100-130 Union Ave. (66-74) RECEIPT -.~ Ad (4i, CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME 1 ~ ~ . / / i y" . / ",,/ 1 '" 'F t77 de.;- '. d ,;;' 7--}'--<' J ,tt- L'" / e (~C-W/ . <h-<-- (/ ADDRESS ,/I ~~~:;Lt;~;v / D u ";r ;::-3 () 0{.<:'->'7- c/ U--;V-L_ JB3 ~J 00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. dt:.t: FUND NUMBER ~ /7('} ,---- (f CHEC~ o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. sa> -5-68 005 *** * 5'-15.00 SEP -5-68 66 oosC ***5'-15.00 / " <!!>s 7996 BY ~::?7'J c." 1(, '.~.:..; .,.' J '''. I CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy . . I "-'1 You CITY OF CAMPBELL SURETY DEPARTMElI GENERAL INSURANce COMPANY OF AMERICA Address of Surety: ~50 SANSONE STalET SUBDIVlsr SAN rltA_C.SCO. CAL.roaN'. Dote: I C I T y Ctlca ,NUIt C, TY 0' C"",par,Ll,. CAMPBUL ,:. "L.IF"ORN' A L Without prejudicing your rights or effecting our liability under the bond, we would op- preciote whatever progress information is now avoilable concerning this subdivision or offsite improvement bond. A business reply envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Very truly yours, GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA IF IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: 1. Date completed 2. Date accepted -/ Remarks: (If any) (' --t..'~A.-.J'.>7/:?./~'['.//(~)~ OR OFFSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND STATUS INQUIRY /V1<.'C:;. ~~) I~C::U L:,~c 74- .; Project Description: Your No. 585657 Bond No. "I D . t' STREET IMPROVEMENTS ,. escrlp Ion (ONNECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION or CONVALESCENT HOSPiTAL rOR ITY It.. AMI'8EL.L INC. -.l Obligee I TY OF CAMP.ELl. Bond Amount Effective Date .00 IF IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT COMPLETE, PLEASE STATE: ;J , I 7ft" k (-:- ....'\ ) J 1. Percentage of work completed -<::' '/c.A ,.. , '. 2. Probable date of completion 3. Is progress satisfactory? /)P/'7:::=.k'? /-r.'7 ~~/) /';>f:: '/~ '/.) . ./ 7-(- /..c7IM./l/ ^ ' /A_ ~~~L::c-. /"r ~ . '7/~ /7; I . Date. .( Y C~, -j,?" ./ Signature S-716 R2 8/65 L- Title . !t~J... /#/:.:.~ /' /V/i' E-/__C--; / ^_ CC/,:" PRINTED IN U.S.A. /" / /7:t,(" if (A' "1 v.;;,~>J>" .~,;/ It": ~ ..i ---. . --? Ii I fI'" t:,';7" . .' I.~"'. .<.t ,''/ ~ " J · ,~", 't.-#" ....,\ ~ .......'. .... . :'.' } ..,..1"'''' 7 l'..-!.,;,i)" ,.,~, - ~ "'~"'G'>'v."'-"""-' """'" P' ~ l'/'~' I' ~.",.F 11M,~' I~/"" HESu;,JU'.l' IOl1 NO. 2517 BOOr. lJ~ti;j r~c: ~JU8 3L18LJ201 BEING A RRSOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PlnLlP \'T. and EE~ll'HER 1.jJ\E; SONDEi)iO, HU~,L:'!,\}iU l\,ND HIl."E 2nd NOBLE I. # and nZ\IN B. B!iLLE'il, BUS BlmD l\ND FIFE I l-...GREE:J/LENT. ';\' 4 iyt't"', r.. ~ ,~.~ i~ ) .lC 1.. ~~'...'. L>,,+' WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Ph ilip 'H. cmd Est.her I-l02 Sondcno f hu::;band 2,r;.d wife I and Noble L. and l-la.ry E. Balle','} I husband and \life I an a<:::cceln<::nt for tl' e d(~veJ.O};)n~f'n'f: of th(~ir real pr()p:O~L'ty in b.ccorc1c'cnce ,.'i th prc5c:c ibed conditions i and \'mEH.El'.~;, by the terms of s21id agI'eement f and concurrent ly ne:r.cwi th t.hey have sHbmittcd g:CcUlt deeds of certain pO:ct::iOlH> of their property for s-LTeet purposes; Hm'; f 'J.'HEREF'ORE f BE rr llliSOIN:CD by the City Counc:iJ, t,hc1.t the I'1ayo:c be and he is hereby authorized to eXGcuJce '(-he said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT l?URrI'HER RESOLVED thclt the grant deed su,bmi t.-ted i.n cO~lnectic)n there.vith be and the same is hereby Clcccpted. Pl\SSED AND ADOPTED this lOt1la.ay of.~~~temb~!___ 1968 I by thE'; folJm15.ng vote:, NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hyde, Rogers, Smeed None AYES: Councilmer1: ABSENT: Councilmen: None 3L~8{t201 BOOK 8203 f,-,et 388 b,PPROVED:.. Fl..LE D..... ;:"J ni1F;:: '::)?W . . t -i .