Union Ave. (TR4060) RECEIPT CI"i". ~ ~AMF )BELL', f \' CAMPBELL, (!\L1FOR, :NIA ., , .-) ;' ~'.? NAME /r:; ltj ;f /f.e _ "" "'-- . ;; ADDRESS t!~~ &' FOR -:-'~-tLi'~ y.;/ ~c 60 1 . _ dI {-t-uv /--~a-L-t: v J-u<-- ./) ~, () &-I~ (~J ~ ~,L-L~ " ,/ . /h, ,) ] v,' /r;.f? CY-<.-I!/ "-",,,...z.~ C L # ~ r . (!;' 0.1" 7c / / ~-'t' ~'Cc C' '. ;o/'tc-(! ~~A ~rf.,-~ ;7/ ~' ~.~.;;;-~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ---::;;> ll- L -~ FUND NUMBER V /' -- --' HOY 18-65 001 ***~,Z~ 1.00 .00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE HOV 18-65 6'1 oOlA ** * 600.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. NOV 18-65 66 00lC **3,570.00 ~ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER o CASH ThClnk You CITY OF CAMPBELL No. 1126 BY /'" ,/("",(- /::' . I ^<-'<--1C, o 7 CITY CLERK I ~ a. .... . Pebruary 28, 1968 pacific Gas and Electric Co. 86 South Third Street san Jose, California Gentlemen: You are hereby authorized and requested to energize four (4) laS-watt Mercury Vapor eleetroliers, Schedule LB-2C, within TraC't No. 4060 aa shown on the enclo8ed drawings. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Bill H. ltal1A~ AS8oc1a~e Civil Engineer BMHacd Enclosure. ,~ r~ .~.""----.___ ! \ .~ ,1/,/ (/'. t1 .1./ -' .~:~J'^""'~ (1. ;,l-"c.. c<;~ ~ 3110002 ~ NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and THOMAS E. WILLIAMS . the undersigned, as City Engineer caused I subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 22 day of August , 19 66 That the name of the Subdivider said owner is SURBURBAN DEVELOPERS.. INC. . for That the na~ure of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS CITY OF CAMPBELL 3110002 BOOK 7488 " ~ 6 FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUF.ST~ A~-:K :: AH 196~ '.IF ~ICI~L RECORDS l.U ::..Nl A Ci.ARA COUNTY Q ~\.~~ j'AUt ~. '!EILt.i1l.g0 ~N RE.COROER.. \ ~ 'O\)\}'- Above ~a~e ~ fa>: Re · >: .... 9'>('- 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision tmprovementsare located is situated 1n the Citj of Campbell, County of Banta Clara, State of California, and described as follows: TRACT NO. 4060 and having the following address: Dated /.lhj~ .2b , 19.6L~ ~~ZW~ Thomas E. Williams. 1 of 2 City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNLA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SSe I" If.... Be WlLLJ:M8 baing duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, tlle owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this $~ C:'W~~1P .,tj?, day Of.~ ' l~~:":in~l1.", L..JyUYJ~ m. -=- ~ _ ... .' . "._-' Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California .CHARLL'" . My COillUlJ";c.; , "J otary Public . ,'1' I, 1967 2 of 2 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY ,4/JtA- !T~' I 100 East Sunny oaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 August 25, 1966 Department of Public Works City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California Re: Tract No. ~ 4060 Extension~ Notice of Acceptance Gentlemen: The sanitary sewerage system for subject development has been constructed, inspected and tested, and found to be