260-400 W. Rincon Ave. (79-4) --::P $L/, . /{..~~ - ~~'Ef~F~/k/"" W :'~~~~~~~'~c~~?CIATES ~. #L' A'4" 4a? R J (HI ;:, '~po 1 755 Page Mill Road. Palo Alto, California 94304 . 415/493-5310 , ,"', ,I . - January 4, 1982 PUBLIC V10RKS ENGINE.ERING (~~Y-i L/&- ( _ ,~ ,j 0 v~(:?:"'(.e,J r~-'l., 0/""" f. ~., (::I II . L ._""L< ,',1<''-- , , J J ~...........,v L ..',l. () '- C)-.:r-- CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 75. N. CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 ATTN: Mr. Joseph Elliott/Norman Samson RE Housing For The Elderly - Campbell Additional Trees And Spacing Of Trees on City Property - 400 W. Rincoln Avenue, Campbell Dear Mr. Elliott: As we were obtaining the Occupancy Permit for the referenced project, your Department requested and received a $700.00 cash deposit to complete several items that were re- quired, (Receipt #6104 attached). One of the items concerned the species, number and spacing of the trees planted in the strip adjacent to the street. We have planted the strip as per our City approved drawings and to request us to do something different requires directions from the Project Owner and Architect. In order to resolve this matter, we have requested the Project Architect, Mr. Ken Abler to contact you. In the mean time, we hereby request that our $700.00 deposit be returned as we are not the responsible party for the item you want resolved. Please remit to the above address. Very truly yours, WHE~ AS OCIATES ~~t cc: Hdsing Authority of Santa Clara County, Mr. John Burns Architectural Design Group, Mr. Ken Abler June Hammer SJH:rlh ,( ( . WHEATlEY ASSOt. .rES General Contractors 755 Page Mill Road. Pala Alto. California 94304. 415/493,5310 December 28>> 1981 Architectural Design Group 720 University Avenue Palo Alto, California 94301 ATTN: Ken Abler RE : Heusing For The Elderly - Campbell :,Trees on City Property Dear ICen: As we were obtaining ,the Occupancy Permit for the referenced project, the Public Works Department required that we post a $700.00 cash deposit to insure that cer- 'tain items be completed. We have now completed' all the items with the exception of the problem of the specie~, the number and :thecspaciilg of trees planted by us,:,in the strip of city owned land between the sidewalk and the street. . , We have planted the area in accordance with the Contract Drawings and request that yo~ settle the problem with the city in order that our deposit can be released. Your earliest r~ply will be appreciated.' Very .truly yours. Project Manager , , cc:' Housing Authority Of The CoUIity Of Santa Clara SJH:rlh ,~ -- f.- . . 'I :,,~ . . "'. ...~. .~- "... . _I"..... -="4.-:___ .... - . ..;.~__....___~,>J:...............~...... . RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME UJ~Ad~ ~ ADDRESS ~~ f/~ /J')U.f Ifcn-zQ. ~ . c:Joo A : .paLo ~ (jY30Y I FOR c~~- 700 ~ ~{fru ,().iit.J- t/U/LJ LP;AJf~ / i i REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, 3s,J,./ ',. . FUND NUMBER D- r/} -J. 'f o MONEY ORDER CHECK o CASH Is(p~7 DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT NO'! 23-81 008 *** * 700.00 I MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND o08A ***700.00 : SIGNED BELOW. NOV 23-81 Z1 6104 BY ~c CITY CLERK CITIZEN COPY Thank Yau CITY OF CAMPBELL ~ ,I' .' ."' . \ . ' . "~ 5','5'e-5 S err {; 3 oS- -,2 9'- 30 I-/r:~~ ;f>- ~~~ c~ ;f~c-~ 6 ~ P . W . F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acc t . I terns Amount 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 337,2 352~ 352~ 3521 Name Address Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Hap Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Hap Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Haps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL tJ~/~~ 7 S-S' ~7 (Z-td-f!.J ~~/ , fY ~ !2~ / I ,~ G / 9. &1-[,' $ ;2/ ~/1ov , Phone, Zip ~ 5/93- s~ 3/(J ~f'l-30 yt- FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date dO 0'-' cPr C, /y ~ " 5' -lJ'V February, 1980 ORDINANCE NO. 1246 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELE- VATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (APPLICATION OF MR. JOHN BURNS AND THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY, PD 79-4). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A" entitled "Plans and Elevations", Exhibit "B" entitled "Development Schedule", Exhibit nC" entitled "Map of Said Property", and Exhibit "0" entitled "Conditions of Approval", as per the application of Mr. John Burns and the Santa Clara County Housing Authority for approval of plans, elevations, and develop- ment schedule to allow construction of a senior citizens housing complex on property known as 260-400 W. Rincon Avenue in a Planned Development Zoning District. Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the Office of the Planning Department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this develop- ment _and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th the following roll call vote: day of October , 19~, by AYES: Councilmen: Daetsch, Hammer, Chamberlin NOES: Councilmen: Podgorsek, Paul ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Norman Paul, Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk EFFECTIVi UAT~i /(:/11-77 , EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Construction to begin within one year of City Council approval, and completion within two years after construction is started. lLIC HEARING HELD BEFORE THE C' Of CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION VI> SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL BY A 5-2-0 VOTE 260-400 W, RINCON AVENUE ~ l! t" ,.-1-- _----AVE -,- > ~ I 'l( ," .... I i>> '" ~ ~'~~ t., ~ 13' I~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ,~\~ f~ ~, r' Cot) , I, I ~ " - ~ I ... ~ , ,- "\ t\ n PO 7- " - -" ~\\\ ~', \ a '1~\ \ - \ \ 1;.\ 2' ~'~ \~ ~ ,t- 'e> "" V' ... '>/' ~ 0..... ~,Q ~~ << 11 ~ . 1 -~- 1 ...~ .I' , ..CS' 'VIS' · .", '\'" of" . .. 4"'9 ~..-. V.r 's.,:.1 "", ,. EXHIBIT C ...' ,."'" elL O' ~ _w.':.c: '~'_ ~~.x:-.: I'() 1<1' '" . 7" ')C ~ i _ ; -+7' ,fI' 1- ... ~ ; . .. iCHERR'I' LN. ,Q '. ~, +, ~ ~" fl @ _'_- BUOo-AvE.--- ,.. /' .-. too' · 100 AVE. J k,4S C' ~'\''''" Oct ~< 4 ~ ij'~ rs;,Q .pi;- 1- ..-. ~ oPes of" '" ~..-. ,~~ U (!.i~ n , @ EXHIBIT D CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PO 79-4 SANTA CLARA COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY A. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. B. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to application for building permit. C. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of Planning Director prior to application for building permit. D. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan. E. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within three months of completion of construction, or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final Building Department clearance. F. All mechanical equipment located on roofs to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. G. Clay tiles to be used for roofing material. H. The Fire Department is recommending that an automatic fire extinguishing system be provided. I. Construction to begin within one year of City Council approval, and completion within two years after construction is started. J. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. K. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. L. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. M. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Depart- ment. (Section 21.68.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code.) EXHIBIT D CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PD 79-4 SANTA CLARA COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY PAGE 2 N. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse. garbage. wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the city of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings. multiple apartment units. to all commercial. business, industrial. manufacturing, and construction establishments. O. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Depart- ment. Unless otherwise noted. enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self- closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. P. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City require- ments for the handicapped. Q. Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as indicated in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. Process and file a parcel map to combine two lOrS, ) t57l.,V Cc.' ~l'..J' __60) -- (~ (to '1-- ?-- 0--J..-b - S. Provide a copy of the preliminary title report. 0, T. Pay balance of storm drainage area fee in the amount of $2.619.00. U. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the approval of the City Engineer.~~ V. Obtain an excavation permit to remove and replace driveways. plant street trees and any other work in the public right of way. W. Widen driveway approaches to a minimum of 25 feet. FI RE DEPARTMENT X. Provide a wet on-site fire hydrant system. Y. Provide a manual fire alarm system. Z. Provide 12A-10BC" fire extinguishers. AA. Provide a kitchen hood and duct extinguishing system.