175 Rose Ct. (TR3524) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL RE~EASE FROM: 'ro~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT RE: {O er I s Nume /6.~MJL- ~ . Address of Property} ....- . The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. ~ a-v -1kL~ Re, - -' ---....--------. ------,-----~_._---_.__..~._~-_..- ---'.._--..- (pJ{~7 0/44-- CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT By~ .J1)~ I"~'" ..' }C- "f, /1 I f",i u:" / PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBEll. CALIFORNIA Date February 5. 1~64 COND I TlONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS Of FOLSE. HARANG &. ZAHOTELL I . fOR CONSTRUCTION OF T~O 4-UHIT APARTMENT~ TO BE lOCATED AT: tOND I TI ONS: 175 ROSE COURT. CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 1. Submission and approval of minor subdivision. 2. Conformance with Article IX. Chapter I, Part I, Sectiln 9115.5 of the Campbell Municipal Code, Including; a. Adjustment of L.I.D. #2 Assessment b. Dedication to Campbell Avenue Plan Line. c. PiW SLrm Area Fee of $375.00 3. S i g~ pet j t i on for Campbe J J ,u,venue AS$essment. Section 9316. I of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted. unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained In the manner provided for In this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 4th DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1964 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION (?'C' /' -: - - / .;" By: ("lJ,c.L<./J C...I . Evelyn damson, Secretary I WV 11317-A-A-l page 3 Parce 1 J,.. Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of that certain 0.891 acre parcel of lrmd described in 'the Deed from Rohert S. Curry, at ux, to J ame s :\. Curry, et ux, dated September 20, 1957, and recorded in the office of the recorder of the County of Santa Clara, St1te of C8lifornia, on October 23, 1957, in Book 3920 of Official Records, Fage 159, with the Northwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land described in the Deed from James ~. Curry, et UX, to City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, dated June 1, 19~1, recorded April 25, 1962, in Book 5551 of Official Reco~ds, 3t page 64, Santa Clara County Records; thence leaving said North~esterly corner of that certain ~qrcel of lqnd conveyed to the City of Campbell and running Alonf the We~terly line of said 0.891 acre parcel of land N. 00 8' 31" E., 7~ feet: thence leaving last said line and runnin~ rarallel with the Southerly line of said land deeded to the City of Campbell S. 890 51' 49" E. 113.95 feet, more or less to 8 point on the ~asterly line of said 0.891 acre.parcel of land' th~nre qlon~ last said line S. 00 00' 2" ~. 57.95 feet, more or less, to the irter- section thereof of tre Northeasterly co.....ne.... of said lam] ',) deeded to the City of Ca;npbell; trerce alon:~ tre Northerly line of said land deeded to the City of Campbell t~ngent to last said course along the arc of a c~rve t.o tre rir-ht havin!=!, a radius of 20 feet thr~ugh a central an-Ie 900 08' 9" for an arc distance of 31.46 f~et and N. Q90 ell 49" w. 93.93 feet to the point of beginnin~ and being a ?ortion of Section 34 T. 7 S. R . 1 ',tj., M.D. B . (~c:\'i .