392 Waldo Rd. (95-10) of'C"'4( ~~~' ..o~~ .... r'" U l"'" o 0 .4 ... '$. I., ~. ,,' O"'CH""O' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT FROM: Frank Cauthorn Building Official Cruz S. Gomez c:::?:-L4- Assistant Engineer DATE: August 2, 1996 TO: SUBJECT: 392 Waldo, "S" 95-10 New Single Family Home Attached is a copy of the Conditions of Approval for the application. Our only involvement on this development is that the owners obtain encroachment permits to install improvements within the public right-of-way. All work within the public right-of-way shall be completed prior to occupancy. The storm drainage area fee has been previously paid. It is our understanding that you will review any grading and drainage plans for the development. Weare returning the copy of the plans which you routed for review. Attachment cc: File: S95-10, 392 Waldo CITY OF CAMPBELL BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT NO.: ::~:::....::::-7::..J::".:7~-::7" DEMO SIGN _ GRADING OI'HER PERMIT APPLICATION f6r11- DATE: 7/2 b/1b , BUILDING ADDRESS: '2) 9 d. W A L () 0 (.( () AD surrE OWNER'S NAME: ...aJf:r A ",n 0 fit '1 f"('\D Ja.. VV\~d... " ADDRESS: \ 5 "3 '3 ST OC~ 8~IDG-f: D~.! SUM. :Jc 5Jz/iS( DESCRIPTION OF WORK: RA \ New 5,'~,t F4~!; CO!\TTRACTOR: COMP A~~ NAME: . COl\"TACT PERSON: ADDRESS: PHONE NO.: APPUCANT'S NAME: ADDRESS: . ARCHITECT /ENGINEER: COMPANY NAME: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: PHONE NO.: I'Yl D M a. (.2-1 f4t. art A t'\.Th.e":J Mat Q, 'Ir\. e.. c!- " 5~ u:') c.~ PHONE 2. 46 - 55"" h 7- n SIGN DEMO OTHER PI- ~ R'7tJbJ TO Bt./) It IF IfIOr ~I,e./) RECEivED JUL26~ tJi..L;k "." ,,',_ 1.n~'\/II.11"TD.' rJ,"" ( ) I( .. C: - 1-( (\ III S D V\ 7 ). 4 fa s ~C\:fO V\ P.12', I ~. It /I ('" _ I' A b=~V'\J~ un/ti.,'~~ A.,.')Q."loSe','4J- (L.f~~) cr C; b - ~f I Lf - Cf Sl2 9 HAZARDOUS MATERIAlS: EIORm: YES@:/usmONsm:, ~ Use or storage of hazardous materials requires a Hazardous Materials Information Sgtement to be submitted to the fire Department for review and comment at time of building permit application. failure to provide the HMIS will hold up buDding permit approval. FIRE sPRINKLERED: ~ e Of " C"'4( " ..0 ~~~~~ .... r'" U r"" o 0 .... ... '$. I., ~. ,," oI/CHA\lO' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Gloria Sciara, Planner I DATE: August 16, 1995 FROM:f.f11I! Robert Harary, City Engineer ~ ~ Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer Development Review Committee - Formal Conditions of Approval APPLICATION NO: ADDRESS: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: S95-1O 392 Waldo Road Doleman Construction New Single Family Dwelling on ExistinlZ Legal Non-Conforming: Lot in San Tomas Area SUBJECT: Public Works Department's Conditions of Approval DISCUSSION: The property is in the San Tomas Area, Street dedication is not required. The existing street improvements meet the standards for the San Tomas Area, The Conditions of Approval are attached, 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL APPLICATION NO: S95-10 ADDRESS: 392 Waldo Road BY: Harold Houslev. Land Development Engineer APPROVED BY:I<~bert Hararv. City Engineer DATE: August 16. 1995 THE APPLICANT SHALL: X A. Install asphalt concrete driveway conforming to San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan and acceptable to the City Engineer. X Screenine: of Utility Facilities: Screen all above ground utility equipment within the public right-of-way and on private property to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. X San Tomas Area Nei~hborhood Plan: Comply with San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan design standards. X Under~round Utilities: Install electrical, telephone, and cable television facilities underground, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code and as required by the City Engineer, prior to occupancy. X Utility Construction Coordination in Public Ri~ht-of-Way: Submit a Utility Coordination Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer, for installation of electrical, gas, telephone, cable television, sewer, water, and storm drain improvements to minimize damage to City streets, sidewalks, and related facilities. X Sanitary Sewer Service: Install a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots in conformance with the requirements of the West Valley Sanitation District. x Water Service: Install a water distribution system to serve all lots in conformance with the requirements of the San Jose Water Company. 