61 Superior Dr. (67-18) ~Ut .$i . (/.5-) il u\: :\ V PLANNING DEPART:1ENT CITY OF CAHPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL A VE~mE CAMPBELL, CALIFOF~IA Date 3-7.67 COi.JDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Ross OWl!Ins , FOR C0NSTRUCTION OF 61 Superior Drive 4-unit apartment TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: SEE ATTACHED: Section 9316.1 of the Campbell ;.xunicipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire ('ue hundred e1gnty (180) days after tile date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commis~ion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAt\1PBELL PLANNING COMilHSSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 6th DAY OF Ma-rc:h. 1967 CITY OF CA:'H'BELL PLANNI:'-JG CO~1MISSION r// By: n . v~- 1 ( ;.<,' n '.............c,#- Secretary bt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL US" 67-18 Russ W. Owens 6 March 1967 1. That the applicant shall provide a decorative wall or compact hedge to insure that the parking stall at the front of the building will not permit persons to drive across lawn area to park and to screen th.e area from adjacent residences. 2. Landscaping plan indicating type of plant materials to be submitted for approva.l at time of application for bui Iding permi t. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500 to be posted to insure landscaping within three (3) months of completion of bui Iding. 4. Trash disposal area to be compeltely enclosed by a fence or other means approvedbby Planning Director. The a.pplicant is notified that as a part of this application, he is required to meet the following additional conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. S. Applicant to obtain excavation permit from Public Works Department for driveway construction. The applicant is also notified that he shall comply with all other applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Camphell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. it ,. .. it ,. bt .~. ,. :---..J L--J ~ <"~ .j WEST VALLEY - 243.421111 - 321!l STEVENS CREEK BLVD.. SAN JOSE V ALLEREtH~&DCOMPANY t JUN 08 1966 G };I_HIll WUle ~g.. ',! .' SAN JOSE - 2112.71!lO - 38 NORTH FIRST STREET PALO ALTO - 328.78112 _ 6111 RAMONA STREET WILLOW GLEN - 2117.8244 - 1088 LINCOLN AVENUE. SAN JOSE WESTGATE - 3711.0422 _411110 HAMILTON AVENUE SUNNYVALE - 24!l.0240 _247 SO. MATHILDA AVE. MOUNTAIN VIEW - 1188'4427 - 1I0!l CASTRO STREET K:' CUPERTINO - 2!l3.71130 ~ 10113 S. SARATOGA.SUNNYVALE RD. Applieetion No. ALUM ROCK - 2!l1.8!lOO - 3103 ALUM ROCK AVENUE C.0l02-28-A CUPERTINO copy PRELIMINARY REPORT for a policy of title insurance to be issued by Security Title Insurance Company NO LIABILITY HEREUNDER VALLEY TITLE COMPANY, a corporation, hereby reports that title to the land hereinafter described is on June 1, 1966 at '7:30 a. m. vested in: VALLEY TITLE COMPANY, a corporation SUBJECT TO: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1966-1967 a lien, but not yet due or payable. 2. Public service easement over the Northerly 1. 