125 S. San Tomas Aquino Rd. (69-22) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME cf1~i../ ~L~-u..~:J ADDRESS /f'OL~ /1 ~--?-/~ ;:k~ 6~.L~-cz- / FOR #!/ 7 -J.;z ~- d~/V .~:>~ ~<-t!L-7rd~-' 0?~, ~/lMt- ~.-v J~ T{ 7/J-'~ J~L~ ad (~(,/) RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3 ~ b FUND NUMBER e ~ c(f!f o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT .'1-1/\ t~, / /u v'} !.l Ill!' ~b '; PECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA @s 4E(~<./' ~;--t-~L./2L~ RESS /YJ- 0 }1. ~4cfLt'/ a~c- tt4( ,a:-LL / t:' 7 -01 -:L .~.~ 4':4~/_/ ~ftc4: l1'u Px~,.J'la~,-uL 7 / .,~..,.. ~-h., ~--Y1.I ) '1 1 t/ ./ ~.J.{: ~ (IC, J ~ THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. KAY 29-69 MAY 29-69 1110 i(.** 1,71S.eo ;!J 1- 661110C **1,715,CO 1 .c--:::v 9996 CITY CLERK BY / CITIZEN COPY ~NUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER II- e&t./J~ ~ H CK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPr MUST BE MACHINE MAY 29-69 009 ***1,365.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAY 29-69 6'1 009A ** 1 ,365.00 ~s 9997 CITY CLERK BY CITIZEN COPY 1. Pro}_rty to be fenced and landsc~ added in fIr "on plans. "s" 6 9 - 2.2 ~~ indicated and as 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing~ to be sub- mitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of appli- cation for building permit. 3. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash.container in an area approved by the Planning Director and FIre Department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: L: . A. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for removal 'of driveway approach on San Tomas Aquino Road. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. . 7 J- ;(f~f( ( It. ) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: 1 '~,cer,~h(;r 17. 11)(: q CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Ira Kir;~(\I'_Lln 1'.i0D I F ICATII.'., FOR GGNST~YbT lG~ OF l' n ,',:,11 ~ 1 (>7,'11':;.. c: Or} I'll r-FIS ',..,":r :'1': ,. 11-ry"nti.V0 ('(>I~t>'-... TO BE LOCATED At: , CONDITIONS: .~. r~'~ - J'1 ,~', ~~,!'-~2 _~ ~ _. ',~ c,', ;\ :1:, t, )~ ".'.. ~ ,.,), .ok. I;j,~ ___. u..~.d.i::;;i.i.. (jjJ. a~.:i \J Ca.d ,.J j.'" Uv" ~~ 'LA.\;;; :t"Ujt.i.u.l tJ."'_ V 1. '",j:..'~ \j .t. \.) (j L J l,; 11 (~~',~ . ,-' .,- ~. ..., t .. . ~ . ',,1 ~._ ;.,~.,i, '\'. , '. ..,.-. ,",' , ~ . '-".. " . .,. '. . . " .... .', Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred e:i~-;h.t;l (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written applicatiGn for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior t,) the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provideJ for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETI:;~; HELD ON THE DAY OF CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ! ,_~ J . / .v By: --- ARTHUR-KEE~-'SEC1fftARY---' /".- ~~'-~~'-;-":K'.~~":l;t:.a:~:-:.;:::"".....~;;..'lf;'~..... -,,-.---., -~~--,., -"..,....., ._".,--,~ --..- ~ . n ",' ',:' _ , :-- ,"., 1 ) -J .\ ,*. , -'~-_. :;, :\.! ~ ., '--..j <) ~y- ~, . 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'.J --~-----~-_...~-----_.__._~_._- -.'. --~-_._~~_._- () 1 \, ~ \'\ \\: ;l ~ <,. ,'j <.: \' \< \''''; ,-, \~.J \'1 ~-r \ ,j .- ------~.__._-_.._-~--_.._.._-------_.