450 Union Ave. (TR6136) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT RICH fYi' iLL' t:::. ~,J ~ ~ '-.... 2 -... (,.., ' I,) /\ ",,' ) ,/ ... t ~ , ....", "-' t' i A'} (' "::: l, , '/ '",- t::. \\, t~\t:-'::,. I. (' ,.. , " v ,_,U ) " BUILDING ADDRESS KL j l () l\) COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER A I <t- , _. ~,~{,__'~,.'~ _~ ~::.) (:~_ r "g"! APPROVAL NUMBER 'Tr-,A cr ~,.J () ~ (.. I~~~,; G:) PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER i\ /1 ((") , ('2.,: ',)' f l ~ ,-'" ,.,,,,,,P-_ BILL M. HELMS ACTING DIREC~OR OF PUBLIC WORKS By i / ~. , ! , ,- '-=" '1 i / ) (': \~\'~I ;' ;')'] 'I Date RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME .d2LL ~-"-- ADDRESS 'Z'<- 0.::L "" FO~ ~ ~d;'-e(../ ~ '~i/3L //4. ~ (33 / -' J~ # f( dfo dV REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, dbJ /J ~ FUND NUMBER ~ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH 11- Y''" " 7 DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT )[jL - 7 ' 77 >C )~" 111250.00 MUST BE MACHINE G07 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, JLil. - 7 - ,",: 65 OG7A l'.:;.-L: 12 5 O. CO 11708 .> (yfl~:c,"" Thank Yau CITY OF CAMPBELL 0M CITIZEN COpy RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NA.k<2L~ ,6 /!Jz,4-.-. > ADD"Eso~::t;t.c~1Y1 fk/~ . ~o~ ~' '~A~CIl ~e_ /,(0'- 't~~L .. /..r":: /' ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, ,4- ()O O\CHECK , 11- f ~9J/ / 4- FUND NUMBER o MONEY ORDER 0 CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, DATE AMOUNT JUL 13 -77 0 OJ -lI.'trt; -)( * 75.CO XL 1377 S7 OOJA *';("/(*]':.>.00 11789 CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy 0M RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA lAg ~_ . NAME ~J;~~ ~<~ ~'I/~ ADDRESS mc;t~7t;"/~/c-a --- CZ~"'4?A/ LAJl-- - J Y <::f~,:,L; C 7 ~ J-..->L ~ J -'" < 107. ~.. J;1cC (d:J) dJ~ / REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. SJ/ /j-. FUND NUMBER ~~K o MONEY ORDER 0 CASH . /' /JdJ DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, HAY -2-77 020 *****25.00 HAY -2-77 57 020 A 1,-In"*25.00 10885 .~~~ CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy Thank Yau CITY OF CAMPBELL 0M HOME O"ta P. o. UOX ~Uib SAN JOSE. ct- 95150 ATTN: BOND DEPT. g :c::.:;~-.;;.:.;.;. -" ~ r/, n ~I . U 1 ~, t.' ~) I i. I 0..'; ("/1 ".'. r [11111;' 1-1'~IIl~LI\ 1u , f1 ~.:: : . MWr, ObIi... Or Oritlnatlng Compeny Set,... Uf Bond No. YS780-1592 CAMBPELL, CA 95008 )f'Itrec:tOf' PARK PLACE DEVELOPMFNT roMP ANY tldraa 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SAN JOSE, CA 95125 ftCf'lption of ContrKt (Inchldt 1000tion end owner', contrec:t number) SUBDIVI~ON BOND: OFFSITE IMPROVEMFNTS T~"'rT 61]9, CfJfPBELL, CA owner CITY OF CAMPBELL s I Bondi,) S 3,500 PF 7.500 PT I EftectM Date R_lQ liH on trec:t Price Without prejudicing your right or .ffecting our li.bility under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate such information .s is now available. :~~r1: 'W1Ql ~PT. $ It is understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a maner of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety end is merely an expression of opinion. It Is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no Guarantv or warrantv of accuracv or correct. ness is mede and no resPOnsibilitv is assumed 's , result of reli,nCf bv the suretv. whether such information is furnished bv the own, or by an architect or enaineer 's the IQents of the owner. I. If contrec:t completed, please lUte: Approximate date of completion of work (or final delivery) Approximate KOlptanal date Final contract price Z, If contrec:t uncompleted. please lUte: ~e--' Approximate percentage or dollar amount of contract completed or delive,.d OYa GNO 3. Do YCKI know of any unpeid bills tor a.bor or materials? If .'Yes" please comment. 4. Remarks lif any) 12;()t) (( c; ie,' /~' ~ll 0. ! 11 I I,j +ov'('c, Ii. . ~, ',! 3 (~/' 19 ,"::~) Signature h' /!~) ), ~'1 ,:/ (-;. . i J /;. '<;: ,,--,_U '10 (; , Title "7 v A5XA'.-. Lt Vi I E-YJqY. Address D~e PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY tN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. Anention .. -.......^ ... f1''''~' INDUSTRIAL INDEMNI7Y COlt P.O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CA 95150 I RECEIVE_ DEe 1 0 198 .. . GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY HO~\[ Of f ICE OWNER, OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATING COM..ANY DATE DEe 9 10Qf; ...)u.) ADO.U:SS 75 N. CENTRAL A VEl-mE OUR eONO NO. YS 780-1592 CPJ1PBELL, CA CONTRACTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ADORES. 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SPU~ JOSE, CA 95125 DE.C"'~jION OF CONTRACT (lruluJ, lot"Gtio.. .,.,1 owrur's CO"""C' ....mbu) SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSlTE IMPROVEMENTS, TRACT 6136, CAMPBELL, CA OWNER CIIT OF CAMPBELL CONTRACT PRICE . /BON:ISI 3,500 PF 7,500 IT I EFFEC8/~6"777 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BONDCS) DESCRIBED ABOVE. WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE, SINCERELY, dah nJm 1~{C JVV}VJ BOND ~EPARTMENT BY IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: ...PPROX......A.TE DATE OF COMPl.ETION OF WORK (or !i..ol Jtl;(.,,>') . NA It is understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion. It is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or cDrrect, ness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result Df reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the Dwner or by an architect or engineer as the agents of the owner, APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE --cr. 2 IF CONTRACT UNCOMPI.ETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED 3, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL o YES s-- NO 04, "EMARKS (If...y) /5DvJ 0(5 -h.:> yC~] eLl Y7 /Vl ~ hrcC-.. !Xc.., /~ ta,85' DA.TE PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, ATTENTION lY030 R3 ('0-771 INDUSTRIAL INDEHtU'0 COI1PA P.O. BOX 5056 S"~ JOSE, CA 95150 . GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY ~L)":i : If r OWNER, OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATiNG COMPANY CITY OF CAl'1PBELL, CITY ENGINEER 01. TE S E P 3 1985 75 IL CENTRAL AVENUE , yr}\ \} .- OUR BOND NO ADDRESS YS 780-1592 ,,~ CNlFBELL, CA CONTRACTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ADDRESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SA1 JOSE, CA 95125 OESCRIPTION O~ CONTRACT (lftclUd~ lo;ation and ownn'J contract numbtT) SUBDIVISION BO~{D: OFFSITE IMPROVI}IT}ITS, TRACT 6136, CNlFBELL, CA OWNER CITY OF CAl1PBELL s I BON:(SJ 3,500 PF 7,500 IT I EFFECTIVE: DATE i 8/16/77 I CONTRACT PRICE WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTiNG OUR LiABILITY UNDER OUR BOND (S J DESCRIBED ABOVE. WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH INFORMATION AS is NOW AVAiLABLE SINCERELY, da'l1 BY FIN.6.L CONTRACT PRiCE It is understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion, It is also agreed that in furnishing this informatiDn, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correct' ness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result Df reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer as the agents of the owner, iF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE, APPROXiMATE DATE OF" COMPLETION OF WORK (or final dr/ir'ny) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE _~__~,_~ NA ___ 2 IF CONTRACT UNCOMPL.ETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED o YES o NO 3, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BiLLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL 4, REMARKS (II GPly) Con.sTrUc,+;z>Y7 d-e~~d. &Y1d -Iv Y'eYYJa J YJ J YJ Iorce~. 9 / 4-/ lSl85 SIGNATURE ,. ,. . :~?/1 ;/;~l~l{. '1 ( c ---/ TITLE A-S5oC-, t:/vi/ En 1/'. DATE PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, ATTENTION ADDRESS .vno:a.n R~ "0-77' /=' r NOME O'''CI INDUSTRiAl mDEMNITY CO. P. O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CA 951L ATTN: BOND DEPT. ~ InduIbIal Indem.IIY V .......~ ~ Status Inquiry ....r, ObI... or 0rItI"".... CDmpIny 0... JUN 4 bo~ 75 CAMBPELL. CA 95008 tdreII >>ntreC:tor PARK PLACE DEVEI.OPMRNT r.OMP4NV ~ 2982 FAIRCLIFF. SAN JOSE, CA 95125 "'escription of Contreet (Include location end owner'. ClOfttreet number) SUBDIVI~ON BOND: OFFSITE IMPROVF.MRNT~ TR4rT 6116. C.~WBEbl, eA wner CITY OF CAMPBELL ontr8Ct Price s IBonde.) S 3,500 PF 7.500 PT I Effectlw D.u A_ H S (I Without prejudicing your right or Iffecting our lilbility under our bondCs) described lbove, we would Ipprecilte such inforlNtion as is now IVlnlble. Sincerely, 2. If oontrect uncompleted. p..... mte: Approximete percent-..e or dollar emount of contrect completed or deliwml s It is understood thlt the information contained herein is furnished IS I mltter of courtesy for the confidenti.1 use of the surety Ind is merelv In expression of opinion. It is Ilso IgrHd thlt in fumishing this inform.tion, no au....nty or ,,",MV of .CCUrlCY or correct- ness is mlde and no nsoonsibility is lSSumed IS a nsult of reli.nce by the surety. whether such inforlNtion is furnished by the owner or bY In architect or enaineer.s the aaents of the owner. . If oontreet ClCImPIeted. pIe..aute: Approximete de. of completion of work (or final delivery) Approximete ec:ceptance date Final contrect price 3. Do you know of eny unpaid billl for e.bor or materiell? If UV.... pIute comment. Dv" DNO ~7..l4-vu.C4- (9-_ ("'7. I ( (_..J~ltK) ~'I rlt~"'vf~ - V-4.t'1 a I ~1 /.;.., ~ v /..-{I? 4. Remar" (If eny) f r It (/ 19 rr p~, o-e v 1/--.', . I 1 I~n ~. PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. Attention .Y,,~n Ill. "2183) I1IDUSTRIAL INDEMNI7f COI1PAi.... P.O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CA 95150 . GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY Hor.~~ ,)F F ICE OWNER. OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATING COMPANY 75 N. CENTAAL AVENUE DA7__;2 -w OUR BDND NO, YS 780-15'92 CITY OF CAi1PBELL, CITY EJGIlJEER ADDRESS CAl1PBELL, CA CONTRACTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOH1ENT COMPANY ADDRESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, S~J JOSE, CA 95125 CA DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT rlrle/uti, /0(111;0" Grid owrur's contract "umba) SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS OWNER CITY OF CAi1PBELL CONTRACT PRICE s /BON:'SI 3,500 PF 7,500 PI' I EFFECS716/77 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND I S I DESCRIBED ABDVE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCI INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE, SINCERELY, dah ~ IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK (or final 4tlit.,,)') s NA It is understood that the information cDntained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion, It is also agreed that in furnishinc this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correct, ness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of relianct by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the ownel or by an architect or engineer as the agents of the owner, APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPI,ETED, PLEASE STATE: -- ~-- APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPL~TED OR DELIVERED -4, REMARKS (II any) (]~5-!