180 W. Rincon Ave. (1964) AlIA :lunty of sant _ ~Iara ~ ~-cl/:rJ.4- . R;n~Cr1</ #-.2. ~ SA", A.~~~ Cl ~ \'"' :J ,. o :tJ o ~ 0., ,~ (/,..Oft~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 20 WEST HEDDING STREET SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95110 December 24, 1964 Church of Christ of Campbell 65 West Rincon Avenue Campbell, California Attention: Mr. A. W. Little, Secretary Subject: Hedegard Avenue, Driveway Encroachment Gentlemen: This letter will serve as your encroachment permit for access purposes from the church parking lot to Hedegard Avenue subject to the following conditions: 1. The permit is revocable for cause by the County. 2. The parking lot is to be maintained in such condition that mud, debris, etc., will not cause a maintenance problem on Hedegard Avenue. 3. Connect to existing paving on Hedegard Avenue and provide adequate drainage facilities at the terminus of this street. Very truly yours, Dean P. Larson Senior Engineer WLA:gb cc: William Wren ~ ,'".~ . .. -I CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMM~SSION VARIANCE NO.---H..-- DATE .'~8JD,' In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 43 (Zoning Ordinance) of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, tpft t!llllllGII ,....Ja18 t ~81U8 is hereby granted a Variance in accordance with the provisions of Section(s) No. (s) _~ to: COMetuet: . church at: 180 w..t UaoOft ...... wit:h . 12' .t..,... ill u...u of 25' .. ~1n. by tbe ....M11 lfuld.elpal Code. .. per plau subllitt:ecl. Subject to the following conditions: 1. !bat the ....1ope eetft b_. . wi_tea &11'.-'. with the City ea.oU ...-..illa .....t.tf.oa .. .. CO . Uae SO fee, ...eIl of. tbe ....u.a. ef 1iDo_ A~. .d Juta11acloa. of ...... .1-.JJt. __ ... pct_ .d ,.,,__c .. aueh u.. .. ..u...t ......t.... an ........... 2. '1'ba t . .eU4 fence be e_U:UOca4 ,,1:... the ''''''1)' pz-ep-ty line of ..j.._ pnpert.J'. Granted by the City Planning Commission of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, this ~ day of j.u.-t: , 19--,' . fl( 6' ,Jf6'3> M t,. 1< ()G wk', CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION /") SECRETARY ~ /?