1179 Smith Ave. (78-5) APPLICANT~I C€L ADDRESS---1.D~ SM I TJ.I AVE. TYPE OF DEV .~- UAJrr At:>b""~ RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS x x - x x x AGENDA DATE MARCH 7 liS" NUMBERjS-S- A.P.N.~ PEe~C.!l.!l ~hd I~l<::: d. map (.Or "'Nt: AZ>J. APPf<<JtJEJ:> '0-,..,-'17 Dedicate right of way 'Tt) 30' ....AL.f" sTReer ON SMI~ Ave. Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee @ <<.,,, S" /NEr AC. . . 4-BI ~ :;. $3b 8 ilJ;s"..iEie ~o.t'} vI PL~limi.R.r:.' Tit-hi ~g!ior~ Enter into agreement for construction of street improvements Pay fees as noted in agreement ~plan examination and construction inspection ..c:4~Bell U,...u~""~.I:-'al Li9h~:Wl'J DiEit-~igt !i'.FO~!'d.t-a fire hydrant rental ? . Post bond as noted in agreement -Provide .. 'J~~---aftd--~~-a-ine9-Q.-.p.l-an X Obtain excavation permit FoR. ANY w~K I tV -nlE" PtJSUG r<!W bL~~'-'::J'-4t~ 6..;JO~I;:":;Ju,~16t.5 ~ PM Flee. L.'IL...('3L) CONT1\rNS eVIDeNCES of IN"'/~~. eAsemSNT' oVeR. cO' of AbJoIIV,N(; (AT- PReVIOU$ FILE: LVL .t,,) "S" 7"~ c.,.,A1l'fAM MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- , The requirements of the Public the following development: APPLICANT BUILDING ADDRESS~ COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER Works Department have been satisfied for 5 lN\ I -I h do::; - 11- '14- 1../ JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: "T1 Z Z lI'<~ "T1 ::c 0 }> c m ::c s: 10 i5~5i.... ~ z < ,m z!::....= 0 m mOllllll' Z o~m", () Z C llII;;:~m I,- C m 0 l!!o~Q m,- s: \' ~l ro }> f'. 0 o~n:;; (l t ~z="" --l.. m (l 0 eN . oz ::c 0 ..- ( t" m '. ( -a. C '- - -a. Z I"-. t (l-l -I ~ r- }>-( z s: 0 0 ;gO (l '" 0 ::0 -< J> \ ( ~ ~'T1 -I ~ ~ -I s:: m -< ~ m 0 ~~ ro () 0.... ~ z (;J. 116 , , I m ~ \' ~)> m (l :s VI VI -< J t' II - }>... :t ~ , 0 C- O- ;3: "U s:-< -J ::c \ ~ "0 ~ \0 \0 0 ~ ~ 0"0 m V\ E ro ::c ~l]J m ~ r \ ~m r 0\ f ~. ~ VI r t ( ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~. r ..c- ..c- O ..... ..... ~ )> J> () () * s:: J> 0'-- 0:\ ::j ,.. ,.. 0 Ul t -< ,.. ,.. C I () It- ,.. z ,~ f- ( r- -I m LN LN :0 " 0'\ 0'\ ~ co co 0 C) :\' 'v' C) C) J/1Cf Srnl-+~ AVl. C/'rono!oj'y Lvi (21) Oc..+o6~r -:2.. '3 147t / S 7 r - S- C) rr"'o Vl'~ r'- ~~ruc~h~;" c* .tt ,J4ih~l\A1 lJh,t h, <1'1 e.x:isti,,~ Jorle,>' jev"'(Pr.m~n1- A rr\\e4ni: L"l'? K.<.>'\,ul; DWn~': Don" IJ sr<>rL e+ a I . Sl) bJee.-t t". e.xe.c.u-tio" or c.'Yi'€t""'1 -\- f.". Jeie. ,...(e~ Inst.lt"t",,,, ot strut \n-\rrovemen'h. 130n In t-~e 6rt1Dl)n1 of '" 4/ ;2. 5"0 ~ r",.h~ t-o 'juMont"<o- fer-for...,,,n...,, "'* ",rut'1""t rtlord.J ^rl';\ II/ 1~7? J\J\1~ 12/ l''tl Ll-~c\'" fron1 (2;? tlci\l"n, ~Jj4U'.r1i dL.ve/o rm~n+ tlO,! of(u;~ t" fac;l;ta te J"OI;' t",,,-Ira<-1- tlnlon"1 (>w,1(n to in ,t, II d...e<.1" In, fr",vem""t", CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR PERMIT NO. By/Date J..:5 3/~/~7 Name & Address .:5P.4~.Ic:5 - //7 <:J .:5M ITH A-VE - '5 "7~-S Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Lump Sum Estimate - $ (, DOO Sawcut Concrete L.F. @ $ 4.00 - $ Concrete Removal S.F. @ 3.00 - $ Curb & Gutter Removal L.F. @ 5.00 - $ Inlot Drain with Pipe EA. @ 500.00 - $ Curb and Gutter /',..!f" L.F. @ 15.00 - $ 0} 75" Sidewalk 5 @ 3.50 - $ 84-~ 2..4-;2.- S.F. Driveway Approach If-SS.F. @ 5.50 - $ '3011, Handicap Ramp EA. @ 1000.00 - $ Extruded Curb L.F. @ 6.00 - $ Barricade L.F. @ 50.00 - $ Street Excavation (Ilio S.F.)x($0.15)x(~") - $ I.; 2.2.~ A.C. Pavement (,lID S.F.)x($0.45)x(..1.....) -"$ ~ t:.u, # A4just Manhole to Grade EA. @ 300.00 - $ Adjust Handhole to Grade EA. @ 200.00 - $ Monument Box w Monument EA. @ 500.00 - $ Street Tree (15 gallon) 2- EA. @ 200.00 - $ 4bO Pavement Striping ($100 min) bS L.F.@ 0.65 . $ 4-2. Pavement Legends ($100 min) EA. @ 40.00 - $ Stop.Street Name or Other Sign EA. @ 120.00 - $ Pavement Markers 4- EA. @ 15.00 - $ t.D Pavement Key Cut L.F.@ 8.00 - $ --rcAAP. P41/EMI3.fr ((,56) /r./o){4-") - $ j P.t.O , - $ Surface Subtotal "S" - $ Adjust. for size: S~ $30.000 add 20%. S. $100,000 subtract 10% Street Lighting Electrolier Conduit Conductor. pair Pull Box EA. @ 3000.00 L.F.@ 12.00 L.F.@ 4.00 EA. @ 200.00 Storm Drainage {D"';-$/rE eONNEC)n<w:i TO 6A-LK of ];>.:Z: 12" or 15" RCP __Q,L.F.@ 18" or 21" Rep L.F.@ Street Inlet EA. @ Manhole EA. @ Break and Enter Manhole J EA. @ 60.00 65.00 1800.00 2000.00 600.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND R.evised 6/85 - $ . $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ . $ . $ 3.aoo C,OD $ J ~ bD~ $ C I TV OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW LOCAL IMPROVEMENT BOND OBLIGATION DATE Al)JtJst ~I jqrb TR/PCL MAP NO. /U 0 tJ ~ APN AO(P -03 - 2..5 f ~ S- IMP DIST NO. ~ Publ ic Works review for Local Improvement Bond ObI igations on subject lands has found: ~ No bond obI igations are or wil I become due within the next fiscal year. [] Bond Obligations are or will become due within the next fiscal year. [] On submitted to the County an assessment schedule was [J An assessment schedule is enclosed [J Appl icant shall prepare an assessment (or amended) diagram. Submit same for Publ ic Works approval and preparation of assessment schedule. 1 ,) ,;j~~L<l 'T S If NATURE _ . . L" 'T~ T~3LJ~ DEPARTMENT 70 II, F~ sf-. ADDRESS l ~~ Ca. Cfsoof(' ~ I (400) gG..b - 2/(P3 TELEPHONE NUMBER -, '.... B 4 .0 0 ~ I 00 ~v 8 <t Z '" o ... ..J <t U A'tJM N'tJ::J3d f- Z :0 o U <t a: <t " u 8 <t f- Z <t '" a: o '" '" w '" '" <t A'tJM HL38ll~ T f- Z :0 o U "- o w u ... ... o ,/ ',,- i i r- I 3Jtfld.~ Iy ~ N01DNlll3M--\ oe , 1 ~ 08 \ 12 ~e \ I~. '-J) ~JJ t ~ * ~1 In l~ (l) 1.01 *' ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~\~ ~!el q _ ----L-i----- ~. ...~ LO'~-- .. 501 001 If) ,is" ~: ~ 17/ 'OJ -- to. .. <> ~I v I P'- t\...1 0 lb ~ ~ ~I N ';t ~,... ~l ~ ;. ~ -0 ! I..D ~ ~" \':J -- U'i:ci - --~~--l._~____ Wo, _-l~1r ~'" I 001:<J.. ~;;; ~ /Oi; - - - "'I '" I <\>1 ~ ~ ~(::; q. l:il'" <90, '~<(~ + _____..J _--:-- '?-. :::: Irl :; ,_ ~ 1 -:9t^l' "" ~ ~ :ty "'I N I" / 9/.. 28 \b '\ Ie en ~ 1 I", 0,1 / 1 " '" I I", I ~ .,..;;1 0 \0 - 01 t ------'1'" /;;~ I~ "~ N ~f------- ...r--. ('l'\O /,",,>1.0<::)1 0 .....1 ~ -~I~ <::) ~ ~ ....., - :;{I- en /' ..... F~ ..... IUl ~ C\al '" "'I / ~ 1 = "" .1'" Lo.' .501 [ .HV :t9011 ,,5LtJl " UI 102 "/,,258L2 - - . 25 Bit/, i~ '. ~:;:I ilil 1~. H_ i.,,' toi'~'o :-0 ~I:I COMMO"J AREA ,...ASS. W~TH v~ns ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~----~ ~.6""-riJ/~1ll ~~r;{i.T-~€/~I~ ~ I <\>1 ::, 011.1 I:l~ ; .-' ;;:'1.: "',-: z :1O't:! r2~":~I_~;_J~I.: ~.I ~ Ii .~ I a' K I ~..... 2, t........ .. IZI I r- W ~a > ~'" <( I ~~ j-~ t~ :; ~: ~ ~I ~ ~ "- I:l ~ ~ ~I ~I o ~l . .~/~, 25 QL2 8.1 I 0,1 ~ 1 '" vi __~''--_~.'':-.J 25 Q52 I L9.95 ~tl~' 0502/ ;~II <>. , os t r- ---,.rIIT"'r m'L - - - - - -..~~.h:..-- -~.. - _ L- ----.Sr~..v'~M/!J 01 ~I ~I '" I:l ~f~ I I ~ i ~ - t ,I ~ w N <( ::J: ..J V <>. ~1 L~jj{:2 I .0 OLI I ~I L995 L 995 "' " ~! ~I ~Z :;: ~I @ 98 ~ ~I ~I I~ I; I ;;1 D.!a -. ..'0":5 90.::<:: o 't!OeJ ~ ",. <'. 90L5 .". ~ONlnOt: c. I ~I ~ I I "9/096 02 Oi:J S .... 'AI 08. v"Ol-N't!S_'S @10 000 <t I :1: '31'3 011 fo.i ~I ;.+ .B~ :: 1. ~ ~ f' ~ 0< ~ lfJ .. ~ ~ 00 I ~ I~ ~ ~ i N :'; I~ ; of (1. " . C\J I::l ~ ~ ::J: I- :2: CJ) I I t- I ="IW <{ > --" <{ w I i '<r "- "., "., ., Z >- u 8 <{ cr >- l:iG 'tJG Nil >- U <{ cr >- cr G a: <{ .