Union Ave. (TR6756) TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. 351 365 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 352 352 352 318 318 380. 1 380. 1 380.1 P . W . F i 1 e No. M Cf, I ( 4-4) 5vJ" Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit F,' r e..., '^ '-I d. ~~..A V\ 1- 'vlACll /;\ +ev1.{L vu.: e. k--e.......- - I TOTAL $ Name ~.u~ GA~<' ,~,' Address I~ {D (i;;j( , ' S-.J Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date 067{/'~ fzf2.c ..3 c -0-= Y;:' <-./ ~YpO Amount .($ 3 I '<\-I L i95 :3 i 00'7 . 3(1-4/f4- 9S-) 2.4 February, 1980 CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: J lJ I\JC::= 101 1'380 From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- , The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT ,<;TF:.vF \NERTH MA 1\..1 t-J BUILDING ADDRESS N\}J COR. l)I\..)ln#l..' /c..,F'I\.)TICAl PACK. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S I PARCEL NUMBER 4-1\ -- 4-R -- -=" C--- LL.4-'. G" -7 ,~, APPROV AL NUMBER If-.. d: (;.., I ""5 b PUBLI C WORKS FI LE NUMBER M C[, ( 44 ) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 'Y4J ~~12~~ By: J~~f\/il /,f .,S/"...J...//)((/L Date: ,).A.; /VL.JL. I {), I SAO RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL tL 'r// CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA / :::"Em ~2'~ 1 'r:} I 9 FY'~. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. -Af7 J- FUND NUMBER Mft, ~HECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH ~- :J 3fl THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. DATE AMOUNT . ~-79 AUG -2-79 007 *****ZS.oO 51 007 A ****Z5.00 N~ 0 2 4 68 CITY CLERK .~ . +J 0.. OJ Q -0 OJ . S- O) .,.... '"0 :::s r- c:r co OJ S- o +J +J S- o.. 0 ta 0.. E OJ ex: 4- 0 III r- ~ .,.... 0 0 V') U TRACT NO.~ ~genua deadl ine rno..~ /3 Council meeting rno..V'Ch 2:+ Items needed to meet City Council of Final Map: ,- o ~genda deadl i ne ~prJ" 3 Council meeting A-Ori I f4. , Agenda deadline for approval Letters: Cop ies of deeds "tit\a... T c..rea..+e. lo-r' '11'\e adJ' I Sanitation District No. 4 (release) P.G. & E. (easement approval) P.T. & T. (easement approval) Improvement Plans (signed by San. Dist. 4) Final Map (signed and notarized) Agreement (signed and notariZed)])r~Creet:.. /&r1+. PI:.. A9V'eemevrr- Fu..+L-lV'e..- D.(j;1.C. <-- . .0 V\ Bonds: Dr.Crl-CFa ith fu 1 Performance CeV\t.f'k . Labor and materlals 'Fu..~v4 Fa. i -rllfu..1 Pe '" f . VVl ioV\ ~ror ~ fY\tLt' ,. Fees (payable to City): Final Map fil ing Plan exam. & const. insp. 5u...bd i" ('s i on GwtvuVl+Y R..e- h-.t4\i'Q.vrt Mtlin-t: .fa, Amount ~1,5CO -7(. ~ . '7 S-D/ - ZZ-J ODD II) ODD Amount 5b 3.4-1Z, . lo;~ L {-co () '1 ,./ Fee (payable to County): Recordi ng -1f>1 o Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: Tax letter from County Tax Collector Tax Bond Date Rec'd 4-"' r 0-'60 S'-Z3-5o 3-4 -SO 4-- (0-80 <;"'-23-FD II 5 -2-3--<30 I, s - 2. ( - AO 'l \ \ " ) 2-31 -7~ 5-7..0-2>0 <; -Z..D-BO ,-,r'~ 0 :':/ - 2.::::>--00 5' -LD -BO -- P . W. F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. 379 351 365 351 353 353 353 353 351 351 351 351 353 352 352 352 351 380.1 380. 1 Items Amount Fire Hydrant Rental Fee ($195.00/hydrant) Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value) Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Fi 1 ing Fee ($100.00)reetJ h~. 3/ ~5"O Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value--$25 minimum) Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit rntl(;.(~ ) TOTAL ~~l) FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. () 4- 4- 9~ Amount Paid QSO.I tJ,,9. Received by~~ Date ~~. ~, /9 Fo Name---.W::(W1 I ftc,. Phone Address 32." SOD-It g/\ld., fu;f'e ZDZ~5~"'Jfr,- Zip CIA-roiL ~SoS I Janua ry, 1980 .~ fffL~ ( CITY ~u---- ~/.Lb~'~ L/ ~. -/~ 'U~ .J OF CAMPIJELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378.8141 Department: Mr. Steve Werthmann 798 Dry Creek Road Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - V 81-06 Dear Mr, Werthmann: The Campbell City Council, at its regular meeting on June 1, 1982, granted a variance to the required fence setback for properties known as 790, 792, 794, 796, and 798 Dry Creek Road. The City Council approved a 5 foot setback from the back of the sidewalk. tapering to 8 feet on the sidelines, and a modifi- cation to the C.C,&R.'s prohibiting the parking of vans in the driveways. Ve7Jruly youFs '. / "1-,;/ ~ 0.. {u-~V PHYLLIS O. ACKER City Clerk cc: Planning Commission Arthur Kee, Planning Director Joseph Elliott, Public Works Director ( November 13, 1 1 H~i..lV\~ CITY OF CAMPBELL ELLIOTT ; H,\~.!DLlI~G 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378.8141 :Jf? C4~,,- Department: Public Works Pacific Valley Bank 1245 South Winchester Blvd. San Jose, CA 95128 Attn: Mr. Steve Wotherspoon RE: ~ Werthmann Enterprises, Inc. Letters of Credit: #01-046 FG, $22,000 Union Avenue; #01-047FG, $97,000 Dry Creek Rd. and Central Park Drive and #69, $1,300 trees Dear Mr. Wotherspoon: Per your telephone request, I am writing to clarify the status on Werthmann Enterprises Tract 6756. Letter of Credit #01-046 FG: This Tract involved public works improvements required on Union Avenue, on Dry Creek Road and on Central Park Drive. The improvements on Union Avenue were deferred. This letter of credit must remain in effect. Letter of Credit #69: In February of 1981, Mr. Werthmann requested final inspection and acceptance of the public