Sanford Ave. (1961) - ..~(:?-p ~ ~.te' ,t..)~ ) ,,/ f' .LJ _ - , . ~ ~ ;fos;a pa fJi 5 C NvL. . n . . //^". j,. ..- , "-, ~ August 25, 1961 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 10900 North Blaney Avenue CUpertino, California ATTENTION: Mr. Howard Seedall Dear Howard: Enclosed are sepia prints for two proposed developments in the City of Campbell, which involve the installation of electroliers. In both cases the units are 175 watt mercury vapor luminaires with provision for underground wiring. If you recall our previous telephone conversation regarding the "Falaschi" installation, you determined that the pole immediately east of the site is appropriate for a riser on the S/w quadrant. The contractor, however, has pointed out that it may be difficult to mount the moulding due to a complex of telephone appurtenances which exist on the pole. We have informed him that our preference is for an underground hookup since this would appear to be the logical service point for the entire future lighting system to the west and down Winchester Road to the south. It appears that the "Snow" installation will have to be serviced overhead until some future date. Sincerely yours, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY ENGINEER By William G. wren, Assistant City Engineer WGW: cb Enclosures 2 CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA USE PERMIT NO. 2 HAY 8, 1961 In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance #301 of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California (?:O::~ -f~ Is hereby granted a Use Permit to cons~~~fflce-~-arngs on property located on the N/W corner of Sanford Avenue and South Fourth Street, Campbell, California, subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant to enter Into written agreement with the City Council covering the fo llowl n g: a. Installation of Fire Hydrant at 4th and Sanford. b. Storm drain deposit - $230.00 (Installation of curb inlet and connection to storm drain. Portion of deposit to finance this project.) c. Standard curb, gutter, commercial sidewalk and paving to stable existing pavement throughout frontage. d. Install one electroller. e. Dedication of 5-feet on Sanford Avenue and 5-feet on South Fourth Street to new plan lines. (Dedication as shown on plot plan.) Granted by the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell on the 2nd day of May, 1961 and by the City Council on the 8th day of May, 1961 CITY ~PBEll PlANNING COI1KISSION By: - ~-w~ Evelyn oemson, Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CAMPBELL B SNOWN, BYRON J., JR USE PERMIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL l. Installation of fire hydrant at 4th & Sanford 2. Applicant to enter into written agreement with the City Council covering the fo 110wi ng: A. Storm drain ~posit - $230.00 (Installation of curb inlet and connection to storm drain. Portion of deposit to finance this project.) B. Standard curb, gutter, commercial sidewalk & paving to stable existing pavement throughout frontage. C. Install one electrolier D. dedication of S nford & 4th Street to be determined. Staff has recommended 5-ft. dedicatioRs on both streets and plans are so drawn. City Engineer's comments are as follows: Sanford Ave. is 40-ft wide with a curb to curb to curb width of 30 ft. Dedication and installation of new curb on a 60-ft. standard would create an isolated run of set-back curb. Sanford Ave. is 40-ft. wide with a curb to curb width of 30-ft. Dedication and improvement would cause new s/w to dead-end against the multiple family bldgs. immed- iately to the west. Neither street is continuous. In the absence of an adopted plan line on these streets, this office makes no recommendation relati ve to dedication but considers it a planning determination. r . /( I f ~....J.<' - / /G," c .-/ .... .t t: r:.. 'j J/ /1.'(.. ,(' ':',. (. / /<'. ) , \-" ~', ,\.."' ',",,-'- i/ y..S' :,. / ;(. /. ~ '.f..,' j t. , -,-'''---_._--~- '---'---~- .{. !-'. ( J //<- / (;',,',. <. /' /. /-" ~. [ '-. < .. c/ . F~ ~ (.,; I. ,/' / Y' . ,......-" ./.' .-J . "J ?" " . (, .L:,. !.. ( /' .;,'.. / (' ~. /'/ {/. t, ,-/7 /' /h/'(," -' lr-t)j' --_/'.,. I <::~" C(.l? 'v II~--) ;' -~-----., <:.----~ 4. Fourth st. is 50-ft. wide. CUrb exists throug'hout remainder of this block on west side. Dedication and installation of new curb on a 60-ft. standard would create an isolated run of set~back curb. Sanford st. is 40-ft.wide with a curb to curb width of 30 ft. Dedication and improvement would cause new s/w to dead-end against the multiple family buildings immediately to the west. Neither street is continuous. In the absence of an adopted plan line on these streets, this office makes no recommendation relative to dedication but considers it a planning determination. / / RESOLUTION,438 PlANNING COMMISSION CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA PURSUANT to Section 2, Ordinance '301 of the City of C.pbell, the C....bell Planning ec..1..lon does .....- reco_nd approval of the following application: Appllcatlon of Byron J. Snow, Jr. for a Use Pe,.lt to allow the construction of Office Buildings on the N'W corner of Sanford Avenue and South Fourth Street, c.pbell, California, subject to the following condition.: 1. Applicant to enter Into written agreement with the City Council covering the following: e. Installation of Fire Hydrant at 4th and Sanford. b. Storm drain deposIt - $230.00 (Installation of curb Inlet and connection to storm drain. Portion of deposit to finance this project.) c. Standard curb, gutter, commercial sidewalk and paving to stable existing pavement throughout frontage. d. Install one electroller. e. Dedication of 5-f..t on Sanford Avenue and 5-feet on South Fourth Street to new plan lines. (Dedication as shown on plot plan.) BE IT RESOLVED, that said Commission does hereby certify that It has given public notice and held a public hearing and done all other things required by Ordinance #301 of the City of CaMpbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 1961, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Co.mlssloners: Harmon, Sallee, Woodfill, Tomlinson NOES: CoMmissioners: None ABSENT: ComMIssioners: Ferguson, Hyde, Lyons APPROVED: J. A. Tomlinson, ChaIrman ATTEST: Evelyn Adamson, Secretary