- \i ~ ,') f" 0'7 , >... l' i',. ~. \'.; ,-:, " . <.. \,) (". ,.' \ ' .j <') ,"-. ~ ~, \\'; \\< ^, \:1 ..') \.j ,. ~J ,.~, J ,: \e \" \~ \j \: " ,J ~. :,- '\ \') '" o "',~ ~ . \( > ~ ~, ~" ~ : i"j ....- ..\ - , ....-J C'i ~-l j :;"1 \J n '.1 it .. > r ~< . ~ \i:J.~ , , \'; \\ \-J ~ {'~j 1\ >. , , l. C. L... r, "- I.". (.. ~ ~ :u Ul lP"J .h~1 'f 0 ~\ f7f ....~J ,. ':j tJ '. ~ :--..~ ~ '.J. ,0 \3 \ I / tile. .(/0) \10/1 G 9 - .J,J., PLANNING DEPi\[~T:'lC,a C1 TY Or: CA1.!PBELL 75 NO/{,J'lI CE;-:TRAL AVENUE CAMPJ;ELL, CI\Ll FOI~;'\Ii\ CONDl T I O:-;S ATTACI lED TO II S II API' ROV AI, OF PLAI'~S OF . Ira 'Kirkorian I i .--------------------------- , FOR CONS'l'RLICT I ON OF AutORlo-t-i-ve- ceRt-tHL----- 'fO BE LOCATED AT' . -:--------J..~,-s. San .1om,as Aqu.ino-R.oad..----- I--~---- CONDITIONS: conditions attached "J, Sect.iOjl 9:)]6.1 of the C;cuHpoe:11 ~rl1nicipal Code rcC'.ds as f0110:-:s: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty ( 1 80 ) day 5 aft e r the d ate up 0 n \'f 11 i c h sue hap pro v u 1 ,... ,: S g ran t e cl, un 3. C S 5 . a.n extension for such approved is .obtnined by r:;aking \'!rittcn applicatio: for s<ti::~ to the Planning COJill:d,ssion at least ,fifteen' (15) days prior to the. cxpj rC',tion date of such approval.. . . No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new npproval has been obtained in the manner' proVickc1 for in this Chapter. . ' , , GRANTED BY THE CITY OF Cf\;.lPBELL PLA0:NI0:G Cm,r:\lISSIO:~ AT A REGULAR MEE'n:.:( . . HELD O!'~ THE 7th DAY OF April, 1969 e. CITY OF CA~,lPBELL PLANNING CmI:,lISSION ~c: Engineering, Dept. wlatt~ By: . AR1'ITmz-}::EE~-SECf\ n'A I~Y--- :, ' . The applicant is no~~fied as part of this appJ~-qtion that he is required to meet t following conditions in Jrdance with Ordinances of the Llty of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele- vision cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in acc6rdance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign tobe installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Applicant to process and file parcel map for minor subdivision. F. Applicant to construct one-half street improvements on total frontage of development. G. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee in the amount of $1,715.00. The applicant is notified that he shall comply ,.rith all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and arc not herein specified. ~ . 1. Property to be mced and landscaped as iT. .ca ted and as added in "red" on pIc 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submit- ted for approval of the Planning Director at time of applica- tion for building permit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 4. Enclosures consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot 11igh solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container in areas as required by Fire Department and approved by the Planning Director. s. Building construction to be changed as indicated in "red" on plans. 