San Tomas Aquino Rd. (63-2) ~ - ,1/7 .~ {/_ l J ~- ;k( ~ PLANNING DEPART:IENT CITY OF CAHPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date July 7, 1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Alec Shopping Centers, Inc. , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a Shopping Center TO BE LOCATED AT: on the N/E corner of San Tomas Aquino Rd. 6 Campbell Ave. CONDITIONS:As previously imposed by the Planning Commission on the original approval January 21, 1964. Extension of time from July 21, 1965 to January 21, 1966. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a npw approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMj'vlISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 6th July, 1965 DAY OF CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COM1\lISSION By: Evelyn Adamson, Secretary "SII 1963-62 / PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date June 16, 1 J6L: SIX MONTHS EXTENSION OF f,fJ"fJJIAtJN>1 M1At.N.I>/ltJ "SlI APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ALEC. I NC. , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL BUILDING TO BE LOCATED AT: N/E CORNER OF SAN TOMAS AOUINO & CAMPBELL AVENUE ~N64t~~/ "S" APPROVAL 1963-62 IS HEREBY GRANTED A SIX (6) MONTHS EXTENSION. SAID EXTENSION TO RUN FROM JULY 21, 1964 TO JANUARY 21, 1965. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained In the manner provided for In this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 10th DAY OF June. 1 J64 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION \."\ ~ \ By: {.;._ / //" ,f Evelyn Adamson, Secretary ./ / -/>--/-J N&9U ZO'.30"E:. ?tJ3.4!i' , 1- \ I I 1, I 1" lO' ~ 4~' ~ .C) , ~ . . . Q . .t-. 0\ I\) 't, ~ ~ \>> 1\:, \9 ~ 0) C) ~ C) I <;J ..... '~ lA; t\. f\.~ \:i ALEC OF C~MPBELL-, lA/C. Il() ~ "'- ~ o.R ?C33/73? ~ \) ....., I Q: ~ ~ \J ~ R/.j' ~ ~ /38/,F~ ~ , . ~ () ~ C) ~ , ") t'f) \) Q . . . 0'<) ,0 ~ t\,J ~\t I\) \I Q ~I~ \I \I 4?' '0 C) ~ lO'':? ~ '4) '4) :~ ~ 1"<) . ~ C) ~~ L-- .--1 I I , . ~ " ~ ~ N ~70 07' 17.':~ ~ ~~ - -.~ ,.",,-.,...- '.~ ;.,".' ~,~ C> ,P/lKCEL NO. 2 ~ "" I ~ ~ " , ~ r~ '_ _~~:~.07:.I7.~W'.fr4M,a8' --- .. /~O. 07 --- - "."'..,-,.., 4VE ~._~~ -C~MP8ELL LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL NO .6C~LE. U -rJLand k be granted to C;ty PCI.. / = I. 074 4c. j::IR€ A PeL 2: .3~2 ~k Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer, Campbell, California ORAl 8Y J.//' CK BY', > l. PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Date JANUARY 20. 1964 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ALEC INC. (liS" 1963-62) , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Department Store TO BE LOCATED AT: HIE corner of San Tomas Aquino Rd. & C.-obel1 Avenue COND , TI OMS: I. Conformance with Section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal Code, i nc1 ud i n9 : a. Dedication to 40 foot half width on Campbell Avenue & 45 foot half width on San Tomas Aquino Road. b. Construction of street Improvement to include curb, gutter. sidewalk, pavement. street lighting, drainage facilities and fire hydrant to be located as shown in red on plan. c. Improvement Plan. d. Faithful Performance Bond In amount of $30,000.00 e. Storm Drain Fee in amount of $7,190.00 Section 9316.1 of the Campb~11 Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this s~ction shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to th~ Planning Commission at least flfte~n (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after th~ expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained In the manner provided for In this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 21st DAY OF JANUARY. 1964 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: ) - <::.-/ ..