(1. ;Z W i , ~ il!) ::l hAI I!H ~,,~ fIi ~~ ~ <1 ;,W~ w B~~ ~ ..J"'l:if [~ <i ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW LOCAL IMPROVEMENT BOND OBLIGATION DATE Juty 22. lar%"'- f ~ TR/PCL MAP NO. No~~ APN 4 D S- -- I ( - 1'1 IMP DIST NO. ~ Publ ic Works review for Local Improvement Bond Obl igations on subject lands has found: ~ No bond obl igations are or will become due within the next fiscal year. [] Bond Obl igations are or will become due within the next fiscai year. [] On submitted to the County an assessment schedule was [] An assessment schedule is enclosed [J Appl icant shall prepare an assessment (or amended) diagram. Submit same for Publ ic Works approval and preparation of assessment schedule. ~ l ~ -"-1J SIGN TURE y'7 7. ~I~~ TITLE p~W~ DEPARTMENT 7D N \ ADDRESS I ~-r 5 -t ~j~/~.~5~oi r~ ~ - Z I YV TELEPHONE NUMBER ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works Febnary 5, 1985 ELLIOTT H::lMS RETURN TO_ DIAl CASE ,i t d 11 Donald and Grace Sparks 787 Cambrian Drive Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Street Improvements 1179 Smith Avenue (LVL 24) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sparks: In March of 1979 you entered an agreement with the City of Campbell wherein you agreed to install full street improvements along subject property when notifi ed to do so. In December of 1983 you were so . notified to install such improvements within twelve months. This has not yet occurred: Please contact the undersigned by MARCH 1, 1985 to discuss your schedule for having such improvements installed. Failure to do so will result in our calling on your surety to cover the cost of such improvements. We are looking forward to hearing from you by March 1. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell iott Director of Public Works ?W. David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DN V: 1 j cc: The Continental Insurance Co. , 80 Maiden Lane, New York, NY, 10038 Mary L. Walters Tickler - 3/1/85 CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 ~ ~ --- Department: Pub I i c Works Decembe r 6, I ~8-3 Mary L. Walters, Donald Sparks, Grace Sparks 1179 Smith Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 1179 Smith Avenue Dear Ms Walters and Mr & Mrs Sparks: In order to develop your property at 1179 Smith Avenue, you entered an agreement with the City wherein you agreed to install full street improvements on Smith Avenue when called upon by the City. By this letter the City does hereby notify you to install such improvements. The agreement provides that if such improvements are not installed within twelve months of this date, the City may have such improve- ments installed and recover the full cost and expense thereof from you. You have a legal obI igation to install such street improvements. Your first step to comply with the agreement that you signed, is to hire an engineer to prepare improvement plans. (If needed, look in the Yellow Pages under Engineers-Civil.) Please have your engineer contact this office to obtain the necessary street design information. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call t his 0 ff i ce . Very truly yours, Joseph Ell i ott Director of Publ ic Works ~"',-",-.....I '"". ""'___, ,."" by David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV:rg certified mail cc: The Continental Insurance Company, 80 Maiden lane, New York, NY 10Q38 r- CITY OF Cl\MI11IELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A (408) 378-8141 AVENUE 95008 Department: Pub 1 i c Works June 12, 1981 Mary L. Walters, et al Donald Sparks 1179 Smith Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: STREET IMPROVEMENTS--1179 SMITH AVENUE Dear Ms. Walters: In the near future, the City of Campbell will request that street improve- ments be installed along the northerly half of Smith Avenue from 220 feet east of San Tomas Aquino Road to the existing improvements. Several properties in this area will be developing