185 Shelley Ave. (TR6989) CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: I '! I, From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Su~e~: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- " The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT ' :, 1. !', BUILDING ADDRESS I , COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER .~ "', j } ~ , ! l l I _eo i. ' ~ \,,\ ' ....c.... JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Da~e: , , '.. ,,~",- -~'." .....~..--,...~;'.,..--"...-- _.""._..._......,......_w.,.~....,.......'_.'.,'~_..."_'...-___,_....,,,..___,____,.,.,.)_-..,.._"""",,'N."--'~'"_"""""''''''''' _ .'. . ~- _.,....'~ .,.~,.- -,.....".".-....,--. ""~""-.~-, -.,....-.-.".- .,' '.. /' 711.'>33t:- ,', '~~ - ~ ~ f\'-~\; " ': I~..) t T, , I . .i .,'_ ""'E. ~ C 'TV tl F" CAM PB eLl:"," -... JL }l"' ~ 7 SE':./ON ~1l.)3 GOVERNMENT CODE ~a NQAiH CENTRAL AVENU! VI! 1)Y , G 1 ' I.T nll: ~EQl~:':i (:F c..:y': Of CAJAPIW aAMFlElELL. CA 95008 Po 9' '2 (\.:;l \ NOTICE OF COMPLETION B \ J U l \ 5' \f~ ,-' NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER ~ . and Joseph Ell i ott ..' "'~-\fj (, - \ ". ';' .; , < \'( :' !.'.",\ ,I'" ," r"-.\ .'.,:' ',' '>:,1, . . ., .....- L_\.:",:\' ,"--- Above Space for Recorder the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 22nd day of June , 19 81 . That the name of the subdivider for sa i downer is Contec G 214 :'!G: 630 That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: REC. PEE MICRO LIEN NOT NAME ADDRESS S:ViPF City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No. 69~ and having the fOllowing address: Dated Jul v 1 , 19 81 1 of 2 ~~L f.a:;:~ os ph Elliott Citv En9ineer RESOLUTION NO. 6127 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6989 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 6989 have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into September 30, 1980, concerning said Tract; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No. 6989, together with all improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of sa i d improvements. /yg! ,~y the PASSED AND ADOPTED this fo 11 owi ng vote: 22nd:fay of June AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Paul, Podgorsek NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Hammer, Doetsch APPROVED: t~;e:~~ Vice-Mayo ATTEST: ..j- ! tZU, " (/ :0~. ~~> Ci ty 'Cl erk THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FIL[ IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST: PHYLLIS 0, ACKER, CITY CLERK CITY OF .c,p ~LL, CALlFORNI ". / ;, / L., {Lc/S(c ". - DATED ,~- , , / , ...... I ./' y/,/ (' I T Y I J F (' J\ 1\1 Pit L I I. 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 008 (408) 378,8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works fR It,J3f April 27, 1981 Mr. Gerald Marozick Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 325 Saratoga Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL LIGHTING DISTRICT ENERGIZING OF ELECTROLIER AND BILLING ADJUSTMENTS Dear Mr. Marozick: A new street light has recently been installed as a part of the im- provements for Tract No. 6989. Please energize it as soon as possible and add it to the billing of the Campbell Municipal Lighting District. The electrical contractor is C. V. E., Inc. Luminaire Location 55-w., L.P.S. North side of Shelley Avenue 620 feet west of South Bascom Avenue As a part of our Project No. installed on Pollard Road on energized last week, and we the bill ing of the Campbell 79-12, ten new street lights have been either side of More Avenue. They were are now authorizing you to add them to Municipal Lighting District. Luminaire Location 150-w., H. P. S. North side of Pollard Road 690 feet west of More Avenue II North side of Pollard Road 525 feet west of More Avenue II North side of Pollard Road 360 feet west of More Avenue II