33 E. Rosemary Lane (69-75) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME#~~~ - ~L'k L- ~ ADDRESS A. t --t' J ~~. A 'ORc!tfdijJ ij~~- ~ ,;0" ?7- 7J-' ~3 /iJ- // I ' __ ///6 0(" ~~I .~~~ II (17 / REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. c::::J Y / , FUND NUMBER A- .--J 10:3 () 129 CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT A (1 I) /)"1- 0 "It:f'~ :/~ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. FEB -9-70 fEB -9-70 006 ****~56.00 FJ} 81 006 A ** * ~56.00 1'-i1h1f' 1225 "' I~'} ~ Thank Yau CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy M.{ Vi'- ~~~.L- ~ /;~) (1,/ --- ~, ~EVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3{".(~ ':-UND NUMBER (I . (OIY (J CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JAH -2-70 JAB -2-70 006 ****170.00 66 006C *** 170.00 961 CITY CLERK ~, CITIZEN COPY '" ,-,. ~ ~ c,'" ~ -.J _,. J LI.J ,...-.... .":7 c'-:J - '-".-- i . {'........ :~~"- ;.r--,~~ (); ~-j'" "-'" CJ L\... C') l~ . -- >.... ~.... \ QJ c:) ~ iJ:: ~.J ~ ~ ,I (l) S +' ~.~ ~ (U " p... \ 'D A E-. ~ (f; '" ~V) t:=~ ~ cd ~ -. ., (j) 0-' . ~ CJ " .:8 +> 0 .,-! cJ 0'J n i:-i; (l':; k'l ~ ., U " fi: ,,,', ~ d 0 ;.:> ~ (1.) rl ," ~ .~ p:; ~ rl <1:l ,'-' 0 .-~ p. (j) E-i QJ ,:1 0 ,0 '-" '0 ..-"..4 E2 PI cj~ 8 0 ~':";l H c:l PC: l.'tj (:l 0 C) p.: 1-; III r~ 'H QJ c.) ,8 0 0 ;j ~: ~ (jJ ;:5 ;3 :>, tr.1 0 ~ f=i +> .r-! ,< J:-~ 'r-! tr.1 0;5 +> rx. 0 QJ Ul g v) Q) +, (;1 lot () 0 Q) 'd H ,13 C) 0 pj cd 0 X t) E--l ~ r=~ r"l ~ - I -City of Campbell 75 NORTH CE,...,AL AVENUE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 p, E 378-8141 ITa B/LL M#ELM~ E~:e SU BJECT SIGNED C $, c;ro "? REPLY /"') C::,../. - \ .-:,...,; C- SIGNED DATE 013 ~, &t~ · .- . .~ ,',( ) .slv I )),;,./7, }) LAN N 1 ~rG DE p 1\l~Tt,ll:>;T CITY OF CA1WBELL 75 NOlnH CE;,TRAI. AVENUE CM,lPt.SLLJ CALI FOi~:dA December t, 1969 DATE: --------...--,------------.- CONDlTIO::S ATTACIIEIJ TO "5" 'PI POV'1 or PI ~NS or John lIughe',s anJ j\ )" J, I "h l ,~~aY:n~-!:lo.p-P---:....,---- _.-:_-_._--_...:..._-~----~ --..---' I FruL CONsTltUCr I ON OF parking lot " "33 cast Koscmary La'Rf ------.-------- TO BE LOCATED AT: i ,--_.~------- ------ ---~----- . CO~mlTIO;\S: conditions of approval attached " Sectioil 9316.1 of the Campbell ~lU!lj:~?p3.1 Code reads as 10110\;5: Any approval granted undel' this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) deys after the date UpOll "hich such approval "as granted. lidos S , all extension for such approval is obtained by ,wking \Hi t ten epplica tic. fOI' S~'.l:\8 to the Planning' Coml:lission at least .fifteen (IS) days prior to , .' . r' 1 tile, CXpJr2,tlon c.ate 0.1: SUCil approva '. . . ' No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approvBl until a nc" approval hIS be.n obtained in the manner pTovidoi for in this Chavter. ' . . GRANTEIJ BY ~lIt CITY OF CA1.IPBEbbc&Ii~~;,N~9~~l'I:'lISSION AT A llEGULAR HELD O:i THE DAY OF ~.:EETr:: CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING Cml~HSSION cc: EngineeBing Dept. wIatt. Fire Dept. wIatt. By: . --.(KIHu It -rct-;-s ECRr~'~l'.:\~I~Y-- . , ' , \ , . ..