476 Rincon Ave. (69-6) t,.~ ."\ v r. ", ;~ I . "_~ , "'; ':-! J "lIUH OF j'JjJ~ FAJ3ULOC:S S:\i\'T.:~ (;1:\J1/\ i'ALlY}'!" ..; ,.......~".-_.,...-"'M:.-:..._~ .~~':.<..,;.,,::~ .__,-, ........T'_'. .,.,'. ':,i.:r. "';-."'.6;';;!;,~,, ,"--'-' #1'. ~,~:"'''','{,>;:, .:";:-<~---:...- ;": ::'~-~':,'': ;~. t.. ,- "I. .~_ - ',~ :c'..... '-',,', f. ~ ,'_;'ic~; ~ ';~,.'.':'"'L~:..o, ;.;. ,;. ~,... >-,,':'.1 75 i'KWHl CFi'lHU\L ;W::~jU[ . Ci\Mf'2.ELL, CI\L!FOr~N!/\ 95008 .. Ti:LEPHOtJ[ (,':OD) 378-:; 1:\ i January 22, 1969 UP 68-22 I ' . , S L . 0 - 2 0 C' 7 n ace 0 r Cl an c e W 1 t 11 C C L 1 011 .1.)" u , nap t e r _1, Article IX of the CaFlpbel1 rfunicipc:d Code of the City of Campbell, California ROBERT F. M<)lSTIWj,rc; is heTC~ by gran tell a Use Pc l'ni t to allo,,! a Pri v a to Sport and SHim Center to be constructed 011 property known as 47Ci Rincon AVC:iWC in (1]1 R-2-S zone, sub- ject to the conditions outlined in the attached Resolution No. 916. Said Use Permit to become valid on January 29, 1969, CITY OF CA:.IPBELL PLA0!Nlj,:G CO:,I;IISSIU:~ pka encl. ARTIIUR KEE Sccret;ary RESOLUTION f.!916 PLANNI:\C C:O\l:.lISSICH\ CITY or CAMPBELL, CALIFORr\IA WfIEH.EAS public hearing has been held in the manner specified by law on the application of 1~. F. Armstrong for a Use Permit to a110\1' a Private Sport and Swim Center to be constructed on property known as 476 Rincon Avenllo as per application filed in the office of the Planning DepartJ:lon t on Dc cClIlber 30, 19 G 8; and WHEREAS after oral IHcsentation by the Planninz Director, proponents and opponents, the COf!ln1ission did find as follows: 1. That the proposecl use is in keeping ,dth the develop- ment of the specific area in that the Rincon Avenue park sit cis 10 cat cd"" cst 0 fan d i Jam e (lj ate 1 y ad j ace n t to the proposed development. The proposed use will also be compatible \'rith the CclJilpbell School District recrea- tional areas to the south and east of the proposed site. 2. That the establishment, maintenance and use will not bed e t rim e n tal tot h e 11 e a 1 t 11, s a f 0 t y, po ace, Tn 0 r a 1 s , comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood. 3. That the proposed use will not be detrimental or jnjurious to properties or improve;nents :in the n8iBhborhood or to the general ,,'elfare of tho Ci ty of Campbell. NOW, .TIIl:REFORL, BE IT RESOLV[D that the Planning Cor.l!llission of the City of Campbell docs hereby approve the Use Pendt subject to the following conditions. 1. Applicant to dedicate to 60 foot right-of-way and construct OIle - ha If s tree t i1l1provellien ts on RillCOIl Avenue fran tage . 2. Applicant to pay storm drainage ((rea fee in the amount of $1,480.00. 3. Applicant to submit plans for architectural approval for each phase of development. 4. Use Pend t shall become void Hi thin 0:1e construction has not bCBun in accordance plans of Phase #1. (1) year if \'ii th approved 5. Plans foy Architectural Approval of Phases ttII ancl #111 to be submitted for appTo'/al on or before January 1, 1970, unless an extension of time has heerl requested and approved by the Planning Cournission. USE PERinT TO BECO:\IE VALID TEN (10) D1\"Y5 FIW:.{ DATE Or: 1\PPIWVJ\L. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of Janucuy, 1969, by the following roll call vote: AYES Commissioners: Grim, Healey, Klein, Pack, Scott, Chainwn Young NOES Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Lyons APPROVED: ____Ke lyi~_S_~___'(~!!lg____ A1''1'1;S'1': . Arthur Kee ----Sc-Ci~C-tfii);------ ~(ft-~' PLANNING DEPArni,lLXT CITY OF CAi.1PBELL 75 NOWJ'l1 CErn-RAT. AVENUE CM,lpnELL, CALIFOnNIA DATE: _i:"JlLil:lry IJ-,-_L:..Ll_ CONDI '1'1 ONS ATTACHED TO liS" APl'ROVAL OF PLANS or ::,0:.0 ri_E___ ,'.r;,_sJ~n~]L~ ___. _ ____,_______ ,______________..___, FOIl CON S T R U C T ION 0 F rV1 s'm ,.yr.nitSllI: TO BE LoeA TED AT: ___________(1 ;) ,_~:j__,__:'l:L_ 47t': :~ij co;,' ,''..vel1l),e S\:ir. !in noel locker -----~----"~---------- for r i ',. 3. t e s ;-, 0 r t CONDITIONS: C OJ;, i t i (; sat Ll c; e,; Section 9316.1 of the Campbell f-.lunicipal Code reads as f0110'.\5: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approvol was gl'anteQ, unless an extension for such approved is obtained by making \Hitten al'plicatio1;, for 5a1:13 to the Planning COlnJ:lission at least ,fifteen (15) days IHio1' to tho expi r2_tion date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approv2.l until a uS'\'! v.pprovc:l has been obtained in the m"nneI' providecJ for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAl'-lPBELL PLAN'NING COmlISSIO:-J AT A REGULAR :,iEETV<G HELD ON TIlE lltd DAY OF ::c;'~"nrv I>,"! ~ -"..........- '":._...1. .. \,.. ',' '. CITY OF CM,IPBELL PLAN0!ING C00I1\IISSION :1 t t . By: .t{/i-LA~--fc.uK'-:':c~~" "~._ __,___ AIJ"l'\{Ul' "L'L: c" j' ;'1',11,V '\. 1 \,!\~ , v ..~ \...... ~\~..l ---r , . . 1 ,(; e l' 1 , ; . c,' t . to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Existing large oak and other mature trees on property to be preserved if possible. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 5. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall ot fence shall be con- structed to house trash container in area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. Said en- closure to be 8' x 12' minimum with 6 foot self- closing gates. 6. Resubmittal of revised parking plan for Planning Dir- ector's approval. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in com- pliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all con- nections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be summitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Applicant to comply with all conditions of Use Permit 1968-2. F. The gymnasium and social hall, when constructed, must meet California Administrative Code Title 19 require- ments. G. Revise parking layout to meet design requirements of the Zoning Code. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Carnpbellwhich pertain to this development and arc not herein specified. -3- "S" 69-6 Armstrong, R. r. Recommended approval of the application of Robert F. Armstrong fo' ~pproval of plans for swimming pool, locI, r rooms and gymnasium for private sport and swim club to be loca- ted at 476 Rincon Avenue in an R~2-S zone subject to the following conditions. 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plan. . " , j- :. ...J 2.: "Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, loca tiun of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fenc ng -2- I' I!, I, <-'_!,/:,'.:,'':. j,j! (. ~1 -' 'r'n'~ '11" i' . '. '':'' ~ ,1-.. ". ;;. ';' , : ."~ , ,1'>/ I' ,-" 1:;_/ ',::~ ,... .-, " r-.: (j- / 7