1136 Steinway Ave. (1981) . ~')\(4)\f~,f<,, , ' ....., ~...<c * ,', , ' * ~ '~ <: "' , "r \U I, (,.,' . CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM '0'_ ftfuhUf ftl ~eeJ flUnning Director ~~\~', ~~n \ I, ,~~, From: Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP Subject: LANDS OF RING A.P.N. 406-16-14 -- - ___Q_EV~_LOPIQ_ 6Y_ GRATTAN. __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ This office reconmends approval of the proposal ~ subject to the fQl1owin9 conditions: 1. File a parcel map in accordance with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act. 2. Pay the storm drainage area fees. 3. Install street improvements and post surety to guaranty the work, 4. Pay the plan examination and construction inspection fee. 5. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Obtain an excavation permit for all work in the public right of way. LMS/le .-- . PU. o~<-- MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBEll '0: Jrfhur j. Hee. ~'ann!ng b1rector Date: March ~A. '09' From: Joseph Ell i ot t. 0 i rector of Pub 1 i c Works TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP Subject: LANDS OF RING w/ A.P.N. 406-16-14 DEVELOPED BY GRATTAN This office recommends approval of the proposal. subject to the following conditions: 1. File a parcel map in accordance with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act. 2. Construct street improvements across the frontages of Parcels A and B and post surety to guaranty the work 3. Pay the plan examination and construction inspection fee. 4. Obtain an excavation permit for all work in the public right of way. ~ ... r > . 'To: CI'TY CLE.RI<. Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 3521 3521 . p . w . F i I e No. Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($O.SO/SF) ~ork Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash'Depos it Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name LAR-F-Y G R-A-T-rAtJ Address I~l '04- FL-M PAR--}C.. Items -I Preliminary Environmenta~ Imp~ct Report Fee ($70.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date / S-O 7 q ~ 0 00 a~ 3 -I f -f I 1-G Amount ~() $ roo Phone 3~ 5 -0083 Zip '3SD50 January t 19B1 . . PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT LARRY B. GRATTAN hereby grants unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL. a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara. State of California. an easement for any and all public service facilities. in- cluding poles. wires. conduits. gas. water. and heat mains. over. under and across that certain real property within said city described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Will iam F. Ring and Edna J. Ring. and described in deed filed in Book 4443 of Santa Clara County Official Records at page 568 on June 9. 1959; THENCE. along the easterly line of said parcel South 1101612011 West. a distance of 30.60 feet. more or less. to the true POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, South 890 521 West, parallel with the centerline of Steinway Avenue and 30.00 feet therefrom. measured perpendicularly. as said avenue is described in said deed, a distance of 73.89 feet, to a point in the westerly line of said parcel; THENCE. South 110 161 2011 West. along the westerly line of said par- cel. a distance of 10.20 feet; THENCE, North 890 521 East. parallel with said centerline of Steinway Avenue and distant 40.00 feet therefrom. measured perpendicularly. a dis- tance of 73.89 feet. more or less. to the easterly line of said parcel; THENCE, North 110 16' 20" East. along the easterly line of said par- cel. a distance of 10.20 feet. to the true POINT OF BEGINNING: CONTAINING an area of 738.90 square feet, more or less. Said easement to be kept free and clear of buildings and structures of any kind except pub1 ic service structures. irrigation systems and ap- purtenances thereto. and lawful fences. IN WlnlESS WHEREOF. we have placed our name 3"j/t, , 19 8.:< ~ this cr day of ~~ !5 . ~",,~~ ~ ~~. I ~ ~ I.!J/~ ~ ~ 1~ 2.7" ' . . I + .... ~ C \'f'\ STEINWAY AVENue , SS,"S2W i .... C l"f'\ , /;::,. I:~ , / ~ () /, "'t ~/\S <::J'/G .... 