\ -.'" .' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "S" 69-75 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Landscaping to be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or appli- cant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, and maintain same, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 5. Bumper guards shall be installed. 6. All parking spaces to be at 900 angle design and width of stalls to be 10 feet. The applicant is notified as part of this'application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Construct additional sidewalk to provide standard 10 foot commercial sidewalk. C. Construct driveway approach to City standards. D. Payment of storm drainage fee in the amount of $170.00. The applicant i~~ notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. ~ ,'- " ^,,' . ' .. .... ,,",,, "w-_... ",.~"' ,1", u" , ""\>t;'~~.,. i/ yO;' -~::~':.' i. ft 15.lJO ';" ~ ';1 ., '.<j 8001 8272 PACE 505 ." " I ~, '8696 t * Co, lift" ~-39-56 :,.."=-,, l(-;;:'::::~'::. :~. ,;;.::;:;.... \ ~U,}~itIt: ~~ 'r"~'~' : r.: SEP ;...... __.. I Gf0P;'?Z [ f"".*'...._, :', " ii ~.s."te CI.,. County. C ;;:_..., ' _ .. ~~cc==~_. ~..." ..m 1..1I__,_...._::.,.~~~ -- )' Cod. Ar..~__.___ WHEN RECOaDED MAIL TO Mr. and Mrs. John Uu~hes c/o , Mr..- and Mrs. Way~ Hopp ~ 621 F~st CRmp~ Avpnue CAmpbell, California MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO fJfr. and Mrs. John Hup:hes c/o GRANT DEED N_ Mr. and Mrs. WavTlf> HOt'D ~621 E:8~t CaIT'nr j.l Av~nue 'i~': Campbell, California L By this instrument d~ted Se.p.t.emberu~Q ~~9Q.e___. , for a v~luable consideration. ANN SOBRATO RUSSO, a married woman, $ Affix IRS I c)'V I~'~i -=-- 1M "I, If T-1 herebyGRANT(S)to . JOHN A. HUGHES AND JOANNE K. HUGHES, his wife,as to an und1vided 1/2 1nterest; and WAYNE M. HOPP A~D ~~ HOPP, his wife as to an undivided 1/2 interest, as joint tenants, , the real property situate in the City of Campbell County of_Santa l,lara Stllte of California, described os follows: ':1" The Easterly 8 feet of. Lots 5 and 6 and all bf Lot 7, as s~pWJ},}lPQn, that , , "}.. ~rtain Map entitled, "Tract No. 390 Winchester Villa", as "'shbwnon the Map:' . .. ereof filed for record in the office of the R~corder of the County 'Pf {, " ," nta Clara, Sta te of California on March Ie, 1947 in Book 12 of Maps, pajej5. , .. 1 I " .- I , I" \ /#.....-- / "'~t:'~ ",'. ~.~' / .'~ -.:: -... ~ ... _:.t..4;,7 1.,,"::' ; f./ , T"~ ~~..#."'-'t ANI~ SOUi.A TC hesse S,,ATE "~I C;':,.IFOR', -' J I . On 2.eptcI;1l:er ;:c.., ]'~?t:E Ilnd Stele, personel!y oppeMed Jc :n~ n'..~+~'re '-'lIe ~+,,, ,rf;el ___ne,; WM. A. FRENCH NOT:"RY pUG-tiC Santa Cl~ra County Ca:iL I' ..ii.......'"i'ia . j t~:...-t~i--" P:-,b;i::: . .. SC'l'd COUr,TY of Sa.~ ';"a C J.,,,a. ~:__~__IL~'~_T _'- .lLL.::.S.Cl known t() me to be t!"e pe'so!"! W~lose nt'lme WITNESS my hond ~nd oi':'c:~! 'e~l. My Commission Exp"e, :.9/ 2.8.J7l. is 5ub~ _' ,b9d f'II.+./").i.w;t1~n. '1I;'ert~, '~cknow:ed ~ A _ f'ren~n e'eculed the Slim., Notllry Public VTC,101 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE