535 Westchester Dr. (96-44) RECORDING REQUESTED BY: HMH, mc. 1570 Oakland Road, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95131 WHEN RECORDED, MAlL TO: City of Campbell City Clerk's Office 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 (For Recorder's Use Only) CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTION The subdivision known as PARCEL MAP, filed for record June 2, 1999 in the Office of the Santa Clara County Recorder in Book 716 of Maps, pages 2S through 27, is hereby corrected in accordance with Chapter 3, Article 7, Sections 66469 through 66472.1 of the Subdivision Map Act as follows: I) The offset dimensions of the 60 foot wide non-structural easement from the line between Lot I and Lot 2 is corrected as shown on sheet 2. 2) All the monuments set per this Parcel Map are marked "LS51 06" not "LS4444" and the character of each is as shown on sheet 2. 3) The easterly common comer to Lots 3 and 4 is not monumented as shown on said Parcel Map; instead a point on line 2.50 feet from the comer is monumented as shown on sheet 2. On the date of the filing of the said map, the names of the fee owners of real property affected by such corrections was/were as follows: Assessor's Parcel No. Owner Address 412-2-010-013 : WTA Campbell Technology Park UC: 900 Welch Road, Ste. 10, Palo Alto, CA 94304 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Certificate of Correction was prepared by or uuder the direction and control of the un>lersigned ~e~~~'~..~~.. Steve W. Danner, L.S. 106 Reg. Expires: 6/30/2003 ! 1". ;;.;r ~/: Date: 9.~~.,(J 2:-- " CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER ~~s ~~ent is Zi:;r correct. cA~~rz/ ~Pc!~ Irvin Harold Housley, p.E.,Land Development Engineer RCE 16807, Expiration Date: 6/30/2005 This document has been approved by the City of Campbell. Date: Michelle Quinney, P .E., City Engineer RCE 44144, Expiration Date: 6/3012005 sheet 1 of 2 / "V " " 0') ,n ..'<.-:- /\ t, \ . '..... LOT 3 LEGEND @ SET STANDARD CITY MONUMENT. STAMPED "LS 5106" o SET 3/4" IRON PIPE, TAGGED "LS 5106" ~ SET LEAD a TACK IN CONCRETE, TAGGED "LS 5106" x SET NAIL IN ASPHALT, TAGGED "LS 5106" o 100 200 ~\ GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 200 FT. LOT 4 CITY PARK ,/' SHEET 2 OF 2 HMH. Incorporated - Civil Engineers . Pla.nners . SUTVeycrrs 1570 OAKLAND ROAD. SUITE 200 P.O. BOX 611510 SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95161-1510 (408) 487-2200 FAX (408) 487 2222 Certificate of Correction P ARCE:L MAP BK 716 OF MAPS, PG 25 CAMPBELL CALIFORNIA TO: City Clerk PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT EffectiveJuly 1.2001 PUBUC WORKS FILE NO. PROPER7Y ADDRESS Please coUeel &. recdpt for the following monies: ACCT. lTDI 435.535.4921 Project Revenue (specify p~ectJ ENCROACIIJIEIIT PDUIlT Application Fee Non-UUlIty Encroadunent Permit Minor Encroachment Penn1t < $5.000 R-l Ftrsl Permil (No Feel Subsequent ?em Ut1l1ly Encroachrnc:nt Permit Arterial/Collector Street Residential Street/Oth~ Areas Plan Check Deposit - 2% of ENGR. EST. Fallhful per!onnance Sccur1ty (FPSI Labor and Materials Secur1ty MonumentaUon Securtty Cash Deposit Labor and Material Sccur1ty Plan Cheek &. inspection Fee (Non-UUUtyl EnIV.Est. < $250.000 (12% of ENGR. EST.I Engr.Esl.>625O.C (Deposit 8% of ENGR. EST./$30.ooo mIn.I" t.;Ullty < $100.000 18%1 ~ Charl~e Per Location ($135.00) Condulls/PlpeUnes up to 500 F.... 182.101 Above SOO Unear F.... 181.301 ~anholes/Vaults/Etc. ($120.00/eal Pole Set/Removal 18120.00/...1 Str.... Tree Plantlnl!lRemoval (81W.00/treel UUlity> S 100.000 Actual Cost... 20% .. Project Plans &. Spectfleations ~ect No. Standard Speclftcatlons & DetaIls 181 /Pq 8IS.00/Bkl Coples of En~etttn~ Maps &. Plans Aenal ?lot 24" X 36" ($50.00) "mal Print 8 1/2" x 11" (820.001 Maps and Plans 24" x 30' ($7.50. \ 4-722 Penalties: Failure to restore public improvements ($IOO/Calcn.dar Da'!MunI C I' 4722 Penaltles, Failure to co.,.ect unsafe condltlons 18100/Calendar Dayl ,LAND DEVEUlPllEllT I 4722 l.Dl Une Adjustment ( 4722 Parcel Map (4 Lots or Less) l 47221 F'tna11)"act Map 15 or More IAtsl 47221 Cert1llcate ofCompllance 47221 Certificate of CorrecUon 47221 SQl.af'Y Fee (per st(llaturel 4722 Vacation of PubUc StreetS &. Easements 4722 ;\ssessment ~l;(auon or Respport1onment FIrst Spllt Each Addiuonal Lot. Storm Dra1na~e Area Fee Per Acre 4722 2203 2203 2203 2203 2203 2203 I , 4721\ i 49201 I SI1.74241 :TRAPFIC 47281 4728 4728 4728 4728 4271 4728 : OTHER 18255.001 1$55.001 (8115.001 T sQ1-ol 535 Wt~f~;&r Dr. AIIOmcT 8 . . 1$10.000 moxl I I ode See.l 1.34_0101 $ 3L.lS (j~ (8370.001 18255.001 18500 mini 1100% of ENGR.EST.I (lOO'lb of ENGR. EST.) (100% of ENGR.EST.I 14% of ENGR.EST.lI8500 mIn 1100'lb of ENGR. EST.I 4722 2203 4722 2203 4760 4760 4760 18625.001 181.215. 825/LoU 181.S70. $2S/Loll 18565.001 1$345.001 1810.001 18625.001 !8625.001 18190.001 IR.1. 82.0001 IMultl.Res. 82.2501 (All Other, 82.S001 Parkland Oed1catlon Fee (75%/25% Due Upon Cc:rt. or Occupancy) posta(e Inlenection Turn Counts (i'wo-Hour CounO [$70.00) InlersecUon Turn Counts (a.rn. or p.rn. peaksl ($140.001 Tra1nc F10w Map (Oa1Iy TraIllc Volumesl (S30.00) Campbell Traffic Model (F'ull Scope AsscssmenO ($2..560.00) Campbell TraIIlc Modd IReduced Scope Assc5SmClI8B4S.001 1'nJck P<nn1t5 1816.00/per trtpl So Park1n~ SI(nS ($I/each or 825/100) j:\fonns\receiplform 01.Q2.x1s rev 2/12.'02 TOTAl. 3Lf5.0e ! i INAME OF "PP1..1CAN1' fv1 } VI c. 0'('" 0 m \,~""^". DQVll N [;~d( !ADDRESS LJ 2fJ 51\Vl () RcL, Hotk\ I J IUAclual Cost ~us 20% Overhead (Non-Inuresl beartn~ dC?OS1tJ J"-I:-~ -.., ~ f;~ l"1'or PWl Cheek aacI Cull Depool". _d yeDow eoPT to """""~CF , Date/lAltta1a . PHONE jC P ?50;3 ii M)~ \ )~ 0/\ Y r TT'-i it..- r. f\MuuCi i ~." ....j.I, Vi ;...nlti JJi_....~' i...h REC1~\D BY: .JtiNk i:;f.;,.,:r;[;.lO n,.:'.ii1'i'1 Tii; i .../ i n,I..:;-,: :..lnv...V ;V~,-; TODAY: S L!RTE; 08/fj5/02 01000150932 ~'EGISTER ME: fj8!05i02 lIME: 13:57=23 DESCRIPTluN ENGR & sutnI~) FILING F -::"l"".'1';"; ; u H't.. urrli O^TTt. Hi-....i .n.t.wll HtL~ NU~ ENDE?EIl: HP:t{GE ~ AMDUNl $345,OC' nUE~ -------.--------- t1b.t:'. r';e! 'r'~ :",..,,".:\." liOO:: f.r: r.r... "oJ"\"o.). VV ...-::- ~.r J\.:: :;,jio1__1u I.J"''''' ~.r.C!O \:\ \.\ " f \ i ( J ~ ~h CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department March 3, 2000 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Wutk~ Re: 535 Winehes!e! Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park - Permit 98-129 Storm Drain Revision No.2, STA. 24+58.72 to STA. 38+24.41 Dear Mr. Neumeister: We have reviewed the proposed revision prepared by HMH. It has been reviewed and accepted by the West Valley Sanitation District. Bill Wagner of HMH left a telephone message with the City Engineer indicating they had reviewed and supported the proposal by Sanco Pipeline. HMH does not believe there are any adverse impacts or any decrease in the performance with the redesign of the storm line. The City, therefore, has no objection to the redesign. It is hereby approved. Copies of the revised sheets 6 and 7 will be distributed as soon as they are available. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, &b Cru omez Assistant Engineer Cc: Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector Bill Wagner, HMH, P.O. Box 611510. San Jose 95161-1510 H: \landdev\ windrin\3 _21tr(mp) 70 No"h fi~' Stt~' . Camphdl, eMo";' 9'008."23 . TIC 408.866.2150 . '''' 408.376.0958 . mo 408.866.2790 52> ZO-t .J.:/-I! IU-J iuL--' O~'CA~ ~~~..~~ .-. .. 1- ...... .. 0' O.tCH"y..Q CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department July 8, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park Storm Drain Realignment, STA. 19 + 83.20 to Sta. 24 + 58.72 Dear Mr. Neumeister: Please submit the technical data from the manufacturer of the storm drain pipe that substantiates the 402 foot horizontal radius. Also, please submit all documents necessary to process the abandonment of the existing public storm drain easement dedicated by the parcel map and the dedication of the easement as per the new alignment. We are enclosing an "Application for Vacation of Excess Right-of-Way" form, a "Quitclaim Deed" form and a "Grant of Easement for Drainage Purposes" form that we may be able to use to accomplish the neW dedication and the abandonment of the existing alignment. The abandonment and the dedication should have the same language as is on the parcel map. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 to discuss the process. V ery truly yours, &u.~,J~ Cruz ;~~:; , V Assistant Engineer Enclosures Cc: Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector H:\landdev\windrin\strdrltr( mp) 70 North First Street. Campbe\1, California 95008-14'23 . TEL 408.866.'2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TOO 408.866.'2790 o,,'C'"'4( t&~~ ~~~ 1- "- .<0 , O.q CH A \\ 0 (" CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department July 1, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park McGlincey Lane to Campbell Technology Parkway Left Turn Traffic Lane Dear Mr. Neumeister: We are enclosing a sketch on 24" X 36" titled "McGlincey Lane Entrance, 100' Left Turn Bay" for the proposed left turn traffic from McGlincey Lane into Campbell Technology Parkway. This is one of the conditions of approval mentioned on page 5 of City Council Resolution No. 9307 adopted November 18, 1997. The left turn lane is not shown on the current plans. Please have your engineers prepare a detailed drawing for our review showing all existing and proposed signing, striping, pavement markings, existing driveway, and any other features that they may deem to be a traffic safety concern. Please call me at (408)866-2163 if you have questions or comments and/or to field review. Very truly yours, Cruz. mez Assista t Engineer :B cc: Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector h:\landdev\windrin\7 _lltr(mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TOD 408.866.2790 ,~~::2 4/~ddx RESOLUTION NO" 9307 7~ ~/ ,5"97z / ,4 BEIN"G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COL0iCIL OF THE- r;ry OF CA.J.\tIPBELL APPROVING A VESTIN"G TENTATIVE SUBDMSION iYIAP (TS 97-01) TO ALLO\V THE CREATION OF 4 LOTS AJ.'ID A RE:NfAINDER LOT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE AJ."ID 571 McGLINCEY LANE. APPLICATION OF NlR. KEN NET}MEISTER ON BEHALF OF WTA DEVELOP~[ENT AJ.'\ID HE1JTTIG & SCHROMyf, me. FILE NO. TS 97 -01. After notitication and public hearing, as specified by law, and after presentation by the Community Development Staff, proponents and opponents, the hemng was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the City Council did find as follows with respect to app lication TS 97-01. 1. The proposed lots are of sufficient size and shape to ac:ommodate the intended mixed uses 2. The proposed map is consistent with the Planned Development Application (pD 96-06) which has been recommended for approval subject to the proposed conditions of approval. 3. The proposed subdivision layout provides sufficient open space to accommodate the intended users of the facility and the surrounding area with inclusion of a 4.0 acre public open space area. 4. The design of the proposed subdivision allows for the appropriate grading and drainage facilities, pubiic utility easements, improvement of utilities, and private driveway and access easements necessary to seIife these properties. 5. The 1996 SEIR and its addendum prepared for the development of the project identifies the impacts associated with the development of this site with four industrial buildings /' 6. Absem-the easement, the development of the industrial park would impede access to and from the existing and proposed recreation areas in the City of Campbell. Based on d:e foregoing findings of fact. the City Council further finds and concludes that, subject to the imposed conditions: 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the. policies and intent of the recommended General Plan .Amendment. i The proposed subdivision does not impair the balance between the housing needs of the region and the public service needs of the residents and available fiscal and environmental resources; 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development and the proposed lot patter.:1. City Council Resolution No. 9307 TS 9~-tJ 1 - 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane PJ.!2:e 2 .J. The design of the subdivision provides, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural hearing or cooling oppommiries. 5. The subdivision of the property does not alter the imensity or impacts of the project as e:umined in the SEIR previously cerrified by the City Council on January 7, 1997, and as discussed in the addendum. the revised project preserlts a less intensive use than the original project. 6. There is no substantial evidence that the subdivision or me property, in-and-of itself. may have a significant effect on the environment. I. The subdivision of the property will not substantially change the proposed project from that examined in the SEIR in any way that would involve new significant environmental erIects or a substantially increase the severity of any previously identified significant er:ecrs. 8. The subdivision of the property will not substantially change the circumstances under which the project is undertaken in a way which would involve new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. 9. The subdivision of the property does not present any new information not previously knO\V11 at the time the SEIR was certified that would indicate that: a. The project will have any significant effects not previously discussed in the SEIR, or b. That any effects will be substantially more severe; or c. T:'1at mitigation measures found not to be feasible would not be feasible; or d. That mitigation measures or alternatives exist that are considerably different from those analyzed in the SEIR. 10. The subdivision does not requIre any mmor additions or changes to the SEIR or its adde:J.aum. The applic:mts are hereby notified. as part of this application, that they are required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California. T:'1e lead denaronent with which the apolicant will work is identified. Additionally, . . . the appiic:lI1rs are hereby notified that they are required to comply with all applicable Codes and Ordin:mces of the City of Campbell and the State of 'California that pertain to this development and are not contained herein. PL"BLIC WORIZS CO~TIITIONS 1. MaD R~cuirements: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare and submit a Final Tract Nfap for review by City Engineer and recordation upon City approval. Tne current fee for processing the Final Tract Map is $1,380 plus City Council Resolution 0[0. 9307 TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/57 1 yfcGlincey Lane P:Hle 3 S:5/10(. Applicant shall provide all documents as required for review and approval of the Final \-bp. Prior to approval of the Final \-fap. the applicant must provide evidence from each utility and special district that they approve of the filing of the Final \-fap as submitted. that the easements shown on the map are adequate for each utility to serve the proposed de'/eiopment and that the :,rocedure for abandonme:u of anv eXIStIng easements is acceptable. 2. Dedication to Citv: Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall dedicate, acquire land for dedication and/or obtain dedications as necessar:1 to accommodate constrUction of the required public street improvements for: the 45-foot public street access to \-fcGlincey Lane; the 50-foot public street across the south end of the site; the right of way needed to construct the c:rl-de-sac and intersection at \-fcGlIncey Lane as shown on the approved te:1tative map: and the right of way/easements necessary (IS-foot minimum) to construct the public STOrm drain system throu~h the development :md through the private Paseo de Palomas street. Applicant shall prepare all doclliIlents necessary to obtain the dedications andior remove any existing easements, provide all information required for reviewing these documents and shall pay all costs associated with obtaining the required dedications and/or easements and recordation of these dedications. Should it be necessary for the City to implement eminent domain proceedings in order to obtain rig..l-],t-ot:way, the applicant shall pay all costs associated with the condemnation proceedings, including attorney's fees. Prior to approval of the Final Map. the applicant must determine the adequacy of the existing STOrm drainage easement along Paseo de Palomas. If the existing easement is not ac.equare for construction of the proposed paralleVupsized storm drain from the site to the existing system in Cnion A venue, the applicant shall provide all documents necessary for the City to obtain this easement. These documents shall include all engineering plans, plats and descriptions of the easement required for construction of this storm drain facility. 3. Sror:rr-E)rain .-\rea Fee: Prior to issuance of any building ?e::nits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required storm dr:1in area fee of S:,500/acre. .J. Gr:J.c:ng: and Drainaze Plan: Prior to approval of the final :nap or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies as necessary. prepare grading and drainage plans and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits for the site. J.. Gr::tcir;.g plans shall include the disposition of and abandonment of existing utility lines as necessarj. CIty Council Resolution No. 9307 IS 9:-01 - 535 Westchester Drive!571 McGlincev Lane J P J,2:e ..:. Hydrology srudies. grJ,d.ing and storm drainage plans shall include the public access road. from .\fcGlincey to the site. Storm drainage plans shall include existing invert: and top of pipe elevations of the SCV'WD culvert crossing the proposed roadway. Hydrology srudies and storm drainage design shall include the drainage area bounded by Highway 17 to the west. Curtner A. venue to the south, me City limits to the east and the existing storm drain in McGlincey Lane easterly of the development to the north. The storm drainage plans for this drainage area shall include removal, replacement and/or installation of new storm lines as needed in McGlincev md Cristich Lanes to connect to a ne'.'\i md/or upsized storm drainage line required throug..~ the development, through the P:l.Seo de Palomas private road and ultimately connecting to the existing storm drainage facilities in Union Avenue. Completion of this design is required to determine the appropriate size, location and invert elevations of the storm drainage facilities to be constnlc:ed on site that will allow for the furze construction of the off-site storm drainage improvements in McGlincey Lane and Cristich Lme. The applicant shall be required to construct only the portions of this storm drainage facility thar are on-sire and the connection to the existing system in Union Avenue through the storm drain easement in Paseo de Palomas. Tne applicant shall provide a "stub-out" to Cristich Lane to allow for the future storm drain construction off-site. 5. Standard Street Irrmrovements: Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare plans, pay fees, post securities and provide insUTmce as required to obrain an encroachment permir to constrUct public street improvements as required by the City Engineer. Public street improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer licensed in the State of California and shall include: . C1:)l'!struction of the 45-foot public street access to "YfcGlincey Lane to include: 30-foot of asnhalt concrete roadwJ,v: a standard mar2:inal 5-foot sidewalk and a 5-foot . . - landscaping strip along the west side of the street; a 5-foot landscaping strip along the eas~ side of the street; no parking signs, signing and sc:ping, standard curb and gutter, stor:n drainage tacilities and street lighting facilities J.long both sides of the street; construction of driveways as required for existing parce!s; and all conforms necessary to accommodate the existing improvements on the parcels south of the proposed development. . ConstrJction of a 50-foot right of way public street along the southern frontage of the property to include: 35-feet of asphalt concrete roadway; standard driveway J,noroaches for the entrances to the development; a standard marginal 5-foot side'Nalk; ~d a 10-foot Public Utilities Easement along the norr..h. side of the street; a 5-foot landscape strip and a 5-foot separated walk along the southern side of the street; no parking signs for the northern side of the street, signing and striping, standard curb and City Council Resolution No. 9307 TS 97-0 I - 535 \Vestchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane PJ,2:e 5 gutter. storm drainage facilities and street lighting along both sides of the street All improvements shall be designed and constructed to allow future continuation of the improvements on Cristich Lane and an appropriate cul-de-sac terminus shall be designed and constructed at the western end of the new public street. · C onstnlction 0 f the intersection as sho\vn on the approved tentative map and as. directed by the City Engineer. Intersection improvements may include sidewalks; handicap ramps, signing, striping and inc;,-eased street widths as shown on the approved tentatIve map. · .-\11 streets and their intersections with access points co me site shall be designed to accommodate all rruck turning movements. Improvements at the west end of the new public street shall be constructed to allow for a furure connection to Cristich Lane. Screet crees shall be of a type that will not grow to ~ncroach or interfere with public trJ.ffic. · Construction of a complete traffic signal system and equipment, signing, striping, utility relocation and related improvements to provide tor signalization of the intersection of Cnion .-\venue and McGlincey Lane. The traffic signal system and ~quipment shall include but not be limited to: vehicle detection equipment, traffic signal standards, street lighting and electrical services; pavement repair; signing and striping and other components as required by the City Traffic Engineer. · Reconfiguration of the intersection of McGlincey Lane and Curmer A venue to provide for a free right turn lane from southbound McGlincey to westbound Curtner, a free left turn from eastbound Curtner to northbound McGlincey and stop controls for westbound Curmer east of the intersection as directed by the City Engineer. Existing pavement in this intersection may need to be resurfaced to allow for the additional lanes and new striping pattem. . P:-ovide signing, striping and pavement reconstruction 3.t the intersection of McGlincey Land and the new public access road as necessary to provide lane configurations as directed by the City Engineer. . Construction of the storm dr:lin facility extending from Cristich Lane through the development via storm drain e3..Sements to connect to the existing system in Union A venue. Constrlction of storm drain facilities for all public streets :ncIuding the public access road from '\(CGlincey. 6. Comoletion of Public Street Imorovements: Prior to issuance of occupancy for the site, all public street improvements as required by the enCroachment permit must be completed and accepted by the City Engineer and the applicant must provide the one-year maintenance secUDty. 7. LJnds.::aoin~ ~hintenance Agreements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicJIlt shall prepare and execute a landscape maintenance agreement requiring the development to post securities and maintain all landscaping, irrigation and irrigation facilities, walls and fences within all public areas, including the public access street to . . .,,~ ..:307 Cay CouncIL Resolunon c'lO. _ TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane P::l.!ze 6 McGlincey Lane and the new public access road adjacent to the property. This asrreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to being executed by both p~es and recorded bv the Cirv. . . 8.. Cnderzround Ctilities: All new on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting; and fee requirements of the serving utility company. Applicant shall submit a Utility Coordination Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of all utilities. The plan shall minimize the damage to all public facili ties. 9.. Sods R~t:lort: Provide a soils report prepared -by a registered Geotechnical or Civil Engineer 10. Title Renort: Provide a current Preliminary Title Report. 11. Street ~arne: The final map shall contain the Ciry-approved street name for the new public street. 1:2. Storm Water Management: Comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board's industrial storm water general permit and California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook., prepared by Storm Water Quality Task Force, Santa Clara Valley Water District. L3. Coordination 'mth Caoital ImorovementlOther Protects: Applicant shall coordinate with other city improvement projects within the vicinity. Location and installation of off-site improvements that may be required by other districts and utility companies shall be approved by the City. 1.l. Monumentarion: Prior to recording the Final JYfap, the 3.pplicant shall provide security ~laranteeing the cost of setting all monuments as shown on the Final Map. 15. S[reet Imorovemenr :\.greement: Prior to the approval of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement and post securities to guarantee the installation of the required street improvements. .. 16. ~(Jrification to Adiacent Prooerties: P:-ior to any construction activity on the development, applicant shall notify all adjacent properties, including the management of the adjacent mobile home park. Notification shall include a contact number for the developer which can be used by the property owners during construction should questions or problems arise. C. C . l' N 9307 Ity ouncll Reso utton 0._ IS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drivel571 McGlincey Lane Page 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDmON 17. Emer~encv Vehicle ElZI'ess Access Easements: Emergency Vehicle Egress Access easements (EVEA) shall be granted and recorded to the' fire department for emergency egress. PASSED AJ.'ID ADOPTED this 18th day of vote: November, 1997, by the following roll call AYES: NOES: ABSENT: AB ST..uN': COLTN"CILMEJMBERS: COUNCILi\'fEJMBERS: COUNCTI.i\'fEi\'JJ3ERS: COUNCILMEi\'JJ3ERS: Watson, Furtado, Conant Dougherty, Dean None None o - APPROVED:~~I.Y. ~ Barbara D. Conant, Mayor ATTEST: ~~ Anne Bybee, City Clerk MatT' IS A TRtft! 'n4E !=Ol'IeGCING lNS~~F THe ORIGI~ CORRECT COP AND IN THIS OFFIC::. ON FILE _ In ~K. cITY :rT8n" ANNE aYSE:. C . " If. c:AMpea.:.. CAl.lFOFlHIA. tj i -"(j(kJL OF \ . \.,U ''1. :' ~ ~~~ (' "L' ":1' I .. .... " .. ii HMH, Incorporated j . .. ..:, j avo E"~~. POnMM.___ James T. Harper William J. Wagner Thomas A. Armstrong Michael L. Morsilli David M. Wilson April 12, 1999 Job No. 2332-02 Harold Housely City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008-1423 RE: Campbell Technology Park Dear Harold: The purposes of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, hereafter referred to as the "SWPPP", are to identify potential sources of storm water pollution and to develop and implement management practices to minimize pollution in storm water discharge. It is intended that the SWPPP is to operate as a living document that is able to provide guidelines and a pallet of construction details that may be incorporated during the changing phases of a projects life. It is anticipated that during the initial grading phases of the project and before the ultimate storm system is constructed that the following management practices and devices could be utilized to achieve these goals. · Stabilized Construction Entrance. · Covering . Sediment filters at existing storm inlets and manholes ~~\) ~G~ \~~~ ^-~ \ \. foe:> ~ 8.~ ~o~\o~~ ~ ~\(j ~'\~ (>>\)~\t.~ ..9 . Check Dams . Drainage Swales . Straw bale dikes · Silt fences This is not meant to be a complete list of management controls that will be incorporated during the initial phases of construction but is intended to emphasize the various methods available. Through out the life of a project all methods are continuously reviewed to determine their appropriateness and effectiveness at reducing potential contaminates from entering into storm runoff. For a more detailed description of methods and devices that are anticipated to be utilized San Jose Office 1570 Oakland Road, Sle. 200, San Jose, CA 95131. PO Box 611510, San Jose, CA 95161-1510. 408/487-2200. Fax 408/487-2222. e-mail hmh-sj@ixnetcomcom Pleasanton Office 5673 W Las Positas Blvd, Sle. 209. Pleasanton, CA 94588. 925/847-7335. Fax 925/847-8895. e-mail hmh-pl@ixnelcomcom both during construction and permanently in the project please refer to the SWPPP that is attached to the "Engineered Grading and Drainage Plans for Campbell Technology Park" If there are questions or I can be of further service please call. Very truly yours, HMH, INCORPORATED Kevin Maple Senior Engineer cc: Ken Neumeister - Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 233202\23321tkm.005 ~<<., <;) G<C ~~~ ~~' ,'\. ~f.~~ ~L5/ ~ ~o...~~ ~ ,0 ,,<l" ~~~~~tQ t-Q ~aJ -. Of'C,4Jl.t ..... ;O~ ... ,A~"'" tfo ... .......>'~.... W.?~!~tf~ r- ~ i ~ 1- . ---'-..;.~- .... .. ., O~('HA'i\.O\....' CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department March 2, 1999 Mr. Kenneth A. Neumeister Project Manager-Architect Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Subject: Campbell Technology Park - Grading And Drainage Plan Review Dear Ken: We have completed our review of the grading and drainage plans for the Campbell Technology Park Thank you for addressing the comments in plan check #1. There are still a few outstanding issues as shown on check print #2 and as stated below. 1. Additional information regarding the existing elevations on adjacent properties is needed on cross-sections F and G. 2. All existing storm lines, sanitary sewer lines and other utilities that are within the public storm drain easement and are being abandoned, must be removed completely. Please revise the plans accordingly. 3. There is still one manhole at the north end of the project that has too many connections entering the manhole. Please address this concern. Please return the revised plans with all comments and questions addressed. ALSO PLEASE RETURN THE ORIGINAL RED LINED CHECK PRINT #2. If you have any questions regarding these comments please give me a call at 866-2159 or Harold Housley a call at 866-2158. Sincerely, v'/t'/) /' i ,e'.;;-L ;(j {.L ~J F Ul~,i- Lt-V - V Michelle Quinney City Engineer cc: Frank Mills, Acting Building Official Kevin Maple, HMH Kirk H~W!i~Jl.?A$td~veJo.l?EJ"ent Manager .......f~Tf',_~II..Mt.....~ ," J :\MQ\LD\5 3 5 WESTCHESTER. GRAD ING .DRAIN2 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TOD 408.866.2790 r ...'~,;u.__" C~:~LC~.:.",J L.(~!:_.,. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Campbell, California Retaining Wall Calculations HMH, Inc. 2/23/99 RECEIVED FEB 2 3 i999 f?UBLIC WORKS A.OMlNISTRATlct. program: StrataWal1 (Ver 4.2 May 1997) Licensed to: Carl Moore HMH, Inc. Public Works 1570 Oakland Rd., Suite 200 Spokane, WA 95161-1510 (408) 487-2222 Copyright (c) Bathurst, Jarrett and Associates, Inc. 1997 PROJECT: Campbell Technology Park OWNER: WTA Campbell Technology Park LLC CLIENT: Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Prepared by: Kevin Maple Section: North West Retaining Wall Date: 02-23-1999 Time: 08:56:29 No: 2 Backslope: Surcharge Pressure: Number of Facing Units: Module Width: Module Height: Number Reinforcement Layers: Base Reinforcement Length: Wall Embedment Depth: Horizontal 250 (lbs/ sqft) 16 16 (in) 6 (in) 3 4.8 (ft) 1. 7 (ft) Wall Height: 8.00 (ft) Facing Type: Default Block Wall Batter: Vertical Reinforcement: StrataGrid 500 Soil Description and Properties: Infill Soil: mixture of inoranic SILT and CLAY (ML-CL) Retained Soil: mixture of inorganic SILT and CLAY (ML-CL) Found'n Soil: mixture of inorganic SILT and CLAY (ML-CL) Infill Soil: friction angle = 28.0 degrees, bulk unit weight 130 (lbs/ cuft) Retained Soil: friction angle = 28.0 degrees, bulk unit weight = 130 (lbs/ cuft) Found'n Soil: friction angle 28.0 degrees, bulk unit weight = 130 (lbs/ cuft) Infill Soil-Facing friction angle = 18.7 degrees Infill Soil-Backfill friction angle 28.0 degrees Summary of Stability Calculations: (NCMA Method) Coulomb Earth Pressure Coefficient(External Stability) Total Horiz Active Earth Force (External Stability) Factor of Safety against SLIDING: Factor of Safety against OVERTURNING: Factor of Safety against BEARING CAPACITY FAILURE: Maximum Bearing Pressure acting on foundation: Coulomb Earth Pressure Coefficient(Internal Stability): Total Horiz Active Earth Force (Internal Stability) : Minimum Factor of Safety against REINF OVER-TENSIONING: Minimum Factor of Safety against REINFORCEMENT PULLOUT: 0.319 1735 (lbs/ft) 1.51 2.18 3.50 1875 (lbs/sqft) 0.321 1875 (lbs/ft) 1.51 in layer 1 1.51 in layer 3 page 1 of 4 License No.: 100730 PROJECT: Campbell Technology Park OWNER: WTA Campbell Technology Park LLC CLIENT: Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Prepared by: Kevin Maple Section: North West Retaining Wall Date: 02-23-1999 Time: 08:56:29 No: 2 Summary of Reinforcement Layout and Capacities: (NCMA Method) Number of Reinforcement Layers: 3 applied tensile vertical anchorage pullout layer elev. length load F.S. over- stress length capacity F.S. no. (ft) (ft) (lbs/ft) tensioning (lbs/sqft) (ft) (lbs/ft) pullout 3 6.00 8.8 406 3.70 260 3.2 615 1. 51 2 4.00 6.0 469 3.21 519 1.8 713 1. 52 bottom 2.00 5.5 1000 1.51 780 2.8 1599 1. 60 page 2 of 4 License No.: 100730 PROJECT: Campbell Technology Park OWNER: WTA Campbell Technology Park LLC CLIENT: Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Prepared by: Kevin Maple Section: North West Retaining Wall Date: 02-23-1999 Time: 08:56:29 No: 2 SUMMARY of DEFAULT VALUES used in ANALYSIS COMPARISON of DEFAULT VALUES with NCMA recommendations Current Value Satisfy NCMA ? Reinforcement Data: Reinforcement Name: (ASTM 4595) Wide Width Tensile Strength: Creep Partial Factor: Installation Damage Factor: Chemical/Biological Degradation Factor: Long-Term Allowable Strength(GRI GG4) : Material Uncertainties Factor: Long-Term Design Strength: StrataGrid 500 4400 (lbs/ft) 1. 61 1.10 1.10 2258 (lbs/ft) 1. 50 1505 (lbs/ft) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES (~1.05) (~1.10) (GRI GG4) (~1.50) Default Values for External Stability: FOS against Base Sliding: 1. 50 YES (~1.50) FOS against Overturning about Toe: 2.00 YES (~2.00) FOS against Bearing Capacity Failure: 2.00 YES (~2.00) Default Values for Internal Stability: FOS against Over-tensioning: 1. 00 YES (~1.0) FOS against Pullout: 1. 50 YES (~1.50) Coefficient of Interaction: 0.70 YES Minimum Anchorage Length: 1.00 (ft) YES Maximum Reinforcement Spacing: 2.00 (ft) YES (FHWA) Miscellaneous Default Values: Wall Embedment Depth: 1. 67 (ft) YES Base Reinforcement Length: 4.75 (ft) YES Base Reinforcement Length/Wall Height: 0.59 YES (L/H > o .5) Note: NCMA quidelines assume a granular backfill for the reinforced soil zone. page 3 of 4 License No.: 100730 DISCLAIMER: StrataWal1 (Ver 4.2 May 1997) #: 100730 The calculations performed by this program are for PRELIMINARY PURPOSES ONLY. Design calculations performed by this program should be checked and verified by a registered professional engineer who is familiar with the site conditions and project materials. The final design should be based on project-specific geometry, loadings, soils and any other materials used in the construction. The final design should provide for proper wall drainage to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressures over the service life of the structure. Note that GLOBAL STABILITY of the structure and surrounding soils and potential settlements are not considered in this program. INTERNAL SLIDING along reinforcement layers is not checked in this program. LOCAL STABILITY of the facia units including bulging, interface shear failure, crushing and connection failure are likewise not addressed in this program. These potential modes of failure including estimated wall deflections must also be evaluated by the engineer of record prior to final design and wall construction. page 4 of 4 License No.: 100730 HMH Engineers 1570 Oakland Road, Ste 200 San Jose, Ca 95131 Attn: Carl Moore FAX 487-2222 February 10, 1999 Subject: Inspection responsibilities of Civil Engineer of Record for Campbell Technology Park, 535 Westchester Ave, Campbell Mr. Moore: Due to inspection staffing limitations, the City of Campbell will be requiring professional inspection of grading operations by your civil engineer per UBC App 3317 & 3318. The City will require weekly wet-stamped and signed reports by your civil engineer or his official representative during the entire process of rough and final grading, as well as a final grading and drainage report in compliance with original approved documents. In addition, the Campbell Building Division will require the same weekly reports on the following on-site work: 1) street baserock 2) utility trenches, including backfill 3) unique water migration concerns 4) curbs and gutters 5) sidewalks 6) street paving 7) landscaping specification performance 8) irrigation 9) street lighting 10) maintenance of stamped and signed as-built drawings Campbell Public Works will assume responsibility for all storm drainage inspections, on-site as well as off-site. It is anticipated that Campbell Public Works will have very limited oversight in other on-site areas, in effect reporting to the Building Division only as specific needs arise. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me at 408-866-2134. ~~ Frank Mills Senior Building Inspector Of'CA-t, t~'~' ' ~~~ U r'" . . .;.. .:.. 1- .... .. , '" fJRCHA,\lO CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department January 25, 1999 Mr. Kenneth A. Neumeister Project Manager-Architect Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Subject: Campbell Technology Park - Grading And Drainage Plan Review Dear Ken: We have completed our initial review of the grading and drainage plans for the Campbell Technology Park. Our comments are shown on check print #1 and as stated below. 1. Please have the engineer of work complete the attached "Checklist for On-Site Grading and Drainage". 2. Please have the engineer of work revise the "Seal of Engineer of Work" per the attached. 3. Please use the City standard "Grading and Drainage Improvements - General Notes" (copy attached), or make sure that each one is included in the Grading Notes on Sheet 1. 4. Rearrange the plan sheets so that the City standard Cover sheet is sheet 1. The sheet labeled T -1 should be relocated. 5. It is not clear what work is actually being covered or permitted by these plans. The scope of work on sheet T -1 indicates rough grading, site drainage, and underground utilities. The only underground utilities shown in detail are the storm drainage facilities. Does "site drainage" also include the pavement and curbs and gutters for the entire development? Sheet 1 is labeled as "Site Improvement Plans"... .we believe this should be changed to read "Engineered Grading and Drainage Plans" and the intended scope of work must be clearly indicated. 6. Construction of the public storm main from Union Avenue through the site will need to precede the construction of the on-site storm facilities. These plans do not address the construction of this storm main. Please indicate on the plans that the construction of this main will be completed prior to the on-site storm drains, and refer to the plans that will permit this construction. 7. Show the location of the public storm drain and storm drain easement through the site. 8. Add a signature block for the soils engineer to sign the plans and specifications for compliance with the Soils/Geology Report and the UBC. 9. Designate in text and graphically on the plans the overland release location(s). 10. Provide several cross sections at appropriate locations along each property line to show how new improvements will match existing conditions around the site. Show maximum and minimum differences between proposed and existing improvements. 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TDD 408.866.2790 Kenneth Neumeister January 25, 1999 Page 2 11. Address and show clearly the existing sanitary sewer and storm drain lines that are to be removed, and those that are to remain. The plans show removal by others - please clarify how/when this will be done. 12. Many public storm drain manholes are shown to have numerous direct connections from inlets - please reduce the number of these direct connections as shown on the plans. 13 . Westchester Drive is not in a condition that would support construction traffic for the project. Please use the access road for all construction traffic, or alternatively agree to overlay Westchester with a 2" asphalt overlay following use of the roadway for construction access. 14. Why is the future public roadway not being included in the grading and drainage plan? 15. Finished floor elevations are shown, but not pad elevations. Provide detail showing the relationship between the finished floor to the pad. 16. Address the other comments included on the plan check set. 17. Provide a signed copy of the Notice of Intent to be covered by the General Permit and include a note on the plans that the work is covered under the NO!. Please return the revised plans with all comments and questions addressed. ALSO PLEASE RETURN THE ORIGINAL RED LINED CHECK PRINT #1. If you have any questions regarding these comments please give me a call at 866-2159 or Harold Housley a call at 866-2158. Sincerely, : /fu (i/I~Li.iL. GULi~-Gr Michelle Quinney ~ 1/ City Engineer Attachrnrrents: 1) Checklist for On-Site Grading and Drainage (includes Seal of Engineer of Work) City of Campbell, Grading and Drainage General Notes 2) cc: Frank Cauthorn, Building Official Kevin Maple, HMH Kirk Heinrichs, Redevelopment Manager LD File 535 Westchester Drive - Grading and Drainage J:\MQ\LD\535WESTCHESTER.GRADING.DRAINAGE o~'C.4'4 ~.:.... .o~~ ... ~ u r- o 0 .... ... 10 .. ~, ,,' OJ/CHAV.1)' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer DATE: November 12, 1998 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer c:=::...~ SUBJECT: 535 Westchester, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 Storm Drainage Area Fee APN 412-29-007 was annexed on July 12, 1967, per Annexation 1967-1. The initial site approval application filed with the City was "S" 69-79 on July 6, 1970, for a 224 unit apartment complex for the site. The conditions of approval did not include a storm drainage area fee. Subsequent applications for the site are "S" 71-6 on March 2, 1971, for a third screen at the site. Again, no condition related to drainage area fee; UP 76-8, July 1, 1976, increase to five screens; UP 79-35, January 15, 1980, for sixth screen; "S" 84-16, September 1983, research and development complex. None of the above applications made any conditions concerning drainage area fees. I have also researched the City Clerk's file. There is no record offees having been conditioned and/or paid. Cc: 535 Westchester H:\landdev\windrin\stormfee (mp) --I HMH, Inc._tporated Am! Civil Engineers . Planners . Surveyors ",,_,,:r "";;~ ~.",,~ '."',:.~ ::.,,,,4 James T. Harper William J. Wagner, R.C.E. October 9, 1998 HMH 2332-02-31 Page 1 of 1 page EXHIBIT "A" STORM DRAIN EASEMENT REAL PROPERTY in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A strip of land 1 5 feet in width, being a portion of the parcel of land as shown on the Record of Survey filed for record November 4, 1966 in Book 216 of Maps at page 29, Santa Clara County Records, extending from the northerly and westerly lines of said parcel of land to the westerly line of Union Avenue (60 feet wide) as shown on the Record of Survey filed for record April 5, 1989 in Book 598 of Maps at page 5, and the centerline of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said parcel of land; Thence, along the westerly line of said parcel of land, South 07021'02" West, 3.44 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 43032'59" East, 24.91 feet; Thence South 89056'52" East, 1028.21 feet; Thence North 88031'32" East, 287.43 feet to the terminus of said strip of land, being on said westerly line of Union Avenue (60 feet wide), distant thereon South 03015'00" West, 15.03 feet from the northerly line of said parcel of land. -1 2332LDTG.007 1570 Oakland Road, Suite 200 . P.O. Box611510. San Jose, CA95161-1510. Tel: (408)487-2200. Fax: (408)487-2222 LANDS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APN 412-29-07 T.P.O.B. 543032'59"[ 24.91' 216 R.O.S. 29 -- ~ cp A o 100 200 ~ I GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 200 FT. S89'56'52"E 1028.21' ~ LANDS OF STOJANOVICH N88031' 32"E 287.43' UNION ~ ~ ~ ""7~ .? ....J. P.D.S. LANDS OF STOJANOVICH S03"15'OO"W 15.03' AVE. C bl'W') "l HMH. Incorporated Civil Engineers . Planners' SUTVeyorS 1570 OAKLAND ROAD. SUITE 200 P.O. BOX 611510 SAN JOSE. CAUFORNIA 95161-1510 (408) 487-2200 FAX: (408) 487-2222 Submitted b . SHEET 1 OF 1 PLA T TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION STORM DRAIN EASEMENT Campbell Califarn ia JIl:: ... l'll a.. >- tn o o c: .r:: (J Q) ... ... Q) ~ 111 Q) .r:: (J c: ~ 0. > Ui' N ~ ~ ~ N ...... (") N N N ::> E. <ci .0 <ci <ci ...... N ~ ~ ~ N c:: > Ui' ": ~ N N ~ Cl E. CD l() <ci <ci ...... 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G I~ IJ cf ~ J J N 0') I 0... 0')i J i r-Ji 0'), r'T'" )~ 0.. / ~ / ~d CJ c;;. ..i-c.. x-:; I, Y':=':- ~ J u 0,.... c:~- :. > 0 ~o~ _<(0 -'- 0 r:; c: E c.. ~ 0 c - ._ (fJ Cl c ill ti aJ '0' Q: ~ ~ <<l J: '" I'- n o ~ < ~ c::J o I'- '" o f- o ~ c 03 c ~-g = 0 c:: ~ '" .x o 2 c:J I'- n g '" 'tJ :.S aJ :2 '" iii OJ I &l .x ia a. E >.iii Cl' ON - 0 o aJ c: CIl .c: III o a. aJ- f-N .... 0 aJN iii::l:2 aJ~<: f}ON CO~ ~~Ci (");;: .S!~~ ::: 0 f- .... CO _ a. 0> U.c:_ aJEO> ()J::.O ct ij, ~ Ut~~. HMH, Incorporated n_ Civil Engineers. Planners' Surveyors James T. Harper William J Wagner, R.C.E June 11, 1998 Job No. 2332-02 R E (' ,..... , r- r:J JUN 1 1 1998 Harold Housely City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008-1423 PUBl.iC WOR~S AOMINISTRATIOf\!, RE: Winchester Technology Park - Campbell, CA Storm Drainage Analysis Dear Harold: This letter accompanies the storm drainage analysis for the Winchester Technology Park to include the McGlincey/Cristich drainage areas. The following hydraulic calculations and drainage area map demonstrate that the proposed storm drainage improvements for the Winchester Technology Park provide sufficient hydraulic capacity for the proposed on-site development and adequate future capacity for collection and conveyance of storm drainage in the McGlincey/Cristich drainage area. Scope of Study The referenced tributary drainage areas contribute a total of 60 acres of run-off from industrial/commercial type improvements. This area is bordered by Highway 17 on the west, Curtner Ave. to the south, McGlincey Lane and the boundary of the Winchester Drive-in to the east and Paseo de Palomas to the north. The point of connection for this drainage system is the existing 54" storm line in Union Ave., at the intersection of Pas eo de Palomas. The study consisted of computer modeling and analysis of three hydraulic conditions; 1) Existing tributary flows in the storm system through Paseo de Palomas as described in the City of Campbell's, "Storm Drainage System Analysis" prepared by Barrett Consulting Group, August 5, 1994. 2) Proposed storm drainage improvements for the Winchester Technology Park and the McGlincey/Cristich drainage areas, connecting to the future 108" storm line in Union Ave., as described in Barrett Consulting Group's report. 3)Proposed storm drainage improvements for the Winchester Technology Park and approximately 3 acres of tributary area fronting McGlincey Lane, with the connection to the existing 54" storm line at Union Ave. San Jose Office 1570 Oakland Road, Ste. 200, San Jose, CA 95131 . P.O. Box 611510, San Jose, CA 95161-1510 .408/487-2200 · Fax: 408/487c2222 · e-mail: hmh-sj@ix.netcom.com Pleasanton Office 5673 W. Las Positas Blvd., Ste. 209 . Pleasanton, CA 94588 . 510/847-7335 . Fax: 510/847-8895 · e-mail: hmh-pl@ix.netcom.com Proposed Design In general, the proposed storm improvements consist of a storm main beginning approximately 250' north of the intersection of Curtner/McGlincey Lane. The system continues north along McGlincey and Cristich Lanes, through the project site, and connects to the existing 24" storm line at Paseo de Palomas. Two secondary branches, connecting to the main storm line, convey run-off from the southeasterly portions of the off-site drainage shed. At the point of connection to the existing 24" storm line in Paseo de Palomas, a parallel storm line was designed to provide the additional capacity required to convey the drainage to the connection at the existing 54" storm main in Union Ave. Computer Modeling Results It was determined from the City's storm analysis report, that the point of connection to the 54" storm line in Union Ave. had been identified as a deficient focus area. Per the recommendations of that report it was indicated that the 54" line would need to be resized to a minimum 108" diameter pipe. Other recommendations prescribed by the report indicated that new storm systems should be designed to take advantage of available surcharge. For the analysis of the total 60 acre drainage area, it was assumed that these improvements would need to be made as a prerequisite. Given the flows from the report and also assuming that the new 108" line would have the same inverts as the existing 54" line, a down stream hydraulic grade line, (HGL) of 186.53 was calculated. Run-off for the drainage area was computed and used to generate flows for the parallel pipe system in Paseo de Palomas. The total flow was divided into the two branches of the parallel system to find the pipe sizes and design slope which provide nearly equivalent hydraulic head at the upstream end of Pas eo de Palomas. An HGL of 196.92 was computed for the given data, and was then carried over for the final analysis and design of the upstream storm system serving the total 60 acre drainage shed. Minor flooding was found at one location on-site. It was anticipated that minor revisions to the final grades in that area would reduce any flooding to an acceptable level. For the analysis of the storm system to be constructed as part of the of the on-site improvements, it was assumed that any improvements to the existing 54" storm line would not have been made. No hydraulic grade information was provided by the City's storm analysis. For the analysis, the HGL at the 54" pipe in Union Ave. was assumed to be one foot below the existing rim. Using the flows given by the City's report, a base line model was developed to assume existing hydraulic grades in Paseo de Palomas. As this approach was extremely conservative it was not surprising to find that the results of that model reflected extensive flooding. Run-off, tributary to the project site and a:1:3 acre area fronting McGlincey Lane, was computed. The same method was used to divide that flow between the two branches of the parallel pipeline to compute an equivalent hydraulic head at the upstream end of Paseo de Palomas. Hydraulic grades in the existing system and the proposed parallel pipe system were then compared. It was found that even with the additional run-off generated by the new development, the new improvements would have a lower HGL, by approximately 1.5'. The proposed development's calculated HGL of 199.41 was then carried over for the final analysis and design of the referenced tributary storm system. Again, tMI flooding was found at one location, and it was anticipated that raising final grades would reduce flooding to an acceptable level. It should also be noted that the method used for analysis of this system was extremely conservative above the already conservative nature of the rational method, and that flooding was expected in the computer models. Without the benefit of more accurate initial data regarding the hydraulic grade, it must be recognized that actual occurrences of flooding would be highly unlikely. Very truly yours, HMH, INCORPORATED ~~ Kevin Maple Project Engineer cc: Ken Neumeister - Heuttig - Schromm, Inc. \233202\2332ltkm.002 1M! ~ ... nl c.. >- C'l o o c .c (,) Q) I- CD en CO Ll) N en ..... 0 <r- CD C'1 '1" CO N N Ll) '1" 0 ... ..... ..... Ll) a.> u;- N Ll) CD C'1 ~ ... '1" C'1 C ..... 0 C'1 CD ... CO CD 0 ... N Ll) CD ..... => ~ 0 C'1 N C'1 C'1 N N N C'- C'1 Ll) '1" '1" .0 Ll) cO CO cO cO <0 CD cO C'1 ..... CO Ll) N en ..... 0 <0 ..... CD C'1 '1" CO N N Ll) '1" 0 ... ..... ..... Ll) <: > u;- N cn <0 C'1 Ll) ... '1" C'1 0 ~ ..... ~ C'1 ~ ... CO ~ ~ ... N Ll) ~ ..... o ~ 0 ei N C'1 C'1 N N N N ... 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StormCAD v1.0 (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 1-21 P-23 Outlet P~"Seo ~ PAl-Ot-.1A~ ~- -~- ~ P-22 P-2S .1-20 1-23 ,---.- P-21 P-24 1-19 P-20 1-18 1-22 P-19 1-17 ,,1-15p-1q_14 P -1 8 B ':'--1'-7----------c-- -: P -1 5 ,),:,16 1-13 P-12 P-14 1-12 P-13 1-11 /1-10 hi P-9 '] j ~!1-9 /P-8 1-4 /P-3 J I-SjU P-i4J ~ 1-:06// v ~ / ~ of- 8-5;/ ~.>(/' / (,fAV 0'" Project Title: Wichester Technology Park g:\hmhproj\233200\233202\233202.stm 06/08/98 05:17:39 PM @ Haestad Methods, Inc. J ~ - ~ I \J 1-8 P-7 1-7 i P-6 bo/ !r '--' i I : P-2 I i 1-2 :; : Ii J T P-1 1-1 Project Engineer: HMH, Inc. HMH Inc., StormCAD v1.0 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 9rv ~al\"'\i o C'0 I a... co I C\J I Q') {1 C\J I 4 a... ~ 3 If C\J I W ..., D ~ co C\J I a... ~ L() C\J I f'... C\J I a. ~ I ..., (0 C\J I a. 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C> 0 . t.in! 1:;;. . c", () () \^ IV' : -; : . Ci r..l .. nl'~\;~/i' .. . "';J" ).-. \.. I '._.. . . t,..., ;.Q C~l() 0 .' i7'J. ,(.1 (1 00 0 . :?;j;' (;'> .. . . ..~ . . 880000 / . '. . . (.1. I 0 OOQooooo 0000 0 00 I 0 0 00.,)0 . c. r>n ro . . t , . . . . . . . \, ~, '~ ., . ~: .' .~. . . , , . r} ~ I\) V ~ {) Cl . 0 00 (0 o . 0 0 .:,-~;~ . . 0., J.~~<:I.:j?'''~'; ,. -.,' :.,', ',.' .""'.tJ- Oocr';'~::{i l') '.. 4fIIiIV ~J . ~I:i I.h ~ ~ ~ ~ l'li .-------------.-- '''.---.... f1Ill ..1_ - -....---.---....---.......-... ~-,._._.._-~--.__._.. ..., Of'C"A.( ~~~. /.l-&>'(t'> ... r'" U r-' o 0 "" .. "$0 "" ~. v'" O<\'CHAV.Q' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer File: 535 Westchester Drive DATE: September 1, 1998 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineeu::::5=:;'~ SUBJECT: 535 Westchester Drive Paseo de Palomas Storm Drains, Easements On March 27, 1967, the City entered into an agreement with the owner of the mobile home park to install public storm drain facilities on Paseo de Palomas, 5 feet south of the north line, from Union Avenue to the west line of the park site to serve the then Winchester Theater site. The owner was also to grant the City a 10 foot wide easement along the north property line. I have not found any record of the easement being granted to the City. The current proposal by the engineers of WT A shows a new storm drain line along the southerly line of Paseo de Palomas which will require a new storm drain easement which WT A is required to obtain from Paseo de Palomas, Inc. Please have WT A determine whether the 10 foot wide easement along the north property line was ever granted to the City and if it was not granted to the City, have them prepare the documents at the same time that the documents for the other easement are prepared. See attached Agreement recorded March 30, 1967, in Book 7679, Official Records, Page 709. H:\landdev\535westl (mp) :j20270Q ~,/ AGR~EMENT~ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 27th day of :,Iarch , 1967, by and between MACLYN L. MORRIS, hereinafter referred to as 1I000er" and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as IICity"; .-r....n pl"fW !r~ I,) ~u....." 11 1...J ~'.;;: iQ1 WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owner is constructing a mobile home park requiring the installation of storm drainage facilities~ and WHEREAS, City desires to provide sufficient capacity in said storm drainage facilities to adequately serve certain adjacent properties; now therefore, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows to wit: (1) Owner shall convey to City a ten (10) foot permanent underground storm drainage easement. Said easement shall occupy the northerly ten (10) feet of the aforementioned mobile home park site and access road from Union Avenue. (2) Owner shall construct certain storm drainage facilities as shown upon the improvement plans as approved by the City Engineer of Campbell, within said underground storm drainage easement. (3) City shall reimburse OWner for said construction in the amount of Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Three Dollars ($19,983.00), said amount considered to be reasonable and equitable by the City Engineer. Said reimbursement shall be paid to ~vner upon completion of construction of aforementioned facilities and subsequent acceptance by City for maintenance for the balance of their useful life. ~> (4) OWner shall file with City, upon execution of this Agreement, a bond in the amount of Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Five Dollars ($19,785.00) to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of the afore-mentioned storm drainage facilities. Said bond shall guarantee that Owner will remedy any defects in the afore-mentioned improvements which shall appear within one '(1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by City and pay for any damage to other work resulting from the construction thereof. Z'" .- -. ~ r. ~ g t:' r). ~ ~'"'' \\'.,) ~.' -- ~ ~ ___i,..... ~ . ~~ ~~ ~. '-' "?"' 1. h ~ ::, if .....~ c, ~ ;!: G~ , :::0 -- : r-.-, r;::; ~ ~ ::' ;~....- ~~ C':; e- N ~ .. ,., a ~ ;'1, -0 (rl' ~ ~ "'~.' -, ~\ '-'" , 0__ ~.~) w ~ . 1 of 2 :<; -. ~ m (j :-. '-' ~ ~ -. - '" ;;::0 ~ .~ ~ ~. BG~ 767D r','\C~ 710 (5) Owner shall indemnify and save harmless the City, the City Council, the City Engineer and all other officers and employees of the City of Campbell from any suits, claims, or actions brought by any person or persons for or on account of any injury or damage to persons or property sustained or a~ising in the construction of the work due to any acts, omissions, or negligence of Owner, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. Owner further agrees that the above-named conditions shall bind the heirs, successors, administrators, or assigns of the Owner. -",.., ,,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its nClf!l~.ft:o'~./.i. be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City clerk,t4ia~uht.O,::~~j " duly authorized by the City Council, and said ~~~"bas ' hereunto caused his name to be affixed the dayan<L:the . ,"" ~.. year first above written. .~ ......c : .:; l. ~, L~ :." .'4 '. ... ,,"",-, CITY OF CAMPBELL,;/~" , '. . '-, .,/!,,''', ...r:.." ...", ~" "". \" v' ':>," <,' .~:, '-:{'(/Pi:~0~~i\~;~~~}:'" .. APPROVED AS TO FORM: {- / , Joseph A. Bonacina, City Attorney //" .'~ ~ ~! \--;:.rz;;e' //. ~ / . / ,J /.' # .-...L-- , ;;::;-1;<.>-1 { ~-</ '-LZc-C'[I..-P7"-- Dorot~.l/ frevethan City Clerk OWNER c---(// c/o -' '-//' , /~/// ~'(;,t'r' /;" ~/f/~;'?~~- -! Maclyn L. ' Morr is \ ~..:'::~:f::;::~;:I....J ". , BOCK 7679 IAGE 711 On this...~2.....n...m.day gJ,.m.~mm.....__mmn.....in the year one thousand nine hundred and..kf~..~.~m before me, nC1a.JJ.,~.?7;!;..,':&ja..I,-.~~./L.nn--m...--....mmn.nm.....--.--mT.inn, a Notary Public in and for the...mm~m.__.__ " '-~" /""';H:~,' County of__.....~a.th:...I.,,,taf=a.Lm.m..__' State of Californ;;;;;!a duly commissioned , c., '-'h. _ 1J I ;0 -J?-7 ~ '-, ,,:,,' and sworn, personally appeared ,__..L/.t4-:Q?~...aL....~~.':1Z.!-'..__...m..mm.m.__n.m__...__ " .' ~~':;.!i,('i-;, n ........ ...... .... n.. ........... m... u u. ........ ..... u u u ...... .......... n............ __n.... u U"""" n u u........... u .u. ............m.. __....... __.. m....