-o ~ IIA :..:, o ~ev~ . YES [3--NO' 3, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL IVl Jv~ k lfi?"( i SI~L7E C[ldk ~~ TITLE k.> (J t> c.v', I &-- A)'. ADDRESS I DATE PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, 4.TTENTJON lY030 R3 (10-77) DIFISTRIAL nmnTIJI';"Y COI1T'Ai-JY P.O. BOX 5056 SAn JOSE, CA 95150 ~()Ur ('~ f..l(~t: .' .. .. .'''J , tC: E 1 V ED GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY J Lji'Jn~ ":~ PU'.. 1 :;~~ ,nLh.. n ; 1\ E,'i8;~,tt~\.;'iG DATE b/~ft3 OUR BON'D NO. ' OWNER, OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATi'NG~NY CITY OF CAl1PBELL, CITY EHGIlJEER A.DDRESS 75 N. CENTRAL AVENUE YS 780-1592 CPJ1PBELL, CA CONTRACTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOPMENT COHPANY ADDIUSI 2982 FAlP.CLIFF, SAl~ JOSE, CA 95125 DllaC"IPTION OF CONTRACT (11Ie/utl, loratio" GJld au. ,It,', co"'ract number) ,SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS, TRACT 6136, CAMPBELL, CA OWNER CITY OF CAHPBELL 'BONOIS) $ 3,500 PF 7,500 PI I EFFEcS7l6/;7 CONTRACT "RICE $ WITHOUT "REJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR \..IABI\..ITY UNDER OUR BONDiSI DESCRIBED ABOVE, WE WOUL.O APPRECIATE SUCH INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAI\..AB\..E, dah .'(9x .~.~~ BY BOnD DEPARTMENT I, IF CONTRACT COMP\..ETED, P\..EASE STATE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF" COMPLETION O~ WORK (or li"41 ti,/it",),) $ NA It is understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion. It is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty Df~ccuracy or correct. ness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the owner ~an architect or engineer as the agents of the owner. ..PPROXIM....TE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONT....CT PRICE 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPI.ETED, "\..EASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLL.." AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED A, RFMARKS fll a"y) r;~ )..J..y", v~ pU /-f.VrlJ U)-t <. ~J ("e-l { ~ LA/I o ~y ~/?VI.J ~_"-~~ 3, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BI\..\..5 FOR \..ABOR OR MATERIAL YES D NO U/ I f-1.r ,-.., (l vrllvf~. [J~,,) --h YWA a/~ . I ..., ~yCA-,' DATE: t It;(/') SIGNATURE ~ _~ l.e-- Ill. TITLE ~J()~, ACDRESS ~;I tT'77 PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, ATT[NTIO-'" IY030 R3 (10-771 INDUSTRIAL INDD1JJI7Y COliPf P.O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CA 95150 HO~'E OFFICE ,f . ~/l. GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY tlr:- 4'.1, A, 75 N. CENTRAL AVENUE " .. /3/IC;fz . OWNER. OBLIGEE OR ORIGINA.TING COMPANY CITY OF CAHPBELL, CITY ENGINEER ~ '~ ADDRESS CAHPBELL, CA CONTRACTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ADDRESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, S~~ JOSE, CA 95125 DESCRIPTION OF CONTplI"'CT ([ftC/f."i, location dnd owner's contrac' numb".; SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSITE IMPRO~rrS, TRACT 6136, CAMPBELL, CA OWNER CITY OF CAMPBELL CONTRACT "RICE s IIIONDIS) I s 3 , 500 PF 7,500 IT I EFFEC~71~/;7 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND'S) DESCRIBED ABOYE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUC" INFORMATION AS IS NOW AYAILABLE I, dah &2~ BY BOI I, IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF" COMPLETION OF WORK (or Jinal atlit.,,)') ", It is understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion, It is also agreed that in furnishing this infDrmation, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correct- ness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety. whether such information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engi neer as the agents of the owner. "PPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE CATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE s NA 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPl.ETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXI....ATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED 3, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAIO BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL D YES o NO Ce;r7->-frlA. c+Z ~ h/-kvrc~ / ,4, REMARKS (// a"r) DcPVla j -l-rrJ r.t.u/?C1 (?J r II/J ~ V c.f:.- ~ J'1 0 I S Ill,E Z- 5IG17~ (7~~~ TITLE 4:s~ c9 C. ~, 1 e /11- ADDRESS DATE PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, ATTENTION IY030 R3 (10-77) II IDUSTRIAJ,j INDIlt 1I':;'Y COHP} P.O. BOX SOSG S~~ JOSE, CA 95150 - - OWNER. OBLIGEE OR ORIG rrro.-'TING COMPANY CITY OF CN1PBELL, CITY E'l'GIJ.Jl::[R . \I\:O '.' Q \:;0 \ ,Dted. - --'--- ,--,~ 'OAT1 I C 2 ~! p\lSIJ{', ~~= ...U~ H-t t-t R GEr~ERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY ,H01\1r {If f ICl 19E1 ADDRESS 75 N. CENTRAL AVD.JuI: OUR BONO NO YS 78Ci-1S92 CNIPBELL, CA CONTRA.CTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOPl1EIIT COH?ANY ADDRESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SAJ JOSE, CA 95125 DESCRIFtTION OF CONTRACT (["clUd" lorntion and otL,-'ntr's contract "umbt'~) SUBDIVISION BO;J:Ll: OFFSITE IMPROVEMEN':'S, TRhCT 6136, CP.:-1r3:t::L:..." CPo OWNER CITY OF CN'1PBELL CONTRACT PRICE s I BONO(S) . S 3 , 500 PF Er:-FEC7IVE: DA..TE 7,500 ?T 8/16/77 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BON~15) DESCR:SED ABO,'E WE WOULD A"?RECIATE S'.JC", INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE SINCERELY, !ZADELLA TOMALA dah BY BO;8 DEFA?:':-=:C IF CONTRACT COMPLETED PLEASE STATE ~MAT-E--D--';-T-Eo-;:-COMP~OF WORK (or final dfit'~;T)) It is understood that the info:-rTiJt:oll cO,ltai:;,,:: i~,~ c::r-: is fur ',isnec! as a matter of courti;SY for th(; cO',fice:ltia~ US0 of t.le sl;:ety anci :0 merelY' an eXtJression of opir::on. :t is also a~1I"f:~,J lr~.:.: i.l furr-:ishing this informa:io!l, nC~~j~~Jil~:L_9~__'~~arra:~;i~.~~_:CU'-dC'r! or c-2i~c_~. !less is made,a:lc no resjJo~L!i.!i.~,~ssum_ed c~,~"Sl;': o0:.ci;ance !2YJhe surety, whet!',,:! 'uc'~ ilifor:n_atioil i~:urilishL:i oy the 0wne: 0; by an architect or enqill~as the aqents of the o':mer, APPROXIM.TE ACCEPT.~CE D.TE ~~~------~----,-_.~.~-~~-~ ----~---- F"INA... CONTRACT PRICE s :JA -----.------- - _.__._-----~_._---- 2 IF CONTRACT UNCOMPl.ETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGt OR DOL...LAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED 3 DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BIL.LS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL o YES o NO REMARKS (/1.,,)) ~/fS~' ~~ ~ ('j-vtcf ~ ~ de Lvt~1 :___ "".~ tA, ~ ,~,~~, r..-{". ~ " ~~ J 1~. &--z-. l"Of7r1CWt~<~ I TiTe ~ . \ _ _ I 5 C' (" r: k/" 1 e v10 I AOORU. / I I 1___.._------- _~_____ _ ! 4TT[NTIO,.. I DATE PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, IY030 R3 (10"17) Me t ~,g GENERAL FORM ~ STATUS INQUIRY INDUSTRIAL INDEMtHTY COl1PANr P.O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CA 95150 . HO.iE: OF r- ICE PARK PAlACE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY R-E-c-E1 V ED OCT 2', , '-"-. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DATE OCT 2 G 1981 .. OWNER, OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATING COMPANY CI'IY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER ADDRESS OUR aONO NO. 75 N. CENTRAL AVENUE YS 780-1592 CAl1PBELL, CA CONTR....CTOR ADD~ESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SAl~ JOSE, CA 95125 DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT (/Jlclud~ loration and owner's contrad numb,,) SUBDIVISION BO}JD: OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS, T~CT 6136, CAl1PBELL, CA OWNER CIIT OF CA11PBELL $ I BONO(5) $ 3,500 PF 7,500 IT I mEcS716A;;7 CONTRACT PRICE WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BONDrs. DESCRIBED ABOVE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUC. INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE, SINCEREL.Y, IZABELLA TOMALA dah BY BOiJD DEPARTI1E~"I' I, IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF' COMPLETION OF WORK (or final a,/i:,trY) $ NA It is understood that the information contained herein is furnishe(~ as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and ic merely an expression of opinion, It is also agreed that in furnishin~: this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correct ness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the owne: or by an architect or engineer as the agents of the owner. APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE OATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPI"ETED PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLA.R AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETEO OR OELIVEREO 3, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL o YES o NO ,"" REMARKS III QIlY) t~sfvtAt-~ <[J6Inef s -10 y (,;yYl a I ,;, . IV? I () ! :dIg! Iii, ISI9~a/~~ TITLE As~o(,. ~.,1 AODRESS ~91 Y1-U- J-- DATE PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, ATTENTION , ) INDUSTRIAL INDrnUlY COI1Pt P.O. BOX 5056 S~~ JOSE, CA 95150 . GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY HO~'E Of f ICE OWNER. OI!H.IGEE Oft ORIGINATING COMPANY CITY OF CAHPBELL, CITY ENGnJEER DATIE. 1 ADOlltltss 75 N. CENTPAL AVENUE MAR 1 0 1981 OUR BONO NO. YS 780-1592 CA!1PBELL, CA PUBLIC WORKS EI~GINEERING CONTlltACTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ADDRESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, S~J JOSE, CA 95125 DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT (/"c1uJ~ lot'Qlio.. G,,,l aUlntt's conlr(ll'1 ....mbu) SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS, TRACT 6136, CAMPBELL, CA OWNER CITY OF CAHPBELL CONTRACT "RICE $ f eONOlS) I $ 3,500 PF 7,500 PI' I EFFEcs/167n WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BONDrs) DESCRIBED ABOVE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE, da,~ ~ IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: "PPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPL.ETION OF WO"K (nr /i1l0} d,/il''')') $ NA It is understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion, It is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correct. ness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer as the agents of the owner, APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPI.ETED, PLEASE STATE: -0- APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOL.L.AR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED 3, 00 YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL o YES o NO 4, REMARKS ry,aNY) ~ , ~.sfv&{ c~ ~~A? ? o(~/tc f" H,I- ( y~a, "1 ,.