105 Superior Dr. (67-26) /6 L If/. (#2) PLANNING DEPART~lENT CITY OF CAMPilELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFO~~IA I~p. t e 4-4-67 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO nSt! APPROVAt OF PLANS OF Al Davis TO BE LOCATED AT: , FOR CONSTRUCTiOR OF 105 Superior Drive tri-pIex CONDITIONS: _....~. ~_._..,. See Attached: Sect~_on 9316.1 of the Cafl1p"b:.:d 1 :.!...::Ll\....qJ':! l. C,')Je r,::>~.d5 rs follows: Any ti-;:'IH'0Val grante:l under this section shall expire one Hundred eighty (130) days after tile elate upon whie:} 3uch approval was grcmtcd, unless an extension for such approval is obtained ~y aaking written application for same to the Planning Conunis' ion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued e.ftet" the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in ~he manne~ provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE 3tdY OF Cfu~PBELL ~LANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE xj:fi DAY OF April CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CO~1Jr1ISSION J:?/4 J " . ..~: c. . .-t<r;-2f..,! By. ~ ~~~'fiXA.a*M~J}X!;e c re Ji11_r~_ R. V. Hogan ~,r- ~~ - Engrg~'"- SECTION 9316 1. Landscape and ~ .cing plan, indicating ty~ )f fencing and plant material to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at the time of application for building permit. 2. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500 to be posted to assure landscaping and fencing within three (3) months of com- pletion of construction. 3. The gat~ in front of the trash enclosure area to be double-swing to 6' width. The applicant is notified that as a part of this approval, he is required to meet the following additional condition in accordance with ordinances of the City of Campbell: 4. Parking and driveway areas to be constructed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. The applicant is also notified thE he shall comply with all other applicable codes or ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. "S" 67-26 (}y( ~ -~ I --- . "-..-.- ii 1 t) 'l.G ~ L....... - 3184220 RECORDING REQUESTED BY C~1456 Code Area 10-10 Receipt #306-39-47 thru 306-39-50 306-39-73 and 306-39-78 thru 306- 9-84 BOOK 7641 P,\CE 259 ...............-. .......-................ ......~ ! r. c::lI"CcI ,,~ ~h9 requ~sk of I p.lh'~ illitle QIo~~ . : FEB 16 1961 0-<:': AM : : R d l! i ecor or.. ~ . S -I C . (- 'r. . I (1 _.JS:J e.. on~~ L JriJ OUO'..:}",.}l, 11,;1: "ecora~ .,................... ............. .... ........ f~."""" WHEN RECORDED MAil TO Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Davis 288 Belblossom Way Los Gatos, California MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO ~orporation Grant Deed Nom.~' & Mrs. Alfred F. Dans JOINT TENANCY Add 288 Belblossom Way c~~:Los Gatos, California Stote L- VALLEY TITLE COMPANY, o corporotion, doel hereby GRANT TO eoo" t IRS NONE ALFRED F. DAVIS AND HELEN H. DAVIS, his wife, AS JOINT TENANTS. the reol property situote in the County of Sonto Cloro, Stote of Colifornio. described 05 follows: .I ALL OF LOTS 5, 22 thru 28 and 35 thru 38, inclusive, as shown upon that certain Map entJ.tled, "Tract No. 3717", which r.'fap was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa J' Clara, State of California on March 10, 1965 in Book 192 of ~aps, at pages 6 and 7. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the underground water rights with no right of surface entry granted by Valley Title Company, a corporation, formerly Valley Title Company of Santa Clara County, a corporation, to San Jose Water Works, a California corporation by instrument dated April 19, 1965 and recorded April 20, 1965 in Book 6926 of Official Records, page 87. C () P1 ,~,.:}~i,L~.~:~~;lt::~~:~~~: . . '..J.....".;...;, ~ " Y'4lil, . ~~~f~~ ' . y IN WITNESS WHEREOF. soid corporotion hos co used its corporote nome ond seol to be offixed hereto ond .thi$:';~i(,.~'m~ntto be execut~Y*, it. duly authorized office", this 6thlhsyof February ,19 67'(,i ,::: :" ~"':~. ~ I "':> ~,..: ".- . It.; ,. ,I ..,d" . " .... ,. V.A~LEY .~. ,'rLE...~COjlt; .. .y:"'...:.'..:...:........~..~. ;..........................................Ool .d':.,; "~I~'~~ _ ..~:,.:~~~:' By... .. l\"ssT'st. .... t..~~.......p.;;~Ji;;l.........h **..................m...m............mh.......hhm..m...::_...~~~;;~~~?~~:....... STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA } 5.. On thj~ J Id, I/:j~y Rfi' p} q:" ~ ".Y ,,~ 07: ~..rf1r.. m.. tJl A II n ol A r fil R n i'l rl a Nolaty ~ubllc In ond fot laid Counly end Slete personally oppeated G E W\ LD ,1. ~1 i\ (l1' 1 f\1 ~nown to m. to b. the ASSISTANT VI CE PRESIDENT ~XIl'WX ~^lXI~1GJC lkX,jIl;~ of the corporotion thet executed the within ond foregoing instrument, ond 0110 known to me to bo the persons who executed the within instrument on beholf of the corporotion therein nomed ond ocknow. ledged to me thot luch corporation executed the lome. ~'..#.... ..... ':=:.~~:-r-J':-.......~~~.::~,~~~......~.......... VTC.I04 VALLEY TITLE COMPANY Nf!;~C:':.:\~:")?"G~":l:'"~ '.IV CtW~.l!SSION EXPiRES JMIUMIY 4,1%') MAil TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED AROVr i 't;i1') , to.V';';:!>.:!''f P,lJ.!11..1; " ~: iL ,-~~ :,., ..~.~l ";."".c ~__(~~\'~:~!' _~._':.ll~','.~.. ') .. -, ~_. ..-I...~.-..I~. ..J.._J \-l""~1'~888~~~~~~';..J, ~w_ww loOWONOO OOc",OOU\ ... 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