375 Union Ave. (69-20) I ~~/c..".<_( /1, f ..7(~i ") - Gc <; /Il <: '-(I ;) I 4IL ....' I \ \ January 14, 1971 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 86 South Third street San Jose, California 95113 ATTENTION: Mr. Jack Jayet SUBJECT: Energizing' of Electro1iers "S"70-69, Valleydale Construction Canpany 375 onion Avenue .Dear Mr. Jayet: Enclosed please find a copy of the street improvement plans at subject site. You are hereby requested and authorized to energize the 175-watt Mercury Vapor electrolier shown upon the plans. Should any questions arise, please contact the under- signed. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Crus S. "'z, Jr. Civil 1In91M.. crr\{ 0 :::.~ c :".\\; ~:;~~.~ :,,~L,L i' LiBER ~j ~)( 11 ~~'~,' "7/1, 0 QUl.J_ t G ':-;v 7:..) ; .;:,~' ~.~"'t:-: C~. C.~-.'~'.~."'''.~_ ,0'\"1:':'. C/~;\':: . r_~ ._.~'_._t_'t -\:. ,-~. ~--.~ >:.:.) ,:- ..,"::/). t:~~j DC '] RESOLUTION NO. 2819 BEING A RESOLlJ'rrON AUrITlORIZING EXECUTION Or' Vi\LLEYD,"'\U~ COlTSl'HDC'l'ION CONPAiri I INC. AGPJ::m.lt~NT . \\THEREJ~S, there has been submitted to the City Council by Valleydale Construction Company, Inc. an agreement for the development of their real property in accordance \vith prescribed conditions; WIIEHEAS, by the terms of said c:]Teemcnt, anD concurrently herewith tllCY havG s1..1b:nittE'd grant deeds of certclin portions of their properLy for street purpof;es; NO\\i, 'I'HERLI'ORE, BE IT ReSOLVED by ~che City Council that~ t~he Hayor be and he is hereby C\u.Lhorizecl to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT FU}(flTlE.R P.BSOLVED thelt the grant deed subwitted HI connec.tion t1wre,'li th be and the sam2 is hereby a.ccepted. \ I \ , Pl\.SSED AND ADOPTED this~_~!.b.__dc.Y of_,~pri ~___ 19 70 ~I by the fo 110\'1ing voLe: 1,YES: Coune i lrl1?n : C ham b 0.1' 1 in, Doe t s c 11, P. 0 g c r s, SIne ed, H y d e p.-."'> NOE~;: Councilmen: ~,ronc .i\D~:l':;'i'i.': COFncil1,lC~n: :ronc j\ J?r)r~()'V~-~Ij : .j ! / /\ . ,;' l~~rIlj'_;E;IJ: : Hor:I'(-=.'r' ti. f:'/cl':'; // / // I.' /' __,~'_.___'_~_'~~~/___( _"0 ~:~~_ ~j__=-\~__._ E2iJ'or '- I) c i--' :..~, :_ ~~ / / .' I -'-:_.~" :..,--!._//~,-.< 1"1 .:~ \' t : i c_L : l C L Y C 1 c: :<: WM. JAY HAMMOND Civil Engineer 999 COMMERCIAL STREET . PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94303 TELEPHONE 327-1600 L --L - 7 c January 28, 1970 Mr. Bill M. Hel.. ~.~ Associate Civil Xagi.eer Eagtaeeriag Department 75 North Ceatral Avenue Campbell, Calif. Subject: "8" 69- 70 Apartmeat Complex 375 Uaioa Avenue C_pbe 11, Cali f. Dear Mr. Hel..: Attached for your revie. aad approval are design plan. and calculations for the .ubject project. ;;:;;;:;~ ~ Wm. G~nd cc: 1. Mr. Loul. M. 8ia1 2785 Park A~enue Santa Clara, Calif. 2. Valleyd.le Con.tructioa Company 214 Crt.tich Lane Campbell, Calif. s- 1').'" \ ! (.. J 1-4 1'"( \ r-' lL':.. .. 1-\ ..J o-l \ l if')' i::. ~.,1' \ ,. ,,;::' F H ~,._T:;;"\. .; ,. 1\ ~ I), ./ 'j.,'.' ..... ,.....~4 ~:... =- p I 1.. ( ~ ..- ~ ,') I. ~ F.. 4. -:.. t:....v.:- './ ~ ....)~ b ~ 1-0 C ! 'l- \.::; 1,.. :') ,..4-" I 0) L..- r:> i "'\ ,t .J f;.- ..->;(,,: II + ,)) t ;....~ -_+ :;;.1 ,. v " o €!::. II + 0.l.. to f21o. <:... -t.....v~ P...-> I I '1- I~ /, r .--" 1'S.. I;> .';) I L t --J ") .. ,;> r~ '\' A \ \ \ 1 loP . , ..,./ - " 7/ '+ 1- <J -2,-?- '-,~ r ~ ~~L- I')'" o,t /.:7 Jc';".t.. O,C~ r-..J<oo FOIl.- ';e.,- "f- + 4: f'i. C;'^L.-:" fl-i 140 ;,\f"'" ... ~, ..... '-l \ (1):) ~ / \ ,., .'."l ,'t 4 C; \'~:. t.J '> t. 0 v) (] F 0 f<... ~ ,-- .,-- ---. t J 1 . ., . I I . ... _'_'--" \ _~ 'L~' , ! .' '\.&. ~l;"'''' J {~:. VL\.. .:.\ 1.. {\. [;. 'i'L. .. ,- ...:.1-. ,7 \;,.. "- .. ~.. .. ;(" ~. ,( L~/ '~/~. ''Z,. '1 ::.~. 1L.. l','-v I j . 't? ~,} f-''''-- . 'So- ,~. i.) T .. ~ J.. . I ~ (j ""-'" ., , '''- /..:.. \..... r:~ i '\ 'I \-, ~ . " ~ .& ,j Ja.mHl':CY 22, 1970 1>1r. J'ay Heuuffif:;..nd, P.:8. 999 CoollleJ:ci.:,l Street Palo Alto, Callforni...1. btJ13JECT: 'I f;" 69-70, Valloyc1alc COnBtJ.~uGt..:Lon Cct'Ltpany i\partme:nt Comple:x: .375 Union i\venue carnpbell, California U2a.C Hr. Dmnmonc1 ; It has cane to this clepartment I z at.tention, through the ;Jf:E1ce '.):;,: .HI.". Louis M. Bini, Civil Engineer, :J1; 2785 Park Avenue, Sant.a Clara, California, thai: you have designed a storm sewer zyster.l :'Cor sub j oct pro j act. Since a part of: the stor:m sC\ci7'Or [;')ysterrl is to be constructed \..lit11in the public right of ".laY, i.e" vitIlin Hulon l\venue, it. C()lheS 'dithin this depart.roont t s jurisd1ction. I.l,aauucl1 as 1.1r. Bini is pi.:epa;ri..n<.:l' a i:ormal z\.:J:."cet intprovement.. plarA for the project, ',':0111<..1 you please :Curnish Hr. Bini '\:rith the necessary inf01."matio!1 so that he can sho'h't.hat on hd.s plans. This, of course, 'Hould spare Va1leydale Construction Company the o>::pel'lBe of.' havi.ng to subnit. a.1.1 additic:mal set: plans for t:he ntorrr. sewer system, \1hich '1,>'111 he rO';:IUb:ed tmlese 'chat lnfol.