__. ........... m. nun u u... n.... m......... T.,................. _...... __.. __... ...... u.. __.' .~ ,.Jf' known to me to be the person......whose name......~...__..subscribed to the within 1'l '":; instrument and acknowledged to me thatmmhe......executed the same. ~ .' /;., IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ~... ." , ,n:';- . '\' official seal in the......&k.u.cl.........mm.County of..~.d~.C~I24Al..........the , .. .\ t . 1') I.! '~. . I ~ day and year in this certificate first above written. '. ..rt I ..;.' , \ ~ :... " ~ GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT 'N~~~;~'P~bii~'i;.g~;~~~=;(~;U(F'u;v . CHARLENE )'\'1. BAP.R.\'JO, ,,("h1"': E'l!M~of California My Commission EXPlres...m"'~i'\"Eu='i,,,,,,,,,'E"';>""...-\.);.:.l..;._": I. i%7 '.)'J ,/()'r'fJn UN~ll() / .... ....., )<- ~ " BOCK 7721 f.',G~ 280 o A G R E E MEN T THI S AGREEMENT I /'~~ hereinfter referred hereinafter referred made and entered into this .1 I 1967, by and between MACLYN to as "Ownerll and the CITY OF to as "City" i day of L. MORRIS, CAMPBELL, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owner is constructing a mobile home park; and, WHEREAS, City desires to cause the installation of certain storm drainage facilities within said mobile home park to provide adequate drainage for certain adjacent properties; now therefore, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows to wit: (1) Owner shall convey to City a seven (7) foot permanent underground storm drainage easement. Said easement shall occupy the southerly seven (7) feet of the aforementioned mobile home part site. .. (2) Owner shall construction certain storm drainage facilities as shown upon the improvement plans as approved by the City Engineer of Campbell within said underground storm drainage easement. All construction shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of the standard specifications of the State of California, Department of Public Works, dated July, 1964; and in accordance with the standard specifications of the City of Campbell. (3) City shall reimburse Owner for said construction in the amount of THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED ST~ EIGHT DOLLARS ($ 3.668.00 ), said amount considered to be reasonable and equitable by the City Engineer. Said reimbursement shall be paid to Owner upon completion of construction of aforementioned facilities and subsequent acceptance by City for maintenance for the balance of their useful life. (4) Owner shall file with City, upon execution of this Agreement, a bond in the amount of THREE THOUSAND SIX. ffiJNDRED SIXTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($ 3.668.00 to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of the aforementioned storm drainage facilities. Said Bond shall guarantee that Owner will remedy any defects in the aforementioned improvements which shall appear within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by City and pay for any damage to other work resulting from the construction thereof. 1 of 2 eoo~ 7721 ~.~cc 287 (5) Owner shall indemnify and save harmless the City, the City Council, the City Engineer and all other officers and employees of the City of Campbell from any suits, claims, or actions brought by any person or persons for or on account of any injury or damage to persons or property sustained or arising in the construction of the work due to any acts, omissions, or negligence of Owner, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. Owner further agrees that the above-named conditions shall bind the heirs, successors, administrators, or assigns of the Owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Cler~,thereunto duly authorized by the City Council, and said Owner has hereunto caused his name to be affixed the day and the year first above written. " CITY OF CAMPBELL ,7' '7 t A ,,', (0' \\ . \ ~u:'::'~~f.~~nnnnn_} ~ On thitii~....mh..day O~~mm.........mm.m.....in the year one thousand ni~e ~undred and...~..-.~ Tore me, ....:n.eL..1Jz._.. . " ~'h....m......m""'h'"'''''''''''''' a Notary Publrc zn and for the"''''''''~'h'''' .f:"';':,:-- , County of.~~V..(}La..~'''''''''hh' Jtate of f;alifornia, ,duly commissioned .<,.....':'- .,,, '. and sworn, personally appeared ~h'~~~"~_........mm.m.... ..-~...~a~>Jl' .. .,. . '-t, h...-..............................................m....h................. _... ................................_........._....... ...... ...'> .... ',. .... . . .~~ '. ~,' ._~', ........ c., ~ .' .1.. . . ---........ ',;,>'..,:';,-,;,,, ",.. ~ -, j ,: c';&;~: 1 :""'";~,, ;', ::: '" .:~ ,:,',' .:....~.. <~: .,.' _. , ,. ,.,)'":":. '. ..-.~"')'.,;:~.. "' ~ ,-,,,, -. ,~:?::':.: Ci~y:~~~~ler~. "'<<" .;:J~;;;irtr)i';~1~~;i0 .. ~Y/' '- '/'/C./7.o.4 / , .7 - - /.-4:-/~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~-......r__' , . ~. /,;-~ ,:---..(,... u./.tJ~ ...7-/ / / c_/ Joseph A. Bonacina, City Attorney OWNER T. Mnrri!::: ..--..----..--....--..-...---............----...---...--..----.-.---_____..._44_4_ , ~: - :10 -_.------.4-----________.._4____________4_____ known to me to be the person......whose name..h-~...h..subscribed to th;'~i~'i;i: instrument and acknowledged to me that.__h.he......executed the same. Offici~~ se~ Ii~~~~~..~~_~_~...~.~~::n~:re07.~::J:;;:;cl:::!/~~~.~: day and year in this certificate first above written. i ~.. / .... ~ o. ~... . : ..... . -....:."" "., . 0 ~ ~ ... -"".: . :':, 'f,/~.... ::. :-::..~..<<,'. 'JIIS~d ~\ ......--.h--.---.h.--g~~....22z..___.&J~p Notary Public in and for the "'~_"'h'" Count;"~-f'~:Z:l'_'ez;;:;;; M . CHAR~E:\'E .1\.1.,. B'\.,R. ?...''.,'.:''.,. :-.;nt:1ry F&~iC of California Y Commission Exp res M. r~__ I ---..........-~1"liW...L,.J>;.i"''''0~{''w~..1. 1967 ~ V.1.. ~ GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT - ~~~.~~~ June 11, 1998 Job No. 2332-02 James T. Harper William J Wagner, R.C.E. Harold Housely City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008-1423 RE: Winchester Technology Park - Campbell, CA Storm Drainage Analysis Dear Harold: This letter accompanies the storm drainage analysis for the Winchester Technology Park to include the McGlincey/Cristich drainage areas. The following hydraulic calculations and drainage area map demonstrate that the proposed storm drainage improvements for the Winchester Technology Park provide sufficient hydraulic capacity for the proposed on-site development and adequate future capacity for collection and conveyance of storm drainage in the McGlincey/Cristich drainage area. Scope of Study The referenced tributary drainage areas contribute a total of 60 acres of run-off from industrial/commercial type improvements. This area is bordered by Highway 17 on the west, Curtner Ave. to the south, McGlincey Lane and the boundary of the Winchester Drive-in to the east and Paseo de Palomas to the north. The point of connection for this drainage system is the existing 54" storm line in Union Ave., at the intersection of Pas eo de Palomas. The study consisted of computer modeling and analysis of three hydraulic conditions; 1) Existing tributary flows in the storm system through Paseo de Palomas as described in the City of Campbell's, "Storm Drainage System Analysis" prepared by Barrett Consulting Group, August 5, 1994. 2) Proposed storm drainage improvements for the Winchester Technology Park and the McGlincey/Cristich drainage areas, connecting to the future 108" storm line in Union Ave., as described in Barrett Consulting Group's report. 3) Proposed storm drainage improvements for the Winchester Technology Park and approximately 3 acres of tributary area fronting McGlincey Lane, with the connection to the existing 54" storm line at Union Ave. San Jose Office 1570 Oakland Road, Sle. 200, San Jose, CA 95131 . PO. Box 611510, San Jose, CA 95161-1510 . 408/487-2200 . Fax: 408/487-2222 . e-mail: hmh-sj@ixnetcomcom Pleasanton Office 5673 W. Las Positas Blvd, Ste. 209 . Pleasanton, CA 94588 .510/847-7335 . Fax 510/847-8895 . e-mail hmh-pl@ix.netcom.com Proposed Design In general, the proposed storm improvements consist of a storm main beginning approximately 250' north of the intersection of Curtner/McGlincey Lane. The system continues north along McGlincey and Cristich Lanes, through the project site, and connects to the existing 24" storm line at Paseo de Palomas. Two secondary branches, connecting to the main storm line, convey run-off from the southeasterly portions of the off-site drainage shed. At the point of connection to the existing 24" storm line in Paseo de Palomas, a parallel storm line was designed to provide the additional capacity required to convey the drainage to the connection at the existing 54" storm main in Union Ave. Computer Modeling Results It was determined from the City's storm analysis report, that the point of connection to the 54" storm line in Union Ave. had been identified as a deficient focus area. Per the recommendations of that report it was indicated that the 54" line would need to be resized to a minimum 108" diameter pipe. Other recommendations prescribed by the report indicated that new storm systems should be designed to take advantage of available surcharge. For the analysis of the total 60 acre drainage area, it was assumed that these improvements would need to be made as a prerequisite. Given the flows from the report and also assuming that the new 108" line would have the same inverts as the existing 54" line, a down stream hydraulic grade line, (HGL) of 186.53 was calculated. Run-off for the drainage area was computed and used to generate flows for the parallel pipe system in Paseo de Palomas. The total flow was divided into the two branches of the parallel system to find the pipe sizes and design slope which provide nearly equivalent hydraulic head at the upstream end of Paseo de Palomas. An HGL of 196.92 was computed for the given data, and was then carried over for the final analysis and design of the upstream storm system serving the total 60 acre drainage shed. Minor flooding was found at one location on-site. It was anticipated that minor revisions to the final grades in that area would reduce any flooding to an acceptable level. For the analysis of the storm system to be constructed as part ofthe of the on-site improvements, it was assumed that any improvements to the existing 54" storm line would not have been made. No hydraulic grade information was provided by the City's storm analysis. For the analysis, the HGL at the 54" pipe in Union Ave. was assumed to be one foot below the existing rim. Using the flows given by the City's report, a base line model was developed to assume existing hydraulic grades in Paseo de Palomas. As this approach was extremely conservative it was not surprising to find that the results of that model reflected extensive flooding. Run-off, tributary to the project site and a :l:3 acre area fronting McGlincey Lane, was computed. The same method was used to divide that flow between the two branches of the parallel pipeline to compute an equivalent hydraulic head at the upstream end of Paseo de Palomas. Hydraulic grades in the existing system and the proposed parallel pipe system were then compared. It was found that even with the additional run-off generated by the new development, the new improvements would have a lower HGL, by approximately 1.5'. The proposed development's calculated HGL of 199.41 was then carried over for the final analysis and design of the referenced tributary storm system. Again, IMI"" " ;: f \ i !'! flooding was found at one location, and it was anticipated that raising final grades would reduce flooding to an acceptable level. It should also be noted that the method used for analysis of this system was extremely conservative above the already conservative nature of the rational method, and that flooding was expected in the computer models. Without the benefit of more accurate initial data regarding the hydraulic grade, it must be recognized that actual occurrences of flooding would be highly unlikely. Very truly yours, HMH, INCORPORATED ~~ Kevin Maple Project Engineer cc: Ken Neumeister - Heuttig - Schromm, Inc. \233202\233 2ltkm. 002 l1li Intensity Duration Frequency Curve o 10 year 3.0 .?;-1.5- - en c (j) .... c 1.0-d 2.0~.d. ........ L.. ..c ....... c 0.5 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Duration (min) 80.0 100.0 120.0 ~~.-\ CI-r-.,J oi== CAMFSeLl- -r..-o-F= c:-u0.l~ ~O~ QIO ~ Project Title: Wichester Technology Park g :\hmhproj\233200\233202\233202 .stm 06/07/98 01 :27:22 PM @ Haestad Methods, Inc. Project Engineer: HMH, Inc. HMH Inc. StormCAD v1.0 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 In '7 J _1-9 if ~ - tl I \J 1-8 P-7 1-7 1-21 P-23 Outlet P.c-'"S"eo ~ PAl-O~ ---------=----~ P-22 P-25 P-6 b~ in "I i I P-2 11-2 n: T I I P-1 I 6'-1 1-20 1-23 P-21 P-24 n 1-19 P-20 1-18 1-22 P-19 -..-:::..' 1-17 ,--1-15p-1(}_14 P-1 8.. B--1-7--.1 P 1 5 . 1..,16 -"- c--::;/ 1-13 P-12 P-14 '1-10 1-12 P-13 1-11 P-9 P-8 1-4 , 7-P-3 !1-5j' p-~ rt 1-6// v -y/ , of. 8-5'/ ;::.V' / (,?- V 0'" HMH Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: HMH, Inc. StormCAD v1.0 Page 1 of 1 Project Title: Wichester Technology Park g :\hmhproj\233200\233202\233202.stm 06/08/98 05:17:39 PM ~ Haestad Methods, Inc. . (203) 755-1666 ~ ~a'\"l\1 +-' Q) +-' :J o o ('f) I (L (0 N I (j) ,p N I 4 0.. ~ 3 r4 N \ \ l...>- I W ..., D m co N I (L ~ L{) N I "'" N I 0.. ~ I ..., CD N I (L ~ N I i I [!J ~ ~~~ , ,~ ...., cjO..- c"":- - > 0 J:- ~ :2 0 Ql J:5g> ;,,; E Cl. 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"'-" APR-17-97 THU 1: 57 PM HMH. FAX NO 14084872222 fl4~~ '75h/~ HMH. Incorporated CMI Engineers · Planners · Surveyors 1570 Oakland Road {~8)487-2200 Fax: (408)481-2222 P.O. Box 611510 San Jose, CA 95151-1510 TO: UIrJUJt;J:> ~f!Jl,,'f FAX NO: 374....Z,6'L- FROM: ",c.-c... WA-(tN~ RE: pP 4~"D" I '"" If'.o~ J TS q1 -0' 1U..,~.STI1It. 'PJt.'""" ItJ S,~ FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: 4/"/4'1 JOB NO: U,,....Oz-,. PAGES: 4- total MESSAGE: ~f!J;J ~f-It1W~ ~I NA61E ~. (,..- ,~ -p,&E\I1fN.Sf- "I A'-Wl> 1t' W rrH f5.'c..t.. ....&1.\ S · ~ ~I!D I~ ~1A(i6t,:=-1s~ "f/&fN&.IIltJS. ~ ""'lc:. ~ UNPffUIWS ~ ~'-V. '~"es INE :r;WSC....:lE1>. ~: ~ I./fikMetf. ~ ("",. 4t'.Jn-~) 71M HAC,tr'f (~~lR-~3cgl) -. NOTE If this transmission is not complete, please call (408) 487.2200 ." '1' lm~:~=!>i . i '~Tn <:.J} -- . / . I.] I i~ - h :,r'/ :1. 1-~7 . U..,. 'if! / I / .__._~. ~ --r , , / ~ i .~ A:;~ d-" Lv ,. ")I~. ~ I... ']ll~ K,~ ,. '-,..- ~ .... ~, . ~' ..II.~.. ....... I';; ; ;, -J :'T"j;,r,;~ ~ V.... . 11." 1IL 1"iiHt yt'l.. Dr I ~~.~ . - '.' lr d. 'I~ -~.- ~-"~.' :: ~ .tI..-.~ 1 ,_" (~._ ~~.r "" . , 'A .... "IIl1ll.~ IIr. .. .. - ': ' ., ~J J , t 7. "'''lI~ 'lII - . -' .~. ~ \ .' "'-/' '< _ '. ....(" .. r ~l~ \ ';.;. -'::::' 'i \ ..... , , "', .. ......- \ A.~" li1J/',I: .-<1'1\\ . /~ \' -' ......... ~ ~.>.\ - - " . L:l , ,.~~ ~.,~")\ ~ ~ ,-.... /,~ ~ \ .B ,/S\:f. .\. - ~ "- -- ..':. '.' ". \\j,. 'I;"~~~[ ~t:::ih~"~ ./ '. ~. ''\ \ .....1fI! .-r~~~~ t I I' ~~'-') ~ -J' ".- '.J.iI'I'( fr\"\_ I ~....... "' ~.,. ~~~ : -~ :.~. '\}.. , ~ f ,\ ~yl--"" \ ,\ W'i\' ~ \'" - I rY' \' ~... \. I...... - ~';. , . .:::., ,....~ ,,__ _. .: \I... ,~. .J J '~; \"~ V . '7 .. , I' ,I 11"- _I_ ..- ~- -. ..--.~~),"', ! J I\~'" _ . ... I" ~ '1-J. M1~ iiW \a. .- I-~;'- · - .- T 1:0/1 . . 1" I f"" -;: ;":11"_.' l- k .i . :\ 1 I 'I ~;'-- · l _ '._ . _~.(~ '(!\_.\~I'\ :..-r....' ~/>;)~~.. I ~ ;~~. ',.'<0. ,~ lIulLI ~I.). ~.~IJ.. :. - --~?gt .. }IT - l'tf , _. \~, , ~ _ 1_ i . 11 , 'r __. t~'- FA. ". L-.... 4 r-:: iff- ' " ,r ,-. .L.l. I'" 1. ~..l. . B' - ~L. - l/,... ... \ · '. _:. . '. . ,. '.. . _. . .. : ,"_ - -V / i : I.. U_-\ .1--.... t.- --- (( .....:- ._.' .Ii. .'. _ -. CL 1l- - - ;# - -''::-- .~ ,-'. ':':--. V~_. ~.~'_. -- /..,.... ...,' ... . \ ..' .: _:,:: Xl ~ ~ \ '- .--\j,;'r ~ :.:: -- ", (';1-1 '\ --.. _._.~ ~I~ \' '-~1t"'~1 - --.----...... I ',' .. ~ .. I ~ . _'_ ~- .... v . · . .. .--:--t - Cl · - ' .tJ J ~~~:\.:. .-..-.t ~ ==-1'-'~' .~:--./ i~-' -I-' ':'",,' 1': /: . I. ~ .' '. "',. ..' . '.. - " .. ^ & ... .~.. .<;.~~~~ : ~=: li~:~ ~:, ~ ~:~. ::~~ ~I~ ~~-~rJII~\~' 1~:r~ 4..1 z. , &lj . ~." - 2'~~ Or ~ ~ . . -' - . l -~ ) '. P. 2 .:.'_ '-'=-_=~-.:-: SLLlIJJ .... ~ ....---~._. ~-- ..-- - ;;,;... ---' FAX NO 14084872222 I@ __--...- - __0 ... 1-4 - - .--- ,... ------ ---- .... '"" ~ ------- if , . '. APR-17-97 THU 1: 58 PM HMH. j:fIR-e;2-1997 10:02 FR01 \5 IN\:.... WO'l' .... \./fA FAX NO. 14084872222 P. 3 TO l' '872222 P .1!I2 TO: T' Haley. Project Plamx:r DATE: March t 1997 FROM: M bc:l1c~.City~~ " ld Housley, Lan4 Dcvelopmeat EntJftl!!!r' '. ^' . I SVW&:T: elopmemlUview COIIIIDittee - REVISED Fotmal Conditi~ of Approval APPLICA nON ADDRESS: AWUCANT: PD~ GP96-02 TS97~l SUBJECT: I I I . ' j ~. ... I any building permiIs for ~ site, ~ applitant shaD + and submit a review by City &aiDect aDd recordation upon City appr,val. The ~ ~ Final Tract Map is $1330 plus $2Sllot. Applicaut:shall provide aU for ICView am approval of the FmaI Map. I i 'Prior to approval f the Filial Map, b appliaDt must provide eYide1a trmlt acb utility IDd special district they approve of the _ of the Final Map IS ~:~ !be easemaJIS shOwn on the are adeqUalt for eICb utilk)' to serve the proposed devclopkm.. and tbat tlIe procedure for nmeDl of any existiug casemears is acceptable. I .t. o 'ontoC' . I . Prior to approval f tbo fiW mIp. tlr appUeaat shaD dedieue, acquire ~ for dedica1ioC. &Qd1or obtaiD ca1iom as neces&ary to ac:coDIIDOdate CODStrUCtioD of ~ ~uiRlcl street ~ blic street wilbin 15 shown on tbe ~ I \ I I I I I ON: W~hetter Drive In Site - Proposed r~be1t rno1QCP.IIk. lie Wotb ~'& CoDditioas of Approval ' ~3~ Westchester Drive WTA and H~ ,. r.clm1mm ~ PROPERTY 0 .. PROJEcr D the Public W OID CooditiOtl of Approval: . ,. r . . -rr - \ I t " . . 1+ APR-17-97 THU 1:59 PM HMH. FAX NO 14084872222 P. 4 / ~ FPR-02-1~7 Hl:6J Fm1 S l/'C/ UDi / LlT~ TO 1. <:fl2Z22 P. 03 ~. ApplicmIt shall ~ all documem5 to obmin me or remove auy ~ wemew. provide all infu n requlml for micwiDg these dOCUlJJ:Dti. and shaU par aU costs assoc;iate4 witb . the required dedications andJ wemeDls aJxl recordation of tb=sc dedicabOrlS. Sbuuld be nc:cupry for the ell)' to' 1cmeut emincDl domain praC~etnT in order to obtain rlgbt-d-way, the ~iPPlic&rR sba1I all costs wociated -.ith !be ccmdemDItioD proceedjn&1, .; JudirI& aUoJJJCy's ::roappo ofdEModMop'dE4~~n:~~ ~~ dlaiDap alODj Pasco de Palomas. mi_~ IS' ~ ~ v.il1 be JeqUirecl. If eximaa euemem ii Ja Idequa1e for WlDttutticm I at' lbo proposed paraIIellupsized rm dram from the 5Ue to. me L'XistiDg sys=m in Union A~e. d1e applicanl Iba1l provide 111 DccessIty for die City to oblabl chis eutmcDt..! Tbcsc: d~ abIJl include jJ e~ p1d.1. plats ~ ~iptiom or the ~DI. :llDC.iuiRd liJr comtrUCtlon of stonn drain facility. ! . i Prior to issuaa= fIllY bui1diDI permits for t= site. the applicam sba1l pay ~ required SlOtm c2ralJ1 area tee of Z.5001aere. I . . I Prior to approval of tile f'maI map or issum:e of I11!J bWldiDg permirs for dIe\ she. die appliCaDt 5ha1l,coIlNct 101)' studies as DaSSU)' . ~ ptiDg mI drliDa81 ~. a1ld pay fees RqUired to ne~ssary gracliDg permits for me sileo 0n4iDg p1aDsj shall include the procedure to be Ilowed for abandonment of existiDg utility 1m. . I Hydrology . I gradioa. am stotm draiDaF _ sball bldude the pI1b~ acteSS toad from McQlinccy to $itt. Stoma dIUJagc pJam sbaJl id1de existiDg iDvert mi top of ~ elevations of the CVWD culmt crossiDg the proposed roadway. . p~~ ~t,e.,..c tfn"pfM.. l 12~~ Hydrology stu4i andVsman dt1iDaIC . sbaJl "lude ~ draiDage areaibomKled by HWJ tJ,.V.I~~ 17 to the west, Avenue to the sooth, the_"'~ existin8 stoim ' - drain in McG' Laue eute1'ly of the dmlopmcDt to ~~ 1be. draiDap ,....S1wI.. for tbis drainage aRa sball ~lude mnovaL rep~~ iDstal1at;m of Dew stom1 I lines as'DCCded' McG~ Cristich Las 10 CODDCCt to a n ~or upsi1.ed storm ~ lDr: . chrou dmlopme11t, tl1rough b Paseo de Palqmas private road mJ ultimately to . to existiDg sto~ dtaiDage faci1ities in Union A,-enue. I . I dcsipl is required 10 deIeaniue the Ippropriatl: ai=. l~on. aDd iDveft rm draiDap facilitieS to be constnICted on site that will ~ow for U1C ~ oft-sire ItOtII1 cIraiDaP ~ts in McGliII:ey 4B aDd CtiStiCJl I I I be require4 to OODSWct only tile portiODS of this storm ~,e fadlity mat connec:don to 1be WsUDiIYS1= ill UDioD A venae ~ me Paseo de: i ! I II :V Compkuon of Q) ~tiOD5 of me ;oosIl'UClion of La. 1 IPR- '.Q7 WED 10:10 AM G3 P. 3 FOUNDA TION INVESTIGATION CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK CRISTICH LANE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA B Donald E. Banta & Associates, Inc. .. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 415 Meridian Avenue · San Jose, California 95126 · 408/287-7800 · Fax 408/275-9019 August 11, 1998 288-15, C7579 RECEIVED AUG 1 8 1998 WT A Development 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, California 94304-1801 PU61..IC WORKS AOMINISTAATSOH Attention: Mr. Ken Neumeister RE: FOUNDA TION INVESTIGATION CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK CRISTICH LANE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have performed a foundation investigation for the above project. The accompanying report presents the results of our field investigation, laboratory tests, and engineering analyses. The soil and foundation conditions are dis- cussed, and recommendations for the earthwork and foundation engineering aspects of the project are presented. Detailed recommendations are presented in the text of this report. If you have any questions concerning our findings, please call. Very truly yours, DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Geotechnical Engineer 113 DEB:jb Copies: Addressee (6) FOUND A nON INVESTIGATION For CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK CRISTICH LANE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA To WT A Development 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto. California 94304-1801 August 11. 1998 T ABLE OF CONTENTS Pa2e No. Transmittal Letter Title Page Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOPE OF WORK ..................,.........,......,............... SITE INVESTIGATION ............................................... 2 A. Surface Features and Site History ................................ 2 B. Subsurface .................................................. 2 C. Groundwater ................................................ 3 D. seIsmIcIty................................................... 3 E. Liquefaction putential ......................................... 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................... 4 A. SITE PREPARATION, EARTHWORK OPERATIONS, AND SURFACE DRAINAGE .,............................................... 5 1. Clearing and Site Preparation ........................,....... 5 2. Subgrade Preparation and Recompaction Requirements ............ 5 3. Material for Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4. subgrade Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . 6 5. compaction............................................... 6 6. Surface Drainage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 7 7. Seepage Control ........................................... 7 8. Construction Observation ............,..................,... 8 B. FOUNDATIONS............................................. 8 1. Footings ....,.....,.........,...............,........."... 8 2. Slabs-on-Grade ........................................... 9 3. Retaining Walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4. Lateral Load Resistance ..............,...................,.. 10 FIGURE 1 - VICINITY PLAN FIGURE 2 - SITE PLAN APPENDIX A - FIELD INVESTIGATION A-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure A-I, Key to Exploratory Boring Logs Exploratory Boring Logs B-1 APPENDIX B - LABORATORY TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure B-1, Plasticity Chart and Data FOUNDA TION INVESTIGATION FOR CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK CRISTICH LANE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION In this report, we present the results of our foundation investigation for the proposed development located just north of Cristich Lane in Campbell. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions and to provide recommenda- tions pertaining to the earthwork and foundation aspects of this project. It is our understanding that the project will consist of demolition of the remnants of the previous drive-in theater facility and construction of four new office buildings. New construction will include both one and two-story. tilt-up structures with slab-on- grade first floors. Total floor area for the development is expected to be on the order of 275,000 square feet. The locations of the new buildings are shown on the attached Site Plan. Figure 1. Building dead plus live loadings are estimated to be on the order of 50 kips for interior columns and 3.5 to 5.0 kips per lineal foot for perimeter walls. The southern end of the project will be set aside for a future park facility. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work performed in this investigation included a site reconnaissance, sub- surface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analyses of the field and laboratory data, and the preparation of this report. The data obtained and the analyses performed were for the purpose of providing design and construction criteria for site earthwork, building foundations, retaining walls, and pavements. The scope of our services did not include an environmental assessment of the property or the testing of soil or groundwater samples for hazardous substances. 288-15, Page 2 SITE INVESTIGATION A subsurface investigation was performed on August 3 and 4, 1998, using a truck- mounted continuous flight auger to investigate and sample the subsurface soils. Ten exploratory borings were drilled to depths of 15 to 30 feet at locations presented on the attached Site Plan, Figure 1. Logs of our borings and details regarding our field investigation are included in Appendix A; the results of our laboratory tests are dis- cussed in Appendix B. A. Surface Features and Site Historv The proposed development will be constructed on an irregular-shaped, 23-acre parcel located north of Cristich Lane in Campbell. The property was previously occupied by the Winchester Drive-In Theater. The screen and speakers have been removed and the snack bar/projection building has been demolished; however, the slab and foundations for the projection building remain. The site still retains wave-like surface grades left over from the theater. It is presently covered with miscellaneous debris and weeds with the perimeter being occupied by large trees. B. Subsurface Our ten exploratory borings encountered a variable thickness of 4 to 13 feet of soft to firm, low plasticity sandy clays and loose to medium-dense clayey sands. These upper soils were generally underlain by medium-dense to dense sandy and clayey gravels and very stiff sandy clays extending to the maximum depth explored of 30 feet. More detailed subsurface information is shown on the individual boring logs, and re- lated information is presented in Appendix A. It should be noted, however, that this information depicts subsurface conditions only at the locations indicated. Subsurface conditions at other locations may differ from conditions occurring at these boring lo- cations. Also, the passage of time may result in a variation in the subsurface condi- tions due to environmental factors. 288-15, Page 3 C. Groundwater Free groundwater was not encountered in any of our borings at the time of drilling. We wish to note that although seasonal groundwater studies were beyond the scope of this investigation, fluctuations in the groundwater table at this site will probably occur due to variations in rainfall and possibly other environmental factors. D. Seismicity The San Francisco Bay Area is considered by geologists and seismologists as one of the most seismically active regions in the United States. The significant earthquakes which occur in the Bay Area are associated with crustal movement generally along well-defined, active fault zones which include the San Andreas, Hayward, and Calaveras faults mapped approximately 8 miles southwest and 10 and 12 miles northeast of the site, respectively. In addition, the potentially active Monte Vista- Shannon fault is mapped 3.3 miles southwest. Although research on earthquake prediction has greatly increased in recent years, seis- mologists cannot predict when and where an earthquake will occur. However, a re- cent study by the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities (U.S. Geo- logical Survey Circular 1053, 1990) indicates that there is a 67 percent chance of an earthquake of Richter Magnitude 7 or higher occurring in the San Francisco Bay Area before the year 2020. During such an earthquake, the danger from fault offset through the site is slight, but very strong ground shaking of the site could occur. E. LiQuefaction Potential Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon in which a saturated cohesionless soil located near the ground surface loses strength during cyclic loading such as imposed by earth- quakes. Soils most susceptible to liquefaction are clean, loose, saturated, fine-grained sands located below the groundwater table. Clayey soils are not susceptible to lique- faction. Based on the subsurface data, the upper firm sandy clays and loose to medium-dense 288-15, Page 4 clayey sands are underlain by predominantly dense gravelly soils or stiff clays which are not susceptible to earthquake induced liquefaction. In addition, free groundwater was not encountered in our borings. As a result, the groundwater table is expected to be greater than 30 feet. Since a saturated condition is a necessary precondition for liquefaction, it is our opinion that the potential for damage to the proposed structures due to liquefaction of the soils underlying the site is very low. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From a soil and foundation engineering standpoint, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed construction provided that the conclusions and recommenda- tions presented in this report are incorporated in the design and construction of the project. The primary geotechnical engineering consideration in development of the property is the proper clearing of existing trees, building foundations, and any other underground obstructions in the future building, slab, and pavement areas. In order to provide uniform support for the new structures, it is essential that all under- ground obstructions and any old fill materials be removed within the area of the new buildings, driveway pavements, and exterior slabs, and the resulting holes backfilled with compacted structural fill. Therefore, after site clearing operations have been completed, we recommend that a minimum of 24 inches of the exposed surface soil be over-excavated, cleared of any deleterious materials, and then recompacted as struc- tural fill; the minimum depth should be measured from the valley of the existing grade, not the high points. In addition, we recommend that all foundations be under- lain by a minimum of two feet of compacted fill. Prior to replacing the excavated soil, the subgrade should be inspected by our representative. In any areas where obstruc- tions or old fills are still present, they must be removed for their full depth and back- filled with compacted structural fill. The limits of the over-excavation and recompac- tion operations should extend at least five feet beyond the limits of the proposed build- ing foundations and associated slabs/pavements. The following opinions, conclusions, and recommendations are based on the proper- ties of the materials encountered in our borings. Since the proposed improvements 288-15, Page 5 occupy a much larger area than could be explored in detail during the design phase of the project, we suggest that our firm be retained to provide observation and testing services during the mass grading and installation of foundations. This would allow us the opportunity to substantiate the recommendations presented herein or to expedite supplemental recommendations if the exposed subsurface conditions warrant. We also suggest that we be retained to review your final foundation and earthwork plans/specifications. It has been our experience that this review provides an opportu- nity to detect misinterpretations or misunderstandings prior to the start of construction. A. SITE PREPARATION. EARTHWORK OPERATIONS. AND SURFACE DRAINAGE 1. Clearing and Site Preparation The site should be cleared of the eXIstmg buildings (including foundations), pavements, slabs, designated trees, underground obstructions, and debris. Holes resulting from the removal of underground obstructions that extend below the planned finished site grades should be cleared and backfilled with suitable material compacted to the requirements given below under Item A. 5, "Compaction." After clearing, applicable portions of the site should be stripped to sufficient depth to remove all surface vegetation and organic-laden topsoil. The stripped materials should be removed from the site. 2. Sub2:rade Preparation and Recompaction Requirements After the site has been properly cleared and stripped. the required excavation and fill- ing operations can be performed in the proposed building and pavement areas. As discussed above (Conclusions and Recommendations), it is essential that all under- ground obstructions and any old fills that may be present within the limits of the new buildings and slabs be identified. removed, and replaced with compacted structural fill. For identification purposes, we recommend after the clearing operations have been completed. a minimum of 24 inches of the exposed surface soil be excavated and selectively stockpiled with any deleterious materials removed. In addition, we also recommend that all foundations be supported on a minimum of two feet of compacted 288-15, Page 6 fill; this could require additional excavation. The limits of the over-excavation and recompaction operations should extend at least five feet beyond the limits of the pro- posed building foundations, driveway pavements, and associated exterior slabs. The excavated subgrade should then be observed by our representative. In any areas where underground obstructions or old fill materials are still present, they must be removed for their full depth as determined by our field representative. We suggest that the grading contract include a unit price item to cover any over-excavationlrecompaction in excess of the above criteria. After all unsuitable materials have been removed, the exposed sub grade should be scarified to a depth of eight inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted in accordance with the requirements given below under Item A. 5, "Compaction. " 3. Material for Fill All on-site soils free of organics and debris (as determined by our representative) are suitable for use as fill. In general, fill material should not contain rocks or lumps larger than six inches in greatest dimension with no more than 15 percent larger than 2.5 inches. Imported fill materials should be predominantly granular with a plasticity index of 15 or less. 4. Sub2:rade Conditions The silty near surface silty soils are sensitive to excess water, and unstable conditions or "pumping" may be encountered during the grading/excavation operations, particularly if they are performed during or following the wet winter months. We suggest that most of the grading operations be performed during the summer months to allow for drying in the event that wet soils are encountered. If unstable subgrade conditions are encountered, special sub grade stabilization measures, such as lime/cement treatment, may be required. 5. Compaction All structural fill including wall and trench backfill placed at the site should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction by mechanical means only as 288-15, Page 7 determined by ASTM Test Designation D 1557. Fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding eight inches in uncompacted thickness. The upper six inches of sub grade in pavement areas should be compacted to 95 percent relative compaction. 6. Surface Draina2e Positive surface gradients of at least 2 percent should be provided adjacent to the structures so as to direct surface water runoff away from foundations and slabs toward suitable discharge facilities. Rainwater collected on the roofs of the buildings should be transported through gutters. downspouts, and closed pipes which discharge on pavements or lead to the city storm sewer system. 7. Seeoa2:e Control Subsurface seepage is anticipated adjacent to landscaped areas particularly if they are heavily irrigated. Such subsurface seepage can result in saturation of base rock under slabs, and slab dampness. For pavement areas, we recommend the use of a vertical cut-off extending at least four inches below the native subgrade/base rock interface, i.e., a deepened curb section or equivalent. This will reduce the amount of lateral seepage under pavements from adjacent landscaped areas. Cut-offs must be carefully constructed to ensure that they extend well below the base rock section and are poured neat against undisturbed native soil or compacted clayey fill. It is very important that the cut-offs be continuous and that any utility trenches (irrigation lines, electrical con- duit, etc.) that extend through or under the curbs be thoroughly sealed as recom- mended below. Where utility lines extend through or beneath perimeter grade beams or footings. backfill should be terminated at least one foot from the grade beam or curb; concrete should be used around the pipe in this area and beneath the grade beam or curb to act as a seepage cut-off. Beneath grade beams, the pipe should be "sleeved" through the concrete cut-off, and the annular space between the pipe and "sleeve" should be filled with a waterproof caulk. . Alternatively, native silty/clayey soils could be used for trench backfill for a minimum of five feet on either side of footings/grade beams. This will reduce the amount of water seeping through the pervious trench backfill and collecting under the buildings. 288-15, Page 8 8. Construction Observation All earthwork, foundation, and subdrain construction should be observed by our repre- sentative. Sufficient notification prior to the construction operations is essential to make certain that the work will be properly observed. All earthwork, foundation, and subdrain construction should be performed in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report. Variations in soil conditions are possible between borings and may be encountered during construction. In order to permit correlation between the preliminary soil data obtained for this report and the actual soil conditions encountered during construction, we should be retained to perform continuous or intermittent review as required during earthwork and foundation phases of construction. B. FOUNDATIONS 1. Footin2s We recommend that the proposed buildings be supported on conventional continuous and/or isolated spread footings bearing on a minimum thickness of two feet of compacted structural fill. All footings should be founded a minimum of 20 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. At the above depth, the footings may be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2500 pounds per square foot due to dead loads, 3000 pounds per square foot for dead plus live loads, with a one-third increase for all loads including either wind or seismic. All footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. Grade beams should be used around the perimeters of the structures in any areas where continuous footings are not incorporated. These grade beams will serve as a cut-off and reduce lateral seepage. Grade beams should be reinforced with top and bottom steel and be extended to the same depths as the footings. A six-inch minimum width is recommended for grade beams serving only as a seepage cut-off. In order to maintain adequate support, any footings located adjacent to utility trenches should be deepened as necessary so that their bearing surfaces are below an imaginary 288-15, Page 9 plane having an inclination of 1.5 horizontal to 1.0 vertical projected upward from the bottom edge of the adjacent trench or footing. All continuous perimeter footings should be reinforced with top and bottom steel to provide structural continuity and to permit spanning of local irregularities. It is essen- tial that our representative observe the bearing soils exposed in all footing excavations prior to placing reinforcing steel or concrete. We estimate that post-construction differential settlements between heavily and lightly loaded foundation elements should be less than one inch over the 30 years following construction. 2. Slabs-on-Grade We recommend that slabs-on-grade be supported on a minimum of five inches of well-graded gravel/base rock approved by our office. Slab reinforcement should be provided in accordance with the anticipated use and loading of the slab. In slab areas where it is desired to reduce floor wetness, such as office areas, we recommend that four inches of free draining gravel (clean V2-inch crushed rock) be placed beneath the floor slab to serve as a capillary break between the subgrade soil and the slab. To reduce vapor transmission, an impermeable membrane should be placed over the crushed rock and covered with one inch of sand to protect it during construction; the sand should be lightly moistened just prior to placing concrete. 3. Retaining Walls We recommend that any unrestrained retaining walls with a level backfill surface be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot. We recommend that restrained walls be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot plus an additional uniform lateral pressure of 6H pounds per square foot where "H" equals the height of backfill above the top of the wall footing in feet. In any area where the designers determine that the walls will be subject to surcharge 288-15, Page 10 loads, the walls should be designed for an additional uniform lateral pressure equal to one-third or one-half of the anticipated surcharge load depending upon whether the wall is unrestrained or restrained, respectively. The above pressures assume that sufficient drainage will be provided to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressures from surface or subsurface water infiltration. Adequate wall drainage can be provided by a subdrain system consisting of four-inch diameter perforated pipes bedded in permeable material (State of California - Class 2 Permeable Material). The permeable material placed behind the walls should be at least one foot in width and should extend to within one foot of finished grade. The upper one foot of backfill should consist of on-site compacted low permeability soils. Subdrain pipes should lead to a sump where any collected water can be discharged through a closed pipe into the storm sewer system. If wetness of interior walls is undesirable, we recommend that these walls be appropriately waterproofed by some positive method such as hot-mopping. Structural fill behind basement walls should meet the specifications and compaction requirements given above under Item A. 5, "Compaction. " 4. Lateral Load Resistance Lateral loads on footings may be resisted by friction between the floor slabs or foundations and the supporting subgrade. A friction coefficient of 0.4 can be used. Additional lateral resistance may be provided by passive pressures acting against foundations poured neat against undisturbed soil. We recommend that an equivalent fluid pressure of 350 pounds per cubic foot be used in design. This passive pressure can be assumed to act starting at the top of the adjacent grade in paved areas and at a depth of one foot below grade in unpaved areas. ************ ~ N I Not To Scale g -=rJ I, Future Park .......... --..... Base by TSH Architects, from print entitled "Campbell Technology Park, Campbell, California," Sheet C-1, dated October 13, 1997. ~ DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers VIJG]ij'Jjltt 'JPL1-\'j\J CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Campbell, California 288-15 August 1998 Figure 1 ~ ( o o 0::1' ~ o ~ o a. x Ol '0 c .Q CO u ..Q Ol CO E 'x 0> e c c.. . t: 0..0 <(.0 o o N c z w " W ..J .... I III W I ., o ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ .. 'S:- .~ ~. ~ ~ CO ~ a: <C c. > CJ .!!! ~OE ,<I; ..J 0 CIO 1 0:5 ~ ,-. Z <<I.... Ii:\., J: ~ iii , '\ - :J - - Cl ~~i~ IL...., ..J E tf;) ..J 0<<1 . W m c.. :: <C () It) .... I CIO CIO C\I ~ ~ "1:: ~~.t: _ U <: ~ oS! Ie ~f:3og: "'...,:CIlc: u.i '<:( ~ .... --0\ Q (.) c:'c: .....O~LIJ '<:(CI)"5 <:CI)lIl Ooq:g Q (.) K -0 Q) co =-0 Ol - .o~ 0.. , EU C1:l- U Ol - Ol - .I:::. ~~ .E -ct1- c .- Q) E - 0 c~ 'C Cii o..u E _ 0= ..... Ol .......0 -0.. .i!J E ~ C1:l :~ U .I:::. -r--: ~-t0l <(C1:l0l a..~ V5 >- cv:l f- 8'~ >-- ..... .oOOl C.o Ol .I:::. 0 ~ ~ t5 COf-O 288-15, A-I APPENDIX A - FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation consisted of a surface reconnaissance and a subsurface exploration program using a truck-mounted continuous flight auger. Ten exploratory borings were drilled at accessible locations on August 3 and 4, 1998, to depths of 15 to 30 feet. The approximate locations of the exploratory borings are shown on the Site Plan. Figure 1. The soils encountered in the borings were continuously logged in the field by our representative and described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The logs of the borings, as well as a key for the classification of the soil (Figure A-I), are included as part of this appendix. Representative soil samples were obtained from the exploratory borings at selected depths appropriate to the soil investigation. All samples were returned to our labora- tory for evaluation and appropriate testing. Standard penetration resistance blow counts were obtained by dropping a l40-pound hammer through a 30-inch free fall. The 2-inch O. D. split spoon sampler was driven to a maximum depth of 18 inches and the number of blows recorded for each 6-inch penetration interval. The blows per foot recorded on the boring logs represent the accumulated number of blows that were required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches. In addition, samples were obtained by driving a 2A-inch I. D. Modified California sampler through a distance of 18 inches using a 140-pound hammer; these blow counts have also been recorded on the boring logs. Boring log notations for standard split spoon and Modified California samplers are indicated below: Sample n Location ~ Sam pie flTl Location ---ill Standard Split Spoon Sampler Modified California Sam pier Unified Soil Classification System PRIMARY DIVISIONS GROUP SECONDARY DIVISIONS SYMBOL -.J GW Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines (/) <( GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS ..J 0:: (LESS THAN 5% FINES) Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little or no wo MORE THAN HALF GP 0 1-0 fines (/) <(C\1 OF COARSE 0 :2:=11: FRACTION IS GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines W u.ZW LARGER THAN GRAVELS Z O<(N # 4 SIEVE WITH FINES Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines u.I(f.j GC <( -.JI-w a: <(0::> SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines <.9 IWw SANDS CLEAN SANDS W zO(f.j (LESS THAN 5% FINES) (/) <(0:: SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines I<( MORE THAN HALF a: I--.J OF COARSE <( w~ FRACTION IS SANDS SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines 0 () 0:: SMALLER THAN WITH FINES 0 :2: # 4 SIEVE SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines (/) u.O::w ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine ..J OwN SILTS AND CLAYS sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity 0 -.J- Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy u.-.JCJ) CL (/) -.J<(W LIQUID LIMIT IS clays, silty clays, lean clays 0 <(:2:> LESS THAN 50% W ICJ)!:!:! OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Z ZCJ)CJ) <( <(-0 MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, I-.JO a: I-~C\J SILTS AND CLAYS elastic silts <.9 wO::=II: W o::WZ LIQUID LIMIT IS CH Inorganic clays and silty clays of high plasticity, fat clays 01-<( Z :2: <(I GREATER THAN 50% Organic clays and silts of medium to high plasticity, organic silts LL :2:1- OH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt Peat and other highly organic soils DEFINITION OF TERMS CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENINGS 75 11m 425 11m 2 mm 4.75 mm 3/4" 3" 12" SAND GRAVEL SILTS AND CLAYS MEDIUM I COARSE I COBBLES BOULDERS FINE FINE COARSE #200 #40 #10 #4 - American Standard Sieve Sizes GRAIN SIZES SANDS AND GRAVELS BLOWS / FOOTt SILTS AND CLAYS STRENGTH* BLOWS / FOOTt VERY SOFT 0-1/4 0-2 VERY LOOSE 0-4 SOFT 1/4 - 1/2 2-4 LOOSE 4 -10 FIRM 1/2 - 1 4-8 MEDIUM DENSE 10 - 30 STIFF 1 - 2 8 -16 DENSE 30 - 50 VERY STIFF 2-4 16 - 32 VERY DENSE OVER 50 HARD OVER 4 OVER 32 RELATIVE DENSITY CONSISTENCY ,,'Number of blows of 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches to drive a 2 inch 0.0. (1-3/8" 1.0.) split spoon sampler. *Unconfined compressive strength in tons/sq.f\. as determined by laboratory testing or approximated by pocket penetrometer, torvane, or visual observation. ~ DONALD E, BAN-rA & ASSOCIAtES, INC. CO(JsLlI1Jrrg GiaolachnJcElI Bog/rleers KEY TO ,EXPLOFU\fnFIY BO[F{[II\JJG\ LOGS CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Campbell, California 288-15 August 1998 Figure A-1 Drill Rig Continuous Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Borina Diameter 6 inches Date Drilled 8/3/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICA TION 5 SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P L Plasticity Percent DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOIL Blows Percenl Dry ~ Passing Shear' E Per Moisture Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid 1/200 R Foot (Pel) I '~'t10/_\ C:'aua (KsI) SANDY CLAY - SANDY SILT, fine-grained brown firm CL- ML '-1- -2- 9 15 99 6/28 71 -3- (sandier below 3.5 feet) x 7 15 59 -4- CLAYEY SAND brown medium SC -5- 11 15 110 49 dense -6- '-7- '-8- 9-1 SANDY CLAY, fine to medium-grained sand brown medium CL '-10 _ x 28 4 68* with some subangular to subrounded gravels dense to -11- *(90% passing NO.4 sieve) very -12- stiff -13- **(63% passing NO.4 sieve) 14-~ GRAVELLY SAND, medium-grained sandy clay brown dense sp- 40 5 119 7** sw 15 - Bottom of Boring = 15 feet -16- -17- '- 18 - 1-19 - I- 20 - '- 21 - '- 22 - '- 23 - '- 24 - '- 25 - -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- -EfXP'LDlrU-\I[OIJ;j Y IEJ..OI.r;jJIJ\jJiGJ ILOGJ 'J 18] DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Continuous Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered BorinQ Diameter 6 inches Date Drilled 8/3/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION S SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P L Plasticity Percent DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOIL Blows Percent Dry ...!.!!.!!2L Passing Shear' E Per Moisture Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid #200 R Foot (Pel) Ilimitl%\ Si..v.. (KsI) SANDY CLAY - SANDY SILT, fine-grained brown soft CL- to ML -1- firm -2- x 5 15 76 -3- 9 15 107 68 -4- -5- x 6 13 56 -6- -7- 8- SILTY SAND, with some gravel to 1.5 inches brown medium SM -9- I dense 16 7 20 -10- -11- -12- -13- SANDY GRAVEL, with some clay light dense GC -14- 1 30 5 15* *(39% passing No.4 sieve) gray -15- and brown -16- -17- (with some sandstone cobbles to 6 inches -18- between 17.5 and 22 feet) -19- I 57 5 13 -20- -21- -22- -23- -24- I 26 6 18 r- 25 - '- 26 - r- 27 - r- 28 - r- 29 - I 53 6 116 15 30- Bottom of Borino 30 feet .~~~IP[LDIFl J.rr OiFl Y IBC)J:j]lf~JGl LUGl :2 ~ DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Continuous Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered BorinQ Diameter 6 inches Date Drilled 8/3/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION s SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P L Plasticity Percent DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOIL Blows Percent Dry ~ Passing Shear' E Per Moislure Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid #200 R Foot (Pet) I i~ittO/_\ "'AVA (Kst) SANDY CLAY, with some gravel to 2 inches brown firm CL to -1- T stiff 1-2- 10 15 99 74 1-3- x 7 16 75 1-4- 1-5- 11 15 110 51 1-6- 1-7- 8- SANDY GRAVEL, silty, with gravel to 2 inches gray dense SP 1-9- 1 38 4 11 1-10 - SANDY GRAVEL gray dense GP -11- -12- -13- -14- ~ 58 3 6 15 - Bottom of Boring = 15 feet -16- -17- -18- -19- -20- I- 21 - I- 22 - I- 23 - I-- 24 - I- 25 - -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- ~XIPIL GJJ..'-\'1jGIFLI BOIF1Ulj'~JGj 'LDGj r) ::J La DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Continuous Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Borino Diameter 6 inches Date Drilled 8/3/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION S SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P L Plasticity Percent Blows Percenl Dry Shear' DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOIL Index Passing E Per Moisture Density UQiJ;d Strength TENCY TYPE #200 R Foot (Pel) '_"/0" "'6"6 (KsI) GRAVELLY SAND, clayey brown medium GP- dense GM 1 - SANDY CLAY, very silty brown stiff CL -2- to 14 19 103 77 firm -3- x 5 18 69 -4- -5- 7 19 104 68 ~ -6- -7- -8- -9-I _ 10 _ x 4 14 51 -11- SANDY GRAVEL, with some clay gray dense GP -12- brown -13- - 14 -~ *(43% passing No.4 sieve) 45 4 * -15- ,-16 - -17- -18- **(55% passing No.4 sieve) - 19 -lli _ 20 _ x 55 11 ** ~21- -22- -23- - 24 - I 65 -25- -26- SANDY CLAY, gravelly light stiff CL -27- brown -28- - 29 -1 12 23 87 30- Bottom of Borino - 30 feet i~XP'LUHj\'itU,t1 'I iE.H)iF,W:j~JC:;) LC:.l'Gl ,\ ~t ~ DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Continuous Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Boring Diameter 6 inches Date Drilled 8/3/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION s SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P L Plasticity Percent Blows Percent Dry Shear' DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONS IS- SOIL ~ Passing E Per Moisture Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid #200 R Foot (Pel) ;~;./OL' C;aua (KsI) SANDY CLAY, fine-grained brown firm CL ~1- ~2- x 7 18 71 '-3- 8 20 101 66 ~4- '-5- x 6 20 74 -6- -7- - - - ?- - - - - -?- - - - - - - - -8- CLAYEY SAND brown loose SC -9- ~ 8 15 114 45 -10- -11- (with gravel below 12 feet) -12- 13 - CLAYEY GRAVEL gray dense GC I- 14- 1 brown 55 6 17 15 - Bottom of Boring = 15 feet '- 16- -17- 1-18 - -19- ~20- I- 21 - -22- -23- -24- -25- -26- -27- ~28- ~29- ~30- '~XP L eJ}JJ.\if U,F.1 'j !BU;:1IJJ'JJG] ILOG] 0-' :J ~ DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Continuous Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Boring Diameter 6 inches Date Drilled 8/3/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION s SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P L Plasticity Percent DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOIL Slows Percent Dry ~ Passing Shear' E Per Moisture Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid 1/200 R Foot (Pc!) ;~;t {O/.' <:;0"0 (Ks!) SANDY CLAY, fine-grained brown firm CL to 1-1- stiff 1-2- 9 16 64 x 1-3- l 9 19 103 65 1-4- (with gravel below 5.5 feet) 1-5- x 10 16 61 . 1-6- 1-7- 1-8- 1-9- ~ (with a cobble at 9.5 feet) 24 8 124 16 I- 10 - 1-11 - I- 12- 1-13 - 14- [k SANDY GRAVEL gray dense GP 43 5 9 brown 15 - Bottom of Boring = 15 feet I- 16 - 1-17- I- 18 - I- 19 - I- 20 - -21 - -22- -23- -24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- !~XiPILOiP1 J.rrOiP1Y EHji;:;1!JiHG1 LO'G1 ;E) ~ DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Hollow Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Borina Diameter 8 inches Date Drilled 8/4/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION s SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P l Plasticity Percent DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOil Blows Percent Dry ...!!!.5!!L Passing Shear. E Per Moisture Density Strenglh TENCY TYPE Liquid #200 R Foot (Pel) '~"IO/_\ <:'4"4 (Ksl) SANDY CLAY, fine-grained brown firm CL 1-1- T 1-2- 10 15 100 63 1-3- x 3 13 61 1-4- CLAYEY SAND, fine-grained brown loose SC 1-5- 6 12 87 48 1-6- "-7- "-8- "-9- 1 (with some gravel to 2.5 inches below 9.5 feet) 8 11 46 1-10 - 1-11 - I- 12- 13 - SANDY GRAVEL, clayey gray dense GP I- 14 - ] brown 51 3 115 5* *(56% passing NO.4 sieve) I- 15 - I- 16 - 1-17- I- 18 - I- 19 - 1 I- 20 - 51 5 9 (with less clay below 21 feet) -21- -22- 23- SANDY GRAVEL - CLAYEY GRAVEL brown dense GP- -24- I to GC 54 9 124 7 medium I- 25 - dense I- 26 - I- 27 - I- 28 - I- 29 - 1 24 12 14 30- Bnttnm nf Bnrinn :::10 fAAt I,gXPL Ur: L~.\'lt CJ ,r:i ',f ,cl CJI "i1JlJ'0Jr LUG1 1 !:J' .' JI !,'.,;,J ~ DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Hollow Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Boring Diameter 8 inches Date Drilled 8/4/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION S SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P l Plasticity Percent DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOil Blows Percent Dry ~ Passi ng Shear. E Per Moisture Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid #200 R Foot (pcl) ';m;' DC' <:;AVA (KsI) SANDY CLAY, fine-grained brown firm CL -1- -2- x 5 13 66 -3- [ 6 14 91 59 -4- -5- x 4 13 53 -6- -7- 8- CLAYEY GRAVEL brown medium GC 1 dense -9- 23 7 115 22 SANDY GRAVEL gray medium GP -10- brown dense -11- to dense -12- -13- -14- 1 *(41% passing NO.4 sieve) 15 - 52 2 8* Bottom of Boring = 15 feet -16- -17- -18- -19- -20- -21- -22- -23- -24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- i~X!PILUi;:;L'-\ -(Cji;:;J 'I IEl'.rjl]:;J[] Ij\} Qj LO'Gj 'I !:) La DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Hollow Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Boring Diameter 8 inches Date Drilled 8/4/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION S SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) p Plasticity Percent L Blows Percent Dry Shear. DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOIL ~ Passing E Per Moisture Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid #200 R Foot (Pcl) _;mit{Dfn' Sieve (KsI) SANDY CLAY, fine-grained brown soft CL to -1- firm -2- 5 17 87 67 -3- x 2 16 57 -4- CLAYEY SAND, gravelly brown loose SC -5- 9 11 109 29 -6- -7- -8- -9- 1 5 15 46 -10- -11- 12 - SANDY GRAVEL, with some clay gray dense GP -13- brown ] *(55% passing No.4 sieve) -14- 41 5 112 9* 15 - Bottom of Boring = 15 feet ~16- ~17- ~18- ~19- ~20- ~21- I- 22 - I- 23 - -24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- ~XPLDFJJ\lrDPJ 'I IB<rJ};Ji]lj'J}QJ 11, [:) GJ :J La DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 Drill Rig Hollow Flight Auger Surface Elevation Not Established Logged By MZ Groundwater Not Encountered Boring Diameter 8 inches Date Drilled 8/4/98 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION S SAMPLE DATA Depth A M (Feet) P L Plasticity Percent DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIS- SOIL Blows Percent Dry ~ Passing Shear. E Per Moisture Density Strength TENCY TYPE Liquid #200 R Foot (pcl) . ... IDn C:;AVA (KsI) SANDY CLAY brown firm CL -1- -2- x 5 14 64 -3- 8 14 90 62 -4- -5- x 5 13 55 -6- -7- --8- 9- 1 SANDY GRAVEL, with minor clay brown dense GP 31 4 120 4* ~10- *(45% Passing NO.4 sieve) ~11- I- 12 - I- 13 - I- 14- 1 **(45% passing NO.4 sieve) 21 4 5** I- 15- I- 16 - 1-17- I- 18 - ***(52% passing NO.4 sieve) -19- 1 67 6 122 7*** 20- Bottom of Boring = 20 feet -21- -22- -23- -24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- .2:;(iPL UiFU\-r U FJ 'I B'rjiFj'JINGj Lon -J [) La DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Consulting Geotechnical Campbell, California Engineers 288-15 August 1998 Sheet 1 of 1 288-15, B-1 APPENDIX B - LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory testing program was directed toward a quantitative and qualitative evalu- ation of the physical and mechanical properties of the soils underlying the site. The natural water content was determined on 58 samples of the materials recovered from the borings. These water contents are recorded on the boring logs at the appropri- ate sample depths. Dry density determinations were performed on 25 samples to measure the unit weight of the subsurface soils. The results of these tests are shown on the boring logs at the appropriate sample depths. The percent soil fraction passing the No. 200 sieve was determined on 58 samples to aid in their classification. The results of these tests are also shown on the boring logs at the appropriate sample depths. The percent soil fraction passing the No.4 sieve was determined on 11 samples to aid in their classification. The results of these tests are also shown on the boring logs at the appropriate sample depths. An Atterberg Limit determination was performed on one sample of the subsurface soil to determine the range of water contents over which this material exhibits plasticity. The Atterberg Limits are used to classify the soil in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and to evaluate the soil's expansion potential. The results of this test are presented on Figure B-1 and on the log of Boring 1 at a sample depth of two feet. 60 50 - ~ 0 - >< 40 W C Z 30 > ..... - () ..... 20 en <t ...J a.. 10 7 4 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT (0/0) KEY BORING SAMPLE NATURAL LIQUID PLASTICITY PASSING LIQUIDITY UNIFIED SYMBOL NUMBER DEPTH WATER LIMIT INDEX No. 200 INDEX SOIL CLASS- (Feet) CONTENT (%) (%) SIEVE IFICATION (%) (%) SYMBOL -.'~' .........w............ 0 EB-1 2 15 28 6 71 -- CL - ML / ,pL.:\S-nDitt YGlllJJ\lrtt:F\!ND I:J:F\-r:F\ ~ \.. "' DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIA TES, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Campbell, California 288-15 August 1998 Figure B-1 ~ STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) WTA Development Corporation 900 WeIch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, California 94303 Phone (650) 322-2121 Fax (650) 322-5029 Project: Campbell Technology Park 535 Westchester Drive Effective Date: January 1999 Prepared by: HMH, Inc. RECEIVED DEe 3 1 1998 PUBLIC WORKS ADMlNISTRATIOI't Authorized by: Kenneth A. Neumeister Amendment No: See Page 2 ~ Jr.':" C r.:" 11 " ~ n 1r~~ ,~..;...........Q 'f .~ l~.- . ,-,' . BUiLDiNG DIViSIOff 1 RECEIVED 0"''"'3 ~ ; :.:. L ; 1998 BUILDING DIVISION DATE REVISIONS ~ AUTHOR 2 swppp TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A. Site Description 4 1. Description of Construction Activity 4 2. Site Maps 5 3. Toxic Materials 5 4. Construction Materials Loading, Unloading and Access Areas 5 5. Potential Pollutants and Sources 6 6. Receiving Waters 8 7. Estimates of Areas/Runoff Coefficients 9 8. Existing Soil and Water Quality Data 9 B. Description of Controls 10 1. Erosion and Sediment Controls 10 2. Storm Water Management Controls 12 3 Non-structural Measures 14 4. Other Controls 15 C. Maintenance, InspeGtion and Repair 17 D. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Team 19 E. Responsible Contractors 21 F. Self Inspections 21 Exhibit A - Annual Compliance Certification Exhibit B - Notice ofIntent (Form) Exhibit C - Site Inspection Report (Form) Exhibit D - General Permit Figure 1 - Erosion Control Plans Figure 2 - USGS Map of Site 3 A. Site Description The purposes of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, hereafter referred to as the "SWPPP", are to identify potential sources of storm water pollution and to develop and implement management practices to minimize pollution in storm water discharge. This SWPPP has been prepared in accordance with sound engineering practices. It has been developed by WT A Development Corporation in the management of storm water, as required in Sections 301 and 402 of the Clean Water Act. 1. Description of Construction Activity The Campbell Technology Park project consists of an office/technology park consisting of four one- and two-story buildings (280,000:1:) and associated site improvements on approximately 18 acres on the site previously occupied by the Winchester Drive-In Theater in the City of Campbell. The site is generally flat with the exception of rolling mounds previously used for the drive-in theater. The site planning controls checked below have been incorporated into the project from its inception: 181 Preservation of natural topographic features by: The site in general has a gentle grade which slopes from the southerly boundary of the property to the northwest corner adjacent to Highway 17. 181 Preservation of natural drainage features through: In general the site has an impervious surface. On-site storm drainage is collected into the existing City storm system. The same point of overland release has been kept at the northwest corner of the property. 181 Minimizing total impervious area by: Construction of a Par-Course in a 50 foot strip along the easterly property line of the property and at landscaping at the perimeters of buildings. 181 Minimizing directly connected impervious areas by: Truck docks will incorporate oil/sand separators prior to connections to storm drain systems. Rain water leaders will run from roof tops to at grade splash pads and disperse/filter through landscaping. D Using pervious pavement: N/A 181 Incorporating induced infiltration into landscaping; Vegetated swales have been incorporated in parking areas to filter storm water prior to collection in storm mains. 4 2. Site Maps Site Plan A site plan of the facility is shown as Figure 1. Included on the plan are: storm water conveyance and discharge structure locations; outline of the storm drainage areas for each storm water discharge point; paved areas and buildings; locations of existing storm water structural controls; surface water locations; areas of existing and potential soil erosion; and vehicle service areas. Topographic Map A U.S.G.S. topographic map of the facility is shown as Figure 2. The map extends one-quarter of a mile beyond the facility property boundary and displays general topographic features including the facility and adjacent surface water bodies. 3. Toxic Materials Toxic Materials that have been stored, treated, or disposed of on-site in a manner that has allowed exposure to storm water are listed below under potential pollutants. Also listed are Toxic Materials that have spilled or leaked to waters ofthe United States: The facility has had no significant spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous pollutants to storm water. The following narrative briefly describes the material spilled, quantity spilled, location of spill, date of spill, spill reporting procedures, corrective actions and steps taken to prevent a similar occurrence: No significant spills or leaks have been identified. 4. Construction Materials Loading. Unloading and Access Areas The location of all loading, unloading and access areas associated with Construction Materials are shown on Figure 1. The following provides a narrative description of general location, size and construction features of the Construction Material access Area(s): All construction materials will be stored on site. When possible, materials will be stored in "blue bins". Larger Materials will be stored outside and will be covered during periods of rain. Additional materials may be stored inside partially completed buildings. 5 The following provides a narrative description of the general location, size and construction features of the Construction Material Loading area(s): Materials will be loaded in the drive isles and parking areas. Depending on the current phase of construction the drive isles and parking areas will be paved with asphalt and will have concrete curbs. Storm drain inlets will be protected to prevent contaminants from entering the storm system. The following provides a narrative description of the general location, size and construction features of the Construction Material unloading area(s): Same as the loading areas. 5. Potential Pollutants and Sources This SWPPP provides a description of potential sources which (1) may be expected to impact storm water, (2) result in the discharge of pollutants during dry weather and (3) result in non-storm water discharges from the project. Additionally, the SWPPP identifies all activities and Toxic Material that may be potential pollutant sources. a. The potential sources which could add significant quantities of pollutants to storm water discharges have been identified for the site and are checked below: 181 Soil erosion by water and/or wind 181 Cleared vegetation 181 Vehic1e storage and maintenance 181 Concrete washouts 181 Street sweeping and washing during construction 181 Water line flushing 181 leaching from bituminous pavements b. Methods employed to minimize pollutants from contacting storm water associated with the above construction activities include (preventative maintenance, inspection, spill response, containment, structural and non-structural controls). Based on the construction activities and control methods identified, petroleum products, soil and various organic materials would reasonably be expected to be removed from storm water runoff. 6 The following describes materials which are used on-site and may constitute Potential Pollutants: 181 Detergents and cleaners are used for general cleaning purposes. These cleaners include: (hand soaps, and all purpose type cleaning agents). 181 No.2 Diesel is used to fuel facility vehicles and equipment. 181 fertilizer is applied to vegetation at the facility to enhance the growth of landscape vegetation. 181 Gasoline is used to fuel facility vehicles and equipment. 181 Lubricating fluids are used in vehicles and mechanical equipment. 181 Soil material is used as cover material, roadway construction material and to Promote the growth of vegetation. The amount of soil used for each purpose varies with the time of year and purpose. 181 Hydraulic fluids are used in construction equipment. 181 Water line disinfectants: Chlorine is used during construction to disinfect water lines. c. The materials identified as potential pollutants, above, are managed to minimize the potential for contact with storm water. The following summarizes the management practices employed to minimize contact of potential pollutants with storm water discharge. The storage and/or disposal locations of these materials are shown in figure 1. 181 Detergents and cleaners Detergents and cleaners are stored in enclosed buildings and/or blue bins. Absorbent material used in the spill clean-up process is stored on-site for quick access and properly disposed of off-site. 181 No.2 Diesel Diesel fuel is not stored on-site. It is brought on-site in a refueling truck. Absorbent material used to clean-up diesel spills and contaminated soil generated as a result of spills are on the refueling truck and are properly disposed of off-site. 7 181 Fertilizer Fertilizer is stored on site only when needed. Fertilizer spills are recovered and reused. Fertilizer is not disposed of either on-site or off-site. Excess fertilizer will be removed from the site at the completion of landscaping construction. 181 Gasoline Gasoline fuel is not stored on-site, but is brought on site in a refueling truck. Absorbent material used to clean-up gasoline spills and contaminated soil generated as a result of spills are on the refueling ruck and properly disposed of off-site, I8l Lubricating Fluids Virgin Lubricating fluids are not stored on-site, but are brought on-site in refueling trucks. Spent lubricating fluids are removed from the site. Absorbent material used in the clean-up of spills and contaminated soil generated as a result of spills are absorbent shredded cellulose fiber and are properly disposed of off-site. I8l Soil Material Soil material is stored in stockpiles. The location of the stockpiles varies depending upon location of the working phase of the project and season. Contaminated soil generated on-site from leaks and spills is properly disposed of off-site. 181 Hydraulic Fluid Excess hydraulic fluid is not stored on-site, but is brought on-site in a refueling truck. In the event of a hydraulic fluid leak, the contaminated soil and absorbent materials are collected and properly disposed of off-site. I8l Water Line Disinfectant The Chlorine saturated water used to disinfect water lines is treated to neutralize the chlorine prior to discharge into the storm drain or is pumped into the sanitary sewer system. 6, Receiving Waters The following surface water bodies lie within 1/4 mile of the project boundaries: Los Gatos Creek 8 Wells in this vicinity identified as being drinking water, water supply or injection wells are described as follows: Santa Clara Valley Water District percolation ponds. 7. Estimates of AreaslRunoff Coefficients The project area is approximately 18 acres in size of which 95 percent presently consists of impervious areas such as buildings pads and paved parking and roadway areas. When the project is complete the total estimated percent impervious cover will be approximately 89 percent. The area-weighted runoff coefficient (as would be used in the Rational Method for Peak Flow Determination) for the entire project area is presently estimated at 0.80. When the project is complete, the area weighted runoff coefficient is estimated to be 0.80. 8. Existing Soil and/or Water Quality Data Soils and Geologic Data The following narrative summarily describes the overall nature of the native soils throughout the construction site: Variable thickness of 4 to 13 feet of soft to firm, low plasticity sandy clays and loose to medium-dense clayey sands. The upper soils were generally underlain by medium-dense to dense sandy and clayey gravels and very stiff sandy clays extending to the maximum depth explored of 30 feet. The following narrative describes all nature of the fill materials brought onto the construction site: N/ A. All grading will be contained within the site. Storm Water Sampling Data Previously available water quality sampling analysis data for the site can be summarized as follows: None Available. Storm water has not been sampled as a part of this project. Sample locations, monitoring frequency, parameters and analytical procedures are not available. The corresponding analytical data is also included, as applicable. 9 B. Description of Controls The project site incorporates (structural and non-structural) control measures to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. This section briefly describes each control measure used on-site. Structural Measures: 1. Erosion and Sediment Controls The measures checked below will be taken to minimize erosion and loss of sediment: ~ Provide adequate drainage of access roads; ~ Prevent unnecessary or unplanned ponding of water; ~ Match the off-site drainage systems; ~ Engineered channel designs; ~ Perimeter berms; ~ Surface water retention ponds; and ~ Hydroseeding of slopes and stockpiles Methods used to minimize erosion around storm water drainage and culvert discharge points include the ones checked below: Drip-rap; o concrete spillways; o velocity dissipaters; o ponds; o Figure 1. shows the location of each structural control measure in use at the facility. Due to the constant change resulting from construction activities not all control measures will be installed at anyone time. The structural erosion control measures checked below are employed at the site. ~ Covering Covers are installed to minimize contact between the Significant Material and precipitation and limit dust or particulate matter from contact with storm water. Covering consists of placing a waterproof material such as plastic sheeting over the Construction Materials. 10 181 Curbs, Berms, Earthen Dikes Curbs, berms, earthen dikes are constructed to divert storm water to a particular area for treatment or release and/or segregate areas to minimize contact of storm water from construction and non-construction areas. They are also used for channel stabilization. 181 Check Dams Check dams are small temporary dams constructed across a swale, unpaved street or drainage ditch to reduce storm water runoff velocity. The check dams are constructed of rock, soil, straw bales, etc. 181 Drainage Swales A drainage swale is a drainage way to convey runoff without causing erosion. Drainage swales are constructed of grass, rip-rap, asphalt, concrete, etc. 181 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Storm drain inlet protection is used to limit sediment from entering the storm drain system. Protection is provided by (sediment filters, excavated impoundment areas, etc.) around the storm drain inlet. After construction all inlets will be labeled with a no dumping slogan. 181 Straw Bale Dike Straw bales are used as temporary barriers to reduce velocity and intercept sediment in runoff from small drainage areas. (See Check Dams). 181 Infiltration of Runoff On-Site Infiltration is used to reduce the volume and pollutant loadings in storm water discharges. Infiltration devices consist of (infiltration trenches and/or infiltration basins). Infiltration trenches/basins serve to reduce peak discharges, provide for ground water recharge, reduce storm water discharge volumes, pollutant loads and help minimize downstream channel erosion. 11 181 Velocity Dissipation Devices Velocity dissipation devices slow the flow of storm water discharged from the facility to lessen the amount of erosion caused by the discharge. Velocity dissipation devices utilized include (rip-rap, stone, or concrete level spreaders, etc.). 181 Subsurface Drains Subsurface drains transport water to an area where it can be effectively managed. Subsurface drains are made of pipe. 181 Temporary Storm Drain Diversion Temporary storm drain diversions are used to re-direct flow in the storm drain. 181 Silt Fences Silt fences are constructed along ridges, low points and slopes to catch both air- and water-borne sediment. 2. Storm Water Management Controls This SWPPP identifies control measures at the facility for managing storm water, thus minimizing the potential to contaminate waters of the United States. These controls are reviewed to determine their appropriateness and levels of priority for potential sources of pollutants located at the project site. Storm water management practices are aimed at controlling the pollutants in storm water rather than controlling the source of pollutants prior to discharge. This project site utilizes the storm water management practice and devices described and checked off below to control pollutants discharged into storm water. D Sediment Detention Pond On-site detention of storm water involves the storage of excess runoff on-site prior to discharge and gradual release of the runoff. The effect of the detention basins is to regulate runoff from a rainfall event and control discharge rates to minimize impact to downstream drainage systems. Pollutant removal capability is primarily the removal of suspended solids. See Figure 1. For locations and sizes of sediment basins and traps. 12 o Infiltration Trenches Infiltration trenches are typically filled with stone and are designed to capture and slowly percolate water into the ground. Infiltration trenches are effective in removing fine particulate and soluble pollutants. The infiltration trenches on site are located . They are filled with to inch stone. The dimensions of the trenches are . The trenches have been designed to filter the stored runoff within a hour period. There are (no) grass filter strips used in conjunction with these units. 181 Vegetative Storm Water Controls Vegetative controls refers to a variety of landscaping practices which provides pollutant removal for a site primarily by limiting sediment movement and preventing erosions. Vegetative control can include grassed swales, filter strips, habitat creation/preservation, landscaping and cover with trees, shrubs, vines, hay bark, mulch or straw. The facility utilizes the following types of vegetative storm water controls: Hydroseeding redwood bark and landscape plants. Vegetative controls are located on all exposed cut or fill slopes, area of soil disturbances and constructed swales, parks, paseos, street parkways, and around the man made lake. 181 Treatment of Storm Water in Grit Traps and Inlet Filter Inserts Grit traps and/or inlet filter inserts are designed to remove sediment and hydrocarbon loading, respectively. Inlet filter inserts are bags or trays containing filter and/or oil absorbent materials that can be hung on the inside of the storm drain inlets. Most inlet filters are a combination of two devices, a collection area for settling out solids (i.e., debris and sediments) and a removal area (the filter) to better capture suspended solids, oil, and grease. Inlet filters must be cleaned at least twice per year. Maintenance includes removal of debris and sediment from the catch basin portion and cleaning or replacement of the filter media. Based on types of pollutants entering storm water from the site (organics, oil and grease and solids) the storm water management devices described above are adequate to remove these pollutants. 13 o Oil/Water/Grit Separator The facility treats storm water by utilizing an oil-water separator (describe the unit by size, model/manufacturer, number of compartments, etc.). The separation of oil and water is dependent on the difference in the specific gravity of the oil and water. The separator provides a quiescent zone where oil droplets rise and are skimmed off the surface and grit and sludge settles to the bottom. 3. Non-Structural Measures Non-structural storm water control measures implemented at the facility include the following: 181 Housekeeping Housekeeping measures are used to minimize potential pollution from on-site sources. Housekeeping measures include (site inspections, sweeping, spill response and neat and orderly storage of materials). 181 Preloading Buildings under construction will be preloaded with construction materials prior to all anticipated storms so that during and after the storm, when the soil is saturated, construction vehicles can be kept on paved areas. 181 Spill Response Responses to spills of toxic materials will be prompt as a result of inspections. Employees are trained to recognize potential spill situations and respond to them appropriately. Spill response materials are kept on-site at the job trailer and are brought on-site in refueling trucks. 181 Security Security systems utilized at the facility include fencing and vehicular traffic control. Facility security systems reduce the likelihood of vandalism, theft and sabotage. Additionally, security measures assist in identifying spills, as well as detecting potential spill situations. 181 Visual Inspections Routine visual inspections are conducted at Construction Material storage locations and all areas of cleared vegetation or disturbed soil. Inspections assist in identifying 14 spills and leaks, corroded pipes and tanks, equipment deterioration, stains, potential erosion and windblown Construction Materials. I8l Employee Training Employee training programs are developed to inform project personnel ofthe components and goals of this swppp, The training covers practices for preventing spills and the procedures for responding properly and rapidly to spills. Project personnel elated to any aspect of the SWPPP are trained initially prior to work assignments and annually thereafter to ensure they are familiar with the provision of this SWPPP, Employee training meetings are held annually, prior to the rainy season. The meetings emphasize spill events or failures, malfunctioning equipment, new policies or programs regarding spill prevention and response, revisions in the SWPPP and employee responsibilities and roles in the SWPPP. I8l Building Tenant Training All Building Tenants are supplied with instructional materials explaining the need and methods for preventing pollutants from entering the storm drain system. The Tenants are requested to read the material before moving into the building. All storm drain inlets will be marked with a no dumping slogan. 4. Other Controls Waste Disposal: The (ReductionlElimination) of the discharge of materials, other than storm water, to the storm drain system is achieved by the methods checked below: I8l education programs; I8l designated cleaning and maintenance areas; I8l posting of signs; I8l frequent refuge collection and removal. Potential contact between wastes and storm water runoff will be minimized by the items checked below: I8l covering exposed materials I8l storage in sealed containers; I8l storage in completed or partially completed homes; 15 181 removing excess material from the site. Cleared Vegetation: * Only the vegetation that needs to be removed is cleared; native vegetation is left wherever possible, * Vegetative materials are composted away from streams or at regional landfills. Vehicles and Equipment * Leaks on vehicles and equipment are fixed immediately. * Fueling and maintenance are performed in one area. * Drip pans are used to catch leaks. * Waste disposal containers are kept covered. Concrete Washout: * Washout is not disposed of to storm drains or onto street. * Designated washout areas are used only. * For concrete aggregate driveways, fines are washed to the side or into sediment basins or straw bales. Paint. Adhesives. Solvents, and other toxins: * Spills are cleaned up immediately. * All paints, solvents, and containers are kept covered. * Waste production is minimized and proper disposal methods are employed. * Education program is conducted for employees. 16 Landscaping * Minimum necessary amounts of chemicals are used. * Only amount of chemicals needed for immediate site are mixed. * Fertilized areas are not over watered to minimize runoff. Pre- and Post-Construction Storm Water Management: Pre-construction control practices to reduce sediment and other pollutants in stormwater discharge include: Routine Inspections, timely installation of erosion control measures and prompt spill response. Control practices to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges after all construction phases have been completed at the site include: Structural water quality control devices, vegetated/landscaping filtration measures, routine inspections, maintenance of landscaping, street sweeping and tenant education and maintenance. C. Maintenance. Inspection and Repair Storm Water Management Devices The preventative maintenance program includes inspection of facility equipment and systems and storm water management devices to detect conditions which may cause breakdowns or failures resulting in the discharge of possible pollutants into storm water. The preventative maintenance program applies to the storm water equipment and systems checked below used on-site to minimize pollutants from entering storm water: 181 Drainage ditches; 181 Treatment devices; o Retention/detention ponds; DRip-rap; 181 Berms and dikes; 181 Dust control; 17 181 Sediment traps and basins; 181 Slit fences; 181 Vegetation protection; 181 Diversion grading; 181 Erosion control blankets or geotextiles; 181 Pavement; o Infiltration basins; o Wet ponds; o Pumps and sumps Each system and piece of equipment is inspected before each anticipated storm event and after all actual storm events. Inspection procedures vary depending upon the equipment/system; however, the major elements of the inspection program include: 181 Cracks or structural failures; 181 Part or pieces of equipment not functioning properly; 181 Degradation or deterioration of the unit; 181 Need for cleaning or emptying the unit. 181 Addition of measures in areas not previously adequately protected. Inspection records are kept on-site in the job trailer and at WT A's main office. Inspections will be conducted in accordance with the inspection procedures outlined in the self-inspections section of this SWPPP. Vehicle Maintenance The project site has established a vehicle preventative maintenance program to keep vehicles in top mechanical condition; provide for the safe operation of vehicles; limit operating costs; and maximize operating life of components. The preventative 18 maintenance programs minimizes hydraulic and motor oil leaks; diesel/gasoline spills, tank ruptures; and reduces air emissions through hoses, valves and filters. D. Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPP) Team The SWPP Team consists of a team of facility employees responsible for developing the SWPPP and assisting in its implementation, maintenance and revision. The primary responsibilities of the SWPP Team include: . Assign resources and manpower to the SWPP Team; . Conduct materials inventory; . Identify potential spill sources; · Establish spill reporting procedures; . Prepare visual inspection programs; · Review past incidents of spills; . Coordinate departments in implementing goals of the SWPPP; . Establish employee training programs; . Conduct meetings regarding the SWPPP; and . Review new construction changes relative to spill prevention and control. The Project Manager and/or their designee has responsibility for implementation of the provisions of this SWPPP. The Project Manager and/or their designee are responsible for assigning individuals at the facility to the SWPPP Team and monitoring their responsibilities under this SWPPP. 19 The following list identifies the individuals assigned to the SWPP Team, their job titles and telephone numbers. Name Job Title Phone(Wk) Phone(Hm) Kenneth Neumeister Project Manager (650) 322-2121 Eddy Dove Construction Manager (650) 322-2121 The SWPP Team will meet annually to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the SWPPP. In the event that a significant spill or leak to storm water occurs, the Team will meet immediately to review the incident. The Team will evaluate the effectiveness of the overall program and make recommendations to management. The SWPPP will be amended as necessary, to reflect any changes and be approved by the Project Manager and/or their designee. 20 E. Responsible Contractors The following Contractors and/or Subcontractors are responsible for implementing this SWPPP: Contractor Name Project Responsibilities F. Self Inspections Inspections of the construction site are conducted prior to anticipated storm events and after all actual storm events. Visual inspections are conducted to detect spills, evidence of spills and other conditions that could potentially impact off-site surface waters. Project site personnel conduct routine inspections by touring or patrolling the project site. See Exhibit "C" for a list of specific items noted in the inspection. An annual facility inspection will be conducted to verify all elements of the SWPPP are accurate. 21 EXHIBIT "A" ANNUAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Annual Compliance Certification (Within Compliance) CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have evaluated the storm water discharges of the project site of Shapell Industries, Inc. and determined the construction activity is in compliance with States General Construction Permit and this SWPPP. The method used for evaluating the discharge was a visual inspection of discharge patterns and inspection of drainage maps and schematics. The storm water discharge review was conducted on ( ). The on-site drainage points observed during the test incl uded Signature: Title: Date: Annual Compliance Certification (Non-Compliance) CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have evaluated the storm water discharge of the project site of Shapell Industries, Inc.. In accordance with this SWPPP, this site will modify the discharge for compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. The storm water discharge review was conducted on ( ). The on-site drainage points observed which require modification for compliance with the regulations indude(d): Signature: Title: Date: EXHIBIT "B" NOTICE OF INTENT (FORM) /~.~", State 01 Califemia S:a:e Water Res=r~ ~ncrcl Beare NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH Tr.:: Tc::\MS OF THE GcNE:=.AL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCiATED WITrl CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WO Ordsr No_ 92-08-0WO M:.;;l< CNL Y ONE rrc:M 1. 0 C<-"icir.g G..."Yls::- :...::-: 2. []J N..-,.. wr.s~-~c::cn :!. 0 c:-::.::~~ 0;1 lr:=r;;-.4~n -WOD z J. OWNER Name W\'A ~f> P.-I2.\' L-L-c.. l:=l Maiiir.S Access 9,0, O. ,W ,E ,l ,C ,H, R 0 AD, 51 U L T Ii: ,1, A, Ci~f P, AI l, A, A ,l ,T ,a I , , , , , , , , I I , , I , , , , , , , Is,-,olT.p C~A 91 41 31 0 I Contac: Persen KIE,N, N,E,U,M,EII,51T,E,R 1'" l'lt:e P I R, 0, J, E, G 1i ,M , A , N, A I Gl I" I Pheros 3-1018,5,4 6,5101-,3 ,2,2 ,-12,1,2, I, II. CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATiON A. D~velcper I Gentaa: Fersen \/'ITA ~\~~'< f'A-~l L-\...C- k f N. IN ,EdJ,Md:', T, So T' f=; R 1 , , , t;c:;J Mailing Aocrsss \ I,ds 9,010, ,W,EIl,C,H, P. PA,D, ,S,U,I,T,E, .1,0, I , , , , , P,R,O,J,E,C,T, ,M,A,i'!,A,G,E,R, I , I Gity ISta:e I Z!:l I ?r.cne )IA,l,OI ,A,LIT,O, , , f , , , ,.' , , . , I C,A 9,413,0,31-08 {5,4 6,5,0,_,3,2,2,-,2,1,2,1: ::_ Si:e Ao::ress I Ccun:/ 5,3,5: ,H,LN,CtH,E,S,T, E, R. ,DIR,I,lJ,E, , , I I ! I , I , b AN J A I ,Cil,A':::'.::.. , , ---"~C ,~i::M,P ,B,E,L,L, 1 , I I , , , , , , , f 1 I 1~~;~I~~5,0IO,8'-1 I I I;:~cr; ,-, , , 1-' I , , , C.. [s :-:e C'::~S=::=::=:1 s::e ~G~ =i Q. f.ar:;er ::=::-::;:C:1 ~!..:i~ ci cevelc::;-;-;ent cr sale? 0 Yes ~ No If yes., n~:7':a ::f ~Lo.:1 cr CevelcFmer:t , I , I , I J I , , I J , , , , I f I I :.- ;;.-' .",.1 - .~.-.: -~-, r'- -"-. ~. ._lec._~ a_ns"~~won c_.",..e_~n ......,2 , , , 1 I , I , , . .'.~ ~.~ 0 Q Y Y D. Ccns::-..:c::cn cc....r..er.c:ement eate .I,~ M COY Y ,DI \., ,6,<1,<1, 1\ ,"1..,31 \ 19,", Ill. BILLING ADDRESS Sane te: I N:::i-rA t::::AI-'\~ -r -a::H~~'-( f'Al2-I' ( \.....I.-C- Mailing Access 9 ,0, 0 I ,H, E ,L I C, H I I R ,0 fAD I ,S, U ,I ,T I Ell 110 I I , I , , I pCI1A,L,01 ~ ,LrTP, , , I I I I I I , I I , I I~~AI~~ 4, 3,O,31_,O,815,c:: (j) OWNER 0: DEVELOFE2 o OTriER (Ent;;r information at right) . IV. RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. Dees ycur ccns:ruc:cn sits's s:crm w;;ter Cis&.aGe:o: (Ch-ecX cne) 1.C?JSt:::rmcr~nsys:em-En;ersys:2mownersname ,CdIT,y, ,O,FI ,C,AIMIP,B,E,llll , I , , I I , I I , I J I 2.0 Directly to waters 0/ U.S. (e.g.. river. lake. C"~~ ocean) 3. 0 Incirec:ly to w~ters 01 U.S, ~ 8.Nameotc!oses:recaivingwatef ,L ,0,5, ,G,A,TIO, 5, ,e,R E,E,K, , , I I I I" r , , I I I 1 \ . .'-..:-. I WOlD: ; .. > :Regio.nal Board Oftica:..,. :~:.;:-.:.:..:: . .' . Date Permit Issuec: '. .. .. .. ......t' '.' '. ,.' ..... ... '. j . I t- -'. t. I I I I I .. ';.. :.:.~. ;~:':"::"':("'~ .....'.m : .. : I i I ..'.,. . ... ."': I I : ;....... .:: .:~. -:~ ::.~ ~~':':"; I I I I ~... ..' ~ NPOES, Pennlt Number: " Order Number: .. Fe-e Amount Received: Dale NO( Receive-d: ...".. '. : - - .-- .. " .- -. .. ':-C'A - - -- S - .. , - , .- - . v,. : :'. , -. -' -- .-.:: . . : L7: .: STATE USE ONLY .',0" ..._ ..... '.-'- " ___._.__. _.0__0__.:__._._4.__.__..._.____ ........ '. V. rfFE OF CONSTRUCTION ( Check arl that apply) I I I I . I , I I I , , I I , I I - I I ., I I I I I I (I . I I 1.0 Residential 2. 0 Commercial 3. [) Incus~-:al 4. 0 heccns::--.:c::on 5. 0 Tr;;ns::::::a::cn 6. 0 Utili:y 99. 0 Other (PleaS<! Us:) VI. MATERIAL HANDLING/MANAGEMENT PRACTICES A. Types ct materials that will be handed anC/ex stored at the site: (Check an~ apply) 1.0 Solvents 2.0Cl Metal 3.[) Petrdeum Prc.cuc".s 4.0 Plate-d Prc.c:.:c:s 5.0 AsphaltlC.::mc:ete 6.0 Hazarceus Substances 7.0 Paints a.!Kl Weed Treatee F'rcc:.:c:s 99.0 ether (Please list) , r , I I I r , r I , r I I I I I r I I I 3. Icentify prcposed ...ana<;;ement praC::cas to reduca pcilutan:s in sterm watiY. cs.:::~..r:;es: (Check ail ::-:a: a:::::ly) 1. 0 CiVWater Separator 2. 0 Ercsicn Ccn:rcls 3. iYl Seo:::mentaticn Con:.-::!s A. 0 Cvemea::: C::.::"~rat;e 5. 0 DetenticrJDesiita:icn Pend 99.0 O::1er (Pleasa list) , 1 , , I I I 1 I I I r I I I . I ViI. SITe INFORMATION c. Ferc2r.t ct Si~2 i~;:er'y"icLLS: (lnct.:cinc; ~::c:-:::;:s) A. Tc~ SiZ2 of c:r.s:r...:c:cr. si:.z: 18.7? ~C.Ia$ - . . :--at:::e c:::;s::-...:c::;:: 95 ., .~ At:ar :;::i"IS:-":C:C~ 8 9 " ., ( '-, VIII. REGULATORY STATUS Is the site sucjec: ::: a locally appr-lved erosicnlse.cimen: c:::r::;;:1 plan? [) Yes 0 No Ir yes, name at local agencl C I T Y {J F C AMP 8 C I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I!:J U U I I I I I I I I I IX. CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this cOC:.Jriient and all attachments were prepared under my diree:ian and super/isle:". in ac::ordance with a system designed to assure that .qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the informaticn submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons diree::] responsible for ga.1hering the information, the information: submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tr.Je, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are signiiicant penalties for submitting false information, including the po'ssibility of fine and imprisonment. In addition, I certify that the provisions of the 'permit, including the developmem an{i implementation of a Storm Water Polluticn Preventi'Jn Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan, will be complied with. ., ~ Printed Name: Da:e: l I Si,n"",,: Tide: ..;:. &. z:.;.; ~, State of California State Water Resoorces Control Beard (~ , NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH Trot: TERMS OF THE GENERAL FERMITTO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WO Order No. 92-08-DWQ MARK ONLY ONE ITEM 1. 0 Or-,going Coos:ruc-'~n 2.!Xl New Cons:ruc:icn 3. 0 C:-.ange of 1r1!orr..a:cn . WOlD I t, OWNER Name W, T, A, 0 ,E IV ,E,L,O Local Mailing Aceress 9,00, ,w,E,L,C,H, Cirt PIAl L, 0, A ~ ~ ,01 P M E, N, ~ ,C,O,R,P 0, R, At LON, , I Contact Person K,EIN, N,E U ,M E,I,5,T, 5 R , , 11tle , , R0.AD,5, 1 !L I 1, 0, I , , I I I , Is:.ate\ZiP CIA 9,4,3,0 , I , , , , , , I I I I I , I I I, I!. CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION I Contact Person kEN, N " 11,08 ,1 ,0, ,t I I , p, R 0, J , E I C, T, 1M ,A ,N ,A, G I E R, , , , Ista:e I Zio I Phone , , , I,' , , I , I C IA 9,4 I 3101 3, - 0 8 6 r4 6 15,0,- d, 2, 2,-,2 11 12,1, I Cot.:n:y E,R. ,DIR,I,V,Er" I'!! 1'1 6ANJA, ,C,L,A,R,}l" "'!' \state I Zio I ?hor.e I , , I I , , , I , C,A9,510,0,8,-, , 1 I "1-'" I-I , I I I If yes, name cf pi<in or c.:velopment I , , , A. Developer W IT AI " , Local Mailing Address 910,0 ,W,E,L,C,H City P IA ,L ,0, , A I L , T, 0 I I , , 8. Site Accress 5,3,5I,W,I,N,CIH,E.S,T, I City - --.. ~C ,A ,M ,P ,B ! E , L , L , I , , , C. Is me ccns:r.:et:on site par.: of a larger cemmon plan of cevelccment cr sale? 0 Yes @ No MMOOYY ,1,0,0,219,8, , I , , , , , I , I I , , , I I I I I I E. Projected construction ccmpletion Cate , , , , , , , MMDDYY ,0 ,8 ~ ,1 19 19 , , , ' D. Cons:ructicn ccmmencement Cate III. BILLING ADDRESS Send to: Name W,T,AI ,D,E,V,E,LrO, p, ME, NIT, IC,O,R,PIO,R,A, T,IIO, N, Mailing Aderess 9 ,0, 0 r ,W, E r L , C I H" R ,0 , A ,0, IS, U d IT, E , City P fA I L ,0 I ~ ,L, T P" , , , , I I I I , , I I ,1,0, , , I , , , I IState I 2:0 ' , , C, A 9, 4, 3,0,3 '_10,8,5,4 j I , (i) OWNER.D_, DEVELOPER o OTHER (Entsr information at right) . IV, RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. Does your ccns:ruction site's storm water discharge to: (Check one) l.!XlStormcr;Unsystem-Eniersystemownersname ,Cd,T,y, ,01FI ,CIA,M,PIB,E,L,L, I I , I I , , I 2.0 Directly to waters of U.S. (e.g., river, lake, cr~k, ocean) 3. 0 lncirectly to w~ters of U.S. I , I I " 1 S. Name of closest receiving water , , \ '---. STATE USE ONLY WDID: .' ... r :'. :Regional Board Office: . .' .' ", :iI'" I Dale p.,m;' Issued:" LLI - .1. l I I I I "i; .. .. I i I '.. .. ,. ......... I I I ;..... ;. .. .. . ',' ~. ,.. I '. - NPDES. Permit Number: Order Number: F&4 Amount Received: Date NO! Receive<!; ....... . - .". .. '. -. '.C"A .- - - _. S - - .. '. - . - .... : ... ~ '. -' .. /I.:: -.: L'Z: -;: -,,-,., -- . --.-'. ...._~.__.....~-. -.. -. .~'~-~--"p "-'---' V. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTlON ( Check all that apply) 1.0 Residential 2. 0 Commercial 3. ~ Industrial 4.0 Recons:ruc:ion 5.0 Trans::::..a::cn I' . c I 6. 0 Utility 99. 0 Other (Please us:) I I " r I I I I , I I , I I I I I , I I I , , I , , I I VI. MATERIAL HANDLING/MANAGEMENT PRACTICES A. Types of materials that will be handed anC'or stored at the site: (Check an.:hat apply) 1.0 Solvents 2.0Cl Metal 3.[) Petroleum ProeuC'.s 4.0 Flated ProC~c:s 5.~ AsphalVConc:ete 99.0 Other (Please lis:) 6.0 Hazardous Substances i,0 Paints 8.00 Wood Treated ?roduc:s I I I I , I I , , I I , f , , I I , , I I I I I I I I I , I I 8. Identify proposed .....anagement praC'oicas to reduce poilutan:s in storm wate! Cis.:::harges: (Check ail ~a: acply) 1. 0 CiVWater Separator 2. fKl Erosion Controls 3,Ii} Secimentation Con::ois 4. 0 Ovemea:::: C=vera<;e 5. 0 DetentiorJDesiltaticn Pond 99.0 Other (Please list) I I , I I ' , I I , I I I , I , , I ! I ! I I I I I I I , , I VII. SITE INFORMATION c. Fercent ct site impervious: (lncucing rcot:ccs) A. Total size of c:::::ns:r..:c::on sit2: 18 72 Ac.-es Seicre c.::ns::--..;c:cn 95 0' .0 A:':er c:::ns=-.:c:icr: 89 0' .0 (- i '--I VIII. REGULATORY STATUS Is me site suejea :c a locally approved erosion/sediment c:::::nto::l plan ? ~ Yes 0 No If yes, name of local agency ,C I, T I Y I iJ IF lIe I A , M I P, 8, E. LJ L I I , I , I I , I I I , I , IX. CERTIFICATION I certify under penatty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direc~ion and super"i~:c::; in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direc~:y responsible for ga.thering the information, the information. submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the po'ssibility of fine and imprisonment. In addition, I certify that the provisions of the 'permit, including the development an9 implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Preventi'.ln Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan, will be complied with. " ~ Printed Name: Date: I Si9oa'.,," Tide: c ,::. : ,:-:.~ EXHIBIT "C" SITE INSPECTION REPORT (FORM) E o I..... CJI o I..... 0- >, -+-' o ::J o I..... Q) -+-' o S E I..... o -+-' (f) (f) w o 0- Z 0... I..... o U -+-' C Q) E 0... o Q) > Q) o <( l- S I- a:: o 0- w a:: z o I- U W 0- (f) Z W I- (f) c .Q U u ~ E '" c '~ o Ii .t "0 ~ "0 ." 'i'i E c ~ u l '0 u o o u .... o .t ... C Q) > W E o ... C/l o ::> ... u <( '- Q) ... 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Q) ~ c o en ~ ~ .~ E:{l o en :J~ .;; ciS C/lCi:{l 25 en-o Q)~ U",c-ocoO c 0 c 0 cQ)"'oenmc oE~o..a:;:1 ~~~-,E~~ w~'C~~(/)~ ~ ~ E o Vi ~Nr')<;j-l!)t.O"""CXJCJlO ~...- ...-N ~ u t.8 .~OOOOOOOOOO ~ a: in :J ... o ... en -0 Q) > '- Q) en .D o "0 u .~ .; ;gg.g. 0: 0 u '- 'Qj ..c ... ~ "0 ~ '8.'g. 0000000000 u u 0: 0: -0 C o -0 Q) ... U Q) 0. en c ,.,. Q. 5 11 E 1loYOOOOOOOOOO Q: Z g ~ " ~ ~ ~]10000000000 ~ ~ g ~ ~ en E Q) ... en >- en '- Q) ... o :;: E o '- ... en Q) ... o .~ 0. o '- 0. 0. o o E ~ .. ~ u en -0 C o a.. en .S; en o m E . i Vl c c ~.2 enO 0]0 (f) ~:;::; ~ ,^ -+oJ C Q).- ~ "' 0'- -c~__ ~ 19 10...-0 ~o~ oo~ o..~ o ...1"::::: -0 .t; I- ~ C CJ cc cC"'uo Q)Q)oaoocc:'::;25 g E:"'" 0 en U Q)E Q) 2 '(ij ...c~E 1..1...Q)'- .S; 0 Q) ... . 0- Q) ~ ~ cv.9 Qj ~ ~ ~ Q) .~ OI-~~moC/lC/l>o u ~ E :; Vi ~Nr')<;j-l!)t.O,.....CXJCJlS: Q) ~ j .8 too 0 0 0 0 DID 0 0 ..c U c Q) ~ o I- Q) m o I- c o ... u <( Q) ~ en en ..c ~ '- .2 c Q) ~ o ~ a.. a.. 0.. ~ C/l Q) ..c ~ Q) .Q o ~ '- o en '- Q) -0 o ..c o ~ c o ~ u o -0 C o Q) > o.~ .D 0 o -0 Q) -0 'S: o '- 0. -0 C o (f) Q) u c Q) cr> o Q) ~ o '- 0. o '- 0. 0. o ..c ~ '- o -0 E Q) Q) .~ :0 :J 0 0",- Q)o.. '- '- o 0 -0 25 Q).- ... ~ o c 'C u en en E Q) Q)o .D o '- 0. >- C o ~=ll; '5 E (f) Q) Q)~ 0- :;: -0 Q) :;:: Q) .Q o ~ E '- .2 en :5 o en .'!! 0. o U EXHIBIT "D" GENERAL PERMIT :ru:a a&l:D 'bOllUU-= aJnIOL IIQUD 'JOl P snD:'. ..........MWWtO. a '~14 UC' SBUr ~ D-nrwU PCJ(J.II'rDT DL""'~ wr-nmuTIDI StsIm (1l'DJ:S) ......... r !'D!fIT lIlIl :nmm lI&XD. D~."'" ~.Tm VI::B ....................lm ACrrr1n BACXCRCtINO In 1972. C1a !adaral \laur Pollu~ion Con~-=ol "co; (also rafan:ed ~o a. ~a Clun \la!:ar Ae~ [C"':A.l) va. Ulandad !::> pr<:lvida !:b.a~ ~a di..curg. of pollu=:1!:" 0;0 \Ia!:ars of ~h. Unio;ad Su!:a. f::-om any painc .ourca i. =lav-f..u.. =lus clla discl1arg. is in cCllIlplianca wiC1 a Hl'OES yerm!:. 'tha 1987 a_l1d::lan:s co !:ha C"JA addad S.c:::.on 402 (?) v~cll a..cabLishas a fra..vor~ for r.guLacing CUI1ici~ and ::.ndusc=ial .~0r2 vacar eliscb.arg.. undar ~a SPDES progra:. On Mov.=bar 16. 1990. clla U,S. Environmane&l Procacr::.on "saucy (US!?A) pubLishad finAl r.guLao;iau.. cuc ascablish .~Orlll varar par.:i.r a?plica!:ion raquira_ucs for ..p.cUiad C1~.gorla. of indus~ria.. 'Iha rasul-acions requira l:h.ac disc!1arg.s of .~o= vacar a..ocuc.d wi!:h con.Ic-.u:tiau activi:y (..co= vacar eli.charg..) f= .0U clinurb&.Z1Ca. of fi... (.5) acr.. = 1lIQr. lIIUSC be r.~~ad a. an indua!:rlal. ac~ivi:y and co....red by a Nl'DES par=i:. In a re~anc =ling. cha Ilin~h Cire-.:.i: Cour':: of Appa.als invalid.aud cha &%8lll1'~ion grau~ad by USi:PA. for .co= va~ar discb.arg.. fro: soil dis~.:.rbal1cas of l...s ~ fi.... acres bu,:: :-=a:dad l:ha ragulatiQn :0 US!?A for fur::har action. 'tha Sca~a \lacer Bear=!. ar chis t:i:a. i. no~ r.quirlng .~o= va~er eli.charga. fro: soU di.=b&.Z1Ca. of lau ehan five acr.s co b. cavered by U:is genaral per.:z:i:. I~~aad. C1a Sca~. Ya~ar Board vi..ll avU~ fu::ur. US1!:PA. Or cour~ ao:.:iou c:l.arlfying !:ha ~. of .co= vaur d:isc:ha=i" eha~ ....~ ~ per.a:icc.d. If Il8cas.ary, ~a S~a~a \la~ar Board will raopan ~ha pll8ral par::i~ co acco::acdaca auc:h a clarificadon. \lbD.a 1'adara1 r.guLa~ions all.ov evo par1liC:i:1g opciol1.l for al:O= vaUr eli.charp. (individual pandu and g.naral yerm.:s). !:ha Scac. lJacar Board u. .l.c:ed co adopc only ona .~cevida ganaral yer.lli: a~ l:h.i. ci_ chac v'-J.l apply co all .~o= va~ar dischar&u. ax.::apc frCllll cho.. on lndi.an land. and !:ha Laka Taho. RydrolQr_c Unic, 'the Sl:&~a \laur Board ha. praviou.ly adopced a .apara!:e .~auvide general par1li~ for all. o~har indusc:ia1 .~Q= va~er discharga ca~a,orl.., axeapc for cho.e di..charg.. 1:1 San!:a Clara COWlCY c!1ac dr..u co San lran.ci.sco Bay and on Indian Lands. This ,enaral. pandc require. all ovuar.I of l.aAd vhara cous~=ti.ou activi'::7 occur. (eli.chargar.) ~o: 1. ~ca or raduca ZlCn-.~o=- _~.r cli..curga. co .~Onl .....r .,e~.=a and o~h.r vac.rs of !:ha nad.ou. 2. Ca".lop and Urpla_nc a .I~or.a vacer pollut.ion F'ftndon plaUt and 3. Parfor:a in.pactiaua of .~Q=- va~.r pollution pr....ll~i= _asura. (c011c1:01 pracd.c..). nu.. s.uera1 per:ai.c will be impl_~ad and enforced by ch. nina Callfo=i..a lagio:u.l lJacer Quali:y Cou~rol Beards (1.egiou.a.l Vaear Boards). Tha s.uara1 per:i~ accaap&llying ~hi.. f&c~ .he.~ 1s incanded co 1ni~c. =egul.a~ion of .cor: vaCar discharge.. i.gula:illg ~1 .~or: vacer d1lcharga. und.r Olla parmic vill greac1y r.d~a en. och.rvi.e ov.rvhalxi=g ad=ini.~raci~a burd.n ....ociacad vi,::~ per=irtinl icdividual ItOr: va~ar di~charzes. Dischargar. ~~ aabmi: a not.ica of in:."'C (!lOll co obt:.ain co".reg. =d.r chi. l.n.ral pa...u.r. I:: i. .rpecc.d char a. cha .co= va!:.r F:ogra'Cl d....lop.. che iagioual llaur Board.. =y h.u. gea.aral par=ic.. C011t:.aini::1g 1lIQU .pacilic p.=-i.c p:ovisioo.a, llb..n chi.. occurs. !:ho.a d,hchargar.. will "0 10..ga: be reg->.La~.d by l:hi.s zaa.aral. perm.'::. -3- O!SC^l?TlON 01 CESYRAL P!RM1~ CONOl7:0HS Tha follo~ng i. a briaf da.e~ipcioo of c~e major provisions ot cha gaoa~al per:ic and ~a o..i. for C~a gaoaral par--i:. Disenarga~s should raad ~e gaoaral par=ic earafully. P~ohibi.:ions nu.s gaoaral jlar-:Lic auchori:as tita discharga of el:Or: val:er assoeul:ed ~:11 eOZUlI::ruceioo ac~ri:,. f= eonsl:r~cioo sices. Ie prohibies eha diseharga of aal:arials ochar enau Sl:Or: Val:er aud ~l ~schargas v~ch eoul:aiu a hazardous eubSl:auea iu axcass of rapor:abla quaueieias aSl:abLished ac 40 Coda of 'adaral aaguLacicus (C7Rl 117,) or 40 C1l 302.4 unlas. a saparaca NPDES par-:Lic has baau issuad eo ragulaea e~ose diseharges. Effl~ane Li:i:al:ions Per--i:s for sl:or: val:er dischargas as.ociaeed vi:!>. conscruccion sceiv"_:y :use =-ee all applicabls provisioos o! Sac:ioos 301 sod 402 of ~a C~~. ma.. provisioos raqui~a coo~ols of pollucaue diseharga. e~c uc~:a b.se avulabla eac:::ology acono:ic~ly ac~a'ftbh (!lA7) aod baSI: eoovaoeio=l. pollueaue coo=ol eac201011 (!lC':) :0 rad~ce pollueaocs, aud auy mc~a seringeue couerols DAcessary eo ~ae vac.r quali:7 sl:andar~s. 11: is UOI: feasibla ae eMs ei:e for che Seaee Waeer Board 1:0 esablise. u=ari: effluauc 1.i.::i.~cious. Tha reasons vhy es=blish::leu: of l1U::l&r_c etfl~eoe li:i~ei~ is uoe teasible is discu.ss.d. 1.:1 deall 1.:1 SUl:a Waeer Boad Ord.rs Nos. lolQ 91-03 and lolQ 91-04. menfore, ehe effluel1e li::Iiueions coueain.d 1.:1 Cis leoaral p.r--i: are uarraciv. aod. iuelucl.a ~e re't'u.:--Ol: :0 i'Cpla_I1C appropruce pol1ueioo prevel1eioo coo=ol prac::ice. aud/or BUI: l"j.:.age'Ceoe PraCl:icU (BMPs). The m'J's lIlaY iuclr:.de erear-..au: of SI:Qr: vaeer discJ:.a:gu, aloog vi.:!>. sou~ea ~edue:ioo, va.ich vill coosl:i:ul:e !A:' aud. !lC': aud vill achieva c01:pliau:e vi:h vaee~ qual icy sl:audards. The effluau: Li:i=eious cous:i:ul:a eompliauce ~:h eha requiramau:s of ch~ C_A. Hovavar. if s:or: vaca~ cl.isc!l.a~gas causa val:ar quali:y .=udar,b co ba ax:aadad, chis gaoe~al. p.r--i: =1' ba amaudad, or eha appropriaea a.gioual Wacar !loard ..y adopc a gaoaral per-:Lic vb.icl1 rapl&cas Uts ga:ara.l. per=ic eo i:lc:l~e adcl.i:ioual. effluaue li:i~eious oaca.sary eo achieva vaCer qualiey .eaudards, Eli=i:aeiol1 or radue:ioo of uOO-Sl:or: vaear discJ:.arga. is a ..jor goal of eb.is gaueral par-:Lic. Noo-sl:or: waear discJ:.arga. 1.:Iclucl.a a ~da varieey of .ourcas, iu:l~g icpropar d.u=ping, spills, or leakage from seorage e~ or eraustar ara&3. No:-.:or: vaeer dischargas lIlaY coneribuee a signific.ane pollu=u: load eo recaivi:lg vaears. Maa.suras eo cooc:ol .pills, leauga, and dw:pi:lg .nd eo prevene illicie counac:i.ous during cous:=c:iou can ofeeu b. addr.csed ~l1rough ~s, This general. per.lli: prohil:li:s ~ha d.isc~rr of _urials oehar Ua.:l. scar: vaur. 'I"'... geUllra.l par-:Li:, hovavar, racogni:as e~~ c.r:ai: uou-e:O:r: val:ar di~charge. may be u.c.ssary fQr eha praccica1 p.r!or:aAC. and compleeiou of ccmst:..""Ucei= projaces. Such di.~c~rga. ioclr:.de, bue ara ::.oc , <-, ~ed ~o: land.cap. i=i.gaeion of arosiou couerol ..aaures, pip. flushing a:d eas~i~g, .~reae washing, and d.va:eri~g. Such discharge. ara allowad by I:hi.~ rDAr~ pend.: if ~a ~c!l.argu ara (1) iofusible ~o aLi::i:u.:a, (2) cc:ply vi:h !.'!Ps as da.cribed in ~a S~ors lola:ar Pollu~ioo P:evaueiou Plau, ()) do uoe caus. or coueribu:e eo a violaeioo ot va~ar qual.i:y sl:audards, aud (4) ara uoe raqui:ad l:0 ba p.r:ieced by ~a local IAgioual Va~ar Board (a.g., so=- 'Ragional Vaear BoaNs U'n adopeed. gauen1 per:i:.s for devaee:1.:Ig disc:~ries). Seor= lolarar Po1lueiou Prevaueiou Plan (S~:PP) This gao.ral p.r:ie requiras davalopmace and impleceu:z.eico of S~PP. ~b.a.i:iog seors vae.r BMPs. This approach provida. ~a f1axibiliey oec...ary eo a.rabli.h ccurrol pracric.. ~~c!1 can appropriaealy addra.. .our:es of polluea~cs ae differeur coos~~c:ion accivieie.. All discb.argars =usr prap&ra, rec&iO er rhe ecosr:ueeicu sire, and i=?la~or a S~7PP. Tna ~J?PP has rvo ..jor objaceivas: (1) eo hall' ideo:i!y :he .our:es of aadimaoe aod orhar pollueacr. rb.ac afface ~a ~uali:y of .eo~ vare: discb.argas aod (2) eo dascrio. aed ensura ehe i=p1eo.cra~iou of pracrieas eo raduee aadi=&ne and oeher poll~cau:s in .eors vacar disc~rgas. The S~PP ~e iccl~e B~. v~ch add:e.. sourca rad~:iou, ~d, if uecessa=7. .hould iccluda !H? vhi~h re~~re eraac=-ue. ST.ID liIUD U;jUQD.:U aJrDa. IIO&IJ) (:sun: 1UDCt 1lQUl)) 0IlDD. 10. '12...ca.-~ unC&LL ~ DL~a~ nnfT'DTUB ~ (J:PnES) c;zDUL !'D2!l:! 10. ~ Ii.lSD DISOt a~ l.llQ[JD!2!Dt'S cm:a:s) JI[]l D~.1tf:~ mS'IOl2! lilJ:211D1KJr!' ~~.TJ:J) gx:m .......~ rl~ ~ The S~ce ~ace: Board tind3 chac: 1. !edera~ ~.~~on3 tor concro~~ing pollu~ncs in eCOr: vacer runoff discharg.. v.r. is.ued by ehe U.S. En~:on=.n~l Proceccion Agency (USEPA) on November 16. 1990 (~O Code of ieder~ iAgulacious (CrR) Parc3 12:, 123. and 124). The reguLacians require di3charge. of .cor: vacer aasociacad vi:~ canscr~ccion acci~c,. including clearing. gradi:l.g. aud exc:.a...aciou acci'ri.ti.es (.=.pc oparatio11.S ~c resu.l:: in di3cur!)anCe of le.. chan five acr.s of cocal Unci ar.. and v~c~ are :1OC parc of a large: CO=zlQll plan of developman: or sale)ll co obcain a !l?DES per:ic and co i"'ple1:8nc !le.e A...ailable Tec!:nololD' Economically AciU.eva~le (3A'!') and Besc Convell:i=l poilucauc Conc:oi Technology (BC7) co r.duc. or .li::li.:1.ace sco= vac.: pollu:iou, 2. This general per:ic shall regulaca pollucaucs in discharg.s of scar: vacer a..ociaced vi~ con.cruc:ion ac:i'ri.:y (s::o= vacer disclarges) .::epc frCllll ~o.e are.. 011 lud.i.a::. l..a.ulis. tha ~ka Taho. Hydrologic Uui.:. and vher. ~. .cor: vaca: discla~g. is d.ce~.d ineligible for co",.rag. undar c:i.s se.::eral per-...i.1: by I:~e CaJ..ifo~ ilegicmalllal:er Qualll:Y ~:u=ollloarda (ll.agioual ~al:er !loaroia). Al:uchmaul: 1 coucai:1s addr..... and I:.lep~one uumbers of eacn ilegi~-&l Ilacer Beard office. J. This gen.:al p.r=i:: does uoc p:e.:p:: or supersede c~e au::~ori::y of local SI:O= val:.: =anage:eu: agencies 1:0 pro~bi:. re.c:i::l:. or co11::01 .:or: vacer discharges 1:0 .eparace .1:0= .evcr .,..cems or oc:.r vacereours.s vi::iU.n ::~eir "juri.dic:::.::u. a. alloved by Sl:ace aud t.ciar~ lave 4. To obc.ai.::l. aucl:1orlza::iou for curreuC and furure .co= vac.r dischargws pur....nc 1:0 u.is laueral panlil:. t:ba owuer of a .ic. vh.r. C011.Scruet:iou ac::i'ri.cy occur. (discharger) must: submic a Notic. of luc.uc (NOI) and appropria::. fe. t:o ~. Scac. Vac.r ica:d, Di.charg.rs vho submic.a NOI an~ appropriac. f.. ar. au~oriz.d co discharg. .cor: var.r under c~. ce~ and coudil:ians of l:iU.s geu.:al p.r:ir. ,. 1! au ~vidu.a.l NPDES penlic i. iuued t:o a di.charg.r ouervi.s. subj.cc 1:0 !:his geu.ral per-..il:. or an Llc.ruat:i.... I.n.ral p.r:i:: i. .ub..quanl:ly adcpl:ed vhich cover3 .::or: val:er di.charge. regulsced by u.is g.u.r~ par=il:. ~e applic:.abillcy of ms geu.rsl par:ic CO .uc~ di..c:harg.. is aut:CIlI&d.c:.ally ur=:i:at:ed on tha .ff.c::i.v. dal:. of ch. individual par:il: 01: ch. dace of apprgv&l. for CO'l'.rag. und.r I:ha subsequ.ut: l.uar&1 per.lli.l:. 6, This actiou 1:0 adollt: a N1'DlS p.r:il: is exemllc fro1ll ue vrO'ri.sio:u of ~e Callfo=i.a Envi.ro=an~l Qu&liI:Y A.ct: (Public i.esourc.. Cad. Secti011 21100. .c nq.), in accordauc. vi.t:h Secti011 13389 of che CaWor:U.a llacer Coda. 11 IJ:l a r.cent: r.Jli:c.g. clle Ninch Circuit Court of Allpaal.Jl innlidal:ed che .xampl:iou granc.d b,. OSD'A for scar: V2t:er discbarge3 from .oil dis~~rbanc.s le.e chan five acres bul: reaaJ:lded to USEPA fo~ fur:h.r ac::ion, Thi. &.ueral pc~c ..y be reopened. as uece33ary. co acc~dace a red.!Lnitiau of c~. t:ypa. of ecorm vat:.r di.charg.e chac .....t be pe=il:ted. -J- c. SP!ClAL PRCV~SlOMS lOR COMSTRUC7~CH ~C7:VI7!: 1. All ~.chargar~ ~c f~la . HOl and .pprop~&c. f.a for eonsc~~~ion ac~ivi~ia. eenduc~.d ac a.c~ li~. as ra~ui~ad by At~c~nt 2: Kotic. of l~~ant--C.naral lA~t~~c~Qn~. 2. All ~schargars must davalop and i=plemant a 5tor= ~at.r Pol:uciQn Prevantion Plan i~ .ccor~nca vi~~ S.ctio~ A: Scor= Ya~er Pollution P~avant~on Plan (sue??). 3. Ois~~ges of non-Icor: vacer are alloved only v~en necas~ary for parfor=Ance and cacpletiou of cousc:"--'ction proiact~ and wt>.ra aay do l1.QC causa or concributa co a nolado", of any vacar q1>&llty scanda~d. Suc~ di~chargas =use ba desc~~d in ~e SWP?P. ~~a~a..r fe.sible, al~er:A~i... vhic~ do not result in disc:.rge of nen-scor= ~ter sbAll ba i:ple=-n~ed, in accordance vi~h Sec~ioo A.7 of t~a S~7PP ra~uira~eocl. 4. All ~sch&rgerl :IIUIC develop ancI i:pla,...nt a ':IICnicoring preg~a= and rapor-::i.::l.g plan in .ccordance vi~~ Sectien B: Mauicori.::l.g Program aud Raporti:g iaquiramancI, 3, All ~sc:.rgers :IIUIC cacply vith ~~a lawful raquira1llants of cu::.i.cipalitias, countia~, dr&i:aga ~SCrictl, aud oaar lecal aganci.s raga~dtng discharges of stc~ vatar co sapa~ca sto=: saver systa:3 or o~a~ vatercoursas undar ~ai~ jurisdie~ion. inelud~ appLi~bla raquira:ants in municipal ster: vatar ..nagemanc programs develop ad to camply vi:h KPOES par:i~ issuad by tn. aacicual Wacar Boards to local agencia., 6. All ~sc:.rgars lINSt CCl:l'Ply vith ~~a standard prtlvisious and rapor~i::g raquira....nts ccnai:1ad ill Section C: Scandard Provisiens. 7. Tha ~sc:.rger "'1 reV'Ou (cancal) coveraga un.d.ar chis ga,aral ;>er:i.~ by sub:U.tting to tha S~t:a Watar Beard ca~tificatiou, in accordanca vi~ e;e .i~tory requi::e:e:ts of S.ction C: Standard Pro~_siens, It.ms 9 and la, that c=st::ucticu activil:1 has baa", camplecad, ~t Ul. ale_nts of tha S\.7?P hava baan cacplatad, t!1.:at con.st=tion and aqui;=ant _intananc. \I2.ta hava baan dis'Pesad of proparly, ~t tha si.ta i~ in cacplUn.ca vie; all local u:or= vatar __ga:&::: raqui:r.:a:ts inc:~ e~gsionlsadimant con:::el ra~ui:a=ants. policia., and guidal~es, In addition, a disc:a:ge: =ay reveke (eanca~) covaraga undar ehis lanaral par:i:: whan avaarship of &Ll or a portion ef ::he projac:: bA. baen eran.sfa=-d. The nav ovnar -..e comply vi.::h ~a previsions of Saction A(2)(c) and B(3)(b) of ::his sanara.l par:i.t. Tha raV'Oea::i= .hO'l1l.d aceowpauy the NOl f:,= ua nav ovoar whan pessibla. J. a. nu.. lanaral p.r:it vU.l axpire on Augus: 20, 1997. Upon r.i.au.a=a of a NPOES genara.!. pand: by ::ha Sta::a 'iatar Board, dischargar. subjact to tha raissued canara1 par:i:: ,..y be ra~uirad :0 !!.l.a a ravi.ad NOI. D. 1lECI0KAI. llJ....-zll !OllD .ltrrBOll.l'!'1ZS' 1, loll~g adoption of ::his ge",ara1 parmit, lasioual Waear Board. .hall: a. lapla_n::::he proviaiou of Uis ganaral pendt, l:a'Pl...n:aei= of this ga",aral pandt: ..y 1.=ltLda, but i. not llm.itad t:o, raviaving SWPPPs, raviavi.:g monitoring rapor-::s, conducting cC'Ir'Pliar.ca in~ac:i=s. and t:aking autorcamant actiona. b, laaua parmit. as thay daa. appropriata to individual di.e~rlars, ca:agories of di.charsars, or cU.schargars in a le~a'Phic ar.., Upon iuua.nc.a of such pa~t. by a lagional Yatar !c.ard, tha affactad dischargers .hall no longer be ragulatad by this sanera1 permit. 2. Itegio-..al \Iacar Boads _y provida l"i~:l::a t:o discharga". on S.7PP and Moc.it:ori:g hOg':"alll 1::1pla_n:ao.on. -~- S.Cl:1.an It.: S-:'C1l.'1 lu:rn POu.tr."!OK 1'lL""\"Dl"!10!f PUN 1. Obi.ct:i....a It. Sl:ar.ll ~&e.r 1'ollueian 1'1:".".nei= pun (S!.'?!'PI ahall be developed and i::lpl._n:.d far ..c.ll. ca....:r=ei.an sil:. cov.r.d by t:!U.s g.neral p.r:i.t:. The S".'?!'!' ahall be cert:i!i.d 1.:1 accardanC. vi.~ ~ aigl1&eary r.quir._nes of S~ard prov;.sian C,9. The S!.'?!'!' shall b. dev.lop.d and a_nded. w.n _c....ry. t:a ....: t:he follov"~g abj.ct:i.ves: a. To ilieneify pollut:ane scu:ces !:hat: _1 affece ue q=lit:7 of discharg.s of st:a= vat:e= a.aod.at:ed vi~ cons:=uceion aCl:ivit:y (al:or: val:er discharg.al frOlll l:ha cons::ue:i.an sil:.. and b. To id.n:ify. ccust:=UCl:. and illlplement: .:0= vat:er pollut:ion pr.".neian .easur.s (con:=ol prac:iceal t:o reduc. pcllut:ant:s in at:ar: vat:e1:" discharg.s frOlll l:he const:=;::.on si::e bou d=-'-=-g cc:ult:=t:ion and .f~.r ~ODA~:iQU i~ camp~.c.d. 2, 1::l~l.",.n=:ian Schedule a, lor couseruc:ian ac:i.vi:y commanc1.ng an and &1eer Oceaber 1, 1992, ~ Syppp ~t: b. d.v.laped and i=ple_nt:ed concur.:eut: vi.~ c_nce_n:: of ccnuc;uceiou acdv-'_tiea, b. lor co...e::'UCt:icu act:iv1.t:y commanc1.ng prior 1:0 and cont:inui:1g beyond Oct:ober 1. 1992, ~ SOi?PP lIIUt: b. dav.loped and icpl..enl:ed by Oceober 1, 1992. c, lor ongoing const:~~:ion act:ivit:y invol~g a chang. of ovners~p of prop.r:y cov.red by ~s g.neral p.r:i.:, t:l1a n.v o"",.r lImst: accepl: and 1Il&int:&i:1 ue exist:ing S"oll'l'l'. J. Availabi.~':T Tha SWl'l' .b.&ll b. upt: ou ait:. during coust::"'..ct:iou activit:y and ::ad. available up= re'r..a.t: of a rapr...n:ativ. of l:h. llagional 'ilae.r Board and/or locs.l ag.=y, 4. Reou!.=.d O:anll.s a. Th. d.i.sc:harg.r aha.ll ....n.d. a. S'ilPpp vb........r u.r. ia . chang. 1.:1 cc...=ticm or O?4'raeiona vhich ..y Lff.c:t: cll. .u.ac:h&%&. of a~ic:.au: quantities of polluuut:. 