Union Ave. (69-1) C ". le-- ') \.>- ! -;--y ~ 1_/ /- " I .) //~./y;, '- /' ~ "7 \ \~~ l-.J\, CO:-:iJIITO:iS OF j\.PP1WV/iL OF PAI~CEL ."ii\P OF LA.''iDS OF PL'lTPSO\ LClCX1TLi O.'~ P :.1 1 () (l~) - 1 TilL i<Ol~TJ!b\ST CO](;..)L;:;' OF U\;IO.'J NiL ,\PfUC:OT i\VUJUrS, AS SUB:lITTED BY TONKIN (I \IfJLLIA\lS, E.'H;IN~:EES. 1. The 12 xis tj n rr g (l r;J PC Cl S s 11 0 h n (I n t l: (' S u l)(~ i vis ion In a p s 11 a 11 be rcmodeleJ 50 tf;at Lw parar'c Lo be locCltcc; on Parcel "A" will comply \d LIl the ~pcn-'5pacc rcquircL:eats for set b ~i C k, i. e ., 011 C - 11 u 1 f t 11 c h (; i g h t 0 f L 11 C h' a 11 a c; j ace n t to the IJroperty line or (J mjnin:uLl of 5 feet. 2. Said gar,1ge remodeling to be dOlle prior to final approvol an cl r e cor d a t i 0 Il 0 f the 5 u II d i vis j 0 n 1~13 p . . 3. Parcel j.lap to oe processed and filed. Tell taU ve approval gran tcd by the PlClnnillfY Conlflission of the Ci L)' of C',l:'l"l!;l',ll 0" V'"[l'C" 3 1 (\l")<) {<-..~ ~ '- 1.1.. 1,- 11 , J.. I A /f I'i , '~. ',-' , " --Arf1lUr'-~-rcc, S"ecre t~i-ry---- Plannin,r; Conmission action ratified by t 1-1 c C i t Y Co 11 n Cl 1 0 f t 11 e C i t Y 0 f Cnmpbcll or; rItHCll 10, 1~)69. \ ",/, !l5:~. ',>{';(i/_, ----.-...---.--..--..~ -..,,-..----'----.---...A..:...z..---....-I',-.~~.......::..--r:_- Ubrotl~_,~Jrev:';L]Lill, C: tr Clcl'1\: (/-