535 Westchester Dr. (69-79) 7:?h-,Xj ("9tY.J '. "i , ~~ ' I JUly~:7::tr F\EC::::I\'F:J 970 '.!.~'. t. l' '. "1 r"' '0 ~ , ~ '1 j-j i .'j..; L ~1- ~/ '.J Mayor and City Council City of Campbell 75 No. Central Avenu~ Campbell, Cal ifotn!) Gentlemen: We have revi;::>'vcd the minutes of your meetings regarding the appeal of Syufy Enterprises, Re: Zone Change R-3-S to M-l-S. In our opinion, your decision to uphold the appellant in this ~atter is without proper foundation and places the future development of Campbell in grave jeopardy. A situation such as this is untenable and should not be taken lightly. Your resolution does not contain any reasons specifying wherein the Planning Commission erred in its decision to deny the zone change. The denial was based on the Use Element of the General Plan, the Specific Neighborhood Plan, and the incompatibility of the intended use with the adjacent area. To disregard these factors, violGtes basic planning princi- ples and sound zoning practices. As you should know, the Use Element of the General Plan is a product of extensive studies, involving long hours by many people. The Plan was then subjected to thorough reviel;J at public hearings at both the Planning Com- mission level and the Council level. By resolution of the City Council, the Use Element was then adopted to serve as a guideline for the orderly development of the City. By ignoring the existance of this document in your recent action, one can only conclude that Campbell is destined for such random development which suits the whim of a fe~v people at a particular time. Decisions without proper deliberation do a disservice because they do not provide guidance to the citizens, nor to those bodies whose function is to advise. The importance of the Specific Neighborhood Plan contains the same reasons described above for the Use Element of the General Plan. Obviously, the impact your decision has on this Plan is to create doubt regarding the validity of those thought processes associated with the development of the entire Plan. The wisdom of the public bodies who adopted these plans has been set aside by a muted vote. Due consideration to the compatibility with adjacent areas may be readily found in the Campbell Zoning Ordinances. Inherent in any zoning matter is the importance of the health, safety or peace of persons in the area. Can the preponderance of evi~ence established relative to this, during the hearings on this matter, have been overlooked by any person who has been attentive to the proceedings? 2 Your present decision on the appeal transcends the reasonable situation wherein impartial V:t] ic bodies []lay have val jd differences of opinion. It is felt that IOU have fai led in your respon~ibility to make your reasons ~or that decision known. Should this oversight have been taken inadvertantly, it is respectfully requested that the situation be clarified at the earliest possible time. 'E6~I.:~;;~1:'(~7.;:::t~~~!p~~1~:;r~;":'::';:~i;J.:~.r:~~~~~~~'::gm:- /'f~ ~;;-:;'"': "),1,:' C:(? ~-- Cha i rman c//': 771/;///7 // ;f />1////;/ {"~// / ' /~ L/ .//(c~~,-~/A~Le?~ ;{ I~! ,.; \ '- ;/" /,,!.' I~' '--7//L~ '( \?c '- ",""'" L" (. '- __{,. l- / -' - / ~'IJ/JJ/ >~ -:?---/ ',,"~f-" ...<:.:) ~=~~.:/~~.l ~;/C~'_<>kJ .-) 7~J . ~RLL~~/ ~ ~/ ..~ ^"\~ I , (:,,/ \ i /' /l~l.jj (9() ) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CA~'!PBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVE~UE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: J Pill,) ~ I.,r;; 1. " 7 I CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "5'; APPROVAL OF PLANS OF >; .Y~! l' Y J! L t~. 7-: t :- j ~~.: t\ ~.:;' T r ~ c "'" , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a 22.1 uf;it a;:nrt1\lLf, t ':':()f~i.lt;'f .p ~- r ~. . ..~. ; t r LL"'; \ TO BE LOCATED AT: " ~~l'fY' j11.J~: , ~ ..~- { (-..;',,~ >;p t'f",-' , CONDITIONS: Cm~~JTTtcH'S OF APPKdV:d. ATTACl f', j Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted upder this section shall expire one hundred eig~ty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was gr~nted) unless an extension for such apllyoval is obtained by making h'ritten applicatiii', for sa;re to the Planning Conmission at least fifteen (IS) di:-1YS prior to the expiration d2te of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the e~:piration date of any approval until H nCI\" -;pproval has been obtained in the manner provi(l8tL for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA1.1PBELL PLA~~NING CO?,j\1I5SIO;'J AT It REGULi\R i.IEETL<C; HELD ON THE 5th .laHUI-I.ry, P\111 DAY OF CITY 0:': CA~!PBE LL PL..\;,JN n;c CO:,I1.!I SS IOn <.. .'" ~. ..., ~ ~.. <;" . ,. __ .., ..,... ~ -..... ~.... ~ . '" -' ~.... -to- ... ...,..... _". <II. ~..:.. ....... w- _.Tt- ...