1:0 1U'fac. val:.ra, sro=.cl. _cara, or . wmzdI:ipal a.parat:. .t:Or2 .._r aysus. Th.a Sln'PP aheuld alao be amend.d 1.f 1.t: 1..& 1.u violAtiou of Uly ~ti= of thia g.uarsl. pa1:l&it: or haa not: .chi....ad. a. g_araJ. obj.c:ei.... of redu.:1.n& polluuut:. 1.u S=1:II _:.r disc:h&%g.a. b. Th. J.ap.~ Vaur Bo.rd, or loeal. ale=y vicll cll. coucu=.uc. of t:h. J.alicmal. 'il.t:.r Board, -y r.qu!.r-e Ul.a .u.ach1rg.r t:o .-nd l:h. S\lPPP, " Sourc. U.nt:Uicaticu Th. S~Pl' ab.&ll prcnoi.d. a d.ac:=ipt:icm of pcu~ .ou:c:aa vhi.~h .r. llkaly !:o add aip;i!icant: quand.:iaa of pcllut:an:a :0 .t:Or.ll vat:.r c!.isc:ha1"ge. or vhi~h _y result: in =D-at:Or.ll va~.r disc:h&rr' frOll :ha cO"Q.S:ru.c:iOD .iu, Th. SIoi'l'P shall i"l.ud.. &~ a 1lini1llWll, :ll. following iu.a: -7- ~. ~.c~ods of an-si:a .c~rag. and di3pc~al of coasc~;iou ~~.ri~12i aad .~i, ~. na~ura of f~l aac.rial and axi.ci~1 daca da.cribinl :~a .oil on cba con.c~c:ion .ica. d. A li.c of pollucanc. (oc~ar chAn ..di:.nc) ~c ar. l~kalT co b. pr...nc in .co=: wacar di.chArg.s ~ .ignificanc quancicia.. C..crib. cbe concrol praccice. (if di!!arant from 1ca= 6 b.lov) appropri&ca co reduca cbase polluc&nc. ~n cba .~Onl wacar di.chArge.. a. An a.ci:&ca of cbe s~:e of ch. cou.c~~c:ion .ice (in .c~. or square feec). au esci:&c. of cha runof! co.f~i~.n~ of th. ccns~=Uc:~cn si~. b.fore anA &f~.r cousc:uc:icn, and an ..ci:aca of ch. perc.u~a&. of c~a ar.. of cbe consc~ccion sica cbac i. i2pa~oua (e'I', p&vam.uc. building.. ace.) bafor. .04 af~.r cou~cruc:icn. f. A cOPT of cha NOl. 6, Er~sicn and Sedi=ant Coutr~l Th. S..'1'PP sball includa: a. .\ d..c=ipuon of soil aubill:u.cicm prac:ic.a. Th... prac:ic.. .\::all ba duigned CO ~.a~ exi.s~ v.g.ca:ion vhera fe.sibla and co ravag.care open ar... a. .oon as faasibla .frar ~di~ or consr~~:iou. In davaloping cha.a praccic... che discharg.r s~ consid.r: c.mporary a..~. per=an.nc ...di:lg. m1l.clU.:1g, aed scabUl.:scion. ...gacaci... bu!f.r scrip.. procac:ion of cra... en' och.r soil .cabili:aeion praccicas. Ae a :i:i:u:. cba opera:or ~c i:plamanc cha.. praccica. on ~ discu:~d araas during cha ra1:1 .eason. b. A d..c=ipciou or illu.eracion of coucrol practic.. which. to tb. anenc feasible. vill pr....nc . n.c i~craa.a of .adi=a~c load in .CO:2 vacar discharga, l~ daval=?i=g control prac:ic... ch. di.chArger .h.&ll con.idar . full ranga of aro.io~ and .ad.imanc concrels auc:.b .. dAc.~:ion b.sin., .cr.v ba.la dike.. .~c fanca.. aarch dikes, br~sh barri.r.. .alocicy di..ipauon davica.. drainaga ~la., chac~ cams, aubsurfaca drai~, Fire .lopa drai~, 1....1 aprudars, scor: drai:1 inl.c proc.c::iem. rock outlat procllc:ion. .adi:nant: craps, ta:porary .edi::l8nc basi:1s, or oebar cemeols. A: a lIli:l.i--..m. .andbag di....... a~c fanca.. a=av bala <iike.. or .quivalanc concrols prac:ic.. ara raquir.d. for all .ig:lJ.!ican: .idulope and dovn.slope bo=cl.arl.. of cha CCl1S=:iCl1 ar... Tha discharg.r ....1: considar ait.-.pecific and. aaaaonal conCi:ions v~an cl.a.ilUin, eba cCl1:::01 practic... c. C=e:ol practicu co raduc. ua trsckinl of ..d.ilune CI1CO public or pri?&U roacl..a. 'rhe.. public &:I.cl. prl?&c. road. .b.all ba inapac1:ad and. claan.d a. neca..ary. d. CCI1c:ol praccica. to rac!uca vi:1d aro.ion. 7. 1I000-Sco:2 Vacar Haualt...uc Th. S1JPPP .h.&ll includ. prOY1.ion. v!:lic~ al.i.Jllill.ac. or raduca eo u. e.xr.ne feuibla cb. diacb.arle of ..tarlals O1:~.r cb.an .cor.a vacar 1:0 1:ba scor.a .av.r .y.c.... and./or ~c.iviUl _1:ar.. Such prorlsicm. .h&ll ansura. eo th. axcenc f.aaibla. tb.ac no _carlal. ara di.chargad i:1 qua:1:itia. vhich vill ha... an ad..r.a efface ClU r.c.ivUlg _urs, t'.aurials ot~ar tb.au ator:a vacar tl:.at ara diachar,ad ahall boa li.tad alCl1I vich cha a.ci::laud 'luanticy of cb. discb.arl.d .....c.r1&l. -9- S.c:~oa 3: MOS:7CR~~C ?ROG~~ AND R!PORTISC REQUI~.S 1,~ Disch&rg.rs ar. r.quired c~ coaducc i~p.c:iaas b.for. aad a~:er .car: e9.acs aad Co LCn~1,c.~i~7 C~c chey ar. i:l. CO'lllllll~=. vi:.ll :h. s.aaral p.=.i: and ch.ir Sl.lP??, O:.ll.r chaa r.portin; i=id.n:s of nonccmpli.nca, di2c~ri.rs are ~ac requi:ad ~o su~~ rapor:3 or c.r~i~icac~ous. 2, Reauired ~-aa~.s Th. R.giou.a.l. Vac.r aoard ::I&Y ~qui.r. :h. disc~rg.r :0 coaduc: add.i:ica.al si:. i..usp.c:icus, ...b=i: ~por-::. ~ad c.r-::i~ica~oas. or :0 par~or: sampling aad analysis. 3. 1=~lemea:2:ioa a. Th. r.~~ir.m.a:s of chi. s.c~cu .hall b. i:pl...ac.d by Oc-::ob.r 1, 1992 or co:menc.maa: of :he cou.sc=-..c-::ioa &C-::~=:y. !b. cU..charger is re.pon.ible for illlpl.maa-::ing ~... r.qu:ir.maa:. uur.i..l caa.:rue~an .c~vi:y i. compl.ce, b. lor ougoug coas::-=-::ion llCtivi:y iA...ol-:i.:.g a chang. i..u ova.rsMi' of prop.rt:7 c.....r.d by chi.. gea.ral p.r.:d.:, :ha n.v OVl1er 1lUS: ilIqlllllUa: :h. raquir.lIlan:s of :hi. S.ctiOl1 ccuc=.n: vi:h :h. chanl. of ovuar:sb.i.p. 4. Si:e lasn.c-::ious Disc~rg.r3 s~ll conduce i:3pec:icn. of :h. c~:rue:iac ai:. prio~ :0 &u:ici?a:ad scer: events a:d af:ar &c:ual .cer: .....a:. :e id.atify .rea. cea::ibu~ :0 a di.~rg. of .:er: va:.r a..ecia:.d vi:h coua:ructioa activi:y and co .value:. vh.:har ~on:=ol practic.. ce r.duc. pollueau: laadLags idaaci!iad in :h. S".TPP? ar. ad.qua:. &ad ~otl.r11 brpla_a:.d i..u acc=da.aca vi:h :h. :.rss ef :h. lea.ral. par.:d.: or vh.char addi:ioa.a.l. c=crol ~ac:ic.. are a..d.d. ... r.co::-d of :h. iu.spac:ioas 1IrU.: i..uclnda :h. cia:a of :h. inspac-::ioa, :h. i..udividual(.) vhe par!o::-:ad :h. inspactioa, and :h. ob..rva~oa.. .5. C"",~lUac. C.r:ifica:ioa !&eh dis~rl.r 1IIU.&: annually c.r:ify :ha: iu CC11&=ticm acrlvi:y i. i..u cO'llllllianc. wi:h :h. nqui.::a1Mn:s ef :hi. g.aa:al par.:d.: and i:. S'olPPP. Thi. c.r:ificatioa .hou.ld be ~ad UpOl1 :ha .i:a i..usllactica. requi.nd in Paragraph 4 ef :h.is Sactica. Th.a fir.: car--ifica:ioa wu.s: ba ccwpla:.d by July 1, 1993, aDd .ach July 1 :ha:aaf:ar. 6, llcucomtlli.a.uc. 1l..l)or:'~S[ Dischargars who c.a=o: c.=ify coaplis.nc., i..u accordanc. vi:h Para~i'h , of chis Sec:i= aDd/= vho ha.... had oehe: i.nauncu of =oapti.aac., ....: aoti.fy :h. appropria:. I.agienal Wa:.: lloard. Tha ne:ificac.OI1s sh.:al.1 id.l1d.!y :ha 1;Tpa(.) of aouc:aap1U.nca, ciascobe :h. ac:ica.. :ac..aary :e achi..... coapll.a=.. aDd incl""'e a :iaa achedul., subj.c<:: :0 :he IDOdificac.ous by :h. llagional iia:.r Board, indic:ad..a.<< vhen CC1llplia=. vi.l.l be achi.....d. H011caapliaace ao:illc:aeiou.a .....: be aub-ai::ad vit:.b.i:l. 30 daya of id.a:ificaeien of uouc:ompli&nc:a. 7. MeuieerinS[ Racerd. llacerds ef all i..uspac':.ica.s, coapllanc. c:ar:ific:.a:ica.a, alld Iloncaaplunc. rapor:iag au.s: ba rauined fer · period of a: 1&.&.: chr.e ,ears. Wi:h :11. axcep:ica. of uollccr.aplia=e r.por:i:l.g. dischargera an ace: raquir.d :0 rubmi: :h... record.. -ll- 7. DuC7 co hoV'ida Info~cion Th8 di~cnargar lnall fu~~h cha Ragioual Wacar Board, Seaea ~aclr Board, or USEPA. vi~ a raa.onabla ti_, &111 raqu.uted il1to~tion to dUar':lli:1. cOlIpllal1Ca vith t~~ g.nanl par::r.it. Tha di.c.l1.&rgu .h&ll &130 fu-~~h, upon raqua3e. copia. of raeord~ requirad co ba kepe ~y ~3 ganaral pa~e. a. In3paeeiou and Ene:y Tha di3enargar .hall. all.ow tha llagioual Waear 5oard, Stata Waear Board. USZ?A, Uld/or, i=. ella ca.a of eonst=uetian sitl. v~eh di.enarga :braugh a WUAi~pal. .aparata .ear= lavar, au auellori.ad rapra.aneaeiva of tha ~cipal oparator of ella ~eparaea .ear= .av.r .1~e.. racai~ tha di~cnarga, upc: tha prasaneacian of cradanc~l. and oehar dacumanc. .. ..y ba raquirad by lav, to: a, [ncar upon tha di.chargar', prami... ae raa.onabla rima. vhara a ragulaead consc:uetian actiV'ity is baing conducted or vlara rlcord. lIIU'C ba upc Imdar :ba con.di::.an. of Ci.~ g.na:'2l pa::.t:; b, Hava acca.' to an.c1 copy at r.a.enabla t:i=-., any racord~ tnat: mat: ba upt: undar tha con.c1it:iau of thi~ g.n.ral parmit; c. Inspact: at: raasonabla ti:as t:ha ccm.t:=uetion. nu and tha ral..&t:.d .ro.ion/ sadi_nt ccucola; and. d. Sampla or monitor at: raa.enabl. t:1_. tar t:ha purpo.a at .uu:iug gauar&l par=it: complianca. 9. Signatory Ilaquira_nu _ a, All Mot:ica. of Intane ~bmit:t:ad to tha S~ta Watar Board .h&ll ba .ignad a. fol:ov.: 1. lor a corparationJ by a re.p-..ibla c~ta officar, lor ~a purro.a of thia aaction, a raspoesibla corrorata officar .&&nS: (a) a pra.idant, .ac:atary, t::.a~r.r, or Ti:. pr.aid.ut ot ella corporation in charge at a principal !nuua.. f=ecian, = &117 otbar persou ":0 parlor.u .i:1ar policy or d.ciaion.-maki.:lg fuuc:t:iou tar the corporation., or (11) th. lll&nAl1Ir ot the ca~t:uetion aeeiV'ity if authority to .ign documants has b.eu aasignad or delagaeed eo t:ha ..nagar in accordanc. vit:h corporae. procadur..; 2. lor a paralar.hip or .ol. propri.torship: by a g&11.ral par=.r or ~. praprl.e=, ~ap.ctiv.ly; or 3. lor a smicipalic7, Statl, lad.ral, or o~.r public ag.ucy: by .itb.r a princ:ipal cxac:ut.1..... of.H.car, raukiug .l.ctad official, or duly au:barb.d rtIpr...ucat.1...... Th. p-riuc:.ij)&l az.cut.1.ve oftic.r at a led.r1l ageucy incl~. th. chiaf &%&cut.1..... officar of ~. aseucy or ~. .enior .:uCut.1..... officar having ruponsiblliq far the CJ'I"&rall operat.1.ou of a pri=ipal g.osrsphic unit of t:ha agancy (a.g., ".gional Admiuiatratcr. of OSE:!'Al. b. All .to= _tlr pollution prlvantion pl=--, nport., car,::i.f ic.a::. cu. , or ol:har i:1.fcr:oat.1.= nl{1Zir.d by the aeuar&l parllit avA/or raqua.ud by t.ha Ilagi=-l Waur Board, Stat. \1&l:ar Board, OSlPA, or Ua local .tora vatar aanAsa..nl: asaney .hall ba lilDAd by a p.rsan de.cribed abova or by a duly aUI:h.arizad rapre.enutiva. A parsou ia a duly authorizad rapr..au~t.1.v. if: 1, Th. au:bori::acion ia ..da in vritins by a p.ra= duc:ibed abo"e and rar.ai.a.ed aa part of ~e Sl.o7P? ; -13- l~. laopanar C~u~a Thi~ ganaral permit say be 2odi!iad, re90kAd and rei.aued. or te~~tad for cau.e due to prc.ulgation of amanded ragulation~. recaipt of USEPA guidanca conea~ing raguLatad acti~itia_, judicial dect.ion, or i~ accordance wit~ 40 C7R 111.61. 111.63, 121.64. and 124,~. 16, Penal:ia. for Violatio~ of Per:it Conditions a, Sec:ion 309 of tha ~JA provide. significaut penaltia~ for auy person vao violat.s a par:it condition i=pla..u~g Sectio~~ 301. 302. 306, 307, 308, 318, or 40~ of t~e ~JA or aU1 par=it cou4i~ou or 1i:d.~tiou implallleutiug auy .uch .ec~ou l.u a par:it i~.uad under Sectiou 401. J.rJ.1 par.ou vho violat.. auy permit conditiou of this ~neral parmit is aubject to a civil penalty net to axceed S~,OOO per day of _uch violation, u vell .a auy other approp::d.ace unction provided by Saction 309 of t~e OIA. b. The ?or-:er-Cologne \lacar Qualil:7 CDntrol A.cC al.o provide a for dvi.l and crimi.:al penaltiu vlUch l.u .0.... caa.. are graatar ~n tha.e undar cha ~..A. 17. Avai1abi~~t7 A copy of thia leuara1 permit shall be _in:.al.uad at tha C011.t:UC:i= .ita during ccua::-=ti::n activity and be a~b1e to operating persouual. 18. Trauafera This ganaral pe=it is net tra:ufarabla. A nav owner of an O11goi:g c011s:=ction activi.:,. 1IlWI: I'Ubmit a NOI l.u accardanca vith the raquira1ll&ccs of this lanaral pe=i: to b. authorizad to ~seh&rie ~er ~~ laneral. par:l.:. Au ovnar who ..lls propar::y covered by t!:is gaueral. p4rmi: ahall :l.u.for= Ua naV ovuar of the dUl:7 to fila a HOI and .ball prov-'..da tha uaV oVtlar with a copy of uis laueral per=it. 19. Continuaticu of Expired Par:l.t This ganaral per=it continuaa iu forea and effact un~ a uav sauaral. per.:i: La i..ued or ua S~t. Watar Board rea~. this lanaral permit. Culy tb.o.. di.c:h.:argars autb.or4-=ed to elischarge W1d.r Ua ar,li.ri.u& seueral. par=it are covered by the C:011~uad seneral par:it, ~~\-~ - /~ ,~~ ... / i-----n, ~~m=B\r;L \" \!:-~~~"~~~~( " '\ 'I '1,,1 ~r-i 1111 j !~-_=.~: ~~~ ==;:z1~ ~ I )',1 iLI'1 :k1 :_~:,\, -'~.- ~i:=n8y. ", :'r' ,~" ~WI I LJ_i ~I :---hs.."\~~_, ....... Ii ':' I, .~~. .. .~.." ~ ,. _.... _"\~' , . I -~ --------..---- I I" "'"'. ". \' " '6 'I " 'Irl ' I' ~7 ,:.\' ~". = .'In;l.-.". to .' ,'t I f~!~ 'r.;~~~ . ~ "I ,; ". !. .....;, ,. 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EN'" .. ~ ~ ~ III t') .. 010 .. .. .. .. 0 0 OC'>:g ~OM ~ ~ ~ ~ -M'M ~ ~ ..~iti OM .w 0 0 0 O.wJJOO ~go ~ Ill'M"M'M OM III Ill-M -M H e.w.wJJJJe e.w.w f=~co III III III III III III III O('t)~ :s: Or-ir-ir-ir-i0 Or-ir-i .!!!.~ ~ 4-1 0 0 0 04-14-100 o :....... i< ~ OM -M OM 'M ~ ~ -M 'M ~""N i< H:>:>:>:>HH:>:> Q.":":'l"'" ',;TATE OF CALIFORNIA. DEPARTMENT "FTRANSPORTATION 63;f" Uk~*,~C/f~ ~A~ ENCROACHMENT PERM!'. Permit No, ('l#'~ ti~ '?;. TR-OI2O 0499-6FN2471 eeO/e.sJ~f 7 Dist/Co/Rte/PM CC &-///~ 04-SCL-17 10.8 In compliance with (Check one): Date ~ Your application of September 14, 1999 October 8 1999 Fee Paid Deposit 0 Utility Notice No. of 560.00 $ Performance Bond Amount (I) Payment Bond Amount (2) 0 Agreement No. of Bond Company 0 R/W Contract No. of Bond Number (I) Bond Number (2) {J;v TO: I Huetting & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, # 10 Palo Alto, CA 94304 I Attn: Kenneth A. Neumeister L Phone: (650) 322 2121 ~ ' PERMITTEE and subject to the following, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED to: Replace about 1700' of an access control fence with a 6' high black vinyl clad chain-link: fence along State Highway 04-SCL-17, Post Mile 10.8, in the City of Campbell Two days before work is started under this permit, notice shall be given to, and approval of construction details, operations, public safety, and traffic control shall be obtained from State Representative 1. Wong, 500 Queens Lane, San Jose 95112, (408) 452 7131, weekdays, between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM. This permit does not authorize traffic control. Immediately following completion of the work permitted herein, the permittee shall fill out and mail the notice of completion attached to this permit. The following attachments are also included as part of this permit (Check applicable): I:8J Yes DYes DYes DYes o No I:8J No I:8J No IZJ No General Provisions Utility Maintenance Provisions Special Previsions A Cal-OSHA permit required prior to beginning work: # In addition to fee, the permittee will be billed actual costs for: DYes I:8J Yes IZJ Yes I:8J No o No Review Inspection Field Work (If any Caltrans effort expended) DYes IZJ No The information in the environmental documentation has been reviewed and considered prior to approval of this permit. This permit is void unless the work is completed before December 31, 1999. This permit is to be strictly construed and no other work other than specifically mentioned is hereby auUlOrized. No project work shall be commenced until all other necessary permits and environmental clearances have been obtained. APPROVED: r:;~7'\ BECEt\,/'.. : " .. ~- i (' 0 '\ '" . o C. I ' 5 U6L\C vi (r',K ~OM\t'lISl RA l\Ol't HARRY Y. YAHATA, District Director BY: ., G. J. BATTAGLINI, District Permit Engineer Page I 01'2 NAME: Huettig & Schromm, Inc. PERMIT#: 0499-6FN2471 DATE: October 8, 1999 Installation of proposed black vinyl clad chain link fence shall comply with Caltrans Standard plan ASS. Removing and replacing of the access control fence shall be done from the permittee's property. Access control shall be maintained at all times. Pennittee shall contact "Utility Service Alert" USA to mark High and Low Risk underground utilities before any excavation. Any damage to the installed black vinyl clad chain-link fence shall be repaired immediately at permittee's expense, otherwise Caltrans will replace the damaged black vinyl clad chain-link portion with its own chain- link fence standard. All personnel shall wear hard hats and orange vests, shirts, or jackets as appropriate during construction. Permittee shall be billed for any additional inspection at the current Caltrans rate of $70.00 per hour. Certain details of work authorized hereby are shown on permittee's plan submitted with request for permit. .. Page 2 of2 ot . C"tl1 ~. /.>4' !:: ~ u .- ~ "- .,. <- (' c,...... ORCH ;...'i'LO CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department March 23, 2001 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schramm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Winchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park - Permit 98-129 McGlincey/Union Traffic Signal Interconnect Cable Dear Mr. Neumeister: Some time at about April 18, 2000, we met with you and discussed and informed you that you needed to furnish and install the following: "Furnish and install one each SIC (Signal Interconnect Cable) and one each power cable, each continuous and unspliced, from inside the controller cabinet, through conduit runs 2 and 3 as indicated on Plans, and to the top of the type 15 lighting standard at Location A. The Contractor shall leave 8 feet of slack of each cable coiled neatly in the base of the controller cabinet and 6 feet of slack of each cable secured at the top of and inside the lighting standard. Both ends of the two cables shall be taped with PVC tape and the cables inside the lighting standard shall be secured at the top, inside the standard's vertical shaft, just under the pole cap, to prevent the cables from falling down inside the shaft. "The SIC shall be 6 pair and shall conform to Caltrans S6-2.08E and the power cable shall be Belden #9494 or approved equivalent." It has come to our attention that these materials have not yet been installed. Would you please install these materials at your earliest convenience, as we need to do additional work on the signals. Please have your contractor call Tony Rucker at (408) 866-2744 to schedule the work. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Cc: Lynn Penoyer, Land Development Manager Alan Horn, Sr. Public Works Inspector Matthew Jue, Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker, Sigllals & Lighting 70 :--Jorth First Street Campbt:l1, Calitornia 95008-1423 TEL 408.866.2150 F.~X 408.376.0958 T\)D 408.866.2790 October 30, 2000 R~CE"'VED NOV 0 , 2000 -~ HUETTIG & SCHROMM, INC City of Campbell Public Works - Land Development 70 North First Street CampbelL CA 95008-1423 Attn.: Cnn: Gomez Re: Punch List Request - Encroachment Pennit 98-219 Campbell Technology Park Job # 207001 Dear NIr. Gomez: This letter is to request that the City of Campbell provide us with a final Punch List for the Public Improvement Work associated with Encroachment permit 98-2 i 9. This lerter shall also conr:ilil ("'lli" previous verbal agreement that we have your approval to postpone thc final lift of asphalt and the relarcd striping and monumentation until approximately mid- December. Before tnis \vork. San Jose Water Company will be making a connection in the street for fire sprinkler service and w~ \",auld like to install the drive Jpron for 603 Campbell Technology Parkway. S2.:1 Jese \Vater COlTIrany and I will be coordinating the necessary approvals and permits within the next month. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me, Kenneth A. Neumcister Project Manager- Architect cc: EED CP H:CTPCtl-l 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 . Palo Alto, California 94304 . (650) 322-2121 . Fax: (6501 322-5029 State Contractors License Number I 29060 HS ~u/~} . c: ;.; ~ ...,) ..,../ ~/ September 6, 2000 RECEIVED 5EP 0 7 2000 =,L'C WORK8 NleTAATlOI( HUETTIG & SCHROMM, INC. City of Campbell Public Works Department 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008-1423 Attn.: Harold Housley, P.E. - Land Development Engineer Re: EP 98-219 - Monumentation Cash Security - Campbell Technology Park Job # 96-088 Dear Harold: This letter is in response to your August 21, 2000 letter regarding the $10,000.00 cash security deposit being retained for the setting of the survey monuments. At this time, we have not completed the last lift of paving and we are holding off the monumentation until then. I anticipate completion by November 1, 2000. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. cc: EED H:CTPCit12 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 . Palo Alto, California 94304 . (650) 322-2121 · Fax: (650) 322-5029 Stote Contractors License Number 1 29060 .o\"CA'4.o ... ~ r.... ~ ... . l"" U .. r- 1-~ --.. r.J.q C H A. \\. 0 ... ~' CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department August 21, 2000 WTA Campbell Technology Park, LLC 900 Welch Road, # 1 0 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Re: Project Address: 535 Westchester Drive EP 98-219, Parcel Map No. 71625/26 Monumentation Cash Security Dear Developer: According to the City's records, a $10,000.00 cash security bond is still being retained for setting the survey monuments for the above-referenced Parcel Map No. 716 25/26. Please provide us with a letter from your civil engineer/land surveyor that all monumentation has been completed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act Section 66495, and the recorded Parcel Map No. 71625/26, and that he/she has been paid for his/her services. Upon written request for refund of the security by the party who posted it, the staff will check the site to verify that the monuments have been set. When the monumentation has been completed, the staff will arrange to have your security released by the City Council. According to recorded Parcel Map No. 71625/26 monuments should have been set on or before May 1,2000. Please respond within two (2) weeks of receiving this letter. Contact David Corona or me at (408) 866-2158 if you have any questions. SincerelY:/ ',/~/ '---7 /-;;--7 / - / , 1. Harold Housley, P.E Land Development Engineer cc: LD File/535 Westchester Drive EP File/98-219 Alan Horn, Public Works Inspector Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Steven M. Mendenhall, HMH, 1570 Oakland Road, Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95161 j :\ld\monuments due 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-14:23 . TEL 408,866.:2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 'TOD 408.866.:2790 PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING DIVISION ------------------- MEMORANDUM TO: Gretchen Conner, Finance Director FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer ~ SUBJECT: Campbell Tech Park Incident DATE: July 12, 2000 Attached is a copy of the chronology of events prepared by our Public Works Inspector Alan Horn documenting involvement in the incident at Campbell Technology Park where a woman reported that she fell into a City storm drain manhole. To date we have not heard that the woman intends to file any claims associated with this incident, but we are documenting the events as requested. As we discussed, the manhole that the woman apparently fell into is part of a public storm drain facility that is located within a public storm drain easement located on private property. The manhole is very near the property line between the Paseo De Palomas Mobile Home Park and the new Campbell Technology Park. The manhole in question was not a part of the actual construction, but was located in the vicinity of major construction. WTA, the developer of the Campbell Technology Park development had several subcontractors working in the vicinity on a variety of improvements related to the new development. One of the improvements was the construction of a new public storm drain facility within easements through the Campbell Technology Park and through the private access road of the Paseo De Palomas Mobile Home Park to a connection with the main storm line in Union Avenue. This new storm drain runs parallel to the existing line, which contains the manhole in question. The construction of the new storm drain line was accomplished by the developer, WT A Development, through a reimbursement agreement with the City of Campbell Redevelopment Agency. Sanco Pipeline was the subcontractor for WT A who was working in the vicinity on the new storm drain line. Randy Westfall, the other Public Works Inspector, has also indicated to me that he notified WTA of the loose manhole cover prior to the incident of the woman falling into the manhole. Randy is checking his logs to see if he has any record of this conversation with Chris Pechacek of WT A and will also document his involvement in the incident. Also available in our files for your use should you need them are the reimbursement agreement with WT A for the storm drain work, the parcel map showing the easements for the storm drain facilities, and the improvement plans for the development or the storm drain work. Cc: Bob Kass, Public Works Director Alan Horn, Public Works Inspector Randy Westfall, Senior Public Works Inspector Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Kirk Heinrichs, Redevelopment Director O~.C44t ~. A~ i... .~ -.. r U r- o 0 ,. ~ ~ " ~ c,.... '0 ~CHAv..~ MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Michelle Quinney DATE: July 3, 2000 FROM: ALAN HOM, PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR SUBJECT: Storm drain manhole at Paseo De Paloma This is a chronology of events: Monday June 26 Received a message and called Diane (559-1778), Manager of the mobile home park, She informed me that a daughter of one the residents was escorting her mother on a walk and fell into a storm drain manhole. Diane stated the woman reported the cover was loose on the manhole and when she stepped on top of the cover it flipped up, The woman fell in and was caught up waist high between the opening and the cover, Diane stated they placed the piece of plywood, traffic cone and some asphalt chunks over the manhole cover. They also placed a handwritten sign warning people not to walk on the manhole. I informed her I would look into it. Checked out the manhole and discovered the cover diameter was smaller than the frame seating diameter therefore the cover would rock and flip up if stepped on. Called Chris Pechacek (650-218- 5914), Project Manager for Campbell Tech Park, informing him what had happened, He stated he knew about the situation because one of his laborers had fallen in too. He had been trying to get Sanco Pipeline to respond to this situation, but has not received any response from them, He asked if I could give them a call. Called Dave Ponza (377-2793), Sanco Project Manager, and informed him of what has transpired. He stated he was under the understanding that the foreman had taken care of the situation, but he will look into it again. Received a late call from Dave Ponza who stated they did not do any work on the manhole in question but tied in on the other line fifteen feet south of the manhole. (June 26 cant' d) Left a message with Vince Jimenez, PW Street Supervisor, to look at the manhole and assess what can be done, Tuesday June 27 Received a call from Vince Jimenez who said he had looked at it and stated the diameter of the existing frame was a non-standard diameter at 26112 ". He will look in his storage yard to see if he may have something that may fit. Received a message and called Brenda Woodman (298-2181 ext 3827), the woman who fell in the manhole. She stated she was walking her mother and stepped on the manhole cover, The cover flipped up and caused her to fall waist high into the manhole. She said her legs had bruises and abrasions. Her stomach was hurt and has scheduled to see a doctor about the swelling around the stomach, She stated she was concern about the safety of the situation. I advised her we are looking into the situation and will see what we can do. Met with Vince Jimenez and Rick Amaro at the site. Vince stated they may not have the right size, but will contact West Valley Sanitation to see if they may have something that will fit. Found a broken manhole cover leaning against the north fence approximately 30' away. It appeared to have been moved there by landscaping operations. Measurement of broken manhole diameter appears to be a fit into the frame, Vince left a message that West Valley Sanitation has looked at it and will bring out another cover on Wednesday. Left a message with Dave Ponza expressing my concern of possible miscommunication between him and the field foreman. Wednesday June 28 On the site at llAM, West Valley Sanitation had already switched the cover out. Left a message with Chris Pechacek that the cover had been switched out, Recovered broken manhole cover and placed into my truck. Friday June 30 Dave Ponza called back and met with him on the site. I showed him the broken cover and walked down the mobile home roadway to survey existing storm drain manhole covers to verify that the size and configuration of the broken one matches other existing covers on the same line. I informed him that the broken cover was not caused by foot traffic or normal wear, but by heavy equipment. I informed him that there may be further actions to come and he was aware of the situation, ~t 7 foe:, ~('l.e!oo t '!ZB)DO ~!'lI3( (J() Page 1 of 1 file:!1 A: \MVC-OO 1 S.JPG 6/29/00 Page 1 of 1 file:!1 A\MVC-002S.JPG 6/29/00 Page 1 of 1 file:!1 A\MVC-003 S.JPG 6/29100 t:tl CD ::::::: ~ ~ <: n I o o ~ en ::a o '\;" .... . " '\., . , .:0' , .<: ...... 0\ --- N \0 --- o o -. ""C ~ o - o '""'l - Page 1 of 1 J r- ; f ~, -~------- , . i F" ~:..;..........._",,", .~iS... file:!/ A: \MVC-005S.JPG 6/29/00 Page 1 of 1 r ! .'""~,,, -'-";;~':.''''',''''.,:''', ,.-' ,C';""I'~"~J1<l1(':l~,:r'\1i\":l,"" "",~,..,..;~.'.,,~.,~.. "'T' ',. file:!1 A: \MVC-006S.JPG 6/29/00 Page 1 of 1 file:!1 A: \MVC-007S.JPG 6/29100 ::n ?f ~ ~ f <: n I o o 00 r:.n ~ o ~. 0\ -- tv \0 2) o ~ ~ ~ - o -. - Page 1 of 1 -- , ,. ...-...... - file:!/ A: \MVC-009S.JPG 6/29/00 Page 1 of 1 .....,. . ,?i~*,:=;~~~; .," .... :- ....~_'^... J~ "' ... --... ," -, .....;'< .. ,,- " . .' . , .. _ ~ t,; . ~'- ~ '';-'\~'~~-.f' " .. ;.~;, - 'h ,..\ ..~. . ';.," . . :;:,~ ...:'.,.;-~~ ~-: " .... .. ~. '... "'-- ........ --.'" file:! / A: \MVC-O 1 OS .JPG 6/29/00 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Date: 5" - {- 2.o~O FACSlMILE COVER SHEET TO: F,d k~(('tJ / S~d { 00 vn.:"':r'J-e... fa: ,.5 <SI\ S Fax Telephone No. 2.. ~ 0 -7533 FROM: ~\A t\. it h.u-: J LCC- 1~-f--h'C E I'\jl~ Number of Pages Transmitted (including this page) 3 MESSAGE: --h.ppn1v-drr"~+- Tnfs; W /n.C~5t-cr On've. - I h . Transmitted from Fax Phone # (408) 376-0958 If there are any problems with this transmission, please call g ~ b - 2 ( 5'-{ Dept, Phone No. J:\FORMS\FAXFORM(WORD) VI L ..., j ~ l ~ 31 ( -3 ,t r - -. ~ L j ~ l ~ 121 II =.,' t r -. N L j~l ~2 =.,tr -. -N L j ~ l ~2 -3,tr - --. \0 ~l It -.J t r -. N ..., - , =;I~i L \0 j ~ l ~46 01 =. ,t r 9, :;: ..., o N j ~ -3 , t , ,... ... = I ! ~ I - ~~ ~ ~~~ I S~~~~ f-<:t~~ I ~~~~ O~~~ ~~~CIl I ~~~~ w ~U ~ CI]~ o ~ I ~ I I I I I I I , I I I I I = ~ \0 w > . ~ 3M' ..AVE l"IOOSY9 w ~ -' -' w '" Q. :1 . .. u O^19 lIll.LSaH:>N1M ~ - j ~ -.J i t 91, VI o J ll~I06. ~134 91 =. "=;I~ [ ~ ~ L2S j ~ l,8 t-1itr -. . . . . . I] . . . . I I I 1 I I I I I _ L j~l ~4 ~; =!. i t r , L j ~ l ~ 13 W~I=' itr I, r-- "':: L j~ l ~1 =!. i t r , L j ~ l ~1 =!. i t r , '" .". '" - '" '" ~ l ~~ t r , .". - , :~Ili L j ~ l ~8 91 ~ i t.r 171_ \0 v~ , 00 '" j ~ ~ it , 0 '" :: :: :! I ~~ tii UiEo.; ~ ~6~ ~ ~~~~;S ~ ~OE-o~ ~ f-<:I:zo ~~~~ Ot.IJt.IJt.IJ (J ~ Q.. -l E-o .. 0.. ~ Q.. en ~ OQ..Q..~ ~ ~~ u ~ r-- L j ~ l ~6 ~: =!. i t r --. L j~l ~ =!. i t r :: ~ ~ A: K 3^," O^,g --- IU ~ -' -' IU CD a. ~ .., u j ~ ~ it 178 ---. .". - E, :! r.I.l :;! Z~ b z IU > .. rlO:JSVg ..AVE !l3!S3H:JNlM ~ j l-I.'= 14 . ~ ~ ,21 r-- L44 j ~ l,29 ~it r ---. Lt =; i i - '" 00 ... - 00 178- o~'Ct<1t !..~~. ;b~~ ... t"" U r"' . .. "" ... -So "- ~. G' 01/ C H A Ill>. CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department April 5, 2000 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Winchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park - Permit 98-219 Installation of Pedestrian Push Button Post, ES-6AA Dear Mr. Neumeister: Attached is a copy of an e-mail from Randy Westfall to Chris Pechacek dated March 10, 2000, concerning the need to install this additional post on the east side of Union Avenue at McGlincey Lane at the crosswalk. For your information, and for the benefit of the record, the State Type 15 standard at location D, which was intended to contain the pedestrian push button, could not be installed within five feet from the crosswalk, therefore requiring that the 3' -10" additional pedestrian push button post be installed. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have any questions or comments. Attachment Cc: Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector Matthew Jue, Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker, Signals & Lighting H: \landdev\ windrin\4 _ 5Itrpedpost(mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008- t 423 . TEL 408.866.2 t 50 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TDD 408.866.2790 Chuck Gomez From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Randy Westfall Friday, March 10,20003:03 PM Chris Pechacek (E-mail 2) Chuck Gomez 98-219 Campbell Tech Park: Pedestrian Push Button Chris: When the City and GAB were laying out the signal at the UnionlMcGlincey instersection in the field, it became obvious that an additional pedestrian push button would have to be added at the back of the east handicap ramp on a new post The button has to be within a certain distance, and things didn't work out as drawn when we figured out where the signal poles could be installed. We told GAB Electric that the ped. push button would have to be installed, and that it should have been on the plan in the first place. I believe I mentioned this to you but never followed up in writing as you requested. The revision is something that needs to be included on the a~-built plans. Plus, although it isn't a costly revision, I'm sure GAB would like confirmation from you that they'll get paid for the add. 'R~W~ Public Works Inspector City of Campbell 70 N. First Street Campbell. CA 95008 Phone (408) 866-2165 Fax (408) 376-0958 Nextel mobile (408) 210-6679 -Numeric page by pressing "1" during greeting -Text page via e-mail (14Ocharacters)4082106679@page.nextel.com -Text page via intemet (140 characters) www nextel com E-Mail: RandyW@ci.campbell.ca.us 1 O~'CA4t ~,.~ . ....S ... .. $ "- .<0 , "O-'CHA.\lQ (.. CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department April 4, 2000 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schramm, Inc. 900 We1ch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Winchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park - Permit 98-129 Resetting Benchmark No. 40 Dear Mr. Neumeister: Benchmark No. 40, which was on the top of curb at the northwest comer of the intersection of McGlincey Lane and Union Avenue, was removed and reset at the same return at just west from the curb ramp. Please have your Civil Engineer submit precise benchmark circuit field survey notes from Benchmark No. 41, on top of curb two feet easterly from the northeast curb return at the intersection of McGlincey Lane and Westchester Drive. Its elevation is 208.713. Sheet 13 of the plans made it very clear that the benchmark was to be protected, Please note that there is also a benchmark at the northeast comer of McGlincey Lane and Curtner A venue that should not be disturbed. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Cruz? omM Assis t Engineer Cc: BiII Helms, Land Development Manager Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector H:\landdev\windrin\4_ 4Itr(mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TOD 408.866.2790 HS City of Campbell Public Works - Land Development -;10 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008-1423 Cruz Gomez . ,., _-~ ....-- J: --::1 l\-'\"'--'t-;;'Grr-"~ ~{1C~ Jf-:" t:::: U.- x-- ':":' -::"Y:"" \J.-. \.~~~ ':C- L bh---- - ~ \ (:----"l <:~ ;., l/ \ <. J .... .... Request for Change - Campbell Technology Park Public Improvements - Main Storm Line Encroachment Pemut 98-219 H&S Job # 207005 A" i::C12/l/ Fta i, " E:. . ~ ') , PUr:. . l.nn7 ,,/)~l..IC ., .! ItvISr'::ORk ~Arl S ON HUETTIG & SCHROMM , INC. February 24, 2000 Attn.: Re: Dear Mr. Gomez: This letter is to. request authorization approval of the storm drain revisions as prepared by HMH, Change #2 dated 2/22/00, on sheets 6 & 7 of the Public Improvement Plans -- Encroachment Permit 98-219. This change was prompted at the request of PG&E and Sanco Pipelines. Since the proposed pipeline trench is so close to the existing utility poles it is necessary to hold the poles during the installation, which PG&E is scheduled to do. By raising the pipe +/- two feet these poles will have a better chance of being stable during constmction, otherwise PG&E was very concerned of the difficulty in holding the poles. ThIs proposal is submitted so that every effort is applied to prevent a possible problem. The storm line, on the approved plans was designed based on providing crossing clearance under the existing main W.V.S.D. sanitary line at station 24+68. By doing so, the proposed line needed a slope of 0.1885. The new design adds one new manhole, thus allowing a change of slope in the pipe and a + 2 foot rise at the manhole at station 24+84.26. Care has also been given to maintain the required 12-inch clearance bet\veen the storm line and the sanitary line crossing point at +/- station 36+20. Ke meth A. Neumeiste Project Manager- Archil ct cc: EED CP H:CTPCity9 900 Welch Road, Suite lO · Palo Alto, California 94304 . (650) 322-2121 · Fax: (650) 322-5029 State Contractors License Number 1 29060 1-07-1997 9:3dAM FROM P.1 .1 Arastladero R~ POltola Valley. CA 94028 (650) 326-8781 fax: (6S0) 8~-1257 s. P. McClenahan Fax To: City of Campbell From: John H. McClenahan Fax: (408) 376-0958 Pagee; 4, including this cover page Phanec DlIte: 2110100 Re: T raffle signal obstruction CC: Attention: Mr. Cruz $. Gomez, Aqistant Engineer 1-(]7-1997 9:34AM FROM P.2 - G^rlT ... "'''M,;,TRONe:. c....N(.1o<. PE"C:-~L(,)W MIC.l)F' A H~I':UMl'N JI\MC:~ .., ...;.CLCNA...."'''' DAVIO F MOORt: JO,...N H_ MCCI ENA"^N S.P. McCLENAHAN CO., INC. ARe OR! CU L. TIJ R I ST$ SiNCe: I 91 1 l;QN,".,ACTQR5 L.lC "65134 I ..t ARAST"AO..RO ROAD, PQFlTOLA VALLtr" CA 9402e ,.e:LEPHONE ($50) 326-6781 FAX <$50) 854-1267 February 9,2000 Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Attention: Mr. Ken Neumeister 900 Welch Road. Suite 10 Palo Alto CA 94034 " RE: 535 Westchester Drive~ TS 97"()1 Campbell Technology Park-Permit 98-219 McGllncey Lane-Union Avenue Traffic Signals, Street Lighting, Tree Pruning Dear Mr. Neumeister: As requested, I inspected the Italian Stone Pine to determine present condition and recommend alternative solutions to remove traffic signal obstruction, In determining the indicated 'Tree Condition' several factors have been considered which include: . Rate of growth over several seasons; . Structural decays' or weaknesses; . Presence of disease or insects; and . Life expectancy. The following guide for interpretation of the indicated Tree Condition' as related to 'Life Expectancy' is submitted for your information. o - 5 Years ~ Poor 5 - 10 Years ::; Poor to Fair 10 - 15 Years = Fair 15 - 20 Years ;;; Fair to Good 20 + Years ;;; Good 1-07-1997 9:35AM FROM P.3 Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Attention: Mr. Ken Neumeister Page 2 February 9, 2000 Italian Stone Pine (Pinus pineal 21.8" diameter 41/2' above grade Height: 25' Spread: 30' Location: 3' from curb and sidewalk at comer of McGlincey and Union Condition: Fair to Good Observation: Foliage, size and color indicate normal tree vitality. The bifurcations at 3' and 6' provide an inherent structural defect. The tree is directly under the high voltage lines and may require future routine pruning for clearance. The sidewalk encroaches into the critical root environment, however. sufficient lateral roots remain to sustain tree vitality, Recommendation: To eliminate obstruction of new trame signal: . remOve 13" standard leaning over footing and road . remove 3" limb crossing over the pole footing . remove 2" limb encroaching over the footing . Someone should monitor the tree's growth to prevent future obstructions. Although Italian Stone Pine is more resistant to bark beetle attack than Monterey Pine. pruning should be accomplished as soon as possible- Supplemental irrigation during the summer months (May 31 through October 1) will help stimulate vitality. Pruning Specification$ and Costs: Italian Stone Piue a. Remove 13" standard over light pole footing b. Remove 3"limb over light pole footing c. Remove 2" limb which may obstruct view of stop light Haul resulting debris Estimated Cost..... ..... ... ...... ..... .......".. ...... .......""....... ....... $ 550.00 1-07-1997 9:35AM FROM Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Attention: Mr. Ken Neumeister Page 3 February 9, 2000 I trust this information will be of assistance in your tree preservation concerns. Should you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance in this concern. kindly contact our office at any time, hs Very truly yours. s. P. McCLENAHAN CO., INC. C# I( I/Itt- By: John H. McClenahan, Vice President Certified Arborist, lSA-WC#1476 P..:!. Of' CAtIt . h ~ ~ ;... ~ ... \'"" U r- ~, . "- , (j I( C H ,,\l {'l 10". CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department February 1, 2000 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park - Permit 98-219 McGlincey Lane-Union Avenue Traffic Signals - Controller Cabinet Punch List Dated 2/1/2000 Dear Mr. Neumeister: Attached is a two page report of deficiencies titled "City of Campbell Union and McGlincey Controller Cabinet Punch List 2-1-2000." It appears that there are deficiencies on the controller cabinet, the controller, video detection equipment, auxiliary power outlets, switches and communications equipment. Please inform GAB and/or your electrical materials supplier as soon as possible to correct the deficiencies. Please contact us at your earliest convenience if you have questions or comments at (408) 866- 2163. Very truly yours, ar. d I . I ,'/ .), .~' / , --....~.j, 1/', ~ /'~. Cruz S. G.9IDez . r 7 ) . 1-.-. L _--"'" ASSIstant Engmeer . - Enclosure Cc: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Matthew Jue, Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker, Lighting & Traffic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector Vince Huppe, Parks Supervisor H:\landdev\windrin\2 _I cabinetItr(mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . roD 408.866.2790 City of Campbell Union & McGIincey Controller Cabinet Punch List 2-1-2000 Controller Cabinet The specifications require that the cabinet be constructed of unpainted, natural finish aluminum. Instead, the inside of the cabinet is painted white. Because of the schedule of this particular project, the City of Campbell is willing to accept the white-painted interior, but would like to call it to attention of the cabinet vendor'to insure future specification compliance. Controllers The two copies each of the Controller's Programming Manual, Maintenance Manual and the Flash ROM Transfer Module manual were not provided as required by the specifications. The appropriate serial cable from the Econolite controller's serial port to the telephone modem was not furnished as required by the specifications. Video Detection Equipment The Odetics Vantage Plus Video Processor Unit was not furnished as required by the specifications. The appropriate serial cable from the Odetics Vantage Plus Video Processor Unit serial port to the telephone modem was not furnished as required by the specifications. The Phillips 9 inch black and white monitor was not furnished as required by the specifications. The specifications required that pins 1 through 8 of the Video Processor Unit's TS-I harness be wired respectively to NEMA phase 1 through 8 of the controller. Instead, pins 1 through 16 of the Video Processor Unit's TS-I harness were wired to NEMA phases 1 through 7. Additionally, pins 9 through 16 of the Video Processor Unit's TS-l harness should have been wired respectively to the controller's expanded detectors 1 through 8. Instead, pins 17 through 24 of the Video Processor Unit's TS-I harness were wired to the controller's expanded detectors 1 through 8. Convenience and Auxiliary Power Outlets An additional "Auxiliary Power" outlet was specified to be on the right inside cabinet wall. Instead, it is located on the left side. Because of the schedule of this particular project, the City of Campbell is willing to accept the location of this receptacle, but would like to call it to attention of the cabinet vendor to insure future specification. The City expects compliance in all other areas of the specification regarding this receptacle. The specifications required that this "Auxiliary Power" outlet be a quadruple box housing 2 each NEMA 5-15R duplex receptacles, non-GFCI type. Instead the box is a duplex box housing I each NEMA 5-15R duplex receptacle, non-GFCI type. The specifications require that the fuse for the "Auxiliary Power" receptacle be labeled "AUX. PWR". Instead, the fuse is labeled "FUSE lOA". Without the Video Processor Unit, the B & W monitor and the two telephone modems, there should be nothing plugged into the "Auxiliary Power" receptacle. Instead, the Camera Interface Panel is plugged into it and draws power from it. The Camera Interface Panel should not be plugged into the receptacle, but should be hardwired, fused and switched according to the specifications under "Video Detection Equipment." The specifications require that "Camera Power" be fused with a 10 amp slow-blow fuse, separate from the "AUX. PWR." fuse, and be labeled ''CAM. PWR." To clarify, the specifications require that the "Auxiliary Power" receptacle and "Camera Power" terminals be separately fused and both are to be switched by the "Equipment Power On-Off' switch. Switches The specifications require that Conflict Monitor operating power be furnished by the "Controller Unit On-Off' switch. Instead, the power is switched by the "Equipment Power On-Off' switch. Communications The specifications require that a Communication/Telemetry cable and signal interconnect cable terminal block/supressor panel (Communication Panel) be furnished and installed for operation of an Econolite ASC/2S-21 00 controller. Instead, an "E" cable and Communication Panel is installed for an IDC/Traconex 390 controller. 2 Of'.C"'41 . A .....:0. A ~~ ... r" U r" "- .c' /')Jt'CH,\\\'\) CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department January 31, 2000 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park - Permit 98-219 McGlincey Lane-Union Avenue Traffic Signals, Street Lighting, Tree Pruning and Tree Removal Dear Mr. Neumeister: Bill Helms, Tony Rucker and I met with your representative, Chris Pechacek, at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, January 27, 2000, and field reviewed the situation at the southwest comer of the intersection. There is a visibility obstruction situation that needs to be corrected. Huettig and Schromm needs to employ a licensed arborist to meet with City staff and Huettig & Schromm to discuss alternative ways to remove the obstruction. Please contact us at your earliest convenience to schedule this field review at (408) 866-2163. Very truly yours, /1 ~ /1 /1 - ; ~ (;./[.{~-=4:~YY-rl.) I Cruz'S::Gbmez L ~ y- Assistant Engineer Cc: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Matthew Jue, Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker, Lighting & Traffic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector Vince Huppe, Parks Supervisor Chris Pechacek, Huettig & Schromm H:\Ianddev\windrin\1_311tr(mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . roo 408.866.2790 Of"C"'41 .....:o..~. A-d>~. ... r" U r" . . .. "- '$0, ~. c.:" Ol/CH A"U. CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department January 25, 2000 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park - Permit 98-219 McGlincey Lane-Union Avenue Traffic Signals, Street Lighting, Tree Pruning and Tree Removal Dear Mr. Neumeister: We need to meet with you and/or your Engineer, Gay L. Pang, to review the existing field conditions to determine what tree pruning and/or removals may be necessary in order to make the traffic signal heads visible to traffic. Please contact us at your earliest convenience to schedule this field review at (408) 866-2163. Very truly yours, fltL. , I , Cru y.. omez Assist.mt Engineer Cc: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Matthew Jue, Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker, Lighting & Traffic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector Vince Huppe, Parks Supervisor H:\landdev\windrin\ 1_ 25ltr(mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . roo 408.866.2790 o~'C.4<1t . A .:.. ~ ...... ~ ... r" r" .. ~.. - , , r)R('HA'I\" v CITY OF CAAtPBELL Public Works Department October II, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park Permit 98-219 Traffic Signals, Street Lighting, Electrical Systems, Equipment Lists and Drawings Submittals Dear Mr. Neumeister: We have reviewed your third submittal dated October 4, 1999 (GAB submittal date) and have approved it as submitted. Attached are two copies for your records and two copies for GAB as per your request. Copies were faxed to you and GAB October 11, 1999. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have questions or comments. Very truly yours, tJv~. / kst-Zn--J'0.l Cruz ~. ez 0 Assistant Engineer Cc: Michelle Quinney. City Engineer Bill Helms. Land Development Manager Matthew Jue. Acting Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker. Lighting & Traffic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall. Public Works Inspector H:\landdev\windrin\l 0 _llltr(mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-14'23 . TEL 408.866.'2150 . FAX 408.3760958 . TDD 408.866.2790 G.A.B. CONSTRUCTION, INC. 670 COLEMAN AVENUE, SAN JOSE. CA.95110 2003 DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1999 TO: aTY OF CAMPBELL PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT ATTN: CRUZ S. GOMEZ 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 RECEIVED OCT 0 5 1999 PUBL.IC WORKS ADMINISTRATION RE: 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE - TS 97-01 CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK PERMIT 98-219 TRAFFIC SIGNALS, STREET LIGHTING, ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT LIST AND DRAWINGS SUBMITTALS G. A. B. #9908/9909 DEAR CRUZ: THE FOLLOWING IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION: 1) THE CONTROLLER WILL BE AN ECONOLITE ASC/2S-Z1oo TYPE 2/TSl. 2) THE LIDS FOR THE N9 AND N30 STREET LIGHTING BOXES WILL READ "CAMPBELL ST. LIGHTING". 3) THE FUSES FOR THE 240 VOLT STREET LIGHTING WILL BE BAF-3 OR EQUAL (3 AMP). 4) WE WILL USE BELDEN 8281 CABLES. 5) PER OUR CONVERSATION, ATTACHED IS A MANUFACTURER'S CUT SHEET FOR A TYPE I-B POLE (4" RIGID STEEL CONDUIT). 6) ALSO ATTACHED IS A LETTER FROM OUR SUPPLIER, SYNCHRONEX, WHICH ANSWERS QUESTIONS #1, #5, #8 AND #9 ON YOUR LETTER DATED 9/29/99. HOPING THIS SATISFIES YOUR REQUIREMENTS, I CAN BE REACHED AT (408) 280- 0900 SHOULD YOU REQUIRE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. o HO EXCEPTION fAmf 0 MAJt.E COJlRECTI~;;;~;~~ o REJECTED 0 BEVISE AND RESUBMIT I Checld"q III oldy for qeneral conlormance with the design cor.cllpt of th. project and qeneral compliance with the iDlofrt'at'cn given ;n the contrad doc:wnents. Any action !:hown is subject to Ihe require- . menta ot the Drawinqs and SpeciHcations. . SINCERELY, 61: CONSTRU7fO . t()j · ~.Ay L7u ~~. ORGE . BRILLA ESIDE ATTACHMENTS TEL. NO. (408J 280-0900 FAX. NO. (408J 280-6453 The contractor is responsible lor di~..,ns;ons which sha'l be confirme:! . and correcled at Ihe job site, labrication. processos. and l~dmi'1"es . 01 constructioft, coordination 01 the work with Ihal 01 all other : trades, cmd the salisfactory perlormaDce 01 tIle work. ; Byd,1/./ .-A/lhJt-f;?t. D.m jO III \c,c, . ~O ~\)4(tT9~Z\ : CITY OF CAMPBELL PROJECT #. ~ DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS_:~~~~~.~~~.._~~._" J Lie. NO 470288 ~en~ D~:SYHCHRa~EX 30-Se-p-99 14:32 ~ro~ 14e82759392~ F"-iI'le 1/ 1 September 30, 1999 RECEIVED OCT 05 1999 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 1199 N'orlll Fifth Street, Su loee, CA HlU TO: GAB Construction., mc. FROM: Frank C. Girardot SUBJECT: Campbell Technology Park Dear Lynn., I received your FAX regarding 1he submittals we sent in for the Campbell Technology Park. Following is my response to items 1, 5, &, &. 9 on the letter from CnlZ Gomez to Ken Neumeister: 1. The Pedestrian Signals we will furnish on this job are me 7080-00-01-01-01-01 as specified. 5. All vehicle heads will be 12" as specified. 8. Side mounted framework with tenninal compartments will be provided for both the signal head framework and the pedestrian signal head framework as required. 9. LED signals to be furnished are Ecolux and are approved by the State of Calif. State commodity numbers are as folloW13: a. 12" Red Ball 7440~999-0630-5 b. 12" Red Arrow 744o-999~0635~6 c. Ped Hand 7440-999-0637-0 I hope this meets your requirements. .~\ I' c :FJ ~I' 01 \I i7 ! C r::--\ I\~ '~~ ': ~ 1~9LS lUJ F C. GIRARDOT President G,?..8. CONSTRUCTiON JOB 'if q~Oq Offi4:e (403) 275-8391. Fax (408) 27S-8396 ALL~ED'I UIIID OIALI'Y~ LINI- LAITINO RIIID ~ . IIIIL CDIIDIIT PROVIDES FULL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PROTECTION Allied RIGID conduit I. preclslon- manufactured for dependable, long- lasting value and protection for the .lectrlcal raceway .yatem. Manufactured from high-strength strip steel, Allied RIGID combines damage resistant strength with ductility to assure easy bending, cutting and lolnlng. It also provides smooth, continuous raceways for fut wire-pulling. No need to worry about damage to Ihe conduit system even when pUlling through multiple 90/1 benda, Allied RIGID Is hot-dipped zinc galvanized. Then, it Is chromated to form an additional protection layer against ~orroslon and abrasion. Allied RIGID provides radiation protection and magnetic shi.'ding' and r.sisls impact. The~" NPT threads (ANSI B1.20.1) are full cut and galvanized after 1% 1~ 2~ 3 3~ --. 5 8 * to 2 culling. Color-coded end~cap thread protectors keep the thread9 elean and sharp and also provide Inltant trade size recognition. Even./nch .Izes are color-coded blue, ~-Inch sIze. are black, and It.-Inch sIzes are red. FULL CODes AND STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Allied's RIGID is U.l. listed and Is recognized by Ihe National Electrical Code. /I meets Underwriters Laboratories' Standards for RIGID, U.L. e. Allied's AlGID Is also manufactured to meet the requirements of ANSI 080.1 end Federal Speclflcetlons. Federel SpecifIcations now use U.L. 61n lieu of WWC 581. Recognized as an equipment groundIng conductor (NEC Article 250'9'b). To specify Allied RIGID Metal Conduit Include the followIng: All Rigid Metal Conduit shall be equal to that manufactured by Allied Tube & Conduit Corporation, and shall be hot-dip oalvanized. All threads shall be galvanized after cutting. The conduIt shall be.r the U.L. label and' shall conform to U.L. Sand ANSI C80.1. Instal/atlon of F4lgld Metal Conduit shall be In accordance with the National electrical Code and U.L. General Information Card fOYIX. KWIK-COUPLE RIGID. A NEW INNOVATION FROM THE CONDUIT LEADER Allied's new patentedt I(wlk-Couple AlGID has a factory-Installed Kwik- Couple coupling threaded onto one end of each conduit length or elbow. The Kwlk-Couple performs like a 3. piece coupling, threading securely onto both lengths of conduit al each connection by wrench4tightening the eoupling . Instead of turning the conduit. Specifying U.L. listed Kwik-Couple AlGID ensures AlGID conduit reliability and performance, as well 81 economy. Contact Allied for detailed 9pecificalions on Kwik~Coupre RigId. t u.s. Patent Numb,rs 4211119315. 4547004. I Out.id. diem"" lol.,.ncet: .,- .015 In. (." mml lor Irlell"'., W' Ihrough ~ in. '1_ .25 In. CII.SS mm) lor Ir'd. .,...2~ In. thlough 41/1. "-1~ 101 trod. ""t 5 In. 1M e jn. t I'ollnlolmlllon only: nol I .p.o ",qulrwmenl. R E C 'WIthout Coupling. Lonllth tol"anell: ,,- .Ie in. 111.35 mm). E r V E 0 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS FOR GALVANIZED RIGID CONDUIT TrtId. Approll. Wt. Nomtnal Nomina' L.nglh of Qu.nlll, Quantity Slz" IMr lOa It. Out. lei. Wall flnllh.d In Primary In ~..t., Il1ch.. . 13O.,ml DII.I Thlckn,..' COnduit' lundle lundl. It>> 1111 In mm In mm " & In m ft m " m 80 36.29 0.840 21.3 0.104 2.8 9'11 W' 3.03 100 30.48 2.500 782 109 49.." 1.050 26.7 0.107 2.7 9'10!!.' 3.0~ 50 15.24 2,000 810 165 74.~ 1.315 33.4 0.128 3.2 9'11" 3.02 50 15.24 1.300 396 215 97.52 1.880 42.2 0.133 3.4 9'11" 3.02 30 9.14 900 21. - 258 117.03 1.900 48.3 0.138 3.5 0'11 .. 3.02 - _ 800 244 ..-" 352 159.67 ~.375 80.3 0.146 3.1 9'11" 3.02 - _ 600 183 - - 587 257.19 U75 73.0 0.193 4.9 9'10W' 3.01 - _ 400 122 714 323.87 3.500 88.9 0.205 5.2 9'10W 3.01 - _ 300 91 .. 800 390.10 4.000 10t.6 0.215 5.5 9'10~" 3.00 - ~ 250 76 1.000 453.eo 4.S00 114.3 0.225 5.7 9'10%" 3.00 - - 200 81 ,., 1,320 598,15 5.583 141.3 0.2~5 8.2 9'10" 3.00 - - 100 31 1 785 eoe.ear 8.625 168.3 0.286 6.8 9'10" 3.00 - - 100 31 · 1988 Printed In 'he U.S.A. A TC-L.112S-2 ocr 0 , 19.99 PUBlic WORKS ADMINISTRATION ~ Appro.. Wt. of M..t" Bundl. Volum. of MI.I., 11IndI. ID kll CU n ou m 2.000 907 24.0 .88 2,180 989 25.8 .73 2.145 913 23.2 .86 1.935 837 27.2 .71 2,064 938 28.5 .81 2,112 958 31.5 .88 2,268 1.029 21.1 .78 2,142 972 31.0 .ea 2,150 975 34.7 .98 2,000 901 32.8 ,93 1,320 509 27.5 .78 1.785 810 38.3 f." r C;>9R~1 ELECTRICAL Ulloo Soulh Lathlop H.","y. lIIinOI. S042t1 (312) 9!l7'''23 ... "AJt::C:R Ilcl_, CITY OF CA.MPBEll Public Works Department 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Date: \D \ t \Aot- ~~s ~~ ~~~ Sc...:>~~ \, <\ t:::Y--;.~~ \'6 L 4- \Gf=1 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: ~. N~(~~l~t t\-*-S Fax Telephone No. \ - G~~~-S;:~ FROM: C-. ~k~ Number of Pages Transmitted (including this page) 4- MESSAGE: \~ ~<-~tk{~ \~ ~\~'\J)s'L O~ ~L'\ \oN- ~~ Bc:..::t-o~4-1 \<=1~ct ,~~.\ \ ~ 'vl<.-tLLL ~lj ~) .... , ~\ ~ ~c::.e:~t.H, L~ Transmitted from Fax Phone # (408) 376-0958 If there are any problems with this transmission, please call ~ ~b -L~0~ Dept. Phone No. C-. c::.. ~8. L- '-t -~'W' -6 \-1.~~ . \ ~~ ~-~~-6)-~~~ J:\FORMS\FAXFORM(WORD) .~ G.A.B. CONSTRUCTION. INC. 670 COLEMAN AVENUE, SAN JOSE, CA.95110-2003 DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1999 TO: CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ATTN: CRUZ S. GOMEZ 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 RECEJVED OCT 0 3 1999 PUBLIC WORKS AOMINISTRATION RE: 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE - TS 97-01 CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK PERMIT 98-219 TRAFFIC SIGNALS, STREET LIGHTING, ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT LIST AND DRAWINGS SUBMITTALS G. A. B. #9908/9909 DEAR CRUZ: THE FOLLOWING IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION: 1) THE CONTROLLER WILL BE AN ECONOLITE ASC/2S-Z1oo TYPE- 2ITS1. 2) THE LIDS FOR THE N9 AND N30 STREET LIGHTING BOXES WIlL READ "CAMPBELL ST. LIGHTING". 3) THE FUSES FOR THE 240 VOLT STREET LIGHTING WILL BE BAF-3 OR EQUAL (3 AMP). 4) WE WILL USE BELDEN 8281 CABLES. 5) PER OUR CONVERSATION, ATTACHED IS A MANUFACTURER'S CUT SHEET FOR A TYPE 1-B POLE (4" RIGID STEEL CONDUIT). 6) ALSO ATTACHED IS A LETTER FROM OUR SUPPLIER, SYNCHRONEX. WHICH ANSWERS QUESTIONS #1, #5, #8 AND #9 ON YOUR LETTER DATED 9/29/99. HOPING THIS SATISFIES YOUR REQUIREMENTS, I CAN BE REACHED AT (408) 280- 0900 SHOULD YOU REQUIRE ANY ADDmONAL INFORMATION. ~O EXCZPrlON TAXEN o REJl:CTED SINCERELY. i:.,~ CONS. TRu7fo ,~~(11 V I.. " t~ ~ ,- ORGE . BRILLA ESIDE ATTACHMENTS TEL. NO. (408) 280-0900 FAX. NO. (408) 280-6453 o MAD COBB.!C'l'IONS NOTED o REVISE AND RESUBMIT ClIecklnq Ia only for qeneral conformance with the desiqn concept ; of the pro\-=t aDd 'leneral compliance with the information 'liven in the contract documents. Any action shown is subject to the require- ~ ments of the Drawings and Specilications. i The contractor I. responsible for dil'!"..:JDsiens which shall be confirmed I and cerrected at the job site, fabrication, processes, and t.~chniqces , of construction. coordination of the work with thaI of all other ; t trades. and the satisfactory performance of the work. .j B~DATE tc>I~1 \C)"! : ~ q- Cil ~-'2-\,f4. CITY OF C BELL PROJECT # JI DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBMlTIAL~ .~ .U. ~_ . .. Lie. NO. 470288 .