>:1 f1 r(-U . DATE "1 - I ( -t I Ill, ~~~~ TITLE A-s(OC. Cwr1 8nr;~t.- , - ADDRESS IV030 1>3 1\0'7,7/ PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. . 7' / ///LI/ -(,r- "j' {.-~, ,~?<-/ L/ I ::. 1..., _ ~~-"'-_.:""" c:~ -- -c..- / ATTENTION '- IIJDUSTF) /\iJ HIDD<1NI'.lf COpPI\ P.O. BOX 5055 SAN JOSE, CA 95150 GENERAL FORM Hn'H rll f w: STATUS INQUIRY ;;-W N E f/I'. O!i'l.1 G u-~~o~-~~ ~ A.~T-I ~j G ~o~~:.-;:; y ---=:=;===---==---::::::::.--::..--===:.:..:::::::::-::..--=--::-....::=:::::-..::::::=::::::==-====::::::...-=--=--~;.:..-==-:== =:- __-:::::'-=--==----=--=- CITI' or CNIFBELL, CITY E,lGIllIEI( " DATE " -f-+= -=-==-=-=' I <:/ '/_ ______I_____~)/ I.: I / / lOUR eONO NO 'is 780-1S?:: ---------- -- A tJOpilf 2: !UJ 75 N. cnrrRAL !-\VDJUE CN-PBELL, r..../\ ......,.["\ CONYi"l!ACTOl't PAJ<K I)!\.Li\CE r)EVELjOPl'1EJ.jj~ cor.fr~i\l'ry .._----------~----~----- ------------------------- A DOJl'U:!5g 2~j82 :Ff\IRCLIFF', Si\'tJ J'OS}~, C~!\ 9,SI:~ s ()l(t1CRI~rIClN or- co~rp.Acf7f;~Tu;T" Te~;l:r-(Jn t!~,1 ()'~~~;~~-~-~;t--;~~;:-~_;;'h~0---- SUBI)IVISION BOl~I): OFFSI]~l~ rr:F:J\Cl' 613cl, CAJr.PBI:L~L, rIll. l..r-\ .._--_....~-------------_._---------_._-_..- OWN~f\ ----~----~--~._--~-~--_._------ CITY OF CAJ1PBELL c;;;~;;;cr'- '----; "o~(, < s ~----------- ~-----!~~-;:7;.'r 0< H --------- ~ ~--,---------__,_,J,___~ _ :;, ,5 0 :~_!~~_ __, ?~~~S Cf)__!,~~~_.~__,_ _~_____~,~/~G / ~~.__ u,______,_,___. WITHOUT "'1'li!:JUOiCING YOUR "'IGKT em: I,FF1.:C-,:'<G OUR LlA!)ILiTY UNDER OUR 80NO'S, D[~CRI~~D "20VE wr; W~:l,;;:'. ::,r..~tc.fl'~r~~?~:,~1 INrORMATlON AS l~; NO'.!'i ,",VAIi.,"'!:!!..!: ~~> t. ~''''' t I V ~; i.l 'Ii ,/\ (/ i i dah ,,':Y:;;di;~;i~;\'t,j (Vk \ Al-e -' PiN';;;~[fRi1W wo-~";;~c;;;;;;(;T~~~~~~~i'>..~5,~--:::'7 f\.':~:?-----~--~-r-......-..--^---_.-....----.~-......--..,-.---'&-..,,-....-.-"....--~,,-'<<>-..-"'...."',.--.-..- ---"-.-.~---<<.-.----~-----_.--~--."---"'"'~...-~- ft r~tt,'c:!~'1 1.';:':(31' the ;(.f(!t:"t1!}r~,)r! cont21~\cd he(C;~l i:; furni::~'i'~"! .'; r-. r;/ r:i I"f~ r ~ {'Ii) SlNC.EREL'r' AUG ,. ( 191 :j ~,P~~'H'))\Hi,;,~",?,:t. nt'"'flt. 0~ '::D~,v'L'::TIG~.~ c,' yv<)g\o: --,-_.~-_...'"._...,~-_._~.,_..._.__.. -"-..~~_....'''--_._-~.._----~ --.,...., fcP;IP~OX\M;q-t A(:e"'J'i:",",hH;':( t>?,....cr. rr.,~.:.' f-;-l V ;pr or c'}ur1:esv ';0'- tt'~~:' cc:nt'l(l:?nt:z.:; f,;S~: of ".h::.~ surt~;'1' l.snd 'r: 0~ f''}(O"f::',r.l0n of 0)""11;'110n. Ii: ;"; aisc.) d~;~f:~;d th<:)t ir~ ?U'Tl;::.i''i~:l' i6 !~.: ~'~ P. t., (: ~'"f<~ ~ t: ~{ !r' ';:;Cf'.;Tr:;:.;;"C'\ U;."C~) 'i'-:~.;,:'F~_' r'~_LJ'. \ ~" ,1<. ? i"' ~;! :.:; .'. i +:: $- 'j: ~~ ~-" C"~:.; 'i," fv' 'i' ,';. ; f I: 1~. 'C.';;" ~, f>;) ~,;'i>U ~~iQ'...I';' or' A'f.;Y :....."....~:.'..;;.,' ", V;~.."'::;.' h;':' =,:tt~ ,.<."K' . _._"---_._-~--_.".~,- ._-_.~-_.,-----"._---"---------_.__.. =--~~~----T"';7c:"=-(h~~-R~~c__~ ,#"',,"" ,~.1!. "". '....,,~..t ~- ..=" i--,;:?Z.';:' " {...,...,..$.: ~i"i 7~' b -.t ~ g't; t'; Ji' \ . f f ~.b;:l\':; r. ~"':' "'-'_..\........,.."...........---~-~:......_---'<'.,.....-........._...._-~~,-".. PJL~P.:SE r~F.:;..'rURN TH~S ~!..,~C;L~!l~' ;,N THf:.: ~:NCL~JSED Er"j.../i::~.~C)P ItT':Tt-i~ ,or- -'----_._-,---_.._~_._--,-- _.._---_.._--,--,_.._._--_._.._,~~-,-~------- - _.._---,._-,--------- -- -"".. .-. - 1V,",~o P"t tt"."'''' INDUSTRI/\L INDEMNI'I'Y COf1PA P.O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CA 95150 HCPH (\f , ICE . GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY OWN!". OBLIGEE ~" O".OINATING COMPANY CITI OF CAHPBELL, CTIY ENGINEER 75 N. CENTRAL A VENUE O"TE "DDIIESS CAr1PBELL, CA YS 780-1592 CONT"ACTOR PARK PAlACE DEVELOPHHIT COHPANY "DOIIESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SAJ JOSE, CA 95125 DW:.C"'l~TION OF CONTA...~';d;,d,. j;;~n'iQn aNti OW"t','J eMf/raet nu;-.J;;-;j---- SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSITE IHPROVEMENTS, TRACT 6136, CA!'1PBELL, CA ---- ... -- - "----------. _._-._------~-_.- .....---.-------- OWNE" CITI OF CAMPBELL 00":'0' ...o~________J'~.:'" 3, 500_~F_ _ 7 ,-500~f~_ - _J ";~~_~16!7~__ WITHOUT F'REJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR '30ND' S I DESCRII!lEO ABOVE INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE, WE Wrt~ <:Pffv~SDf dah SINCEREL~, 'l \4s;(z B~: I;') _, :cu f!.jl;' Tf \ / I~ ,AUG I !;-'f'vt~,-&-- / - PUBLIC \'IORKS ENGINEERING '( 191 ~ IF CONTRACT COMPLETED PLEASE STATE, APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION-O-;WC;;'-~(;;fi"-;;tdrllr'ny) 8'1' ~NT 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPl.ETED PLEASE STATE: ---'--__NA ______ It is 1I:1dprstl'ocl that the information contained herein is furnished as " mattpr of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and i~ metelv ilf> p)(pression of oriniDn, It is also dyreerj that in fumishin., lhls inforlll.ttl(Jll, '1..0 ~ll~r::il.r:!.t'Lg~?!!_'~~D~ct-!~Cl9:',or~~orrEl..~t n('~s IS ll1arJPIllSJ rlo_re~~o_nsil2i.!.i1Yis ...?Ji,sun:'.I':.9_i12~re5_uJLDlI~'@!1c;f' l~ the SUI "\ y'. wh~\l~er:: sllcl~ lnLQ!.I'!!.'!.tionJ~_~Jr::i~~he(Lbythe~r Qr::hy" I ii' hlteel Q!.'_el1.9Ln~iliJ.!1.!! agen~~,.!~_(),wn~, APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE CATE FINAL CONTfltACT "'''ICE --~_._- --- --- APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF' CONTRA.CT COMPL~rEO OR DEL ~\lERr:u o .L~--__'___n _____ - _._.__._~ ----.._---- - ..----------- ----- -------------...----- ------------- -- 3, 00 YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL 0 YES L:t-- NO · .,.""""" .." C ~ .D..)kO c:.1:-; <:> ,...-= c:l" fC rr~ J --'f"'..,J_I~L_ -4or m "" -\: \O~o:\-_ a n-__4.SS ~5S rn.e ..--\-_ --_.ts:\r.I_'-__ --:B>., DeL__ to r e trl,,-'\ t\ ~h ~-<<-~.._,_____ ___ _'__, --+..- ---------- DATE a~r....~.t t'" 1S1,7 , AODRr:9'j ~n~:~~:,~7~~ PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, 4TT[NT10N . ~- -----~- - --- -~'-'--,-,- --., ____h.~_____~__ ._----~-----._.- -'--------- ._- --- --.- ------... I --------------..----. - -.---------.- .- - - .-- lV030 fU 110'77) I1JDUST1UAL DJDEMtU':2Y COI1P, P.O. BOX 5056 SN~ JOSE, CA 95150 . GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY j.j,'1'1f 'I"i lC /v ~~~.~._;;; I ~ NA ~~ ~-"":'::c=O~=-~~~-y ----=--=:.::-...:-~- ~:-::-"':-=~=-_:'--=-':"-===--=-==::::=-=:.::~=====::::.:..:=:....::_::::=====-:-:~-=- ~::...=:=.::.::_-= ADDRESS .- ,,-- --.---------- '-I 'D~TE .'~ Ii .,,~--)Ll7 ), L I"~ C?' j './ ( -'--I--O~R -;ON~--~~- ! YS 780-1592 CITY OF CAHPBELL, CITY ENGINEI:R 75 N. CENTRAL A VEJ~UE -~------ --------..-------------- - CAHPBELL, CA CONTRACTOR PARK PALACE DEVELOH1ENT COt,lPANY --------.--------- ~- ~-- _.._._.__._---_.--_.._-~-- ....ODRESS -------- ---.----.----.---. -.. -~ .- OES~~-:;-I ONO' F-CONT;~ c~'-l "ll~d-;7~-~j~~-~-__;;-~y-,~L- ~~;;;--~-~ n t raft "~;" b-,.~) 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SAJ JOSE, CA 95125 SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSITE IHPROVEl1ENTS, TRACT 6136, CAHPBELL, CA "----_. .- ---------- ---------------------------------.... OWNER -- -_. -----"'-'--'--- --------- _. -.. -. --'- -- ---- .. ~----~-.~- - - --- ---- -- - -----~ -- CITY OF CAMPBELL -~._----~-_._----- -_._-.~- -----.- CONTRACT PRICE BONO\S; s 3,500 PF EFFEr":T!'.'[ D.\,Tf: -- ------------~-- -~_._----- ~--- ---._------._--- s 7,500 P':' 8!lP:J/77 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIAF3ILITY U,,,",DER OUR AOND' S' DESCRIBED ABOVE WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUC>- INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE dah SINCERELY, ! . r~1. ~ff?4' U BY < 1ij:@ uL-ARJlj.Ld~ i (.1 IF CONTRACT COMPLETED PLEASE STATE $ NA It is lImlerstcocl that the mfr1rnlJtlQn cOlltaincd hPI ei:l I,; furnish' j as a matter of cowt(,sy for the confidential us'~ uf the slJrr~ty dlHI melel', an l'xpres,iol1 of Ol'llliul1, It je alsc. agleed tflat ii' fUrIll'illll : this infOllllatiOIi, no ~!"arallty ol~\'Jal.'allti,()f accuracy 01 rorl,'(; nrss j, made and liD ICC'J-"JllSlhility j, aSSLlm('~,1 <is a result of rl'lidnCt IJy,tJIf! sUI~ety, W/1.!tlli" ~lJch ildul Illdtiull"is f!llni:,hed by till.' OWllel ()Ll2Y a..'] arc;hltcc;t or eI19In~er._aU~_auents of tlw m'JI1el . APPROXIM",TE OA.TE OF' COMPLETION OF" 'NO~K 'or !"M! d('lit,.,~.) -~----_._---_._- ~-_._-- ---- - -.-------.--- -.._---------_.~-. APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FiNAL CONTRACT PRICE IF CON1RACT UNCOMPl.ETED PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR "',,",OUNT OF CONTRACT CO""PL~rED OR OELIVER~D 3 DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL D YES o NO 4 REMARKS III a,,)') ---.---.. -...--.--------- - ._---._._-~-~-._..._---.-~._~_.._--_.._- No work to date. Bond to remain in force. -----_._--._~---~------_..._---- -- ------- '"--_. ~ -~-'---~----- ---------~--_.- OATE 19 I SIGNA,TU~E 11__origina1__L_S/ TITLE David N. Va1kenaar February 21, 1979 Project Engineer AODRE9S PLEASE RETURN THIS INQUIRY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE, i 1__,_,_-- ~ ATTENTION --------_.._-~--_.-_. ------------------ -- tV030 R3 (10-771 .Lt:DUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPPNY P.O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95150 . ! ~.. ' GENERAL ~ (33) STATUS INQUIRY HOME OF F ICE OWNER. OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATING COMPANY DATE CITI OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER ADDRESS RECEI\'ED OUR BONO NO. 2-/d-7P 75 N. CENTRAL AVENUE AUG 1? 197R YS 780-1592 REINSURED'S NO. CAMPBEI ,L, CALI fDRNIA CONTRACTOR PUt)UG '.IiJHK:S ENGINEE~<I NG PARK PALCE DEVELDPMENT COMPPNY ADDRESS 2982 FAIRCUFF. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT (["clude location anti owner's contract number) SUBDIVISION BOND: OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS , 95125 TAA~AMPBELL, CALIFORNIA OWNER CITY OF Cf\MPBELL $ I BOND(S) $ 3, 500pf 7,500pt I EFFECTIVE DATE 8/16/77 CONTRACT PRICE WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND (S) DESCRIBED ABOVE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE, VERY TRULY YOURS, 'I~t/I.~ BY BOND DEPARTMENT 1, IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK (or final delivery) APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE S N/A 2 IF CONTRACT UNCOMPl.ETED, PLE....SE ST....TE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPL!::TEO OR DELIVERED 3, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL D YES o NO 4, REMARKS (/f a"y) ^,o rJJ(Jrk -J-o Ja<<. C!>(h/7 c/ ~ t ~4'It/} f V) -Ilx~ ' /~ 2Z 19, {,g- S~3~/J1r~_ TITLE DATE PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL OF THIS INQUIRY ADDRESS ATTENTION ,V030 R2 (9/72) INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY P.O. BOX 5056 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95150 RECEIVED MAH:1 1. PUBLIC \ ORKS ,...J\ C G,'-'" ~ v ~' - '~-7 ~ERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY ':';;,," ( l ; Hf)~1F. Of' f ICE "'" OWNER, OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATING COMPANY C':T1Y 'OF CAMPBELL; CITY ENGINEER ADDRESS . DUE :,;,~ /~;:'~z /) S OUR BONO ~ NO. 75 N. CENTFAL AVENUE YS 780-1592 REINSURED'S NO, CAMPBELL, CALI FORNI A CONTRACTOR PARK PALCE DEVELDPMENT COMPANY ADDRESS 2982 FAIRCLIFF, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95125 DESCRIPTION OF, CONTRACT flnc/utlt location Dnd ownr.r'l contract numbtr) SUBDIVISION BOND: OFfSITE IMPROVEMENTS, TRACT 6136, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA OWNER CITY OF CAMPBELL s I BONO(S) S 3, 5 0 Op f 7,500pt , EFFECTIVE DATE 8/16/77 CONTRACT PRICE WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND (S I DESCRIBED ABOVE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE SUCH INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE, VERY TRULY YOURS. I, IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK (or final tlt/it.try)" I t / '<::Jile C{/{lL- . BY IZABE, TOMAlA, BOND DEPT. '71-tL ,/ A lc,-,"" / {:;-: ~- APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ___~___li;'~,_________________~__..,. 2, IF CONTRACT UNCOMPl.ETED, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR COLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPL!E.TED OR DELIVERED 3. DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL D YES o NO ~~.. 4, REMARKS (II all)'/" ( .... ~~::t:1:Y. c-h ~ dfhvu/ 2~(J -k - "~.:f ,,"I I r" / 19, ,S';:;:;~/I'1itk 'fITLE ---'~. DATE PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL OF' THIS INQUIRY ADDRESS ATTENTION 1 V030 R2 {9/72J me c? C:ro) -r)c hl30 ~J ?;J {: ( / cl ' /A'~, RESIDENT ENGINEER'S J-7 J1 DAILY REPORT Report No. 45. Date1J.~Ld 2,- Z L~ 1 Z M T W rf F S S Circle Day Weather___ _______ ___,__ Temp. Min.____,___Max,,_____ 2-Z7-'7? .Ptf ,: E - ) / ) /J oJ<~.+ ~^C.~ {l~ cl- /r.?...J-~"/ J/l Y ('8.~ ,4", <..f! U;-.<.'.-.{J Ie> U c: /3..:C:o! f/ ~ , ) J --' ) ,- ~, ~~'t.-L? ~ - " /' /' f?(h~~r~~~ C'~~~, -<.r7 ? /t!-t~~~ ~ - -!r~ /~Z.~ I) 4./~- / 1/ ~ ' -,- ,/ ........cLe, I(,...t. (~<...~ / __, I () /1'7' f1 10- -J -<$..- ~)a..y'-.tJ c-f-a~ -<.'~/,- '" ~'.J-. p,/Lt r/~(; /L . AL. /,' /L T ' ~~ _.>L - ( ':M:z;:..,,/titJ ~ ./h"? i41fl"'- G~~/t:e/,~p Y7~~~ v t )~~~~ Z--ZB-7f r?~ E - ~~ ~r1.cj) < a~, co! (U-",3.,f--L ~ ~t-)(:. (j _S~;'~.,/J S:e~~yP~ ~~ c J ' -:;--:, / ~~t:'1L k ;C>d ~ / ~ ~ -#7'" ~~~ ~~. - ~+- 1'//-," T ~.~) j:;'?-/l;[" ..P, / Lc>-v:" A<-,~ ., /a~-.-.1_ 3,/- 'J ~ P? ~~- - , l{)t.,J"jt c:i ,:~ '/ ~-' ". g --4-" f,J. ) J/' / !01&-~ , '- 8-3.- 7~' Pb7E ~~J ~~J - J;)-rt .{<H~"l} JJ<..L4/(. _>.><(7 ~ /' u-- ~4 ~~< ~'- c:;?q;J' _1~ hu '7 ../ (/ j gya~ ~~jl --P y ea-vQ-~k7 ~ "h<...",,:/ JL. ~ ~ g &:-I-tt-<-~Lt c> rf q7 k4~- ~ District Office of Structures Resident Engineer Representative ~~ EST. 8339. 22397_500 3~74 SOM QUAD 'G)w OSP DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Fl.' ~: M c.. ~ Q"3 ) ~. ~ ~A~ ~_a ! ~ ill) - rJ 5 1978 OlTY OF' CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT In the matter of the application of PLANNED ~NSUBDIVISION PUBLIC REPORT PARK PLACE DEVELOFMENl' CCMPANY A California corporation FILE NO. 15,175 SF TRACT NO. 6136 "m MONTREAL" SANTA CLARA COtrnTY, CALIFORNIA ISSUED: November 7, 19TI November 6, 1982 for a Final Subdivision Public Report on EXPIRES: This Report Is Not a Recommendation or Endorsement of the Subdivision But Is Informative Only. Buyer or Lessee Must Sign That He Has Received and Read This Report. This Report Expires on Date Shown Above. If There Has Been a Material Change in the Offering, an Amended Public Report Must Be Obtained and Used in Lieu of This Report. Section 35700 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that the practice of discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in housing accommodations is against public policy. Under Section 125.6 of the California Business and Professions Code, California real estate I icensees are subject to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner if they make any discrimination, distinction or restriction in negotiating a sale or lease of real property because of the race, color, sex, religion, ancestry or national origin of the prospective buyer. If any prospective buyer or lessee believes that a licensee is guilty of such conduct, he or she should contact the Department of Real Estate. Information Regarding Schools can be found on Page Four. READ THE ENTIRE REPORT on the following pages before contracting to purchase a lot in this SUBDIVISION. R/E Form 618 10/76 page 1 of 4 Pages SPECIAL NOTES THIS PROJECT IS A PLANNED DEVELOFMENT. IT INCWDES CCMwiON AREAS WHICH WILL BE OPERATED BY AN INCORPORATED OWNERS ASSOCIATION. THE ASSOCIATION HAS THE RIGHT TO IEVY ASSEf3S.1ENTS AGAINST YOU FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE CCMwiON AREAS AND arHER PURPOSES. YOUR CONl'ROL OF OPERATIONS AND EXPENSES IS N~ALLY LIMITED TO THE RIGHT OF YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO VOTE ON CERTAIN PROVISIONS AT MEETINGS. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS STATED THAT HE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A COPY OF THE BUOOET, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, RESTRICTIONS AND BYIAWS BY POSTING THEM IN A PRCMINENT LOCATION IN THE SALES OFFICE AND BY FURNISHING YOU COPIES PRIOR TO CLOSE OF ESCROW. THESE DOCUMENTS CONTAIN Ntl-iEROUS MATERIAL PROVISIONS THAT SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECT AND CONrROL YOUR RIGIn'S, PRIVILEGES, USE, OBLIGATIONS, AND COSTS OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. YOU SHOULD READ AND UNDERSTAND THESE DOCUMENTS BEFORE YOU OBLIGATE YOURSELF TO PURCHASE A LOT OR UNIT. THE SUBDIVIDER STATED HE WILL FURNISH THE CURRENT BOARD OF OFFICERS OF '!HE H<J.1EOWNER ASSOCIATION THE BUILDING PLANS TO INCLUDE DIAGRAMS OF LOCATION OF MAJOR CCMPONENTS, UTILITIES, AND RELATED DATA. THESE ITEMS WILL BE IMPORTANT TO THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OR THOSE WHO WILL MANAGE OR REPAIR CCMMON FACILITIES IN TInS SUBDIVISION. WARNING WHEN YOU SELL YOUR LOT TO SQ.fEO:NE ELSE, YOU MUST GIVE THAT PERSON A COPY OF THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS, AND OF THE ARI'ICLES OF INCORPORATION, AND OF THE BYIAWS. IF YOU FORGET TO DO THIS, IT MAY COST YOU A PENALTY OF $500.00 - - PLUS ATTORNEYS FEES PLUS DAMAGES. (SEE CIVIL com SECTION 1360.) INTERESTS TO BE CONVEYED: You will receive fee ti tle to a specified lot, together wi th a membership in Le Montreal Homeowners Association and rights to use the common area. LOCATION AND SIZE: In the City of campbell at Uhion Avenue and Dry creek Road. APprOximately 2 acres on which 5 buildings containing 24 units and 48 garages will be constructed, together with common area improvements consisting of pri. vate street and landscaping. The subdivider estimates that the improvements will be completed by December, 1977. The subdivider has made arrangements that no escrow will close until such time as the common area improvements are completed and conveyed. lien-free to the ASsociation. MANAGEMENr AND OPERATION: The Le Montreal Homeowners Association which you must join, manages and operates the common area in accordance with the Restrictions, Articles of Incorporation and the BYlaws. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES: The subdivider has submitted a budget for maintenanc, and operation of the common areas. you should obtain a copy of this budget from the subdivider. Uhder this budget, the monthly assesBments against each lot will be $34.83, of which amount $5.74 is for reserves for major repairs and replacements. IF THE BUOOET FURNISHED TO YOU BY THE IEVELOPER SHOWS A MONl'HLY ASSESSMENr FIGURE WHrCH VARIES 10i OR MORE FRQ.f THE ASSESSMENT AMOUNr SHOWN IN THIS PUBLIC REPORT, YOU SHOULD CONrACT THE DEPARlMENT OF REAL ESTATE BEFORE ENrERING INrO AN AGREaiENT TO PURCHASE. File No. 15,175 SF page 2 of 4 pages The association may increase or decrease asseSBments at any time in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the CC&R I S or :aYlaws. In considering the advi sabili ty of a decrease in assessments, care should be taken not to eliminate amounts attributable to reserves for replacement or major maintenance. THE INFO~TION INCLUDED IN THIS PUBLIC REPORT IS APPLICABLE AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE. EXPENSES OF OPERATION ARE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT ACCURATELY AND EVEN IF ACCURATELY ESTlMATED INITIALLY, MOST EXPENSES INCREASE WITH THE AGE OF FACILITIES AND WITH INCREASES IN THE COST OF LIVING. Monthly asseSBments will commence on all lots during the month following the clOSing of the first sale of a lot. From that time, the subdivider is required to pay the association a monthly assessment for each lot which he owns. The remedies available to the association against owners who are delinquent in the payment of assesBments are set forth in the CC&R's. The remedies are available against the subdivider as well as against other owners. The subdivider has posted a bond as partia security for his obligation to pay these assesaments. The governing body of the associatio should assure itself that the subdivider has satisfied his obligations to the association with respect to the payment of assesaments before agreeing to a release or exoneration of the securi ty . EASn.1ENTS: Easements are shown on the title report and the subdivision map recorded in the Office of the Santa Clara county Recorder, ~ok 400 of Maps, page 37. RESTRICTIONS: This subdivision is subject to restrictions recorded in the Office of the Santa Clara ():mnty Recorder, Serial NJ. 5809394. TAX ES'l'lMATES: If the subdivider is unable to give you the current tax information for your house and lot, you may approximate your taxes as follows: Take 25;' of the saJ.es price, divide by 100, and then multiply by the total tax rate. '!he tax rate for the 1976-77 fiscal year is $11.427. The tax rate and assessed valuation may change in subsequent years. For example, any bonded debt or special district assess- ment approved after the above tax rate had been set could increase the future rate. CONDITIONS OF SALE: If your purchase involves financing, a fonn of deed of trust and note will be used. These documents contain the following provisions: An Acceleration Clause. This means that if you sell or transfer the property, (with certain exceptions), the lender may declare the entire unpaid loan balance immediately due and payable. PURCHASE MONEY HANDLING: The subdivider must impound all funds received from you in an escrow depository until legal title is delivered to you. (Refer to Section l1013.2(a), Business and ProfeSSions COde.) If your escrow has not closed. vi thin 6 months from the date of your deposit, you may demand. full refund without deduction. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: The unifonn Building COde, Chapter 70, provides for local building officiaJ.s to exercise preventive measures during grading to eliminate or minimize damage from geOlOgic hazards such as landslides, fault movements, earthquake shaking, rapid erosion or subsidence. This subdivision is located in an area where SOme of these hazards m~ exist. Some california counties and cities have adopted ordinances that mayor may not be as effective in the control of grading and si te preparation. purchasers should discuss wi th the developer, the developer I s engineer, the engineering geologist and the local building officials to determine if the above-mentioned hazards have been considered. and if there has been adequate compliance wi th Chapter 70 or an equivalent or more stringent grading ordinance during the construction of this sub- division. File No. 15,175 SF page 3 of 4 pages STREETS AND ROADS: The private street inside the project will be maintained by the homeowner association. This street is not constructed to the same standards as public roads which are maintained by the city. As a result, you may be faced with more rapid deterioration and repair costs may be a major budget factor due to the necessary higher frequency of repairs. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Bus service is 2 blocks from the subdivision at Union Ave. and Bascom Avenue. SCHOOI5: The cambrian School District advises that: a. Students in grades K-6 will attend cambrian School, 3/4 mile away; bus transportation will not be provided by the District. b. Students in grades 7-8 will attend price School, 2k miles away; bus transportation will not be provided by the District. The campbell union High School District advises that: a. Students in grades 9-12 will attend camden High School, .6 mile away; bus transportation will not be provided by the District. NOTE: The above school information was correct as of the date of this public report. purchasers should contact the local school district for current information regarding school assignments, facilities, and bus service. For further information in regard to this subdivision you may call 415-557-0486 or examine the documents at the Department of Real Estate, one Hallidie Plaza, Suite 200, San Francisco, california 94102. JHD: pjb File No. 15,175 SF Page 4 of 4 Pages Fl \ ~ : Mc..Gt (:p') PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEvARD. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 RECEIVED' . October 7, 1977 n ~ T 1 n 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING . Mr. Joseph Elliott . Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue . Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Junction Box Locations for Tract 6136 - Union Ave., Campbell , . Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. Sincerely, ~~ J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent RAndrews:ck Attach. ............_~,- .. I ~ o _I jllll, I II! '_ () I a:iZ -''? \ \ I ili,,"=-- '-i~ \ 1_\J-- " I I i \l '"1" -'. I \ \ \' (' ) ~\ ( I ~1\ti!<I> ~ @I ~ :1jH () ...J':~I~.~: _ ~L- -1 r'l '\! '\1 w. -- _~____ ~ '~L~L~L~\.V!J ___ ..,.......,.-...,.,;,..... 'I' ,,-- -...- I 'I l~ dJ ,-=-- .-=-/---ti ~ '~, -.-".'-. \" '-- -- 'J I, I ,j. i1 (ii" r.~ I o ,- >- ,n z ',) ~ \Y) ~ \0 ,'_ J U ~ (\ v z \..'J \, \ ~J _M I IU...J , 1 III W \ " '.\ I~ Cl (Loe. !.J ~ Z 1 ,.q q <....(1)... " .t ~ ~ iV (' I!:! \ ".. lL 1, ~ \t- U t; (.l .t ~ I I' :~\ J VI I...l U ~ J ~ - ~ .' \j l~ 01 \J d ~~ \ I I ~ ,~ I ::> ? :,' ~ !:? ,,~ ~ ,- \~ ~ -:l _I ,... ~ ~ I :! r-.1 J ~ , I -t ~ \. .~ <t l,;-, 0 '<~ ,..J ~ J 1 I'" \\, ~ II r(l J i\ I , :i I- I- .,', v' ,~ 7- '-::l "' .- t>. '2 3 ...,. I I I I I i IX) .. ~ -;t \n ;'\- l'- \ I t \ \ \ 't ~ , rT-.-, ,~ , :-,\1' . qt." '. ) . '.. L..! --- - ~ 13~' ':1 .:,~lit~ .... 4 ::l,t) ::t . < ' "wO /JOO '" I \~I- ~ .l~ +' r: it r:\~- \ '~1~ i I ~ I I I ~ II \ I' \- ,It .:'i . ffi~-~ : ~,:; rn) )---.--' \1\ ~ .~ ~ -- ~ rrL-LJ ----~--~ .r=.J~;cr~~-~:j I I J VI r.') _____....___J \' ',l,l T (1' j-:. ----- .--,' .......---//.......-\ J / / ~ ( ! E \ ,.... ;""1' 1"<(1/1"(1 "IV (.7) 1 ~ f:~-- i i ~ i \ I~i~~ Ii r !~: t! I~ -I' "I.,. :~> --4. -:rtv~- -1" - 0 ~ ~, ~ ' ---.---. ~{ i . ,~~ cJ I~' 1- -j- '. tliu r-l" I ~I~ ln~ ll;:ill ; ~ i21 ,. ~ ~ .. <'.J () l'~ !; ,.,--,g" I " '.I:; cO ? - I --.., N - 3-JG;l ~L--- --r~'- ,c , "j '-11~ ., .- 1(-;.----_._-----, + '~J - - 0 ~ ~~i~ .. If' C\J ~ t~~ , ,--,._, \-!.- ct ~ -~~i \ill 'V \~ f ~ (() \ (1 i/l ---,.-----.---- t- (\1 l11 ~ (J :? J ?\J t 'J <J Q ('J <( ',s) .'] .......J Cll -:r -cJ ~ I y 4 v VI .~ jli -.;;;;; n ~ x u ~ ~ 11 Ul z 0 -- <I> - > "' a '" ii' S i ~I II I ;.;;- In / ( \ ~ ... ~ //~---......_-- ,/'/ -,- ~ I.r c..l \J) ,... r:.J Ii1 r IS I'i 0':\ '2,0 ~~ ~ ~ '3 ;; p, dl ,\,,1 ,1 '0 II .J ~ '" ,(1 In _ JI . >'l I '? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ '; ,u - a ~ I ~ ~ ~ !:! -; ~ <1: \4 <t ::;J 1 -. ':L 'J, \L V1 \J l.{J [-- 't, ,- r , I N ,. ll~ ~ ~' o Ij\ () ,,1 ,y \ ,- ~- (I) iJ ~ i'J Cl) -j ~ c) <l/ "J ~ <J -J q Gi l iJ -", Iv "2 ~ ') '( ,\ ! ...J .. l:lI -t. u.1 ..~ N .n ,~ -16 'J 0 \AI Xl ;J J ~ ~:? 'J- i ..., () ~ \~ ~i \' C1 (~) ":> &~ ,.. ~ ','1 0 c\~ -,I '1 0 ct -1 [IJ .f 1&1 ..." 'Z '!J ~ ?l -$ J .<. ~- '" I .J ~ ,,: '2 \~ t J \U ,n ~ :A ~ 'J .. - 0( a... ';; ., +<". - ~" ,/ .......----- <r: r......c 'Q ~ rD ! \iI -ft I R J '-;- t ,I; \ ~ '2 ~ H j -:t ~ J ~ ;; 1/l1,1 N , L <r In r- to A;>t~/.;J~.4' r:~ @ r .;, ...--.._~ I e -:r rill.,} Q'Jp -:s.~ )!~ C"..r&. _~-7'd' ""0-;.',;1 .J.. ?{?([.!f'l ~rv'J.-:()la (V, ;J_~-~Z;E-Y1(1d-!f1~ ilo en a F ,j1 ~ Vll C, (?, 5 ) COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY September 7, 1977 SEP 8 1977 PUBLlC WORKS EflGINEERlNG SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 RECEIVED City of Campbell Attn: Mr. William Helms, Engineering Manager 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE Tract 6136 Dear Mr. Helms The District is holding a Letter of Credit from the Chartered Bank of London for the account of Park Place Development, Tract 6136, in the favor of the City of Campbell. A Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bond in the amount of $8,400 has been received in this office to replace the Letter of Credit. As the Letter of Credit is no longer needed, please release its obligation to the Chartered Bank of London at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours s~.JL~ District Manager & Engineer pm cc Mr. Donald Kaye 3763 Sullivan Drive, Santa Clara ;' l THE CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON EL CA MINO REAL AT SAN ANTONIO ROAD, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 TELEPHONE (41.')) 948-9341 July 11, 1977 Public Works Department City of Campbell 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 Attention: Hilliam Helms Reference: Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bond Dear Mr. Helms; We hereby open our irrevocable letter of credit, in your favor and authorize you to draw on The Chartered Bank of London, P. O. Box 460, Los Altos, California, at sight, for any sum or sums not exceeding a total of $8,400.00. This letter is for the account of Donald Kaye, Developer, 3763 Sullivan Drive, Santa Clara. Drafts drawn under this credit must be negotiated by a bank no later than July 11, 1979 and be enfaced "Drawn under the Chartered Bank of London, Los Altos, California." Drafts when presen ted for negotiation mu:.,:: be accompanied by a cer tificat ion from the City of Campbell ]", the accountee has breached his contract and/or contracts, . city building codes or regulations in the performance or non-pf:tL ;:ormance with specifics of said breach or breaches thereof, under tlH~ terms of the sanitary sewer improvement contract in the development located in the City of Campbell called Park Place Development #6136. We hereby agr0 with the drawers, endorsers and holders in due course of drafts dLlwrl under this credit that such drafts shall be honored on such presentation provided that all terms and condit. ns of the credit have been met. JOB/pb s President & Manager \ \ .... ~ 1 Public Works August 22, 1977 The Chartered Bank of London P. O. Box 460 Los Altos, CA 94022 ATTENTION: Mr. John o. Brooks Assistant Vice President and Manager SUBJECT: Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Park Place Development Company Tract No. 6136 Gentlemen: An acceptable Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond have been filed with the City of Campbell guaranteeing the terms of the Agreement entered into by Park Place Development Company and the City of Campbell on July 11, 1977. The irrevocable letters of credit in the amount of $3,500.00 for Faithful Performance and $7,500.00 for Labor and Materials may, therefore, be released. Should you have a que8tio~,please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER LMS : cs By Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide ElL! on !.~ ~ANDLlNG HElMS J RETURN TO_ - i D~oCI\RD 1--' -- D'AZ I FiLE .- - i CASE I I_Ii -- 'I -- ~ - tit . ~ I Public Works ~TI t: -JlANDLING Ht:tt~S I RETURN TO_ I 1 D:SC/.:,RD I , .....-- ! ::",\Z i t'l.E <-.. - <._. -f Cf\SE 1- - I August 12. 1977 Mr. Don Kaye Park Place Development Company 3763 Sullivan Drive Santa Clara. CA 95051 Dear Mr. Kaye: Attached is a copy of the agreement which you have executed regarding street improvements for Tract 6136. It appears the recorded copy has not yet been returned from the County Recorder. We wi+1 be happy to furnish you a copy as soon as possible. Very truly yours, BILL r1. HELMS ENGINEERING r'1ANAGER By James Penoyer Engineering Technician I JP/tp Wh~n recorded mai ~ The" Ci ty of Campb, " '15 Nor,th Central ~enue Campbell, CA 95008 , ~. ~ TO Il RECORDED WITHOUT fa: SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODf. AT THE REQUEST OF CITY OF 'CAMP6flL D ~~ 063 r,~~ESJ5 - GRANT DEED E= 2~ .~. We, PARK PLACE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California E,5JS. Corporation, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMP- c', ~~ BELL, a municipal corporation of the County of t;r~a:: Santa Clara, State of California, for public ~j:(~ street purposes and to become a portion of Union oo~:=: Avenue all that certain real property wi thin :=~~~ said City and more particularly described as ....ZO<..:J f 11 o<:.JJw 0 ows: ,cec::: '," ~" L" .~) , BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of Tract 6136 a map of which was filed for record in Book 400 of Maps at page 37 Santa Clara County Records: said corner lying on the centerline of Union Avenue as shown on said Map; ~ THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and said centerline along the northerly line of said Tract No. 6136 North 890 471 23" East 30.06 feet to a point on a line parallel with and distant 30.00 feet easterly measured at right angles from said centerline of Union Avenue: Q THENCE, leaving said northerly line of Tract No. 6136 along said parallel line South 30151 West,lOO.OO feet to a point on the southerly line of said Tract No. 6136; THENCE, leaving said parallel line along said southerly line South 890 47' 23" West 30.06 feet to a point on said centerline of Union Avenue: THENCE, leaving said southerly line along said centerline North 30 151 East 100.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.069 acres, more or less. rA -:) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we day of A \J '5 us t names this . \ .~,., ~'.~: ' , (Notary Certificate) ". ....4 ,I,,:,~~~_> - . :-! l (~, -, -; \.. t.:; ,. ..G- '_ r..) - ""- ~ - .~" ~ : .:.. (.) .- ::;,' ~a4.-.. ~~ ...."... ... ~.. L.;I'. "_.. '" ," , "" \, . 1 \'.. .1', '11",:,.",,1.1,1\ RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6136 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. 5223 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6136 for approval; and WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Enginer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of July , 1977, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek Councilmen: None Councilmen: None APPROVED: William R. Podgorsek Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk ~ C," (:A:"~::'::;":;~:: ~~,-~ "(: i,!i; ~~:,\!~:'>EL) wn HOfJi: f\ L- 57.JC731 020 :',.n}1t., , .._, . .~I" ."!tC:r~ I~:,'; -' ~J,:)'/;:~~~'~~,."l[:Nl cc~'r:'1::: F';, l'~; Tr,t :;--P<:tt...'~sr :~~F C;TY OF (A!..~.t."f":;"t - ,-~... r. .)f'. : < J ~ I .J /u J ' " ~~'1'~+It.'f , " ' .:\:; !. 1) ,t:,-,./:~'" .. {~~: .i~;. ~ ',' ~ .~:~:;::~>:'~ , ,,,,,,,-,..,,,7:- .~. "'_' ,~.f -..) -~ AGREEMENT ~~ THIS AGREEMENT 'identified as No. McG (33) made arldG entered into this F1FTH , day of JULY 1977 by and between PARK PLACE DEVELOPMENT COlfPANY, hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider", and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY". , ~ , I '" ,..L. "..; WITNESSED: WHEREAS, Subdivider desired to subdivide that certain real property situate within the City of Campbell in accord- ance with tha't certain map heretofore filed in the office of t,:!e City Clerk of City, marked and designated "Tract No. 6136, lying entirely within the City of Campbell, California; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED TO by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. In consideration of the approval of said map, Subdivider shall provide and construct and/or install at his own proper cost and expense, standard street improvements across the entire frontage, of said Tract No. 6136. 2. All of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months from the date they are notified by City to do so; provided, however, that in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz., unusually inclement weather, major strikes, other delays beyond the control of Subdivider shall be excluded. It is expressly understood and agreed to that if Subdivider shall fail to complete the work required by this agreement within the said period of twelve (12) months, the City, after giving ten (10) days written notice thereof to Subdivider, may construct and/or install said improvements and recover the full cost and expense thereof from Subdivider. 3. It is further agreed to that Owners shall prepare or cause to be prepared at their cost and expense improvement plans for the construction and/or installation of said public street improvements, which plans shall be prepared by a civil engineer licensed by the State of California, which plans shall be submitted to City Engineer of City for his examination and approval and which plans shall be sub- mitted to City Engineer when Owners are so notified by said City Engineer. .Il " i Y' -" : ~ ) ~. . \ D 020 ?,([518 4. It is further agreed to that the construction work of the improvements embraced by this agreement shall be done in accordance with the standard specifications of the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January, 1973, and in accordance with the specifications of the City of Campbell, City of San Jose, and Sanitation District No. 4 of the County of Santa Clara, where indicated. WHEREVER the word "State" or words "Division of Highways" are mentioned in the State Specifications, it shall be considered as referring to the City of Campbell. Also, wherever the "Director" or "Director of Public Works" is mentioned, it shall be considered as referring to the City Engineer. In the case of conflict between the State Specifications and the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Specific- ations of County Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County, the Specifications of the city of Campb61 and County Sanitation District No. 4 shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. 5. It is further agreed to that the Subdivider shall deposit with city, when called upon to do so, for office examination of improvement plans, field examination of i,"E'J:'ovements, inspection of construction of improvements, and all necessary expenses incurred by city in connection with said Tract No. 6136, the sum of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS ($260.00) 0 6. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall file with City, upon execution of this Agreement, a bond in the amount of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,500.00) to insure payment for labor and materials and a bond in the amount of THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($3,700.00) to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of all the aforementioned improvement work, excluding sanitary sewers and water distribution system. Said bonds shall guarantee that Subdivider will correct any defects in the aforementioned improvements which shall ,?ppear within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by City and pay for any damage to other work resulting from the construction thereof, as well as paying the cost of all labor and materials involved. These bonds shall remain in full force and effect until one (1) year after the date of final acceptance of said improvements by City. 7. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall file with City, upon the execution of this agreement, a letter from said Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County stating that Subdivider has entered into an agreement with said District No. 4 to install sanitary sewers to serve all lots within said Tract. No. 6136 and as otherwise shown upon said improvement p;ans of said Tract No. 6136 and st.ating that a bond to insure tull and faithful performance of the D 020 hei5tS construction of the sanitary sewers and to insure the general guarantee as stated below in paragraph (12) has been filed. 80 It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall, upon written notice thereof, immediately repair or replace without cost or obligation to the City of Campbell, and to the entire satisfaction of said City all defects and imperfections arising out of or due to faulty workmanship and/or materials appearing in said work within a period of one (1) year after date of final completion and acceptance of the public improvements embraced by this agreement. 9. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall pay to Pacific Gas and Electric Company any and all fees required for installation of underground wiring circuit to all electroliers within said Tract No. 6136, and as otherwise shown upon said improvement plans of said Tract No. 6136 when Subdivider is notified by either the City Engineer of Campbell or the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that the said fees are due and payable. Electroliers shall be equipped with luminaires which include twist-lock receptacles and integral photocell, as required by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 100 It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall pay to the San Jose Water Works any and all fees required and enter into such agreements and post and/or file such bonds and make such deposits of monies with said San Jose Water Works immediately upon the recordation of the subdivision map of said Tract No. 6136 or when called upon to do so by City and/or said San Jose Water Works to insure the furnishing and installation and/or construction of said water distribution system to serve all lots within said subdivision including the furnishing and installation and/or construction of water mains irnnlediately adjacent to said subdivision. 11. It is further agreed to that any easement and right of way within or without Tract No. 6136 necessary for the completion of the construction and/or installation of any and all of the public improvements embraced by this agreement shall be acquired by Subdivider at his own cost and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, the Subdivider shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum covering the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be acquired and to be included in said swn shall be a reasonable allowance for severence damages, if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering, and other incidental costs shall be deposited with City. D 020 'p;cf520 12. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall carry out any and all negotiations with all interested parties and shall perform or cause to be performed at his own cost and expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer any and all work required to abandon, remove, raise, lower, relocate and otherwise modify irrigation line or lines within the boundary of said Tract No. 6136. 13. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council, the City Engineer, the City Attorney, the City Manager, and all other officers or employees of City from any suits, claims, or actions brought by any person for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sustained during or arising out of the construction of the on-site work due to any acts, omissions, or negligence of Subdivider, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. 14. It is further agreed to that the above-named terms and conditions shall bind the heirs, successors, administrators, or assigns of the Subdivider. 15. This instrument is and shall be considered to be an instrument affecting the right, interest in or possession of the real property hereinabove described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Council, and said Subdivider has hereunto caused his name to be affix@d." t.h@ day and year first above written. 