~:.;:: -' / .. II I:: /,,/,; J.1 . '),', .' / ' , /'. [' ,t*Pt"j '~;~ '''/:'''P'l''''''~ " .-' '" t.. '- .., .. I 'l' .,/ ... ,.< ",. - ~'- f J ~.... ," ,iilii;m ~~-:Sl~~cd ---'-MayoS?"? IS I 3:d'll ~;) A'TTESrr: k ,/ '. /. /.j! / -,,-' _~~i.~:~;,,:g~/::.:~ .__/(CL'-L!c~_(?: ~.~::;~_.___ L.__ DOTothy T/cvcthnn City Clerk (/ \./ 0::: 't..' f,.. . -iY '-'. k\. n r(.>~ I \\ij \-.:~..)' f--.:' ..r,>1 / ./ wond No. 535657 Premiun :;4;'~ . 00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Noble L. and Mary E. Ballew, husband and wife. That (I) (WE) Philip W. and Esther M. Bondeno, Husband and Wife as Principal, and Gcn.erc..:.~-'_ Illsur~_:liCR CC)Jnp'-.l1~r nf' J:-TI1Clp-j ,-.~~ a corporation, organized under the laws of the State of: oi:~iB;':t€:1n as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, state of California, (hereinafter called "CITY"), in the sum of TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($ 2.800.00 ) lawful money of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, for the payment of which well and truly made, we hereby bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, WHEREAS, the above-named Principal proposes to construct a convalescent hospital upon that certain real property located on the east side of Union Avenue a souther y rom Campbell Avenue on property described in deed (s) # 3010621 and 3112507 as said deed (s) is (are) filed for record in the office of the Recorder, County of santa Clara, State of California in Book 7282 of Official Records at Paqe 458. recorded Feb. 16 1 66' and i c r 98 , , respec ve y WHEREAS, in order for principal to obtain a bui1dinq Der.mit to construct said convalescent hos ita1 structure w t said City 0 ampbe , Principal is obligated to construct and/or install or have constructed and/or installed certain street improvements throughout the Union Avenue frontage of said site, in accordance with the standards of said City, said street improvements including: concrete sidewalks and driveway approaches (1558 sq. ft.), asphalt street paving (2952 sq. ft.), concrete curb and gutter ( 164 line ft.), standard electroliers ( None ea.); the total cost of s aid street improvements having been estimated by said City to be approximately TWO THOUSAND EIGHT ~D DOLLARS ($_800.00 ). WHEREAS, the parties hereto have agreed that said improvements shall be installed at such time as the City Council of said CITY calls for them NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal shall well and truly do and perform its obligations as set forth above, on its part to be done and performed at the time and in the manner specified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void: otherwise this bond shall remain in full force and effect. 1 of 2 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That participation in any Local Improvement District which may be formed for the express purpose of constructing public tmprovements in the area concerned; including storm and sanitary sewers, street and sidewalk tmprovements, utility installations, anq/or any installation which may be prescribed by such proceedings within the public right of way shall satisfy the obligations of this bond. 2. That the term of this bond is for a period of one (1) year, commencing on ,"l'1.l:3t lL , 19 (..Q , but shall be continued year to year thereafter at the option of the Surety. 