works improvements on Dry Creek and on Central Park but he did not want to plant the street trees until the tract was occupied. This was agreeable to the City, provided he post a cash bond to guarantee the future planting of such trees. Your Irrevocable Letter of Credit #69 is for this purpose. This letter of credit will not be released until the trees are planted and the one-year maintenance guarantee period has ended. Letter of Credit #01-047FG: On March 23, 1981, the City Council accepted the improvements on Dry Creek Road and on Central Park Drive. In accordance with the CITY OF CAMPBEll Pacific Valley Bank, Attn: Steve Wotherspoon RE: TR 6756 - Werthmann Enterprises, Inc. 11 /13/81 Page 2 agreement between Werthmann Enterprises and the City, your letter of credit for this work may be reduced to $24,375 as of the acceptance date. This reduced amount must be available to the City thru March 23, 1982, to guarantee the correction of any deficiencies in the work which appear before that time. We will send you a copy of our letter to Werthmann Enterprises when we make the one-year maintenance inspection. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELL IOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS / ~/ DAVID N. VALKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV : 1 b p cc: Werthmann Enterprises, Inc., 1910 Dry Creek Road, San Jose, CA 95124 ~ CITY OF C/' ~"PBELL '7S NORTH CI .AL AVE ~BELL; CALIt"'ORNIA 95008 F 996 P!(;E 1 "' 7020318 TO BE RECORDED Wm-lOUT FEE SEe ION 010.1 GOVER.""MENT CODE NOTICE OF COMPLETION AT THE REQUEST OF Cl'iY OF CAMPBE FlU:..!) t- uk kt.c;lIn.' c!}1fo;?J4M hit ( , 58 PH t B I '"'A OFFICIAL REGORDS o IITA CLARA = . GF'ORQE AM' y, AbOtJg.G$~i68Rf~[~ . .. jjer NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Elliott the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 23rd day of March , 19 81 That the name of the Subdivider for said owner is Steve Werthmann Jf~~1~, ~ ~\.\) That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 That the. pr()perty herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract-~o. 6756 and having the following address: Dated March 25 ,19 81 i~ " ., 1 of 2 ua~ ,49= 10 t City EnQineer - ,1\ C7't':' Dc9Y1J ~( ~ G~ f'" V0 f { Ct-V! .f-.r.'7 Cj , Pacific Valley Bank -!y-(k> +0 ,b~ f{~k.,;1 i/5 I ~ S ~(D ... ~(oI h-.J vw-r ~.f ..If .}~~j ~ v<" f (11v1 JAI I I J ).. {7~ "1 - ~ -I> ( Farley A Gouner Vice President Real Estate IRRE.VOCABLE LEITER OF CREDIT #69 (Sulxlivision) February 18, 1981 This is an irrevocable letter of credit issued by Pacific Valley Bank (ISSUER) which is intended to secure the perfonnance of an agreerrent dated May 22, 1980 between Werthmann Enterprises, Inc. (DEVELDPER) and the City of Carrpbell (CITY) for the construction of certain i.nproverrents on Dry Creek Road and Central Park Drive Tract 6756 and to secure payrrent to contractors, subcontractors, and to persons furnishing labor, materials or equiprent on said project. This letter of credit is in an arrount of $1,300.00. Upon presentation of a written staterrent signed by a representative of the City of Carrpbell that DEVELDPER has failed to satisfactorily carplete and pay for the aforesaid inprovements or that a claim has been filed and is payable pursuant to the provisions of Title 15 (camencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the California Civil Code, or that DEVElDPER has failed to satisfy the guarantee of work perfonred, ISSUER shall pay to CITY an arrount not to exceed $1,300.00. This letter of credit shall remain in full force and effect thoughout the term of the agreenent between DEVELDPER and CITY. An arrount of no less than $1,300.00 shall be available under the tenns of the letter for payrrent of any claims filed pursuant to Title 15 Part 4 of Division 3 of the California Civil Code with six (6) rronths after carpletion and acceptance of irrproverrents by CITY. ISSUER hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of tiIre, alteration or addition to the tenns of the agreerrent between DEVEIDPER and CITY or the specifications accarpanying the sane shall in any manner affect ISSUER'S obligation hereunder, and ISSUER hereby waives notice of any such change, extension, alteration or addition. CITY does hereby indemnify and hold harmless ISSUER from and against any claim or liability arising out of ISSUER'S disburserrent of funds to CITY hereunder. DEVEIDPER: ~ BY: ,/, ~ ..' ;::>/ ~> -G/Z-?,,:~<--~ fi~~ e CAMP BY:,d~t>>(i;~ -- 1245 South Winchester Boulevard, San Jose, California 95128 (408) 244~1700 .. ~ }o - 7-'1 ~ I ReCEIVED FEB 4 j9B1 PUBLIC WORKS IlWllEfRWl February 4, 1981 Ci ty of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ATTN: Dave Valkena.r Public Works Department Deiilr Diilve, This letter is a formal request for _ fin.l inspection on Tract 6756, located at Union and Dry Creek Road. Your prompt attention to this m.tter would be greatly lIiIppreci.ted. Thlilnk You, ~' "' l -111 J ,,,-("r', .' .. ~ A ".".,~r '- --""'- +,'; \"r ,-' 'G 1(. . C J ~ c(. t:-;-", -~-, ~_t. I: L .. L . . Steve I.uerthmiiilnn President Werthmann Enterprises Inc. ... ~ I 7~<-- t:. / ~ /: I .... ? 1 , ) , -\ ;; ." ,/ -- _fl.-- t, /7 l.___<_C!! ,i' ',,--_ ,)r-: ('( '-"~ / . I' ~. (' ~ --'- --j. ) ? ". ~;'---._- liS - Itc i/1.Jt '/ I b t7n cI .fb }/ -!-r..{,( 3 , u/ t- vV ( ; ( Wli<1. kL, ~Vl/~! 'i'l~f(,(Ate7) ~c1 (a y" ch; I a c u~~~ (-Wt kJ {hI;;; .R ^' ur +- .