1'f)1:--,. " "" .. I S ., ~2 W 73. B, I " " " , 73.8' N s," 52' E 4443 OJ? 5" ~ A . P. N. -40' - 16 - /4 ~ S. E. TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL INFORMATION PLAT BASED ON RECORD DATA LAND TO BE GRANTED CONTAINS 738,'!" s,. Ft. SCALE: I " = 20 ' DATE: NOV 1'81 OR. BY: j p. CK. BY: . . . . "OIAR~ fO~ l"U~~lg~~~ ~\~N~IVR~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe County of ~'52i rJ f (:{' (Y! 7 r ~ ) On this qrh day of :; ~'/J t r? fYi,!JP r , , 19 &7~ before me, ^ / /7 n ",) I C, ;/1, r/l 11 L'; - , " A.. f ~u_ /)'1 /) /' 17 / / l ) , a Notary Public in and for the County f /~ f fJ ~ (') r:+-/} I i~ /:'i V' (} , State of California, residing therein, J /.---, J.. (J rr/ I j) duly comMissioned and sworn, personally appeared C-.:; r () f f (J. /,/7 -- known to me to be the person \'/hose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that I)e executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal of the aforesaid County and State the day and year in this certificate first above written. -- County of SOnia C/cru State of California My commission expires 1'\//;;// O</?/ /qf3 . IINOT.~RY SEAL" <" , @ OFFICIAL SEAl .. ..' NANCY ANN MOON NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA Santa Clara County My Commission Expires Nov. 28, 1983 4/78 Z-94-A15 . . ~{J[J(.,,-rJ Jtf 2- 0 f D ~;;;., 5[> C; - (7 -g -z.. 49, D D0 r~, v i kl./- f.J q {,.. C/fh/1J - $2ood -t..- J,'-C>'L';c ~ .Ii I 000 ~.../ {/.J-. vv' ~ r#C(20 ! t 2. oeo ~ A38 fc.VQ1't-' 8' z, -z >8 -, _S:Q.v.'~., ( L r I ~ ~l-",,'-< ,--- C) "t-< ...... ~ if- -3.5' 'Y ( {l<- -f- t If ,so c r;u J + -ke. - J'i'.s-o {t.",,],f- ~/--7.} 1 s hv.~ fC{rvl It/oS (t"....rf .f'<-c - O(X-~f()<c1(dt(l-Ct:r/~ cJ -f r{-(::~)r)+ IOS- ~I/I.(;l(+ 8Z-z > '7 j~+ ~.y- (d $3 I ~ ((. v~, 7- ~ - (j~ if C' c cl (d<p 0 f /' ( ~!.I ) -;- -:s (,s-- {Jwe; c;~ f 31.s-u CJVJ (tv~,t- 8.2-23 k- - 1J1J-!r ~{ C! fA '0 I I (l ~ 00 ~ Il~, of- 8-2 -?-- ">; ---- II 'I A ? f J-: c/o (I' f Z -2"J "7 ....--' (9-\/1 C0 (( (( ( ( 13&0,;,S.0 - Ilq/, ~t? ~~, (v..,.;4-- 4<> CIlr(.v fa..i ~v J. D, C~.f+" (J c-v-{ ; /7y- ~ ff-~ ,f S-72, 3D I ~)? vt17 V\(~(~:J /( .,., 0 ~J-. t(! ~vVt . . E: I:: C! ~~nEliil 1:... a SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF SAN FRANCISCO SINCE 1890 238 N. SANTA CRUZ AVENUE. LOS GATOS. CAL\~OP.N\-"llSInQ . t4Ol!.) ~54-6676 TELEX 340232 March 21, 1983 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director Of Public Works City Of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Larry B. Grattan, P1d(24), 1136 Steinway Avenue, Campbell, CA Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed you will find the passbook for account # 19-00-306779. This passbook is up to date and reflects a current balance of $7158.11. We have disbursed from this account $2000.00 to Mr. Larry B. Grattan, per your authorization. The current balance in account #19-91-838-7 is $3062.88. If you would like to send us the passbook for this account, we will be happy to bring it up to date for you. If you have any questions, please call me. . Sincerely, ~~~.~~~ cind-~ickson Assistant Branch Manager ~ ".,1( (ctSS.-1C ,. 1 ~ · -1..4 VI t, ... (,t., ~ ~41,f' MEMBER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORp. MEMBER FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM . CITY OF CAMPBEll \. . March 16, 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L. C A L , FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 lJ~~1 ~'A-a141 ELL:on Department: Public Works Cindy S. Dickson Assistant Branch Manager Eureka Federal Savings 236 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: LARRY B. GRATTAN SAVINGS ACCOUNT #19-91-838-7 AND #19-00-306779 PLD(24), 1136 STEINWAY AVENUE , , I l I I I _ "'..~o..;--.....e-"'A Dear Ms. Dickson: Please be advised that the referenced savings account passbooks are being held by the City. Their assignment to insure the installation of certain public improvements at 1136 Steinway Avenue in Campbell has been accepted. We expect to be able to withdraw these monies at our sole request should Mr. Grattan fail to perform as agreed. Mr. Grattan has requested permission to withdraw $2,000.00 from Account Number 19-00-306779. By this letter we hereby authorjze such withdrawal. The passbook is enclosed per your request. Please return the passbook after your use, and indicate the curren~ balances in both accounts. Please reference Larry B. Grattan, Pld(24), 1136 Steinway Avenue in your response. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS t,flW DAVID N. VAlKENMR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV: 1 P cc: Larry B. Grattan, 156 N. Third St., Campbell, CA ~5008 City Clerk Enclosures (l) Passbook -Account #19-00-306779 P.W. FILE NO. f(e( G..~) TO: CITY CLERK _Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Name l ~O \J' 'II-- \/ Address- /j~~ Acct. 3372 3370 QI?2 3372 3372 C~ 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 J 3372 3521 3521 3521 Items. Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($200) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre (R-1, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value) Tentative Parcel Hap Filing Fee ($85) Tentative Tract Hap Filing Fee ($170) Final Parcel Hap Filing Fee ($170) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($140) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($380) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($350 for first plus $110 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($225) Certificate of Compliance ($250) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($.50 per sq. ft.) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2); additional ($1.50) Project Plans and Specifications ($10) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($35) Excavati~n Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL C, rat. tt CA ,.., N. """3 t-d ~ t. Phone {'aw f.1l,~// ( / FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Rece i pt No. / J '-I :3 7 '3 r-c; 7'l 0_0 Amoun t Pa i d ..:./ / v Rece i ved by CZ- ,{r" Date 9 -/7- 2 Z-- Amount 12-0. . II 0 $ S-7D ID~ :...----' -:3 74 -00 15" ~ Zip July, 1982 R f.(tl\l~tj Sf P 2:j '\~cll Testing and Controls PU8L\C "~ORKS P.O. Box 98 . 415 Fairchild Drive. Mountain View, CA 94042 . (415) 967-6982 ENGlNEE.kING File No. T22S0-MOl Lab. No.S1S196 September 14, 1982 Larry Grattan 156 3rd Street Campbell, CA 95008 Attention: Mr. Larry Grattan Project: 1136 Steinway Ave, Campbell, CA Subject: RESISTANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS Sample: One (1) sample of native subgrade submitted to our laboratory by your representative on September 10, 1982, and tested in accordance with California Method 301. Srn~~RY OF TEST RESULTS Resistance value at 300 p.s.i. exudation pressure = 60. (See enclosed graph of test results) Respectfully submitted, TESTING AND CONTROLS ~~ Denny Zucc DZ:kc Copies: Mr. Grattan (2) .. File No. T2250-M01 Lab. No. 515196 September 14, 1982 r(UOAliV; ..l~f:;<;uRE \;><;, I 80C 700 5(h~ 50a 400 300 200 100 00 90 80 70 60 ZI ~o '. ~ r c: 40 ,., 30 " ,: 20 10 0 " 24 / I RESISTANCE:'R~VALUE TEST I ! , T 1/ State of California, n / i I Test Method N!!. California 301-F .-t I / 20 I 1/ - I~/ /1 - / , 1"'0 ...... 16 \ / I ........ .... / ! I I 'L 14 / I ..... l/ I I ,2 7 I I / i , I I I i/ , :() ! i I , I , / I I I l/ I I ~ T j IT G / i 1 I I 7 ! I , I I ! /1 i V I I 2 / I i V I I 22 CIl20 III % u !II I It 11I1' ~ III ~14 iii <C >- II> 12 >- CD 10 II> CIl III Z x 8 u i ... 6 . II! III > 34 2 o o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSuRE ,'NCHES Sample: No. 1 Description; Brown Sandy Silt with Gravel ~ ~ Specimen A B C Exudation Pressure.p.s.i. 199 334 510 Expansion dia 1 (.0001") 30 38 45 Expansion Pressure,p.s.f. 130 164 195 Resistance Value. "1\ " 54 62 67 70 Mois ture at Tese 12 , 1L 7 11 i .... Dry Density at T ',,,, I- ~ c +1118 1 120 lJ. 1?1 1 t:.._)\". t . ..~. "R" Value;.lt 30e :..:i.i. 1= ( 60 ) Exudat10n Fressur~ i: JMH T I " . ; " ' (' " '\ { ,,, L " .....J ~ ' ,., L S[T; } { 1 E1):). 1 'II- . r\ 1 ~ " '..j hI'_\., 1- "<'1' S'-rl<,l~l-:'] -.:,/:.~ \, 1 1 ; C1 (~'Jl Ii E'!ig:Jle'eri/'~'? La n d' I) / ?l n Jj / Ji f;,' Lalid SU/T(;:; liii: August 4, 1981 Engineer's Office City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell. California 95008 ,RECEIVED Attention: Mr. Bill Helms .AU G i.i 1981 PiUliSUC Woo.l\S ~ifNHHJ1;J.G Re: Our #2451/Grattan Dear Bill: Not too long ago. the City approved a Tentative Map for Larry Grattan on Steinway Avenue. Subsequent to that approval, I discussed with you the improvements and specifically the permitted gradients along Steinway Avenue. It is my understanding that the City of Campbell is studying the area to determine just what could be done with the drainage in that area. Are you