North side of Pollard Road 195 feet west of More Avenue II Northwest corner of Pollard Road and More Avenue fll T Y (J F r;\ 1\" P I~ ELL Mr. Gerald Marozick PG&E 2 Ap r i 1 27, 1981 Luminaire Location 150-w., H.P.S. Southwest corner of Pollard Road and More Avenue II Northeast corner of Pollard Road and More Avenue \I Southeast corner of Pollard Road and More Avenue II North side of Pollard Road 175 feet east of More Avenue II North side of Pollard Road 325 feet east of More Avenue Two street lights were removed as part of Project No. 79-12, and they should now be deleted from our bill ing. Pole No. Luminaire Location 5927 175 -w., M. V . North side of Pollard Road 775 feet west of More Avenue 5926 II Northwest corner of Pollard Road and More Avenue Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, James Penoyer Engineering Technician by Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS/le en c 1 . N bVW7 -? -C-1 1 { ,-v f-{y",:t P / -/27 GURRIES DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 1610 LA PRADERA DRIVE' SUITE 5 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378,0300 April 27, 1981 ~cc I. f/V~ (l4p;? Q () '" 1 PtJO{ /98; I'M Ie 11' (i~Vtl' VRffS ,-,ft'l'/G Mr. Norman Samson Public Works Inspector 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 SUBJECT: Shelley Cove - Tract 6989 Dear ~fr. Samson: All fees have been paid to Pacific Cas and Electric Company relative to Tract 6989 including connection charges for the e1ectrolier installed under the Subdivision Agreement, dated December 22, 1980. Very truly yours, CURRIES DEVELOPHENT COHP M~Y ...~..~ . d . --'.{x> Robert H. Gu r , President lllG/ec </-- ? 1~ '1l ~J- ';.>,0. \ (.-'II ') / 326 COMMERCIAL ST. SAN JOSE, CALIFO-RNIA 95112 (408) 297-6969 tt~C~\'.J~O () '.\ 19B\ \\?R (..J - 'l,~\)R~S \'~~~W1H-R\~\U /~~ &~9'7 ~"?1:(J- g) - /21 Apri I 15, 1981 Project 2828A Shelley Associates 1610 La Pradera Drlve, Suite 5 Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. Bob Gurries Subject: Field Density Determinations Subgrade Soils and Aggregate Base Rock Materials Shelley Avenue Improvment Campbell, California Gentlemen: As requested and authorized, a representative of this firm was present at the subject site on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 7 and 8, 1981, in order to provide field density determinations within the subgrade soil and the Class 2 aggregate base rock material constructed within Shelley Avenue (opposite Shelley Cove project) in Campbell, California. A series of six (6) field density determinations were performed at random locations in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D2922-71, (Nuclear Method), the results of which appear on Table A, attached. The laboratory compaction curves, del ineating the optimum soil water contents and maximum dry unit weights of representative samples of the subgrade and the Class 2 aggregate base rock material util ized in the construction of the pavement section were developed in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D1557-70, Method A and the St~te of California Test Method 216-G, respectively. The results of the field density determinations, which are presented herein, were performed at the request of Mr. Bob Gurries of Shelley Associates upon a completed subgrade and base rock surface and are for record purposes only. If we can be of further immediate service, please contact us. Very truly yours, TERRA TECH, I NC. ?2:- (/ ~ L-- v ;at#{/0-- rry:J,. Freeman Rei 506 JEF/smd cc: City of Campbell, Mr. Norm Sampson TABLE A SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS DERTH FIELD MAXIMUM RELA. APPROX. TIVE DEPTH BELOW LAB DATE OF DESlm COM, DRY WATER DRY REMARKS TEST OF FILL LOCATION PACTION NO. TEST WITHIN GRADE DENSITY CONTENT DENSITY 1981 (feet) SHELLEY AVENUE ( (feet) ) (pel} ) (%) (pet) I (%) 12 4-7 0.0 East Side 0.7 126.3 12.0 132.0 96 13 4-7 0.0 Center 0.7 125.5 10.8 132.0 95 14 4-7 0.0 West Side 0.7 127.0 8.6 132.0 96 ~ET MAX. LAB DENSITY WET DENSIT 15 4-8 0.7 East Side 0.0 135.5 -- 142.0 95 Design Grade 16 4-8 0.7 Center 0.0 139.5 -- 142.0 98 Design Grade 17 4-8 0.7 West Side 0.0 138.0 -- 142.0 97 Design Grade NOTES: 1. Test numbl rs 1-1 1 , pert 3ining o cons ruc tic n of Building ads 1 , 2, 3 a hd 4, ar d Ga ra< e Pad~ 1 and 2, previous1 repor ted in pur "Fir a1 Ear hwork Report" dated Octl be r 3 ( , 1980. 