 0/0 000,-\-\0'1'\0..\ \Vld. ~pec.. R../~ -~~l+ - A'55ESS. Nczw a~ ~ IOB)~4~.SG?* ?) "18~.~o S) '=:>42 .a4 ~34.C4 4)\~'2..\3 "Z..> \<3\ .0 \ 18.) t::>8~ . '=>2 1) 4~.oo \\) \3~.S2 r:::::,) t 1\ . \7 - 22S.0D S)~3G.,. \7 G:. .) e:::, 2.0,) . f ~ I) (Dt "'3. 32 I) 40'3. '?>~ ~~\.\2. "2) (04~.ro ~,.~.. CV-\~'''''Q..\ o..\/'~o.."5 o..V\~ .\~~-\o.~tt.s ~\'~'-'~\,.. 1V'\a.c..c..~~ - '("'<2.~v.. \~ 'V\ ~a..c:..~ O'l"'S \ V\d \ CQ..~ PAR. 38A ~Q.w ~"O(\-\:: ZB\ .00' 1\J<2.W o..'CQ.O...: (~~ Co -n. 2. tp + ~. o..~ C~ o.c>c:>~\4) -= + 4. -+\('OV\+ ~,@ I"?>. e.8"138) 0:; ~ G,. ~x-V'I\....l~ o.~'S"1~) := -+ I. ~/~ G? lO.\2~3) -= -t 5. f><2-'r ~. ::: 4) z~~.(s 3) B \8. oS (08 :3 :22 2)~ .~2 - 8. R/~ c-\('QQ \ ,... - - \ () s8 , . ~ 2...:>8 10.00 8)11\.~4 2) ~2.~.(B - 10. , 3 -:- - + It. Vz. ~n I . - 0 - + \2. \nd. c:.o~+ - u - ~ ~ 110% 14. >( - - l~. X II ~ . ':::>~ :3 ( '==> c;,.- 0 - ZL x ~.,. '2.~ ~o - - + spe.c. So..n \ -= A~S'E:~S "Z) ~2"378 3j ZlG:>. Ie, "3),4'?>.B4 3)C'ACo.,Z 3\~. sa 3~G,(;;'. 2S 'J ~o-r-E:: o\(,\~\~Q,.' CL~o..~ O-.V\.d ~\('O~--\.o..~a.s s h~~-\\,.. lV\o..c:::.c..u...I('"CL-\c2.- ~~ '5v...\4-s. I "" +~ ~\r ,~ \ c:::...Q.,~~ ROBERT W. TONKIN, L.S. THOMAS E. WILLIAMS, C.E. TONKIN Be WILLIAMS - ~>',; '" '1'- ~ I , LAND S'URVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANN ING 1261 LINCOLN AVENUE, SUITE 208 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95125 293-2244 Campbell Union School District to Joseph Carlino, a married man, and Samuel Carlino, a married man All that certain property in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Rincon Avenue with the Easterly line of that certain 4.447 Acre parcel of land described in the Deed from Hiram P. Fairfield, et aI, to Amelia H. Joy, as recorded in Book 257 of Deeds, page 626, Santa Clara County Records, said point of beginning also being distant along said centerline of Rincon Avenue South 790 48' 15" West 20.02 feet from the Easterly line of the Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos; thence from said point of beginning South 120 30 I 00" East along the Easterly line of said 4.447 Ac re parc el 20. 02 feet to a point in a line parallel with and distant 20. 00 feet at right angles from said centerline of Rincon Avenue and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel to be described; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING South 120 30' 00" East along the Easterly line of said 4.447 Acre parcel 300.79 feet to the Northeasterly corner of that certain 2.509 Acre parcel of land shown upon that certain map entitled "Record of Survey of Parts of the Lands of Keith, Sanders, and Lulu Young et al", which map was filed for record in Book 147 of Maps, page 9, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 780 48' IS" East along the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of said 2.509 Ac re parc el 20. 02 feet to a point in the Easterly line of the Rancho Rinconada de Lo s Gatos; thence North 890 43' 20" East along the Southerly line of that certain O. 040 Acre parcel of land shown upon that certain map entitled "Record of Survey ~ Lands of ~ino", which map was filed for record in Book 143 of Maps, page 5, 0.. Santa Clara County Records, for a distance of 6. 14 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence North 120 30' 00" West along the Easterly line of said 0.040 Acre parcel and parallel with the Easterly line of said Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos 300.33 feet to a point in a line parallel with and distant Southerly 20.00 feet at right angles from said centerline of Rincon Avenue; thence South 890 43' 20" West along said parallel line 8.75 feet; thence parallel with and ,distant Southerly 20.00 feet at right angles from said centerline of Rincon Avenue South 790 48' IS" West 17.47 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. .... Ro bert W. Tonkin L. L. S. 2802 -J .....".CJ ~ ~~ ~n ) 3 t.L~ ~ JI Ii I~ . ! 1Hi ~. '!' j .. '" t ' ","; t. 11 ,,:.; ;>'~.1 ! "HUB OF THE FAlHoi['OUS SANTA CLARA \'ALLEYf:- I " 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 9500~. TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 Apri 1 15, 1975 P.M. 75-12 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PARCEL MAP OF THE LANDS OF CARLINO, APN 405-35-37, 405-57-9 1. The parcel shoo.m as I'Parrl sLane - to be abandoned" and the adjoining 6 foot strip are now vested in the school district. The portion1s thereof within Parcell shall be conveyed to the owner of Parcell prior to the recordation of the map. OV- Any portions of the 6 foot striP@llparr1s Lane" within 30 feet of the center line of Rincon Avenue to be dedicated. APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON APRIL 15, 1975 // ') \ J W ILL 1 ~~ ' ., .... 3. Parcel 3 to be conveyed in fee to the school district IIfor access ~urposesll. 4. The ftnal map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON APRIL 15, 1975 I ? I 'AI ..<<,11. iLl k_ . ( '" - - AR1(HUR A. KEE, PLANN I NG D I RECTOR CITY OF C^MPBELL APPIJICNl'ION FOR AMENDED ASSESSMEN'l' AND S EGREGA'l' JON APPOR'I'IONMEN'r OF UNPl\.ID l\.SSESSMEN'l' UPON Pl\.RCEIJ NO. 36, 37, & 38 OF RINCON AVENUE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 23 , CITY OF CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIl\. TO: Superintendent of Streets City of Campbell, California PART I A. Application is hereby made that you apportion the amount of the remaining unpaid assessment upon the subject parcel or parcels of land. B. The subject parcel or parcels Clara County Assessors Map as Book Paqe Parcel 405 57 9 405 35 27 of land are shown 'upon the Santa follow:= : Record Owner William F. Sloan, Title Insurance & Trust Co. c. The subject parcel or parcels have been or are to be divided or combined as described upon Exhibit "A", attached hereto. D. A fee of$lOO.OOhas been paid for each part or parcel into which the original parcel or parcels are to be established. A fee of $5.00 has been paid for the recording of the required Amended Assessment Diagram. E. A PrelL~inary Title Report has been submitted for purposes of verifying the names of all persons who own an interest in the subject parcel or parcels of land. F. Signature of the owner of any inter, eqt in any of th~ sub' e~t parce, 1s. ;; I /, //. Date ,) I 7S_._~_ c." < v--L -' _ __ - c"~J---{/'-' ---\ ( I .-:/ Applicint t_C~~ ?/l/t'S . By Received: Date PART II A. Application is hereby made that the assessment as apportioned and shown in tile Report of the Superintendent of Streets, dated , be recorded. Signatures vf all persons owning an interest in the origina 1 parcel or parcels of. land: " 7" t? pC . Dated ~/p~~<-.L '- /. ~. //: cZ )..(;. '< CJt/f2 ,-, 0;; C2/~/~':,:/? U---' Dated 7ik: ..i:, h,,; /..: l~~ ";<'L) (; ~Z;lll ~(;: C -~ {._~OO C (J. Dated) I 7) . ~ ' -:J ~.~.,.JL -~-~-v Dated /J ~- 'C'- __ _' --r-" - - "r~ f!ltJ-W//fffK ,5--:-9-1~ the need for Notification and 14-day wait- B. (Optional to eliminate ing period.) The undersigned, original purchaser of the Bonds in the Qbove matter, hereby consents to the foregoing apportionment. Dated_______ (Original Purchaser of Bonds) NOTE: All signatures in Part II of this appliccition must be notarized. Received: ~ \ Date 2~ A~ 1<0 LC-~~__