563 Rincon Ave. (TR8186) CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: Bill Helms Engineering Manager Date: November 13, 1988 From: Jim Penoyer Engineering Technician Subject: Tract 8163, Callahan's Map 563 Rincon Ave ---------------------------------------------------------- This map is presented for Don's signature. It has been checked by reference to the fOllowing: ROS 27 M 6 ROS 27 M 38' ROS 370 M 5&:6 ROS 246 M 7 Preliminary Title Report dated April 19, 1988 Assessors Map 306-28-16&:17 The original map will be in the middle of the unoccupied drafting table outside your office when Don is ready to sign it. . , 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 ci\'1,"O tl' \\O'! \) <J \9?JCO ~OR~S \>l~~~ttR\~G CITY OF CAMPBELL Department: CITY CLERK November 8, 1988 Michael Callahan 850 E. Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Callahan: The Campbell City Council at its regular meeting of November 1, 1988, adopted Resolution 7630, approving the final map of Tract No. 8186 and accepting the dedications offered thereon. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed for your records. For further details on this approval, please contact Jim Penoyer in the Public Works Department at 866-2150. ve1;:;;;;;a~- ~;ara Olsasky City Clerk lp cc: Jim Penoyer - Public Works Department ;\ RESOLUTION NO. 7630 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 8186, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS OFFERED THEREON WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 8186, located at 563 Rincon Avenue for approval; WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to the State Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be, and the same is hereby, approved, and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on behalf of the public in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st by the following vote: day of November , 1988 , AYES: Councilmembers KOTOWSKI, ASHWORTH, CONANT, WATSON NOES: Councilmembers: NONE ABSENT: Councilmembers: NONE APPROVED: (J~JJ--'___ J~te Watsol} Mayor THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRtn: AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST: BAI'1BARA OLSASKY. CITY CLERK. CITY CAMPBELL, CALlFOR i BY DATED 12111 (5-' r ) WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GA TOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SARA TOGA UNINCORPORA TED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone (408) 378-2407 October 28, 1988 City of Canpbe11 70 ~. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract 8186 Rincon Avenue Gentlemen: This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installation, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. i~y Very truly yours, prJ*^Ni~S Assistant District Engineer PRN: E-20 Rev. 2-20-86 (FORMERL Y COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4) .-~ Gincable October 26, 1988 "'e"" '0 Ocr 2 7 Js..8~ PUBLIc - , fNGINEE~~::S' Gill Cable A division of Gill Industries, Inc. Offices Address: 234 East Gish Road San Jose, California (408) 998-7333 Mailing Address: Box 114 San Jose, CA 95103-0114 J. Penoyer City of Campbell 70 North First street Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract 8186 Dear J. Penoyer: Gillcable TV has no objection to the public service easement(s) 33 indicated on the attached map(s) for Tract 8186 It does not appear that there should be any problems to supply CATV cable facilities to this parcel/tract as presently designed. Should you have any questions or desire any further information, please call the Drafting Department at (408) 998-7333, ext/240. Sincerely, ~#(~ Jerry Martinez Supervisor System Design & Drafting JM/gc Enclosures - none cc: Callahan Properties 850 E. Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY : 0 900 NO, B LAN E( A V E N U E . CUP E R T I NO, C A L I FOR N I A 950 i 4 . ( 408) 973.8930 October 20, 1988 I,C.,,,,O OOr 24 7988 PUBLIC ~ fNGINEER9~~s City of Campbell 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: J. Penoyer - Public Works SUBJECT: Easement Approval for Tract # 8186, Rincon Avenue Dear Sir: The Public Utility Easements shown on the final copy of the Tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call Mr. M. F. LeRoy (408) 725-2186. at Sincerely, /){.l (f' t,'o'( / ~';J,:r ..r I,. ., ." '" ~-..2.-. ;""~' 2~ cc: Callahan Properties 850 E. Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 A. Pasquinelli Pacific Bell File I.. San Jose Water Company 374 West Santa Clara St. PO. Box 229 San Jose, CA 95196 408 279-7808 October 19, 1988 City of Campbell Planning Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Reference: Tract 8186 Prestige Park Gentlemen: The site of the above-referenced project is within the jurisdiction of the San Jose Water Company. Upon installation of appropriate facilities, we will be capable of providing water for domestic and fire protection purposes. We have no objection to the recordation of the final subdivision map. Sinqerely, ~/~ ~~a~~7a2L) /'JAMES R. BARITEAU New Business Department JRB:bn Est. No. B8-311 TO: City Clerk PUBLll JRKS FILE NO. J!i 11 (rg) Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35-3396 3372 3521 3521 t VL: ($ 50) "( $500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (]'Iu of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (specify project) PeJz.md Fe~: R-l : ($'35) ($200) (Cash) Depos it 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 Project Gene ra I & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Hap Fil ing Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil in Fee ($400) Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee $350 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Envi ronmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3370 / / ( 3395 '~-- 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage NAME TOTAL ~.d-xJ ~/>~k} , , PHClNE AMOUIJT $ ::Sj"b~ 1"1- 4 ~~ 2.. ~ $ /2 ~2--- ;/ ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK ClNLY RECEIPT NO. 7S-~ Id. ~Q .00 04r) /CJ-/'?