-0- .J~F'- -:"'~ l ~ :,3: 2 ~~o~ 14eS275e392~ ".g. l./' 1 RECEJVED OCT 0 5 199~ 1199 No" Fifth Street, s.. J'OH, CA ffiU PUBI.IC WORKS AOMINISTRA TION September 30, 1999 TO: GAB unstruction, me. FROM: Frank C. Girardot SUBJECT: Campbell Technology Park Dear L:-nn,. I received your FA...'X regarding the submittals we 3Cnt in for the Campbell Technology Park. Following i3 my response to items 1, 5, &, & 9 on the letter from CnlZ Gomez to Ken NewneisteT: 1. Toe Pedestrian S ignaJs we will furnish on This job are IDC 7080-OG-O 1-0 1-0 1-01 as specified. 5. All vehicle he3ds r.vill be 12" as specifred. 8. Side motmted framework with ~enninal compartments ..."ill be provided for both the signal head framework ar.d. the pedestrian signal head framework. as required. 9. LED signals to be furnisbed arc Ecolux and are approved by the State of Calif State commodity numbers are as follo'ws: a. 12" Red Ball 1440-999-0630-5 b. 12" Red Arrow 7440-999.0635.6 c. Ped Hand 7440-999-0637-0 I hope this meets ycur requirements. :-r::0 Ie i-'::::' Ie j-I \\;7 ir= m' .l.! '/' I,.J ; I ''"'. i. WI 1;:J U: I ~.-I I '-0, -J] ll.. U \.; ~ : I,... _ '-' ~ I' . " \ I J\~ SEP 301999 t.=/ G.A.8. CONSTRUCTION JOB #= '1C1 oct om~e (408) 275-8391. Fax (408) 27~96 ALL~EI'I LlIIII QUALITY, LOll- LIITINO RIIID ~ ITIIL COIIDUIT PROVIDES FULL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PROTECTION Allied RIGID conduit Is preclalon- manufactured for dependable, long- lastIng value and protection for the electrical raceway system. Manufactured from hlgh-lltr.ngth strip steel. Allied RIGID combines damage resistant strength with ductlllty to assure easy bending, cutting and Joining. It elso provides smooth, continuous raceways for fast wire-pulling. No need to worry about damage to the conduit system even when pulling through multiple 900 bends. Allied RIGID is hot-dipped zinc galvanized. Then. it is chromatad to form an additional protection layer against ~orroslon and abrasion. Allied RIGID provides radiatlon protection and magnetic shielding' and resists impact. The 0/'" NPT threads (ANSI 81.20.1) are full cut and galvanized after cutting, Color-coded end.cap thread protectors keep the threads clean and sharp and also provide Instant trade size recognition, Even-Inch .Izes are color-coded blue. 'h-Inch sizes are black, and ~/,-Inch sizes are red. FULL. CODES AND STANDARDS COMPL.IANCE Allied's RIGID is U.L. listed and Is recognized by the Nallonal Electrical Code. It meelS Underwriters Laboratorie!' Standards for RIGID, U.L. e. Allied's RIGID is also manufactured to meet Ihe requirement! of ANSI C80.1 and Federal Specifications. Federal Specifications now use U L. 6 in lieu of WWC 581. Recognized as an equipment grounding conductor (NEC Article 250~9tb). To specify Allied RIGID Metal Conduit Include the following: All Rigid Metal Conduit shall be equal 10 that manufactured by Allied Tube &. Conduil Corporation. and shall be hol-d/p galvanized. All threads shall be galvanized after cutting. The conduit shall bear the U.L. 18~I.nd . shall conform 10 U.L. G and ANSI C80.1. Installation of Rigid Metal Conduit shall be In accordance with the National Electrical Code and U.L. General InformatIon Card ICYIX. KWIK-COUPLE RIGID. A NEW INNOVATION FROM THE CONDUIT LEADER AlIled's new patentedt Kwlk-Couple AlGID has a factory-installed Kwik- Couple coupling threaded onto one end of each conduit length or elbow. The Kwlk-Couple performs like a 3- piece coupling, threading securely onto both fengtt1s of conduit at each connection by wrench-lightening the coupling. In!!tead of turning the conduit. Specifying U.L. listed Kwik-Couple RIGID ensures RIGID conduit reliability and performance. as we" as economy. Contact Allied for detailed specifications on Kwik~Couple RigId. t u.S. P:llenl Numbers 42158938. ~5"7004. ~ WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS FOR GALVANIZED RIGID CONDUIT Trade ApP'Oll. WI. Nom'na. Nomln.1 L.nG'h of Qu.nllty QUlntlty "Illl",ll. WI. Volume Sin, IMr loa It. OUIIIClI W.II "'n..h.d In Pr'm.ry In ~"'e' of M...., 0' Mil'" '"e".. 130.5m) 01..' Thlckn'..' Conduit' IUndl. lundle Bundle 14IndIe 10 IIg In mm In mm It. In m " m It m III 119 011 It oum ~-'r eo 36.29 o.e~o 21.3 0104 2.8 9'11 '/." 3.03 100 30.48 2.500 782 2.000 907 2..0 .88 . . Yo 109 "9.4~ 1.0!0 26.7 0.107 2.7 9'10'I," 3.03 so 15.24 2,000 el0 2.180 989 25.8 .73 1 165 7".8~ 1.315 33.4 0.126 3.2 ' 9'11" 3.02 50 15.24 1,300 396 2.145 973 23.2 .68 1 tic 215 97.52 1.880 42.2 0133 3.4 9'11" 3.02 30 9.14 900 21.- 1.935 837 27.2 .77 lV1 258 117.03 1.900 48.3 0.138 35 9'11" 3.02 - - 800 24" 2,064 936 28.5 .81 2 352 H59.67 ~.375 eO.3 0.146 3.7 I 9'11 ..-- 3.02 - - GOO 183 2.112 958 3U .a8 - - 2'h 587 257.19 2,875 73.0 0.193 4.9 9'10W' 3.01 - - 400 122 2.268 1.029 27.7 .78 . - 3 714 323.87 3.500 88.9 0.205 52 g'10't1" 3.01 - - 300 91 2,142 972 31.0 .88 3'h 860 390.10 04.000 101.6 0.215 5.5 9'10';''' 3.00 - - 250 78 2,150 ;75 34.7 .is ~ <453.80 .. 1.000 4.500 114.3 0.225 5.7 9'lDV," 3.00 - - 200 81 2.000 ~1 32,8 ,93 -- 5 1.320 508,15 5.583 141.3 0.245 8.2 9'10" 3.00 - - 100 31 1,320 508 27.5 .78 e 1,785 809.88 8.825 168.3 0.266 8.8 9'10 " 3.00 - - 100 31 1785 810 30.3 1.11 I o...lside dlemo'" 10IO,.nc.o: '/-015 In. I.. mml fo, IfldO tll" W' '/'\""'(11'1 ~ in. '1- .25 In. te.'s "'"'I 10. I,.de ,lIe, 2\\ In. lll'OUQII 4111. 'I- 1~ 'A' I.ade Ill.. 5 In. Ind 5 ;". I ~or Inform III on only: nol I '''.0 ~Qulrwn.nl. R E eEl \j E 0 IWllhoul Coupllno LonvU, 'ol.,."c..: 'I-.IS in. (8.35 mm). ~~/- . 1988 Prlnt.d In the U.S.A. A TC-L-1128-2 OCTOSI~'1~ PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ELECTRICAL '.100 Sou1lI LI""OP H.""'Y. IninO'1 80428 (312) 9!17'..23 "..~~, of"C"'41 .:0.... A~ 2.,~ ~,:.' S . ."..- --". ..-~-- ,:... 1-..(> ~' 0I?CH'\\\.\) CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department October 4, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park Permit 98-219, Santa Clara Valley Water District Permit No. 99935, Revisions to Plans, Specifications and Details Dear Mr. Neumeister: First of all, please note that the City Permit 98-219 was issued by City on June 19, 1999, (plans signed by City on June 4, 1999), the SCVWD Permit No. 99935 was issued by the District on July 6, 1999. Please review the SCVWD permit, the plans and details and specifications and in particular the plans and details at STA. 20+83.78 on sheets 4 and 8. Please revise the plans to specify that the structural section of the standard City driveway details do not apply at these two locations. What does apply is the structural section that is shown for the "Concrete Pad Structural Section." The widths of these two driveways shall be 18 feet with 3-foot side slopes. The structural section shows 9" class A PCC on 9" class 2 A8 on 24" sub grade material and within and to outside the right-of-way lines. Please see the attached driveway approach detail 3, revised to show transverse slopes of 5' @ 2.00% at the back of driveway and 5' @ 11 % forthe front five feet. The cross-slopes shall apply to all driveways including the other two driveways for the district. All driveways shall be commercial except the two at STA. 20+83.78. Please have your engineer revise the plans for our review and comment. Please call me at (408) 855-2163 if you have questions or comments. Very truly yours, ~v<.~L1;'~)nM cru~s.~ 'I} Asslstant~ngmeer l.. Attachments cc: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Bill Helms. Land Development Manager Matthew Jue, Acting Tranic Engineer Tony Rucker, Lighting and Tranic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall, Public Works Engineer Carl Moore. HMH H: \Landdev\53 5 W estchester( mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2 t 50 . FAX 408376.0958 . TDD 408.866.2790 Santo Oo/'C Volley Water District 6 5750 ALMADEN EXPESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CA _.1118 (408) 265-2600 PERMIT Facility: McGlincey Percolation System Date Issued: July 6, 1999 Pennit No.: 99935 Pennittee: Department of Public Works City of Campbell Attention: Mr. Robert Kass 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Telephone: (408) 866-2150 File: 18681 McGlincey Percolation Systerr Nly McGlincey Lane Ely Highway 17 X-Fac: Kirk Distribution System Applicant: Mr. Kenneth Neumeister Huetting and Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94304-1801 Telephone: (650) 322-2121 Re: Campbell Technology Park 535 Westchester Drive Project 98-219 Purpose of Permit ~ Encroachment i8I Construction o Temporary 1. Grading, paving, and installation of sidewalks, driveway curb cuts, curbs and gutters, and electroliers for a new road (Westchester Drive) crossing District easement and adjacent to District fee title property for McGlincey Percolation System. Continued on page 3 Construction Expiration Date: Julv 6, 2000 Encroachment Expiration Date: PERIVIITTEE..IVlOST...NOTIr=YANfj..FURNlsa..ScHEDULE.oeW-QRKTQ: District's Construction Unit, c/o Mr. Dean Arroyo, (408) 265-2607, extension 2801, at least 2 normal working days before starting any work under this permit. Failure to notify is cause for revocation of permit and removal of work. Exercise of this permit shall indicate acceptance of and agreement to comply with all provisions included herein. This permit is subject to the General Provisions listed on the reverse side hereof or as expressly modified in the additional Special Provisions listed below. Violation of any provision shall be cause for immediate revocation of permit. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. All backfill within District right of way shall be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method 216 or 231 or ASTM Test Designations D1556, 01557, or D2922 except as modified herein. 2. Obstructions to the existing waterway between October 15 and April 15 will not be allowed except by special permit from the District. Allow at least 15 days for the District to review and approve detailed plans and provisions for emergency flows. 3. Permittee shall use only nonpotable or reclaimed water for completion of activities under this permit, unless the District approves another source. Continued on page 3 RECEIVED Approval: cc: Mr. Bernard Strojny City Manager City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 ~Cc~ Sue A. Tippets, P.E I' Supervising Engineer Redeve opment Agency Community Projects Review Unit (~~a Ki;;' Heinrichs ev opment Manager City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 JUL 08 1999 FeE 60j (12/8195) GENERAL PROVISIONS A. PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COPY OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOBSITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. B. All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector No change of program, as outlined in application or drawings submitted with application, will be allowed except upon written permission of the District. The work area must be restored to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. C. Activities and uses authorized under this permit are subject to any instructions of the assigned District representative. ALL INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. D. Permittee is responsible for complying with any applicable water quality standards adopted by the District, Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Water Resources Control Board, or other jurisdictional or properly empowerec regulatory agency. E. The permittee shall not use, store, transport, or place any hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, or materials contaminated with hazardous substances on District right of way or adjacent to District right of way such that it mav purposefully or accidently be spilled or otherwise discharged onto same right of way. If a discharge of a hazardous substance or waste occurs as a resul. of the perrr.:ttee's operation, the permittee is responsible to: (1) notify the proper authorities; (2) investigate, remove, and monitor the hazardous substances or wastes to the satisfaction of the District and any regulatory agency; (3) bear any and all costs associated with the remedial activities and, (4) be recognized as the generator and owner of the wastes. F. The permittee shall submit to the District a fully completed "Import Material Certification Form" for any soils that wiil be placed or stored on District right of way that do not originate from within the legal boundaries of suc~ right of way. G. Permittee shall assume entire responsibility for all activities and uses under this permit and shall indemnify, defeno and hold harmless, District, its Directors, officers, agents, and employees from any and all demands, claims, expenses, costs, or liability of any nature, including death or injury to any person, property damage, or any other loss, caused by or arising out of, or incurred in connection with, or resulting from, the exercise of this permit by permittee, or permittee's officers, agents, subcontractors, assignees, or employees, or any of them, including, but not limited to, negligent acts, errors, or omissions, or willful misconduct, or conduct for which the law imposes strict liabilitv on permittee. H. Any damage caused to District structures including, but not limited to, fencing, levee surfacing, and asphalt walkway by reason of exercise of this permit shall be repaired at the cost of permittee to the satisfaction of the District. Should permittee neglect to make repairs promptly, District may make repairs or have repairs made, and permittee agrees to reimburse District for all costs of such repairs. District may require a security deposit in advance from permittee to secure the performance of this clause. Unexpended portions of any deposit shall be refunded to permittee within 14 working days of the expiration of this permit. The posting of such a security deposit shall nOi: relieve the permittee from any liability under this permit which exceeds the value of the deposit required. I. This permit is valid only to the extent of District jurisdiction. Permits required by other interested agencies anc consent of underlying fee owners of District casement lands are the responsibility of the permittee. NOTH!NG CONTAINED IN THIS PERMIT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A RELINQUISHMENT OF ANY RIGHTS NOW HELD BY THE DISTRICT. J. This permit is subject to all prior unexpired permits, agreements, easements, privileges, or other rights, whether recorded or unrecorded, in the area specified in this permit. Permittee shall make arrangements with holders of sue: prior rights. K. Unless otherwise specified herein, this permit may be revoked or canceled at any time by the District when required for flood control, conservation, or water utility purposes. L. Upon written notice of cancellation or revocation of this permit for any cause whatsoever, permittee shall restore District right of way and structure to the condition prior to the issuance of the permit and then shall vacate Distric: property. Should permittee neglect to restore the premises or structures to a satisfactory condition, the District may perform such work or have work performed, and permittee agrees to reimburse the District for all costs of the work so performed upon receipt of a statement therefor. M. Trench safety has not been checked and is not implied with this permit. Compliance with Section 6705 of the Labor Code concerning trench excavation and the obtaining of a "Permit to Excavate" issued by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health as required by Labor Code Section 6500 shall be the responsibility of the permittee. N. Permittee shall be responsible for compliance with California Labor Code Section 6300 (and following). FeE 60 112/8/961 McGlincey Percolation System 3 Pennit No.: 99935 Purpose of Permit-Continued 2. Construction of an 18-inch reinforced concrete pipe stann drain within Westchester Drive crossing under the District's 30-inch pipe. 3. Replacement of the District's 30-inch corrugated metal pipe with a 30-inch reinforced concrete pipe for Kirk Distribution System within the road right of way. 4. Installation of landscaping and an irrigation system within the road right of way adjacent to the District's McGlincey recharge ponds. 5. Installation of underground electrical facilities within the road right of way. 6. Installation of a 6-foot-high precast concrete and metal railing fence within the road right of way adjacent to the District's McGlincey recharge ponds. Installation of two (2) 28-feet-wide double chain link gates, removable traffic bollards, and 11-foot-wide and 17-foot, 8-inch-wide gates at entrances to the District's facilities. 7. 3. Replacement of an existing concrete pad with an 18-foot-wide, 9-inch-thick structural concrete pad for equipment crossing within District easement in the road right of way. 9. Removal of existing dry wells along the road alignment. 10. Installation of road improvements at McGlincey Lane and Curtner Avenue crossing over the District's 36-inch pipe, within a 54-inch corrugated metal pipe sleeve, for Kirk Distribution System. SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued ~. Installation of the 30-inch reinforced concrete pipe replacement pipe crossing Westchester Drive between the District's recharge ponds must be done as the first order of work. The District's recharge operations are dependent on this pipe. 5. Installation of the 18-inch reinforced concrete pipe stonn drain should also be accomplished as a first order of work, as groundwater from the adjacent ponds may impact constructability. Contact Mr. Joe Aguilera at (408) 265-2607, extension 2530, to coordinate the timing of this work with the District's operations. Pennittee shall be responsible for maintenance of the concrete and metal rail fencing along the property line. Pennittee shall be responsible to adjacent property owners for disturbance of any kind caused by the work pennitted herein. 3. No debris shall be placed within the McGlincey Percolation Ponds. 3. Pennittee must prevent construction materials and wastes, including sediment and nonstonn water, from directly or indirectly entering McGlincey Percolation Ponds. '0. All work associated with this pennit shall be in accordance with the plans that were submitted to and approved by the District. .:E 60j (1218195) o~'C.4<1t .....;;....~A~o'(\ :'7 Or" "'~" . . ,: .. , r, .lit r: H" \\ 0 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department September 29, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park Permit 98-219 Traffic Signals, Street Lighting, Electrical Systems, Equipment Lists and Drawings Submittals Dear Mr. Neumeister: We have reviewed your second submittal dated September 27, 1999; GAB, your electrical subcontractor, did not respond to and needs to respond to the following City standard specifications: 1. Pedestrian signals shall be IDC #7090-0G-OI-OI-OI-OI-Ol (Caltrans type A, incandescent, international symbol, olive green aluminum housing, aluminum door, no mounts, tempered glass lens, with Z-crate visor). 2. Controller shall be Econolite ASC/2S-2100 Type 2/TSl. 3. Lids for N9 and N30 street lighting boxes shall read "CAMPBELL ST. LIGHTING". 4. Fuses for 240 volt street lighting shall be BAF -3 or equal (3 amp). 5. Specify that all vehicular heads shall be 12". 6. Specify Belden 8281 cables - NOT 8221 7. Submit manufacturer's cut sheet for Type 1-B pole. Caltrans Standard Plan ES- 6A is not specific enough. 8. Clarify whether the side-mount signal mounting is for vehicular or pedestrian signals. 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408376.0958 . TOO 408.866.2790 Huettig & Schromm/535 Westchester Drive September 29, 1999 Page 2 9. Per Sheet 13 of the project plans, LED modules shall be "431 Series" manufactured by Dialight Corporation. Specify that they shall be 431 Series manufactured by Dialight Corporation. Please revise the drawings and specifications and resubmit a revised set of drawings and specifications for our review and approval. Please call me at (408)866-2163 if you have questions or comments. Very truly yours, (?t~t 0x'-A~n-1!r Cruz S. Gqfj1ez &' Assistant Engineer cc: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Matthew Jue, Acting Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker, Lighting and Traffic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector H:\ WORD\LANDDEV\535WEST5(JD) O~'C4Jtt rlli/} '$0 " .. , . (".Jot C H A it. '0.(. CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department September 21, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park 4.5' Wide Planter Strip, Change Typical Sections Dear Mr. Neumeister: As per our telephone conversation on September 20, 1999, please have your engineer change all details on the plans to show that the planter strip between the back of curb and the face of sidewalk is 4.5 feet wide; the sidewalk is 4.5 feet wide; that the right-of-way line is either 5 feet from face of curb; 7.5 feet from face of curb; or, 10 feet from face of curb, dependent upon the roadway width. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have questions or comments. Very truly yours, ~1 Cc: Michelle Quinney. City Engineer Sill Helms, Land Development Manager Matthew Jue, Acting Traffic Engineer Tony Rucker, Lighting and Traffic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall. Public Works Inspector H :\landev\53 5westchester2( mp) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408376.0958 . roo 408.866.2790 o,,'CA-it f.~: ~ ~ '" .' OJi' C H" 1l '0 \.. n!.e- COp[ --.- _.._----~-~---~'--------~- CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department September 3, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive- TS 97-01 Campbell Technology Park, Electrical Service Points for Traffic Signals, Street Lighting and Irrigation Systems Dear Mr. Neumeister: As per our discussion at your meeting on September 2, 1999, you or your subcontractors need to apply to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for the electrical service connections for the traffic signals and street lighting at the McGlinceylUnion intersection and for the street lighting at Campbell Technology Parkway. If PG&E should need a request and/or an authorization from the City of Campbell. please let us know. The 110-120 volt metered connection for the park site irrigation system as shown on the plans is sufficient for now. Please refer to Sheet 3 of the plans at Sta. 18+ 12:t. Please note that the plans call for installing PVC Schedule 40 conduits, 2-4" PG&E, 2-4" PacBell, 2-4" TCI, across Campbell Technology Parkway. Please have the conduits installed per the utility standards. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have questions or comments and/or to field review. cc: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Bill Helms, Land Development Manager Matthew Jue, Assistant Engineer, Traffic Division Tony Rucker, Lighting and Traffic Signal Supervisor Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector H:\word\landev\535west4Ud) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408376.0958 . roD 408.866.2790 Of.C"'41 ,,4.'~A.,~ ... l"" U ~ . . .. "- 10 .. ~. ~.... O"CHA"O' CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department June 29, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - Campbell Technology Park, Lands of Peterson, Additional Driveway Dear Mr. Neumeister: Please note that the Lands of Peterson currently has an existing driveway which accommodates three vehicles between a concrete curbing on the south and a wood fence on the north. This is a pre-existing condition and the street improvement plans should be revised to accommodate access at this location. Please have your engineers revise the plans to show the construction of the driveway and revisions to the irrigation and planting. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have questions or comments and/or to field review. Very truly yours, cc: Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector H:\ WORD\LANDDEV\535WEST3(JD) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . mD 408.866.2790 TO CITY OF SAN JOSE DEPARTMENT OF STREETS & TRAFFIC 4 NORTH SECOND STREET, SUITE 1000 SAN JOSE, CALlFORN IA 95113 TELEPHONE (408) 277-4304 ~@W_~ DATE JOB NO. ATTENTION Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer City of Campbell, Public Works 70 North First Street <:;Tr- t~{\'\20~~~-t~--:) Campbell. CA 95008.1423 WE ARE SENDING YOU: o Attached o Shop Drawing o Copy of letter o Under separate cover via the following items: o Samples 0 Specifications o Prints o Change order :(]I Plans o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I 2 Proposed traffic siqnal @ the intersection of Union Ave and McGlincev Lane. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval o For your use o As requested o For review and commenl o FOR BIDS DUE o o Resubmit_ copies for approval o Submit _ copies for distribution o Return - corrected prints o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o See notations regarding public safety 19 ~ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Mansour Malek ;00-12 @ DIV.~ TITLE : ')r!',,~' . , . . ~ " . ~ '",'" . . '.t;' ..\ . . ---.....~. ___ ~.' ~ ~~.\O "'.' : .' . . "Rl~ ,>,'. . ,"t.y : ',,;:";"~'2.C "''"%112'"'''' . . , ... ". ___ ", ::~:.,:, i~';)';,.~'.~;7'''\ . - ~'.. "'r ' '~ '.~ ',., '__ ' l ~.... '.- " ;~. .~, "'~ :;....",j ,~r'.,".itz. "....;,~. .'INST ALl.CfTY-FURNiSHEO '1YPE',~m SERVICE .Ul'::.. ;~-'" '. . EOUIPMe:NT?ENCLOSUR'E':." . ON'rCONTRACTOR-I='URNISHED FOUNDATION"""'" .;:,....; .....,..c.. ". . INSTALL CITY-FURNISH'ED , TRAFFJe ~. ....t>..JALCONTROLLER ~ND' CON'I,.JLlER'CASINET ON . CONTRACTOR-FURNISHED , <.' 1~' .of"C"'JttA .....:..~~""' .... r" ~' . r- , . ~ "- .J'" .," .. , OR r. H A \\." ..:, Q~q.--- CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department February 2, 1999 Mr. Ron Northouse City of San Jose Department of Streets & Traffic 4 N. Second Street, Suite 1000 San Jose, CA 95113 RE: 535 Westchester Drive Proposed Traffic Signal at Union AvenuelMcGlincey Lane Intersection Dear Ron: The City of Campbell is currently reviewing the design plans for a proposed traffic signal at the intersection of Union Avenue and McGlincey Lane. Since some of the traffic signal equipment would be installed within San Jose city limits, we are requesting the City of San Jose's review of the proposed traffic signal design. Weare therefore enclosing two sets of the plans for your review and comment. The traffic signal warrant analysis supporting a traffic signal at this location will be transmitted to you later by Peter Eakland, City of Campbell Traffic Engineer. Please provide your comments by Friday, February 19, 1999. Please call me at 866-2163 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, /oil /J / j /t;-4~ / -<:, /. ""-Y-~ // A-,.. ,--'L.. (;, ~,,""::,l<::-:""' ('.... '. '-/": I Cru :s...uomez i Assistant Engineer Enclosure j: 'marthewj\unionmacll-csj3 .doc 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TOD 408.866.2790 Jan-04-99 11:29A P.Ol TO: EA X f /4-/99 R(2~,t:J LV~ ~tf 0. t l C,'L+:J cot Cct.~ 6~..ll LRANSM.LL]AI. :/;kf~~~ :/~/ 'pu! &17 tV / f(, W, HS HUETT'G & SCHiCMM . INC. DATE: SEND TO FAX #: # OF PGS: 4 SENT BY: HUEmG & SCHROMM, INC. KEN NEUMEISTER CONSTRU CTION PROJECT MANAGER & ARCHITECT 900 W EL C H R 0 A O. 5 U I T f 1 0 PAL 0 A L r O. C A. 9 4 3 0 4 (6 5 0) 3 22 - 2 1 2 1 40% 37(l. 095<8 INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET FAX # (650) 322.5029 PROJECT: etA ~-f b~{( ~t.tt ?{~Ic_~ SUBJECT: Pbg.c- -f; (' t) 6l1. r Q.tl S ~ IlIA {J ;;;r r a .t'T ~..s rwre.MJ '. c. ul\,('(.k i.~\(l n~.~.J ~~w'~(~fl.."/+Q.( s~(~~ ~f ~ t ((l"~ ~ ~' Original Will Not Follow - Onginal Will Follow by: Hand Delivery llegular Mail Other: j r .-La Vi' (J II ,..v (,? ') .:0.-....- ~- t!. :J 0"_ (, qC;~,\;\,.;,,);'.:tIR-'':'GG ')l.'t:- !r_', 4 J-::.-:Alto,~,,:~jjfr";:I1.:::(.:,:"7~\,,:,. :.:/::1322-21:21 . F(;~ (6.:./J,"3:::2.5020 Jan-04-99 11:29A CAMt'_L~ 1 ~ct4. fA(t.~ - ~~. - ?(;&e: f(et i~ · \OlAtlo ~ i\ .;-.,' ,,\ ;' ! \','," -r . .' . r,._,'. ".~ -------..--- - P (7 & € luop 1I-e -; (\ to ~'r;rJ, GC\,S {ed (,oV\'\ 4-t\;~ \ n c "t " C"Y\ 04-99 11:Z9A Jan- I , .. . '1 . I - ./ . .I I " ., I I / j 5/ .- . elT~ PARK . :JAP''" I \ r , fhCae frf f-tf let! (tJIA,t e P.03 -I -L I I I , i " I , I I I -PAC. f.Je LC VAVL'T /' ./ ./ _/ 11:Z9A 04-99 Jan- P.04 ./1 J1 ---- . J AR~\ 16+00 +- /. .: .." -, i . - - I J I I 1 . I , I I I I / I L ~.Ll \jJ'" ~. JI1" ~^ LJ . " .1.1 V ALt. ~ 1 ?OV1d ~ ....:-=- San~a Clara Valley Wa~er Dis~ric~ 6 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CA 95118-3686 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 FACSIMILE (408) 266-0271 www.scvwd.dst.ca.us December 15, 1998 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER RECElveo DEe 1 B 1998 PU8L.IC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Mr. Ken Neumeister Huetting and Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Dear Mr. Neumeister: Subject: Campbell Technology Park The Santa Clara Valley Water District (District) has reviewed several drawings over the past few months for the roadway alignment from Westchester Drive to the Campbell Technology Park as it passes by two of the District's groundwater recharge ponds within the McGlincy Percolation System. We have also reviewed the design information for the concrete strip across Westchester Drive and a proposal to use dl)' wells for storm water control. The pond on the west side of Westchester Drive is known as Pond 5, the one on the east side is Pond 6. The ponds are typically allowed to go dl)' for cleaning purposes once a year. This cleaning operation begins at an access point west of Pond 5, hence the loaders (which are track mounted) and trucks exit Pond 5 crossing Westchester to begin operations on Pond 6. To minimize damage to the proposed road and limit any operations that may occur on the road, we have proposed construction of a concrete strip crossing Westchester Drive. Our staging area will also be relocated to the triangular piece of property on the north side of Pond 5. This necessitates relocation of the existing ramp on the south side of Pond 5. As a part of the earthwork for the Campbell Technology Park, we request that the new ramp be cut into the north side of Pond 5. The curb cuts for access to our ponds should be 18 feet wide. Eighteen-foot-wide double-swing gates should be provided. These gates should be set back from the curb a distance of20 feet. This distance and the orientation may need to be adjusted during detailed design to allow for ample access around the back side of the gates to access the pond, particularly on Pond 6. A gate should also be provided at the south end of Pond 6, as vehicles will exit at the south end of the pond. There is a pipe between the two ponds crossing under Westchester Drive. The invert of this pipe will need to be field measured at both ends to determine its depth under the road. If its alignment conflicts with the proposed storm drain or other utilities, we can consider modifications to its design. As we have discussed in prior meetings, the distance between the top of the bank and the proposed fence needs to be maximized. The fence must be designed considering the close proximity of this water body and the maintenance activities that will occur next to the fence. Minor sloughing and erosion of the bank should also be considered. Typically, weekly access is needed to the pipe in Pond 5 that connects with Pond 6 to make measurements or adjust the valves. Adequate walking space needs to be provided at this location. ft '-J recycled paper Mr. Ken Neumeister 2 December 15, 1998 The concrete design should specifY Class A Portland cement concrete. The same class concrete should also be used for the driveway approaches. The use of city wells is prohibited. There are several dry wells in this area that were installed many years ago and the District is requiring removal of them as a part of the redevelopment of this area As such, we would not entertain installation of new dry wells. In addition, the use of dry wells in areas of groundwater recharge is prohibited by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Construction drawings, along with legal plats and descriptions for the easement areas to be exchanged, must be sent to us for our review and approval. Upon approval of construction drawings, a District permit can be issued for the proposed construction. I can be reached at (408) 265-2607, extension 2253. Sincerely, ~ar~ Sue A. Tippets, P.E. Supervising Engineer Community Projects Review Unit cc: Mr. Tim Haley Planning Department City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95003 Public Works Department City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95003 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Address: 535 WESTCHESTER DR. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. 98-219 Date: APPLICATION NO. 12/9/98 ITEM UNIT PRtCES FOR PROJECT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY < $30 K $30 K to $150 K > $150 K $ AMOUNT I. SURFACE CONSTRUCTION MOBILIZATION 1 LS $ 750.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 66.200.00 $ 66.200.00 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL/PHASING 1 LS $ 100.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5.000.00 CONSTRUCTION STAKING 1 LS $ 250.00 $ 350.00 $ 15.000.00 $ 15.000.00 CONSTRUCTION TESTING 1 LS $ 750.00 $ 500.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 II. DEMOLITION/CLEARING I. CLEARING & GRUBBING I LS $500.00 $1.000.00 $10.000.00 $ 10.000.00 2. SAWCUT P.C.C.lA.C.(UP TO 6") 125 LF $2.50 $3.00 $5.00 $ 625.00 3. P.C.C. REMOVAL 124 SY $30.00 $23.00 $10.00 $ 1.240.00 4. CURB AND GUITER REMOVAL 214 LF $6.00 $3.00 $2.00 $ 42g.00 5. MEDIAN REMOVAL SF $4.50 $2.25 $1.25 6. DEMOLISH EXISTING INLET/PLUG RCP'S EA III. srOR..'\f DRAINAGE I. 12" R.C.P. (CLASS V) 309 LF $60.00 $40.00 $20.00 $ 6.180.00 2. 15" R.C.P. (CLASS un LF $65.00 $48.00 $38.00 3. 18' R.C.P. (CLASS III) 664 LF $70.00 $60.00 $52.00 $ 34,528.00 4. 24" R.C.P. (CLASS III) 366 LF $80.00 $68.00 $59.00 $ 21,594.00 4a. 27: R.C.P. (CLASS III) 369 LF $71.00 S 26.199.00 5. 30" R.C.P. (CLASS III) 1669 LF $90.00 $75.00 S65.00 S 108.485.00 5a. 36" R.C.P. (CLASS III) 1365 LF S8000 $ 109.200.00 6. T.V. INSPECTION (12") 4742 LF SUO $0.75 $0.60 $ 2.845.20 7. STD. DRAINAGE INLET II EA $1.600.00 SI,300.00 SI.OOO.OO $ 11.000.00 (C.C. DETAIL 5) 8. FLAT GRATE INLET EA SI.400.00 $1.100.00 $900.00 (C.C. DETAIL 6) 9. STANDARD MANHOLE 18 EA S2.000.00 $1.600.00 SI.300.00 S 23.40000 (C.S.J. DETAIL 0-11) (INCLUDES FRAME & LID) 10. BREAK AND ENTER M.H.lO.I. 2 EA $700.00 S550.00 $450.00 $ 900.00 II 3" THROUGH CURB DRAIN PIPES EA $500.00 $250.00 Page 1 ITEM UNIT PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY < 530K $30 K to $150 K > $150 K $ AMOUNT IV. CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS 1. SIDEW ALK 10615 SF $6.50 $4.50 52.75 $ 29,191.25 2. DRIVEWAY APPROACH 3285 SF 57.50 $5.50 $3.75 5 12.318.75 3. CURB AND GUTTER 214 LF $22.00 $18.00 $15.00 $ 3.210.00 3a. CURB AND GUTTER W/CUTOFF 3075 LF $21.50 $ 66.112.50 4. V ALLEY GUTTER SF $12.50 $10,00 58.25 5. HANDICAP RAMP 12 EA 51.200.00 5800.00 5700.00 5 8.400.00 6. TYPE B-1 CURB LF $12.00 $9.50 $7.50 7. TYPE AI-B3 CURB 255 LF $15.00 $12.00 $10.00 $ 2.550.00 8. COBBLESTONE MEDIAN SURFACE 821 SF $12.00 $8.00 $5.00 $ 4,105.00 9. P.C.C. DRIVEWAY CONFORM SF $7.00 $5.50 54.50 10. A.C. DRIVEWAY CONFORM SF $4.50 53.75 $3.00 V. PAVEMENT 1. ASPHALT OIGOUT AND REPLACE 2465 SF $5.00 $3.50 $2.50 $ 6.162.50 la. AC REMOVE & RESTORATION 104 CF $2.50 5 260.00 2. PAVEMENT WEDGE CUT (6') 150 LF $5.00 $2.50 $1.50 $ 225.00 3. PAVEMENT GRINDING SF 50.80 $0.50 $0.35 4. PAVEMENT FABRIC (PETRO-MAT) 14 SY $2.00 $1.85 $1.50 $ 21.00 5. ASP HAL T CONCRETE (TYPE A) 1705 T $80.00 $50.00 535.00 $ 59.675.00 6. AGGREGATE BASE (CLASS 2) 3080 T $40.00 520.00 $12.00 5 36.960.00 7. SLURRY SEAL (TYPE II) SF $0.07 50.06 50.05 8. SLURRY SEAL (TYPE III) SF $0.11 50.09 50.D7 VI. TRAFFIC SIGNALSILIGHTS I LS 597.500.00 5 97.500.00 1. DETECTOR LOOP (6' ROUND) EA $450.00 $300.00 $250.00 2. DETECTOR LOOP (6' x 30') EA 5650.00 $540.00 $440.00 3. DETECTOR LOOP (6' x 50') EA $900.00 $750.00 $640.00 4. ELECfROLlER 10 EA $2.600.00 52.200.00 $ 1.800.00 $ 18.000.00 5. 1 1/2" RIGID CONDUIT 1581 LF $9.00 $7.00 55.00 $ 7.905.00 Page 2 ITEM UNIT PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY < $30 K $30 K to $150 K > 5150 K $ AMOUNT 6 2" RIGID TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT LF $ 17.00 $ 13.00 $ 10.00 7 CONDUCTOR 4743 LF $ 0.70 $ 0.85 $ 0.45 $ 2.134.35 8 PULL BOX (NO.3 1/2) 16 EA $300.00 $240.00 $185.00 $ 2.960.00 9 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PULL BOX (NO.5) EA $400.00 $350.00 $300.00 10 PULL ROPE LF $0.55 VII. SI'RIPING AND SIGNS I. REMOVE PVMT. MARKINGS (PAINT) 162 SF $2.50 $1.50 51.00 $ 162.00 2. REMOVE PVMT. MARKINGS (THERMO) SF $3.00 $2.00 $1.40 3. REMOVE PVMT STRIPING 455 LF $1.40 $0.80 $040 $ 182.00 4. STRIPING DETAIL 9 LF 51.35 SO. 85 50.35 4.5 STRtPING DETAIL 22 1592 LF $1.70 $0.60 $ 955.20 5. STRIPING DETAIL 29 SF $3.80 6. STRIPING DETAIL 32 SF $3.80 7. STRIPING DETAIL 37 (THERMO) 65 LF $1.85 $1.50 $1.00 $ 65.00 8. STRIPING DETAIL 38 (THERMO) 267 SF $3.80 $1.15 5 307.05 9. STRIPING DETAIL 39 LF 51.50 $0.85 50.45 10. STRIPING DETAIL 40 LF $2.20 $1.70 $1.00 11. LIMIT LINE 65 LF 51.35 $1.05 SO. 90 $ 58.50 12. CROSSWALK, 12" WHITE 607 LF $1.35 $1.05 50.90 $ 546.30 13. PAVEMENT MARKINGS (PAINT) SF $2.50 $1.90 $1.60 14. PAVEMENT MARKINGS (THERMO) 201 SF $5.50 $3.80 $2.60 $ 522.60 15. PAVEMENT MARKER (NON-REFL.) EA $4.50 $3.00 $2.20 16. PAVEMENT MARKER (REFLECTIVE) 145 EA $6.00 $4.15 $3.15 $ 456.75 17. TYPE K MARKER 2 EA $95.00 $80.00 570.00 $ 140.00 18. TYPE N MARKER EA $95.00 $80.00 570.00 19. SALVAGE ROAD SIGN 3 EA $85.00 $75.00 565.00 5 195.00 20. RELOCATE ROAD SIGN 2 EA 510000 585.00 575.00 $ 150.00 21. INST. RD. SIGN ON EXIST. POLE 5 EA $200.00 5145.00 5110.00 5 550.00 22. ROAD SIGN WITH POST 24 EA 5300.00 5240.00 5195.00 $ 4.680.00 23 INSTALL 12265 SIGN WITH POST EA 5240.00 24 STANDARD BARRICADE LF 515.00 Page 3 [TEM UNIT PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY < 530 K 530 K to 5[50 K > 5150 K 5 AMOUNT VIII. LANDSCAPING I. IRRIGATION. PLANTING WORK [ LF 5[ .575.00 515.600.00 $ [5.600.00 2 PRUNE TREE ROOTS EA 5[25.00 $[00.00 $85.00 3 TREE REMOVAL 4 EA 5650.00 $500.00 $400.00 5 1.600.00 4. ROOT BARRIER (12") LF $20.00 $10.00 $6.00 5. ROOT BARRIER (18") 720 LF $25.00 515.00 $10.00 $ 7.200.00 6. STREET TREE (24" BOX) 77 EA 5450.00 $325.00 $250.00 $ 19.250.00 7. STREET TREE (36" BOX) EA $700.00 $550.00 $400.00 8. TOP SOIL BACKFILL CY $[5.00 9 IRRIGA nON LS $1.300.00 $675.00 IX. MISCELLANEOUS I. PEDESTRIAN BARRIER LF 575.00 560.00 $50.00 la. SCVWO CONC. PAD 1000 SF 58.00 $ 8.000.00 2. CHAIN LINK FENCE (6') LF $[5.00 $[1.50 $9.25 3. RAISE MISC. BOX TO GRADE 1 EA 5300.00 5200.00 $175.00 5 175.00 4. RAISE MANHOLE TO GRADE EA 5400.00 5275.00 $200.00 5. INSTALL MONUMENT BOX 9 EA 5450.00 $350.00 $300,00 5 2,70000 6. MEDIAN BACKFILL CY $19.00 $17.00 515.50 7 RESET BENCH MARK LS $150.00 SUBTOTAL 5 899.009.95 PREPARED BY: CRUZ S. GOMEZ 10% SECURITY ENFORCEMENT FEE 5 89.901.00 REVIEWED BY: I. HAROLD HOUSLEY APPROVED By:~ya TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR FA[THFUL 5988.910.95 PERFORMANCE SECURITY 5988.900.00 ~ 'See Section 66499.4 of the Map Act. h: lexcel I landdevI539westc(mp) Page 4 HMH, Incorporated Civil Engineers · Planners. Surveyors 1570 Oakland Road, Suite 200 P.O. Box 611510 San Jose, CA 95161-1510 Tel: (408) 487-2200 Fax: (408) 487-2222 FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: Harold Housely DATE: October 27, 1998 City of Campbell FAX#: (408) 376-0958 JOB NO: 2332-02 FROM: Kevin Maple PAGES: 5 RE: Campbell Technology Park MESSAGE: Preliminary Engineer's Estimate for off-site work. cc: Ken Neumeister - (415) 322-5029 NOTE If this transmission is not complete, please call (408) 487-2200 . ~ . CITY Of' CA.\IPBELL l'UllUC WORKS DEJ'M'DiE:'iT ENGINEER'S ESITh1ATE - .. .... A<ldrw ~Peeu- 1ez::.H to-.l Ol.-O~ 'i" PA.~'f.::.. E=!'.mcnr P.",,;. No. '9 B - -z...\o. ~:B'"2. -D7... .' O>~ \0 /'Z:~~~ UNIT PRICES FOR PROJECT AMOU~"T. < SJOK I DOK :DSIJOK > SIJOK A:9'ic:uion No. IT:::!o{ . 1'10. ! DESOrPTION !t.. $LiU"ACZ CONSTRUCTION .:, I .. ... MOBILIZATION I I I ,CONmUcnON TAAFFlC CONnOLCONTROlJPHASING I CONSTiWcrrON ST AXING , , , COSSTil. VCTION TESTING III. I , i DE.\IOc.mo.'lICL.E.\..RroiC" . I I. ,CLE.\RING '" Gil.UBBINC ! :!.. .SA WCUT P.C.CJA.C.(UP TO 6"} , J. P.C.C. RE).!OVAL '. Ft;'RS"""1O GtITTER REMOVAL 5. ~(::::JIA;oI R.E~10VAL 6. D~~{Ol~H :!.\:S1r~G r:-;LSi?~l:G ::tC?S : III. nOR.\1 DRAL:iAGZ , l. I:" R.C.?, (CLASS V) _. 15" R.C? (CLASS !II) J. U" ...C.? (CLASS !II) -. ~:. ...C.? (CLASS !II) 1'2.1" ec..P $. :!<J" R.C.? (CLASS !II) ~~ 6. ;:r.Y.INSPECTION (12") i I .. STD. DRAINAGE INLET I (C.C. DETAIL 9J i i s. .FLXi Gil.A TE INLET .cC.C. DETAIL 6) 9. STANDARD MANHOLE CC.5J, DETAIL 0.11) I (INCLUDES FRAME'" LID) , : ~ 10. .BREAK A/','t) E."iTEil. M.H.ID.I. Ii. i IV. 'Fo.'IOlETF. t\IPROVE.'>lE.'ITS I. SIDEWAL'<: i 2. bRIVEW A Y APPROACH I I I QUMml1E.S I I l..S: I I I 15: I 151 1 I -15: I 15: , I \2$ L=: , I I I I I C/.t> SY "1..'3\ i I 1 I I I I ~e,~ ui i I I~ Lf I i ! ~ (..pC:; u:::! ! I (p~::' L=' L.fl LF: i I I EAi I I I I i "\ . -j , IS E.\! I I I '- EA! I I I I i I?Dle:; st'i I I I ~3SSF! ; ! , i i I I I s.l~~! , SJ<l.OJ: L=' , S6.OJ' i I I s.:~0' i ! SJ.OJI I S::;.CO I Z.OJI ! ! s:.~; s.:c.OJ : , I i Sol3.CO ; , I S60.OJ ! i I S6&.OJ ; ~I r.S.OJ ; I -j 5O.7Sj i SUOl,OJi I St.IOJ.OJ; I I SI.6IXl.OJI ; , S:O.OJ , I za.OJj SJ2.OJi I I SJ9.OJ: tll~ s.>5.OJI J60~ 50.601 j "=001 S5O:l.OJ' I I SUOl.OJ, I SJ$O.CXJI S-lSO.OJi i I I I I I , S-l_<O! S2. 7$~ I I I 15..so' SJ.7$; i I , S AMOUNT I ~l IW/1.00-/ ~o::o~! \ t?/OOO~! i i !:'Oi \01 coO-t i s:~oo~ 'Z. C;O:=:' ; 6~-",",~ ~ ~-' St" I ::.-\ i L=: I ! Lf' I I : S60,OJ; I I I S6$.OJ' I I S70.OJ, i I sro.OJ: _I I ~I SI.1O: ! I I SI.6CO.OJI I I , SI.JQ).OJ. I I S2.cm.OJ I I I I S7Cll.OJj I ; ~-<oi S7.JO I I 1 SIO.CO' , 1 I S:.!:ll; I Sl.~; I I Q<l: ~I CP7-0 -: , - i I 30/ "'Z.f:,~ 2..1, ?'i4~ I 2J.t" I ~"l~; ClQ' 101/447 -i I d112..CO~ i i , i II coo~i I I i , ! , "Z-~/4COco: i i I qCO~1 i 4- \/:.o'-"Z.~l 3 t;cxp't.zi , ! 27-Jun-96 -,.-.-.,"".-----.._~~..............."'---._----.--.-_.._. .~'.-"'- -- .------ - . Page 1 of 4 erE.\! ; I ~O. DESGUl'TlON J. .CURB AND GllTTElt !c.~GoI W/COi"~ 4. .V AU"Y GtJi"l:lt J. HA:-'1lICAP ;tA!-iP 6.Ti'P: 3-1 CUR3 I ! 7. :TY?!:: Al-a3 CUil.S i a. coaBLESTONE MEDIAN SURFACE I 9. P.C.C. DRlYEWA Y CONFOR-\! ; v. i I i I I 1 ?A YE.\IE:'IT ' t. ~PHAL T DIGOlIT AND R.:?l..;\.C:E _, \ o-i 1M- ~ f~~c;::o-> I !. I'A YEMENI WEDGE cur (61 i i 10. 'A.C. DRIVE''''' A Y CONFORM J. :PA VE~IE:-'T GRJ:-IDl:-iG ; J. 1'.\ VEME?'iT FABRIC (PmO-MA7J : I J. ASPHALT CONGE"i'E (TYPE A) 6. AGC:;':::G.\ ,::: 3AS::: (CASS :) 7. .5u.:a~ y S~.\L (T'Y?E u} S. SLL':l.H SEAL (TYPE rIll VI. ,nAmc SIC;oIALS,1.ICiITS I. bET:::crOR LOOP (6' ROUND) . 2.. DE"::::C70R LOOP (6' .30') J. D:::7:::CTOR LOO? (6' . SO') 4. E.,,(7;l.OLIE;l. 5. .1 Ir.' iUCID CONDUIT I 6. r illGiD CO:-lDUIT I OUAHITTlES I I\~ 1~c44 I: I LFI SF: I EA: I LF' I , 1.%LFi I j S'-\ SFi I SFI I I I SFi I I 1 '5F! -z.4CP?" 9f \O'i-cFi \?,O LFt I SF: \-4 Sy: I :,;;,4;- .. T?OD7 -SF: , __SF. \.=1 EA. I i , EA: : , E.\ I I /...... EA, I ~ ! f I 11t?r1 LF' I I i -L/ UNIT PRIC"...s FOR PROJECT AMOUNT < s:;ox I OlX.. 'IX I > SI~X S::.COi _I I St:..!~~ I r I 5 l.::co.co i I 51:.COj 51S.coi I 512..CO~ I I P.COI I I j.4_'D1 I I i 1$.COj I 1$.CO: I ! SO.:;O' s::.co: i ! So3O.CO: , ~'~';J :)J S.;),cr;' I SO.:!: j 1 I j.4JO.CO, i ~O.CO: , I I SI'OJ.CO i / I S:Z.6CXl.CO i i ! 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RE),fOVE PV),fT ~IPING '. .~I?ING DElAlL 9 :~Fl...lc::oc ~Ar\ '- -z.. '- S. ~IPING DETAIL 29 ; 6.. mIP!NG DETAIL J:! i 7. ~1?ING DEl AIL 37 (TrlER),fO) !. o.;;i?!NG DETAIL)! (iHE::l..\IC) 9. ST::l.IPING DETAIL 39 10. ST::l.r7ING DETAIL ~ ,. :":.\{[7 :..r>;2 12. GCSS.......U: I), PA VE),fE:'o, ),fARKiNGS (?\I~1 I'. .7.... VE~(EN7 ),fARX!NGS (iHE::l.!>ICl i IS. .P.... yc!>IEl"T ),fARXE::l. (NON.REFL) .16. "P.\ YE),fE:-IT ),fARKER (REfLECTIVE) I 17. ;TYPE:< ),fARlCER U. r:-?: N ),fARKER 19. SAL Y AGE ::tOAD SIGN i o :0. RE!.CCA T'E ROAD SIGN 1 21. /l'IST. ::l.D. SIGN ON EXIST. POLE I , I .,., ROAD SICN Wmf POST .I 27 -Jun-96 , I ! I I I I I i I ! I I I i I I I I I j I I I I I , I I i I I I I / QUA:-ITTi"T"s r \':7\1 u=; I ! 17 i o I I I r I i i \::-C;;'2,.. (pO L? L.=' - L.= ~l...;- n~ L?' S? 1'33 S-. r. E.\ . I \ z... EA I ! i i I ! i I I ! i ! z... EAi i i lOA: ; E.\ i I Z. E.\ , 4 EA: I i rz. 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I I I I 4 E.Al I \ r..,~ I So6!O.OO . 5.!co.ooi s.:co.OO : I i i I I I I I ! i ! I , -LF' S:O.OO ~ Slo.ooi S6.00: I I ! , I ! I I (P/4-00~! CP'1O L.= I S:S.OO. SU.OOI SIO.OO: I I I I I I \ fJ; o::o~ &4:...: StSO.OO SJ:::!.OOI s:so.oo: I ! i 1 I I , : E.-\ : =.00 5.!!O.oo: s.:co.OO ! i 1 I I I ! I , I -cv ; '1 , I I I I ! i U'! >'5.00: SOJ.OO: l..'O.OO! ?"i'1 ~I - - I ~ "Z. ~I \4?"3 ~ j I I I L-: ~ij".CO. SIUQ, S9.:!: I \ _..- 00 E.~: S3CO.00 . S:oo.oo : SI7$.001 1":'- i ! _~A; $.:CO.ill ' S:-;5.coi r...!Xl.co' c\ ! Z7c:o ~. ?:.\ S-:!V.OO S3!O.(:C' =.co' I -C'~ Si'l.:O 5:7.:0 s:s..:o SL"'37OT AL I?C:UO'1:2: ?~E?.-\~=::::l 3':': REVIEW?:!) 3':': APPROVED 3Y: '""$e: ~::on 06199.' ot :.~c .\tJ.;] Act. H:\C=COrr-.:.S7o \,I,"'~J(~ ?}R!V6IJ/% J 17 -Jun-96 10:-; SEG:;l./T":' E:-;i'O;l.C:~~~T :=~~ TC7AL ~.i).,(Aj"=: FOR :=."rrr:FLoL ?::<FORMANC~ SEClJRrTY Page 4 of 4 .. '$0 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department October 16, 1998 Mr. Douglas Wildman Kikuchi & Associates Landscape Architects 730 Mill Street Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Subject: 535 Westchester Drive Campbell Technology Park, Irrigation and Planting Dear Mr. Wildman: We have reviewed your plans and the following are our comments: 1. The street right-of-way on the south side shall be provided with its separate water service as well as electrical service and controller, all on the south side of the street. 2. All materials and methods of installation and/or planting shall conform to the State of California Standard Specifications, Section 20, "Erosion Control and Highway Planting". 3. The controller shall be an ETS Controller, Rainmaster DX2 with remote receiver and transmitter, with a flow sensor installed at the backflow. The irrigation conduits shall be installed parallel and outside the back of the sidewalk. Conduits to each tree shall be installed in a PVC sleeve. Conduits crossing the street shall also be installed in a PVC sleeve. Irrigation heads shall be PVC pipe with shrub bubblers/pop-up irrigation heads. 4. The soil shall be thoroughly scarified and percolation tests shall be performed to assure appropriate percolation. Imported soil shall be sandy loam or a suitable equivalent such that it shall have the required nutrient and water retaining capacities. 5. A separate irrigation system shall be installed and maintained by the developer which shall irrigate all of the other sites other than the park site. 6. Trees shall be planted at a minimum of20 feet from street lights and/or driveways. 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . roo 408.866.2790 Kikuchi & Associates October 16, 1998 Page 2 7. We are enclosing a copy of Sheets 16 through 19 of our Project 9801.00 which show irrigation materials, notes, and details. We ask that you use these materials, notes, and details as they are appropriate to your project. The developer will be permanently responsible for maintenance and repair of the complete system except for the park site. The City will prepare a draft agreement accordingly. Please feel free to call me at (408)866-2163 if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, /Ju.v,j~ Cruz ~~ez D AssistantEngineer Enclosures cc: Vince Huppe .. H:\ WORD\LANDDEV\S35WEST2(JD) OCT 14 '98 09;59RM SRN JOSE WRTER CO. P.1/2 .. ~:se .. Company 374 West Santa Clara St. Ssn JON. CA 95196.0001 Engineering Department 1221 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose. CA 95128 Fax: (408) 292-5812 Facsimile Cover Sheet To : Cruz Gomez Company: City of Campbell Phone (408) 866-2163 Fax: (408)376-0958 From ; EMIL ZIYEH Company Department San Jose Water Company Engineering Phone: (408) 279-7872 Fax: (408) 292-5812 Date: October 14, 1998 Pages including this cover page 2 Comments: I'm forwarding map # 2819 regarding the information you had requested on Paseo De Palomas. Thank you ~~ EMIL ZIYEH ENGINEERING TECH. ~ M.t -I-lie.tt ... .,6L' 'I'Llfttt ~ ~ 11 ~ . . , , . ! ~ :It : .. .. '~ .. N II: ._ I 09:59AM SAN JOSE WATER CO. ...~ ~~ ,,~ ....D , t I.. C:-~ c:'5 ~~ = "'{I'I:; ~ "'", .... lD 10~ ;; ~ OCT 14 '98 lit '! ~~ i '" ~.. i~!) :.g III l~ 1J Q !: . V'l I- a.. <: z w Cl 9i o e ~ III ~ '" ... ...........-......-...... . .......... .-.............. ~ w z 2 ... Z :i ~ a. iii~ Ea i'i~i ~; 91 i1'l~{I'I N.... rw \~ R~ ..J a.. (/) c o o :t I- W ...J 4( :I: U 11- _ ~ ~a2\j;N'" "'':'IC:",~~ .I~.t~" I-~e~. "'1t~VI~l/) ~. <t. , ,,8 Qit,.,.. i.:. 'Il:: C VI .0 o o !;;t I- W ..J 4( :r:: u Cl ~ III ~ c ~ '" IL ~ 9 ~ .. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ flil. '~.'~~~~i ~~~~ ,~~ '(S) ~.... ':2,<A Wl~_~ d\~ ~~~~~ ~~-. ~ ~~~~~ o ~, ~ (.) ~'~ ~ ~ 7' ~ . 0 ~ " ':'Cl \, oft , '2 . ,~ '" ....\ Po ~ \ ~ \.,~ ~ tn , "1!- =,..;\ ...". ~ ~ (1l . ~~~~~t,\~^~ '. ~~,\ CIl~~~ ... ~ ;:::I, ':fi ~ 't:\)A~ ",. ~ :.A ~ () ~ ';!l or ~ ~ \ ~ ;I..';OO:~. ~ \'-:'~ 'c;/"~ '2, ~~ . ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ "";A~ v' .r,,'. ,A'I . a\\. -r.~-^ ~ , . '.:'" " '.- .~, .j' 1 · ". ~ eo c\.. '" :'1,".;:1': ('. \; ':... ~ oA 1i1 ~ ~\ " '.-3 rl <-J, va '0 ~ ~ tA . ~,~ -(,'~' . A. 'r.,_. .~v '~%;. ~... \ \ .~ ....~.,...~ .~o ".. ".~. ... . ~ ~\v d\ .,. (:) 'i'.", .... '" ~ ,:.,\ r.11 . , .... ,~ ~ . ~. II> ~~ ...... ~....;;\ ,...".. <.A ~'~ ~ ~ .,.. ,...~~ {:. U1 .;L'\ \~ ~ .~~. ':o~""(a ~~~"........... :~~.~~ ~~~Ci!! %. ~ ~~\'?~~&\\ \~\ ' "~~-%_'a ~ i30 ~ o~l~ ~ LU o @ ~ UJ z 2 00 o J,GI.l.81~8~~ l-L8.I.SU;Hl J,W-I.nl:Hl J.tt'l:.[lt8~l 3,SN-~1~9tl J.....-Hltlltl ~Z..I.Ol?:.~' .l...r-lOt'~1 ,........ (;.0'''1.1 ~.., . ,LLr I4J en Q. w Q. :i .ct .... (f) ....- ~ 0: 0 ~ Z - <: <.'f; :i ~~ z ''it: 0 <: Z ~ ::::> ~ To: Chuck Gomez Engineering Department 1 0/5/98 From: Vince Huppe Park Supervisor Subject: Campbell Technology Park Plans Permit No. 98-219 Please note the following comments from the Park Section regarding the proposed Campbell Technology Park: . Retention of control over water scheduling for the landscape by the City is important for success of this project. The irrigation controller, water meter, and backflow should be located on City property. . It would be preferred to have the ETS Controller RainmasterDX2 with remote receiver and transmitter, with a flow sensor installed at the backflow instead of the specified Irritrol Me plus controller. This would give the City more detailed notice of problems with the irrigation system from a remote location and would compliment the City's satellite irrigation system (Call Keith O'Neil ETS for further details at (510) 729-3189). . It is important to assure that the irrigation laterals are located adjacent to the sidewalk and not under the sidewalk. Repair of the laterals directly underneath the sidewalk would necessitate removal of the sidewalk flag, or using a jackhammer. When laterals need to go from adjacent to the sidewalk to underneath the sidewalk to the other side, it is important to have a pvc conduit installed so as to allow repairs of the laterals by simply sliding the lateral out of the conduit instead of removal of the sidewalk or hardscape. . PVC pipe with traditional shrub bubblers/popup irrigation heads are preferred over the drip irrigation system as specified due to the high cost of labor to identify breaks and other problems and there repairs. . Due to this areas suspected soil compaction problems, please rip as deeply and thoroughly as possible. . Import soil should be a Sandy loam or suitable equivalent. Loamy sand, or fine sand will not have the necessary nutrient and water holding capacity to assure a successful landscape. Another consideration is the high clay content of the existing site soils that could constitute a gradient barrier that would reduce water percolation between the two very different pore sized soils. . Percolation tests should be performed for all tree planting holes. Lighting and Signals Comments - October 2, 1998 The City of Campbell has reviewed the Union Avenue/McGlincey Lane utilities, traffic signal design and signing and striping plans and has the following comments. 1. Existing traffic signal conduits and pull boxes shall not be reused for the proposed traffic signal. Our field investigation revealed that the existing conduits are galvanized rigid steel which may be corroded. Show both existing conduits and pull boxes to be abandoned. 2. The City foresees a problem with the lighting at Pole C which is in the canopy of a large tree. Lighting at the southwest comer ofUnion/McGlincey would be blocked by the tree. Replace the proposed Type 19 pole with a Type 18 pole at Location C. 3. Some utility markings from Underground Service Alert (USA) indicated that the sanitary sewer shown on the Utilities plan (Sheet 11 of 21) actually runs underneath the sidewalk on the west side of Union Avenue south of McGlincey Lane. If there are indeed conflicts between the pole foundation and underground utilities, the pole would need to be relocated from the proposed 2.5' from the face of curb to the back of sidewalk and the signal mast arm on Pole C will need to be increased from the proposed 25' to 30'. USA markings are only accurate within 24" on either side of the surface marking. Based on the USA marking, the designer needs to determine whether the pole should be installed at the back of sidewalk with a 30' signal mast arm. 4. Pole A should have a luminaire to replace the luminaire proposed at Location C. Replace the proposed I-B pole at Location A with a Type 15 pole to illuminate the west leg crosswalk and only a traffic signal head for Phase 5. Relocate photoelectric unit from Pole C to Pole A. 5. The proposed location for a Phase 6 traffic signal head on Location A will be blocked by a City tree. A separate I-B pole with its centerline about 2.5' from the face of curb is therefore required with a traffic signal head for Phase 6. This I-B pole should be installed just south of the end of curb return on Union Avenue north of McGlincey Lane. 6. Pole B should provide a pedestrian push button for Phase 4 Ped to supplement the PPB on Pole C. 7. Pole D should be changed from a I-B pole to a Type 15 pole to illuminate the crosswalk across the south leg of Union Avenue. Keep Pole D at back of walk. 8. Move Pole E to back of sidewalk to avoid visibility conflicts with Pole F's side-mounted Phase 2 signal head. Change Pole E from Type 15 pole to a I-B pole with 13' height. 9. Pole F should be located about 61' from the northbound Union Avenue approach stop bar. 10. Move camera facing eastbound traffic (Phase 4) from Pole E to Pole D. Camera shall be mounted on luminaire mast arm. Change video power and video signal cable quantities in conductor schedule as appropriate. 11. Move camera facing southbound traffic (Phases 1 and 6) from Pole C to Pole D. Camera shall be mounted on luminaire mast arm. Change video power and video signal cable quantities in conductor schedule as appropriate. 12. Move the controller cabinet to the landscape area behind the back of sidewalk and south of the end of curb return. The No.6 pull box should be installed at the back of sidewalk. Move service pedestal to the landscape area behind the back of sidewalk. The No.5 pull box for Campbell Service should be moved to the back of sidewalk. 13. The proposed PG&E service point is located approximately 250' from the controller cabinet, and the PG&E wood pole already has three of its quadrants occupied. A more economical service point location appears to be the wood power pole located on the north side of McGlincey Lane just west of Union Avenue. PG&E may need to upgrade the existing street light service on the northeast pole quadrant and carry the service wires overhead. The existing street light system is small and therefore may not be a problem as far as sharing service with the traffic signal. The alternative PG&E service point location would save 250' of trenching costs for the developer. Please confirm that this alternative is feasible and acceptable to PG&E. 14. The G7 sign reading "Union" should be installed on a separate galvanized steel post between Poles D and E to be more aligned with both lanes of McGlincey Lane approach traffic. 15. Confirm and show all underground utilities including but not limited to the storm drain (a marIhole on McGlincey Lane was omitted on the utility plan) and the sanitary sewer line which runs under the sidewalk on the west side of Union Avenue south of McGlincey Lane. The designer is responsible for verifying utility locations. 16. Restripe McGlincey Lane approach to include 10' wide left-turn lane and 12' wide right-turn lane. These two lanes should extend to Station 1 +83. See red-lined mark-up. 17. Designer shall contact Pacific Bell for service point immediately and design the underground conduits and pull boxes subsequently. 18. Note 2 on Sheet 13 should not refer to the Traffic Engineer. 19. Note 5 on Sheet 13 should specify a 12" circularred LED module. 20. Note 5 on Sheet 13 should refer to "431 Series" LED modules, not "432 Series". 21. Add Note 7 on Sheet 13 for mast-arm-mounted cameras. See red-lined mark-up. 22. Add note on Sheet 13 to specify that all pedestrian push buttons shall be installed at a height of 36" above where a pedestrian would be standing or a person in a wheelchair would be located. 23. Show installation of City- furnished (developer-purchased) wireless interconnect system. 24. Indicate that PG&E service conduits shall be installed per PG&E requirements for bending radius. Add a note that Contractor shall use a joint trench for PG&E and Pacific Bell conduits wherever possible. 25. Conduit Run No.1 should not include conductors for vehicular and pedestrian traffic signals (see red-lined mark-up). 26. Double-check the conduit sizes. Belden 9494 cable has a cross-sectional area of 0.268 square inches. Belden 8281 cable has a cross-sectional area of 0.305 square inches. 27. Show arrow direction for PPB signs. 28. Please add note that all poles shall be galvanized. ~r-i. '5 3) L;Jt~'hJ~.-- of"C,441 ~~.' /J-d>~ '"" t'" U r" o 0 .. "- -1> '" ~. ,-,' OI/CHAll-'" MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR1MENT TO: / Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer DATE: September 30, 1998 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer~ SUBJECT: 535 Westchester, Flexible Pavement Design Please refer to my memo on the subject dated September 9, 1998. I have discussed it with Randy Westfall and we recommend the following pavement sections: 1. 1%" Type A AC 1h" max (medium) on 4 Ih" Type A AC %" max (medium) on 12" Class 2 AB, 1 1h" max aggregate on existing native subgrade all compacted to 95 % relative; or 2. 1 1/2" type A, 1h" as above on 9 1h" Type A, %", as above, on existing native subgrade, as above. And, we will see what HMH has to say. Cc: Randy Westfall h: \landdev\535west4(mp) ~ ;~ ~ or'CAAt ~~.. A~t!I -.. t"" U 1'" o 0 .. ... '$0 ... ~'O ,,' "CHA\l.\) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Michelle Quinney. City Engineer Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer DATE: September 9, 1998 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer~ SUBJECT: 535 Westchester, Flexible Pavement Design Donald E. Banta & Associates has submitted flexible pavement section design recommendations to WTA Development upon a traffic index of 8.5 as determined by Peter Eakland and an R-value of 25 as determined by Cooper Testing Laboratory working for Banta. Based on the above, Banta recommends 5 inch AC on 13.5 inch Class 2 AB or 11.0 inch all asphalt section. I have reviewed his recommendation and I calculate 5 inch AC on 14 inch Class AB or 10.25 inch of aU asphalt section. I agree with his recommendations. I also calculated that we could use our standard 4 inch AC on 15.25 inch Class 2 AB or, better yet, 6 inch AC on 12 inch Class 2 AB (2 inches of Y2 inch aggregate; 4 inches of * inch aggregate). Please let me know your recommendation as soon as possible. H: \landdev\535west2(mp) o"'C"'41 . A f.,.,~.