Valley Forge Way (74-2) (. ?-:/-.z @rD- armlNANCE NO. 942 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAf\lf)m: Lt. ADOPT I NG PLANS, E L EV A T IONS, AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR A PORTION OF THE PLANNC6 DEVELOPMENT ZONE AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 418 ADOPTED ON THE 8th DAY OF APRIL,1963 (Appl ication of Radin/MacDonald). The City Counei I of the City of Campbel I does ordain as fol lows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbel I is hereby amended and changed by adopting the attached "Exhibit A", entitled "Plans and Elevations", "Exhibit B", entitled "Development Schedule" and "Exhibit C", entitled "f\lap of said Property", as per application of Radin and MacDonald for a 60-unit townhQuse development on property known as 650 Mi I I ich Drive in a P-D Zone. Copies of said exhibits are on fi Ie in the Planning Department office. Said approval granted subject to the fol lowing conditions: A. Appl icant to submit detai led fence plan for approval by the Planning Director with an accompanying report by an acoustical engineer that the fence wi I I provide adequate sound attenuation for the residents within the project from the noise generated by adjacent land uses. 8. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose brbs or spr-inklel- system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of appl ication for bui Iding pem it. C. Landscaping shal I be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. D. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $10,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or appl icant may fi Ie written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final bui Iding department clearance. E. AI I parking and driveway areas to be developed in campi ranee with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. F. Und~rground uti I ities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbel I Municipal Code. G. Plans submitted to the bui Iding department for plan check shc:d I indicate clearly the location of al I connections for underground uti I ities including water., sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. II. Sign (jppl ication 10 be ~;ubrnitted in (Jccordaif1ce I'/iih rl'O'/isioll~; of tlw ~;i~~n ordinance 10r~ all si~lnC',. l-Jr) sign to tJ0 inc:;1tiDllcd unti I dppl iCiJtion i ~ appnwcd and p(~nn it j sC'.twd by tho bu i I d i n9 d(;piJri1'r~t)nt. I I. Ordin~ncc No. 787 of the C2-~~~I I ~unicio~1 Code stipulates that any coniTdct for the collecti::-r. and dis;,~)sal of refuse, garb.:lge, wet garbage and rubbish pr'oduced \-;i-Trir. the I imits of the City of Ca~r::':-E.II shall be made with Green Valley Qi3::'2::aI Cc"::,any. This requirerrent c:::-lies to all single family dwellings, multi:lle a~>GrtrTIt?nt units, to all conT:ercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, anJ construction establ ishrr,ents. J. Trash containerCs) of a size and qJantity necessary to serve tne development shal I be located in arsa(s) 3J:roved by the fire de~artment. Unless otherwise noted, enclosureCs) s~al I consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a sol id wal I or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the fire department. FIRE DEPARTMENT K. "2ABC" fire extinguishers are to be provided within 75 feet of travel of any point of complex. L. Provide three on-site hydrants with fire department connection at Val ley Forge and Phelps. M. Trash enclosure floor to be at grade level and have self-closing gates. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i i N. Subdivider to process and fi Ie a subdivision map. O. Installation of a sanitary se..:.,erase system to serve all lots .....ithin the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. i 1\ ! i J' d P. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the Campbel I Water Company. Waier service to be provided by said Campbel I ~ater Corrpany. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shal I be provided and instal led at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbel I. Fire hydrant rental fees shulf be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per . fire hydrant. S. a~; not od Subdivider to p~y pl~n exa~ination and construction inspection fees, i n ~..iJ i d dl]rl:(;rnl'ni. i i I 'I II \ I ! I II ! I t l Q. Subdivide,- to dedicate 60' right of way for extension of r.1errirnac Drive between Mi I I ich Drive and San To~as Expressway. R. Subdivider to enter into agreement with the City to provide for i nsta II at ion and/or- construct ion of street i mprovernents throughout sa i d extension of rvler-rimac Drive. T. Subdivider to p()~,i Fuithful Pedon~iUnce Hand, uS noted in said a~F'eement . j I I 1 I I !. I U. Subdivider to obtain an excavation permit for revision of improvements within publ ic right .of way. " ; V. Publ ic uti I ity and/or publ icservice easements as may be necessary for the installations of any and all publ ic uti I i.ties an~jor faci I ities shal I be granted by the Subdivider. 1'1. Subdivider to pay storm drainage ar-ea fee. X. Subdivider to furnish copy of Prel iminary Title Report. The appl icant is notified that he shaJ I comply with al I appl icable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbel I which pertain to this devel- opment and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED th i s 8th day of by the following roll call vote: April AYES: Counci Imen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Podgorsek, Paul None NOES: Counci Imen: ABSENT: CouncJ Imen: None APPROVED: Norman Paul Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk , 1974, \ i ~. , I o~~-g: ".;:.,.= :t.:;~{;f ;)-.20., .... ~ U e .~OUC~ o .. c 0 _ ~ .., - ~ . !~~~= z oto"'e'" ~ ,,~ .o~ ,"1.1'- -5_~o~_ ~~ ,..0":>0 <(~ ..0 .. .r. ~ c ~ ~ - - > " '"' ~ .v 1 :.~ ...I?: ~E~o~ i5 5~E.f'~ ",0 v-..._o :;;u ~~~o:"!6 Z5 ';::~-6 ...8~C)~ " IlI;t "':. > ''~.-209 Cl. ~ L- - - ...... eU ~.x~: .!!~1:.;-E t. ~ "0 "j .! -0 @ -Ll~- ,~/ SC ALE ,", :50 ~ . I I I I l" Y ~ ,/ @ A o ~ "7 ",,,, t'"' ........ "'() . . . . .... ., : : ;;.~ :-.~ .... '.... '-'. @ 18 17 16 15 128 /27 126 125. 6S 6S tS (,s FORGE 44i.~ .b ,;', ,-" ~.~ ~ I ,,. ':' :..." . ~ A<;':>t':">'jOQ-~'.A.N 1 A. (LAo:l/l. ' ; . " . i . ~ 'I fIe \: or COUNTY 6& \4 I 13 I I 124131 -/23 - I- I GS . I .u qa WAY P~L) 7 ~ - 1 /, d-........ ~~ Cf)Q n... lor '20 . P.HlV"\ ".1l,",,0 ~.,. ~... ,- .' .:;. "'- "? ...( /3:;- - "~~'P."'" 1ltJl.,IfJU,_"!.~.JlJ:"",- EXH IBIT "c" Iv8 W N 122 12 ~ :> '" - c> 9 - _ .!.,O! _ _ ~ 0 ~ Public heain9 held by the Planning C mmission on March 7, PC LA. pel C " ... .> .. .~ \ '--= , 17 4' '/~":"u~ \~ M() '" ."... ,... 1 ._ , . i- ~ .~ ,,>,. i 0- ",i Z \fl.; '" " ~, l- Ll ~: <! 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CALIFORNIA 95118 · (403) 265.2600 Mr:J...... \~()-\y April. 18. 1974 Sta t~ of Co 11 for nia Di';;ision of Real Estate 350 !vlcMl1s1:l~r Street Sc'H'l Francisco. California. 94102 Gantlemsn: A l'~quest hcs been received from. :Mr $ Gerold n. Ferrnri ,Attorney at Law, report relative to__Jlaml~~~n ]~~~t, l~af~~-b the C!~iorcJampb$IC-' in the _.~_n '~~!llaS .tl~\!!no Q~~~~__ to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The foliowil"g report is basp.d on data availab!e to the Santa Clara Valley Water District: r.h] o The sire should not flood in the event of the District's standard d;'sign flood (defined as a flow having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any yea~), o The site is subject to flooding from _____ ._________. ____________________. It is estimated that the channel hzs a present capacity to pass a flm', which hils if __ percent chance of being equaled or exce~!ded in any year. D Said channel is not 01"0 which the District designates as a flood control facility. D Said channel is one which the District designates ns a flood control facility. No assurance can be given as to a date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additi~Ylal Comments". Additional Comments: For information conc:erning the hazard from .md disposition of local or serf ace storm water within and adjacent to this site, ~Ip.ase contact __t.tg_CltY__9f_Cr;.mpQ(;!lLP.ub11Q..._YYQrk~_j2e,p,artme.nt-,,-_ _._________ cc: Mr. Gerald B. Ferrari, Attorney at l.;~.riAv ~y of Campbell t PutJic \Vorkn DepartIi1ent Sincerely YOllrs, ORiGINAL S;Gt--:~D B'V CC)py Malc,)lrn E _ Sums Division Engineer Design Coordination Division