complete in all respects. Title to the system has been transferred to this District and the system has been accepted for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer LEW: j encl. Resolution No. 444.7 By L. E. Weaver Associate Civil Engineer R:8S0LUTION NO. 2121 BEING A RESOLUTION i-.CCEPTING TRACT NO. 4060, AND IMPROVE~illNTS TPiliREON. WHEREAS, the City COUl1Ci_. has been advised by oche City Engineer that all im::?Toverc,enJcs in Tract No. 4060, have been completed in accorda~ce vlith that agreement entered into November 22, 1965, concern~ng said Tract; and, WhEREAS, Jche Ci-cy Ens'".i.:'"wer recor:.;::,e::c.s accep'cance of the Tract and iml.:;,rovemen.-c.s:: NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~ RESOLVED ny the City Council that. Trac"t No. L~060, -'cog4et:r~er \~'~-trJ. all -crj.8 irtl.proVei~Cl.en-'Cs thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted and tnat the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice oi Completion of said ll,1prover....'e::-;..::.s. PASSED AND ~~OPTED this 22~Qday o~ August 1966, 0Y the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: !Iyde, Rose, Smeed, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: ~one ABSEln: Councilmen: Rogers APPROVED: ./..----., /,,-.- at: .' j I' /J r' __)'c---.:.' ..... /J !:;.Lr/t(;;.c---t:')-,~ !/...-..~<J ' Ra/l.- ""''' D' '-e-'- '" ~1.1 ,:.-.- ~1~yor . 1-''''0; U l,..;;;)\.,.:J. I U...L.o., .L. CI. City Clerk 1,.- ~ -<-I COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 November 17, 1965 City Council City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Re: Tract No. 4060 Gentlemen: The plans of the sanitary sewerage system for subject Tract have been approved and a copy is on file in this office. A bond in the amount of $6,000.00 to insure completion of the sanitary sewerage system and payment of fees due this District has been posted. This District will inspect the construction of the sanitary sewers and upon satisfactory completion, the system will be accepted by this District for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman District Manager LEW: j cc: B L. E. Weaver Associate Civil Developer, Ralph Ramona Engineer, Creegan & DIAngelo Engineer PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY IPJ CGr~IE + 86 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114 . TELEPHONE 298-3333 October 20, 1565 Mr. Myron Hawk City Engineer 75 N. Centrf:1 Avenue Campbel', California Subject: Tract #4060 Dear Mr. Hawk: The Public Uti fity Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented are adequate and satisfactory for the inst~1 lation of this Company's el~ctric distribution facilities. Sir.cerely, r2 cG l4Ju~- C. A. CARLSON v-~O~ DISTRICT ENGINEER sr cc: Telephone Co., San Jose, Attention: Plant Engineer Valle'y TUle Co., 38 N. Fir'st Street, San Jose Creegan and D'Angelc, 1046 W. Taylor St., San Jose 61-9671 '1([2. 40 &,;>C'!) .-fl.L.-_'f,-L, DESCRIPTION OF LANDS PROPOSED TO 33 ANN3X3D TO THE CITY OF CA>l?BELL l\lCGLINCEY 1965-4 Beginning at the northwesterly corner of th~~ c8r~~in p~rcel of land deeded to Paul A. Werthmann, as recorded in Boo~ 2092, Page 410, O.R.