\ a. l~~, .i\ "'.. ;0' I ....... iI..- \.. . /"'" ~ . ///t - / //// 1. r. / / .~/.-'.~ J) . __L,__:~ J d~---(;:t:.:.__~c:{ ~~._.______ _ - ARIHUi~ KU:1 SEc;1{t,T!~l~Y "S" 69-79 1. Property to be fenced and 1~nd5c2ped as indicated 2nd as added in "I' on plans. 2. Enclosures consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' high wa.ll or fence shall be constructed to house tr2.sh con- tainers in areas c.pp:::ovcd by the PlanninE Director and Fire Department. 3 L 1 l' 1"' f " . anascape p_an Intlcatlng type 0 plant materIal, location of hose bib or sprinkler sjstem and type of fencing to be submitted to" tl~,? PIC'":~nii:g Director for approv21 prioT to issuance of a bUll<1lfl.6 VC: :,-:'1 t. 4. ~lain tC!l2.!1CC sC2.pe pl:::n. Or:: 1~~,1~-"nl"n~ 1... .i (..'..t L u':::' ',- ""' 1 __..... ~ In accordance with approved land- .. 5. Fai thftil Per fOElance Bond to insure fencing, striping of parking are~s, type of plant m2tcrial and location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be determined by the Planning Commission at the time of approval of landscape plans. 6. Access shall be provided at no cost to the City. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the follO\dng condi tioEs in o.ccord3TlCe \d th Orcli nc;nces of the City of Campbell. A. Applicant to furnish addition2.1 elev2.tions of recreation building. revised plans for und~Tground p~rking in residential units and elsY3.tions of ca.rports \.;hich meet requirements of the Campbell nunicipal Code Cl.nd pl2.ns sho'.1ing roof recre2..tioIl ,neas. B. Water lines and fire hydrants shall be installed to provide the buildings ,.;itll fire protection. (Contact shou]d be made with the Fire Department as to location of water mains and fire hydrants.) C. All fire extinguishers shall be installed in fire extinguisher cabinets. D. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Canlpbell ~.lunicipal Code. E. Underground Utiljties to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Car-,pbell ~'!unicipal Coe18. F. Plan:: submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the loca:ion of all connections for undergro~nd utilities including water, sewer, electric, tele- phone and television catlcs, ctc. G. Sign applic;1tion to be subi'Ll.rtec1 in accoHlance ,i'i th p'oyisions of the si~a o:"dinJ.T:cc fOl: all siG..ns. ~o siqn to be instcdlej . u.. ... , '"-' -.... untIl appllc~ctlCj: 15 2PprO'.'c;e' :Cl:G p::'r;:i t issued by the builjing dep2l i tr~'2r~ t. H . F i L; t 1 e '.'.:: 1 p :.-r kin ~~ ;:.>" C (2 t 0 beT y pel con s t rue t j 0 n . I. Applicant to provide evidence of satisfactory access to proposed residential develbpmcnt. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and arc not herein ~pccified. ~ GEORGE S. ~TOLTE & HSSOCIAT.sS 1731 No. 1st St. San Jose, Calif. Dec. 10, 1969 Job No. 654-66-1 DESCIZ IPlIIOi-r All that State 0 f certai.n rea:. ~~=~:~:v ... ;.. - C ':'J 1': f;J -,'" n ~ --:; ~ :-" r j:-; ;.:~ ;"'; c- c.:;. J...._ .L.. _.l. ~c_, --...~-- -- - --'~o situate i~ t~e County o~, Santa Clara, ffiore part~cular1y descrlDed as follows: BEGINNING at the .7tOS 1: e2.S C-2l:1y COLler of the<. t c erta in Rec ord of Survey for Tll'''''ce~r R':'J'-""' :- ....,,-n ("1= r-1...,icn ;..., ~ne~;n ""onk 21/' o.c: ~/apc: at n'lCfe> .-..,' il 1.1 _ ~.~lL~~' ~ --1. ......;.:_~ ....;.\..L. .'.'~LL 1.. J..~ J.. _...L.. '-it .~:'l D,~ _ _,-+ J...l.1 -' ;:,C"o- 18 in the County ~ecorders Office of said Santa Clara County; thence from sai.d Po int 0': Beg i.nr-. L:lg S o'ltner 1y a 10::-,'; the eas teI' ly boui1dary of said Record of Sur<12Y, S 702110211 \{ 221.63 feet; S 6021'02" W t"" . ,'- 4 d" . .. 1'.1 C "',443.29 reec; J::neEce ~vesteri.y an leal/l.ng S2l.C1 Easter y D8uncary 01. said Record of Survey, N 89"49 '1811 ~v 53.94 feet; thence fron a tan- gent that bears ~~ 580L~8'57n W on a curve to the left ~.]ith a,radius of 750 ~eet th:cough a centrc:-l acgle of 54Q~-+'02" an arc di3(~r::e o~ 712 10 ~ee'-' then~e t'o a oo-~t on ~ cur1le .~ tho Sta~e ~f Cal.,-nrnl3. ..:- __ L., 1.1...1,;.'- ' .. ..L.1L 1..1. _.. _ ~..i ....:._ ..... U_ '.........;.. --'_ .1.____ k'ree'T~y R;o-llt-""F-;.T-:lY NT II~o/'9'2-'/1l i.] 2') 7? ';:""ct. ~hen,...c> ~4l0'i:)' <:~;~ -6- _4.~.a. .-0J.. '.,..1_ 1~c.;. , .L. .,....... ...,. 'I _I. _ J...;....-..... , _ .1.":'__ C- J..J.o __d._u . Free'i:iay from a tangent that bears N 41010'3311 E on a curve to the right with a radius or 3000 feet; through a central angle of 5010'291i1 an arc distance c: 270.95 feet; thence concinuing along said Freer;,;ay Right..of-;.Jay, ~~ 46021' 0211 E 582.38 reet; thence S 890S0'16!l E. 2.2.4.L~5 feet t:J the Point or Beginrling. Containing 6.662 acres of land, more or 1e53. HK! af .'- ....