2. 0.0' Dept of fi 11 indi ates fi e1d de sity c etermination performed wi thi r water onditic ned anc campa cted native soi 1. 3. Minimum rE 1 at i ve compac ion rE qu i reml nt = C 5 percent. J / PROJECT 2828A TERRATECH, INC. PAGE OF Santa Clara Valley Water Distrid U FLOOD HAZARD REPORT Fe 59 (08,10,77) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 May 19, 1981 RE eEl V E D) MAY G i 1981 State of California Division of Real Estate 185 Berry Street, Room 5816 San Francisco, California 94107 PUBLIC WOI<KS, ENGINtERlliG Gentlemen: A request has been received from Golden State Title Company report relative to Tract 7081 located w1thin the City of Campbell in the Los Gatos Creek to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration, Ii] The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1 % flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions. (This is a flow having a 1 % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year.) o The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1 % flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments". o A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions, A 1 % flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change. Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the City of Campbell Public:': Wo-rks OP.pa1"1"ment: cc: Golden State Title Company Public Works Department ~ Ci ty of Campbell Sincerely yours, O,,"JC!JNAL SIGNED RY w. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division COpy F;/~ W<rJ(;,() PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COM::PANY -~.-+--- 1 1 1 A L il\ ^ 0 [N 0 0 U L [ \' A RD. S ,\ r~ J 0 S [, C A L I f.- 0 R N I A 95 1 ~) ,0. . (4 C) 8) :: J 8 . 3 J J J October 20, 1980 Shelley Associates 1610 La Pradera Dr. Campbell, CA 95008 ,'~, "'''-'' .. .R r;: \.. L " I;-t. '~;J j, v n' ~.. 1 ",", - '",:. ~ f "'"" ; ,) c ,'t". '4 Gentlemen: Attached is the design layout of the joint trench indicating gas, electric, telephone and/or CATV service and meter locations for your Tract NO.6989. Firm costs and contracts will be sent to you upon completion of the design of gas and electric distribution systems. The houses shall be piped and \,ired to take gJS and electric service from the locations indicated on the plan. For the past several months, the California Public Utilities Commission has been }l01ding public hearings on California's gas and electric companies service and extension rules. It is expected that a decision on the revision of these rules will be announced In the near future. Service will be provided to you with the rules that arc in effect at the time a service agreement is prepared. To assure that no delay occurs in the engineering of your project, it is impera- tive that the intents for telephone and CATV participation be processed within ten days of receipt. Because of the necessity for energy conservation and the rising costs of all forms of energy, please consider energy conservation measures in your plans and call us if we may be of service to you. If you have any furt}ler questions, please contact me at this office, telephone 298-3333, ext. 138. Sincerely, /) ) /YLZ/!/t ,/./ (.1 1;2'71'('// .',- ({',_ Arthur A. Pasquinelli ~ew Building Representative Attachment cc: Hoskins Engineers 50 Curtner Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell~bcA 9S00R Atth: Pu llC WorRs Dept. J. ROBERT DEMPSTER ATTORNEY AT LAW 20325 STEVENS CREEl< Bl..VC. CUl'Il:RTINO. CALIFORNIA 950]4 October 3, 1980 ARKA CODE 408 TaLEPHoNE 252.1111 ,~ ~ ," <;.