-f-v-t-t >) CVVl cI J ~ r f / 1 v f/V1?J( , ~ ~ ~ e-L fvn (/(1 ./' ;7~ J---(.. e ( 1~ITY OF CAMPBELL L~ f f HE:Li' l,._~.... ~" ...~.. . 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 i ::."--...... i .. ~) Department: Pub 1 i c Works November 7, 1980 f-------t~, ---~~~ l____1 /-<-(Z-~~4"'/ '--- /---',: ----__.. f i '__.._1. II -----I--_! ~ /.. ---.".--- New Construction Pacific Gas & Electric 111 Almaden Boulevard San Jose, CA 95198 Company RE: Campbell Municipal Lighting District Energizing of Electroliers Ladies and Gentlemen: Two new 240-volt electroliers have been installed with Tract No. 6756. You are requested and authorized to energize both of them and add them to the billing of the Campbell Municipal Lighting District. The electrical contractor is Howard Electric. Luminaire Location 150-w., H.P.S. North side of Dry Creek Road 160 feet west of Union Avenue l50-w., H. P . S . North side of Central Park Drive 230 feet west of Union Avenue In a letter dated August 1,1980, we requested that you energize an electrolier installed as a part of Tract No. 6670. You did attempt to energize it, but it had been wired incorrectly. It has now been reinstalled and we request that you again energize it. Luminaire Location 55-w., L. P. S. North side of Apricot Avenue 500 feet west of South Bascom Avenue (905 Apricot Avenue). C,ITY OF CAMIJIJELL New Construction PG&E 2 Nov. 7, 1980 There is an existing luminaire mounted on a wood pole on Apricot Avenue near the new electrolier. You are requested and authorized to remove it and delete it from our billing. Pole No. Luminaire Location 125 70-w., H. P . S. North side of Apricot Avenue 475 feet east of Union Avenue Thank you. Should you have a question, please contact the under- signed at your convenience. Very truly yours, James Penoyer Engineering Technician by Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide II LMS/le encl. ". 'r......... ~ --., ------- Maintc....'.. Copy of Permi t on Job Site atAl Times.J - ~ -'B' I'{~{VV'\.. '1 _ ..,.,. .., EC rflV !v--7-!?o CIT" OF SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA f/"r::o OCI t':< " () lOr: PUll '-'(JO .(}I 'LIe k ,tfGI/Ij Pi' Vo,'( /(,s -f,..t/(/lff) e01 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN .JOSE. CA 95110 (40B) 277- 4000 ,re (,7;;-0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS UTILITY EXCAVATION PERMIT City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention: Bill M. Helms Location of Work: Central Park Drive Permit No.: M-22-80 Issue Date: 10-2-80 Your No.: Tract 6756 City Project No.: None Purpose: Grading & Paving This permit is issued under the authority established by Article VII, Chapter 3, Section 7318 and 7319 of the San Jose Municipal Code as amended. Work shall conform to City of San Jose Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Standard Plan Details, Standard Conditions on reverse side of this permit, and the following special conditions: TRAFFl C: Maintain a minimum of foot lane(s) for way traffic on STANDARD CONDITIONS Complete work in traffic lanes between the hours of BACKFILL AND RESTORATION: Identify pavement cuts with N/A paint dots before excavating. OTHER: No-fee Permit. City of Campbell to inspect and notify City of San Jose when complete Non FI CAn ON : Inspection Service: 24-hour notice - 277-4686 (Mandatory Requirement) Location Service: 48-hour notice - USA 800-642-2444 INSPECTION (Office Use Only) Assignment: City of Campbell Notification: Started: Completed: Accepted: Approved: A. R. TURTURICI Director of Public Works By: 7:~r!::~h Chief, Utility Permit Section 366-46 (Rev. 12-79) . STANDARD CONDITIONS ... 1 I. TRAFFIC CONTROL A. Conform to Section R810 (pages 11-273 to II-280)t Section G7-12 and G7-13 (pages 1-46 to 1-48) of the Standard Specifications. B. On street with one traffic lane in each direction, permit traffic to pass in both directions by maintaining a 12-foot lane in each direction or by maintaining one 14-foot lane with flagmen. C. On streets with two or more traffic lanes in each directiont reduce traffic by one lane only. D. Restrict traffic lanes from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. only or as designated on the permit. E. On one-way streets, reduce traffic by one traffic lane only, but maintain at least one 14-foot traffic lalle. F. Traffic controls, signs, barricades, etc. shall conform to the California Department of Transportation "Manual of Warning Signs, Lights, and Devices for Use in Performance of Work Upon Highways" dated 1973 or as revised. G. Notify County Transit (299-4384) forty-eight (48) hours before obstructing bus stops or bus routes. II. BACKFILL AND RESTORATION A. Restore surface within ten (10) working days of excavating. Match the appearance and texture of the surrounding areas. B. All concrete or A.C. pavement to be removed must be saw-cut. C. If trenches are located in the sidewalk area, the entire sidewalk must be removed; No saw-cuts will be allowed at the center score mark. New sidewalks will be scored to match the existing score marks on both ends. D. Cross designated major streets by boring and jacking unless open trenching is specified on the permit. E. Method B restoration may be used for those areas scheduled for immediate improvement. III. ELECTRICAL FACILITIES A. Locate and protect streetlight conduit, traffic signal conduit, and vehicle detector loops. B. When City electrical