~~ ... r" U r" o 0 '" .... 10 '" ~'O C> JiCHAV-\) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer DATE: September 9, 1998 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer ~ SUBJECT: 535 Westchester, Traffic Signals, City of San Jose The traffic signals to be installed at McG1incey Lane and Union Avenue involves traffic signals, street lighting, signing, striping, markings, and curb ramps in the City of San Jose. WTA and/or HMH should be contacting the City of San Jose to find out if it needs a permit, minor permit, no permit, cursory review or what. We will be removing one City of San Jose street light, installing two signal standards, constructing a curb ramp, and signing and striping in their jurisdiction. H: \landdev\535west3(mp) Of'C"'41 f...~.. A-d>~ ... t"' U r" o 0 .. .. ? ;.. ~. c> OJiCH ",,\)' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer DATE: September 9, 1998 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer~ SUBJECT: 535 Westchester, Flexible Pavement Design Donald E. Banta & Associates has submitted flexible pavement section design recommendations to WTA Development upon a traffic index of 8.5 as determined by Peter Eakland and an R-value of 25 as determined by Cooper Testing Laboratory working for Banta. Based on the above, Banta recommends 5 inch AC on 13.5 inch Class 2 AB or 11.0 inch all asphalt section. I have reviewed his recommendation and I calculate 5 inch AC on 14 inch Class AB or 10.25 inch of all asphalt section. I agree with his recommendations. I also calculated that we could use our standard 4 inch AC on 15.25 inch Class 2 AB or, better yet, 6 inch AC on 12 inch Class 2 AB (2 inches of 1/2 inch aggregate; 4 inches of % inch aggregate). Please let me know your recommendation as soon as possible. H: \landdev\535west2(mp) STPTTCTURAL SECTION DES IGN WORF~'8EET ~S'\ E~l-h:::~~z.. PROJECT DATE ~ -q-~ T I = ~ :S Source: P\.::::"'l e'\ ~ ~'-:::..~~ R = '-z..c:::: ~1'--b~ 4: ~e>C, AC/ROCK ALTERNATE /. ~ ('L~) -b.Sc:=:t~ ~ \..S."$ ) AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R) 6 .~\~ r C;.='~ Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 ~ ~ GEAC . (b.S9~~) -:-~. ( l. ~q ). = b c~\b~ ft. thick A.C. Roundl.Ilg up to 4... l.nches (ml.Il. 3~ J.nches) A. C. GEAC= t::::k"=:>~e:x:::::> TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R) Native material R Value = '""2-S (1(3..<;;) C -,..~) GETot ("2-,04 ) - GEAC (O.Go~u) = GEAB ( t .4-\ ) GEAB (L4-1 )-:- GfAB ( 1.1 ) = '.2~"'2ft. thick A.B. -+ AC/ROCK ALTERNATE: 4- II AC on \stlL.. II Cl 2 Agg. Base (Do not use if A.B. is less than 4 inches.) DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attached.) --t DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: \ D ~ II A . C. Part 7 -Design PLANNING MANUAL 7-604.4 ---~-- -. -~. - ... AFro! 16. Iqo TAClE 7-604.3 Gravel [quivalcnfs of Structural Layars in Feet ASPHALT CONCln:rE Ccmen t.-treatcd -- Huo Tr.....nc Index ('1'1) AUl'e- :. DTH CIa. Agle. late G.nd 5.5 6.5 7.05 8.5 9.05 10.5 11.5 12..5 13.5 and cata auo. bclo.., 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 LTB A B hue hue Actual thicknCllll Gravel F.quivalcnt J.'sctor (Gr>,o'l" G, G. G~s G, of layer leet 2.50 2.32 2.14 2.01 1.89 1.79 1.71 1.64 1.57 1.52 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.10...... ... 0.2.5 0.23 0.21 O.:!O 0.19 O.Hi 0.17 O.IG 0.16 0.105 0.12 -. .............. . .......... ---..--...- 0.105........ . O.~ 0.35 0.3:.! O.~~O 0.28 0.:.!7 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.18 .--....... ........-------...... -............. 0.20...__._.. 0.50 0.4G 0.43 0.40 O.ZS 0.3(; 0.31 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.24 .......... ..........-.--...- ..........-.. ..-....-.-.. 0.25. ..__.... 0.G3 O.SR 0.54 0.50 0.47 0.0(5 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.30 ..............---.... .....-.....-- ..--....--- . 0.:10.. __.. __. 0.75 0.70 O.M 0.60 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.0(9 0.47 0..6 0.3G ........ ..-...---- --..---..- ------.- 0.35.... __'" 0.83 0.81 0.75 0.70 0.66 0.63 0.00 0.57 0.55 0.53 0.42 ..........-....---- 0.39 0.35 0.40...__.... 1.00 0.93 0.85 0.80 0.7G 0-" O.GS 0.66 0.63 0.61 0.48 0..4 0.40 ... .......--..----..-- 0.4~......... ........... 1.04 0.96 0.90 0.85 O.SI 0.77 0.74 0.7J 0.68 0.54 0.77 0.504 0.50 0.45 0.50...____.. ._.... 1.16 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.60 0.85 0.60 0..55 0.50 0.55.....__.. ..........-.--..- 1.18 1.11 1.04 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 O.~ 0.00 0.94 0.66 0.61 0.55 O.GO____.____ ----..-..-.-....--..-.... 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.03 0.98 O.g..( 0.91 0.7:! 1.02 0.72 0.00 0.60 0.65____..... .--..-----....------- 1.31 1.23 1.16 1.11 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.78 1.11 0.78 0.72 0.65 0.70.__.____. --...-..--.....--......--..-....- 1.32 \.25 J.2O I.J5 1.10 1.00 0.84 1.19 0.84 0.77 0.70 0.75......... ----...-....----------...--.--.-..- 1.3-4 1.28 1.2:1 1.18 1.14 0.90 1.28 0.90 0.83 0.75 0.80....____. ---.--..----..-....------..----..--.. 1.43 1.37 1.31 1.2ti 1.22 0.96 1.3G 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.85........_ ......-.----.--...-............--............. J.52 1.,(5 1.39 1.33 1.29 I. 0'2 1.45 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.90__.__.... -_....._-----_._--_.._--~......-.....__.._.._.. 1.504 1.48 1.41 1.37 LOS 1.53 1.08 0.99 0.90 0.95......_.. ---......-----------..----------------------- 1.55 1.49 1.(.4 1.14 1.62 1.1-4 1.05 0.95 1.00.... ~.___ ..-...-------------..-----...............-..--.-..---- 1.64 1.57 1.52 1.20 1.70 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.05......___ ........-----.---------..--..-..-------...--.....-------- 1.65 1.60 1.26 1.79 1.26 1.16 1.05 " G~ NOTI-:S: BTB is bitumiuous Irt'atrtl bllSt'. LTB ill lime lreatfll baR. Jo'or tbe desil:n of road.mixeU aaD'hAlt auri...;n... u_ (J.J( of th.. I."~'{S PROJECT TI = R = STRT~TURAL SECTION DESIGN WORK~~EET DATE Source: AC/ROCK ALTERNATE AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (TI) Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 GEAC ( ) ':' GfAC ( ) = ft. thick A.C. Rounding up to <S' inches (min.3~ inches)A.C. GEAC= O.Ice::.-r~ TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R) Native material R Value = ~ e:sq 'b.c\. (lOO-R) ~ 0~~l~c.:. 6.4\ ~l -+ GE (---Z-. ~4-) GE Tot - AC GEAB (\ "2..~"2.S ) ':' GfAB AC/ROCK ALTERNATE: c:s;:- (Do not use if A.B. is DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE (Using Asphalt Concrete DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: ( e:, ls"'cS) = GEAB (\. 2'5"'ZS) ( 1.1 ) = L.,R~c...ft. thick A.B. G::J' rz. 1\ II AC on \.4 II Cl 2 Agg. Base less than 4 inches.) Thickness Guide attached.) --t IIA.C. Part 7 -Design PLANNING MANUAL 7.604.4 ~~~~.W-- ..!:l.-- - ...... .d ...r_ AF'oI 16. lQO ASl'HALT CONCIU:rE Cement-treated -- Buo Traffic Index ('1'1) AQl"e- ~ BTH CJa. AltIUe- gale ~d 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 and caUl aub- be loy, 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 LTB A B haec hue Actual thickneas Gravel F.quivalcnt J.'sctor (Gr)~, G, Of O~s Or 01 layer feet 2.50 2.32 2.1<4 2.01 1.89 1.79 1.71 1.6<4 1.57 1.52 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 - 0.10......... 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.11\ 0.17 0.16 0.]6 O.IS 0.12 -....--....-....... ------... 0.15.... __.__ O.~ 0.35 0.3~ 0.30 0.28 0.:.!7 0.26 0.25 0.2<4 0.23 0.18 .........-..- ...----....---.... --.....--..- 0.20.. __ __.__ 0.50 OA6 0.43 0.40 O,~ 0.3(; 0.34 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.24 ............... ......--.--....-- ........-..- 0.25......... 0.G3 O.~ O.s.: 0.50 0.47 0.<45 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.30 ...-.----. --- ..........----- ..------- .0.:10......... 0.75 0.70 0.&4 0.60 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.<46 0.36 ......---- ..........---...-- ---..---- -------- 0.3.5...... ... O.BS 0.81 0.75 0.70 0.66 0.63 0.60 0.57 0.55 0.53 0.42 ..........------. 0.39 0.35 0.40_........ 1.00 0.9:1 0.85 O.SO 0.76 0-" O.GS 0.66 0.G3 0.61 0.48 0.44 0.40 ..- ...------------ 0.45..___.... .. .......... .. 1.04 0.96 0.90 0.85 O.SI 0.17 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.54 0.77 0.54 0.50 0.45 0.50...____.. __'m 1.16 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.16 0.60 0.85 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.55......... .....----.......... 1.18 1.11 1.04 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.84 0.00 0.94 0.66 0.61 0.55 O.GO..____... ------------------ 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.03 0.98 0.9-<< 0.91 0.72 1.02 0.72 0.00 0.60 0.65.....____ ------------------ 1.31 1.23 1.16 1.11 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.78 1.11 0.78 0.72 0.65 0.70....._.__ -----..------..--..-------- 1.32 1.2.5 1.20 1.15 1. ]0 I.OG 0.84 1.19 0.&4 0.77 0.70 0.75______.._ --------------..----...---------- 1.34 1.28 1.2J 1.18 1.14 0.90 1.28 0.90 0.83 0.75 0.80.____.... -------..------------.-..------- 1.43 1.37 1.31 1.26 1.22 0.96 1.36 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.85._..__... ---------..--.....-.......------...---.. 1.52 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.29 1.02 1.,(5 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.90_.______. -_.._-----------------~----..-..._------ 1.54 1.48 1.41 1.31 1.08 1.53 1.08 0.99 O.PO 0.95.....___. ----.......----------------------------------- 1.56 1.49 1.(.4, 1.14 1.62 1.14 1.05 0.95 ).OO_m~__.. ------------------------------------------ 1.6-4 1.57 1.S2 1.20 1.70 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.05._______. --...--------------------------------------------- 1.65 1.60 1.26 1.79 1.26 1.16 1.05 TACLE 7.604.3 Gravel [quivalcnfs of Structural Layars in Feet 1 G~ NOT)O~S: BTB is bitumiuous trt'lItro hilS<'. J.Tn ill lime tre:ued bllu. }'or tbe d~sij;n ot road.mixN asphalt aurfaciul:. UlIe 0.8 of the - -, ._",-,<::.. .. STT ,TURAL SECTION DESIGN WORv ~ET PROJECT \ \4'-..- \.l'SA- "'S.Q.....-i, '\ N DATE <... - -z...L -q 4- T I = \c,t -s. Source: e;. \'t.-r (Ceo - L,q. -9 ~") R = 4-~ <=-:::0 \. <..-.S':..... ~l"Oif2.::r -+ AC/ROCK ALTERNATE ~.4 c:;:-. c:;. )(.:. AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R) 0t&Z.\~~ 0,~~=...:.~ Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 }L-:::. O;II-~4- GEAC (.. 4-'S:"!C-.. ) -:- GfAC (-:2.; l4- = .LI~ ft. thick A.C. Rounding up to 41J inches (min.3~ inches)A.C. GEAC= ..l\~~ TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R) Native material R Value = ~~ GETot (r .0&1 c- ) - GEAC (e. I. \~~ ) = GEAB (. ~c..~ ) GEAB ("'~~b"":. )-:- GfAB 1.1) = ..~~ ft. thick A.B. ACjROCK ALTERNATE: 4-l1 "AC on ~' "Cl 2 Agg. Base (Do not use if A.B. is less than 4 inches.) DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attached.) DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: "A.C. --t Part 7 -Design PLANNING MANUAL 7-604.4 ~~- ~-- .-- ...~ - .-J1IlI'1.A. A~ril 16, 1'10 ASPHALT CONCHETE Ccmcnt.treat.cd --_. -.-- BG8C Traflic Index (Tl) Aure- ~ DTB Cl.... At:;Jtre- gate r.nd 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 and gate aui>- be lov, 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 LTB A B base base Actual thic.k.nCllll Gravel F..quivalcnt }'sclor (Gr)I"I" Gr Gr G~8 Gr of layer feet 2.50 2.32 2.14 2.01 1.89 1.79 1.71 1.&4 1.57 1.52 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.10.......__ 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.11\ 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.12 .. - -.. ..... . -............ -.................... .. -................ 0.15......... 0.38 0.35 0.3:! O.~'O 0.28 0.:.!7 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.18 ....................-. . -... ... -...... ... - ............. 0.20......... 0.50 0.46 0.43 0.40 V.SS 0.3u 0.31 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.24 ...-...--.......--- ... . ... ....- 0.25.....,... 0.63 0.S8 0.54 0.50 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.39 0.38 --...-.......... 0.41 0.30 .............----... ---.........-- .............--... .0.:10......... 0.75 0.70 0.&4 0.00 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.46 0.36 ..............---... ............-...... --..----.. 0.35......... 0.83 0.81 0.75 0.;0 O.GO 0.63 O.GO 0.57 0.55 0.53 0.42 .... -.. .-. ...---- 0.39 0.35 0.40___...... 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.80 0.76 OM.) 0.68 0.66 0.63 0.61 0.48 0.-44 0.40 d_ .....--.----...-- 0.45......... ............ 1.04 0.96 0.90 0.85 O.Sl 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.54 0.77 0.54 0.50 0.-45 0.50...._.... ......... -- 1.16 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.90 O.&:; 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.60 0.85 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.55......... ...-......................-... 1.18 1.11 1.04 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.84 0.66 O.~ 0.66 0.61 0.55 O.CO.......__ ....--........-................-...... 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.03 0.98 0.94 0.91 0.72 1.02 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.65__....... -..........-.-.-...-..---- 1.31 1.23 1.16 1.11 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.78 1.11 0.78 0.72 0.65 0.70.__...... ...............-.....-...----.................-... 1.32 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.00 0.84 1.19 0.64 0.77 0.70 0.75___. .._._ .....--........-........---..-..-.....--.......---- 1.34 1.28 1.2J 1.18 1.14 0.90 1.28 0.90 0.83 0.i5 0.80......... --.........------...----..........-......-....--- 1.43 1.37 1.31 1.26 1.22 0.96 1.36 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.85. ......._ .....-.....-.-...--...........--..................-- 1.52 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.29 1.02 1.45 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.90.._....__ -........._---..._--..._......._...~-..._---...__..__.... 1.54 1.48 1.41 1.37 LOS 1.53 1.08 0.99 0.90 0.95....."____ .--........-----....--.----------...------...------- 1.55 1.49 1.4-4 1.14 1.62 1.14 1.05 0.95 1.00.... ~_.__ --------...---..----...-------...---......--..---.---- 1.&4 1.57 I.SZ 1.20 1.;0 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.05.. __. __.. ...-....--..-...-----------...--...-----.------.....-----...-... 1.6.5 1.60 1.26 I. 79 1.26 1.16 1.05 TAGLE 7-604.3 Gravel [quivclcnrs of Structurol Layars in Feet l G~ NOT}~S: BTB is bituminous treatrd baS('. I.Tn il1lin:e treQt~ but'. }'or tbe de~il:n of road.mi".~ ~.p~..lt .urlaci~l:'. u_ 0.8 of tbe __.....1 _....__'1__... 1__. 1.11_,7$ B Donald E. Banta & Associates, Inc. - Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 415 Meridian Avenue · San Jose, California 95126 · 408/287-7800 · Fax 408/275-9019 August 24, 1998 288-15, C7595 WT A Development 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, California 94304-1801 Attention: Mr. Ken Neumeister RE: PAVEMENT SECTION DESIGN CAL\1PBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK CRISTICH LANE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: As a supplement to our August 11, 1998 report, this letter presents the results of our pavement section design for the above project. The parameters used and our recommended pavement design alternatives are presented below. Samples of the subgrade soils were obtained at three locations along the alignment of the proposed city street, see Figure 1 attached. All three samples were tested by Cooper Testing Laboratory; the results of these tests are also attached to this letter. Based on the results of these tests, we have used a subgrade "R" value of 25 in our pavement design. Utilizing this "R" value and California Department of Trans- portation design procedures (Highway Design Manual Section 7-651) as modified by the "flexible Pavement Structural Section Design Guide for California Cities and Counties:' pavement design sections for various traffic indices were developed (see table on page 2). Asphaltic concrete, aggregate base, and preparation of the subgrade should conform to and be placed in accordance with the California Division of Highways Standard Speci- fications.latest revision, except that ASTM Test Designation D 1557 should be used to determine the percent compaction. WT A Development August 24, 1998 288-15, Page 2 TABLE 1 . PAVEMENT DESIGN ALTERNATIVES Traffic Index 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 8.0 8.5 Flexible Pavement Comoonents Asphaltic Aggregate Base Total Concrete Class 2 Thickness (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) 2.5 6.0 8.5 2.5 7.5 10.0 3.0 8.0 11.0 3.0 9.5 12.5 4.5 12.5 17.0 10.5 0.0 Full Depth AC 5.0 13.5 18.5 11.0 0.0 Full Depth AC If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call. Very truly yours, DONALD E. BANTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Geotechnical Engineer 113 DEB:jb Copies: Addressee (3) HMH (2) Attention: Mr. Kevin Maple Attachments 1 '< ~ a. E ell en ~ :J .0 '0 C .Q co u .Q 2 Q) ell :J EtU .- > x _ 0- ....a: 0.= a..... <(,2 I c Ii! --;' Z W ,... G "*' ~ W ::l ...J a:l o o N o ~ -.:,q;j :\ ~flJo .' ;S' .' '~J ~ ~ ~ CO ::~ 'J ~ . oc ,"b, ':: ~ ~ :c I ,... ~ ci:) a: 111 ~ =1 Co "1> -2:e"Cll ~ 0'2 ci:) ...J 0 v' 0:: ~ ~jZca~ 3J:()- Th (.) =~ ~ - w Q) Cl , I-.a ::l ~ a. <l: <.:.......JE <l;...JCll -1 W () j"al III Co L.,~ ,. ~ c'j) (.) Gl ... ::l Cl u: It) ,... I co co N ~ ~ (j .- ~~,g ~-u ~CI).l!!l!! In!LIOQl . j.;; Ql Ql lU oq: ~ .5 C:lCJ 01 01 -l 0 ,5 ~ ~CI):::: OCl)~ ooq:c: 8 ~ '0 Q) _co Qi'O .0 - 0.";- EO ell- o Q) = <D 'O..c Q)C/) :;::= :;::; ell" C .- Q) C .... - 0 c_ 'C :.= a. ell EO 0= .;:; <D ..0 en a. ti E <D ell .-:= () ..c . ~ ~'I'-- <(....0> ell 0> Ie....... C/)>." f- OJ C') 0..... >.- .... .ooQ) Q)c.o en'5.9 ell <D U a:lf-O AUG.20.1998 12:34PM BULK III COOPER TESTING LABORATORIES R-VALUE TEST JOB #: 029-0570 DATE: 8/20/1998 CLIENT~ Banta SAMPLE #: 288-15 S-l SOIL TYPE: brown silty SAND w/gravel DISH WEIGHT: 51.9 WET : 306 . 9 DRY: 265.6 INITIAL MOSITORE: 0.0911 NO.098 P.2/3 SPECIMEN A B C 0 VALUES AT 300 EXUDATION EXUDATION PRESSURE (psi) 106 317 480 800 ------------ PREPARED WEIGHT (gm) 1200 1200 1200 1200 R- VALUE: 60 FINAL WATER ADDED (gm) GO 20 12 5 EXP. PRESSURE: 0 WEIGHT I SOIL " MOLD (gm) 3268 3194 3153 3176 WEIGHT I MOLD (gm) 2099 2089 2070 2100 REMARKS HEIGH'!' (in) 2,G7 2.49 2.43 2.39 MOISTURE CONTENT ( ~) 14.G 10.9 10.2 9.6 DRY OENSITY (pcf) 115.7 121.1 122.5 124.4 EXPANSION DIAL 0 0 1 27 EXPANSION PRESSURE (psf) 0 0 4 116 STABILOMETER @ 2000 lb 136 46 36 30 'I'U1mS DISPLACEMENT 4.88 3.97 3.83 3.88 R-VALUE 8 61 69 74 R-VALUE (corrected) 9 61 68 71 188 ,. 88 ,. R II U A 58 L U E 18 38 II 18 . I~ IlliLl IE TEST <> R-tJa ue . Exp. Press. ~ ~ / V- I / / ~ II ~ .... 18. al. 381 i81 '.8 '.8 OODATIOM PRESSlIRE (pel) '1il8 58a iSB ...11 E 35B )( P 388 P R ISB E S 5 eBB p 158 S f 1n !II I 118 AUG.20.1998 12:35PM BULK 112 COOPER TESTING LABORATORIES R-VALUE TEST JOB #! 029 - 057 DATE: 8/20/1998 CLIENT: Banta SAMPLE #: S-2 SOIL TYPE: gray brown clayey GRAVEL wieand DISH WEIGHT: 165.1 WET: 1464,4 ~RY: 1433.4 INITIAL MOSITURE: 0.0244 NO. 098 P.3/'3 SPECIMEN A B C D VALUES AT 300 EXUDATION EXUDATION PRESSURE (psi) 412 223 800 113 ------------. PREPARED WEIGHT (gm) 1300 1300 1300 1300 R-VALUE: 71 FINAL WATER ADDED (gm) 75 90 65 105 EXP. PRESSURE: 65 WEIGHT, SOIL' MOLD (gm) 3119 3155 3089 3203 WEIGHT I MOLD (gm) 2137 2131 2112 2138 REMARKS HEIGHT (in) 2.34 2.42 2.32 2.43 MOISTURE CON1'ENT {%} 8.4 9.5 7.6 10.7 DRY DENSITY (pef) 117.3 117.0 118.5 119.9 EXPANSION DIAL 17 12 20 5 EXPANSION PRESSURE (psf) 73 52 86 22 STABILOMETER . 2000 Ib 21 25 20 26 'I'ORNS DISPLACEMENT 5.51 5.09 4.88 5.24 R-VALUE 75 73 78 71 R-VALOE (corrected) 73 70 76 70 118 U 8B '1 R n U A 51 L U E i8 n II 18 B P. .IJALUE TE~}T <> R-Ua u. . Exp. Pre... ~ - .--- !~ 18a 118 31' ~'I ~BI 688 E)ClJDATIOI'i PRESSURE (psi) "ill :sae -UI 'flU E 351 )( P 311 P R 2151 E S S Ila p 1:5' . F III 15' . lie AUG.20.1998 12:34PM BULK 113 COOPER TESTING LABORATORIES R-VALUE TEST DISH WEIGHT: 54.0 WET : 357 . 2 DRY: 325.7 INITIAL MOSITURE: 0.1159 JOB #: 029-057a DATE: 8/20/1998 CLIENT: Banta SAMPLE #: 288-15 5-3 SOIL TYPE: brown clayey SAND 1 II " 81 78 R CI U A ~. L U E -tl :11 28 18 8 I~ ,UALUE TEST o R-Uillue r I . Exp. Press. / /~ / i/' *' L~ /' - 111 III 311 411 SII 611 EXUDATION PRESSUHE (psi) 7U NO. 898 P.l/3 SII .,:58 "BB E :lei )C p 311 P R 2" E S S 218 P ISI s f 111 :se I 889 Z. 3~L.. -07... _T H. M. H. I ~_lC. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINL~.KS ... ... ...ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGN vJI~ ~~~ \6C-H.-.JOl-oc".,,'Y PA~ R VALUE SUBGRADE TRAFFIC INDEX GRAVEL EQUIVALENT A.C. FACTOR 10 8.4 29.0 INCHES 1. 96 STANDARD SECTION A.C. SURFACE A.C. BASE AGG. BASE AGG. SUBBASE 2 2.6 8.2 11. 0 ALTERNATE #1 - CLASS III AGGREGATE BASE - A.C. SURFACE A.C. BASE CLASS III AGG. BASE 2 2.6 20.0 ALTERNATE #2 - -LIME TREATED BASE A.C. SURFACE A.C.BASE LIME TREATED BASE 2 3 17.5 ALTERNATE #3 - -DEEP LIFT ASPHALT BASE MACHINE PLACED A.C. SURFACE A.C. BASE DEEP LIFT A.C. BASE 2 3 7.1 NOTE 1. 'R' VALUE USED FOR BASE ROCK = 78 2. 'R' VALUE USED FOR SUBBASE & CLASS III ROCK 50 3. THICKNESS IN INCHES RECEIVED AUG 1 8 1998 PUBL.le wonKS ADMINISTRATION 2332-02 08/18/98 Preliminary Estimate of Probable Infrastructure Improvement Costs Campbell Technology Park Campbell, CA CURTNERlMcGLlNCEY INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE COST 1 Pavement Structural Section 2 Curb and Gutter, Including Base Rock 3 Sidewalk, Incl. Ramps and Base Rock 4 Median Island Curb 5 Cobble Island Paving 6 Restriping 200 60 200 160 800 1 SF LF SF LF SF LS $10.00 $20.00 $5.00 $15.00 $12.00 LS $2,000 $1,200 $1,000 $2,400 $9,600 $3,000 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $19,200 UNION/McGLlNCEY INTERSECTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE COST Traffic Signal LS 90,000 $90,000 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $90,000 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS FROM END OF CRISTICH TO UNION AVENUE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE COST 1 Storm Drain Manhole 9 EA $2,000.00 $18.000 2 33" RCP Storm Drain 1650 LF $75.00 $123,750 3 36" RCP Storm Drain 550 LF $110.00 $60.500 5 Trench Pavement Replacement 10,800 SF $1.75 $18,900 6 Pavement Overlay (1.5") 32,400 SF $OAO $12,960 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $234,110 " ~ RECE/VCL AUG 1 8 1998 PUBLIC AOMINI8T~0I1KB nATION ACCESS STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM SITE TO McGLlNCEY ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE COST 1 Demo & Removal of House & Debris 1 LS $40,000.00 $40,000 2 Roadway Excavation & Pvmt. Removal 1,333 CY $8.00 $10,667 3 Subgrade Preparation 15.7 50 SF $0.10 $1.575 4 Pavement Structural Section 11,700 SF $2.50 $29,250 5 Curb and Gutter, Including Base Rock 900 LF $10.00 $9,000 6 Sidewalk, Including Base Rock 2,030 SF $2.50 $5,075 7 Driveway, Including Base Rock 700 SF $3.50 $2,450 8 Curb Inlet 2 EA $1,000.00 $2.000 9 Storm Drain Manhole 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000 10 12" RCP Storm Drain & Lateral 520 LF $30.00 $15,600 11 Electroliers 4 EA $2,000.00 $8,000 12 Conduit & Conductor 450 LF $8. 00 $3,600 13 Decorative Fence 500 LF $60.00 $30,000 14 Landscaping 9,300 SF $3.00 $27,900 15 Irrigation 9,300 SF $1.00 $9,300 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $196,417 PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENTS ACROSS SITE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE COST 1 Clearing & Demolition 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 2 Roadway Excavation 2,400 CY $5.00 $12,000 3 Subgrade Preparation 36,000 SF $0.10 $3,600 4 Pavement Structural Section 20,925 SF $2.50 $52,313 5 Curb and Gutter, Including Base Rock 2,080 LF $10.00 $20,800 6 Sidewalk, Including Base Rock 13,520 SF $2.50 $33,800 7 Driveway, Including Base Rock 400 SF $3.50 $1,400 8 Curb Inlet 8 EA $1,000.00 $8,000 9 Storm Drain Manhole 8 EA $2,000.00 $16,000 10 12" RCP Storm Drain & Lateral 935 LF $30.00 $28,050 11 33" RCP Storm Drain 2015 LF $75.00 $151,125 12 Electroliers 6 EA $2,000.00 $12,000 13 Conduit & Conductor 900 LF $8.00 $7,200 14 Decorative Fence 900 LF $60.00 $54,000 15 Landscaping (one side) 9,000 SF $3.00 $27,000 16 Irrigation 9,000 SF $1.00 $9,000 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $441,288 2% of Infrastructure Costs $543,2 $10,865 - '3.'5eo~ OTAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT COSTS NOTES: This estimate of probable development cost is a professional opinion based upon the Engineer's experience with design of similar projects. It is prepared as a guide, only, is based upon incomplete information, ~nd is subject to possible change. HMH, Incorporated makes no warranty, either express or implied, that actual costs will not vary from these estimated costs and assumes no liability for such variances. ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL DEP ARThIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION i:ti\[I\ttt\:::Itt:\~:t\9n~.':':;:::.:':::::Q:::;ii!lt.::i:S".""ii~f~i:5nI\~~~~l3,fijI\_.:.:t::'r::\'::::'iS:i&:.:;':::.:.;:t':::}ibnfu.,.:::,.::,";;;;:::'tI\i'i.i:I{itRfJS::'::\:@@@@@@@@@\tt\t\t\ ..............~J::J;..PL::IXLll:.. .::I:"'E.un'O{l~.~.ID.':J{" .' 'BU' . . i1Y~' .. ,,'F..:Liftl"i. ................... """'+"""'''*+,;;..",+/.,.,;;......,;/&+;,,/';;;;,+';;;;6'_.,;/11k;h.';,k'";,;,kk;,,.;.",,;,.k+,K;,j;';";'6,+,;,it.~ Instructions: This checklist provides advance notification to applicants of the City of Campbell's final street improvement plans and submittal requirements. Using this checklist will expedite your application through the City's review process. APPLICATION NO(S): ADDRESS: Prior to submitting a final street improvement plan list to the City Engineer, please place an X m the space to the right of each item below to indicate you have complied with, or place Nt A to indicate that the particular item does not apply. Review applicable sections, which are referenced in parentheses, before checking off each item. SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF ENGINEER OF WORK I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE ENGINEER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT, AND COMPLETION OF THIS CHECKLIST, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSION CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. . ~~~ Signature y s::::NL~ M~ Printed ~\I/'~ Date RECEIVED AUG 1 8 1998 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION RCE # ~?4e"Ll Expiration Date '3/~\ foo (SEAL) CITY ITEMS OK N/A COl\'IMENTS I. GENERAL 1 Aoolicable General Notes included. (Attachment A) x 2 24" X 36" sheet size used, including borders. >< 3 \ Title Block/scale/north arrow shown. x 4 Plans capable of microfilm reproductions - minim-am 1/8- . a I . '" )( ....mc 8ttinB~ tJ\\I~' 0.02:> L.-e~\~~ 5 Engineer's name, number, expiration date and signature included. ><. " ~ 1 CITY ITEMS OK N/A COl\1MENTS 6 Vicinity Map shown (must be microfIlmable). X 7 Sheet Index and key map included for 3 or more sheets. 8 Limits of Public Works inspection clearly shown on plan, typical section, and bond estimate. X 9 Street light locations/legend/PG&E signature shown. 10 Request for annexation to Lighting District submitted. (Accompanied by map & metes and bounds description and annexation fee.) >< 11 Curb grade plans prepared by Public Works have been incorporated into improvement plans and verified as adequate. X 12 Curb grade plans prepared by Engineer for review by Public Works and cross-sections @ 50' max. intervals along road frontage and extending 150' min. beyond X limits of work. ProfIle line, centerline, & E.P. 13 Signing and striping plan plus existing striping included in improvement plans. 14 Development No. (SUB, MS, LUP, DP) shown on each sheet. X 15 Fire District signature shown for access and fire hydrant location. 16 Verification of land rights for off-tract work (title report, recorded easement, etc.). 17 Permits required from other agencies (Fish & Game, CalTrans, Army Corps of EnQ:rs, Flood Control, etc.). >< 18 Right of entry submitted for review for all off-tract work. X 19 Plans for landscaping within the public right-of-way submitted f-or-review. 20 Fence required along water district canals. 21 Water testing required before paving for grades less than 1 %. X II. ROADS A. Tvpical Sections 1 Structural sections indicated per R-value. X 2 Curb type indicated. X 3 Right-of-Wav and street width dimensions shown. >< 4 2: 1 max. cut/fill slopes shown beginning @ RfW lines - Soils Report verifying exceptions. X 5 Crown Slope indicated. ~ 6 Sidewalk shown. X 7 Pedestrian or bike paths shown. ><. 8 Pavement Design Chart shown with T.1. values for review. X ~s \B~ \eo? ~ ~ ~_ L " I l\e~) \e> e::e. S0et-11\\'l~ 2 CITY ITEMS OK N/A COMMENTS B. Plan Views 1 Radius of curvature shown on all curves. X 2 20' curb return radii shown for major thoroughfares and industrial streets. X 3 24' min. curb opening for private road intersection. X 4 Horizontal curves and sight distance designed per Highwav Design Manual. X 5 Cul-de-sac radii (35' min.) shown. X 6 Private road turnarounds shown. >< 7 R/W and street width dimensions shown. ')( 8 Centerline stationing shown at 100' intervals and at all curves. B.C., E.C. >< 9 Lot/parcel lines and numbers/letters indicated. x.. 10 Valley gutters indicated. Flag flow lines at quarter points on curb returns and valley gutter centerline. X 11 Stationing and offsets of all drainage structures shown. X 12 T /e elevation at all drain structures w /invert and FL elevations shown. (Invert and FL elevations may be shown on provide if preferred. If profile is not on same sheet as plan view, T/C, invert, and FI elevations must be shown on profile.) X 13 Drainage easements shown and dimensioned X 14 Location of underground pipes and utilities shown. >< 15 Street monuments shown. ><. 16 Off-tract slope easements shown" with x-sections, topo and offer of dedication for slope easements submitted for review. X 17 Pedestrian Paths shown. Basic grades shown. X 18 Wheelchair ramps shown at returns per State Std. Plan X c. Promes 1 Vert curves designed for proper speeds per Highway Design Manual. X 2 Minimum vert curve lengths observed. )( 3 Curb returns and cul-de-sac profiles shown (high and or low pts. Indicated when vertical curve is used). x: 4 Vertical curve used for grade breaks greater than 2 % . (3 % on sag curves.) >< 5 6% maximum gradient observed @ intersecting streets. X 6 6 % maximum grade observed across intersection. >< 7 1 % minimum grade observed on all streets. X 8 Maximum street grades per ordinance. X 9 Underground pipes and utilities shown. )( " ~ 3 CITY ITEMS OK N/A COMl\1ENTS 10 Existing ground on centerline shown. Where topography is steep, existing ground left and right of centerline has been shown. Cross sections may be required. X 11 Finish grade profile for centerline and for top of curb shown (left & right) if special grades required. >< 12 Cul-de-sacs all have 1 % to 4 % cross slope between gutter lip and high point. X 13 Super elevation grades shown where required by Highway Design Manual. X 14 Back of curb flow diverters indicated on proposed county streets with grades over 5 % when no sidewalk installed. )( 15 Centerline profiles of intersecting streets shown to their point of intersection. (Showing curb return or other profiles m lieu of the centerline profile is not an adequate or correct representation.) >< 16 Off-tract profile to catch pt. Shown where road is constructed to subdivision boundary. >< 17 Centerline stations and elevations shown @ 100' minimum intervals and @ all BVC, EVC, PIVC, and grade breaks. X 18 Profile slopes indicated. )( In DRAINAGE A Hydrology- Hvdraulics ~ 1 Contour maps-continue for 100 feet + beyond property. 2 100 year water surface calculations completed when natural watercourse or drainage facility flows through or adjacent to subdivision or the property lies within flood hazard or flootl prone area and water surface shown on plans. 3 EGL, HGL, Fl, E1, Q, A, S, V, freeboard at structures, structure losses, tailwater accumptions, super or subcritical flow all indicated. 4 Adequacy of in-tract drainage system verified. 5 All starting water surface calculations adequately verified. (When computing beginning watersurface in natural watercourse and no obvious point of control is available, begin 500' downstream and work up to point in question.) 6 Adequacy of off-tract drainage system verified. I.l 'I , 4 CITY ITEMS OK N/A COMMENTS B Easements Nib 1 Off-tract drainage improvements (plan and profile) and accompanying easements shown. Off-tract offers of dedication for drainage easement submitted for review. 2 Off-tract work to be done but no easement requirements. Right of entry submitted for review. 3 Easement widths indicated for (a) Closed conduits, (b) Open channels. 4 Sufficient X-sections submitted to verify easement widths and Development rights for open channels. 5 Access and ingress easements shown, graded to be useable. 6 Minimum 12' ingress easement to public way provided to all access easements. 7 Minimum 40' centerline radius for access easements shown. 8 Structure setback line indicated and location verified with X-sections for unimproved channel. 9 Fences shown as required where street crosses watercourse or drainage structure. 10 Fences shown as required at outside boundaries of open lined channel easements and water district canals. C Structures 1J/~ 1 Inlet depths without manhole bases and max. dia. Pipes tl1rough inlets observed. Type A 6' CC 3011 36" front 30" side Type B 12' CC 3012 30" side Type C 4' CC 3013 36" front 24" side TypeD 6' CC 3016 36" front 24" side Type E 4' CC 3017 36" front 24" side 2 Max. diameter pipes through manholes observed. Type I 24" CC 3020 Type II 42" CC 3021 Type III 60" CC 3022 3 1.25" minimum freeboard in inlets and manholes. 4 HGL shown in all structure profiles. 5 Type C inlet shown with grate unless in pedestrian area, FL elevation of side opening also indicated. 6 Structure type indicated on plan or on structure list on same plan sheet. 7 Type B or E inlets used on streets with grades 6 % or steeper. 5 CITY ITEMS OK N/A COl\1MENTS 8 Ladder grab irons provided for manholes over 12 feet deep. 9 Gutter spron lengths for A or B inlets specified for orofile lZrades 3 % or lZreater. 10 Indicate internal dimensions of non-county standard drainage structures used in orivate systems. D Pipe 1 Closed conduit minimum slope of 0.003 observed. >< 2 Natural watercourses are placed in closed conduits for flows less than 80 cfs. X 3 Gage of corrugated steel or aluminum pipe noted on plans. >< 4 Water directed into inlet does not reverse the direction of flow. X 5 Minimum centerline radii of pipe checked. Beveled RCP lengths specified (bevel one or both ends) and stationing of E.C. and B.C. indicated. X 6 Outlet protection for closed conduits or lined channels provided. X 7 2' minimum cover over pipe observed (provided manufacturer specs does not require more) unless special design and calcs. Submitted, 3' minimum cover for plastic pipe. x: 8 Design 0 shown on pipe profile. ~ 9 Minimum cleansing velocity of 2 FPS with half design flow observed. >< 10 18" minimum pipe size. X' E. Channels 1 Maximum velocity in earth channel verified by soils reoort - minimum velocity 3 fus. >( 2 Improved earth channel side slopes shown to be 2: 1 or less steeo as specified by soils report. >< 3 Lined channel side slopes as specified by soils report. x: 4 Areas noted to be cleared of structures, trees, brush, and debris within natural channel and watercourses. X j :\word\forms\stimppl rev. 6/12/97 6 Jul-3l-9S 11:S3A P.Ol . .-......,. ... .. HUETTlG &. SCHRON\M. INC. DATE: 7/31/98 TO: ~G1.(olJ +t olA:l-e'j' C;+~ of CavY\~kJ~U - ~~'1~ f\ee.,r~l\ 'J 1J~~t, SEND TO FAX #: ( 406) ::'7 9 ~ '2r:; 7 "2- # OF PGS: '2-- INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET SENT BY: HUETTIG & SCHROMM, INC. KEN NEUMEISTER CONSTRU CTION PROJECT MANAGER & ARCHITECT 9 Q Q WE L C H ~ 0 A D. SUI T E 7 0 PAL 0 A L TO. C A 943 04 (6 50) 3 22 - 2 1 2 1 FAX # (650) 322-5029 PROJECT: Co'^"-~\.oe,lt ~rt. 'Pa.t Ie.- SUBJECT: See. O-*o.v~.e.J ?\O.l~ vJ~ ~av-e ~ . c. rJ . ~ . '0 <e.s.v"h"'j (O<1-ck w"':] cd I j'" \M~~-' ? \ e~se. ca.L( WI e. +0 J ( So c.vt S .s - A 5 . A . P - v/ Original Will Not Fol/ow Original WIll Follow by: Hand Delivery Regular Mall J"\.&&. _.. ..Jul-31-9a 11:S4A P.02 '. ". . ", .J", , . 1:'" . . I~~'~' .'~ I . /,::":: . . \.. .::..~o:~.V..\.-,: . .' '.. .' ',>;'.'; ': ., . :.<H::';,.~,\.. ."', "<," .' .. ;~".:. ."". ,1,,<:':.' .. ....\ t .~ "\ .:.~., "'\\::' \ \. ....\ ' ..,\:", : :.;~ . . '..... .' ',' . " ):,' ~ ,:~.; . j'"" ~' " , ~ ;' , ......-""':\ . ,.r'" " ,_ . '. '., . . "<- -.:: :. ~ . .'\ ,.~.~;s~:::}.>. ~. '.~~ . .<~'.~ /./ ' \:' . i .... . , .' :.\ ,.'" ..... ~~.'r . N .,' ., . '1'-.. .Fr1C' ....r ~ "'" ...-la.. ~ ., . L-. ,.. ~:~ ..' "'...'- .,- ':'(- .~.. .,' c. l.~. 19+00 .--"~Ir . 20+00 . ; Ii' ... -:'. --lrl'-~-.- ; Ii" 21+00 .; rr-:--'--'l ; . 22+00 .' ~[~ " .... 23+00 llr:,j" ......-IlITIlI o d ~IO ;:; ~ ;: ~ 24+00 -'"iTl-'-" .-. .-....-- l!~g? ("~ . 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Il!jl .. cl ~-{ . ~.~ . ~ ~7 ~ - <. ~~. S ro-l . c.. _, Q \.' ~ 3- .. :: -+-~ ~ ~ f. ~ ~ 0 ~...... =s: .~;> ~-- ~ -=+- 0 ___ .,., ~_ C"'./ 4-' --. ~ +-' ~ ..r. ",' ~ I.;) :( c:S ",) I ~ ~ IQ :z:; ~~ ::=,-..,b (<ig-'cl Q~ e ~ <V --5:J .-.::. '- ~ -\-- ~ . --~ .~ -, D, ~('--f ~.~ 'oJ "'--t- ~ oQ f \T' ~ --~ 'Q - - -8' 1.1...: ~ .~ :::. ~ ~ ..)' V'.~ 0, t -1-_' +---- ~ v"> ~ ~ 'x oJ) 5 ~ ~. b VI .., ~. ~ ~ ~~ $ --. ~) \) 0 <:\I I:) ~ ,r:3-~ ~ ~ <.J $ v ~ :;:, ~ T;l--.~. ~ ~.3 ~t MP\f"tW ~. r~ \ Son~o Claro VoI~ Wo~er Dis~ric~ 6 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE. CA 95118-3686 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 FACSIMILE (408) 266-0271 January 7, 1998 AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Dear Mr. Haley: Subject: Campbell Technology Park-535 Westchester Drive RECEIVED JAN 0 9 1998 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPT. Mr. Tim Haley Planning Department City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 The Santa Clara Valley Water District (District) has reviewed the tentative map, grading, and drainage plans and the conceptual landscaping plans for the subject project. The project access road alignment between the District's recharge ponds appears to encroach quite close to the pond embankment. Additional detailed drawings of this area should be provided to determine if this road alignment and right of way acquisition from the District is acceptable. Perhaps the alignment could be shifted slightly to the east at the southerly project boundary. The typical road section shows trees and a concrete wall directly adjacent to the District's ponds. It is not clear why a concrete wall is desired between the ponds and the road. The wall and trees may be too close to the pond for safety and may impact our operation of the ponds. A gate must be included in the wall to provide District access to the ponds. The landscape plans show a row of deciduous trees adjacent to the recharge ponds. The variety of trees selected are too large to grow in the space provided between the sidewalk and the concrete wall. In addition, the District will not support the use of deciduous trees adjacent to the ponds as the leaf drop provides organic matter which interferes with the recharge operation of the facility. Revised plans should be sent to us for our review. In accordance with District Ordinance 83-2, a permit is required for any construction adjacent to these recharge ponds. When final plans are reviewed and approved, the District permit will be issued which, along with City of Campbell approvals, will allow construction to proceed. I can be reached at (408) 265-2607, extension 2253. Sincerely, /duu ~t~ Sue-A. Tippets, P.E. Supervising Engineer Community Projects Review Unit cc: Mr. Bill Wagner HMH Inc. P.O. Box 611510 San Jose, CA 95161-1510 ., t.J recycled paper ACCESS STUDY WINCHESTER DRIVE-IN SITE IN THE CITY OF CAMPBEll For WESTERN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN WATER DISTRICT Prepared by Nolte and Associates 0115-91-00 February, 1991 STUDY PURPOSE By letter agreement dated November 8, 1990, Nolte and Associates was retained by Western Federal Savings and loan Association to prepare a study and Conceptual Plans to provide access to serve the proposed development of the Winchester Drive-In property located in the City of Campbell. STUDY DESCRIPTION AND PROJECT LOCATION The 25-acre Winchester Drive-In site is located approximately one-half mile north from the intersection of Camden Avenue and Curtner Avenue in the City of Campbell (See Figure "A"). The access study is based on the results of a traffic study prepared by Nolte and Associates entitled "Traffic Impact Study for the Winchester Drive-In Property, Western Federal Savings and Loan" dated June, 1990. Two of the three access possibilities cited in the traffic report were investigated: 1. Cristich Lane, a private street approximately 1,500 feet long. 2. An existing 45-foot wide easement off of McGlincey Lane approximately 500 feet west of Westchester Drive. Conceptual Plans were prepared and conceptual costs were developed to provide access to the subject property at the two locations cited above together with other off-site improvements shown in Table 6 on Page 13 of the Traffic Impact Study Report as follows: · Re-stripe McGlincey lane to provide a two-way left turn lane along businesses, and left turn pockets at intersections. · Widen the north leg of the intersection of McGlincey and Curtner to provide free right-turn movement for McGlincey and extend left-turn storage on Curtner. · Provide a traffic signal system at McGlincey and Curtner. · Provide a traffic signal system at McGlincey and Union. EXISTING ACCESS Primary access to the subject site is via Cristich Lane. Cristich lane is a private street with on-street parking for the adjacent businesses and will require substantial improvements and the purchase of right-of-way to satisfy public street standards. Access is also provided by an existing 45-foot wide easement approximately 500 feet west of Winchester Drive 1 PR0190-E ~NOLTE and ASSOCIATES .u w~..., L.J.llUJ U I I I I lllB 1111 l ~.." l.C.J,..:Il-! I ..." 'I~ U I 'I Y ~ ~~ ~ ~~~-'f~ VJ!J~/:~~ r; JI; ;rr UJJ t:~1I Lt;l..: 7 -1 ~ ~~. '-::::1/'; '1"). 'I....' ,,_. I ..... ~_.....-. _ "'fl""""; J.. ,,-. /"/J 1:"'~ . . ~ I'; ..,...~::-.. y // ,0._ ~ J~ - y>, ,~ '1_ '..4~ ,.-. tHII~~J ~~tjk _.01 "'Ao~r!/ ,- - r r- ~7_ ljEIlJ:IH] ~ ~ ,,~~ ..~ /D '.... ~'-- JIIIIIITI!]I! ~~ ~~''': .,..... .. W .0' .. M t-r~J: f;:::: ~ o:::mrn .Jr;,.:/o~.~/W "... \ =-lllil ..L L t:::: , I~ ~~./J.' / ".. ~ ~ I,.:,.... f&1 "I - - :::::: ! .,.IJ .11/) I~ ~ .r.;t~~iir: iiiOiiiiir . ~ . ow ~ / :, ~~.::;:${~:}~' . 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U y ~I ~ ~.JI ~ H11 ~iiI all '::ll }it 2 _ ~~=--.,,/J..~&'~ ~ 1~~" ~ I "'11 ..~ ~.:.... ~ : ~ II.. II Jrr r- 11)t:.~ ST::~:. I~~~~ . t~!!~rjE::-lnnrrrnrrmD.llTllt:r 1 ill .1m~0\; .. ~ ~j VICINITY MAP t:'1~1 IDC " which connects to McGlincey Lane. To become a viable access road, right- of-way must be purchased and the easement improved to collector street standards. McGlincey Lane connects to Union Avenue to the east and Curtner Avenue and Camden Avenue to the west. IMPROVEMENT OF CRISTICH LANE Alternate "A" The official plan lines established by the City of Campbell for Cristich Lane calls for a right-of-way width of 60 feet. The standard curb-to- curb width for a 60-foot right-of-way street is 40 feet and is normally striped to provide two 12-foot traffic lanes plus 8 feet of parking along each curb line. However, in this case it is recommended that Cristich Lane be striped to provide a 12-foot wide two-way left turn lane to serve adjacent commercial and industrial sites. Thus, 14-foot wide traffic lanes would be provided adjacent to each curb for through traffic. This would minimize the delay to through traffic caused by automobiles and trucks making left turns into the commercial and industrial sites. A disadvantage of this scheme is that the existing on-street parking would be discontinued. This could be partially offset by providing parking for 30 cars along Griffiths Lane adjacent to Cristich Lane. This alternative can provide for either of the two striping schemes described above and is shown on sheets lA and 2A of the Conceptual Plans. As shown on Sheet 2A of the Conceptual Plans, four existing buildings located on Assessor's Parcels 412-32-08 and 09 encroach approximately five feet into the official plan lines for Cristich Lane. Therefore, if this alternative is used, the acquisition of right-of-way from these two parcels may have to be delayed until these buildings are torn down or the City would need to grant a variance for this encroachment for the life of the buildings. Alternate "a" For this alternate the planned right-of-way line along the east side of Cristich Lane is moved five feet to the west thereby eliminating the encroachment by the four buildings as described above. The planned right- of-way along the west side of Cristich Lane would remain as shown in Alternate "An resulting in a 55-foot wide right-of-way. The curb-to-curb width would be 45 feet which would be striped to provide for a 14-foot traffic lane, an II-foot traffic lane, a I2-foot two-way left turn lane and an 8-foot parking lane on one side of the street. The width of the sidewalks would be reduced to five feet. The limited on-street parking prOVided by this alternate would be supplemented by a proposed parking lot at the intersection of Cristich Lane and Griffiths Lane as described above for Alternate "AN. A conceptual layout of this parking lot is shown on sheets 2A and 28 of the conceptual plans. 2 PROI90-E Alternate "8", shown on Sheets 18 and 28 of the Conceptual Plans, would require the relocation of nine eXisting utility poles along the west side of Cristich lane and one existing utility pole in Griffiths lane. IMPROVEMENT OF THE EXISTING 45-FOOT EASEMENT OFF OF MCGLINCEY lANE A conceptual layout for improvement of the existing 45-foot wide access easement at the north end of the Winchester Drive-In site to public collector street standards is shown on Sheet 3 of the Conceptual Plans. A standard 40-foot curb-to-curb street on a 60-foot wide right-of-way is proposed for this location. It is proposed that this street be striped to provide for two 12-foot traffic lanes and 8-foot parking lanes with provisions for a left turn pocket at McG1incey Lane. . The construction of this street would require the placement of a small amount of additional fill where the street crosses the Santa Clara Valley Water District ponds. RE-STRIPING OF MCGLINCEY LANE Sheets Tl, T2, T3 and T4 of the Conceptual Plans shows the re-striping of McGlincey lane as recommended in the traffic report. This will provide for a two-way left turn lane to serve businesses with left turn pockets at intersections. In order to do this it will be necessary to discontinue on-street parking along McG1incey Lane from Curtner to Union. To provide for the re-striping as described above, it will be necessary to widen the existing pavement approximately 10 feet and construct new curb and gutter for a distance of approximately 500 feet along one side of McGlincey lane near Union. It should be noted that the re-striping of McG1incey Lane as described above has not been approved by the City of Campbell engineering department. They are concerned about the loss of on-street parking. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS As recommended in the Traffic Impact Study Report, a Conceptual Plan for widening of the north leg of the McGlincey lane/Curtner Avenue to provide for a free right turn movement for McG1incey was prepared and is shown on Sheet Tl of the Conceptual Plans. This Plan also provides for additional left turn storage on Curtner at McGlincey lane by addition of double left turn lanes. The Traffic Impact Study also recommends that traffic signal systems be provided for the McGlincey/Union and the McGlincey/Curtner intersections. The cost of these signal systems is included in the conceptual costs shown in Table I. 3 PROI90-E TABLE I. CONCEPTUAL COSTS Item Unit See No. Description Unit Price Quantity Amount Note Cristich Lane (Alternate -A.) I.A Street Improvements lo F. $ 150 1,500 $225,000 A 2.A Allowance for Driveways loF. 32 700 22,400 B 3.A Allowance for Drainage lo F. 40 1,500 60.000 C Subtotal - Alternative "A" $307,400 Cristich Lane (Alternate -8-) 4.B Street Improvements loF. 146 1,500 $219,000 0 5.B Allowance for Driveways loF. 13 700 9,100 B 6.B Allowance for Drainage loF. 40 1 , 500 60,000 C 7.B Relocate Utility Pole EA 5,000 9 45.000 Subtotal - Alternative "B" $333,100 8. Street Improvements lo F. 150 400 $ 60,000 A 9. Allowance for Driveways loF. 32 50 1,600 B 10. Allowance for Drainage lo F. 40 400 16,000 C II. Embankment Widening at SCVWD Ponds loS. loS. loS. 10,000 12. Relocate Utility Pole EA. 5,000 1 5.000 Subtotal $92,600 McGlincev Lane 13. Street Improvements loS. loS. L.S. $22,000 E 14. Re-Striping loS. loS. L.S. 12.000 F Subtotal $34,000 McGlincev/Curtner Intersection 15. Intersection Improvements L.S. L.S. L.S. 45,000 G Parkina Lot 16. On Griffiths Lane loS. loS. L.S. 35,000 H Traffic Sianals 17. At McGlincey/Union L.S. L.S. loS. 120,000 18. At McGlincey/Curtner loS. loS. L.S. 120.000 Subtotal $240,000 Total using Cristich lane Alternate "A" $754,000 Total using Cristich Lane Alternate "B" $779,700 Use $780,000 4 PR0190-E NOTES: A. See Appendix "A" Calculations - Page 5 B. See Appendix "A" Calculations - Page 7 c. See Appendix "A" Calculations - Page 8 D. See Appendix "A" Calculations - Page 6 E. See Appendix "An Calculations - Page 9 F. See Appendix "A" Calculations - Page 12 G. See Appendix "A" Calculations - Page 14 H. See Appendix "A" Calculations - Page 11 RIGKT-OF-VAY A conceptual estimate of costs for right-of-way required for the access streets described above is being prepared by Hr. Jim Free of Urban land Research and will be covered in a separate report. REC(Jt1ENDATION It is recommended that access be provided to the Winchester Drive-In property as follows: 1. Acquire additional right-of-way and improve Cristich lane to public street standards using Alternate "B" as described above. 2. Acquire the required right-of-way and improve the existing 45-foot wide easement off of HcGlincey lane to public street standards. 5 PROI90-E 3. Acquire the required additional right-of-way and modify the intersection of McGlincey Lane and Curtner Avenue to provide for a free right turn movement for McGlincey Lane and to increase left turn storage on Curtner. 4. Re-stripe McGlincey Lane from Curtner Avenue to Union Avenue to provide for a two-way left turn to serve businesses and left turn pockets at intersections. 5. Provide traffic signal systems at the McGlincey/Curtner and McGlincey/Union intersections. The total anticipated cost of the improvements described above is $780,000. For preliminary planning purposes it is recommended that a 15% to 20% contingency be added to these costs. 6 PR0190-E "). APPENDIX A 7 PR0190-E SUBJECT W/NCII~r#.1:.. 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Engineers / Planne Surveyors -5"- /08 NO. //~-P/ - L)~ DATE // - Z/ ....., t1 DESIGNED BY .5I;,v; 1VA5J..1 SUBJECT WINC#&srLJl!. PIf/vf -JAI 6/1'~ - AaC5"S S7Vpy C#/.r1l~r /in - ~TI~;4-rc. tJ~ tt!et~ J?p ~,p.: er AI~W 5"-~~&'''-; (At.r(;lt.Af~~ J1) AS5J/~ S7~~C-rt!./4!./>-J'~-r/~'" ~JJ ~~I ..5H1:t:.--r, I VJ"/.{/b 4'-/~tl-;.J1I'I.z:, Ale, Z ..5i~{/~ $~,eW: ::3"/~c / ~//t'~ 'Z-A8; ;/az A53, CHECkED BY /r&:.A? . ^,P, :Pe:f~/P'-//I? N U~/~ J~' ~JJ1'C PI-It:$.- QUfljlrr: IlHbVQ! J.ld1 - If, . /f"Af)W~f ~.tC/iI/Ar/~'()/p.~U~r/Ilt... ,15~ " /P, 1S- ~,t: E;tI.frIN~ /1tl//~M.e)Jr. c,y, ,Z,15 Z S(.)I3GI<.I1P~ f'r?~,4LAll.dN, s,r; ()~ 5S //,00 . ,. 3. 1l66P..~GRJL SJlDB/JSE - f/'7JlI~K. C,y, /-1}" ~Lf1 1.3,3'5' .!J_ 4~ 1l661?E.~M~ ~$ - t "rH~ t,t .2t;~ bL(,7 /3, J/(J 5, {l5 ?HfJtr u}j&l(c'/J!' - 3'/ mlCK. rOil 4,!!- ~,~S' Z1, '2..0 r;" CU,t!./J 19 /oJ f) G V7rJ!~ (f4/'GvflU) L,r; II!!. Z 2.Z.d..o ,--7, .l?c,C, 5/PJ:WIlt.,K, (WI1';{ .J" irS) s,!; ~~ .14- 3S,O() ._2. 5r~u::.f'" L/6!/1/;v.6 1-,$, ~S' _ / }" 'J..J - i... M Ii ~t:.u-~A/d-/! ()~ _, .__ . t..,5 , - L., .5', .3 ~tJ r e>r1'1 t::. L57/." tIP- 1""i:4:7 C4ff fJa. L,':; Ii1F srlLtE..C.r .If I~ r. 5.3 <tf t/J .f:- IS'; , t7t ~ @ o Iv't) r5:S : @ /lSSt/,vIC- IftJA'O Wf?''r ~Vt:Ih/f'f'J/.h./ / fJl1l1'$-InrVHT /? ~M;V,q.L.- ~tft/ff/..- 1l> -r~ P~H- t't:-- r~ ~IJAOIQ;r-r Sec.1i~N h?tL ~ WIOff-t p;:. 41 p;r; (IJcJa1otr.. ~ "crr:sJa~ 0;; CuLr;) {!J ~55(/M/&.. Sllv~t.~ ~~~r!G?t-/~ SI'AC&O ,.,..,- / S() fl; (/, C / u.rr =:;:. ~&.1~:; &:AcJoJ 11tIC.L.(/OIN~ 13/ftJ~) UAlJ:)c/lf'" -f W/~.. ~':'l /~. ~ ~p s-r~~.,- :: ". z; &~t? //..f21 ..::= (/.:7,:1..3 @ ,4 u~ W Af'J~~ n.;. .5r~o:r 5/t5J..Lf I rA!!..;f~/C. 514;(ff" ) M,,?tVt..IlVi I;;'UT:; ) P,lJr/c;:..M,;:-H or- M~;'.L~(N 6 I /1.J1.)II.r1,f\,) 6 M"''''~{,..~ ,. t/#?~ ~ W~; ~ ~/Z-t-1J/ /Z.. e-+C. N~ NOLTE and AS 'elATES - t, - ~ Engineers / Planner~ ~urveyors lOB NO. /IS -9/ - ~~ DATE ~.:1':1 SUBIECT IJ/IN~HaIU PI!-Jvt:-,J'M .5rr~ hct:f;.fJ srI/or DESIGNED BY ~ C./(/51ICH ",,"va - 4'SI/M/ff"(:.. ~~ CbJ( A!.e ~~ /1 e'!. _ . CHECkED BY f'r AI t:-w 5' I ~-r !/So.J ~ IJL. rC;2# t;t;:. S W $: r S f't:.1i t)A.J AJ.JvP'Jt:. r.5irJ /A'~J./-.5~J/;...Sh71t: ~ S~~UhJ ''7 JhJfetl ~ /htldtlr~ 4() nl/~: . - -- . I, Ct,/rb /IJ C~~" w,#,ff, u ,fS- fI: /;',.J ~ ,,-6:?', , _0_' 2/ W,)~ I 5,.J('wlLI~ ;;,~ /~ ?euJ-. fp tJ{,IIJ/~ ~tI~ , 5.'.dew~ .~ -~:tP '/ /n.r;-~ ~ 7;'~? __ __ ___ :3, 7h~ 1'1j//- ~ - w~ -tvl'dJiJj .j'Y:f/: /~J~J-9 ~P- hL-u ..Ir~ NI. f),!:JC~/P7/I?N - J, 'Z, J. t/. S. ~. 1, 1, Cj. If OIlj).W'IfY if'xC/ft/I'f1'IPN. ,HU, 5 () c; G 14KJ!. !If &l'H~~1.1 ~ 6G/2..'-~Irr~ SV rJ /31'9JIf;. - !" rJofJc.J:!. A G~~f!61H"~ JIISC - 6"rltlC.JL - ' !y hllf/..-'J CpjJc..~~1:4:. ~3"7JtlCJL_ Cv!ef3 I1IJ!) ~tI'f[u.. (U':''.6I/Tr~) t: c. C. 5IP~~ (w~1-f :3-" AI$) sr~ UIJH1'i",6 Mi5e~U,lfjJ ~clJ frr/lt, ~~.,/~~rc..f) 4?J1' flM2. '?,F; U Nrr - I/Ntf.. PAIC6-_ ,su. JJc.k cg v ~fJr. fJMaJ#lr. c, ~ 5:~ _21'11 jt.O.5 @ .5.f. o,Y 55, /J.O~ c,y, /5~ ______I,DZ. /S~_ CJ 'f~, _ _ ZP~ _ _.._O~, __ .,.J.5:U>. fi>> __ ,_J!~------~-,1,l-.. _3o_,.l() _ L..r:_ II!/-_ .~.__,. _ tz.~o__ S, f~ t_~_, --'1- , 221~O__ L.., S" ,_ ___~ ,_ i,f, /),33 @ /"',s. ,,- .._ .:).50 @ I'~ f.,u;c,--r (RJf~1Iy(~I' rf).# ILlS, f,8 t..J5~" //f'~ ,~d tV tJft::S : @ 1i5.fv,v/a;. I?~f!()w"'r PxCAY/YT"i"'IV/fJ~.M~'l A~,vJI}f/~ &'IVtfH.... 'rP J)~}o+ (JF 7"ff'L 1f~~r>wP-'f' .s~Ji~N r"tL /1 IVI000H _"F -1-1 rr. (tJllr5/vE r,,"II,-.frOfi;.. "F- CpJ2.e) , r~ (f) "'J..5 v AA ~ 5 /~k& ' E~urt2-t ?/ &,tJ' S"Iik:.a:D f'rr /.5' ~ r1'; e7, C, 4- wJ/ :::: Z"~f!) &/I~;.I /A/Cl.-VOJN~ PI'IJt:. I ~lt./ovrr ,IIAJO Wlfl-n..., c, tJ.5-r ~IZ L. F. (J~ .5" TJJ!.U:j == "~t!~t) ,//.>t:' ;:: ~.:I.:J~ (f) /1?i-(j/A.JhNC.;;- rhZ. S-reur 5/61'15'/ r.eA;:.Ftc.... .s/~N.J I M~M.lNJ~",-rS) jJ FJ Vti-M ~N'T M~I N G..f / .4 PJ V.f1l N 6 MRIJ HZ'l.-j;... /'IN 0 Y /tl-.i,I;;. fJ~ U;t/~~ Tv tSt2-f'rOQ:. ~iz;. N~ NOLTE and A )CIATES ~ Engineers / Planner~ / Surveyors -7- lOB NO. //5""' - 9/ - ~;;' DAn Z -/9- 9/ DESIGNED BY ~~ ~ SUBIECT W/NC"":'.17U PAII/~ -..hI ~~.u .5TUDT' L//ZIt/rYW~S CHECkED BY C/faVt-AI//?'I-1 ~p /h:JV1!itf)HI1r- Uv~ ;JUt- ~.I; ~p P~Jvr;;WA-'f MP7Id 1'8 /I n ~11' c g: C t.I J!!.a Li uTTt:.#! /''IN. f) .J([)t;;.W' ~ tA) rrH A ST /iN 0 trll- 0 Ct? MV! ~ u~.'C.- I /J~/(/f-Wrl'r : ~ till r ~~rn:: 'fJ/: 1fNf)~" Ii: C,:;a '11? ~. ~t.- ru.Jltrr If. "/1*7- ,-. -- I -.; ,- t I; 4' /7t:r~ ~I? C // .d4..U _2 ,tfyj I O~ --12 5, F: ~ 5; ()():::. t" t1, d(/ ~e.5J" COr.P ~ G(.I~-- 1~/;:;.-€1,,-<<;-,,;; "/,/.~~ 5Ide.h/~K. 7 s,P;~ ~~.::; /7..tlJ '7P'r1th- - ..P€-o~ ~!,..J7) Altt fl1c,t"~ /Jh' ~,;:::; t') py,.;;<~ ,w.cL..ft. ,~, "'.:31. bb Ii t- Ie P. 14 ~ ~ '~~ ~ ' . -~_=-'~- u. '__ --- -.. --=-~... .. _ __~' usi __5 z ,; t? _ ,t:t11!. s.s- / .A'/w ;;-:.v;- 45' If; CI/~ 1ZJ t!.VtZ-O {fh:JftILfI Kif;. 'J/';____= ____ ~_u ___, 35", , ~ . ____. _____ ___ . ,_u__. ..... _._ __...., . ~ t II U'7c/~ h./ .~I/, t/Md .z ~.I' O~ - 7 S.r: e?~:~ :::: L&.;.J ~ &".J, ~ 6l1th-,( - / Lor. {$.:III~'= ~//'~i1 _, s: 'd. (.. f# ~ 4,S.)',f: GJ. ~::= / /, U 70 1/I'V /Jl-Ptle:( Ne--r ~U~ /Jh' L,~ oj- Pn~L~ ft/,.Jktt Z..t. ~......- '.if /Z,~ us;::.. "'/:3,()() N'.~ NOLTE and AS elATES .. Engineers I Planner~. ~urveyors -1"- SUBJECT WII./t:.H I&J-r~12- Pit "I/c' "'~i-l .5rr~............ /icc~ S'77JOr lOB NO. //f" - 9/ - ~C: DATE :z - /?- ?I DESIGNED BY ~ ~~ /f u~ tv ~ C- ~I!- .sr~1!-M ,_ Ot2...th ti 1?r;' C- CHECKED BY ---- -.- ------- -.--- - - - --_.- - .- /!5.5VP1C ~ .avh/~r~ ~~ -,s~.;( /f/~ ~,-!?:J _~ tk .~ 1/ J1~ S1Y~ ~ -~ sdw~, d~ ~k. / rlVtJ n~6~ a;.( a.... /5" /, ~dT~ ev,? -.s;:,,R -I!--1--~.;1/~ . - - - ~e' ''-p/W .- #' &/a> '1?J t:uAf) (/ivn;~~_'Itl_~) -. 'r-' ~.___ ___ /f/l &~ ~~, PI4hH-,~-"'&-~-x %:::; ~,k1_~~ .?~ fJ,f"~ .slb,m jy~ P7~k7~-- i;~_~i=~~.;:-~_~-u,-_~=~--- &I'd ~~ -. -----24.4,1 df_==-=1tlP_O --- -- --- __ _, __, .1.5 If A~ trtJf ...ck~'d ,--~.?...kE. @~) .:= /, Ii"!) _, _____,_ ,_ _,. _ . 1PkI-;;~tns('-~~ ~____ '-i, t.I#~_____ ,_____, ,_ '_'_n ~ ;?u ~p. 1.Jr,,4-.';:;.o-"l,'1~;ff#,~-- On I~?'o.-Iwtl V. ~ s-fiJ - - ,- ..- -----------,---- -'.1/.------.--.----' -" - - /trr!h- 1fuM~- fU,.~1l)kLj)Uiu/) -"-J~'I+- ..t/z.- '#.~a._ ,_ ;::, JIL ~tJ / ,A./v,J~~U) . 1'P ~~____________ __, __, __ __ nil!. 5.5"' ~w ? 1-.5/ Cvltt-O 1tJ ~v1/8_..{/#.7UyyIr'r~~13'/') ___ _ .h_ '1 -~ --,- ---, , ---- n - -/-- .----" If Ifcl' .:5/lJ,e.,vt t/4f1f11 = o/tJ, ~~ oX' ~~ _ - U. ~7 ~r C,. p;. ~f 5(( - , -(JI S1h'/?1 d{'~ )'?7t>""i~J.L- I e{!..~ $;A?O :;:;- ~o tfa...rvhJ~.J --Z-~# tiP ~M, ~ ::?~P.? _ 5'1 ~t?~-t:War:v ,L/St.f~~ '!.JJ :: 1,!7s .-.,_ __,__.' _mP1.._~ ~_-PU'N ~g"V ~f.I;S'1o. ,__ . ~..,. ~ t-,~ pf ;V~ J!7~~f1Jff~ ::- /1. J;- /h' ?,f-, f J{'; - ---- - ___n_ --~9;fi.- - the- ',t/~ ~' Nl.. NOLTE and ASSOCIATES _ Engineers / Plannf Surveyors __9- JOB NO. //4 - 'f / - d(" DATE ::J - 4- - f'; DESICNED BY ~ ~ SUBJECT 'W1^,CH~7~ j)teJl/c.-~,,( JI'T~ - /fa~.J ~-rl/O '{ CHECkED BY Uv-J Ji.fJi ,vl,/?re;, J:P~ J;Vl ~~v'tf:.M~~ ~;</ M.!0UN~d:1" diu/(. (/N/~H :1/1' 8c. t'CL Z Af) g.; C.I-2-.JMf} .fif~l.s 11 M ~ .............- .-- -.... - a~ Phi ::..<11 #~ :':;'~rlr_ 1 5'c5{J~ WAlk ;1 ~/t:/Iz.. S~.e;y(,( . JM,c/2.P ytCNJ~ IV~O~O ~a t'?- o/~-r~ _ ~ 5b() ~.F. f iltVl VN rr ., . ,4!t? P (;.J?,t, ':;1//,,'.1 UH/L P/{ICft.. QUI/)/'(: IIVf~ (/ AJ<' ,-- J, A p p rliY;rtf :FxC,IiV/K/HII rI c.I/) j 2.::' C,'f, ,.f; p~ -2.?5' 2, 5 t..J 8 G riIIrJfi- ~1?~1fttA--r/~~( S.Y. 0, t.t? S; ,:J~t) I.(}~~ :3, /J GG /La fI"I rt .5 r.t(] 1J P:5 t?- - f '1-H }t./i- c'v, /5. I () /2-5 ,. ,r- ',f7.:; 4, AG~~M'ff-. f?~e:. _ ~ I, IHIC-IL C.Y, U ,(J9 9.5 I 1(),.1 I I .5. A.5 P J-t {J vf t;pJ.I tt--I/r t/". j '/ '/ f/1C.JL- (PM lrIJ,iJU 95 J! ( () f) ?, Uft0 J. U" ~tJ<<~ t.f. 11,10 5'()~ .J;5t?t7 1, P, e.c. S",OfVw!tvJ' (INCL. j'-#tJ) ,),f; 25~ Z ~~() ~ 2-~ c2_ '/ , lP"/lf"t- #S6u~'1' ;t;t'tC :7-m~lU'l/~ h1~ '" 1. /} ~ ~ U~f, - "zt, ~~:J N~ NOLTE and A~C:OCIATES .. Engineers / Pfannt Surveyors -/~- 'OB NO. /1 (- -- 9 r -- C?tJ DATE ~/~/~/ r. DESIGNED BY ,Lf~ "'n--~/ CHECkED BY SUBJECT /.tin, C~ aJ(~ ~I< 1vtZ: -;J:N Strc. - -IJC?€.;rJ ..1"1'V0'( 1) LF ~'JJ t:JC:: ///I#-f..L.I/.J G ~ r 5/,;:,vC"(r./t?!9z- StZe1701>.f /75:5v,v;;t:...' 'if'; ;~Ltl1i- ~~ I31?-S~fr/~ S??/~ -:::; ~ /'2rrPne: ::rl-l !) ~-j. = 0:.5 /1, ~ PH ~-'" Z- ~.Jl, /, /JJ,t/ff/fUr ~w~,z. ~c;;tL ~XI &.. 2HD fie; 7') 6~;:::. ~,t?~::J'2-(r/-)(/v-~) :;. ~/~t?:J~;J:df~fl-71'):= tJ,Jr ~~'cJ# ff,J9 ~. PI) r /5, , c.I \".r ' Gic ~ &'~C1;I, I =:: 2,~ (5.-:::-1 .::;::. .,!,y'Z- 1/J/i~l1no tjJ /Ie 111!4(///L P) .:=. ~ :;:::- /),;)'1 --::;::; t?,/j; / tI~~ Z ~',11 6 fire.- Z/ '11/ Z/ CLt1s.f -z ,l'J6',~(J~';;'- -01b6 L/1'1'~ 1#1 1Jk~ ~ r ~('- 0..::/.0 G& :::::- tl/p~:>'Z--{,r;rJ{/I!2R -If) ==- ~ __-..,_;; _~5'o Du;vc,j fiE '&vbvi,rt ~DI FIe;. Z,yz..x P,/1 == ~,. ~/ ~ 1J!:4()/ e.+o /i;a.... /1K~I5'~ JJm-~ . ==- // ~f ~ ~ / v / /-I//CJUl'~.:.r ~p ~.;' A~tA,u;;c? == /ttJ9 ~ /J, 9f ~~ I'J-:;:;),o h/~ :;, 7P1'1r- ~f:" ~v'40 f);-r ~~4'I~-f" a/~ .:::~..u:; Inti:. 6;= 11IJU.tI.Jrl &:-i) 1f/dJ,f ~,/7 /n:. x Z;tJ..