-?t AMOl.Nr PAID RECE J VED BY DATE' July, 1987 1531 Parkl1loor Avenue San Jose, Callfurnla 05128 a..... PACIFICw...lIBELL A Pacific TelesIs Company August 23, 1988 City of Campbell 70 No. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Public Works RECEIVED AUG 251988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING RE: 11 Unit Townhomes - Rincon Avenue, Campbell Dear Sir: We have no objection to the Public Utility Easements (P.u.E./P.S.E.) as shown on the subject tract/parcel map. However, P.U.E.'s do not constitute an easement acceptable to Pacific Bell. It may therefore be advantageous for the property owner to grant our Company an easement for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the property served. Any arrangements for such an easement will be made directly with the property owner. The above mentioned Project is located within the Pacific Bell service area and telephone service will be provided in accordance with our rates, rules and regulations. Our engineering plans call for provid- ing service to this site when service is required. If you should have any questions, please call me on (408) 491-3529. Sincerely, 'hftJ~ Matt Williams Joint Trench Coordinator MW:cc cc: Callahan Sunnyoaks Properties TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL LANDS OF Lll II C\ ~l\ \1 SITE ADDRESS: ;- 3 APN I '30 S- - 2.. ~ _ I , CONDLIBR CODE # ,r-:..-' ..., 'c40 I (. ,/ --- ~ /~ e-\ "t(:4~) ~3 c44 c45 c46 .c47 c48 ';6:) ------~ /( c50 ~'.,-"', I I c~_~/ c52 f: CONDLIDR USERI 'R. "nc.on , 17 Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation Distrct No.4. Sanitary sewer~ge service to be provided by said District No.4. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said water company. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant maintenance fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195 per fire hydrant. ~, I SUbdiVider shall create or prOVide any public service easement and any other pUblic utility and/or pUblic service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. Compliance with the provlSlons of Title 20, Subdivisions of the Campbell Municipal Code. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee. SUbdiVider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. SUbdiVider shall install street improvements and post surety to guaranty the work. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post surety to install street improveraents in the future and agree to jOin a Local Improvement District. Dedicate additional right-of-way to widen to feet from centerline. CC&R's to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and common area. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. Obtain an excavation permit and pay fees and depOSit for all work in the pUblic right-of-way. Pay a fee of $ ~ in~ieu of dedication 0; '-- 12./ 452 ~ land for parks '/1"'-- ~99j/ MEMORANDUM ~-< 0\ (:"tot",,,,,,, , ,.. (~- ( . O."'''C. * . .':' * (I ,- '1. V -. ,. /~ a 0 "'II C p..\.\\ CITY OF CAMPBELL To: James Penoyer Engineering Technician From: Lynn Caldwell, Fire Marshal ~ Date: 8-12-88 Su~ect: TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP - 563 RINCON AVENUE ---------------------------------------------------------- See attached. Date: 8-12-88 r.AMPBELL FIRE DEPARTMENT _an Check No. Building Address: . 563 RINCON AVENUE Applicant's Name: Applicant's Address: Planning Approval Number: Occupancy Class: CALLAHAN SUNNYOAKS PROPERTY Applicant's Phone No. Construction Type: PLAN CORRECTION SHEET COMMENTS 1. Install one hydrant near the Rincon Avenue entrance. '\ FD/S75 TO: City Clerk PUBLI, JRKS FILE NO. AI/I+- , Please collect & receipt for the following monies: (specify project) PeM,u e.eA : AMOUNT $ 3372 3521 3521 3372 3521 R-l : ($'35) ($200) Depos it :t eJL: ($ 50) '( $500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 3373 3373 .lll..L 3373 3373 3520 3372 3370 J395 & costs) Fee ($350) Fee 300 Fee $ 00 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee $350 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($500) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption ($500 plus actual cost Negative Declaration 'above $500) Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre (R-l, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 4oo~ 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL ...,." ( " \ \q l, tI. t""\.. rr-iD r CIr t I '<.J ADDRESS &" S-o Urz. Lv- r" b e-I ( A 0 ,"- $ PHONE ~ 77 - 72..1 {,.- ZIP 9' j'V Og/ RECEIPT NO. ;L(J() ~ i$~ FOR C I TV CLERK CJIlLY AMO\..IIIT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE July, 1987