facilities are accidentally damaged, im~~diately notify the inspector and employ a licensed electrical contracto~ to make repairs at no expense to the City. If an emergency results from the damage, for example a traffic signal malfunction, notify the City Electrical Maintenance Superi ntendent (277-4791) who wi 11 make emergency repairs at your expense. C. When traffic detector loops must be cut, notify the inspector forty-eight (48) hours in advance and do not cut the loop until the traffic signal has been adjusted to operate without it. As soon as the installation is placed in the vicinity of the 100Pt immediately backfill and have a complete new loop installed by a licensed electrical contractor as directed by the engineer and at no expense to the City. ~ , I CITY OF Cl\MPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works ....,'.... "'-'."'__h. ,- ELIOTT Ii HA"Ji".G '1----- l--- HElMS I I RETURcJ TO___ , r:e"RD - ."-,l. _ L W..)..h ~ D'Al I F:LE m ~ CASE f/jr~?.j) \ /ej \ ~,-r , , _....._.~ September 26, 1980 Mr. Mulvany Room 300 City of San Jose 801 North First Street San Jose, CA 95110 SUBJECT: TRACT NO. 6756 UNION AVENUE AND CENTRAL PARK DRIVE Dear Mr. Mulvany: .I , I The City of Campbell requests permission for the developer of the above-subject tract to install improvements in the City of San Jose right of way in accordance with the enclosed plans. We are willing to check the plans and inspect the work. Please let us know what fees or permits will be required of the developer, Werthmann Enterprises. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works by Bill M. Helms Engineering Manager LMS/jo encl. Sheets 1 & 2 TR. 6756 improvement plans cc: Mr. Norman Houge I I \ " ,':. ...'. -. ,.... ...:. ~ .'. ., :.. ~, . , ; " '. '( fC() , ) JjJlj ?~/} A,(;/ ,. /ls'(- ,J" {,;. 1- RESOLUT I ON NO. 5821 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6756, AND~THORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6756 for approval; and WHEREAS, agreements approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers certain conditions of approval of said map have been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on be- half of the publ ic in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby autho- rized to execute said agreements on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED th is Qth day of Jllnp. 1980, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: Counc i 1 men: None APPROVED: ~!Le4r ATTEST: ~~~/ o.~ Phy 1S . Acker City Clerk ( [' I T Y II F C f\ M I) II ELL ~& (o/f June 18, 1980 ~ "...."..r,...........,~_ ~ . Ell/on B' .~.'.:'. "-" "-"'- --_______. f HANCL;i'.~G HEt~..ts /,----'"...., _ IL i<ETU.~N TO__ 'j-' --.I !i c' 'C"RD D:A? 1'-',."'-- I :.~ . ------.1 '-. ' /11<. c- CA~E 'If '--. = - ,..,.,_T,,- ~ 7,:;-' i' ,_tI /1 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (4081 378-8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works Mr. Farley A. Gouner Pacific Valley Bank 1245 South Winchester San Jose, CA 95128 Blvd. RE: WERTHMANN ENTERPRISES, INC. LETTERS OF CREDIT TRACT NO. 6756 Dear Mr. Gouner: Enclosed please find copies of two Letters of Credit issued by Pacific Valley Bank to secure the terms of the attached agree- ments. Mr. Steve Werthmann asked that we send you these copies after signing by Bill M. Helms, Engineering Manager. If you have any questions, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, James Penoyer Engineering Technician by Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS/le encl. I I l__ r}", jJe1cific l;clllelIIJ(IJl/f IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT (Subdivisions) May 19, 1980 #01-047 FG This is an irrevocable letter of credit issued by Pacific Valley Bank (ISSUER) which is intended to secure the performance of an agreement dated 5/22/80 between Werthmann Enterprises, Inc. (DEVELOPER) and the City of Campbell (CITY) for the construction of certain improvements on Dry Creek Road and Central Park Drive Tract 6756 and to secure pay- ment to contractors, subcontractors, and to persons furnishing labor, materials or equipment on said project. This letter of credit is in an amount of $97,500.00. Upon presentation of a written statement signed by a representative of .the City of Campbell that DEVELOPER has failed to satisfactorily complete and pay for the afore- said improvements or that a claim has been filed and is payable pursuant to the provisions of Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the California Civil Code, or that DEVELOPER has failed to satisfy the guarantee of work performed, ISSUER shall pay to CITY an amount not to exceed $97,500.00. This letter of credit shall remain in full force and effect throughout the term of the agreement between DEVELOPER and CITY; provided, that upon completion and acceptance of the improvements by CITY the amount of the letter of credit may be reduced to $24,375.00. If reduced, an amount no less than $24,375.00 shall be available under the terms of the letter for payment of any claims filed pursuant to Title 15 Part 4 of Division 3 of the California Civil Code within twelve months after completion and acceptance of improvements by CITY. ISSUER hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement between DEVELOPER and CITY or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any manner affect ISSUER's obligation hereunder, and ISSUER hereby waives notice of any such change, extension, alteration or addition. CITY does hereby indemnify and hold harmless ISSUER from and against any claim or liability arising out of ISSUER's disbursement of funds to CITY hereunder. DEVELOPER: Werthmann Enterprises, In.s. J!?L~ ;r:--/1;:;L==~/- ISSUER: Pacific Valley Bank ! ~. N \,.1 \ ',~I \ ,~ BY: F .1c'oiu~~~i~-;-p~~~~ent BY: . ' , . City Ofl C~Pb~ll BY: _~ ..:.