3. That the Surety hereunder may relieve itself from liability under this bond by giving written notice of such desire by registered mail to the City thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration of the bond. 4. That in the event said principal is not granted the necessary buildinq permit to construct said convalescent hospital structure within a period of one (1) year fram the date hereof, this bond shall be null and void on its face. 19 6,; WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11, ~'~" ~'" .., , _ I P .:--:--' ~~~ X~~~~~"~,'~ X::,'~~,:{!.r ~7 E .cfr,-c~-&~ (Notary Certificates) lCO. 2 of 2 ~~V~ {9 /) tAC ;:1 I C P LA0iN I NG DE P i\H,Tl\lE~~T CITY Of Ci\i,lPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: May 7, 1968 CONDITIONS ATTACiIED TO IISII APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Philip Sondeno , FOR J:9~?lfYfllP~:Pf 6 month OlC~.n!lion Of t.ime 1'0 BE. on aPDrov&l of plans for 70 bed convalescent hospital LOCA-r'~D. AT: \00..130 UnJ,on AVenue CONDITIONS: Extension to expire Noveaber 6, 1968. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this sectior. shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an ex tens j on for such approval is ob tained by mak ing wri t ten arj) I i cati on for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days pYier to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON TIlE 6th DAY OF May, 1968 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: \, _ .) '/ '-- "'~' / ,_ ~L /:1::-- / / L.. '7~L<ce - R. \r: {IOGAN'- --Ze-cre ta 1:-:;;------------- cc: Engineering Department jJ /in t F+'1 PLANNING DEPART:IENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFOfu~IA Date 11-8-67 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Philip Sondeno , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF convalescent TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: 100 and 130 Union Avenue See attached comments. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after tile date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF Cfu~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 6 th DAY OF November, 1967 CITY OF CM~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION A? d. By: _., n.v. !'(")(T~ri }J /'7ZJf?.tt'~ l '- {./ Secretary --?1- RVH:bt cc - Engineering Department att-l STAFF COMMENT SHEET - PLANNING COMMISSlON MEETING OF 6 NOVEMBER 1967 tfS" 67-69 Philip Sondcno Application of Philip Sondeno for approval of conva- lescent hospital on property located at 100 and 130 Union Avenue. (See Map #3 attached.) These plans were previously approved as "S" 66-74 on 6 September 1966. As the L.I.D. for this area has now been completed, the construction can be carried out as proposed. Staff recommends approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. Fencing plan and plans for adequate watering system for landscaped areas shown to be submitted for approval of Planning Director at time of application for Building Permit. '-;1' 2. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1,500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking lot within three months of completion of construc- tion or applicant may file agreement to complete land- scaping, fcncing and striping prior to final Buildinp, Department clearance. 3. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container in a location approved by Planning Director and Fire Department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following additional conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the Campbell Municipal Code; 4. Sign applications to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No signs to be installed until application is approved by staff and Building Per~it issued by Building Department. 5. All parking and driveway areas to be constructed in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. Construction of underground utilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. o 7. Dedication to 30' half-street on Union Avenue. 8. Building shall be provided with a sprinkler system. 9. All fire extinguishers shall be located in cabinets. 10. Agreement and bond for street improvements on Union Avenue. 11. No patients shall be permitted on the second floor. 