~ t'" ,., " ;.,/ .. It Y. C"/'r"' Mr. Bill Helms Public Works, City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Bill: On September 30th, I called Steve Pettigrew, the attorney for Shelley Associates on the Lands of Preston matter and indicated that he was agreeable to the form he has used for assignment of funds and guaranty. Said form is enclosed with this letter. If you have any problem in this matter, please give me a call. Also enclosed herewith are original papers per- taining to Escrow #SJ 5l963-A/CW, City of Campbell to Bank of America. I believe you should retain these. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si:n..c.~rely , ,,/ /' / / J. F~RT ,/ JRD:lsc ,/ (t' I /' encls. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RES/DENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 October 1, 1980 City of Campbell Department of Public lvorks 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract 6989 This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer @~~, rk:4f, By Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN:kk TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. Items P.W. File No. Vv 0 (u) Amount 3372 ~ 3372 3372 3372 3372 @b 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 . (ffiJ) 3521J 352~ 3521 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Phone "3 7 S-..... 0 :Joo Gtl.<< (Ob~' I Zip , 5"0 0 ~ ReceIpt No. 8s-7.3 Amount Paid @/ S"CJ !f. Received by , 0 _ W Date 9 -3 CJ - RO &0 February, 1980 LEON A. CARLEY JOHN F. HOPKINS FRANCIS M. SMALL, .JR. THOMAS s. JORDAN, ..JR. DAVID W. MITCHELL SHERWOOD M. SULLIVAN BRUCE H. MUNRO LIONEL M. ALLAN HOPKINS & CARLEY A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION STEPHEN H. PETTIGREW ATTORNEYS AT LAW UNION BANK BUILDING-TENTH FLOOR 99 ALMADEN BOULEVARD SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95113 TELEPHONE (408) 286-9800 TELEX 171624 TELECOPIER (408) 998-4790 CABLE HOPKINS GARTH E. PICKETT THOMAS G. PERKINS MICHAEL C. PHILLIPS MARY ANN KLEIN STEPHEN J. KOTTMEIER MARSDEN S. BLOIS THOMAS B. JACOB JON MICHAELSON NELSON D. CRANDALL III G. EDWARD DIENER ANDREW W. SCHWARTZ PALO ALTO OFFICE 525 UNIVERSITY AVENUE September 25, 1980 LLOYD C. HARTMAN COUNSEL ,:; c, P ;; 4 ln8C ,...., ;,h. Robert J. Dempster, Esq. 20325 Stevens Creek Boulevard Cupertino, California 95014 HAND DELIVERED Re: SHELLEY ASSOCIATES Lands of Preston - TS 8-12 APN 413-25-104, Tract No. 6989 Dear Mr. Dempster: On August 8, 1980, the City of Campbell approved the Tentative Subdivision Map of Shelley Associates as submitted by Hoskins Engineers, Inc. subject to twelve con- ditions being satisfied. The twelfth condition required Shelley Associates to remove existing structures prior to approval of the Final Map. On August 19, 1980, the Planning Commission modi- fied condition number 12 and in its place substituted the following condition: "An agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney which would assure the removal of structures shown on the Tentative Map not later than 180 days from the filing of the Final Map." The Planning Commission also has informed Shelley Associates that the posting of $5,000 as a guaranty that the struc- tures will be removed would be a satisfactory sum in view of the amount of work involved. It is critical to Shelley Associates' development plan that it be on the agenda for the October 13 Planning Commission meeting which requires that all of its submittals be made to the City by Noon, October 2, 1980. We have attached for your review an Assignment PACIFIC G...:.