-' ~/h"- I, 'I /-iL-- --/-- --- ,- ",- " ~ :1 "{ . . --.,- , .......-t'>+-..-.....---..-..'"-... _..... '. '\' ",'~ COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 May 23, 1980 City of Campbell Dept. of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract 6756 This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer 6>.11- ~ By P. R. Nichols Assistant bistrict Engineer PRN~kk PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ 640:2 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 I Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works Y5 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 'REeE/VEO ffiAY -7 iS8Q PUfUC WOR ' Ji{""i/r-/ KS , ,1;/,::. .:. ,9 ! N G May 5, 1980 Subject: Junction Box Locations for Tract 6756, Dry Creek Road & Union Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Terry McAndrews 225-9450, ext. 245. Sincerely, /J /7....... ~/7 A?'v'.'/',.....'. .'" ~ i."c.... ,,/.... '_' '''" ....~ ~ J. H. Roberts District Electric Superintendent Attach. PAC .Fle GAS AND ELECr-,C COMPANY fill. fiZZ" COpy ~,' April 4. 1980 ~~~ \l~~ ~ \~'O\J ~. \ ~'( ~\> \ \-~ ~~~'i-.~ \.~\.\~ ~~.'~\~r::, ~W:' :-..~\.\'. \>~'O\..~~\'II'.). ~\\U~t."\.. ~lr. Steve herthlllsnn l~lO Dry Creek Road San Jose. CA 95124 l)ear Hr. worthmann; Attached is the design l,yout of the joint trench indicating ,as, electric, telephone and/or CATV service and meter locations for your Tract No. 6756 1n Campbell. Firm CGsts and contracts will be sent to you upon completion of the design of gas and electric distribution systeMS. Please note service to lots 4, 7. 8 and 10 will be done at tho time installation of facilities. The balance of the lots will be completed when sold. The houses shall be piped and wired to take glu and electric service from the locations indicated on tho plan. Because of the necessity for energy conservation and the rising co~ts of all fo",s of energy, pleas. consider energy conlervation nloa.ures in your plans anci call us if we may be of serviee to you. ror the pR5t several months, the California Public Utilities Co..ission has been holding public h.arinas on California's la. and electric companies servlee and extension rul... It i. expected that a deci.Ion on the revision of these rules wi 11 be announced in the near future. Service vU I b. provided to you with the rule. that are in effect at the time a service a,r...-nt Is prepared. If you have any further question.. plea.e contact .e at this office, telephone 298-3333, ext. 138. Sincerely. Arthur A. Pasquinelli New Building Representative cc: WTW Inc. 3130 Coronado Drive Santa Clara, CA 95051 City of CUlpbell Street Li,ht Dept. 75 N Central Ave Callphe 11 J CA 95008 ,..",..., . ','. '........ ".'" ~ " ~ ~ ':t \- "Ir_ ...... U .... .. ,s ~ )( j - - " a 't ~~ ~ pq > ,\! ~ '1 \L ~ 0 \-: >1 .. ....'.) ~ '" , ~ j ~ - (~ ":1~\ l...J -.J ~ ~ v ~ I.J..! 0 I - . u \...J U ~ ...J ~ I \r) ~ v @W o , , . " T :: t ()'~ ... I \ \ \ L 1IJ I- Z L.J ...... Z ~ '.. >- .... ~ cr c::z:: z ).. :E '4 =:i ~ L.J cr Cl.. ~ .. \.:: " ~ () ;: , -- ~v;,,"I".'*:t' ,'~r, ";'''~''''.~,:'. I . t' i I 1 I ,< ~ ! w~ z: _ oW" ex 2; 'fa ~ c"':..! " '-:;::5.. .... ;:~: i ~o~'>~"''-'''':...J ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ i~. ~~: ~ x ... 8'..8 ~ ~ t.... ""':2'" ~ ~ i~ ,s "0:) 'iE ,__~ I:l~ ~ ~~) ~ ~~~... ~.,N" '~r:; , ~~~f !'t" " '\ii)o"llt" ~i":...t'l ~ 'Jo ~. ~>~~~ ""\441\~~ ~ R....... ll,'" Q ~'I) ,,>00 ~.:. ~~ .... ... Q b ~ . .. u .... .. \- t ..:. " .. .. .. ..,,. ~' .- ... .::! .., ;:tv.[.. ~ r ~ .. ()~ q ..! /' ( ~ I ! I 1 '-.:. -..J ~ c..J / / I I / I "'I'" I I, ~ I ! I ~~) ~--l__________ ))~' , ",.5 p- o Uo. t' I ;"~'t .... ";'t. .;r......' ~ .'t":";'~"""'''''!.:l'''-:'''J!'''''':f'''::''~~'~ ... .. 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SI I ~ t i . i ~ I i ~ I ~, ! < ~ ;p~, 'uJ~^ @ Pacific Telephone RECEIVED March 24, 1980 M;'D" . , HI\ ;... .~, ; :J , FU8UC WORK~ b~GINEERING Mr. Joe Elliott City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Ayenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract No. 6756 Dear Mr. Elliott: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 6756 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this company. Very truly yours, V. Gupta Engineering Manager cc: WTW Inc. . y' e ~ IT 1f l{ aD n: ~ fll RIilll? ~ IE f, IL . 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: PLANN I NG February 5, 1980 PM 79-08 APPROVAL OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LANDS OF MAY INVESTMENT CO. & WERTHMANN APN 413-48-36 & 37 AND 413-13-44 APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON FEBRUARY 5, 1980 jJ'-..-:.-J?JL//'- f\' k/ /,! . ':t I.,. \ ~ .7-..:' ARTHUR A.'KEE, PLANNING DIRECTOR APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON FEBRUARY 5, 1980 , / ,:'%,~ . . ...,,/~.... .J> /..-//y~. ~OSEPH ELLI6TT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS MANDATORY FINDING This Lot Line Adjustment, together with the provIsIons for its design and improvement, is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Campbell. . . ... ., .e- - ~ ~o.::cto:' ~. .