* on November 9, 1950, said point also being on an easterly city limits line of the City of Campbell as established by Campbell Annex- ation 1959-14A on January 14, 1960, said point being the Point of Beginning; Thence N 750 10 I Werthmann parcel; E, 947.05' along the nor~herly ~ . .l.:.::e of said Thence S 3044'46"E, 86.74'; Thence 89.59' along a curve to ~he left with a rad~us of 120' through a central angle of 42046'27"; Thence 44.77' along a curve to the right w~~n a ~adius of 80' through a central angle of 32003' 57" to a point 0:1 t.he southerly line of said Werthmann parcel; Thence S 750.:)9 Werth~ann parcel; W, 1010.08' to the southw8ste~:y corner ,.. 0:: s.aid Thence N 00 ;::'O",'W, 212.8 S' to the first mer~tior.i.ecl n,ortlHvesterly corner of the Werthmann parcel and said Point of Beginning. .\: f"\ 7) _ v. .'\,. Official Records of Santa Cl&ra Cou~tJ UNION "> -- o - 1--< <n ><:- 1cJ1 2~ <:(j) <- -1 -J lu CJ c.. ~ < U I ........... ~.-> .0 ..___. 0 ~ ___ (\J " AVE. r i! .~ ... l~ ~ ""i'- I' _,,J .,-, I' ('j ,~ ~ .. 1"."). , <:;' ~ it .' (.J (\J!' 0::: I "'. ~0. ,.1....01 H _ II "-." . <22~ <::::Jt'--. 2~~ i~: ~ , :;- -J ~-J: ) ;~" 3"s:!.i?i?;i;'-""'" I.' ... ..i'.....i\ \' I . ;:~..-'-J ., I.U) ;'0 .'J \ : L') , r, '..J "- CJ - "- <:) C': c::: >- CJ ~ <: ,,- a ,., '.....'" --, <:~ ,,, ,..; n ,..... ,oJ ~- :> 6 -~ ... r~ ....) ~ ',; :".': --:::- >'": - ,. .- '. <::::: "'- .;:, "- < ':) ~0 -- - ~ <:: ! . ~ -- ~- ~: ~ - <::: - , ,- -...; r ;::: -.- - '. p -. r'_ ,- - ; i ,- L, ,: 1:..< ,_/ ",',' -,', :'2 ~ cr: <:[ :' <C U) 1e.. 'i---l , i . ! ;--- /,::'0 ,;- I' , .:-----.., I -J f.... .':- . i i ! l:" i;'C:)" : --.J [>F "I ~ . ;i~:.~ i E3' jrs\ ~ N ': ' I ~ " . 6: 8 ;'.::".-/' ! LL I~\ LuN ,')..Jr.: : ~ i>." $~ . .,,! ,-U \ i < :ll.l~:.r.'........'."".\.':"....,. cn"~'i,,\ cvlcS ! ~3/v\S! ~ <<: " -1 r ; ( "\ ..\ .~;(;; ! , < i \..,J 1,'- ," ~ r" \ ! , . ,... .. !~ '-- , r Qjl I.:.' ! l- : 61 It':..'.... ...':...~~ ~.; f~ ~ .:\.~:~.:... u 'I IVOI. -,..-.. ,." \:; 1 '.I.t7x.:;rv~~\i'd.,o~ 00>')/ , 0'~ II~ ~.'.,.-'.-2."'?/~J.,.""",,: I / >- ~ .otJdWtrJ u~ '- ~ :, - .i______ ~ -- ?- " _______ U n '; ---- t,; :, ; t-o I .___ o :2: o ~ >( ! , I '-=--...: 2: 2: ~ ~- '~ :...:..) (0 C) - >- n :---J " ~ : I! ---.:: ~ ("\ I' f"\ \......) \-f./ ~ o~ n ----: ~- () 0- - (;-,\ ~: r '\ ,--. ~ THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY San Jose, October 18, 1Q6c; Mr. M. Hawk City Engineer City of Campbell Campbell, CaJ.i.fomia Dear Sir: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. h060 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this Company. Very truly yours, }~d~ ~r'Division Plant Engineer 855 Lenzen Avenue, Room 324 San Jose, California td3 r ,1) /1/, "#(V ej.,\; /~i--" ;~ .,..r'''' ..- 7-43 ( ;,I.;\' . ) (41~2) 1'0: ~;- "F I c:fJ':.'- DATL "'~'--' ,'T""'~ ''(.' ACCT, NO, / - q L .s- LEININGER, Asst, City LngI'., " , 1. Attached are/Test Results oi 'uD-grade Candi tior.s at ilbnve locativn, C&NTRA11- PA,,('~ ~_ _~.4r <"...-~.- !/RIVF ~-"!k-L(J~ ~..A.IL.&~--- MAP N.() 0 .30 SUBJECT: favement Design LOCATION: 2. Below are tabul,j~ed the. minim,,;' Dci,vemen 1. r',::pJi re 1en. ':$ l)d~"pd or. the attached Test Results dnd estt:'" 'ed ':"'r,"lf:~:' L:dex'. ) ~ __,_~~'_i.__" A \. r...~....."'.... ~'2V ' .....'. 'o. ' ....-.'....".....'.. -r-----------. ". ,. ~., .", ......., . ':. J>. .....p',. 6: . ~. "10' -. . 3"'SWC)" ........ .' . ?~ 'i.._ ,":.... ' STRr:ET NAME '1...-., ~:~ ~..~. ~ "\..:- :-:'''--:-;-'~.' JA .'.; . .. ~~~': ;':~;;i.:~':~,( ?~~l: I !- I t :~ . " "JtJ A Y .\i' t,SB (~'SB) CURB & GUTTER ALtERNATE DES I GN VAI/OU AvE ---- .-....-.... ~- - ~ .-.-. --,p::- I/H . ....2._._"':. L ":"_~::_--:!.z...._ __.Ji.. .. Z- c 6A1iR,fL P,4~K ..12IL,.4- ~4"~r:AJtJM! ..f)~~ ...:1.. - - .., '/ H .1 --- --_....-. :3 //#Z -........---- _....--- C11~ - d ~ - SA G. ~ , - I, ;# 2. .;:J"/J!Z_Z--_ _ I<C!:L. _.._........_"',.,. J, .~. I . /~. , --.,----~ ,,---- ~-------..._~ ~ -,..... ~.- ,- '.,' ~......,.-- - .' -. , --..-.--..--.....- ....-.- ..-.......----- -------- .- ,,,_. '" - -- ......' .. - . ---.....,.-. ..-.......-......------ -,_. -.---....----....'--. ......----.... ..- ..-.....- .--. _.....,. ..-.,.-- ...... ,...--."'......,.- _...--~--- ... ---...-.. - ......,_..-_. - -~ .. " 3. LLGC;. .--. , . 1 'Tredl"': :\lse SWC - :.>_ 'C";.i"' , 'en ;ed Bdse ''-Cb:'-~g,j:(: );' --......-.- 4. r'L . ~ ..", ~V::; : -_._~- ,.---"" ....... --- ...-.' ~...~.--..-."--- ,.._---~-_.---..,. -.-'~ -'. '/i -..----..... . ,,--' ..........'_. .~....-..... . .y t ..,:11 t ted . DESIGN B';'. ., , .,,-~.>-~-;;--_-:~ - _ :::.:1 _ c. .') .__-- ..... ~''7 " ./~R--I; A. ~~~. ..... p., Ro Meier Engineer II I APPROVED BY: ., CARL J, ~tlNtNGtR Asst. City Engineer ---..",.----:-.-- ----.~ .-.---- :jATC' .... ,,'>e'# .r......'~ HERMANN J. GERDTS President VIOLET V, ENANDER District Secretary EDMUND A. MIRASSOU Vice. President ALBERT T. HENLEY Attorney GLENN F, DODSON Executive Administrlltor J. ROBERT ROLL Chief Engineer SANTA CI....ARA V ALI..J<~Y '\-\" A'rER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 15420 ALMADEN ROAD . SAN JOSE 24, CALIFORNIA . TELEPHONE ANDREWS 9-3650 July 9, 1965 FILE NO. A26-27 H -4. 1 0 Mr. Wi II iam G. Wren Acting City EngIneer CIty of CampbelI 75 North Cent ra I Avenue Campbell, CalifornIa Dea r Mr. Wren: This offIce has received a copy of the tentatfve subdivision map entitled, "Lands of Werthmann". It is understood that thIs proposed development Is located west of UnIon Avenue and north of Central Park Drive. Upon review of the map It was noted that KIrk IrrIgation DItch is located along the west boundary of the proposed development. This section of the ditch has not been abandoned and Is still In use. It is requested that whenever any permIt is granted, stipulatIon be made that any rerouting or replacement into pipeline be made to the satisfaction and approval of the District. Thank you for your past cooperation. Very truly yours, ';J~,- W. CelL l ~~ H. Clarke Hydrographic Engineer gld cc: Creegan & D'Angelo, 1046 W. Taylor St.,San Jose DIRECTORS HERMANN J. GERDTS DIV. I . ROBERT T. SAPP J. J. LENIHAN DIV. 2 DIV, 3 . F, A. WILCOX D. J. RIBISI DIV. " DIV. 5 . E. A. MIRASSOU JOSEPH CHIRI DIV. 6 DIV. 7