'he applicant is also notified that he shall comply with all other pplicable Codes or Ordinances of the Campbel Municipal Code which ~rtain to this development and are not herein specified. "s" 67-69 jJz~.1 J ( 119 ~~ PLJ\.~.~INu iJEI'Ali.1.1ENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date September 13, 1966 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO tiS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Philip Sondeno , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 70 Bed Convalescent Hospital TO BE LOCATED AT: 100 and 130 Union Avenue CONDITIONS: mUHMANCE 1. Dedication to 30' half street on Union Avenue. 2. Agreement and bond for street improvements on Union Avenue. 3. Parking and driveway area to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell "lunicipal Code. RECOHMENDATIONS 4. South and north property lines to be fenced with a 6' soli~ wall or fence as indicated in red on plan. 5. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1500.00 to be po~ted to insure landscaping and fencing in accordance ~t~h plan within three months after completion of huilding. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after tile date upon whic;l such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commis<'ion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON '1 dE 6th l;AY OF Septemher, 1966 CITY OF CM1PBELL PLANNING CO~il~ISSION By: 'K-U ~ /d// Ettelti,.. ..I . ecr,etary AMERJ c -1 1- First American Title Company of Santa Clara County MAIN OFFICE 1290 NorIh First Street San Jose, California Phone 286-6353 PALO ALTO 442 Ramona Avenue Palo Alto, California Phone 325-2855 SUNNYVALE 560 South Murphy Avenue Sunnyvale, California Phone 245,9661 UNION -FOXWORTHY 2981 Union Avenue San Jose, California Phone 377.9112 In reply refer to: SAN JOSE 0 PALO ALTO 0 SUNNYVALE 0 UNION,FoXWORTHY ~ PRELIMINARY REPORT Issued for Sole Use of Richard Smith 2247 Camden Avenue San Jose 24, California Our No. CP 4124-HB Your No. In connectjon with your appljcation for a Policy of Title Insurance on the title to the land hereinafter de~cribed, this report is issued as an accommodation, and is made without liability and without obligation to issue such Polley. Statement of charges will be rendered when Policy is issued, or ninety days from entry of application, if Policy is not issued prior to that time. ICe) {/hlC/"'-. /! v e FIRST AMERICAN TITlE COMPANY ./1 ~ /J /'~ _ // ..... ~ / ( o.-r-O<.'-~/'_ C__-- -.:.:UZ- '", ./ Earl Capel, TITLE OFFICER Dated as of Septpmhpy 7 I 1 965 at 8:00 A.M. By VESTEE: SUBJECT TO: . JOIIU l1EDT<iJO <;;illi' .1()Al~1',-, MEN-001 hU.:Jb;:lU.cL;.~d- --wi fQ, ~~ct;.-'I'~,jm-t s )-". per ['/1'" ~ .~.S? /7 J~ ?'7 Ci 1. General and Special taxes for the fiscal year 1965-1966, a lien not yet payable. 2. A Bond in the original amount of $503.50, No. 94-A, Assessment No. 1702. For Union Avenue Storm Drainage. Filed in tho Office of the Treasurer of Santa clara County. Total amount payable in full $354.98. Amount on 1965- 1966 tax roll, principal $50.35 and interest$17.62. 3. Right of the public to use as a roadway over all that portion of Parcel No.1 hereinafter described lying within the bounds of North Union Avenue. 4. A Deed of Trust to secure an indebtedness of $6,000.00, and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, recorded January 19, 1960 in Book 4669, page 123 of Official Records. (Affects Parcel No.2 and an easement for ingress and egress over the Southerly 10 feet of Parcel No.1) . Dated: January 13, 1960 Trustor: Joh Mengo and Joann F. Mengo, husband and wife Trustee: Valley Title company of Santa Cl~ra County, a corporation Beneficiary: Jerry Vick (cont'd) CP 4124-tlB 5. A Deed of Trust to secure an indebtedness of $10,000.00, and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, recorded July 12, 1961 in Book 5226, page 688 of Official Records. (Affects Parcell). Dated: July 11, 1961 Trustor: John Mengo and Joann