&.~ ;~..i,_,,' .:~.~~~'~j13~r . .... I :? II JV _______.- · 0' z'3----- NI8 ..- , 1 ---I ry OF CAa?B!::LL. CAI.If'OR~nA ~s T~~tativ0 ?3~c91 Map of ~.~.. 0.- /71/1.- -' ,l_., .1- "r__ - .-r: .,__.1 "1!..~.~~ ) ,:-;::;r:::.,..;;:.1 ',j- '~r:~: .i-'J.a:m,ing t~~ C!tj ~~ (~M~tc:l, Calif- lla on tile t, ~ day of .:/~~ . 19 J'~ :JI:CT TO THE COiWITIOllS liOTED TIiE A'j:'" ACHED r.r.:'l'TER., I , , 1 u:ni' i4'~ ---------------- ~ n ~,~~ ~~ ~ I <i:::!J~.n ~~ ~I ~ --------------- ~.. \0 n V"'),'CJ~ ~ b ~ <i:::!J~-ll ~~ 10~f ~8 ~ .>> ~? (~~ <;~~ ,'~ ~I?~ ~ \) ';: ~~ &:;" ~C6 \ C. ~ G' ~ P" Qp;:, ~~ ~ CXH//3 /OT L ~ ~ ._--------'---- T., ~ ~~ t\}~ ~-~ L=J/ ~ C\ '..JJ' ~\. ~ c:!::::P t...) ""'" ~'~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ '-- ... .\~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ /<5./3' ~ /9./5"'~\ Sl~ . . ~ . ~'.-J ~ ~\ ~ q./$r/A~..-" · ~ 'I............ ""v"., ./ , to. ~O I 01ll,vr:-- ~:' ~ ~/ A oJ 40)'" ~/Nt!" seA \..E ~ , P " "JI/ "', , ~ -r 33- o/<.OPOS;tl2.7'O:!l , ~~ '~_ ~07/ ~/! ,4 s 5u ~ ' .-.-__--.....- - . . =t- ~~~ ~~ ~ f{)O! , ~ , <J\ ~~ r\ ~ ~.&; \)\ ~ C\) ~ _------. . ~ ~\of ~~lJ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ ------ __u_.,_' ~~ ~ t.\-~,r)o\f ~ ~ [~ll. 6v.., ~ 6::u. ~O' ~ e:::,.-...... <:::,;;: C=:7 -------------- . lfJ'CJf ~1 I ----- --------- ~ ~ ,,,,===,, 10'CJf ~7 , '. : ii !: i I ~ '" . - . . J"b No Sh-Of_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION A203714-1 1 OCTOBER 18, 1979 Prepared in the Offico of TRI STATE ENGINEERING COMPANY 555 Price Avenue- Suite 5&6 Redwood City, CA 94063 NOTE: In propilrin; this description, no search 'of title was mado to ~otormlne ~wners~ip. A~YOne using ~hls des,cri,Ption is cautionod thilt TiUe Insuranco Comp.>nies have the rh,;ht to refuse to insure any description unless It meots with theIr ro<;u"ements. Th,. desCription should be "Int to the title comp.ny that will be asked to Insure title, et the earliest possible date, for their review and approval, PARCEL "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SA~TA CL..~RA, ST":'TE OF C,~LIFO:::':IA, BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED BY ESSIE J. KEi::-:EDY TO R~DOLPH PETERSON AND LAURA E. PETERSON BY DEED DATED i~AY 21,19'13, ArW, ~ECORDED 1:';. BOOK 1620 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AT PAGE 281, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS DESCRIBED AS FOLLO~S: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LNlD DISTA;;T THEREO;! SOUTH 7502214411 \~EST 166.22 FEET FRm1 T,E NORTHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF, SAID POINT OF BEGP:;~I~\G ALSO BEING THE SOUTHHESTERL Y CORNER OF LOT 32 AND A SOUTHEASTERLY COR::ER OF LOT 37 OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND ENTITLED, IIDRY CREEK PLACE TRACT NO. 663111, RECORD::::D ~.AY 15, 1979 IN BOOK 441 OF }lAPS AT PAGES 35 A~D 36, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE FROi., SAID POI NT OF BEGINNING ALO~G SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF PETERSON DEED k~D THE GENERAL SOU7HERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 37 SOUTH 7502214411 \-JEST 43.79 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE cml,;,:ON LINE OF SAID PETERSON DEED AND SAID GENERAL LINE OF LOT 37 SOUTH 601313811 WEST 16.13 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CO~1XON LINE NORTH 58027'0311 EAST 51.77 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNIi'\G. CONTAINING 330.07 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. ' PARCEL IIBII ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF CA~1PBELL, COUNTY OF SA~:TA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A PORTION OF LOT 37 OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND ENTITLED, IIDRY CREEK PLACE TRACT NO. 663111 RECORDED MAY 15, 1979 IN BOOK 441 OF rloAPS AT PAGES 35 AND 36 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS DESCRIBED AS FOLLm~S: ' " BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE tl.OST SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 37 DISTM1T THEREO~! NORTH 86010 10911 EAST 9.72 FEET FROM THE SOUTHERLY COr1MON CORNER OF LOT 37 AND LOT 28 OF SAI D TRACT; THE:';CE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE NORTH 86010' 0911 EAST 33.56 FEET; THE~CE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 37 NORTH 6013'3811 EAST 19.75 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 37 SOUTH, 58027 '0311 WESt 41.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 326.331 SQUARE FEET ~DRE OR LESS. " i- CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (4081 378-8141 Department: Pub I i c Works April 8,1980 WTW, Inc. 3211 Scott Blvd., Suite 202 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Attention: Mr. Dec Andrade RE: TRACT NO. 6756--LANDS OF WERTHMANN Gentlemen: The following items are needed in order to place the subject Tract Map on the City Council agenda for final approval: 1. The Final Tract Map signed and notarized. 2. The improvement plans signed by County Sanitation o i s t r i c t No.4. 3. A letter of release from County Sanitation District No.4 saying that all of their conditions have been met. 4. A. letter from P~,~!-.?2.Y.i.ns-J:ha..t"-ea~nts-shown'orr-ttre-.