1/ , 1 ,//,' -":-". CITY OF CAMPBELL " / I I / ',,;-'" / ,,' , ""~~"7 "U " /' '-;:-'::t:l' / I, ;/ SUBDIVIDER: PARK PLACE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a corporation. / ' / (~ ,/ # ,'/'7 ,0' , ~/J1-( C::?/~"'-?::-,.g.~r-:',:" (, - //' .. ~'~-"/ /'>..,~ ) .-~. /'/ ' , ' ( ( .....- j ':"""". ,/ -~~,;". ,_.,-..l" ....~-: .-" L. --;/~ ~thful Perform~nce Premium VS 780-1592 $135.00 Bond No. KNOW ALL HEN BY rrHESE PRESENTS: Whereas, The City Council of the City of Campbell, State of California, and Park place Development Company (llere inCl fter de s i~lna tcd as "pr incipi3 1") havc~ entered into an agreement '\vhercby pr inc ipLll agree s to insta 11 Clnd comp 1 ete certCt in designated public improvements, whicll said agreeJ\1ent, dated July 21 , 19 77 , and identified ClS McG. (33) is hereby referred to- and made a part hereof; and \\1hereas, Said principal is required under the termS of said agreement to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of sClicJ agreeroent. No\v, there fore, 'ltle, the pr incipa 1 and INDUSTRIAL INDEMN ITV COMPANY, a California Corporation ' as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, hereinafter called "Cit,y", in the penal sum of THREE TH~~A~_i1YE HUNDRED-------------------- _______________:__-oollar s ($ }.J_5 oq.__-90-:,:::=,::,1- lawful money 0 f the United States, for the payment of which swn \Yell and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principa.l, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and \vell and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration ther20f made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, snd shall inc'~Jf\nify and save harmless said City, its officers, agents and emp10}ees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasoI~iJ.ble at torney 's fees, incurred by City in successful~ enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of tiH\c, alteration or addition to the terms of tlle agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in an~~ise affect its obligations on thjs bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the tErms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. 1 of 2 In witness whc_~of, this instrument has bL~n duly executed by the pr incipa 1 and surety above named, on August 16 19-zz-. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 19--ZL-. 16th da y 0 f Ausust PRINCIPAL PARK PLACE DEVElOPM NT COMPANY BY: - .Z~?/4'/lud:- f/!fJ. SURETY BY: (Carol Ga (Attach Acknowledgments ) (Both Principal's ) (Surety's Attorney in fact) FISCHER-JENSEN, INSURANCE 1530 Meridian a d P,o, Box 5700 ~)(Clf1 ~r San Jose, California 95150 exander Telephone 408 264-6700 La1 and Mater ia is Premium YS 780-1592 Included in FP Bond Bond No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Whereas, The City council of the City of Campbell, State of California, and Park place Development Company (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public imE~ovements, which said agreement, dated July 21 ,19~, and identified as McG.(33) is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and Whereas, Under the terms of said agreement, principal is required before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Campbell to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the state of California. Now, therefore, said principal and the undersigned as corporate surety, are held firmly bound unto the City of Campbell and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons employed in the performance of the aforesaid agreement and referred to in the aforesaid Code of Civil Procedure in the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED------------------------- ______________dollars ($7,500.00--+, for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that this band shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said agreement or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any manner affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension, alteration or addition. 1 of 2 . .. - ,.. In witness whel.-.=of, this instrument has been duly executed by the pr incipa 1 and surety above named, on August 16 1 9 -zz.... . WITNESS OUR HANDS this 19-E-. 16th day of August PRINCIPAL PARK PIA CE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BY: ~ -- _ -.w;C:~~fi /t~/~-J V P . SURETY INDUSTRIAL INDEMN ITY COMPANY (Attach Acknowledgments STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara On.~.~a':'~~ .1.~t;. ~???.... before me, . p~.tr~<:~(L~: .~r~.~s.~.... Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared. .C:;P.n;>J. ~9t1P,P.q1. . . . . . .known to me to be the Attorney-in- Fact of the Corporate Surety that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument on behalf of the Corporation herein named and acknowl- edged to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHERE OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed if. . I I' th C ty f Santa Clara h d ' my 0 lCla sea In e oun 0.. . . . . . . . . . . . . t e ay and year In thi~ cnzat: first above written. ..'~~I16:"'l~nnlnll:"'.'.'."..'" ~ .ii....;~... PATRICIA R. KRAUSE g ~ ;~:': NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA ~ iE,l;~~~ I ~ SANTA CLARA COUNTY iE E~' My commission expires Dec, 28, 1978 E ;j}IIII11I1I11I1I1I11I1I11I11I1I1I1I1I1I1I11I11I1UIIIIII"III""l/Il11l1l/1l1l1l/1U~ ( SS. FISCHER-JENSEN, INSURANCE d 1530 Meridian 4jexan er p, 0, Box 5700 San Jose, California 95150 exander Telephone 408 264.6700 47978 DATE A om oCl · -h--77 FOR~ e-- o,t- ~ - -------77~----~--- -----------Y------------';iI--------7------"---------------------- ~_____jn35 0 ~ ------{----~---------------nn-----------~~-nn-{n---________L!n~__~___nf_-----n-------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~: ~ .. ::::-::i;;-i::::;;r~::(j::::?!~~:::":tf~!:~~::::::::::: ::::::::::::::=:::::==:=1::=::::: ! .. -~-~-~-~:::70--73-0-'---------------------------------------------------__n_____________________ --------u-------------------i-----------. N ~ _______________ OTAL AMT. RECEIVED! i ------------:-:~--~~-~-:-~-:~~-~-~--------------------n--------------nn--------------------- $ 360! ~ 0: '" C 0: C '" 0: 3ANTA CLARA OFFICIAL RECEIPT INUMBER FUND BY r, \t.. me.. G ~"3) rI TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST APPLICATION NO. SJ-382590 JULY 28, 1977 RICHARD MILLEN PARK PLACE DEVELOPMENT 2982 FAIRCLIFF COURT SAN JOSE, CA 95125 RE: TRACT NO. 6136 DEAR RICH: PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR THE 30 FOOT STRIP TO BE USED FOR STREET PURPOSES, PREPARED BY MARK THOMAS & CO., INC.. HAVE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES OF TWO COR- PORATE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE SEAL AFFIXED. WHEN COMPLETED, RETURN TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR THEIR CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE TO BE ATTACHED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION IN THIS MATTER. ~YOURS VERY TRULY, ,.~. / J / / .., / //i.... R'ICHA-RD L. LLOYD SUBDIVISION CONSULTANT RLL/CAH ENCLOSURES CC: DON KAYE GERALD FERRARI Title Insurance and Trust Company 110 West Taylor Street P,O. Box 818 San Jose, California 95106 4082924212 A TICOR COMPANY r-\' l <. Me-Cj7(33) ... RECEIVED JUL ~O 1977 PUBUC WORKS fMGlNEERtNG GERALD B. FERRARI A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION \' ATTORNEY AT LAW LA FERIA BUILDING SUITE 250'A. 170 STATE STREET LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA 94022 TELEPHONE (4151 948'0600 t '~1 ..' 7- p ''I. : ,.u,.~ C ,,:. 1{. '1"7 \, July 15, 1977 City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Re: Tract No. 6136 Richard Millen Tract Union Avenue & Dry Creek Road Gentlemen: This office is processing an application for Subdivision Public Report for the above-referenced tract. The Department of Real Estate requires a copy of the Nega- tive Declaration. We should appreciate it if you will for- ward a copy to this office. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience in replying. Very truly yours, ~fJ/ ~ .-/ ~ 'c;!f. c:::7'.e-Ua-~' '1-f.,.-t/ Gerald B. Ferrari GBF :wv En c 1. THE CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON EL CAMINO REAL AT SAN ANTONIO ROAD, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 TELEPHONE (415) 948-9341 July 11, 1977 Public Works Department Ci ty of Campbell 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 Attention: William Helms Reference: Labor and Materials Dear Mr. Helms; We hereby open our irrevocable 1e tter of credit, in your favor and authorize you to draw on The Chartered Bank of London, P. O. Box 460, Los Altos, California, at sight, for any sum or sums not exceeding a total of $7,500.00. This letter is for the accotm.t of Donald Kaye, Developer, 376',3 Sullivan Drive, Santa Clara. Drafts drawn under this credit must be negotiated by a bank no later than July 11, 1979 and be enfaced "Drawn under the Chartered Bank of London, Los Altos, California." Drafts when presented for negotiation must be accompanied by a certification from the City of Campbell that the accountee has breached his contract and/or contracts, or city building codes or regulations in the performance or non-performance with specifics of said breach or breaches thereof, under the terms of the labor and materials contract in the development located in the City of Campbell called Park Place Development #6136. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and holders in due course of drafts drawn tm.der this credit that such drafts shall be honored on such presentation provided that all terms and conditi ns of the credit have been met. & Manager JOB/pb THE CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON EL CAMINO REAL AT SAN ANTONIO ROAD, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 TELEPHONE (415) 948-9341 July 11, 1977 Public Works Department City of Campbell 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 Attention: William Helms Reference: Faithful performance Dear Mr. Helms; We hereby open our irrevocable letter of credit, in your favor and authorize you to draw on The Chartered Bank of London, P. o. Box 460, Los Altos, California, at sight, for any sum or sums not exceeding a total of $3,500.00. This letter is for the account of Donald Kaye, Developer, 3763 Sullivan Drive, Santa Clara. Drafts drawn under this credit must be negotiated by a bank no later than July 11, 1979 and be enfaced "Drawn under the Chartered Bank of London, Los Altos, California." Drafts when presented for negotiation must be accompanied by a certification from the City of Campbell that the accountee: has breached his contract and/or contracts, or city building codes or regulations in the performance or non-performance with specifics of said breach or breaches thereof, under the terms of the faithful performance of construction contract in the development located in the city of Campbell called Park Place Development #6136. '- We hereby agree with the dra\\Jers, endorsers and holders in due course of drafts drawn under this credit that such drafts shall be honored on such presentation provided that all terms and conditions of the ere di t have been me t . & Manage r JOB/pb Ji~ 0' .. c~ . =0 -+ L11 B"" '"i ru !' I Sil . r EI~ . llJ I,! . ~a .... CIJ .... 