5 feet and Westerly 10 feet and wire clearance easement over the Easterly 5 feet of the Westerly 15 feet of the premises, ~.l.s shown on the recorded Map herein referred to. 3, Deed of Tru::t dated March 12, 1965 and recorded March 16, 1965 in Book 6883 of Official Records, P'lge 404, executed by Ea~en V. Welker and Felice M. VJeU:er, his \viie, c.s joint tenants, as to an undivided 63% interest; Alfred F. Davis and IIele::1 II. Davis, his wife, as joint tenc.nts, as to an ll.'1divided l5Tc interest; Carl E. Cookson and Sharron E. Cookson, his wife, as joint tenant:::, as to an undivided 15% interest; ;:)tuart IT. 'Welker and Kathleen H. \-'lelker, his wife, as joint tenants, as to an undivided 5~c interest 8.nd Robert I,. Colbert and Jacqueline M. Colbert, his wife, as joint Lenants, as to an undivi.ded 2% interest, as Trustors, to The Anglo Safe Deposit Comrxmy :J. California ::'orporation, as Trustee and Crocker-Citizens National B:mk, a n'ltiom.l banking 2.ssociation, as Beneficiary to secure paym.ent of $223,500.00 and other rums as therein provided. (Also covers other property) 4. Covenants, condi~ions and restrictions, with no express words of forfeiture as contained in the Decl3.ration of Restrictions dated April 23, 1965, recorded April 2'7, 19G5 in Book 6935 of Official Record:::, page 337, executed by Valley Tille Company, a :::o!"porc..tion, and reference is hereby made to the record thereof for further particulars. Said Declaration provides that nothing contained therein shall imrnir or defeat the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. . NOTE 1: Taxes for the fiscalyear 1965-1966 have been paid. Receipt No. 300-39-44. Code Area 10-10. (A ssesseci with other property as acreage) First Installment $1,520.26 7~~c~~9]J~~~TIV~'7~\Y'~~nn'O 1 nl'n~l',.p,~q~\ ?,? (COLtld on nezt paCJ8) WSP!la \. ... 6 1568 :--J~ "~-.J' I ----- C-Ol02-28-!\ NOTE 2: This Report includes a report on ~lunicip:ll Taxes and Liens of the City of C8.mpbell. , NorrE 3: The premises lie within the bounds of County SanitatiOn District No.4. DESC8IPTION All th~t certain parcel of land situate in the City of Campben, County of Santa Cl3.ra, State of Californb., described as follows: J:9t ?'?, a~ p,fH?W~ VP9D thn.:t 9GttPM1 MaT? entiqedll'Tract N? 3'717", which Map was Lleci for record in the office of ~hc'~ecordel' ui U18 C.}bUfityof In.n~il CVU1t.!., BUiLe 61 C'alifoI'nh on March 10, 1965 in Book 192 of Mrtps, at pages G and 7. EXCE:FTING THEREFROM the'\md'cr:ground water rights with no right of surface en:ry granted by Valley Title CompanY', a corporation, formerly Valley Title Company of 8::mta Claragounty,.a corporation to San Jose Water Works a Caliiorni:J. c;orpor:::u~on 'by instrLl.1pent dated .t'\pr~l" 19, 1965, recorded April 20, 1905 in Dook 3926 of Official Records, page 87. . , , , , ~, t.....-, ., , .; , I j I I ! I , 1 . , "'j ~~ -.J I "- ~ \ f _..,.~ "'.1 .. t' ...- ~,l ._ ~ . I ~ i1 ? 'I ~ -t . -100" cl)fr .,11.. I GI 11.0 n -.. i ~~i~~~ijJl}~~l:~\~i~! " ~~~~C~~iC ~ ~,. .....7.1O'~... _-,. .. '. =. l;AV\~~E ~g~==~=~g~~~S.8.~SSSg 8888888888888 8888' - ""'r-' =1 :\ I . , , 1 I ad .~. I ~ f I . l,i ~. ~~ " l~' tt ~~ I~!t . I; t i,~ '" 17.~_.N.' "MI.'" ~ ..CA~':"BEl.L .@ ~!i~.~.~-...l;~;~.i hUUg~ iHii"isU ~i og!'L'.JJgg,~I..o..~ !.It'8alta~:~lt~Q:t' ~ > .. ~, c C ~ ... . i) .J ~ :1 I>> I :i 1l ~ :(d .0 ~:::t :: o .'J 0 ~ ~ ......) z., i:o 0 1i 3 .:T1.., =~~:~s: .... .' t\ m L .0 :J ~:'Oc 00.J .01- Is. :'" 0 G ~ :F xl Ii::l. ~ U' -,.:J /l ~5 ~ roo . :r ri ,\JJ- .0 l"~ACi ~t' ! III ~ I 'of"!a:"~l t.:o. J-3 ~ ~ ~ Z o . ~ ~ :::l