--_..of<::. O.coo FlnaLIr.aet--M-ap are adequate and satIsfactory to them. +-l ----- S. The original and one copy of the enclosed agreements signed and notarized. One is for future improvements along Union Avenue and the other is for improvements required now along Central Park Drive and Dry Creek Road. 6. Faithful performance bonds for $97,SOO and $22,000, and labor and materials bonds for $48,750 and $ttooo to insure the in- stallation of street improvements OR letters of credit for $97,500 and $22,000. 7. A check payable to the County of Santa Clara in the amount of $7.00 for the map recording fee. 8. Checks payable to the City of Campbell in the amounts of $3,412 for plan examination and construction inspection for the Central Park Drive and Dry Creek Road improvements; and $195 for fire hydrant maintenance fee. WTW, Inc. 2 Apri 1 8, 1980 9. Cop i es of record:~__~~_eJts...e.xchan.gi-ng--propetfY"wrth ok- __~qy_lJ+ve-stment'-Company. 4- -10-80 The Subdivision Guaranty, a letter from the County Finance Office regarding taxes due, and a tax bond if necessary need to be brought in prior to the City Council meeting, but not necessarily in time for the agenda deadline. Here are the dates of upcoming City Council meetings and their agenda deadlines: Agenda Dead line City Council Meeting Noon, Thursday, April 17 Monday, April 28 Noon, Thursday, May Monday, May 12 Noon, Thursday, May 15 Tuesday, May 27 Should you have a question, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, James L. Penoyer Engineering Technician by Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS/le enclosures CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR -rR. fD'75fD (UNIDN/CeNrRAL Pic) DRY (' R E:EK. R. D. ~ r.~N1f<AL Ot<... DR, Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb and Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Barricade A. C. Pavement inc. Excavation Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Box w Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends Stop or Other Sign Street Name Sign (gel~~) ~:~ ~~:~::;~:1 Street ,Li ghti n9 Electrol ier Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box Storm Drainage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole By-pLLk:. i evd-ev- h... Ie 1- ~ f2ep (o...ce ~ TrrAfA'c.. LId 02/15/80 Lump Sum L. F. @ $ 2 . 50 S.F, @ 2.00 L.F, @ 8.00 EA, @ 400,00 OJ2D,O L.F, @ 10.00 ~~~I.IS.F. @ 4.00 ',513,DS.F. @ 6.00 = EA. @ 600.00 L.F. @ 20.00 = (1<3.e40 S,F;) ($0.30) (~)= EA. @ 175.00 = EA. @ 100.00 5" EA. @ 250,00 15 EA. @ 100.00 = L.F, @ 0.50 EA, @ 50.00 EA. @ 70.00 , EA. @ 60.00 l~ LF @ ~/OO = I b 3 LF @ 4.00 ~ EA. @ 2,200,00 L. F.@ 9.00 L.F.@ 3.00 EA. @ 250.00 ~, L.F,@ 35.00 = L.F.@ 40.00 = ~ EA. @ 1,000.00 EA. @ 1,200.00 EA. @ 500.00 6A. @> 5oo.ro · TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND Fa,.ith. Pert. Lo..h. \" Niov f/ , P.e.~ C:L Date 2-2/-80 By L SN''1 DeR $ 21500 ~.z.oo , 2ZJz04- 0.43~ .3 5. ( I z.. 1.250 I.'SOD , {;,D 13S CoSZ- = Z.O 400 = ~.435 3,DOO ~OO . 500 $ 91J 4-Bt:. $ ':}, J SDO -t$ 48, (5'0 ($ 3;4/2, CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR TR.. "'1 S~ (UN I ol-J It!.~AJT'. Pit{..) UNION AVE. FU"TLJR-fE IMPS., Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb and Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Barricade A. C. Pav.emen~ inc. Excavation . , C 10' -t c"(::>, . pvMl'\-t -to ~1l'\.1 Adjust Manhole tb Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Box w Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends Stop or Other Sign Street Name Sign Street .Lighting Electrolier Conduit Conductor. pair Pull Box Storm Drainage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole 02/15/80 Lump Sum L,F, @ $ 2.50 S.F. @ 2.00 l.F. @ 8.00 = EA, @ 400.00 :;4-1.0 L.F. @ 10,00 1,1.4-1.1 S.F. @ 4.00 S.F. @ 6.00 = 3 fA. @ 600,00 L.F. @ 20.00 = (Z,.ODD S.F;) ($0,30) (~).. EA. @ 175.00 .. EA. @ 100,00 .. I EA. @ 250,00 ~EA. @ 100.00 L. F. @ 0.50 EA. @ 50,00 EA. @ 70.00 = EA. @ 60.00 ~ EA. @ 2.200.00 L.F.@ 9.00 L.F.@ 3.00 EA. @ 250.00 L.F.@ 35.00 L.F.@ 40.00 EA. @ 1.000.00 EA. @ 1.200.00 EA. @ 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND f"o.,........ f~tf. LMt . ~ /Yla.t" P. E. \ C. I. Date Z-Z-l-Bo By ~. SN'iDE2.. $ 3,410 t,. Sf. 7 , J 80D 5.4t'>O Z-S'O 4-00 .. 4j 40D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $ 2.2.. ZZi $ zz. O~{) . 11 I f I 000 ~ """'13 DIN!l(ga CIVIL ENGINEERS. LAND SURVEYORS. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS January 16, 1980 ~~c c.I~ ~I J", .,i>a ',t I?;. . ~~ ~ ~h C9&0 ~4'g JJC?2 '44'fi~.f City of Campbell 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Public Works Department Bill Helm, Engineering Manager Re: Tract 6756 Street Improvement Plans Dear Bill, This is to confirm our telephone conversation this date regarding the Typical Section of proposed Dry Creek Road. Per our conversation, the right of way for proposed Dry Creek Road would remain 60' property line to property line and property line to face of curb would remain at 10' with a 7' wide mono- lithic P.C.C. sidewalk. In the interest of time, we are proceeding with the above mentioned design. Please call me if you should have any questions, Very truly yours, WTW, Inc. J.].R-v ~- /& Dec Andrade Project Manager DA:kt 3211 Scott Blvd" Suite 202, Santa Clara, CA 95051 . (408) 246-8790 County of Santa Clara California i2,: \ \ /),~ ,'\i ~ :J / \ Tr.nlportlltlon Agency 1555 Berger Drive San Jose, California 95112 ( '-, _~I v7,:~-- ~ August 16, 1979 Mr. James Penoyer Engineering Technician City of campbell Dept. of Public Works 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, Ca 95008 Subject: Referral of Tentative Subdivision Map/Lands q{/~,. erthma",n " Northwest. Union Ave. ~ . ._ Dear Mr. Penoyer: We have reviewed the tentative map received by this office on 8/1/1979. Our comments are as follows: 1). No information on the location of the final City-County boundary line along Union Ave. was shown on the tentative map. Our understanding is the subject site is in the process of annexation. Therefore, we are unable to make specific recommendations for roadway improvements along Union Ave. 2). Based upon the county's policies for street dedication and improvement, roadway adjacent to a site proposed for development should be improved by the developer to the county's half street standards. 