~S AND ELECTRIC COMP_l~..NY + 10900 NO. ElLA,NEY AVENUe: CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (403) ~53,2J;0 September 25, 1980 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Fublic Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subj act: Easement Approval for Tract # 6989 Dear' Sir: The PLlclic Utility Easenents sho'.Jn on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recordi.;:lg, are adequate and satisfactory for th'3 in3tallatiQn of tllj.3 cor1pan:rl s gas and electric distribution facilities. Should -;YTQ11 ~nave an~/" questions, ploase call ~'lr. Don Dixon at 253-2010. "'1'" ..., ~lnCerG.l..:Y , Jt-~. Jtt~ 1,. Stevenson Ji.3t~iGt 21ectric 3i~~p9~cint8ndent FT&T AFasquinelli Koskins Eng. Tract File ~cc 1:/ ", ~ s "~tJ [p 9, "- I: _ v " P 1'1; '/JBL. v ,-1-.) [N6/;~r-U{jRI(.S <"c:R/NG @ Pacific Telephone 1531 Parkmoor Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 September 24, 1980 Mr. Joe Elliott City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Ayenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract No. 6989 Dear Mr. Elliott: We have no objection to the P.S.E.'s as shown on the attached map. P.S.E.'s do not, however, constitute "an easement acceptable to the utility" as described in our Rule 16 1. C. 2b. It may therefore be advantageous for the developer to grant our Company a Right-of-Way for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the property served. Any arrangements for such a Right-of-Way will be made directly with the developer. Yours very truly, T. F. Schlink Engineering Manager cc: Hoskins Engr. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR -r-RAL\ ~9B9 Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb and Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Si dewa lk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Barricade A. C. Pavement inc. Excavation Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Box w Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends Stop or Other Sign Street Name Sign Street Lighting Electrolier Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box Stonn Drainage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole 02/15/80 L.F. @ $ 2.50 S.F. @ 2.00 L.F. @ 8.00 EA. @ 400.00 L. F. @ 1 0 . 00 S .F. @ 4 . 00 S.F. @ 6.00 EA. @ 600.00 I tt L. F. @ 20.00 (1. "8 S.F;) ($0.30) (~)= EA . @ 175 . 00 EA . @ 1 00 . 00 EA. @ 250.00 EA. @ 100.00 L. F. @ 0 . 50 EA. @ 50.00 EA. @ 70.00 EA. @ 60.00 Lump Sum 149,9 "04. , "J.~O 1..- TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND Date By ?-7..1-f.o J. 'P~npl.ofe\'"' ) "' $ "' ) -\ tt 4 . f)D _"1. -i I <j(. to'D 1740.l>O "3 gO,DD it ~5".DL:> 0: 0: '2.00.00 0: $ 14 ~41... $ I '- c> 0,0 HOSKINS ENGINEEPC; INC. 50 Curtner Avenue ~ # 13 CAMPBELL, CALlFORfIllM 95008 (408) 371.1340 JOB~Y SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY , t: \ J.\iJ. U. OFl DATE CJ-'Z-e,o DATE SCALE 'G.L\~\J~s CG~i 6.~\~A1E. + \~fr-o..... JliMal.. 1-=- ~...\.. o{2. 1f?Ac.7( ....... ~.~.eC) Q~!... -DI~ ~~,<$Gf2.u~ ....... ...~CJ>>.IA--rIJ..7 t..!... ..... . c..u +m .. ... .......fU...L .. ... .Z~AI Co. ojeot ....e:A.~ ....... ..... ..A~\~~~l4~-e>t-\?G.. .... .~,~L4f~~~A\t-.\... .. . ... ?~I,"J CQ~b ... .... ....~. .1\.. .~......'Y.~ f!. m ... M., \J . .! m .........C~~O'"'1f~ .... .... ... ... 4l<s6.. .... .LA1erz..A~~ .. f\' .. ... ":11 '01/ '5>9 ~.~..~. ".ot; ~Q~.c:y. .... ~~.C;7Q r..., ~ /0 4 bO I ,,"..~......c..y..,- . ...... . .(p.e1&~,:t. .@.Q.1 ~.. \ ..f';.\ c? ... ~.&, .~. . \. .e,~ G e..~ l~ t?:;O ;e,~ tf. ~ aa~ ~.'4 \ . Lr,. ~., ,.4a ... \.... .ea.. ...@.. \~OO ..2 ..... "il.. ..<3 . . "Zoo z.e,~ l.~,~ ~l '2.:S ............-.,.. ....... .Gfi.... .....-$J1e... ..........rD~ Qk\llQtJ .......AHl~;:,ol...~ ~ ..1?~ ~ ... ...... Cu~ f?t\ . .<:t\Xr~~ ~\ O'G,.W I":>.:. L.~. b ~9 v.e,.f? ty\,W. .........A/c..pV@?\..A'-t .... PftOIl.Cf 2OC-1 1Ne115/ Inc.. GnIbIII. ..... 01450 \.s, i> z1CPs.f..<z 'Ip~ (~9.J.~. .@.'7,oo 770 ~~. €) 2,QO 7B~ l.