soon. Several other prop- erties, including yours, were developed in recent years. When you developed your property, an agreement was entered into with the City to install street improvements when requested to do so. You will have 12 months from the time of our offical request to complete the improvements. You may wish to hire your own civil engineer and contractor to design and construct the improvements across your frontage, or you may want to coordi- nate the work with other property owners in the area. The purpose of this letter is to let you know that the City is will ing to schedule and provide a place for a meeting of the affected property owners should they be in- terested. If you would like to attend such a meeting, please call Jim Penoyer at 378-8141, extension 220, at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, Bill He 1 ms Engineering Manager by James Penoyer Engineering Technician LMS/le enc 1 . }{!:QUE~;T rem CANCELLATI OF TAXES BY PUBLIC AGtNCY III,,, _"JSE OF ACQUISITION UNLJEH. REVENUE & TAXATION CODE SECTION 4~)[lG ET SEQ. Ii i!cal yr ar 1979-1980 Dale oC application 5- TO: l~(}M<.D OF SUPERVISORS of Santa CLua County, State of Cal1f(}fIlia Lv/(2.4) Gentlr.men: Tbe undwign('d alttllorized agent of the ........................~.Ir.X..:q~_..~~.~~.~.E.~.~........... ....................................... (public agency) hereby r"qll<:s!s 11l;1! you consent to the cancellation of taXL'S against the following df'~ribcd property, specific descriptjon at- tached, lx'cause of aCfjlli,ition by tbe ~aid public agency pursuant to Revenue & Taxation Code Section 4986 et seq., and hercLy ueclares under p<~nalty of perjury on behalf of the said public agency that tIle infonllation herein is tfue ami correct. Name of RC'juc:ilinG Agcllry CITY OF CAMPBELL Signature orA~IT;-;:;;;~;d-Ag;;-nt-. s;gue~r~l-' ----.---~ Phyllis o. Acker, City Clerk ~ AUj-uin;d; 4- 2 3- 79 Recorder's Serial No./bvok & Vg. A:~;s~cd ;~-:-waffirs, Dona 1 d _____. 63S07~1 E437 33~ ____Grace ~arks______ ASSESSMENT NO. (Af'N) ==reODE. AREA 405-11-94 _.__________.M __~__.... ____ o Refund by Court Order. (Please attach order for paymmt 10 puolic asenq') Sparks, and How AUluircd: [J . O.'.f'. @ ~y l'LlO []"'NJ,L ClRCER LAND IMP. PERS. PROP. EXEM1'T NET TOTAL OTHER SEE ATTACHI:D RcCc\\JEaJ \, l.. /~ "tj 19 ,. : Q R i\) t l,~, ;.':q,'\(' c.~.,.'-~(\I\'U ~,t-~::..;"'''''"' ~',-'\~~. f\..~ ~_'''''. , .' i.~. ;\ " L:) \'. ,!;\OUT FEE Sf: -= IO~~ ',1 :>::: GC','i:RNN.fNT CODE AT 1;:[ f;t~~_~j C-f ('li'{ Of CAMPBEll E 437~!GE 330 G3S0';9J: ,: 437~H~~ 330 fIL'trD FOn H/;'('iJHD AT REQUEST OF ClTi OF CAMPBELL' Arfi Z 3 II 26 HI-I'? 9 .---- cn'V OF CAMPBELL ~ ~ORTH CENTRAL AVE. CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 GRANT DEED OFFICIAL FIECORDS S!,~~T..\ C:.ARA COU.N.1X' GEi~1 ,t. :, I.o.~!m RE(]I:-li':' '( ''';[(;uilC'CR an We, MARY L. WALTERS, an unmarried woman, undivided 1/3 interest; DONALD SPARKS, a married man, as his separate property, an undivided 1/3 interest; and GRACE SPARKS, a married woman, as her separate property, an undivided 1/3 interest, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL. a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street purposes and to become a portion of Smith Avenue, all that certain real property ~ithin said City and more particularly described as f 011 ows : b\\ BEGINNING at the southeast corner of that certain Parcel One as said Parcel One is shown upon that certain Parcel Map recorded April 27, 1971 and filed in Book 282 of Maps at page 19 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, along the southerly line of said Parcel One, said southerly line also being the northerly line of Smith Avenue (25-foot half-street) as shown upon said Map, South 890 