-:::::=- {J'I Y/ /I~~ 'ltJ X /,/t? .::::::- ,/, /cJ /crrtJz- tf!iji; r::v1&U(~ vfi,O I, S/ ;>~.5-0 - O,r< . /C" ./ ~ / -'7 ", A-/" V...;':- ..7 .Ju,.-- 1'/ t?H , ? rr '- /~ // c~ Z /1.P N~ NOLTE and ASC:QCIATES ~ Engineers / Planne Surveyors .-- J// J08 NO. /J..J: '7/ - J!?~ DATE ~k/f( DESIGNED BY /~ ~ SUBJECT WI}ICHfiJ/~ ;J}p/vf[. -5~ S~~-Azc5-J O"(/Or CHECKED BY &x- 1&ff/M#rC ~~ ?/ftli:'.m~ -4'r fM;?~vf;;;~ >>~~'N; ? Pf~/?-../t&O hArU-1?' =- ~.2/ X /~Sl ~ -i;3/~ J;.f; .L/d~ t. JI/P J~ .5T/h!t:-1'va4t-- ~'J./:::. ,;:, 1/ /?'c av. /Z-~ ~ 2- #0 . ' JrEJA Nc1. 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SECTION 6103 GOVl:Ri~Mf\'!T .-"OE AT Tm~ I'1EQUr::S1 01= aTY Of eA ,fU Recording Requested by and When Recorded, Mail to: DOCUMENT: 1498-73 IIIIIIIIII~I lOE0014987773;o; Tit I es : J / Pages: I 6 Fees....+ No Fees Taxes. . . Copies. AMT PAID City of Campbell City Clerk's Office 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Ci ty ROE ** 883/815 9/16/1999 12:84 PM (Space above this line for Recorder's use.) LANDSCAPING At'\TD FENCING MAINTENAt'fCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, WTA Campbell Technology Park, LLC ("Owner") has been approved by the City of Campbell ("City") to construct Campbell Technology Park (CTP) , a 280,000 square foot research and development business park on 19,58 acres ("Development") as conceptually shown on Exhibit A of this Landscaping and Fencing Maintenance Agreement (" Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Owner has agreed to construct full street improvements including landscaping and street trees, and dedicate to City public street right-of-way ("right of way") as shown on the improvement plans (Improvement Plans), consisting of 22 sheets, entitled "Public Improvement Plans for Campbell Technology Park, 535 Westchester Drive, Encroachment Permit 98-219," extending north from McGlincey Lane through the Development and terminating at the northern terminus of Cristich Lane for the purpose of public street access to the Development; said Improvement Plans are made a part of this Agreement by reference thereto; and WHEREAS, the Owner has requested to install decorative fencing as conceptually shown on Exhibit B along Campbell Technology Parkway frontage for the Santa Clara Valley Water District's frontage of Pond 6; WHEREAS, the Owner will construct the Development on the portion of land north of the right-of-way and the City of Campbell Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") will retain ownership of the four acres on the portion of land south of the right-of-way to construct a four acre public park ("Park"); and WHEREAS, landscaping as defined for purposes in this Agreement shall mean all trees, tree wells, shrubs, ground cover, and irrigation facilities within the right-of-way, and fencing as defined for purposes of this Agreement shall mean all fencing and fencing materials including. gates, footings and foundations within and partially within the right-of-way; and WHEREAS, in exchange for permission to construct fencing on the property line, and gates within the Santa Clara Valley Water District property, the Owner has agreed to enter into this Agreement to construct and maintain the fencing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Condition No.29 of Planned Development Permit No. 96-06, the Owner has agreed to enter into this Agreement to construct and maintain the landscaping and fencing in perpetuity. - 1 - )}//I t. t()trJ . , NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned parties agree, represent, warrant and covenant as follows: 1: Owner shall maintain the landscaping and fencing in accordance with the Landscape and Fencing Maintenance Specifications set forth in Exhibit C, which is hereinafter referred to as the "Work"; 2. City may provide periodic maintenance inspections to ensure conformance with the intent of this Agreement. 3. The Owner shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and Agency and its officers, agents, officials, volunteers, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, and court costs, whether incurred at the trial, appellate or administrative levels, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by an intentional or negligent act or omission (including misconduct) of said Owner, any contractor/subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The Owner shall also indemnify and defend the City and Agency against and shall hold the City and Agency harmless of and from, all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, lawsuits, judgments, damages, costs, and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, whether incurred at the trial, appellate or administrative levels) which the City and Agency may incur or suffer, or to which the City and Agency may be subjected, to the extent caused by failure by the Owner to fulfill any or all of its obligations under this Agreement. The City and Agency shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Owner and its officers, agents, officials, volunteers, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, and court costs, whether incurred at the trial, appellate or administrative levels, arising out of or resulting from an intentional or negligent act or omission (including misconduct) of the City and Agency, any contractor/subcontractor working for the City, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The City and Agency shall also indemnify and defend the Owner against and shall hold the . Owner harmless of and from, all claims, demands, fiabilities, losses, lawsuits, judgments, damages, costs, and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, whether incurred at the trial, appellate or administrative levels) which the Owner may incur or suffer, or to which the Owner may be subjected, to the extent caused by failure by the City and Agency [0 fulfill any or all of its obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (1) in no event shall City be liable for any intentional or negligent acts or omissions of Owner, any of Owner's contractors or subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, and (2) in no event shall Owner be liable for any intentional or 2 . i"""''/ /.,d/ ~LJ negligent acts or omissions of City, any of City's contractors or subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 4. Owner shall maintain msurance with respect to the work conforming to the following specifications: a. Minimum Scope of Insurance Coverage ~hall be at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage "occurrence" form CG 0001 (ed. 11/85), a copy of which can be obtained from the Department of Public Works; (2) Insurance Services Office form number CA 00 I (ed. 1187) covering Automobile Liability code 1 "any auto", a copy of which can be obtained from the Department of Public Works; and (3) Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability Insurance. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance Owner shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form where a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability: Workers' compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers' liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and reasonably approved by the City and Agency based on commercially reasonable standards. At the option of the City and Agency based on commercially reasonable standards, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City and Agency, its officers, officials, employees and 3 k)w volunteers; or the Owner shall produce a bond guaranteeing payment of losses, related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions (1) Additional Insured Endorsement The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (a) The City and Agency are to be covered as insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Owner, products and completed operations of the Owner, premises owned, occupied or used by the Owner, or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Owner. The coverage shall contain no limitations on the scope of insurance protection afforded to the City and Agency. (b) The Owner's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City and Agency. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City and Agency shall be excess of the Owner's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (c) This certificate shall clearly state as follows: The City and Agency are to be covered as insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Owner, products and completed operations of the Owner, premises owned, occupied or used by the Owner, or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Owner. This coverage shall be primary and any coverage carried by additional insured shall be excess insurance only. (d) The Owner's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability, Insurance coverage in the minimum amounts set forth herein shall not be construed to relieve Owner for liability in excess of such coverage, nor shall it preclude the City from taking such other actions as are available to it under any other provision of the contract or otherwise in law. (2) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Coverage The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City and Agency for losses arising from work performed by the Contractor for the City unless it results from negligence of City. (3) All Coverages (a) Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by 4 ww either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. (b) Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not effect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (c) Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than B: VII, unless written approval is obtained from the City for the insurance with a lesser rating. (d) Insurance must be issued by a company or companies authorized to transact business in the State of California. (4) Verification of Coverage (a) Owner shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be on forms reasonably acceptable to the City. Where by statute, the City's workers' compensation-related forms cannot be used, equivalent forms approved by the Insurance Commissioner are to be substituted. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. 5. The terms, conditions and covenants of this Agreement are mutually beneficial and shall run with the land, and shall be binding on the heirs, assigns and successors of Owner and City; 6. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties hereto. There are no representations, agreement, arrangements, or understandings, oral or written, between and among the parties hereto, relating to the subject matter contained in this agreement, which are not fully expressed herein. Any and all amendments hereto shall be in writing executed by the parties hereto; 7. Each and every party to this Agreement has been represented by an attorney at law of his/her choosing, and represents that he/she has read and fully understands the terms, conditions and covenants contained herein, and that each of the attorneys has read and approved this Agreement as to form and content; 5 ~w 8. In the event that a law suit is commenced by any party to this Agreement to enforce its terms, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable costs and attorneys fees incurred as a result of such action; 9. This Agreement can be executed in counterparts, by the parties hereto, and as so executed shall constitute one agreement, binding on all the parties. 10. Owner shall tile security, acceptable to the City, in an amount equal to the City Engineer's estimated cost to ensure full and faithful performance of all work as described in Exhibit c. Said security shall guarantee that the Owner will correct any aefects within the time frames as specified in Exhibit c. The security shall remain in effect for two years from the date of the written Notice of Acceptance of the improvements for the Campbell Technology Park Parcel Map': Book 716 of Maps at pages 25-26 Santa Cl~ra County Records. 11. This Agreement shall remain in effect in perpetuity from the date of the written Notice of Acceptance of the improvements for the Campbell Technology Park Parcel Map; Bk.716 of Maps at Pgs.25-26 S.C.Co.Records except that the Owner is relieved of its maintenance obligations under this Agreement after two years for landscaping within the southern half of the right-of-way adjacent to the Park. Dated: 4\(pl~q ~O~OGYPARK' LLC TITLE: t\AQU~9 I'A.)' ~uk... (Attach Acknowledgments for All Signatures) Dated: 5k/"1 i CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal ::rpo~ k- , Robert ;ass - TITLE: Public Works Director Approved As To Form ~~~~ William Seligmann City Attorney h: \landdev\ windrin\l&magr(mp) 6 /ffV mAY EXHIBIT A DEVELOPMENT I I '\ I ... ~ I '?' ~ ~ c, I " ~ I I ! I r-----~ NOT A PART OF CAMPBEll ! TECHNOLOGY PARK I ~ / PUBLIC DEDICATED LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE BY WTA-CTP LLC (BOTH SIDES OF STREET) - EXCEPT AS NOTED. CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK ENTRY PROJECT LANDSCAPE e. SIGN AREA (lJ \ 1\ PETERSEN PROPERTY ~ FUTURE PARK CITY OF CAMPBELL 209 8 NOTE: L.OCAnON oS T'l1'F OF FENCING INCtUJING L.NIJSICN'tNG A/J.JACENT TO f"OKJ 5 ARE BEN(; STl.DIED IN C()CPf!RAT/ON WITH s.C.V.....D. . OF CAIfI"BEU... WTA<71' ItJU. lW"" RES1'OHSIaE FOR HAJNTEHANCE OF UNJSCAPfNG A T BETWEEN C SGE"WALK (N. Y. s. C. V. W.'Df9~ POND n. 'WOOOCIIETE" _M WOTE: FENCING NOr WlrHfN f'UJUC RlGHT-oF...wAY OR s.c. v. w.o. PROI"ERTY IS NOT SUl.ECT TO LNIJSGfIIE ANJ FENCING AGREEIfENT MTH , , , ----,----- --- =?' =:- =:-C::-oC~ ~:- ~- ~- =- - ~-- I I I I' _.eon_-.r --~..-- FENCE tI S. C. V. W.O. PONDS ELEVATION DETAIL ZANARDI PROPERTY lEg,.,...,'"':",.,."".,,,. .... . " , ;!:I ;!:.L..r-.,"...t;,(TW.1 C!J i.::!T =-.r....~._ 21CJl 1 ENLARGED FENCE DETAIL TYPICAL FENCE ELEVATION DETAIL NOTE: FENCING SHAU. NOT lIE .,THIN 16 FEET Of' nfONr 1'R01'8fT'f LINES EXCEn' AS SHOWN AT s.c.r.W.D. f'ONDS. SEE OTHER DETA/L " EtEVATIONFOR FENCINfi AT s.c.v.W.D. I'OOI'elTY. MARRONE PROPERTY EXHIBIT B DECORATIV FENCING UJw 21.3 ./ EXIDBIT C MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR LANDSCAPING AND FENCING RELATED TO CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Prepared by Public Works Department City of Campbell - 1 - Y1w SECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. It is the intent of the City to require the highest level of quality in maintenance consistent with standard industry practice for the landscaping and fencing. 2. Owner and/or contractor performing maintenance shall ensure that all work under this specification is performed by technically qualified and skilled personnel. There shall be one person who will act as the designated person that City representatives may contact. The name and 24 hour/7 day a week phone number shall be provided to the City Public Works Superintendent. 3. The City may conduct inspections of the landscaping and fencing and direct the owner to perform additional work or services required to bring the contractor I s performance to the level defined by this specification. Owner shall cooperate with the City's representative in determining the conformity with the provisions of this specification and the adequacy of the work being performed. The landscaping and fencing are conceptually shown on the Improvement Plans and Exhibit "B". 4. If Owner and/or contractor does not dutifully fulfill the intent of these maintenance specifications, the City retains the right to hire other contractor(s), of its choosing, to correct and fulfill the maintenance requirements of the landscaping and fencing. Any costs incurred by the City for the services provided shall be paid by Owner. The City may also charge Owner reasonable administrative and labor costs associated with managing the maintenance work performed. The City shall give Owner at least ten days notice before hiring other contractors except in case of emergency where public safety may be jeopardized. 5. At the request of either party, there shall be a review of the maintenance specifications to determine if modifications are necessary or desirable. SECTION 2. LANDSCAPING A. Materials: The following shall apply to the materials used by Owner/contractor under this specification: 1. Fertilizers shall be complete, furnishing the required percentage of N, P, K, and trace elements to keep trees, shrubs and other plants in a healthy growing condition. - 2 - \ ~VJ 2. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and rodenticides shall be obtained and applied in full compliance with all applicable legal requirements and good practice under the direct supervision of a licensed pesticide adviser by a licensed applicator. 3. Tree stakes, tree ties and guy wires shall be per City standards as agreed to with City representatives. 4. Replacement plant materials shall be of a size, condition and variety specified by City representatives and consistent with the City's authorized planting lists as provided in the approved construction plans for said development. B. Tree, Shrub and Groundcover Care Owner/contractor shall maintain all trees and shrubs on the site covered by this specification in a healthy, growing condition by performing the following maintenance and other work incidental thereto all in accordance with commercially reasonable standards: 1. Watering of trees, shrubs and groundcover shall be accomplished deeply and slowly so as to establish moisture to the full depth of the root zones. Watering shall be done in a manner to avoid erosion of soil, excessive run-off or ponding of water, or creating a water-logged soil condition. Owner/contractor shall furnish and set out hoses and sprinkler irrigation systems when and where necessary to ensure watering coverage. 2. The water basins must be maintained of such size around young trees to ensure that enough water can be applied to establish moisture through the major root zone. A water wand shall be used to break the water force when hand watering. Water basins shall be opened during the rainy season to allow for proper drainage away from root crown. 3. Owner/contractor shall ensure that pruning is done only by professionally qualified personnel using approved methods and techniques. a. Excessive pruning or stubbing back shall not be permitted. b. All pruning cuts shall be flush and shall be cleanly cut with no tearing of the bark. 4. Pruning of trees, shrubs and hedges shall be done as needed to achieve the following: - 3 - 'rAvJ a. To shape, particularly to correct misshaping caused by the wind. b. To raise the lower branches of trees above head height wherever they over hang walks or paths. c. To cut back shrubs and groundcover where they encroach on the walks, paths, paved areas, buildings and retaining walls. d. To remove suckers, watersprouts and other undesirable growth on trees. e. To remove all dead or damaged branches. f. To remove any hazardous conditions. 5. Owner/contractor shall be responsible for pest control on all trees, shrubs and groundcover. Snails and slugs shall be controlled by use of an approved non- arsenical metaldehyde bait as prescribed by a Pest Control Advisor. 6. All tree, shrub and groundcover areas shall be kept reasonably free of weeds. Weeding may be accomplished manually or by the use of pre- and post-emergent herbicides. Herbicide applications shall be done only in strict accordance with Federal, State and local rules and regulations. At no time shall weeds exceed two inches in height. 7. All trees, shrubs and groundcovers shall be fertilized twice each year, spnng and fall. 8. Owner/contractor shall maintain mulching at a nominal depth of two inches in planting areas that are shown to be mulched on the approved plans. Mulching material may be of redwood compost, coarse redwood sawdust, chipped woody material or other approved materials. All mulching materials must be consistent and of like materials. 9. The all rock areas and bare ground areas shall be maintained in a reasonably weed-free condition by use of pre- and post-emergent herbicides and/or by manual removal. 10. All trees or shrubs intended to act as a visual screen must be maintained in such a manner as to provide the screening effect. - 4 - tAlJJ C. Irrigation System 1. Complete irrigation operational and coverage checks must occur regularly to assure proper water delivery to the plantings. All needed repairs must be accomplished prior to the next irrigation cycle. 2. The automatic controller must be set and programmed so as to account for seasonal changes in water requirements and to account for drought restrictions when necessary. 3. The addition of new above-ground irrigation heads should be avoided; pop-up type heads and/or drip irrigation should be used in all new installations and in pedestrian travel areas. 4. Irrigation cycles shall be set for watering during the evening or early morning time periods, and in accordance with the City's drought restriction policies. 5. All irrigation boxes must be maintained in proper condition so as to not pose a safety hazard to equipment or pedestrians. All box lids must be kept in place and secured when maintenance is not taking place. 6. Upon expiration of the agreement, all irrigation systems shall be retired unless otherwise directed by the City. D. General Maintenance and Clean-Up 1. The contractor shall collect all clippings, trimmings, cuttings, litter, rubbish and debris from the site and dispose of at Owner I s/ contractor I s cost. 2. All areas around shrubs and trees, and areas next to fences shall be swept as required to keep the areas reasonably free of weeds, grasses, rocks, glass and other debris. This work shall be accomplished by hand sweeping or mechanical sweepmg. 3. The area shall be maintained m a reasonably "litter-free" state with regular routine maintenance. 4. Any eroded places on the landscaped areas shall be repaired by the addition of top soil so as to bring such eroded places back to an acceptable grade. The cause of such erosion must be corrected as soon as practicable but not more than fifteen (15) calendar days from being discovered or reported. - 5 - tJ\vv 5. All hazardous or unsafe conditions must be addressed and/or corrected with due diligence. 6. Leaf litter in landscaped areas must be removed as soon as practically possible. At no time shall the accumulation of leaf litter be allowed to pose a hazard to pedestrians or limit full access to the site by disabled persons. SECTION 3. FENCING Owner/contractor shall maintain the fencing in a safe and aesthetically pleasing condition as outlined herein: 1. Graffiti on the fencing must be removed within 72 hours of detection or of notification by the City. If graffiti removal damages the walkway surface to an extent that causes a safety hazard, that walkway area must be removed and replaced. 2. The fencing shall be maintained at a high level consistent with the standards of the industry and as recommended by the manufacturer. H: \Ianddev\ windrin\fenceagr(mp) - 6 - ~ CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPC :: ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Cfull~Yh,'tt SClV117A UaJVL- On --APri\ (D I [~Cf4 Date County of ~ personally appeared Name(s) of S' ner(s) ~rsonallY known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(~~ubscribed to the within instrument and acknoyvleaged to me th~fleltReY executed the same i~ef,~Aeif authorize apacity(~), and that by @Mer/their signatur~ on the instrument the perso~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. .1. ~c~ . ~ DILLABOUGH ~ - Comm.' 1179955 1ft Ul NOTARY PUBlIC.CALlFORNIA ~ 1 S,RU C1i1l Ctunty "'" . . My Comlll. Expires ihy 4, 2002 t WITNESS my hand and official seal. }JA~lvLLt CJ~U~l~A Signature of Notary Public (j L. OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document TItle or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: o Individual" o Corporate Officer Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: . Top of thumb here o Individual o Corporate Officer Tltle(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: @ 1994 National Notary Association. 6236 Remmel Ave., P.O. Box 7164. Canoga Park, CA 91309.7184 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Tol~Free 1-800-676-6827 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURP( E: ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~~~,0(.'.c&..G<'~.c<:',0(.'.c<:'.c<:'.c<:'..G<'-<.X'..c<'~.c&..c<'~..c<'-cr.cr...c<'~,esxx'~~~..c<'~'{x:~..c<'..c<'~~..c<'-<X'..c<',C<',C<',C<'..c<'D~ Q 'f . ~ (;1.1~1()rf),v...- ~ sa^- /-Z, CI OJ tL ~ b1..)../11 CJ before me, An, IC- ~ ~ n ~ personally appeared K C: (J2 r ~ tCi), S ,- _g ~ ~~~~~ ~ r personally known to me - OR--r::::; pruvt:J to Ille 01. the b03io of :)otisfactol y evidellGe to be the person~ ~ whose name(s) is/are-subscribed to the within instrument~ and acknowledged to me that he/sJ1efthey executed the g same in his/hefftfletr authorized capacity(ies}, and that by ~ his/AetIthe1r signature(s} on the instrument the person(s)-, ~ or the entity upon behalf of which the person(st acted, g executed the instrument. ~ 9 ~ wl~;::n~4;~ I ~ ~ .g g g g ~ ~ ~ ~ g p; g g g g ~ g g g g ~ g g g g ~ g g ~ g ~ ~ ~~'9v"(X;(;,<;'~~~~~~~'Q<,~'9v'Q<,'9v~~~'9v'Q<,~~~~'9v'GY~~~"~~;;~'<;;<x.~~'Q<,~~~'Q<,'9v'Q<,~~~..g<.;<:7~ @1995 National Notary Association' 8236 Remmet Ave.. P.O. Box 7184. Canoga Park. CA 91309-7184 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call TolI,Free ',800,876-6827 (, t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2: ~ ~ 2: ~ ~2: c' I I , ~ I' i' I ~ !. (, j, i' [. State of County of On )~ ......... ~...l"l(-.... .... '~. -!;..a ~_~ .~... .!......,. ..J:.. -" i ~ ANNE GYBEE f _ Commission 1# 1086504 ~ . -.; NotOJy PublIc - Coflfomla ~ Z ""J Santa Clara Ccunty - L ~'.'_ :~CO:::=9~_M:5~~ ! OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above:, Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer Title( s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: o Individual o Corporate Officer Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of thumb here Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: 'JUl 0 Z 199~ BOND FOR LABOR AND MA TRRJAL Bond No. U2893322 Premium Included in Perf. We, the undersigned ~TA CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK, I.LC .!ll.:n':lOafter "Prilll.:ipaJ") ilnd UNl1'm1 PACIfIC INSURANCE COMPANY , il corl'\!ration organIzed lllllkr the laws or till' SlalC 1)1' .JlENNSY1V AI\JA -- anl! ~Lulhori7.cd TO trall::iaet busmc.~s 111 the ~(,llc: vI' Cali(orni.1, as SlIrety, :tre (Jbli~;lIc:d lo lhl: e.:lfy <'I ClIlJphdl (herelll;llkr ~'ci7Y'.I, il lIIuniclpal corporaclon ulllkr thc laws of the StelLC III ClIiforniCl, 111 llle .'11111 ofl EN -r:HOtJSt\ND OO.l:,LARS ($-1Q..()~Kl.i)o ) for the paymcllt or which sum we ohligatl.; ollr~lves alll! lIur ~llr.:cessors :lIlU assigns, jol1111y .1lIU !;cver.111y uy lhe Illllowil).~ provisions: The condition of this Ilhliganol1 is that the Principal emered, ur is ;.Jnolll ro enter, Ull\! a certilin WClLlell Comrael wirh rhe Ciry dJted MA Y 21 ,19 ~) ,a true :mtl correct copy 01 wl,ich is presently 011 file in rhe officl: of the CilY Clerk of lhe Cit)' Ill' Campbell, which said COlltract is h~reby referred tll anu made a pan hcn':llf. The contract is cntilled: TS 97-01~ PD l}X. OG. 535 WESTCHESTER ORrVE. ENCROACHMF.NT PERMIT NO, llK219. LANDSCAPE AND FENCJ~(j MAINTF.1\ANCl: AGREEMENT . Bl:cau.~c Princip,t1 is required Lv rurnish .1 hond In conllc(;tillll with lhe.: COIHl'C1Ct. pwviuil1g Ihal il f>rllll.:lp~1. llr ~my of lis SuuctJlltraeLOrs, shall f;I11 ro pay tor any I1lall:rials. or other Sllpplics, Ilf rill' ;my work or l"bor Illl lllc ,:ol1trncccd Wl'lk 01 allY kll1d, or lor amOllnlS due under rhe ullcmpl(IYlllcnl in.\llrance aCI WHll ll:SpeCl to .my work or labor Oll tillS proJect. llle Surely 011 this rnmd will pay for rhe debr, m :UI alllount IIllll::l.cl:edmg the sum specirieu III lhis hOl1d, Olnct also. 111 t.:,Lse sui! is hrou~l1t Llpon the \lllrlU, a n;.m'nabJe anorney's 1"cc to he fixcd ny rht: court, l':Ilow, therefore, we, _ViTA ('AMPRF.LL TECHNOLOGY PARK, LLC ,:\S Prillcipal. AND UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY_, a~ SureTY, are oblig:J.tl'u to lhl' CilY of CampbelL ill llu: sum of TLN THOUS-"ND DOI.l.^ns ($10.UOO.UO\. lawl'ul money or the Unired,stJtes, Ivr thc payme.:nl of whicll sum~ WIll and trllly ro be maUl:, we.: the.: s;l1d Principal .1nd .surety biml oursdvcs, i\llCcessol'S and <l$siglls. Jomlly and sever<llly, by lhesc provi<;ions. Thc cllmlrllol1 of Ihis obl1g<lcioll IS that if Princip;d, irs SUCCtssor~ Of ~ls"lgns. or ItS subcolltra<':LOr. or <;UbCOllTJ'itCWfS. shall LlI] to pay I'llI' illlY IJbor. lll,ltcflab, or llthcr supplies. used III the jll:ri'ormance \1f the work COlllral:ICd 10 be (Jont, 01' fur .I1110UlIls due under tile lllll:lI1ploYll1l;1ll insurance acr Wltl) respel:l III llllS work or lahOl, rhellltH: SlIrl:lY on IbiS hond will pay lur 1lll'lIl. in In amount not txe.:ceuing thc sum .~recltled 111 rhis bonet, ami 111 casc suil 1" hrOll.c,hl UpOllllllS bunu will .Ils/'1 pay a reasulIiLult: alturncy's feu, lo hc lhcd by the <;0\111'. No prepayment or delay in payment am11\\1 changl.:s. extenSions. addition ur dlll:ralion or ,my provisioll 01 saiu CUlItrae.:lllr ill any plans and specifications reCerreu tu hl:rcin, and no forbearance on tile pan 01' the ('ifY sh,dl operate tv rclcasl: thc SurclY I'rom liahllilY lll1 rhili bond, and COnselll to make .\uch :llrer;llions wilhout funhl:r nmice.: to or consellt by the SurclY is hcreny given. and till: $urclY hereby w.1ives the pruvisjllll~ ur Sec.:tion 2819 of the Civil Cmil.: or lhe.: Slar~ of C:\lifo1'lliil. In witness. the parties h:.lve executed this :l~reemellt .1:; oi MAY 21 . 19-22-, l Buth Prillcip;d' sam! SurelY'S Allorm:y ill Fact) II \\;tnJJe\.'\windrin\l&.mnond (mp) TILle \..\q ."OfC{,....D \> GQ-t ~~ \ "- UNI~/~('JFIC IN~ .: . MPANY (Smcl)'i By · ,__..__ Laura L. Plaisant, Attorn~y-in-fact Addrc~s ot Surety: c/o Aon Risk SE!rvices. Inc, One Market. Suite 2100 San Francisco, CA 94105 SurelY .s BUl1il ~u1l1hcr U2893322 (ACi.:U[lll'~Il1Y thIs bonu wil h ;II(OrncY-1 11- f;lcr' , aLllhurlly (rum SurelY 10 l:,l\.;eult.: the hond, l enit"tcd \ll tllduuc tbl: diltt.: lit tlK' bond. ) (A ll.leh.Adllll IW It:llgments) CALIFORNIA ALL.PURP~~e ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of San Francisco On MAY 21, 1999 DATE KATHLEEN EARLE before me, NAME. TITLE OF OFFICER E.G..JANE DOE. NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared LAURA L. PLAISANT NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) !Xl personally known to me - OR - D proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. )~~~~~~~~~~~.A-~( ... QY\.;li;" KATHLEEN EARLE o . .' COMM. #1204362 " - ~." NOTARY PUBlIC-CALlFORN!A g SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY .. J ..... :. ~ _ ~ ~~~ ~:j~ ~~. ~o. 2002 { ,....~ WITNESS my hand and official seal. fl'~ ~ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT D INDIVIDUAL D CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT D PARTNER(S) TlTLE(S) D LIMITED D GENERAL [X] ATTORNEY-iN-FACT D TRUSTEE(S) D GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR D OTHER: NUMBER OF PAGES . SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSONIS) OR ENTITY(IES) DATE OF DOCUMENT THE SURETY COMPANY SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE THE FACE OF S DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED BACKGROUN WHITE PAPER ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA . _.. -', - __- -,~_ _ '~-~~~,.?i":T~~_:~ RELIANCE INSURANce-cdIIP~ _ ~ ___i"~: , - - . _ '. _ - RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY !:".r::: "!'i" RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY .POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and that RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, are corporations duly organized under the laws. of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and that RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called "the Companies") and that the Companies by virtue of signature and seals do hereby make, constitute and appoint Laura L. Plaisant, Kathleen Earle, Maria L Sasai, Michael B. McGowan, Steven N. Passerine, of San Francisco, California their true and lawful ' Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on their behalf, and as their act and deed any and all bonds and undertakings of suretyship and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the Companies and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that their said Attomey(s)-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attomey is granted under and by the authority of Article VII of the By-Laws of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY which provisions are now in' full force and effect, reading as follows: ARTICLE VII- EXECUTION OF BONDS ANO UNDERTAKINGS \, The Ilo8rd of Din:clon, the President, the Chairman Qf die 1lo8rd. any SeniGr Vice Presiden!, any Vice Presidonl QI' Assistanl Vice President or Qdler Qfficer desipated by die Board of DirOClllrS sIutIl baYe power and aulhority 10 (a> appoint Auorney(.)-in-Fact and 10 audIorize them 10 execute on bellaJf Qf the Company. bonds and undertakings. recognizances. contracts Qf indemnity and other writings obliplQry in the -.n: thereof, and (b) 10 remove any such Auorncy(s)-in-Fact at any lime and rev. die power and authority given 10 them. ~ AlIQmcy(s)-in-Fact shall bave power and aulhority. subject lO the terms and limitations of the Power of AltOrney issued lO lbcm. lO execute and deliver on behalf of die Company, bonds and undertakinas. recognizances. contracts Qf indemnity and other writings obligalnry in die nature thereQf. The corporate seal is IIOl necessary for the validity Qf any bonds and undertakings recognizances. conlnlClS of indemnity and otber writings obligalDry in the natUre dlereof, 3. Anomey(s)-in-Fact shall bave power and authNity tQ execute affidavits requin:d lO he attached to bonds. recognizances. COIllrll<:IS of indemnity or Qther conditional QI' obligatory undertakings and they shall also have power and a.ulhority to certify the tinancia& statement of the Company and to copies of the By-Laws of the Company or any article OC' section- tben:of. This Power of AlInrney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Executive and Finance CQmmilt!:eS of the 1lo8rd. Qf Dirccton of Reliance Insurance CompalIY. United Pacific Insurance Company and Reliance National Indemnity CQmpany by Unanimous Consent dated as Qf February 28, 1994 and by the Executive and Financial Commillee of the Board Qf Dirccton Qf Reliance Surety Company by Unanimous CQnse~dated as Qf March 3\. 1994. "Re3oIved tbal the signaturea of .uch diTcctors and offlCCn and the seal of die Company may be affIXed lO any such Power Qf AlUlmey or any certificates relating _ by fa<:simi1e, aDd any. sucIl Power Qf AlUlrtZy or certifICate bearing .uch fa<:simi1e sipaturea or facsimi1e seal sbalJ be valid and binding upon the Compaoy and any such Power ... executed aad a:nificd by facsimile .~ and facsimile seal .haIl be valid and binding upon the Company, in the fuIure witIs respect to any bond or undertaking IQ which it is attached. . Il4I WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused these presents to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this December 21, 1998. RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY z~ 4/, ~ STATE OF Washington COUNTY OF King } } ss. On this, December 21, 1998, before me, Laura L Wadsworth, personally appeared Mark W. Alsup, who acknowledged himself to be the Vice President of the Reliance Surety Company, Reliance Insurance Company, United Pacific Insurance Company, and Reliance National Indemnity Company and that as such, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained by signing the name of the corporation by himself as its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my himd and official seal. I, Robyn Layng, Assistant Secretary of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMP- ANY, and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attomey executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this .2..l.SI day of MAY " year of 1999 ~~/ .: I =- =,.:tlt ~c.]::a I: 11-.... IIIIIIIII'l l:t ~. .111] ~. fl' I ~ J:WI' ~.l. '1:1 1.:1 [It f':1 .'1'1".:::1 :ll'J fl:1:I~": [e)..." .., LIlli' ~ let. a ...'J I ~", CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPO.....:: ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Cetl\fvV-V\/\ ~ County of SD {"\k\ l \0. \(ZU v " _ On J/\ ~ \\..,\ \qC\:l- before me, personally appe~red /.~ \I\j~ Name(s) of Signer(s) f ~erSOnallY known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. --- ~ Jar .1 r A . MiC'HEllE · L. DILLABOUGH ~ - Comm. , 1179955 '" U) NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA ~ ~ - Slntl Clarl COUftty ... My Com/a. Ex;ru May 4, 2002 t WITNESS my hand and official seal. \\\t\,~l'lG L~/L(CLt~ ~ Signature of Notary Public ' OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer Title(s): u Partner - 0 Limited 0 General '-' Attorney-in-Fact [J Trustee o Guardian or Conservator C Other: Top of thumb here RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER o Individual o Corporate Officer Title(s): o Partner - D Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Top of thumb here RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER . Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: C 1994 National Notary Association. 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184. Canoga Park. CA 91309-7184 Prod. No, 5907 Reorder. Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-68.27 06/11/99 14:59 FAX 4155123039 CERTIFICATE.DEPT ~002 ,:<:: ~. t.t '-:;'=-.ad_.~:J;_"'';:~'i <;;.::;::;;;::z!:t'.:"':~'.;:,",~:":;:;:.-.m.~,;;.::"'''''''''''''''''''''''N_'_'_~ '., .A!. I :.~....., .. . ,. . '.++-. .,~.,. .. .. ': '. .. .~.;:;,.,.... ,-_.....~""~,-+,""~,,' DAn (MMlUWTfI ::;: t......__~~.~_:..:..~..E;t..:.;,i:::~..:>...,,:,.;,.~..~~~;;:,,~;,~..,,::~~;!b":~..,j~~g,,,_:....,.".;,...,::.~;:.~,.;.":';,"'.,"=_:::;!:::r~~~1J;0~;g~~~$E:r;: 6 /111 9 9 ~' .. I'fiOOUCEIl -...,........... __M............ ' ...---.......,...... .....-----,-.... THis 'CERTIFlCATE 'is"isSUED AS A MATTER Of INFORMATION Aon Risk Svcs lnc of No Cal ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERnFICA TE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR One Market ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BEL-OW. Spear Street Tower Ste. 2100 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE San Franc i sca , CA 94105 COI.AP~NY IN~ 15-543-9360 A F i reman's Fund InlSuranc:e Co WREn COIoAPANY WTA Csmpbel I Technology B ReDub I i ~ Indemn i tv Co of Amer Park . LLC COIoAPANY c/o Huett i 9 & Sc:hrolMl C Amer iean and Foreien In$ Co. 900 We lch R l)ll d . Su i te #10 COI.APANY Palo AI to CA 94304 0 Roval Inli. Cc. of Amer ica ~<~~~r~:;;i~8i;~~~t;ffiii~~#~~::~:'fj3~;gg:~~g;5??iHSj/D~~i~~G;,~;S~:;p'g'Zt:S:~.If.l%~!'!$::Ij.:~~g~;t~~~Ati~:?J::g?:~~Hi:~$:~~~~@tligf#~~t~ig1~E:~:~~?:t{ TIolISIS TO CERTfllV THA TTHEPOLlcreS OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HA VE BEENISSuEO TOTHE INSuRED NAMED ABOVEFOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICA TED.NOTWlTHST ANDING ANY REQUIREMIfNT. TERMOR CONDITION OFANY CONTRACTOROTI-lERDOCUMENTWITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICA TIi MA Y BE Issueo OR MAY PERT AIN, THe INSURANCE AFFORDED BY l'He F'OUCIES DIfSCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLlCIES.I.IMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN Re:OUCED BY PArD CLAIMS_ eo TYPE OF IN:iURANCE POLlCT EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTll POUCY NUMBER DATE (MMICOI1'Y) DATE (MMlPPIYY) UUITS oENEAAL W&LITY GENERAL AGGREGlA1E S 2000000 - c J. COMloEACIAL GENERAL LIAaILITY PSV010065 4/01/99 4/01100 PROllUClS.COMP lOP AGG S 2000000 tJ CLAII.AS MADE W OCC\JFl PERSONAL " ADV INJLflY S 1000000 .....: OWNER'S i. CON1RACTOR'$ PROT EAOI OCCURReNCE S 1000000 i--- FIAE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ 300 l?Q.Q.. >-- - - ,MeD EllP (Any one pet'::Cl1I1 $ 5000 AlITOM081LE L1ABILITT SINGLE L1IolIT ~ COt..lB11IEO $ 0 ~ ANY AUTO PS1'244489 4/01/99 4/01/00 1000000 ALL OWNED AUTOS eODIL Y INJURY - (Per p&!,SQn) S SCHEDULED AVTOS kv.SED - X HIRED AlIlOS BOOIL Y IN~Y $ - (Per "cc;d~t) r NON.OWNED Auro:; CERTIFlCA ~OF INSUI ANCE PROPeRTY DAM~GE s >-- -r1..'_ ,.... - . GARAGE LIAIUUTY -... AlIlO Of'l.Y EA ACCIDeNT S All Others Dated Preyj. )usly & ..- ANY A\!TO OTHER 1HAN AUTO OI>l.Y: ., .. '.' '. .. ., .' r eACH ACCIDENT $ r ~ AGGREGATE S ~~U~ EACH OCCURRENCE S 15000000 A i X I)IoABRELLA FORM f--.. XVZOO093704734 4/01/99 4/01/00 AGGREGATE s 15000000 OTHiOl'l THAN ~RELLA FORt.A $ WOllKBI5 COMPENSATION ANO xl STAnJTORY I.lM115 eMP~Y~ftS'UABILITT 4/01/99 EACH ACCIDeNT 1000000 B 00642306 4/01/00 s THE Pr:lOPRIE10RI RINCL I. DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT $ 1000000 PAnlNERZ/EXECUTIVE OFFlcalS ARE: EXCL DISEASE. EACH !:Mf>LOYEE S 1000000 OntER I pesCIUI'TION OF OP~IlATIONSIl.OCATlONSlII'allct..EIUSPEClAL tTIlMS RE: Campbe I I Techno logy Parle Landscaping &. Fencing Maint~nance Agreement. Wa iver oT Subrogllt ion is included as rellpects Workers Compo -Except 10 days cancel I aticn for non-1)3vment of premium (See Add' I In$d Endt CG 20 10 10 931 t~tf!~!$;@L.~~~i-~~~;:;:;:~{:l,~J.2.2::.;.~"t#.;';;~~::':::;;;~1~S~:!.S~e::~S~:;~;~:.~!'~m1tt~)F.WPiiri;'F;!'S"f~~:'~#~1;P~~;;,f:ii~7@f~!;~~~~*rt~t~~if): SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE ~SCRI8EO POL1~ Il~ CAN~ DEFOl'e: THE EXPIRATION DATI' THEREOP, TME 199UINO COMPANY WILl. , - . .1 MAl. Ci ty of Campbel I 30 !lAY5 W111~ NOTlet: TO THe CERTlI'll;An HOUlER NAMG TO THE U!FT, - A't'tn: Dept of Pub I i c Works .---- ...-- I~ .M- L ~.T1.U .. ....A r -. /> 70 North F i rst Stree't .--.. C.mpb.ll, CA 95006 '~~~~I"lr";P 12BOOOOOO ~*COB~:iJ$:tijis3i:~;:i~~~j~~fJ.!~:;;S:~~:.~2fu~;l,~~:\;~::i?~~:~':'~::Ug~t;iM:@::;~:::;:::;::2::;%r ~5~jj~;:i}~~&i~~:;i;:';:/;:!ti#i~f!1.#i~:.;:iiFj~:~g~;j:c.mm:.~ffOi:i~~j.9jl 06/11/99 14:59 FAX 415512JOJ9 CERTIFICATE.DEPT f4I OOJ POLICY NUMBER: PSV010065 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 10 93 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: THE CllY AND AGENCY ARE TO BE COVERED AS INSURED AS RESPECTS: LIABILllY ARISING OUT OF ACTIVITIES PERFORMED BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR, PRODUCTS AND COMPLETED OPERATIONS OF THE DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR, PREMISES OWNED, OCCUPIED OR USED BY THE DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR OR AUTOMOBILES OWNED. LEASED, HIRED, OR BORROWED BY THE DEVELOPERlCONTRAC-rOR. THIS COVERAGE SHALL BE PRIMARY AND ANY COVERAGE CARRIED BY ADDITIONAL INSURED SHALL BE EXCESS INSURANCE ONLY. (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of your ongoing operations performed for that insured. RE: CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK CG 20 10 10 93 Copyright Insurance. Services Qffice Inc., 1992 ~, JUl 0 9 1999 'JUL 0 2 1999 Bond No. U2893322 Premium: $250.00 We. the uncJcr~igl1eu WT A CAM"'III~LL TECHNOI.()(.;Y PARK. LLC_. (hen:illalter "ConCrJL:tclf ") ;11\\.1 UNITED PACIT.](' IN.sURANCF. COMPANY _._' J coq.IW:1tioll org;lIli7.CU lInuer the !,IWS of Ihe SlJ(c ut' PENNSYLVANIA . aml aut!lOri7ed t~l trdllSJcl husincc;c; illlhc StatL: of C;llilllruia. a.s Surety, ;l(e \.bligatcu III the ('ilY (If Camphell, (hcrein.1fcer "Cily") .1 municipal curpurallllll under the laws of the: ~td\e oj (",lIifllrniJ, ill lh\.' sum of TEN TIIOUSAND DOr.r./\RS ($ 10.00000 ) Illr llle payment III' wllldl slim we \.blLgllle oursc1ve.s an\ll1llr suece~s\lrs alld assigns, j~'illlly alld scverally hy the t'"llllWillg PWViSI\'IlS ROND FOR FAITllFliL PERI,ORJyIANCI1: The clll1diri'lll "t (his ubhgalion l.~: Because thc (\1)ligJr~c1 Clllllnll.:tur hils, Oil M 1\ Y ~ I . 19 ~, ellll:red iuto WfIlll:11 <.\'lIlrael willl the City ("or the Prnject, a copy (,1' whidl coocracT is ;lllilchcu .wu Illadc ;1 P;111 III lllis I>oIlU. for COllslllU.:lioll of I'rnjcct .J1i. 97-01. PD l)-06 535 W,'F.STCTlLSTER J)RIVE. ENp{n,\CIIMLNT PERMIT NO 'H<-2IlJ. LANDS-CAP! AND FENCING MAINlI:NANCE AGREEMENT N~,w. IIH:rc/(lre, if the ContJ,lelN ~h311 faithfully perform rhe wvrk. III ~cellrJJlleC with the 1'1.\Ils. spel.:itie:lThlll' JlIJ C\llltraet (!n<.:UlIIems lIurlllg IIH: original u:rm, <lnd :ll1Y t:xleIL'iiolls of thl: wnrracr ....llll:h may he gr;lllled by llle City. wahllr WlthOUl nlll1\.'e 1.0 The ~lIreIY. and II' it sh::tll SJlISfy all claims ,md lklllanJs inellrr.:d under th.: contract, ;lnc1 ..hall flllly indemnify <llld sa"\.: harmless lIu: Ciry from all costs lUlU damages which It m.lY suller hy reaS,1I1 1.1 l'.1ilurl' III do so, ,illJ shall n:irnl'>ursl.: ;11)\1 repay the C,ly .111 oUllay a11U cxpense whlciltlle City IlIJ)' im:lll in Illdkillg allY udault. tllel1 (Ilis llhligaTi'lll sh,1I1 he ""id; uthl.:fwisc [0 rem;)ill ill till I lilli.:C ,lIld elkcL If .my le~JJ JerlOIl he tiled lIrOIl lIm lHlllJ, il shJIl I)..' riled withill Oil... Yl~ar afll:r till;1I pa)'lllcIIl has heell ll1aue utluer the Cllll!r<let ~1(c1\ldillg the warramy period, If ;1l1Y. 1'(I,"ided ror ill Lhc COlllr;l..:t. /111\1 --CUll(; shall lil: 1I1111~ (\lllllly ilt "antd CI.l!J. Stati: of Ca.lifornia. ,II HI TIM! surely. for VJIlll~ rcc~ivcd ~rq!ld,llcS .llld agn.:cs lh.lt 1111 .;11,111,\;1:. ;;;I;tell~ioll o( lillle. ahcraUllll Dr JulliTIOI1 tll the leWl:> ot' lbe Comra.;l O( III tlie work to hc rcrti)(I11.:d IlIlder 1l or till' spl:;;iticaIIlHIS "l:C(lInpilllyinj:. II shall ill .my WJY affecr ir~ ublLg.ilmu Oil lhi~ h(lIld, and It does hy this means Wili"t: 1I00iCl: or all)' ch~lIlgl.:, I.:)(CI.:IlSiOll of time. altc:ratillll or auJitioll1ll The refms oj the COl1lral:t or r,) rll.: w"l'k or to the spcciti\.'ari\llls. <llIU rht:re\ly wltivl;s the provisiolls of SCCli(l1\ 2~ I~ ur the Civil Code of Ihe Stillc ul' Calilurllla. III wilncss. till': panics have coxei:ured Ihis agrel:nlelll J.S of M^Y 21 . 19 (JIJ WTA c'\Y!PIIICI f TECHNOLOGy I'ARK, 1.1.(' ~~- .... , ~~ 1 ilk \\\GNqq,..~~ \'v'r::--~_ \ I)NITI~D PACIFIC INSUR^Nn. COMPANY (surcV,.^ -. 0 {J ~" ' Ily (!!li~jJ--f r~-,,, ) Laura L. Plaisant; Attorney-in-fact AJdres.s of Sllr~ry c/o Aon Ri ~k__Services, Inc. One Market, Suite 2100 San Francisco, CA 94105 (AttJch ^d:l\oWI~(l~.t:lIleIH:S) Surery's Ihll1d NUlllber U28~.3322 . (Ai:L.lllllp.lllY this hllnd wir!l AH(HneY-III-l,l.;l'S .Iutllllrity from SUI cry III ~xeeule Ih.. t.lllld. i:l'rlil'u:u [U lI1c1l1de rhi: dar~ Ill' the: ""lId.) . (Ih.lh PriIlcip.d' ~ .1IlJ SlIr.:lY's Attorncy ill hlet) 11 \l;tu<.1uev\winurin\l'phonu (mp) / CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of San Francisco On MAY 21, 1999 DATE before me, personally appeared KATHLEEN EARLE NAME. TITLE OF OFFICER E.G.. 'JANE DOE. NOTARY PUBLIC. LAURA L. PLAISANT NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) !Xl personally known to me - OR - 0 )~..A...A..""".A..A...A.."""'~..A.......A...A..."'" _ ~ KATHLEEN EARLE -f ? '!. .. COMM. #1204362 "0 ~ ~ NOrMY PUBUC-CAlIFORNIA g ,. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY .. J <, ..> My Comm. (xpire~ Dec. 10.2002 ~ .."."."-...,...o.'rtr,,,,-..,.~~,...--__~~ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~'/;{.G~ 7~ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER o INDIVIDUAL o CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE(S) o PARTNER(S) o LIMITED o GENERAL IX] ATTORNEY-iN-FACT o TRUSTEE(S) o GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR o OTHER: . SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSONIS) OR ENTITY(IES) THE SURETY COMPANY DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPO~_ ACKNOWLEDGMENT toJ \ ~rV'vVL-- County of 9\ \0 -W\ Ll.tl \1\ on~'\AL\ )2,~ \qq4 betoreme, til0)1LlLL L kn Llo..hVl-:j1 personally ap~eare: ',~ \ rv(l ~ " J ,\,/ \ame an Title of Officer e. '. "Jane Doe, Notary Public") , ) , Name(s) of Signer(s) ~OnallY known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. State of ~-.. . . . M/CH~llE l. DILLABOUGH ( rn.. Comm.' I J79955 '" NOTARY PUBUC. CALIFORNIA VI , Sant. CIIr. County - My Comm. Expi'lI 'by 4, 2002 ... WITNESS my hand and official seal. .~ L lc~ ~LAcUi Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: o Individual o Corporate Officer Title( s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Top of thumb here RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER o Individual o Corporate Officer Title(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: Top of thumb here RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: C 1994 National Notary Association. 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184. Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 Prod, No, 5907 Reorder. Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 I:'" "'1111 =-:IJ.. Ii Il:IIlrlI 11111'1 1:1 ~ I. ii r:'''-''WI{IJ .'J:I :I.. :"," ~(C1 :[111 J ~ II .'\1 ~ .'i'J ii II I =- :1.'l:.J:I: . .....?. ,.?~_..o.,=: RELIANCE INSURAM~CO.AHY RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY \1"""" RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA ,." 1':,;I'j . POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and that RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, are corporations duly organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and that RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of WISconsin (herein collectively called "the Companies-) and that the Companies by virtue of signature and seals do hereby make, constitute and appoint Laura L Plaisant, Kathleen Earle, Maria L Sasai, Michael B. McGowan, Steven N. Passerine, of San Francisco, California their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fad, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on their behalf, and as their ad and deed any and all bonds and undertakings of suretyship and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the Companies and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confinns all that their said Attomey(s)-in-Fad may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attomey is granted under and by the authority of Article VII of the By-laws of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY which provisions are now in full force and effed, reading as follows: ARTICLE VII - EXECUTION OF BONOS AND UNDERTAKINGS I. The Boord of Directors. !be' President. the CbairmaJI of the Boord. any Senior Vice President. any Vice President or Assistan. Vice Presiden. or other off..... desipated by Ibe Board of'Di_ shall have power and authori.y 10 (0) appoint Auorney(s)-in-Facr anet.o awboriz.e them 10 execute 00 behalf of the Company, bonds and W1dertakinp. recogniWlCCS, eootral:lS of indemnity and od1er writillp oblipri,ry in die nalllre !berenf, and (b) to remove any suell AlIDrney(s)-in-Fae. at any time and revoke the power and authority given to them. ~ Anorncy(s}-in-Faet shall have power and authority. subject to the terms anetlimitations of !be Power of Aaorncy issued to them, to cxecute and deliver on behalf of the Company. bonds and unetenakinp, recognizances, contracts of inetemnity and o!ber writinp obligatory in the nalUre thereof. The COrporalC seal is 11OlllCCeS!aJ)' for the validity of any bonds and undenakinp recognizances. COnttaclS of indemnity and OIhcr writinp obligarory in tbc nature _f. 3. Aaomey(s}-in-Faet shall have pow... and au!bority to execute affidavilS required to be atlacbed 10 bonds, recognizances, conttaclS of inclcmnity or other COIIditional or obliga<ory undertakinp and they shall also have po_r anet aulbotily to certify !be financial scuemenr of the Company anet to copies of Ibe By-laws of Ibe Company or any article or secliOlt Ibereof. This Power of Auorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adoptee! by .he Executive anet Finance Commil1CcS of the Boords of DirccIOrS of Reliance Insurance Company. United Pacific IIISW1lIlCC Company and Reliance National Indemnity Compauy by Unanimous Consent dared as of February 28, 1994 and by the Executive and Financial Commincc of Ibe Board of Directors of Reliance Surely Company by Unanimous COOSCIll dared as of Man:h 31, 1994, . Resolved thaI the signatures of such directors and off""", and Ibe seal of the Company may be afflXCd to any such Power of Aaorncy DC any certificates relatina; thereto by facsimile; and any sueh Power of AlIDnley or ecrtifJcare bearing such facsimile sipatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such Power so ex=Icd and ecrtified by facsimile s~ and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company, in the future with respect to any bond or uncIcrtaking to which il is attached. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused these presents to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this December 21, 1998. REUANCE SURETY COMPANY RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY STATE OF Washington COUNTY OF King } }ss. 7/I~t/, ~ On this, December 21, 1998, before me, Laura L. Wadsworth, personally appeared Mark W. Alsup, who acknowledged himself to be the Vice President of the Reliance Surety Company, Reliance Insurance Company, United Pacific Insurance Company, and Reliance National Indemnity Company and that as such, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained by signing the name of the corporation by himself as its duly authorized officer, In witness whereof, I hereunto set my himd and official seal. ~ ~ ~ ..\ ~ '. (\...\...\...:".0. ( . \~. . ary Public in and for the State of Washington . Residing at Puyallup - I, Robyn Layng, Assistant Secretary of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMP- ' ANY, .,nd RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 218T day of MAY . year of 1999. (~/. . / A~i~-'. THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK - HOLD AT AN ANGLE TO VIEW ^.... .~ o~'C..t'4 !..4.'.J)~t\'> ... t'" U t"" . . .... "- -So ~ ~'O c' 'IeHA"\) CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department June 9, 1999 Ken Neumeister Huettig & Schramm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: 535 Westchester Drive - Campbell Technology Park Landscaping and Fencing Maintenance Agreement File Nos.: GP 96-02, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 Dear Mr. Neumeister: In accordance with our recent discussions, I am enclosing the revised Landscaping and Fencing Maintenance Agreement. The Agreement was previously executed by the owner and the City. Therefore, we have enclosed an extra copy which has been highlighted in yellow where changes were made. I probably missed some, however, so please have the owner review the document and initial the bottom of each page. Please return the signed Agreement along with the insurance certificates and a performance bond in the amount of $10,000. Please give me a call if you have any questions. /'----', ( L/ Enclosure cc: Robert Kass, Public Works Director h:\landdev\ windrin\6 _9Itr(mp) 70 North First Street, Campbell, California 95008,1423 ' TEL 408.866,2150 . FAX 408,376.0958 ' TOO 408.866.2790 ...,~.C"'_1. i~" '.~.. - (' U r"' o " .. .. 10". (;~ .O.CH"'..O. . :~--//- _ ,.7. ~&~ h Le. t/l h/cd-Zhorr-- p-- ,41Cf Uu1t't.e{.1 81- City of Campbell- Community I1evelopment Departrirint ,/27/'6- 70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008 MEMORANDUM To: From: Distribution ~ Tim J. Haley, Associate Planner~' ) ",'IWe"i,J;2~l!1~.,.l.dIi, . .. " Subject: Winchester Drive In Approval The City Council at its meeting of December 8, 1997 adopted Ordinances Nos. 1953 and 1954 approving the General Plan Amendment and the Planned Development Pennit for the development of the Winchester drive in site. This approval is effective 30 days passed its adoption. I have enclosed copies of these Ordinances and the three Resolutions Nos. 9306,9307 & 9308 of approval associated with the development of this site for your records. If you should have any questions regarding these actions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 866-2144. Distribution: Kirk Heindricks, Redevelopment Agency mIew.~Jil~~i-W--ifBB& AiWliol\ Wayne Hokanson, County Fire Department Bill Helms, Environmental Program Coordinator Frank Cauthorn, Building Department Of'CAA( }..4.~" _, ~.~~ ... r" U !"" , . .... .... -so ... ~'o (~ "CHA"'" CITY OF CAMPBELL City Clerk's Office December 10, 1997 Mr. Ken Neumeister 900 Welch Road, Sui tee 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Dear Mr. Neumeister: At the regular meeting of December 8, 1997, the City Council adopted the following Ordinances: Ordinance No. 1953 - Amending the Land Use Element of the General Plan changing the land use designation of 19.58 acres from Commercial Destination to Industrial to a]bw a Research and Development Business Park and changing the land use designation of four acres from Commercial Destination to Public/Semi-Public for use a public open space on the former Winchester Drive-In Site. File No. GP 96-02: and Ordinance No. 1954 - Approving a Planned Development Permit, plans, elevations, development schedule and conditions of approval to allow the construction of a 280,000 square foot Research and Development Park and designation of a 4.0 public open space area, on property located at 535 Westchester Drive and 571 McGlincey Lane in a PO (Planned Development) Zoning District. Application of Mr. Ken Neumeister, on behalf of WTA Development and Heuttig & Schromm, Inc. File No. PD 96-06 Please find certified copies of these Ordinances enclosed for your reference and records. Should you have any questions in regard to the City Council's action, please do not hesitate to contact this office (866-2117) or Tim Haley, Associate Planner. Sincerely, ~~ City Clerk Enc. cc. Tim Haley, Community Development Department Kirk Heinrichs, Redevelopment Manager 70 North First Street . Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2117 . FAX 408.374.6889 . TOO 408.866.2790 MEMORANDUM Of.C-t.., ~.. A.~ .. f" t,) I'" o 0 ~ .. ~ .. ~. ,,' O.('H,."O. CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Tim Haley, Associate Planner Community Development Department ~f \' Jan ems ley Depti y City Clerk DATE: December 10, 1997 FROM: S~C:1r: General Plan Amendment and PO Permit - 535 Westchester Drive and 571 McGlincey Lane Please find attached certified copies of Ordinance No. 1953 and Ordinance No. 1954 which were given second reading at the City Council meeting of December 8, 1997: Ordinance No. 1953 - Amending the Land use Element of the General Plan changing the land use designation of 19.58 acres from Commercial Destination to Industrial to allow a Research and Development Business Park and changing the land use designation of four acres from Commercial Destination to Public/Semi-Public for use ~public open space on the former Winchester Drive-In Site. File No. GP 96-02; Ordinance No. 1954 - Approving a Planned Development Permit, plans, elevations, development schedule and conditions of approval to allow the construction of a 280,000 square foot Research and Development Park and designation of a 4.0 public open space area, on property located at 535 Westchester Drive and 571 McGlincey Lane in a PO (Planned Development) Zoning District. Application of Mr. Ken Neumeister, on behalf of WTA Development and Heuttig & Schromm, Inc. File No. PO 96-06 ORDINANCE NO. 1953 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CM.1PBELL AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF 19.58 ACRES FROM COMMERCIAL DESTINATION TO INDUSTRIAL TO ALLOW A RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS PARK AND CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF FOUR ACRES FROM COMMERCIAL DESTINATION TO PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC FOR USE AS PUBLIC OPEN SPACE ON THE FORMER WINCHESTER DRIVE-IN SITE. FILE NO. GP 96-02. The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Land Use Element of the General Plan of the City of Campbell, together with the amendments thereto, is hereby changed and amended as per Exhibit A, attached hereto. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within fifteen (15) days upon passage and adoption in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .at.h.- day of December roll call vote: , 1997, by the following AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Conant, Furtado, Watson Dougherty, Dean None None \,) APPROVED BY: ! - ~ tte Watson, Mayor ATIEST:~A- e Bybee, CIty Clerk ~/ //' (J C\ri~ o ..6.... EXhibit A f1 ~ 535 We.tehe.ter Drive . 