~. ~ \0 ,t;o ~. ..r:!O".. . \~ \ CSQQ 9SQ'Sf(~ o\z~ \P=:/Q<:'p~f \~6~1~,c.,"t "f1eGe, 3(0\.6 ........?\.~ . GJ~~ . . ~';4~ "'2 :;00 ?:ot5(c. 30\1.. 1.6"0 .499 CQC?o . 2?t;\':, ~ '2..QOO Ze~?:; \'350 \500 bZ'2.~ 4~o 2";6 j; 1.Q c..4S +,.4~A~o J, ~ .J . A4?14 to:) '~.~'.'I'........I'.'.'.'.QA.. SHELLEY ..,.'\SSOCIATES 1610 LA PRADERA DRIVE. SUITE.., CAMPB U l. CALIf ORN IA 9~)O()H (408/3780300 August 19 f 1980 Planninb Commission C1 ty of Campbell 75 t;ortil Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 SlJilJECT: Tentative Subdivision ~jap: Lands of Preston, A.P.;:. - 413-25-104 Dear Commissioners: The subject property is being developed and certain conditions for approval of the tentative map have been recommended. It is requested that the condition for approval No. 12 be removed and in its place the followin& condition be imposed: "An Agrcencnt satisfactory to the City Attorney, which would assure the renoval of the st ructures shown on L-lC tentative map not later than 180 days fror.l the filing of the final map." Sincerely yours, . snEL~E"f.;i-L~~CL:#; , 1/I"1\{- j t~-, >(,! f {~f ~ F.o:,ert II. ,urrics :(:lC/ec ,/ MEMORANDUM To: CITY OF CAMPBELL, ARTHUR A, KEE Planning Director Date: August 8, 1980 From: JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works Su~e~: Tentative Subdivision Map of Shelley Associates Lands of Preston APN 413-25-104 ------------------------- The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative subdivision map submitted by Hoskins Engineers, Inc. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the sub- division in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. -.!... . 10. 11. 12. NOTE: 1. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the sub- division in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works . Water service to be provided by said water company. Fire hydrants and appurte- nances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant maintenance fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195 per fire hydrant. 3 . Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions of the Campbell Municipal Code. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee of $653. 4. 5 . 6. Subdivider shall (install street improvements and post surety to guaranty the work). Dedicate additional right-of-way to widen Shelley Avenue 30 feet from centerline. to 8. C.C.&R.'s to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and cornmon area. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. Obtain an excavation permit for all work in the public right of way. The driveway approach is to be a minimum of 25 feet wide and 5 feet from the tree. 9 Remove existing structures prior to approval of the Final Map. Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. ~v: BILL M. HElMS Engineering Manao~r COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECEJVED ,AUe, " ' SERVING RESIDENTS OF CI TY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF r,10NTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORF'ORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 3182407 August 1, 1980 ~U8L1C WORKS NG!NEEl?/NG Hoskins Engineering 50 Curtner Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE Proposed Projects Other Shelley Avenue, Campbell APN 413-25-104 Gentlemen We have reviewed the tentative map and have marked it up with our corrunents. As you were advised, the sanitary sewer main will have to be extended from the stub in Shelley at Bascom. The District is proposing to reimburse the developer for 88% of the 6-inch sanitary main installed in Shelley Avenue. The main sewer, 2 manholes and appurtenances installed to serve the proposed condominiums, plus 12%, of the cost of the main sewer in Shelley Avenue will be the responsibility of the developer. For the reimburseable portion of the sanitary sewer construction the developer may be reimbursed through two programs (refer to the attached information sheets). The next closing date for reimbursement applications is August 31, 1980. Prior to recording a map the fOllowing will be due this District: Frontage fee: None Acreage fee: 0.85 ac @ $220/ac $187.00 8% plan check fee and inspection deposit, 100% performance bond, fees and bond based on the estimated cost of construction and will be determined upon receipt of the improvement plans. Hoskins Engineering Page 2 August 1, 1980 At the time a connection permit on each residence is obtained, $88.50 plus prorata sewer service charge will be due. Rates are effective until 7/1/81. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer ~ I: !l ~ r\i I Ii", ~vll1' V- \cLit-cN\ [L~ By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM:jf encl cc: Shelley Associates 1610 La Pradera Drive Campbell, CA 95008 uG~ty of Campbell Department of Public Works; Att: Jim Penoyer 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ~,~ "- .. ~ . ... ~ TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W . F i 1 e No. Acct. Items i . Amount 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3374 3374 3520 3520 3520 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($lO.OO) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Na~e ~~~c:: ~~. Address <l) r,n J.-1-~ 1kJ.e.. I C'nxJ,. , III 0 $ I Df) Phone 3 11-' ~40 Zip QSOO8 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. ~~ Amount Pa I d /' i; tJ ~ Received by (J Date 7-J7-$?O February J 1980 Sanla Clara Va1ieH Wder Dislrid 6 nw-?(U1~tv -7 l(/~ _",:;- FLOOD HAZARD REPORT Fe 59 (08,10,77) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 July 16, 1980 RECEIVED State of California Division of Real Estate 185 Berry Street, Room 5816 San Francisco, California 94107 JUt 1 q 1980 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Gentlemen: A request has been received from First .~erican Title Compa...Y1Y report relative to lands of Preston located wi thin the City of Campbell olin the Los Gatos Creek to pi<:para a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration. f] The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1% flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions. (This is a flow having a 1% chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year.) o The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1 % flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information' available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments", o A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions. A 1 % flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change, / Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the City of Campbell Public Works Department. cc: First American Title Company Attn. Mr. George Custodia ~lic Works Department City of Campb~~l Sincerely yours, ~A~ '-7i.' F ~Isen 'r7-n~ Division Engineer , . - Design Coordination Division COpy . HOSKINS . 1 ENGINEERS INC. 50 CURTNER AVENUE, SUITE 13 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 9500B (40B) 371-1340 ~ July 16, 1980 Joe Elliot City of Campbell Department of Fublic Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 ReI Shelley Pursuant to approval by the Planning Commission at their meeting of July 15, 1980 regarding Application ZC 80-7, Shelley Associates, this office is proceeding with the preparation of the necessary improvement plans for this project. It is my understanding that certain improvements will be required on Shelley Avenue at the frontage of the property. Please provide this office with the necessary information regarding street profiles in order that we may proceed with that portion of the design. Your prompt attention to the above matter is appreciated. Yours truly, I).~~ 7i.e tG. Walter Hoskins JWH/mdh CCI Mr. Robert Gurries, Shelley Associates