52' West 65.00 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel One; THENCE, along the westerly line of said Parcel One North 00 081 West 5.00 feet to its intersection with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Smith Avenue; THENCE. along said parallel line North 890 52' East 65.00 feet to its ;nterseeti9n with the easterly line of said Parcel One; THENCE, along said easterly line South 00 08' East 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 325.00 square feet, more or less, and being a portion of Lots 5 and 8 of the LN. Parr Tract filed in Book 11811 of Maps at page 57 in said office of said County Recorder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have placed our names this ~ day of :tJ1~ , 194-. (Notary Certificate) '/;;-. . y~ 'l J:uZ;;;; ~4t!'A. /A/^RJLTERS vc/h{W~ ~/: f ~/,~~/j7PARKS / ~ GRACE SPARKS f' i I. " I ;,- 1 of 1 po; \ c, : l v \ (i.. 4 ) ~ ,. 7/ e;/---Z A -t,/I{/? AJ c::.. (f,/J1'''' S;,,'J. , C,'1 [/ (~>>/-~-.?~ J)ANJ,I! ((' ~m.j( J 7?7 ~~>>r-"'?/(V4,,(j J)./t- '1 // ,,//~ // { )1 ~~ e-/Z/ I c.:-A. ~ //l tJ ~ cJ:,~-P - (" h u ,z /I~ I ( ,A-c).o" T / c." -1,.: ZJu//~ x... /c? t: <X .... S r/;() G , Oec~~ J.... ,It 5 - ?/c,,,,,-Sc d'e .,4?:JL//SeD 7#~/"" /'fte J c<-A.Je c-'- ;)EJ,)c~7y n-t ~r t' 5 (/' 4/1A./tP ~ D //t 6!_ {J",,, P&~ ,Ai fA n-< 5 -r cJ 'i,-f- H -r n-? ~-r S rJ~./ ~ ~ ~~~thful Performance Bond No. BND 214 98 59 Premium $85.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Whereas, The City Council of the City of Campbell, State of California, and DONALD G. SPARKS AND GRACL A. SPARKS (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated MARCH 7 , 19--1L-, and identified as S 78-5 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof~ and Whereas, Said principal is required under the terms of said agreement to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. Now, therefore, we, the principal and THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, hereinafter called "City", in the penal sum of FOUR THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND 00/100--------- ----------------------dollars ($ 4,250.00 ) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, snd shall indemnify and save harmless said City, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfuDy enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. 1 of 2 In witness whereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the pr inc ipa 1 and surety above named, on MARCH 6TH , 19 ~ 7gWITNESS OUR HANDS this 19 6TH day of MARCH PRINCIPAL DONALD G. SPARKS AND GRACE A. SPARKS SURETY THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY ~~, l'. ~~& LAWRENCE E. BROOKS, ATTORNEY (Attach Acknowledgments ) (Both Principal's and ) (Surety's Attorney in fact) 2 of 2 The Continental Insurance Company 80 Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY has made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint Lawrence E.Brooks of San Francisco. California its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place, and stead to execute on behalf of the said Company, as surety, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretYShip to be given to all obligees provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of Unlim1 ted Dollars. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following ReSOlu- tion adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company on the 1 st day of November, 1977 dRESOL VED tna: lhe Chairmar, of the Boare the V,ce ChaITn-,ar, 01 the Boa'd the Pres'Oe~:. ae Exe:uliVE Vice P'es,aen: or a Sen:o' V,ce Pres- den: or a Vice President at the Company be. and thai each 0' any 01 them IS. author,zed to execute Powe's o' At,o",€> c-,a:'y',~~ the al10rney namea In the g.ver. Power 0' AI:orney to execute ,n' behal! of the Company bonds unOerlak1ngs anc a'l con:ra::s o' suret\'sriC anc lr,a' ar A,ss,stan: V,ce Pres:oen,:. a Secretary or an Ass,slan: Secretary be ana thai each or any of them hereby's author,zea to alles: the execul,or 0' any such Power 0' Anorney ana 10 ana:h lhereto ,t"l€ sea' 01 the Company FURTHER RESOLVED. that the signatures of such officers and the seal of fhe Company may be affIXed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relat,ng thereto by facsimile and any such Power of Attorney or certificate beaflng such facs,mile s'gnatures or faCSImile seal shall be valid and binding upon fhe Company when so affixed and In the future wlfh respect 10 any bond undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it IS al1ach- ed. In Witness Whereof, THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its official seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be Signed by one of its Vice Presidents and attested by one of ItS Asslstam Vice PreSidents thiS 3rd day of January, 1978, Attes~. THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY By .<~<., ""~;>" i: =: \"'..', \~ ~.~' /J;) '-~<' " ~ .. ,..~,;.~........,.:-.~.., R K Ruesch V'ce-Preslden: ~~.~7 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUhlTY OF NEW YORK, ~ 5S On this 3rd day of January, 1978, before me personally came R. K. Ruesch, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in New PrOVidence In the County of Union, State of New Jersey, at 35 Alden Road that he is a Vice PreSident of THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described In and which executed the above Instrument: that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said Instrument IS such corporate seal. that It was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed hiS name thereto by like order. ~':;t,OfF!tI~ NOTARY PUBLIC Slate of New York No 52.1821035 Dual In Suffolk County Cen liIed In N Y Co ClkS Office CommiSSion E lplles March 30 1979 ~l~;~~~:::"~~'~;;"" f:t"'/~O~Rr\~\ \~}" PUBI.\C",::/ \.~:f.~~:...:~~~:~~,l CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, an Assistant Secretary of THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a New Hampshire corporation, DO HER~BY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in 1ull force and has not been revoked; and 1urthermore that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth In the said Power of Attorney, is now in force, Signed and sealed at the City of New York. Dated the 6TH day of MARCH 19 79 , ~II) f)-:::M ,..~"."' 2f~ RESOLUTION NO. 5563 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MARY L. WALTERS, DONALD SPARKS AND GRACE SPARKS AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Mary L. Walters, an unmarried woman; Donald Sparks, a married man; and Grace Sparks, a married woman, an agreement for the development of their real property in accordance with prescribed conditions; and, WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently herewith, they have submitted a grant deed of certain portions of their property for street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th the following vote: March day of , 1979 by AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hammer, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Counci~en: None ABSENT: Counci~en: Doetsch APPROVED: Norman Paul Mayor ATTEST: Phyll is O. Acker City Clerk / I- ' ~C / Q ~ ~ ~I 31 0- "'::( V) 0::( < o J- :z ~ cr) --rr I I ~ .. l .. I -oJJ I -N- F:::l~\ F~: (:.E:: i... ~.A..i~ F:: E.::; r{ . :~:. ~:~ ~:. ~1 F::{~.. i ~:} ~ ~ ~:::...:;. F':~ (:. E.: E.. () rool t: Go o . o Z w Go o o o <I) F::...::\~:i~f:.: t: E.. "!"\i\/:::".: -0 o vi ---l II'" N 8,0 5Z' E '5.00' ----- .. Ill... S 890 5Z' W I I I ,f Z.