- - , .. , - I ... I Alec, Inc. of Campbell Beginning at an iron pipe in the center line of Campbell Avenue 50 feet wide from which an iron pi.pe set in the center of Campbell Avenue at the Southwesterly corner of that 8.992 acre tract conveyed by lone C. Kelly to l.ouis Barbano by Deed recorded May 16, 192B ih Vol. 398 of Official Records, page 386, Santa Clara County Records, bears N. 870 08' E. 16l2.0~ feet and from which an iron pipe set underground on the Northerly line of Campbell Avenue bears N. 00 39' W. 25.02 feet; thence leaving said center, line of Campbell Avenue, N. 00 39' W. 859.30 feet to the South- easterly oorne~ of that certain parcel of land described in the need from Edward W. Bucknall, et ux, to A. C. McCarty, dated March 22, 1935 and recorded March 22, 1935 in Book 722 of Official Records, page 391; thence S. 890 20 1/2' W. along the Southerly line of said McCarty parcel of land. 568.50 feet to the Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, 40.00 feet wide; thence S. 00 20 1/2' W. along the Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road 707.03 feet to a point distant thereon N. 00 20 1/2' E. l7~.83 f.et from the intersection of the center line of Campbell Avenue with the Wes ter'ly lIne of San Torna~ Aquino Road; thence leaving said Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, N. 860 5!l' E. 200.::J f.aet to a 1" iron pipe; thence S. 00 07' 30" W. 175.06 feet to point in the center line of Ca~pb~ll Avenue distant thereon N. 87~ 08' E. 180.07 feet from the int~raection of the center line of Campbell Avenue wi th the center line of San Tomas Aquino Road; t:"';eiice ?~. <370 0 a' E. along thw center line of Campbell Avanua, 3e~.37 feet to the point of beginning. ~ 124~8 RLK!J.w Reeelpt.)Jo. 306-39-9 . code AralO-10 AFTER RECOJU:IHCJ ""11.. TOe City of Campbell . .r 15 North Central ' Campbell, CalJtonI& '- ATTH: Dorothy Trw-I-. !7~620 ~ ~~ .~ __ .'tw. ......-B .. . :.i:~,';i:' ..~ . (. .;':.;;~>:;-.t ,~'~ ...... .I . p-:" :..~,ld.b C.tmpcutV ..J;":'." . "I': ; I' fEe - 8 IE rt.:':.....- All _ , . ' . 1 .~..t. :-<. HilLH: ..~.-# ,.,:', .: .(;., .....\~~ '(I.lj ~ft"'~ 0If;4W . ...1, '.. __' . .........- .: lW.....-. ftWm\ . . -. .:-\(. .f ,..... ~ . t . ' ; I. I. ': ... ... .. .'" ... .. ". . . '. ~ i " 1. . .. ,,: ~ of . ... ' It., . " ,.." ~" '~..' ., ~~~.:'*J~ c ~:~ -;;- ,. ;;i' ~~.~\~~___. .. Oaq)bell,' . 8Ift10illU~ ~t.~,>.. - . . . J' "U. *Ia. . : ;:~:1~:;~ ~~,~..'. '.., " ';~~~h~~'-;'~~..' \ PARCm;'''' 11 '. ~_:..,,,.,i.f7"o.\l f'. ';'1" .....; "..1~,.4A .... · ;~"I, ~.~. '~i..,.l; 1.',' tl,';, ~"T "',", :..: '''': /-' .t"""."", . " ,..' . '~.'....., '. . Jf!...... . . ....:..!.~; ;'''l'~ <ill';'" \''!'' ~'ii' "Cat an "'''' ',(.,....-.: Aqulno Roec1"'~~: ,~' "ii~.~l.:~_"',=la ' ' Record of sur.., t. "',. '.'. .... IqOt'~3I~"J":U~~~l"" f . 56. Ofrlo1.1 KeOOH .. .. .~t~"'''''' qr'......:4laR' , County, State ot. .:: cI....~~ l*1'*'U._.... " N. c. 20' 30" I.. 1 .. ~'::_~JOlO', 01 .'1 , , .. .9t'.ot ' sald center ls.n. w1 "~1M".fS!3','~. . 11", ; tlO tM~ ' w1de) as said" .' ,;.~ G"~'~i~tblIt'lII . . ",,--GnICl recor<2 of survey; "",; ... ."Of,! .17 '-it" ti- ,.,'OS"'. ~ .tbe westerly 11Mbot ..14. t~, l.t... '. ~ ~t-:.. .o..,JQ~ 30" K., 701.4 teet;. ..,......-.17. .... 4i.9 ... ...rlt' ' 11ne of that 0 1: : ~~_~"A~,/O;.."__ ., c1eed recorded in r#"'~; ~t':''''''t.l. .au COWlty of Santa. . _, ... ~20' 30 I., e.01 tAt ,..1 a1ol18 sald aO\lt.., "lie" to~,. 1 ~otJ~ .,' parallel wlth anti ...~.1, ~ ......, . '. ~: tt: er~~7li::: -I J .~. ' 8~~ "' acres, more or 1..... ....:.. ' . . ~ ~ :' ,,,. '. 11 ~.~ :.; f . ... ~. P AftCBL NO. 2 z ~~. f.. ! ':1" '. '-.. ... ., ~,;,~. .....,.:..'..! '"....',..',. ., . ,'.'.\ t~~,.. .l'; '\. t" (', .. ' ',', .,': ,., .' B1GIa .. " ot l.nd conv.,~' Deed recorMct 1.D o1't1ce or tb6 140 . sald polnt be1a& 1ft, w 1<1.,) .. ..ld <11 -&~ ot survey fl1~ .tor OttlC1a.. 1 Rt!prda., 11- W ." 384~ . THIN CII, to; , 0 20", ' with .,.:., '+0.00" center l1nt ~~ .I,!i..: teet' along ftal ...~~ mentlone~ ~leo or'.. '1., .QI~ ...... .' teet along aa1c1~,.. t ~.fO.tI't"" .*,,'-'., cont.1nlnt. .352 Id~.:..... ~ :~\.~'.8I..:~ .' o~ ,~~ " Qulto Rant no. iJJ'./l ,r -..,' ,. ,.., '.,! ;tot"- '\. . _ ,._. . . , . .' , l :~ 'li'''''c:f~4'lj'1~':'''; '. \ '-."~ ..( k.~~.' .. .': <- ,1~i~ ~-;.... ,... '. . . "hr~"""~ ". t~A.~_' ~,. ... "L;..I.. _'; 4&A..":' ~LL:a.- ]1.4- '- , ';, . J " ...