sure you want to improve Steinway Avenue? From the grades we took in the area. it's unbelievably flat. The installation of curb and gutter further compounds this by the necessary cross slope resulting in the curb and gutter flow line being several inches lower than the adjacent terrain. To aid in your review of the situation, we have prepared the enclosed Improvement Plans. In some ways it may be better to take the monies that would be spent on putting in the 78 feet of curb and gutter and repaving. to go towards an overall drainage solution. I know the City is not interested in deferred improvement agreements, which was our other thought. but there may be a better solution than constructing the curb and gutter which would require a dry well and create a rather odd looking installation. We have discussed with Mr. Grattan the concept of using the money for an overall drainage improvement and he seems to be in agreement with t hat concept. I I 11 I eave it up to you r own good judgement as to what's the best way to handle this situation. I am also enclosing for your review the required Parcel Map along with computer calculations. We would appreciate it if you could proceed Mr. Bill Helms Page 2 August 4, 1981 with the necessary paper work in order that this Parcel Map could be recorded in the near future. Thanks very much for your help. Very Truly Yours, 12,. //U WILL~EISS cc: L. Grattan WH / s t I I Joe ~'f 2451 ~, I I ! I . ; \ BID C3U6IAITTED JEHHING5 -/Ac;OEr2I^DTT- ~E:1SS. INC. 925 REGEN r SI SAI\j OSE, CAl!~ORNIA PHONE 786 4bb5 PI'2EL1/^IN~f2Y EST'/^6TE e>'D FOQ/^ TQ~CI ~<f Grattan D6\E" , '_ c=--__=c..::-.c___ :-.:.:..:--,-Pl1.c. ,RL=-.QJ:-..:=._,----.::=__,==.;'--.....:-._ ._ _ ,_ 8/3/81 '3UB/AIT 6105 By '3UB/^IT B1D'S TO ./^ ; >.', 1 ! 8Y BOND ESTIMATI; ~ 1 ~H5T="C>>; =:= BYs~"'mllJS:: ?FCA:::~5 ~~~~ ~OUH, ~ i- :;e:~'~::,:_~~g ..~a2~ -__~.~ ..-\<:~-t - ~-~~~+-~: ::J-..:::: I ,--,,------ _u__ -,-,-i H ,---- ---j L ~ ~!!rLLGutte' WI A~se __~--.78 i_l~:___i:10.00 -i_:a:. . Dr i v_ew.i!Y- Approach _,_ ____ __~~ ______z_-+__each4.J5Q..:,QQ.....--t 30. I I 4" VCP Late,al --- --- ' each ji 300_00 300. i ,----- !l II -r-' each il 300.00 I' il 11 it II '-------t- -,-----i+ , i . I I, ! Dry We 11 300. --+- , I I -,- ----, ! 3.550.00 -,---~-' - ' ._, -+--- i t I I \ ~I , , ~I I ! ! I Total ii I' ,I \1 , it --~---+ ~ ! i ,--, ,-~_._-+,- -'--r- ---,- --------+---' I ----=--~~ 1-- -- -+- -, I --+ I I! ! ,-- --r.----- II I I, i ---'t-----t- ,-,--,--------'---.- -.----+--,---,-,-----+ .~--,---,-Jt_---- --+,------. - 'I ---t-------+ . ii II II II II II ''-----I T --t--- JMH JENNL~GS - ~1 ;)ER~vl()'rT - HEISS, INC. >;1 TP or) c'8(J-4')'i,) 92) REl..JE~T S K.EEl' -, SAN JOSE. CA l)') LLO Civil Engineermg Land Plannmg Land Surveying August 3. 1981 County Sanitation District #4 100 East Sunnyoa~s Campbell. California 95008 Attention: Bob Moe1e Re: Our #24S1/Grattan Dear Bob: The City of Campbell has approved a lot split for a pracel of land on Steinway Avenue. We have completed Improvement Plans and a Parcel Map for the subject property. We would appreciate it if you could determine the necessary fees and any other requirements the District might have. Also if you could examine the Improvement Plans and advise us of any changes or revisions that might be necessary in order that Steve could sign off the drawings. Please let me know if you need any other data in order to proceed with'your review and comments. Thanks very much for your help. Very Truly Yours, i}~E1SS cc: City Engineer's Office L. Grattan 0/~ ?/d &:-4) [Drel 11':J c- ft' I <.;J COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY August 13, 1981 tl~C~\'JEO \J\\lG 1. 1\ \98\ P~~~\~~~~~~~ SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE Steinway Avenue (Grattan) Attention: James Penoyer We have reviewed the improvement plans; the existing residence is connected to the sanitary sewer. The frontage and acreage fees due this District have been paid. Upon application for a connection permit for the proposed residence, approximately $245.00 will be due this District. Very truly yours ~ By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services Engineer Stephen H. District M RLM/ j f xc: Jennings-McDermott-Heiss, Inc. 925 Regent Street, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95110