+O.I+';!; ~ o o iii -- J- - -,- - - - - - SMITH '5.00' Jj .1 -0 0 q,. 0 C\ 0 In o. l1) ... ~. t t t- AVENUE SCALE: I":: 30' LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Dr. by L. M. S. Ck.by J.P. AUG. t 1978 AUG. t 1978 I Land to be granted to City Contains 325.00"t slf/t. Prepared by the Office of the City Enqineer, Campbell, California ~ ... -\:.,\~ ~-'-\ \..., -.,j \_.1.::2. I-.f) ./ C',::JiT ::J; H.<\NDLlNG ------ <> IYI il"'_.-/ HELMS \f-.. E1URN TO_ .". 10_ ,i..l-- .__ ~"^'. tCAOE " II~:'~ -=- \' ii !i .---1-- Ii Pub 1 i c Works October 23, 1978 Mr. Larry Rudice1 1723 Dorrance Orive San Jose, CA 95125 RE: 1179 Smith Avenue Dear Mr. Rudice1: In March of this year the Planning Commission granted approval of your application to construct an addition to a duplex development at 1179 Smith Avenue. Their approval was granted on the basis of a site plan that showed your property includes a rectangular ex- tension to the east, 50 feet by 65 feet. The latest assessors map shows that the rectangular extension is not a part of your parcel but is still owned by the people who sold it to you, Philip and Ruby Chatham. If true, then the approval was granted in error and we must begin proceedings to rescind that approval. If the assessors roll is correct as shown on the attached copies, please confirm that fact in writting. If it is not right, please send me a copy of the legal description by which you took title to the property. Very truly yours, BILL HELMS ENGINEERING f1ANAGER By James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP:vw cc: Art Kee, D.P. Wally Byron, B.O. ~_.'(,C'_\ \:) ~'-\.(~ /liCE WIT.. SEC 32? IXAT'ON CODE ..ReM , 9~8 :EN -A SStSS'JR I :", I~-- 0' I ~L__ :J ;E- I ~'" I ;;: :: !J5 ~jlj l.f) <1 " <' J/ o I- Z <t If) <, (i ~. i , I ! " a I ., :,'F"6 I , I '~';.584 2<':; ::~)4 - -?T814" 28 , ! I I I I,. r; " [./ 27 I ~_u_ I~ '" ...... '.... --S3 ~4'~"-'--.n- 26 0' 'I' ,. 25 lr. 'c 7E .. -- :,-:; -f-.. -~F~' .- 0' I ~i 2~ <C ,,74- '" G "--~~: .;c ~, 39 ~ -, ..~ SMITH rl< 1'1 I 'I 7 rx., c I-~ ! 1& If. 8 ~.c;. ---~J/>l !0471 .-----: 5 - -.--.___ ;7416 -.93f-~- ---L-, 4 ._2 _ ,c*w_ __ _ _-!._4;5_~. 3 W), '" ;gIlt ~H3 32524 I 3;;784 s JO 01 i ;: ~o ~ ----I ~I r~ 4J'" :~ ____ (\J -...-- c. I~ 32 (.1_ ',~ I ~I I -r' r: " ~'- i. -D V' 89 :" I '9. 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U\ a ~ U\ N U\ IX - o.U\ 1: .... ,., ~ a I o .-4 0- N -D -D ~ Ul U\ -' 4( I- III ., W U .... -' 4( o Z 4( Z <0 o Z a 4(-' U\ H >0- OW4( wu 4( O:HXU ::>...JI- 04(H-' Z 1:-' >-CIlW ZW lD .q;...Joa. ......-JLnL: ZWO<( 4(:'<:.-4U 1: 4( N () a Ul ,... a. 1:.-4 III X III ~ a C\l Ul o ,... Ia. C\l1:.-4 .... W IX U\w o ~ a. o IX a. ell IX III a. a. o IX a. ell IX III a. o o Ul 0: a.~ 1: .... U\ ,... .-4 o . Z'" 4( -' ,.., ~ o 0 I 0 o ,.., .-40 . Z~ 4( -' .-4 0- o N "" U\ U\ 1: >- -' -' o 1: o <0 Z 0 4( 0 U\ -'>0- 4( 0: 4( WXU 1-1- ...J H-' -<(1:...J 3:CIlW lD O-Do. 0""1: -<(0-<( J:.-4U U -<( 1: () Ul 0 N Ul o ,... ,a. N1:.-4 .-4 W IX U\w o ~ a. o IX a. ell IX lIJ a. a o ,... 0: [L<O 1: H ,.., ~ o U\ I ,... o .-4 .-40 Z'" 4( -' 0- ,.., 0- -D o ,., ~ lIJ 4( Z Z 4( <0 o 0 Z 0 4( U\ >0- 1114( 4( ell XU HI- ZH-' Z1:...J wCllllJ o lD ~o. n:: ('.J 1: wo4( J:.-4U CIl .... ...J o -D a N U\ o ,... I 11. - N1:.-4 .-411I IX U\III o ~ 11. o IX a. ell IX III 11. a o Ul 0: 1L~ 1: H o Ul ,... IX 11. a- 1: H ,.., ~ o 0 I 0 o 0 .... 0 . Z-D 4( ...J ,... ,.., ,.., o o <0 U\ u >- X I- o IX o o <0 o o 0 Z U\ 4(>0- 4( o 4( xu 1-1- IXH-' w1:-' roellW o lD O:NIL ....1: CIlO4( lIJ.