1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL X Other Utility Services: Install electrical and gas facilities in conformance with the requirements of Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Install telephone facilities in conformance with the requirements of Pacific Bell. Install cable television facilities in conformance with the requirements of TCI Cable. X Park Impact Fees and Park Land Dedication: Dedicate land or pay fee in lieu of dedication, prior to recordation of the Final Map, as required by Chapters 13.08 and 20.24 of the Campbell Municipal Code. X Encroachment Permit: Obtain an Encroachment Permit, pay fees and deposits, provide bonds and insurance certificates for all construction within the public right-of-way. Encroachment Permit includes the one year post-construction, maintenance period requirements. h:392waldo(mw)6.0 8/16/95 2 ~~k ~~. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET ~te Routed: July 31, 1995 ~ ~gcDate ( written comments or ~ conditions of approval due): August 14, 1995 v<:Qmpleteness Comments: August 7, 1995 ventative p,c. Date: August 22,1995 ROUTE TO: o Architectural or Landscape Advisor o Fire Department o Police Department o Redevelopment Agency o Engineering o Corporation Yard o Building Division PROJECT DESCRIPTION New single family residential dwelling on existing legal non-conforming lot (substandard lot size) in San Tomas Area, PROTECT INFORMATION: File No.: S 95-10 Applicant: Doleman Construction Project Address: 392 Waldo Road APN: 404-29-042 Zoning: R-1-16 General Plan: Low Density Residential Proposed Use: Single Family dwelling PROJECT PLANNER: Gloria Sciara DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible, Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions (see attached) __ X_ , X / TO: C I TV CLERK PLEASE COLLECT ) . .':E I PT F~ THE FOLLOW I NG MON I ES ( P . W. FILE, NO. ACCT. ITEMS 3372 Q PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FEE ('200) STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-l, '1.875; MULTI-RES., '2,060; ALL ~ER, '2,250) 3372 PLAN EXAM I NAT I ON AND CONSlRUCT I ON I NSPECT I ON FEE (7.,. OF VALUE) 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($250) 3372 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE ('240) 3372 FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ('230) 3372 FINAL TRAC~ MAP FILING FEE ($230) 3372 VACATION OF PUBLIC SlREETS AND EASEMENTS ('380) 3372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGAT I ON ~ REAPPORT I ON.tENT( , 350 FOR FIRST PLUS SilO EACH ADDITIONAL) 3372 LOT LINE AD.JUS'n.1ENT FEE / CERT I FICA TE OF COMPL lANCE (' 2 5 0 ) 3395 PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ($I,OI2.00!) 3373 COPIES OF ENGINEERING MAPS AND PLANS ('.50 PER SQ. FT.) 3373 WORK AREA TRAFF I C CQlfTROL HANDBOOK ('2); ADO I T I ONAL ($1. 50 I 3373 PRO.JECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ('10) 3372 EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ($35) 3373 GENERAL CONDITIONS, STD. PROVISIONS & DETAILS (SIO; ~ SI/PG) 3521 CASH DEPOSIT 352 I F AI THFUL PERFORMANCE DE."'OS I T 35 2 1 M.~ I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I l' 3520 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ( $195/EA) 3510 POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL NAME ~~cy ~<;.-k ~ ~G.S b ..,,~-\;-~ r=: ,.,,, '7. A v"- _ Ca - '" ~-/) I PHONE ADDRESS FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. 197r 9 1 S;[3Jr- Cf-7-6"3 00 AMOUNT PAID RECEIVED BY DATE' AMOUNT .00 7"37-- $ 7 '37 o 0 '"37 [) -, ro ( :ZIP 1.5 00 ~. .JULY 1983~,.