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",m m o ;: 5' ~ " m < ~ o t ~ e 3 " S " x ~ c. 5 <0 .. o 8 [5 o o t/) C g: c' (ii' O' ~ c;) C III ; ~ i CD SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 374 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, California 95113 408/295-3205 July 5, 1977 To Whom It May Concern: Gentlemen: This letter is written at the request of the developer. Please be assured that San Jose Water Works will install facilities to provide domestic and fire protection water to the 24-unit apartment complex on Union Avenue, also known as Tract No. 6136. The installation will be made in accordance with our regulations on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. When the financial arrangements for this extension have been made and the facilities are installed, San Jose Water Works will maintain and operate the system. Very truly yours, ;I;) '{-~~:'(l~^-/ L. F. DUNTON Vice President LFD:ds NB 77-171 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY )F CG).~.tlIE + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 . July 5, 1977 . Mr. Joseph Elliott . Director of Public Works . 75 N. Central Avenue . Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for Tract 6136 - Union Avenue . Dear Mr. Elliott: The Public Service Easements shown on the final copy of the map presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call our Electric Engineering Department at 225-9450. Sincerely, ~~ J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent cc: PT&T Mark Thomas & Co., Inc. JO'Brien File COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 3782407 July 6, 1977 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE Tract 6136 Gentlemen This is the District's Clearance Letter for the recordation of Tract 6136. Plans have been approved, fees have been paid, and a guaranty adequate to insure sanitary sewer installation posted. All of this District's requirements have been met. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman ~~&;:7ili By Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN/pm COUNTY SAN ITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECEIVED SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED. AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 July 6, 1977 J U L 7 1977 PUBLIC WORKS fN~INE~,~IN9 TO County Sanitation District No. 4 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 FROM Mr. Donald Kaye 3763 Sullivan Drive Santa Clara, CA SUBJECT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING IMPROVEMENT SURETY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS FOR TRACT 6136 In order to expedite the filing of the tract map for the above captioned tract, I herewith submit my Glendale Federal Savings and Loan passbook (account #41-1307) in lieu of the following options to be executed within two weeks or before construction is started whichever comes first: a. $8,400 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bond b. Execution of "Assignment and Receipt of Investment Certificate of County Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County" (form B4a) for $8,400. c. Execution and acceptance by the District and the City of Campbell of a $8,400 "Letter of Credit" from "Charter Bank of London", Los Altos Branch. Ea~. ~~icer ~ounty Sanitation District No. 4 /~L /f//" ~, ~ eo;/, /.';"-- (:b=-....... - _~":.' - .,- _ - Donald Kaye, Tract 6136 < :;;::/' /[~y- Developer ENO/pm cc City of Campbell Attn: James Penoyer 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 F,'k ;\/1 c.. Cr (':3" ) , I i~, . R,-_EIVED JUN 16 1977 PUBLIC WORKS EflGINEERING , ~ OONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - T.S.77-6 L\NDS OF SrnUI.:12 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with theproposea plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said San Jose Water Works. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any Public Service Easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. 4Q Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Municipal code. 5. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee. 6. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall post bonds and execute an agreement either to install the improvements or join an improvement district for Union Avenue. 8. C.C. and RIs to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and common area. ~~ RiCE,"ED JUN 2 1977 PU6UC WORKS 6 S~5W~y Wa~e( Dis~(id 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY .JJ> f' ~~HL. (xJ?s --0' r// u ., tA~ C. f:! ~ . SAN JOSE,CALlFORNIA95118 · (408)265-2600 May 31, 1977 State of California Division of Real Estate One Hallidie Plaza, suite San Francisco, California 200 94102 Gentlemen: A request has been received from Ti tie Insurance and Trust Company report relative to Lands of Schultz (Richard Millen Tract) located Los Gatos Creek to prepare a flood hazard in city of Campbel in the Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District: g The site should not flood in the event of the District's standard design flood (defined as a flow having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any year). occurring on a District stream. o The site is subject to flooding from It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a or exceeded in any year. percent chance of being equaled o Said channel is not one which the District designates as a flood control facility. o Said channel is one which the District designates as a flood control facility. No assurance can be given as to a date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under" Additional Comments". Additional Comments: This report is not provided in response to an inquiry regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact tl'1e Ci +-y of r.rlmphp 11, Pnb 1 ic Works Department cc: Title Insurance & Trust Co. Attn: Mr. Richard Lloyd city of Campbell, Public Works Dept. Sincerely yours, OK;SrNl\L ~lmdX~~K SI3NED BY Division Engineer n,....i",., r,...,....,..~in.,ti"'n niHi~inn r A .. ELLIOTT HANDLING HElMS RETURN TO_ DISCARD DiAl FILE )1'\,' May 24, 1977 CASE ~b Arthur A. Kee planning Director Joseph Blliott Director of Public Works Tentative Subdivision Map Millen Subdivision APN 413-43-36 and 151 The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative subdivision map submitted by Mark Thomas Company. 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with tbepJ:o~s,ed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lota within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said San Jose, Water Works. Fire hydran.ts and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any Public Service Easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities andlor facilities. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Subdivider to pay Stor.m Drainage Area Fee. 6. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall post bonds and execute an agreement either to install the improvements or join an improvement district for Union Avenue. By Bill Helms Engineering Manager BMH/JP/CJI COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECEIVED 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 MAY 2 0 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA May 20, 1977 Mark Thomas & Co., Inc. 18 N. San Pedro Street San Jose, CA 95110 RE Proposed Projects Other Union Avenue - Lands of Wilmer & Schultz APN 413-43-036 & 151 (Proposed Tract) Gentlemen The sewer in Union Avenue is 10 feet deep. According to the con- tours on your drawing, grade is available to sewer this property toward Union Avenue. The sewer will be within a sanitary sewer easement and will be constructed to this District's standards. As soon as a drawing showing sidewalks, driveways, planting areas is prepared; please forward it to us. We need your cooperation to locate sewer mains, manholes, etc., so that they are accessible to our maintenance crews. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman (j);;ti:d ~i~ By Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN/pm cc Public Works Department City of Campbell ELLlO fT HANDLING , H = llVS I RETURN TO_ !~SC.~RD ---- ~-~~. D:AZ \: f; ~.~ u\s-;-' .~]\ H-\I / .:- MR. JOSEPH ELL10TT, DIR. T.. PilL ,$ WilKS SU..CflAMPIELL, CA 95008 SHULTZ PROPERTY/ TENTATIVE Els N. UNION AVE.SUBDIVISION N OF DRY CREEK COMMENTS ....... k ANCE PLANNING SECTION COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. 70 w. H~UU'N~ $1., SJ 35110 18MAY?? D"'. MAP RECEIVED MAY 19 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ATTN: MR. JAMES PENOYER DEAR MR. PENOYER, FOLLOWING ARE SOME BRIEF COMMENTS: 1. WE FEEL THE FOLLOWING MAY BE CRITICAL: ADEQUACY OF ALLOWANCES FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND CIRCULATION OF LARGE FIRE EQUIPMENT IF REQUIRED TO SERVE THE REAR OF THIS HIGH- DENSITY, TWO-STORY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN CASE OF FIRE. 2. BETTER TO HAVE FULL FRONT YARD SETBACK, FROM THE FUTURE WIDTH LINE, RATHER THAN FROM THE EXISTING R/W. 3. NOT INDICATED: OFF-STREET GARAGING RECREATION AREA THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO COMMENT, City of Campi (/ 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE APBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 PHONE 378-8141 FROM SUBJECT DATE 0'- MESSAGE /(L~ Mr~Y 6 1977 P U B I 1(' \" (\ '", ,"' , L.v ,tvU,\j\.) SIGN REPLY SIGNED DATE 013 <1>)\ our IN /~ x , y / X' , /~ y X y I' X / )(' , X 7 DUE IN TENTATIVE MAP CIIECKSHEET Santa Clara County Offices Health Dept., 2220 Moorpark Ave., SJ 95128 (Environmental Management Agency) Planning Dept., 70 W. Hedding St., SJ 95110 Public Works; 1555 Berger Dr., SJ 95112 Sani. Dist. #4, 100E. Sunnyoaks Ave., C 95008 Water, Dist., 5750 Almaden Exp., SJ 95118 Campbell Union- School District 155 N. Third Street, Campbell P.G.&E., ill Almaden Blvd., SJ 95198 P.T.&T., 1190 Coleman Ave., SJ 95110 S.J.W.W., P. O. Box 229, SJ 95196 Cmb. Wtr., P. O. Box 667, C 95008 Ca. State Div. of HWys. (optional) City Engineer City Manager Fire Dept. Police Dept. Building Dept. Planning Dept. Council Applicant File fv'\e.- c; (j3) ,I , /\ ,u , '" DUE AT PLANNER (. - 7 -77 rL t!U L;'-.~ - 7 '7 ~)( tCr- ~i\e-<'-+\~l C1-'