-4U Z o ., II . . o - CITY OF CAMPBELL 76 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Planning DATE: March 9,1978 COND I T IONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF La rry E. Rud i ce 1 S 78-5 , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF an addition to a duplex development TO BE LOCATED AT 1179 Smith Avenue CONI> I TI ONS : (See attached) Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Munjcipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date ~pon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEETING HELD ON THE 7th DAY OF March, 1978_0 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: ARTHUR A. kEE, SECRETARY cc: Public Works ~re Department Condi tions of Approval - S 78-5 Page 1 Application of: Rudicel, Larry E. N/A* Revised elevations to be approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of t}lC Archi tcctural Advisor. 2 3 4 5 N/ A~~ Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to application for building permit. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of Planning Director prior to application for building permit. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, striping of parking areas within three months of completion of construction, or (2) file~ritten agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final building department clearance. Applicant to limiting the office use, use, and submit a letter, satisfactory to the City Attorney use of the property to: square feet of square feet of speculative industrial square feet of warehouse use. 6 All mechanical equipment located on roofs to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell and Laws of the State of California. A B All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Hunicipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumber guards. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. *N/A = Not applicable to this application. '. ..,) Conditions of Approval - S 78-5 Application of: Rudicel, Larry E. page 2 c o E F G H Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicated clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. ( Section 21.68.070 of the Campbell Hunicipal Code.) Ordinance No 782 of the Campbell ~Iunicipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubb~sh produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as indicated in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan. FIRE DEPARTMENT I. Private access road to be posted as "No-Parking - Fire Lane.1I J. Provide an on-site fire hydrant system. K. Provide 2A-10BC fire extinguishers in metal cabinets. "- } Conditions of Approval - S 78-5 Application of: Rudicel, Larry E. Page 3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (J (~ L. PM. N. Dedicate right of way to a 30-foot half-street on Smith Avenue. Pay storm drainage area fee of $368. Enter into an agreement for the construction of street improvements on Smith Avenue, post a bond guaranteeing the work, and agree to sign a petition to form an assessment district to improve Smith Avenue. O. Obtain an excavation permit for any work in the public right of way. nl_ J "'-I L _~.a..J I . L_L__ _,..' ..J:l... The applicant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. / 15734 71 . r"'/ \..., ./ r\ It' , e"28 ,~, 27 , I , " / :~.'24 ./ / 1 I . / ( '26 :0 ~ lSl /90 8 25 :0 "- lSl '" 19&76 1347f1 '" 24 , /57227C y, '2.35776 J \- o HAZEL 14~,~4 (, v"( 29 ~ i al '*S 31 1{) X'/572/15 , ':.U2J6 . 6 i ",~ --- "CO ~MIT~" ~-- Z 14 '" - ...... t: -J UJ O. <t 80 6 7 ~, ;J, "''$ 8S~ 803~ /6f. 71 01\ I:t 5 If) /74.76 <r /9367 N ~ !f1 4- 0 19633 l- I ..---.,.,~ 00 3 III /Xl Z <{ /9633 V) 305.'204 I << J uj ,. g: 3;;7&<- OFFICE COUNTY ASSESSOR l OF .... !2 fit -. It )~ 30 9 ~ E..O...S_l60.3'2_ ___ '20158 5': 0:: , 52 78 g ~ 90 ~ ~ L ~s. ~ eO Ln <" t:'I Ln ~ 32 ('J _ 35 22848 /./-; I cJ' '" o 89 ~ 33 r II 34- .... ! '" I ~U 52 ~ II' '" peLl 78 13 22 ... ~. ~i I. ,'~ II! 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