Westchester Dr. (TR4037) RE.CEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 'J. NAM~,,1?.!./1JLL---:~' J~- t,-<-. {,...~/ /Jc ( c. r ti ~ ADDRESS </L// / f& c( I' FOR ~' ~jt-1U:.[>k....u;.1 , ,? I .:.- t.~ <:: c' L!c.r} J-<. t' - 'I REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. L/t l../ FUND NUMBER 4- DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 21-65 OCT 21-65 009 ****600.00 61/ o09A ***600.00 LSI CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH Thad You CITY OF CAMPBELL No. 976 .f I- ~:< '- I I ,I CITY CLERK BY RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA .. ~ "AME '-.J { It.1c........,.._ . f/ AC1,-<i.~"IC>j/'<cl C / \.DDR ESS (/// I II ".. ..... ...... c.. / t ~OR .3.u. . .1.,<-'/1/ / ~'.h \,.- "'-r,--tt..-tr /' ,,/ '/""'-- <-..7 "ft.....( t: { ..j;/ (..,/<..F '" , ~EVENUE ACCOUNT NO. L/('-; FUND NUMBER /I DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE OCT 21-65 008 *** * 390.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 21-65 67 008 A ** * 390.00 .fSJ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER o CASH Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL No. 977 ,~((, / ;, l I CITY CLERK BY NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and W1111a Q. Wl:e.n the undersigned, as City Engineer caused eUbd1v18ton improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said eubdiv1810n Above S ace for Recorder improvements was actually accepted on the 26th day of January , 19~. That the name of the SUbd1vlder for said ovmer is J'omDan :oeveloxaent Coalpaay That the nature of title of said said ~iv1sion ~oYeaent. of owner in fee simple, and the names of all owners of said property are: city to is that and addresses NAME City of CaJIp];)all ADDRESS 75 N. Central Avaue ~~l, cal1forDJ.a 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said aUbd1v1.1on ~oY8D8n1:. are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows: Tract. No. 4037 and having the following address: _ JaAuuy 27 · 19~;{J!4iI1vijJ~ City line) 1Deer 1 of 2 Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SSe I. W11l1ua G. wren. being duly sworn, says: That I am the of Campbell, the owner of the property notice; that I have read the foregoing tents thereof; and the facts therein knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -" day of ,; t ),', LiZ j/ ~, ( , / /./ ; '.; /" -; t". .. / . ''--)} , j ... . l'~4<~~'~"<.U/~L {.::,I. '7 ,);<~'l.t.'.{i.:,/:~i>~- . Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California CHARLE0JC ;\T. ];,^,pp,\,'() ~'n+:n'v Publio Mit Comlnj~~slon i:xvin;;:i (."lC[Ulier 1, i~ I,t 'f;. 2 of 2 City Engineer for said City described in the foregoing notice, and know the con- statedF:etr:e ~~ j{~ft!1d 1tl i111:Lam G.. w..:., , City Jlng1l'leer . . 19~ HENRY G. BARON RICHARD H. GREY WALTER M. KEENE JAMES E. MIZELL FORMAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SubdividerJ --- Land DeveloperJ PHONE RO 5-6816, 326 NORTH STREET, TAFT, CALIFORNIA January 4, 1966 'i l- /. f "I 6'" Re: Tract 1/4037-7 c City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: William G. Wren, Acting Director Public Works Gentlemen: A thorough discussion has been given to your letter of December 30, 1966, relative to filing of a new map covering our Tract #4037 and the adjoining approximate 2 1/2 acres, to provide for a change in the street pattern permitting Cristich Lane to terminate at Union Avenue. We find ourselves in agreement with the suggestion that you have made and will shortly take steps to activate the development of a new map. There are a number of items in which we will need your cooperation, advice and assistance. These include the fact that we have already granted utility easements to the Sanitation District and Flood Control District as required by your approval of Tract *4037; satisfactory re- allocation of payments and deposits made to your City and other muni- cipal groups, and a discus sion of a more realistic zoning of the area presently classified as R-3. In the event that you can find a satisfactory place on your calendar when these items might be discussed, we could arrange to send a responsible representative to Campbell to clarify the items. Very truly yours, FORMAN DEVELOPMENT CO. ,/l )0c~" );. I/~/ j/~/" ,/...) ~,.:;(~,"'. ,vet~i.. . ,. ;e .k:--J.'-~ Walter M. Keene WMK:rp cc Richard Hogan, Planner Bill M. Helms, As sociate C i viI Engr. E. B. Kunkel, Manor Realty ~ December 30, 1966 Porman Development Company c/o Taft Realty 326 North Street Taft, California RE: Tract No. 4037 Gentlemen: The City Council of Campbell considered your application for a time exten8ion on Tract No. 4037 at their meeting of December 27, 1966. After di8cussion, the Council chose to defer action on the application until their next meeting on January 9, 1967, in order that we might contact you regarding a possible change in street pattern. Developments subs.quent to your map approval have altered the future flow of traffic to the extent that it no longer seems advisable to terminate Cristich Lane short of union Avenue. With this in mind, the Council felt that you might wish to process a new map that would incorporate this revision. Please contact this office at your earliest opportunity in order that the Council will have the benefit of your thinki1l9 when they take action on January 9. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WON, ACTING DIqCTOR 01' PUBLIC WORKS L~ By 8ill II. Hello, Aaaoc.t.ate Civllln9lbeer "",cb .. CCli lllchar4l109u, 'laamer '^l: /i'':-' 000 /:'/ ~ v~ ~ <"~ 6'> '<9>, " ~ .<-'" ~ ~ ~~ ~i.~.. 4;.- i Ii i, I "" " " ~ ~ ~ , ~ f;, ~ "'l, c.Do,! :-11 tOd 0,,1 V ~ H r\ M ~ ~j '~ I,j Ii ~ ~ II n ~ou l'~ -i'"U I:::O [Tl0 l>'lJ --;0 fTl(J) :::ofTl o ~ 0'> ""-J :::0 o lr- IOJ \10 I I- I : \.0 r- fl I: ! I s: o ~ ; I , J , . r 0 ):> O'J:] () (') - ci l> < (f) -im - , 0..:- Zz - . , ;j I' I r ~, ~'- ~ n L 0;.. ........, ~...... I ~-_.- I I I j ! I I ! I I I I - e... ~ e ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1932 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 4037,WESTCHESTER INDUSTR~ PARK illfIT NO.2, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. lVdEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 4037, Westchester Industrial Park Unit No.2, for approvalr WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney, as to form which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presentedr and WHEREAS, the City ~gineer has signed the map that it conforms 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of October I 1965, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, McElroy, Rogers, Smeeu, Rose NOES: Councilmen: None APl?ROVED / .:/ i) " ../'. ,. \ ATTEST,:~ .,r, ;:,'"1 " Do~Y 7 ./ .~./-:".J' ~_~ ~I!";,?""-._' Trevethan, City Clerk