--rn.ation is mh;;)lJrl on Nr. Bini IS plrUl8. ;;;ould you also sUJ.:.<<uit your ealc-ulatiou:I to us f.or review and appx'c)val. 'rJould you please advise us of your action t.a.~en on t:hiss matter. Va:;:,,:! truly yours, BILL H. "T.II&. AMOe~ OWl). _I~ /JUt;l;) C-8 ~) PLANNING DEPARTMEXT CITY OF CAi.1PBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVE0JUE CAMPBELL) CALIFORNI~ DATE: November 18, 1969 CONDITIONS ATTAChED TU I1S" APPPCVAL OF PL\.NS OF Valleydale Const. Co., ------lnc_--".----- , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 112 unit apartment TO BE LOCATED AT: 375 Union AVenue cm,wI Trons: conditions of approval attached Section 9316.1 of th~; Campbell Municipal CoJ.::, reads as fo1}(l.'ls: Any appro'v21 granted unde1" this sccLJon shall expire on,~ hU~ldn:d r.dghty (180) da)TS after the elate UpOll whic.h such approval i.as granted, lmle:;s an extcllsjon for such approved is obtained by rIl8king written 2rplic"~i(\,, for salle to the P]cumJng Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior 1:0 the expiration date of suc.h approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has bcsn obtained in the manner provideJ for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMr.lISSION AT A REGULAR 'll"tiTI,':r., HELD O>J 'rI'l.; J J i J.... 17th Di\Y OF Notemher.. 1969 CITY OF CAHPBELL PLA~JNING COi\;:\IISSION C~;: )~a~~iilet'riHg w/ at t.~- Fire ilept. wIatt. 13'" / . ------A-jl'l-' f (i""-'7]-:]';---~S 1; C 11 J'~ i!"''':\--'ll.-Y l' 1 ,11\, 1\ _, " L \..1 J . The applicant is not-i.fied as part of this appl'. \tion that he is . required to meet tt following conditions in ac ordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground Utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Nunicipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele- vision cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. . E. Install a 76 type fire hydrant on the north property line near driveway. F. A 4" fire water main with standpipes shall be installed as directed by the Fire Department. G. All laundry rooms, carports, second floor landings and recreation buildings shall be provided ~ith fire extinguisher cabinets of a size to house 10 lb. ABC type fire extinguishers. H. Applicant to dedicate to 60 foot right-of-way on Union Avenue. I. Applicant to construct one-half street improvements on Union Avenue. J. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the amount of $3,685.00. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. Approval, subject tn the following conditions: "5"69-70 1. Property to be xenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 4. Enclosures consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash containers. Said enclosures shall be large enough in size to house three yard dumpsters and have two 3' self-closing gates opening to a minimum of 6'. The 6' openings shall he on the driveway side of the enclosures. Floors of said enclosures must be flush with the driveway pavement. - .. ,. "" December 3, 1969 Mr. Louis M. Bini Civil Engineer 2785 Park Avenue Santa Clara, California SUBJECT: "S"69-70, Va11eydale Construction Company 375 Union Avenue. Campbell Dear Mr. Bini: Enclosed please find a blueprint showing existing and proposed cross sectiion for Union Avenue through the frontage of the Valley- dale Construction Company frontage. Our proposed longitudinal grades through this property are as follows: 1. Beginning at the southerly terminus of the property, proceed at -1.0% to a point 139.2' to the north. 2. At this point proceed at -0.7% to a point 289.2' from the terminus. Our proposal for the transverse slope is 2% from the l~p of the gutter to center line and a transition slope beyond center line of 5%. Our proposed structural cross section is 1 1/2" on 2 1/2" of asphaltic concrete from gutter lip to center line and a 2 1/2" lift for the transition. The base rock is 8" to center line and 6" of base rock for the transition. The longitudinal transition slope at each end should be held to 2.5% and may be made within 20' of each end. Should any questions arise, please contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER by Cruz S. Gomez, Civil Engineer, Jr. CSG: lw Enclosure