3). It is recommended that the final boundary lines between the City of Campbell and the County of Santa Clara along Union Ave. and between the City of Campbell and the City of San Jose along Central Park Dr. be included on the tentative map and a copy of the map be referred to this office for our review and recommendation on roadway improvements. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review the subject application and if you have any question please call me at 299-2362. Very truly yours, TONG HO G Jr. Transportation Engineer RECEIVED TH:kk cc: RMS f\! ,. ' h I...I\J ,', j'j I 'j An Equal Opportunity Employer P 0;.J ...: _ ~. J r( 1\$ ENGINEERING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TS 79-14 APPLICANT: Lands of Werthmann Page 1 The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative subdivision map submitted by WTW, Inc. 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided ny said District No.4. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said San Jose Water Works. Fire hydrants and appurtences shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee of $1,870. 6. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post surety to install street improvements on the cul-de-sac and Central Park Drive and join a Local Improvement District and post surety for the improvement of Union Avenue. 8. Dedicate right-of-way as required by the City Engineer. 9. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. Dry Creek Court is to be Dry Creek Road in accordance with request of County Communications. 11. If approved, such approval shall not become effective until annexation proceedings are completed. 12. Site plans for the development of the five through lots to be approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. County of Santa Clara California Environmental Management Agency Environmental Health Services 2220 Moorpark Avenue San Jose, California 95128 279-6060 Area Code 408 r, \<-: Me.. ~ 04; August 27, 1979 ~ ~ ~,~ ~\IJ~ ~ , J'_: ,:' ~ 1979 City of Campbell Planning Commission 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 CITY OF' CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Services has reviewed the proposed 11 lot subdivision locatedon Union Avenue and Central Park Drive, as shown on a tentative map submitted to this department dated July 30, 1979, prepared by WTW, Inc., Civil Engineers. It is noted that there are 11 numbered single family residential lots. Sewage disposal is to be provided by sanitary sewers installed by the subdivider and connected by him to one of the existing trunk sewers of the Santa Clara County Sanitation District No.4. The subdivision is in the service area of and shall be furnished domestic water by San Jose Water Works. Final approval of the proposed subdivision is contingent upon the posting by the subdivider with the Santa Clara County Sanitation District No. 4 of an adequate bond to insure completion of sewers as planned. Plans and specifications of all proposed sewers and appurtenances are to be approved by Sanitation District No. 4 prior to recording the final map. Subdivider must agree to permit no occupancy of any otherwise completed residences until usable sanitary sewer connections have been effected. Individual sewage disposal in the proposed subdividion is not approved. -/ ~ -<77~~t; F if- l;~:2~ ~ FREDRICK C. ROETTGER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST FCR:jp cc: Sanitation District #4 Steve Werthmann WTW, Inc. s An Equal Opportunity Employer " , It-, <\-- ~Ic: \,Y. Santa Clara Valley Waler District _'. -; j i ',--... 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 August 8, 1979 Mr. Joe Ell iott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. James Penoyer Engineering Technician Dear Mr. Elliott: Reference is made to the tentative map lands of Werthman with your transmittal of July 30,' , File for ,sent The si~e would not be subjected to flooding from a District facility in the event of a 1% flood. Proposed land use change would not directly affect any District facility. In accordance with District Ordinance 75-6, the owner should show any existing welles) on the plans and inform us regarding their proposed use. Please contact Mr. Zozaya at 299-2454 for information about well permits. rely YO;V Eugen H. Sullivan Supervisor, Permits Section Design Coordination Division cc: WTW Inc. Civil Engineers 3211 Scott Boulevard, Suite 202 Santa Clara, California 95051 Mr. Arthur Kee Planning Director Ci ty of Campbell REceiVED /', '. ,~ , / '3 r...\.:. I', '"Jd,S ENGIl'iL...I\d~G AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER