170 W. Rincon Ave. (75-12) INTER- DE:? ARTJ:.1EtJTl'..L H:C!10R]\NDl1?1 '1'0 ~ Building Depart.ment FROI'l; Public I^!orks Department The require."Uen-cs of the Public Horks Department have b(~en satisflea for the follot-dng developrnent: e. \JQJZ ~ / R. ~U.SCl '<l 7 BUIIJDIEG ADDRESS \,iO '0J ~\'^ccV\ liPPLICANT AvQ. COUL'T.i7"i" l\SSEssOn' S Pl-\r~CEL NDI1BER;.___ 4cS - .3 4 - I (j' ) II S II llPPROVAL NUl\1DER IS:- \?_ PUBLIC \'JORKS FILE NUIillER R\V"\ _G~) WTIJLIl.lH Go WREN, DIRE.:C'l'OR OF l'UBL C HORI<S By_ Dal:<,__14~t..\.'1 L ~ RECEi.~T CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME ADDRESS FOR~ #~ d!z~ ~-e- /17d $. ~.~ ~ ..370 ~ /1'// /F-;y - ~//I/' (76) / / ~.~ RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO, ~b J FUND NUMBER /l- ~..:31 o MONEY ORDER o CASH ~ CHECK fo ~ ..3 r g c/ DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT .JlJ1 16-75 018 **** 390.00 MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND JUt 16 - 75 65 018A ** * 390.00 SIGNED BELOW, @s 1540 BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COPY l .. ~ '" ~- -= '; 'OOi;cc ~ if: r- O c '" "", t :I: ;l E P':1 ~ "':::,~.: L \:tj). 2~ 1=6.; SO ~ ~r:2.o..d "f. 160 cowd..,~.) + IG,.~~. "lytlc.,da:.t1. )-Z"'$>96 ::. 4,:>0.>. O-r 4. 'oa..\O-V\CJZ ~ (48~- .~~') s~oRM c;.t~ u:-\.J ~ \"". f 1 PL/dlIHlJG Dr.:l'ARTl~UlT C IT Y 0 I' C A [.J P d L L L 75 Nor:TH Cr::iTRAL A'If,IIUE CA/1PBr:LL, CALlrORllIA DATE: July 7,1975 ------------- COl; lJ I T I ali S A TT ACHED TO "s" A P PR OVA L or PLA!1S or BOY.9~-=-_~~~~____ , FOR CONSTRUCTIOIl OF a thirteen unit ------ ---------.. -------- apa~~ment comp}ex TO BE LOCATED AT --1,J~est Ri~n Ave. CONDITIONS: Subject to attached conditions. Section 21.42.090 of ~he Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extertsion for' sue hap pro val i soh t a i 11 e d by m a kin g vl r i t ten a p p 1 i (; a t i 0.. for s a T'l e to the P.ianning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of sucll approval. 1 J , . . I I I , No buildinG permit sl!all be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY or CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR ~lEET ING HELD ON" THF: _3r_~_ day of July , 19 75 . CITY or CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY t_J2~{~{2~_;j;;~jC]2lb. ARTHUR K[r;, Sr.;CRL'i'/IR'i cc: Fire Department t..-frUbl ic Works Depart'ment Mr. Bob"Ferguson 33 B North 1st Str~et Campbell. CA. 9500R r ~ COND IT t OIlS or APPRO"':'L - Deel, Boyd B. lie-II .;. 75-12 Prop~rty to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and"C1s added in "red" on plans. landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submi~tc~ for ~p~roval of the Planning Director at time of application for bUilding permit. 3. Landscaping sh~ll be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 1. 2. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount 0: $3,000 t? b: posted to insure landscaping, fencing and strilJing of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or appl icant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. All mechanical equipment located on roofs 5h.::ll be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 5. 6. Hours of operation for pool not to go beyond 11 p.m. 7. Tree projection into driveway not to exceed eighteen inches. Iht applicant is notified as part of this appl ication that he is required to I"ll-eet th~~ following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with S~ction21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or. bumper guards. . B. U~dcr9round utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department fo, plan check shall indicate clea~ly the location of all connections for underground uti lities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed unti I application i3 approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipula~es that any contract for the collection and dispos.:d of refuse, garbi-1ge, 'wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbel I shall be made with Grecn Valley Disposal Compc):)Y. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings, multiple <~p~lrtl1lent units, to all conimcrcial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. F. Trash container(s) of a size and qunntity necpssary to serve the development shall be lo<.:ntcd in i1reil(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted"enclosurc(s) shall consist of n concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified. by the Fire Department. ^ll enclosures to be constructed at 'grilde level. 1 COND IT ION S OF APPROVAL - II $" 75-12 Dee!, Boyd B. Page Two G. Applicant shall meet.all State requirerrents for the handicapped. BUILDING DEPARTMENT H. The swimming pool shall be separated from rest of property by a building or fence at least six feet high. I. . ~Q t-JO-"'\ K. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Storm drainage fee based on $765 per acre. ~/>3~O Driveway to be relocated minimum five feet from west property line. Obtain excavation permit for modification of driveway approach and street tree planting. FIRE DEPARH1ENT L. Provide a wet on-site hydrant system with flre department conne~tion at street. , t1. Provide "2ABC" fire extinguishers. N. Driveway to be posted as IINo Parking." The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to.this development and are not herein specified. 1'" ""0(1 0' AU.~~..ul. " .-- .....TA C...\.1100l.... c;OUU1'f (....Ill,.. ((;o.)"'t" ) ...r Ta.", 1 ...."1 \ OI,l&ltO ~Jfta .#~-- [..",,1 r,: ':0' -,.-- I' ( .-.-'" lL-- 4\1~ !j ";".- ~ . _-";"_7-:=-~I_l" __~: @ CAN.P~~ · "1 "l T f :. .--, !l 'r _'. ;, ., " I' I ~" l:' ,I ""'1~-~ --~..-J I !! ., i ' .. I I · roo- 19 t! l' 7J 1 '1' 1 !!.I 10 C' ,~ : !! 'i' :!! '~"-""'-'- __c,,,~,, . :,,'.:,-,1- . r ttJ -'-~! .. -- ...-.,.~. '" . ,l /~I_-2.~!'I"" . ROS" . ~----'~ ~ I, . "\ f. '. .. I !' r!! ;l" :>", if; """. i ~f~-1 !t r:-' 'll--"''-.r,-~'':-J , ~_> t~ L-1' .; ~ ({i v ;" ,. '~.~- 1~:' w "N;~N ~ <, : ~ "..' ~n' ", . "U i . Ii ~-~ ~..J - .. , I I ~'-'~'" - ~; - ~ I' !! " 10' i ?! . x~ :J I ~ .: '.~ 1 t' ~ Ii.' 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