6. Fire Department recommends that due to the type of occupancy that all buildings should be provided with a sprinkler system for fire protection. ,. (4) Kirkorian Construction Co. 1820 West Campbell Avenue Campbell, California -, Our No. 205807 Your No. L --! In connection with this preliminary report, furnished without liability, the Company is prepared to issue a policy of title insurance in usual form, as of the date hereof, containing standard excep- tions and conditions and showing title as set forth herein. Date: February 11, 1969 at 8:00 A. M. Title Officer Vestee : IRA KIRKORIAN and MARGUERITE KI his wife, in Joint Tenancy Description: That certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, CODrt.y of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: 4 I. I \ ' \ /)' Form No. sc. 734 BEGINNING at the point of .intersection of the Northerly lin~ of Bucknall Road, as said line was established by the D~ d to the County of Santa Clara, recorded September IS, 1925 in Book 179 of Official R.ecords, page 593, with the Easterly line of "TRACT NO. 2991 KIRKWOOD PLAZA UNIT NO.3", which Map was fi U;d f T record in 'the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara. State of California on January 11, 1962 in Book 142 of Maps at r~ge 4; thence North 88029' East, along the said Northerly line of Buckna 11 Road 240.00 feet, to the true point of beginning of" thi,;,:, description; thence North 1031' East, and parallel with the Easterly line of said Tract No. 2991, 432 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of .he parcel of land conveyed by Laure E. Fellows to Kenneth W. Emery, et ux, by Deed recorded May 20, 1943 in Book 1142 Official Records, page 287; thence North 87030' East along said Northerly line 251 feet, more or less, to the Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, 40 feet wide; thence South 0009' West, along said Westerly line 438 feet, more or less, to the intersection thereof with the said Northerly line of Bucknall Road; thence South 88029' West, along said Northerly line 251.52 feet to the true point of beginning. Excepting therefrom the interest conveyed (Bucknall Road and San Tomas Aquino Road) by Deed from Ira Kirkorian, et UX, to the City of Campbell, dated April 29, 1966, recorded May 9, 1966, Book 7374, page 794, Official Records. Page 2/205807 2/ 11/69 r'T------ - f"'"". \.... I f". ~ ' 7' I 7- ! I rn I~I r PI r- I~! N;z. rn ~~ :~\.~- I, 0-' - -, I cp.; """'i !.. I _ D:;" 11. V-z' ~ l>'\ i~ .', 0 .-" CPJ> !/: t1' " i :t.1 i. 'I 'Zoo' I l~ i 10 V':2-....l.Q Q' //1 j t r i I~! N i i"'l c \Jl N l.o3"W ( 41 e . 71 ') '240 '!: .... o 1. " 24 '.t ~ cJt ~l r:; ~?OO' i_I N O.OS'C ... (JO' <. i~l i.../I I~~ ! "I I ' I.! j~ 'I f ! , N U'I 7J o > o 4S0.0S. NOoCl~'1i. ~~~ r~"~~ . ~:. !'.. D -- .......~ S" I 460.53' vl (," - o I to" C/0i ~I / ., r 1/ E ./ ~81' ROAD ._~------_.__._.---- .s,AN TOlY1AS I j ~I0009(E III 16502 1.. ~ i I \ ~111 165 00 I I ; I ~ L" _'~~__, ,.:__~___._____. B:J 7.:..9 , ,J ,. , ~ 'i ~ I .... '. .. ... ~ . .....; . 6 ~ ;. II:l. I ...., 0 30.4.1 . '.'~ i (4/I,?') !' ..~' + o ... !'.~, , . .-J ... ... + III ... ... , . \. (/i CD. ... . ... . -.l . OJ o ~ L. :- b >> \I' ~2. 30/E <:O~0~ I . -'to '0-/ <0 I ~/~ ,;r; 2- .JO"E ~/O" ,,6 I ;-... -... V; -, .1'46.04' NO' C'3'E I.:..QUINO I t. ~ rN .. ~ ~ ~l> ., N- \JI~ -Ul 1'06 ~ ~ ~...... 4 2- 'JI~ '-.l. 0 \J'10l CUI 0"; /. ./ () )> ~ "'0 0:> rn r r '" U> &n ... 6\ ~ i5 )> < m z c en ft '. ., ., .~ . . (/l ~. ..\ r'" "' I~- J I" N (.;I o.