Union Ave. (TR7890) (-(~ITY OF C-f\~PBELL 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 jl7C:f .. '1/ ~?)) '. .-/ Department: Pub I i c Wo rks March 6, 1987 K-Land Construction 155 East Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Sirs: Upon inspection of the current condition of the existing pavement along the Union Avenue frontage of your development at 75 Union Avenue (Tract No. 7890), the City has determined that pavement fabric should be placed prior to the overlay. You may at your option and expense place this fabric and overlay as you construct your project. As an alternative, which the City feels would ultimately provide a better paving job, you may post a cash bond for the pavement involved in the 1-1/2-inch overlay on Union Avenue in the amount of $1,365.00, in which case the City would place the fabric at its expense and finish the overlay out of your bon~ re- funding any funds left over to you. This work would be done in conjunction with Cilty Project 83-9, Union Avenue Street Improvements, scheduled for construction this year. The City estimates the cost to you of the pavement fabric installed would be $600, more or less. Please advise us of your preference in this matter at your earl iest convenience. Since re 1 y , ~1:~U David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DK/le I _II . l ~lJ' ~ cj J i ~~~.f ~' ,1 il., t me {;- (.;,7 CJ:I\r,",:) R. E L,.'- A 1" 'I('U~ 'pH! tJ ...;..N PLl'stJ C \ hi ",,:) UlltuAEERlN.G ~AN 1 5 1987 TO: r'iry nf r;:!mphpl1 Department of Public Works DATE 70 N. first St. Camobell. CA. 95008 BOND . DESCRIPTION 1104518 OF Sanitary Sewer Main & Appurtenance to ~UMBER IMPROVEMENTS Tract No. 7890 Union Ave. Campbell, Ca. rRACT #7890 SUBDIVIDERS Mahmoud Oveyssi And Jamal Rabbani NUMBER NAME AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the ~ove captioned bond. We will appreciate your cooperation is providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the captioned improvements. A postag~-paid envelope is provided. Thank you for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes .........No - 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? ..J;L% 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? /Yes No - 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes - .........No - s. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? Comments . t)J .s/-n; ~p~ ~t/ ./<; ~/.:. "'''T oZ:x::.,.Je' A!Pr ~..;; 77A<r ./ 1l~ c/ ~J y-f h./1 1ft f tv') , Above information provided by: 77, rA (~~'4 ~ ~JOC Cv;1-( ~V1t:;_ ( M~~ Name Title Date i il ct" l .I 'f ~jl /~ ~' i'll.!., t A Rr:CE'VED TO: City Of Campbell Department of Public Works 70 N. First St. DATE J~N 10 1986 PUBLIC WONK:) JAN 1 5f'r9~~RmG Campbell, CA. 95008 1104519 DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS SUBDIVIDERS NAME Off-Site Improvements To 75 Union Ave Campbell, CA. #7890 Mahmoud Oveyssi & Jamal Rabbani AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the ~ve captioned bond. We will appreciate your cooperation is providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the captioned improvements. A postag~-paid envelope is provided. Thank you for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes - ...:::::...No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? JL.% 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~ Yes - _No 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes - ,.LNo s. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? Comments t'w.J_-s....~ J,.,hr~N' t')A../~ ,.:s. .ac7;VC... L""}o,,~ A-r ~d -p;""€,"" f>CTY'd <:> -0 vt/ VV1 a, V) Above information provided by: -1), l)q ([tv, 0 () V- A..5 & (. Cv; i 6Y17' /J4x-7 Name Title Date ~a Oata \blley Wclet Di~ricl G .. . (( -; f/ 'l 0 FL60D HAZARD REPORT FC 59 (08-10.71) rYlCG- 0-( 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265.2600 (' t~ /.: December 10, 1986 State of California Division of Real Estate 2201 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95816 nNm1j~\~~~j SWtiOM. ~C\9nd 996t 11 ~ 'jfi a3^:13:>~ ~ Ladies and Gentlemen: A request has been received from Valley Title Company report relative to Tract 7890 located in the City of Campbell in the Los Gatos Creek to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration. [iJ The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1% flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions. (This is a flow having a 1 % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year.) o The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1% flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under" Additional Comments". o A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions. A 1 % flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change. Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the City of Campbell cc: Valley Title Company 300 South First Street San Jose, CA 95113 Attention Pete Borello Ii Public Works Department City of Campbell 70 North First Street \ Campbell, CA 95008 \. '------.... . Sincerely yours, OmGtNAL 5lC;NED BY W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE COLLECT J RECE 1 rT FOR 'I1iE FOLLOW I NG MON I ES P.W. FILE' NO...M ~ (,{ (p j Jr, 7frlO ACCT _ 3370 3372 ENVI RCNENTAL ASSESSMENT ( $420 ) ITEMS <2) S~ DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I. '1.875; MULTI-RES., '2,060; ALL ~R., '2,250) PLAN EXAMINATla-I AND Ca"ISTRUCTla-I INSPECTla-I FEE (7,. OF' VALUE) 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ('300) 3372 /----1"'71- (~ TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE ('290) FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( sus) FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE ('275) VACATION OF' PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS ($455) 3372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGATla-I OR REAPPORT I ONotENT ( S420 FOR FIRST PLUS. $130 EACH ADDITIONAL) o 3373 3373 3373 3373 3372 3373 ~ 3~21 LOT LINE AD.JUSn..ENT FEE/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ($300) PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT {SI.097.00t) COP I ES OF' ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS ($. SOPER SQ. FT.) WORK AREA TRAFF I C Ca-ITROL HANDBOOK ($ 2 ); ADD I T I ONAL( $ I .50 I PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ('10) MAP REVISIONS TO MAP CCNPAN I ES( $1 0 ) EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ($35) GFNERAL COND I T IONS. STD. PRO\( I S IONS & DETA I LS ('10; OR 'I/PG) CASH DEPOS I T 352 I MA I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I or FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT 3520 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ($195/EA) 3510 POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL NAME Ja \.McJ "Ra b bet n \ M 0{ h m oui 1'4.0'5 OCt~ Wo.v SQ.,., I ADDRESS Ovev SS I I) bf(.. , lCt . PHONE q,/72.. FOR CITY CLERK a-ILY -~ ;).... ~ 62 ) I 7 ~. I a... ~ 9-/7~ ~ 00 RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECE J VED BY DATE AMOUNT s-: / fr7 '" ~o '2..7S 00 -- /1 7/G:. . ~ /tfJ01) $ "2. I 00 '7~ ~?'7--D7~ b ZIP &J 5/21) .JULY 1~84 1\31 PiHkITIOII' A.V!"l,!f' S;-lI] JUSt~, ;= J'IG- : /'1 L ~ G;. 7) PACIFIC[tBELL" A PacIfic TelesIs Company September 12, 1986 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract No. 7890 Gentlemen: We have no objection to the P.S.E.'s as shown on the attached map. P.S.E. 's do not, however, constitute "an easement acceptable to the utility" as described in our Schedule CAL P.D.C. No. A2, Rule 16, A.3.b. It may therefore be advantageous for developer to grant our Company a Right-of-Way for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the property served. Any arrangements for such an easement will be made directly with the developer. Sincerely, ~~ ,CLl; ~. G. Oesterreich ~ M~nager - Engineering cc: K-Land Construction and Development Inc. 155 E. Campbell Ave. Suite 102 Campbell, CA 95008 M Co Ll c!J" 7 ) ( PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 1F>@9I'IE + 10900 NO. BLANEY AVENUE CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 {'OSl 253.2010 9-11-86 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for Tract j890, Union Avenue Dear Sir: The Public Utility Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for .the installation of this Company's gas."and electr~.c dist;!.ibution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call Mr. M.S. Blodgett at 973-8930. f \ -- Sincerely, ~APJ ~ I' A. X. Kelly Distribution Planning Supervisor cc: Pac Bell K-Land Consultants Marketing File ,.~~lt RESOLUTION NO. 7266 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 7890 AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION OFFERED THEREON WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 7890 at Union Avenue and Duncanvil1e Court for approval; HHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be, and the same is hereby, approved, and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on behalf of the public in conformity with the terms of +~? ~ffer of dedication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th 1986, by the following vote: day of October AYES: (flc (y- &1 NOES: Counci1members: None Councilmembers: Ashworth, Doetsch, Watson, Podgorsek, Kotowski ABSENT: Counc i1 members: None ATTEST ~~t/:QZ~ :;~ rr;~..:'.'7~r::~IG~~'JS:RUMENT IS A TRue r.i,;. ., ,..., o~ THE ORIGINAL ; " , T'''~:, Ci J'l(:E.. ~:: .~~~.",~ [~:~:~''';/:'~.'< C' ~',\SJ<,(, CITY CLEAf( :~'~:u~~;\l~rl(1)~~ DATEO /'5/Q/Rt:l t?tf '~l'~ . ~O\ (4",,,&,,, , < c. . ...- * . -<:'. * n . <q v ~ ,. ~ ,..06' 0 t'( I (P-,\\ A 1 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: F l 1 -< T ... . 7 ~, '0 Date: 11~ I~/ 19' rb From: ) . f' e (1 (\) y' " Subject: f-(~ in \'<u oi p~,...k v~J,~afio,", ----------------------------------------------------------- U-~~5 XjJ >1.0 !)( ~~~.OO)::: JDDDreol.l< . Acr< J;zi (J1 ...) J .,. .- J 11"2 -- -:: / LJ ~ J- ~ -- -un/7 ./ ^.1 . t- ju 11 I I J 't ~ b I. I-z.--,-~) I 2- 2. to. ) C 4> n,,"b j"'!oM) - ClJ.,. ~ ~ 1000 A-l ~ ~ ! 2. IJL J 1:32.) - ....r I~/ 7/fe, ~. I. 1::-. '2_~/) "-- Lh'\', \ JI; 112 In; f '2. \"J Un \-\-) ...f )/;J2- / rfO ,,-- COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECE' 'ED MAR 21 1986 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone (408) 378-2407 PUBLIC WOnKS ENGINEERING SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA March 20,1986 Mr. James Penoyer Engineering Department City of Campbell 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 RE PROPOSED TRACTS/EXTENSIONS Duncanville Court, Campbell APN 413-10-033 Dear Jim: Thank you for the opportunity to review this tentative map. The engineer has been given the District's preliminary requirements. The fees and bond requirements will be given to the developer when the plans and a copy of the map are forwarded to this office for checking. Very truly yours, ~~~ Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM:et cc: Polyplan, Inc. 1901 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite 321 Campbell, CA 95008 K-Land Consultants 155 E. Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 P... FU.E' NO. TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE CCLLECT AND E I ~,,. FOR THE FOLLOWING MONIES ACCT. ITEMS 3372 ENV I RONoIENTAL ASSESSMENT ($420) 3370 STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I, $1,875; MULTI-RES.. $2,060; ALL ~., $2,250) 3372 PLAN EXAMINATION AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE (7'10 OF VALUE) 3372 ~ 3372 3372 3372 '372 3372 3395 3373 3373 3373 3373 3372 3373 3521 3521 3521 3520 3510 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($300) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEEtCsZ9ij)+~~p'1, cl'A FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($275) FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE ($275) VACATION OF PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS ($455) ASSESSMENT SEGREGAT ION OR REAPPORT I QN.ENT ($420 FOR FIRST PLUS. $130 EACH ADDITIONAL) LOT LINE AD.JUS1MENT FEE I CERT I F I C,,"TE OF CaotPL lANCE ($ 3 0 0 ) PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ($I,097.00t) COP I ES OF ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS ($.50 PER SQ. FT.) WORK AREA TRAFF I C CONTROL HANDBOOK ($ 2 ); ADD I T I ONAL ($1. 50 , PRO.JECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ($10) MAP REVISIONS TO MAP c:::c:M='AN I ES( $1 0 ) EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ($35) GFNERAL Ca-m I T IONS. STD. PROIf I S I ONS & DETA I LS ($10; OR $I/PG) CASH DEPOS I T FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT MA I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T FIRE HYDRANT MA I NTENANCE (S I 951 EA ) POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL M6"'. tJ\. 0 "e~ SS'1 NAME 010 r!-L-~ ~"T:~ . ADDRESS ISS-. 6. ~f~\ ~\o'0 a.-INT ,z,qo S ~qu PHONE 23h6--~6% ~~kQQ ZIP.9"Ql)1\ FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY J../-:;' 7 I ~C)f') ~(1 Cl-)?J d- -;),/",. y&, RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECEIVED BY DATE .JULY 1984