F. Mengo, husband and wife Trustee: Western Title Insurance Company, a corporation Beneficiary: Peter F. Diehl and Ethel E. Diehl, husband and wife, as Joint Tenants LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: PORTION of Lot 12, Subdivision of the Estate of A. Johnson, as shown on the map recorded in Book A, page 37 of Maps, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of North Union Avenue, as shown upon the Map above referred to, said point being the Northwesterly corner of that certain 6.05 acre tract of land described in the Deed to Joseph F. Rogers, recorded in Book 420, page 33 of Deeds, Santa Clara County Records; running thence along the Northerly line of said 6.05 acre tract S. 890 59' E., 233.79 feet to a point; said point being distant thereon N. 890 59' W., 150.00 feet from the Northwesterly corner of that certain 3.92 acre tract of land described in the Deed recorded July 3, 1918 in Book 476, page 58 of Deeds; thence South and parallel with the Westerly line of said 3.92 acre tract 81.41 feet; tllence Westerly 235 48 feet, more or less, to a point in the center line of said North Union Avenue, said point being distant thereon South 80.12 feet from the point of beginning; thence North along the center line of said North Union Avenue, 80.12 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2: PORTION of Lot 12, Subdivision of the Estate of A. Johnson, as shown on the map recorded in Book A, page 37 of Maps, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of North Union Avenue, as shown upon the Map above referred to, said point being the Northwesterly corner of that certain 6.05 acre tract of land described in the Deed to Joseph F. Rogers, recorded in Book 420, page 33 of Deeds, Santa Clara County Records; running thence along the Northerly line of said 6.05 acre tract S. 890 59' E., 233.79 feet and the true point of beginning of the herein- ufter described tract of LJ.nd; thence continuing along said Northerly line (cont'd) Page 2 CP 4124-HB S. 890 59' E., 150 00 feet to the Northwesterly corner of that certain 3.92 acre tract of land described in the Deed to August Swenson, et ux., recorded July 3, 1918 in Book 476, page 58 of Deeds; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said 3.92 acre tract of land 163.59 feet, more or less, to the Northeasterly corner of that certain tract of land described in the Deed to Luigi Denegri, et ux., by Deed recorded September 26, 1958 in Book 4185, page 577 of Official Records, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the Northerly line of said Luigi Denegri, et uX., land, N. 890 59' W., a distance of 150.00 feet; thence North and parallel with the Westerly line of said Denegri land, 163.59 feet, more or less, and to the true point of beginning. Note: General and Special taxes for pro-ration for the fiscal year 1964-1965. First Installment, $103.96, paid. Second Installment, $103.96, paid. No Personal Property. AP No. 413-44-053. Code Area 10-014. plat Map Enclosed cc: 8 to applicant 2 to file JC Page 3 I I I I o:t I ~ I I (V) - ~ ~ .6S'E.~1 -- 11 Q: .... <::t: ~ .. II ~~ 1'1,- f'!~ Plr- .~ II 0 (.J 3 ('J :;? 0 0 0 .-I 0 lil uJ d - u lI\ ci If 0- .. I.l,j "- ~ . ,'. . ~s.~c'" a-. '<'- It) '_'_'_~"_.",~c,-..-.. \ . '~'le ~~.? ..~...: .9\ ''Z& . 0\ cO (() " " ~ "-"j- hl i en i I i i IU I~ ,r- .. f1\ r-. t'" <0 (Y) l&.J! :). ~ ~ ~ ~ uJ co ~, l"I CJ c:;t l"I ~ N CI: 1tI <( <:( (Vl ...;.. C\l I \.J , 2. ,<:[ ! 0.... i \I) ..:;c Co' -!:: 0 _0 OJ ) 'q: -- o. ~i ClII () U ~ N --- --+- 0 -----.J ~ -J -+- Q -J l1J en Q ~ 0 J ,fA H1CfON ~,~Q9 ---- ." . ~ 3/;)/;13/\ tf '7lo1,.tlSO'~ "0;) Mi'\,I if ,.- +,OSL NOINfJ v ~ ( ~J o o ~~lll ~lr <<l cJ' c!> f\1 (1)1 ('f ~ ;... ::: 0$ e- ':I o U ~..:: ~ .~ ~ ~ "'i: :1 ::: 0$ (\ ~ .;:; "-J .... '" s ~ .... [fJ '" ~ i ~ i, ~ UJ :) 2 l1J ~ q r- o (J C:( Q <( =4- ~ vJ I .p .f'