571 MeGUncey Lane Generlll Plan AmendmC!nt for .ppl'O,rlmately 20 neres Crom Commerelnl to Industrial. PROJECT SrrE GP 96-02/PD 96-06/TS 97-01 S 97-05 I /I~ I I / I I I , @ )/ ~ NO SCALE PIIOtlECT alTE I FORMER WINCHE~TE~~~IN SITE DEVELOPMENf POLICIES A. Land Use 1. The land use is limited to industrial and open space uses. Industrial uses for the purposes of this site are defined as those uses listed below and as described in the Controlled Manufacturing Zoning District. Open Space uses shall provide a minimum area of 4 acres for public use and shall be located to minimize impacts on adjacent mobile home park residents. 2. Allowed uses as follows: a. Administrative, executive and financial offices; b. Manufacture, assembly, packag- ing or distribution of products from previously prepared materials such as cloth, plastic, paper, leather, metal, precious or semiprecious materials or stones; c. Manufacture of electric or electronic instruments and devices such as television, radio, phonographic equipr.nen~ computers and computer components; d. Manufacture of phannaceuticals and food products; e. Research and development laboratories and offices; f. Warehousing and distribution facilities including mini-storage; g. Commercial recreation and athletic facilities, including but not limited to health spas, gyms, tennis, handball, racquetball and batting range; h. Restaurants, when intended primarily to serve the immediate industrial area; 1. Retail businesses compatible with the CM zone. 3. The planned development permit application shall master plan developr.nent of the entire site. B. Development Intensitv 1. A floor area ratio (FAR) of approximately .40 is anticipated for this site. In conjunction with consideration a specific development application and a public hearing, the City Council may authorize a FAR exceeding .40 with the following findings: a. The additional FAR will not adversely affect the adjoining uses. 'b. The additional FAR will not adversely affect the local circulation system. c. The use characteristics are substantially similar to those envisioned by this General Plan Amendment. iL Adequate parking can be provided on-site. C. Traffic and Access 1. Development on this site requires a detailed traffic analysis which studies project traffic impacts on the local circulation network including appropriate intersections and neighborhoods in adjoining jurisdictions. The City should consult with the adjoining jurisdictions to identify the inter- sections and neighborhoods to be studied. 2. In conjunction with . development application for this site, the applicant shall submit information regarding off-site improvements proposed to mitigate traffic impacts and to improve site access. Details Special Project Areas - Winchester Drive-In Site shall be provided improvement and modifications. on road intersection a. Off-site directional signs consistent with the Sign Requirements. b. Criteria for the placement and size of building identification signs consistent with the Sign Regulations for industrial uses. D. ~ 1. Noise-generating facilities such as loading docks and mechanical equipment should be located away and/or buffered from residential areas. 2. Noise shall be attenuated where the site adjoins residential uses. 3. Public open space area shall be located at the southerly end of the site. E. LandscaoinlZ 1. The future development should provide a landscape buffer along the westerly property line to create an attractive appearance when viewed from Highway 17. 2. Dense landscaping shall be provided along property lines abutting residential uses. The landscaping should block views of the development and ensure privacy for residents. 3. Landscaping should be provided throughout the parking areas to provide shade and visual relief. The developer is encouraged to provide planters at the ends of parking aisles and to intersperse planters within the aisles. 4. Landscaping should also be provided to filter views of the building mass. F. Parkin2 1. The developer should provide data on the parking demand for the specific use. G. Sisrna2e 1. The developer shall submit a sign program. The sign program shall include: Special Project Areas - Winchester Drive-In Site ORDINANCE NO. 1954 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 280,000 SQUARE FOOT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARK AND DESIGNATION OF A 4.0 PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AREA, ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE AND 571 McGLINCEY LANE. IN A PO (pLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONING DISTRICT. APPLICATION OF MR. KEN NEUMEISTER, ON BEHALF OF WTA DEVELOPMENT AND HEUTTIG & SCHROMM, INC. FILE N_ After notification and public hearing, as specified by law, and after presentation by the Community Development Staff, the environmental consultant, Redevelopment Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the City Council finds as follows with respect to application PD 96-06: 1. The proposed 280,000 square foot research and development park and on-site and off-site improvements are consistent with the general project description and evaluation provided in the 1996 Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (1996 SEIR) and the Addendum prepared October 1997, which considered a 4 acre public open space component adjacent to the project. 2. On January 7, 1997, the City Council found and certified that the 1996 SEIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the Local CEQA Implementing Guidelines; that the 1996 SEIR adequately addresses the environmental issues of the project; and that the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the information in the 1996 SEIR, prior to making any recommendations to the City Council on the project and for the discretionary approvals necessary to the development of the project. An Addendum to the 1996 SEIR has been prepared evaluating a reduction in building square footage and addition of a 4 acre public open sp~e component. 3. The proposed project, subject to the proposed conditions of approval, incorporates a logical site layout and circulation pattern, sufficient landscaping and an attractive architectural design, and identifying a 4.0 acre public open space component for future development by the city. 4. The proposed lot arrangement, as conditioned, allows for the creation of four industrial lots along a private street and a remainder lot to be use as a 4 acre public open space component along a new public street. The proposed street layout and driveway locations address the circulation needs and anticipated traffic. 5. The improvements of local infrastructure including storm drainage facilities, water supply and roadway improvements will aid and encourage the redevelopment of neighboring industrial properties. City Council Ordinance No. - PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester Drive/57 1 McGlincey Lane Page 2 6. The site layout could accommodate a pedestrian/bicyc1e overpass over Highway 17 from the project site to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. 7. The development and subdivision of the property will not substantially change the proposed project from that examined in the 1996 SEIR and the Addendum in any way that would involve new significant environmental effects or substantially increase the severity of any previously identified significant effects. 8. The development and subdivision of the property will not substantially change the circumstances under which the project is undertaken in a way which would involve new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. 9. The development and subdivision of the property does not present any new information not previously known at the time when the SEIR was certified that would indicate that: a. The project will have any significant effects not previously discussed in the SEIR, or b. That any effects will be substantially more severe; or c. That mitigation measures found not to be feasible would now be feasible; or d. That mitigation measures or alternatives exist that are considerably different from those analyzed in the SEIR. 10. The Addendum adequately discussed and evaluates the development and subdivision changes necessary to accommodate a 4 acre public open space component. 11. Absent the easement, the development of the industrial park would impede access to and from the existing and proposed recreation areas in the City of Campbell. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the City Council further finds and concludes that: 1. The proposed development and uses as presented will result in a highly desirable environment and use of the land. 2. The development and uses are compatible with the recommended Mixed-Industrial and Public/Semi-Public Land Use and will aid in the hannonious development of the immediate area. 3. The development, as proposed, will enhance the health, safety or welfare of the neighborhood or the City as a whole. City Council Ordinance No. _ liiIiiii 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane Page 3 Based upon the above findings, the City Council approves the permit by adopting th~ ~71-....\, entitled plans and elevations; EeilIj, entitled Development Schedule; ~ entitled Conditions of Approval as per the apPIrnl'fion of Mr. Ken Neumeister, on behalf of WT A Development and Heuttig & Schromm, Inc. Copies of Said Exhibits are on file in the Planning Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of December , 1997, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: Conant, Furtado, Watson COUNCILMEMBERS: Dougherty, Dean COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None ATTEST: a-~ Anne Bybee, City Cler ~ Mayor THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT 18 /Ii TRUI AND CORRECT COpy OF THE OftIGINAI. OR FILE IN THIS OFFICE. : ANNE BYBEE, CITY 0LmU(, O~1Y PBELL, CALIFORNIA. 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I z ~ >- r: z w o i c ... 5 .m o - II Ii i 'I I I j. ,I I I' rl. I W en a: 6 o a: ~ z 52 I- o w en >- I- a: w c. o a: c. I- en < .w w Exhibit B DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester Boulevard/571 McGlincey Lane The development schedule shall be consistent with the adopted Development and Disposition Agreement which states that construction of the first building shall commence within two years of the City Council approval. Exhibit C -- Conditions of Approval - 535 Westchester/57 1 McGlincey Lane The applicants are hereby notified, as part of this application, that they are required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California. The lead department with which the applicant will work is identified. Additionally, the applicants are hereby notified that they are required to comply with all applicable Codes and Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California that pertain to this development and are not contained herein. SITE AND BUILDING DESIGN: 1. Approved Proiect: This approval is granted to construct a 280,000 square foot research and development complex of approximately 19.5 acres and the designation of approximately 4.0 acres of public open space on the south side of the site on properties identified as Assessor's Parcel Numbers 412-29-007, 412-30-035, 412-30-042 and 412-30- 043. Development shall be substantially as shown on the project and exhibit materials listed below, except as may be modified by conditions contained herein: (planning) A. The proposed research and development use shall substantially comply with the use description provided in the applicant's letter dated February 10, 1997, except as modified to accommodate the 4 acre open space component. The proposed industrial uses shall be conducted entirely with the interior of the buildings and not in the parking area, driveways or landscape areas surrounding the buildings, except for the on site parking and loading. Exterior storage yards and exterior tank: or processing areas are not permitted with this approval. Building use to be restricted to administrative and private offices, conference and training areas, and complementary engineering/research development, testing and assembly areas, including warehousing and shipping/receiving areas. B. Project plans prepared by TSH Architects (20 pages) dated 10/13/97. C. Project description by Huettig & Schramm dated 2/10/97. 2. Revised Plans and Elevations: Revised elevations and/or site plan indicating the following changes: A. Site Plan: 1. Landscaping along Highway 17 Frontage: Obtain an encroachment permit from CAL TRANS to install landscaping to infill existing openings along the Highway 17 frontage of the project. The applicant shall provide a maximum of 30 (15 gallon redwood trees) to achieve tree plantings 40-foot on center. Landscape Plan approval is required, prior to building occupancy and planting installation to be . completed within one year of building occupancy. In the event that the applicant is unable to obtain an encroachment permit from CAL TRANS, within the time specified then the applicant shall deposit funds with the City to cover the planting and installation of such trees, so that the City may pursue such permits. Exhibit C -- Conditions of Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 1 McGlincey Lane Page 2 2. Fencing: The proposed fencing along Highway 17 frontage and southern property west of the proposed public street to be a black vinyl clad 6 foot to 8 foot high, cyclone fence. A final fencing plan to be approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee in conjunction with the landscaping and irrigation plan prior to the issuance of building permits. B. Elevations: 1. Applicant to refine the building elevations to increase the building plane offset of up to two (2) feet at the lower window elements and/or add an additional trellis element from the concrete wall features on Buildings A, B, and C, and to install additional pillar treatments or other structures or landscape elements to accentuate the entrance to Buildings A, B and D. The refined elevations to be approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee (SARC) prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. Applicant shall extend the concrete parapet treatment at building corners where the radius "bullnose" treatment is shown. 3. All roof-mounted equipment to be screened by the proposed parapet walls or feature walls at the building entrances. C. Transportation Demand Management: Applicant to participate in a Transportation Demand Management (TOM) program for future tenants and to incorporate participation in such program through the covenants, conditions and restrictions. This program to incorporate, but is not limited to the following: 1. Provision of Bicycle Parking Facilities. 2. Provision of on-site food service facilities. 3. Participation in shuttle/car pool service to public transit facilities such as light rail stations or park and ride lots when these facilities are constructed. 4. Accommodation of bus stop locations, if public bus service is provided to the site. 3. Hours of Operation: Hours of operation of the industrial park shall be limited to 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. with the exception of the activities described below: (planning) A. Employee access to the site shall not be limited by hours of operation. B. Delivery hours shall be restricted per the project description. Trucking access is not permitted from 11 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. C. Operation hours of exterior activities (e.g. loading, unloading, outdoor recreation, etc.) to be limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for buildings C and D, located along the Exhibit C -- Conditions of Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 1 McGlincey Lane Page 3 east property line adjacent to the mobile home park. D. Parking lot sweeping, landscape maintenance, or other exterior activities that make noise shall be limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays. LANDSCAPING 4. Landscaping Plan: Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material and location and design of the irrigation system to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. The minimum size of trees and shrubs planted on-site, except as modified by conditions contained herein, shall be as follows: A. The applicant shall install forty-four (44) 36-inch trees and the remainder of all trees shall include fifty percent 24-inch box and fifty percent IS-gallon sizes. Tree types for the parking area shall achieve a 30 foot height in their canopy. B. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallons with the exception of accent shrubs that may be a minimum of 1 gallon. C. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a tree protection plan shall be submitted for all retained trees on the site. The landscape plan shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Standards (WELS). A WELS checklist shall be submitted with the final landscape plan. (planning) 5. Screening of Mobile Home Park and Protect Entrance: The applicant shall install a minimum six foot pre-cast concrete or concrete block wall along the east property line adjacent to the mobile home park and north property line adjacent to the apartments. Walls at the project entrance shall be not exceed 42 inches in height except for screening walls behind landscaped entry. Walls along the percolation ponds and in front of businesses shall be open or low and decorative less than 3.5 feet in height. The applicant shall submit a report from an acoustical engineer verifying that the height and the materials of the proposed fence provides adequate sound attenuation as recommended by the SEIR. 6. Tree Retention and Removal: Applicant to submit a tree protection plan prior to any grading and clearing of the project site. Any trees to be removed shall be replaced consistent with the WELS standards for tree replacement. STREET/SITE IMPROVEMENTS 7. Parking and Driveways: All driveways and parking areas to be improved in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code 8. Lighting Plan: Lighting from the site shall not spill over to adjoining properties. A lighting plan, indicating that lighting will not spill over to the adjoining properties, shall be Exhibit C -- Conditions of Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 1 McGlincey Lane Page 4 submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Community Development Director (CDD)prior to the issuance of building permits. (planning) 9. Soils and Geologic Re,port: A soils and geologic report shall be submitted to the Planning Department and Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. The report shall include the investigation of the site's potential for surface rupture, ground acceleration and liquefaction. The study shall recommend measures to reduce the potential for seismic hazards. (public Works) PROPERTY MANAGEMENTIUTILITIES 10. Property Maintenance: Before, during and after construction, the site shall be kept free of weeds, trash and litter. (planning) II. Garbage Collection: Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple- family dwellings and all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing and construction establishments. (Fire) 12. Trash Containers: Trash storage method(s) of a size and quality necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Any enclosure(s) located outside the building and loading area shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. (FirelPlanning) PUBLICSAFETY~LFARE 13. Handicapped Requirements: Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. (Building) 14. Underground Utilities: Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code. (public Works) 15. Utility Boxes and Back-Flow Preventers: Applicant to submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to installation ofPG&E transformer boxes and San Jose Water Company back-flow prevention devises, indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the CDD. (planning) 16. Equipment Screening: All mechanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened and approved by the CDD. (planning) 17. Roof Equipment: The applicant shall supply noise specifications for all mechanical equipment proposed. The applicant shall supply an updated noise study to verify that noise Exhibit C -- Conditions of Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 I McGlincey Lane Page 5 generated by the roof mounted equipment is not audible at the property line shared with existing residential uses and that the equipment complies with the following: A. The Campbell Noise Element standards. B. Should the noise level exceed Campbell standards, the noise report shall specify mitigation measures.( Planning) 18. Utility Connections: Plans submitted to the Building Division for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, storm and sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. (Building) 19. Construction Hours and Dust Mitigation: A. Hours of construction shall be limited to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless an exception is granted by the Building Official. B. The construction site shall be sprinkled with water as necessary, but not less than twice per day to control dust. C. Haul trucks and material stockpiles shall be covered. D. The construction area and surrounding streets shall be swept as necessary but not less than once daily. (planning) 20. Sewer: Comply with requirements of the West Valley Sanitation District for sewer hook up and utilities. (planning) 21. Non-Point Dischar~e Elimination Systems lNPDES) Permit: Applicant is advised that the Regional Water Quality Control Board will require that all construction on sites larger than five acres will require the project to be covered by an NPDES permit. Permit conditions may require construction and post-construction storm water management plans. The applicant is responsible for obtaining this permit and paying associated fees and providing plans as required. 22. Signing Program: Applicant to submit a signage program plan for approval of the Community Development Director for the project site, prior to the installation of any signage. Signing program to provide details and criteria for all exterior project signage and to include the following: a. Off -site directional signage for the project at the project entry at McGlincey Lane. b. Building/tenant identification signage. All signage to comply with Chapter 21.53 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Exhibit C -- Condition~ vf Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/571 McGlincey Lane Page 6 PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS P~/ ~/ Map Requirements: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare and submit ~ for review~and recordation upon City approval. The ~rocessing t~is $1,380 plus $25/10t. Applicant shall provide all documents as required for review and approval of the Final Map. Prior to approval of th~e applicant must provide evidence from each utility and special district tha~e of the filing of the Final Map as submitted, that the easements shown on the map are adequate for each utility to serve the proposed development and that the procedure for abandonment of any existing easements is acceptable. /24.) Dedication to City: Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall dedicate, acquire land for dedication and/or obtain dedications as necessary to accommodate construction of the required public street improvements for: the 45-foot public street access to McGlincey Lane; the 50-foot public street across the south end of the site; the right of way needed to construct the cul-de-sac and intersection at McGlincey Lane as shown on the approved tentative map; and the right of way/easements necessary (15 foot minimum) to construct the public storm drain system through the development and through the private Paseo de Palomas street. Applicant shall prepare all documents necessary to obtain the dedications and/or remove any existing easements, provide all information required for reviewing these documents and shall pay all costs associated with obtaining the required dedications and/or easements and recordation of these dedications. Should it be necessary for the City to implement eminent domain proceedings in order to obtain right-of-way, the applicant shall pay all costs associated with the condemnation proceedings, including attorney's fees. Prior to approval of the the applicant must determine the adequacy of the existing storm drainage eas g Paseo de Palomas. If the existing easement is not adequate for construction of the proposed parallel/upsized storm drain from the site to the existing system in Union Avenue, the applicant shall provide all documents necessary for the City to obtain this easement. These documents shall include all engineering plans, plats and descriptions of the easement required for construction of this storm drain facility. 25. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required storm drain area fee of$2,500/acre. 26. Grading and Drainage Plan: Prior to approval ~issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduc~es as necessary, prepare grading and drainage plans and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits for the site. Grading plans shall include the disposition of and abandonment of existing utility lines as necessary . Exhibit C -- Conditions of Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 I McGlincey Lane Page 7 Hydrology studies, grading and storm drainage plans shall include the public access road from McGlincey to the site. Storm drainage plans shall include existing invert and top of pipe elevations of the SCVWD culvert crossing the proposed roadway. Hydrology studies and storm drainage design shall include the drainage area bounded by Highway 17 to the west, Curtner Avenue to the south, the City limits to the east and the existing storm drain in McGlincey Lane easterly of the development to the north. The storm drainage plans for this drainage area shall include removal, replacement and/or installation of new storm lines as needed in McGlincey and Cristich Lanes to connect to a new and/or upsized storm drainage line required through the development, through the Paseo de Palomas private road and ultimately connecting to the existing storm drainage facilities in Union Avenue. Completion of this design is required to determine the appropriate size, location and invert elevations of the storm drainage facilities to be constructed on site that will allow for the future construction of the off-site storm drainage improvements in McGlincey Lane and Cristich Lane. 27. The applicant shall be required to construct only the portions of this storm drainage facility that are on-site and the connection to the existing system in Union Avenue through the storm drain easement in Paseo de Palomas. The applicant shall provide a "stub-out" to Cristich Lane to allow for the future storm drain construction off-site. Standard Street Improvements: Prior to approval of th~suance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare pl~~o~; securities and provide insurance as required to obtain an encroachment permit to construct public street improvements as required by the City Engineer. Public street improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer licensed in the State of California and shall include: . Construction of the 45-foot public street access to McGlincey Lane to include: 30-foot of asphalt concrete roadway; a standard marginal 5-foot sidewalk and a 5-foot landscaping strip along the west side of the street; a 5-foot landscaping strip along the east side of the street; no parking signs, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lighting facilities along both sides of the street; construction of driveways as required for existing parcels; and all conforms necessary to accommodate the existing improvements on the parcels south of the proposed development. . Construction of a 50-foot right of way public street along the southern frontage of the property to include: 35-feet of asphalt concrete roadway; standard driveway approaches for the entrances to the development; a standard marginal 5-foot sidewalk; and a 10-foot Public Utilities Easement along the north side of the street; a 5-foot landscape strip and a 5-foot separated walk along the southern side of the street; no parking signs for the northern side of the street, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lighting along both sides of the street. All improvements shall be designed and constructed to allow future continuation of the Exhibit C -- Conditions uf Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 I McGlincey Lane Page 8 improvements on Cristich Lane and an appropriate cul-de-sac terminus shall be designed and constructed at the western end of the new public street. · Construction of the intersection as shown on the approved tentative map and as directed by the City Engineer. Intersection improvements may include sidewalks, handicap ramps, signing, striping and increased street widths as shown on the approved tentative map. · All streets and their intersections with access points to the site shall be designed to accommodate all truck turning movements. Improvt"'1lents at the west end of the new public street shall be constructed to allow for a future connection to Cristich Lane. Street trees shall be of a type that will not grow to encroach or interfere with public traffic. · Construction of a complete traffic signal system and equipment, signing, striping, utility relocation and related improvements to provide for signalization of the intersection of Union Avenue and McGlincey Lane. The traffic signal system and equipment shall include but not be limited to: vehicle detection equipment, traffic signal standards, street lighting and electrical services; pavement repair; signing and striping and other components as required by the City Traffic Engineer. · Reconfiguration of the intersection ofMcGlincey Lane and Curtner Avenue to provide for a free right turn lane from southbound McGlincey to westbound Curtner, a free left turn from eastbound Curtner to northbound McGlincey and stop controls for westbound Curtner east of the intersection as directed by the City Engineer. Existing pavement in this intersection may need to be resurfaced to allow for the additional lanes and new striping pattern. · Provide signing, striping and pavement reconstruction at the intersection of McGlincey Land and the new public access road as necessary to provide lane configurations as directed by the City Engineer. · Construction of the storm drain facility extending from Cristich Lane through the development via storm drain easements to connect to the existing system in Union Avenue. Construction of storm drain facilities for all public streets including the public access road from McGlincey. 28. Completion of Public Street Im,provements: Prior to issuance of occupancy for the site, all public street improvements as required by the encroachment permit must be completed and accepted by the City Engineer and the applicant must provide the one-year maintenance security. 29. Landscaping Maintenance A~eements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall prepare and execute a landscape maintenance agreement requiring the development to post securities and maintain all landscaping, irrigation and irrigation facilities, walls and fences within all public areas, including the public access street to McGlincey Lane and the new public access road adjacent to the property. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to being executed by both parties and recorded by the City. Exhibit C -- Condition& vi Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 I McGlincey Lane Page 9 30. Underground Utilities: All new on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting and fee requirements of the serving utility company. Applicant shall submit a Utility Coordination Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of all utilities. The plan shall minimize the damage to all public facilities. 31. Soils Re.port: Provide a soils report prepared by a registered Geotechnical or Civil Engineer 32. Title Report: Provide a current Preliminary Title Report. 33. Street Name: The final map shall contain the City-approved street name for the new public street. 34. Storm Water Management: Comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board's industrial storm water general permit and California Storm Water Best Management. Practices Handbook, prepared by Storm Water Quality Task Force, Santa Clara Valley Water District. 35. Coordination with Capital Improvement/Other Proiects: Applicant shall coordinate with other city improvement projects within the vicinity. Location and installation of off-site improvements that may be required by other districts and utility companies shall be approved by the City. 36. Monumentation: Prior to recording th~e applicant shall provide security guaranteeing the cost of setting all monum~~on the Final Map. 37. Street Improvement Agreement: Prior to the approval of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement and post securities to guarantee the installation of the required street improvements. 38. Notification to Adiacent Properties: Prior to any construction activity on the development, applicant shall notify all adjacent properties, including the management of the adjacent mobile home park. Notification shall include a contact number for the developer which can be used by the property owners during construction should questions or problems arise. FIRE REQUIREMENTS 39. Required Fire Flow: Required fire flow for this project is 3500 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure for 3 hours. The required fire flow is not available from area water mains and fire hydrant(s) which are spaced at the required spacing. This figure based upon the largest of four proposed buildings (100,000 square feet) and with the construction type of Type 111- Exhibit C -- Conditions of Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/57 1 McGlincey Lane Page 10 Non Rated and the buildings being office type occupancies. Anything other than office will require flow re-computation. 40. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Required: Buildings requiring a fire flow in excess of 2,000 GPM and/or in excess of two stories in height (35 Feet) shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. The fire sprinkler systems shall be hydraulically designed per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard #13, 1994 Edition. 41. Final Required Fire Flow: Required fire flow may be reduced up to 75% in buildings equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems, but can be no less than 1500 GPM. Therefore, the final required fire flow is 1500 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. This flow shall be taken from any two fire hydrants, on or near the site so long as they are spaced at a maximum spacing of 250 feet. 42. Public Fire Hydrant(s) Required: Provide 4 public fire hydrant(s) at location(s) to be determined jointly by the Fire Department and the San Jose Water Company. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 250 feet and the minimum single flow hydrant shall be 1500 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. 43. Fire Apparatus (Ladder Truck) Access Roads Required: Provide access roadways with a paved all weather surface and a minimum unobstructed width of 30 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 50 feet outside and 35 feet inside, a maximum slope of 10% and vehicle loading of 75,000 pounds. 44. Fire Ladder Truck Set Up Area(s) Option: Provide Fire Department Ladder Truck Set Up Areas with a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet and a minimum length of 60 feet. Area shall support 75,000 pounds of gross vehicle weight. Area shall be paved or other engineered surfaces may be used with Fire Department approval. Note: A minimum of two locations per building is needed if this option is exercised. 45. Parking Along Roadways: The required width of fire access roadways shall not be obstructed in any manner. Parking shall not be allowed along roadways less than 28 feet in width. Parking will be allowed along one side of the street for roadways 28-35 feet in width. For roadways equal to or greater than 36 feet, parking will be allowed on both sides of the roadway. Roadway widths shall be measured face to face of curb. Parking spaces are based on an 8 foot wide space. 46. Fire Lane Marking Required: Provide marking for all roadways within the project. Markings shall be per fire department specifications. Installations shall also conform to Local Government Standards and Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications A- 6. Note: This will apply to portions ofCristich Lane as well as "on-site." 47. Timing of Required Roadway Installations: Required Roadway installations shall be in place, inspected and accepted by the Fire Department prior to the start of roof construction. Bulk combustible construction materials may not be delivered to the construction site until Exhibit C -- Conditior!~ ..Jf Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester!571 McGlincey Lane Page 11 installations are completed as stated above. Note: Tilt-up construction may occur prior to roadway installation. 48. Timing of Required Hydrant Installations: Required Hydrant(s) installations shall be in place, inspected and accepted by the Fire Department prior to the start of roofing construction. Bulk combustible construction materials may not be delivered to the construction site until installations are completed as stated above. Note: Tilt-up construction may occur prior to water system installation. 49. Fire Department Key Box Required: Provide an approved fire department key box and appropriate building keys for each building. Installations shall conform with Fire District Standard Detail and Specification K-l. 50. Emergency Gate! Access Gate Requirements: When open, gates shall not obstruct any portion of the required access roadway or driveway width. If provided, all locks shall be fire department approved. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications G-l. 51. Location of Required Fire Protection System(s) Equipment: Location of Fire Hydrants, Fire Sprinkler System(s) Post Indicator Valves (PIV), Fire Department Connections (FDC) and Fire Alann Equipment shall be coordinated with the Fire Department and the Project Planners. 52. Fire Sprinkler System Alann Device Monitoring Required: Provide approved type monitoring for all fire sprinkler system alann devices for each building. 53. Required Plans and Documentation: Final Written Plan for Project Phasing shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review. 54. Location of Fire Hydrants: Location of some fire hydrants will be required. Contact the Fire Department for details. 55. Through Connection to Cristich and Union: A emergency access connection shall be provided to the existing Cristich Lane from the new ''Public Street." Secondary access shall be provided from the 295 Union Avenue access. Once permanent public improvement is made to Cristich Lane, the Union Avenue access point shall remain as the third access point. Emergency access driveways shall be gated and designated as "Fire Access Only." 56. Secondary Access Required: Provide a secondary access point. Installations and Design of Secondary Access shall confonn to Fire Department Standard Details and Specification A-4. . Should secondary access not be immediately attainable to Standard A-4 specifications, apply in writing for variance through this department. 57. Required Plans and Pennits: Plans for fire apparatus access roads and fire hydrant systems shall be submitted to the Fire District for review and approval prior to Exhibit C -- Condition~ of Approval PD 96-06 - 535 Westchester/571 McGlincey Lane Page 12 construction. Permits are required for the installation of all Private Water Supply, Tank and Hydrant Systems and must be issued to contractors prior to the start of installation of such systems. 58. Emergency Vehicle Egress Access Easements: Emergency Vehicle Egress Access easements (EVEA) shall be granted and recorded to the fire department for emergency egress. 59. Private Fire HvdranUs) Required: Provide 14 private on-site fire hydrant(s) installed per NFP A Std. #24, at location( s) to be determined by the Fire Department. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 250 feet and the minimum single flow hydrant shall be 1500 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure. Prior to design, the project civil engineer shall meet with the fire department water supply officer to jointly spot the hydrant locations. 60. Botts Dots: All fire hydrants shall be identified in the proximate roadway with blue Botts Dots. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS 61. Graffiti: Any graffiti occurring on the exterior of buildings shall be removed within one week of its appearance or request for removal by the City and the applicant/property owner will make a best effort to seal off, landscape screen or other methods to discourage future access or visibility for graffiti taggers. !..~.'Of'C"-It...~", .. ,.. U ... o 0 ... . .. . ~ " O"CHAt.O CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Haley Associate Planner DATE: November 20, 1997 FROM: Jan,~ley DeLlty City Clerk SUBJECT: 535 Westchester Drive and 571 McGlincey Lane At the regular City Council meeting of November 18, 1997, the City Council held a public hearing to consider an application by Ken Neumeister, on behalf of WTA Development and Huettig & Schromm, Inc. for approval of certain applications for property located at 535 Westchester Drive in a P-D (Planned Development) District and 571 McGlincey Lane in an M-l-S (Light Industrial) Zoning District. After due discussion and consideration, the City Council adopted the following Resolutions: Resolution No. 9306 - Certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR-1996) and an Addendum making findings required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and making a Statement of Overriding Considerations in compliance with CEQA in the consideration of a project to redevelop the former Winchester Drive-In Site on property located at 535 Westchester Drive and 571 McGlincey Lane; Resolution No. 9307 - Approving a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map (TS 97-01) to allow the creation of 4 lots and a remainder lot on property located at 535 Westchester Drive and 571 McGlincey Lane, subject to Conditions of Approval; and Resolution No. 9308 - Approving a Site and Architectural Approval (S 97-05) to allow the construction of two off-premise signs and landscaping at the McGlincey Lane entrance to the site on property located at 571 McGlincey Lane, subject to Conditions of Approval. Please find certified copies of these Resolutions attached for your own records. Please note that I have prepared certified copies of these Resolutions for Kirk Heinrichs, Redevelopment Manager. '. RESOLUTION NO. 9306 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL CERTIFYING A SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT REPORT (SEIR-1996) AND AN ADDENDUM MAKING FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) AND MAKING A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH CEQA IN THE CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT TO REDEVELOP THE FORMER WINCHESTER DRIVE-IN SITE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE AND~71 MCGLINCEY LANE: WHEREAS, the following recitals summarize information more fully set forth in the attached Exhibits A & B, which is incorporated in this Resolution by this reference. Various capitalized terms used in this Resolution are more fully defined in Exhibits A & B; and WHEREAS, in June 1992 the City Council certified an environmental impact report (the "1992 EIR") that evaluated the environmental impacts of development of a proposed destination retail center on the former Winchester Drive-In site (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, in April 1994 the Agency acquired the Property and thereafter conducted land use and economic feasibility studies and a developer selection process, from which WTA Development (the "Developer") was selected to negotiate a disposition and development agreement (the "DDA") for development of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Developer proposed development on the Property of an approximately 330,000 square foot research and development and light industrial business park with related on-site and off-site improvements (the "Original Project"); and WHEREAS, because the Original Project contained land uses that vary from the land uses evaluated in the 1992 EIR, the City caused preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (the "1996 SEIR") in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the local CEQA Implementing Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the 1996 SEIR builds upon and incorporates analysis from the 1992 EIR that was certified by the City Council and that remains valid, while providing new analysis of environmental impacts that will be different as a result of the change in land use proposed for the Original Project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the Original Project on April 22, April 30, May 13, and May 27, 1997 recommending to the City Council certification of the 1996 SEIR and recommending findings for a statement of overriding considerations; and WHEREAS, on June 17, 1997 at a public hearing of the City Council to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation, and after receiving public testimony the City Council requested City Council Resolution No. 9306 535 Westchester/571 McGlincey Lane Pa2e 2 that the Developer present a redesign of the Original Project to accommodate a four acre public open space on the Property; and WHEREAS, the Developer has submitted a revised application proposing a 280,000 square foot research and development business park on 19.58 acres with the Agency retaining four acres for public open space (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Agency has prepared an Addendum pursuant to Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines to address the changes proposed between the Project and the Original Project and the City Council finds that the Addendum is the appropriate environmental document to address the changes between the Project and the Original Project in that the project: 1) will not result in substantial changes which will require major revisions of the 1992 EIR or 1996 SEIR due to the involvement of new environmental effects or a substantial increase in severity of the previously identified significant effects; 2) has no substantial changes proposed under the Project which will require major revisions of the previous 1996 SEIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; 3) will not have any new significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR and significant effects previously examined will be generally less, but in no case more severe than shown in the 1992 EIR and 1996 SEIR; and WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that the one significant effect previously examined (Air Quality) will actually be less severe under the Project due to less traffic generation but still _ remains a significant impact under CEQA; and WHEREAS, the 1996 SEIR and the Addendum have been prepared to serve as the CEQA document for Planning Commission and City Council in consideration of the Planning Approvals for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency serves as the "lead agency" and the City serves as a "responsible agency" under CEQA in the preparation and certification of the 1996 SEIR and Addendum; and WHEREAS, through this resolution, the City Council desires to comply with the State CEQA, and the Local CEQA Implementing Guidelines in the consideration, certification, and use of the 1996 SEIR and Addendum in connection with their consideration of the Planning Approvals. RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the above recitals and the information contained in Exhibits A & B are accurate. FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council find and certify that the 1996 SEIR and Addendum have been completed in compliance with CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the Local CEQA Implementing Guidelines; that in light of the 1992 EIR, the 1996 SEIR and Addendum adequately addresses the environmental issues of the Project; and that the Planning Commission and the City Council have reviewed and considered the information contained in the City Council Resolution h". 9306 535 Westcbester/571 McGlincey Lane Page 3 1996 SEIR and Addendum, in light of the 1992 EIR, prior to acting on the Project and the discretionary approvals necessary for the development of the Project. FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby finds and determines that the 1996 SEIR and Addendum reflect the independent judgment of the City Council. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby identifies the significant effects, makes a statement of overriding considerations, requires the mitigation measures, adopts the monitoring program to be implemented for such mitigation measures, and makes the findings set forth in detail in the attached Exhibits A & B. The statements, findings, and determinations set forth in Exhibits A & B are based on the previously certified 1992 EIR and 1996 SEIR, the Addendum and other information available to the City Council, and are made in compliance with Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines and Section 21081(a) ofCEQA. Passed and adopted this 18th day of November , 1997 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN : COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Watson, Furtado, Conant Dougherty, Dean None None APPROVED~I!J!kd- Barbara D. Conant, Mayor ATTEST: tL Uu,- Anne Bybee, City Clerk j:Seir96 EXlfiBIT A ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS, RECOMMENDATION OF MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORING PROGRAM, AND FINDING OF FACTS FOR THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE WINCHESTER DRIVE-IN SITE AND THE SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND ADDENDUM PREPARED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH I, GENERAL INFORMATION A. Project Description. On January 7, 1997 the City Council/Agency certified the SEIR and authorized execution of the Original DDA. The original proposal examined by the 1996 SEIR consisted of a 330,000 square foot research and development/light industrial business park on 23.58 acres (the "Original Project"). On June 17, 1997 the City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission requested WTA Campbell Technology Park (the "Developer") to present redesign of the Original Project to accommodate a four acre park or open space. The revised project (the "Project") under consideration by the City Council is the proposed sale and land use change of 19.58 acres from "Commercial" to "Industrial" for the development of an approximately 280,000 square foot research and development business park, and the proposed land use designation change of four acres from "Commercial" to "Public/Semi-Public" for use as public open space on the former Winchester Drive-In Site (the "Property") within the Central Campbell Redevelopment Project Area (the "Project Area") in the City of Campbell, California (the "City"). The Revised Project building square footage will consist of three, two story buildings ranging in size from 60,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet, and a 40,000 square foot single story building. The proposed site plan of the Project is contained in the Addendum to the 1996 SEIR. As a result in the change in project description, the Agency and the Developer have agreed to a First Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement (the "DDA") for the purpose of reducing the size of the Property to be acquired from 23.58 acres to 19.58 acres (the "Site") to accommodate a four acre public open space, to provide a more detailed description of the improvements to be developed on the Site, to make related adjustments to the purc~e price, and to address specific circumstances that have changed since execution of the Original DDA; As was the case under the Original Project, the Project will require removal of the deteriorated asphalt paving currently on the Property, and site preparation activities such as minor excavation, grading, and possible importation of engineered fill. Off- site improvements will include extension of water and utilities to the Property, -1- 1030Q6.PSO 12130196 traffic mitigation improvements to affected intersections in the area, access street improvements and the extension of storm drain facilities across the Property. B. Background: The 1992 EIR. The Property has been vacant for the past 15 years, and has been under various ownerships. In 1984, Caz Development was approved to construct a 420,000 square foot light industrial project. However the project was never built. In 1991, Western Federal Savings (then the owner of the Property) submitted a Planned Development permit application (pD91- 04) to the City to construct a 245,000 square foot destination retall center on the Property. At the same time, the Agency initiated an amendment to the Central Campbell Redevelopment Plan to allow for the addition of the McGlincey Lane Expansion Area, within which the Property is located, to the Project Area. The PD permit application for the Property and the redevelopment area expansion were evaluated together under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 ~ Sij., "CEQA") in an EIR during 1991-92 (SCH#91053013) (the "1992 EIR"). The 1992 EIR consists of a Draft EIR dated September 1991 (SCH#91053013) (the "1992 Draft EIR"), a Final EIR dated March 1992 (containing responses to comments received on the Draft EIR) (the "1992 Final EIR"), and Exhibit A to the 1992 Resolution (described below) (containing certain text additions to the foregoing documents). The 1992 EIR evaluated the then-proposed destination retail development of the Property at a project level of detail and evaluated the other projects proposed to be undertaken in the McGlincey Lane Expansion Area at a program level of detail. The 1992 EIR was certified by the City Council and Agency in a concurrent resolution on June 2, 1992 (Resolution Nos. 8322 and 1992-19, respectively) (the "1992 Resolution"). Findings were contained in the 1992 Resolution in accordance with CEQA, including a Statement of Overriding Considerations for impacts pertaining to regional air quality. The destination retail project for the Property evaluated in the 1992 EIR was not developed. The Agency purchased the Property in April 1994. Shortly thereafter, the Agency began a process to determine the optimum land use for the Property. In June 1994, a series of public meetings were held to receive early input into the decision making process. From those meetings a variety of ideas for the Property were obtained, including light industrial, commercial recreation, non-profit recreation, and other uses. These potential uses were then evaluated by an economic consulting firm, Economics Research Associates, to determine the financial feasibility of these uses. In August 1995, the Agency distributed a Request for Proposals (RFP) package to developers, corporations, or other parties that might be interested in purchasing and developing all or a portion of the Property. The Agency received eight proposals from developers. -2- 1030Q6.PSO 12130/96 1030Q6.P50 12130196 After evaluation of the proposals. the Agency entered into an exclusive negotiating rights agreement with the Developer. In December 1996, Agency staff concluded negotiations with Developer on the proposed terms of a disposition and development agreement (a "DDA") which was presented for consideration by the Agency and City Council at a duly noticed public hearing on January 7. 1997. The 1996 SEIR and Addendum. The Original Project as proposed by the Developer differed in land use from the destination retail project that was proposed and evaluated in the 1992 EIR in terms oi impacts related to traffic/circulation/parking, noise. air quality following buildout. land use. water supply, storm drainage. aesthetics, and alternatives. However, much of the information and analysis contained in the 1992 EIR remained valid for the Original Project and remains valid for the Project , particularly with regard to impacts involving air quality during construction, hazardous materials. cultural resources. geology, drainage/flooding. biological resources, cumulative impacts, and growth inducing impacts. Under these circumstances. the City Council determined that a Supplemental EIR (the "1996 SEIR") was required, in accordance with Section 15163 of the State CEQA Guidelines (defined below). to build upon the relevant aspects of the 1992 EIR and address the different potential environmental impacts that may result from the change in the nature of the Original Project compared to the project that was evaluated in the 1992 EIR. The detennination to prepare the 1996 SEIR was also consistent with the requirements of the 1992 Resolution calling for perfonnance of further appropriate environmental analysis when a specific project proposal for the Property was presented for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. The 1997 Addendum to the 1996 SEIR was prepared to address the changes between the Original Project and the Project. The changes do not lead to new, more severe potential environmental effects in that there is a reduction of 50,000 square feet in industrial building area being replaced with a four acre public open space area. There have been no substantial changes in circumstances, or new information made available relevant to the Project which lead to new, more severe environmental effects. No new, different or newly feasible mitigation measures have been identified which are applicable to the Project. The 1996 SEIR incorporates by reference the.l992 EIR. The 1996 SEIR consists of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report dated October 1996 (SCH#96082018) (the "Draft 1996 SEIR") and a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report dated December 1996 (the "Final 1996 SEIR") (containing responses to comments on. and making certain revisioris to, the Draft 1996 SEIR), as more fully described below. -3- 1030Q6.P50 12130196 The 1996 SEIR was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the State CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations Section 15000 S! seq., with particular reference to Section 15163), and the City's and Agency's Local CEQA Implementation Guidelines. CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines authorize preparation of a supplement to an EIR when certain conditions are present, and when limited additions or changes would be necessary to make the previous EIR adequately apply to the project in the changed situation. A supplement to an EIR must be given the same kind of notice and review as is given to an initial EIR. To that end, the Agency issued a Notice of Preparation ("NOP") for the Draft 1996 SEIR to the State Clearinghouse and others on August 7, 1996. The required 30-day notice period for the NOP ended on September 6, 1996. In addition, the Agency/City conducted a public scoping meeting for the Project on July 24, 1996. The Draft 1996 SEIR was circulated from October 2 to November 16, 1996 to various Federal, State, and local agencies for their review and comment. The Draft 1996 SEIR was also provided to the Campbell Library, and was made available to members of the general public. A public meeting on the Draft 1996 SEIR was held on October 29, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. at the Campbell City Hall Council Chambers. Approximately 10 members of the public were in attendance at the workshop. The Final 1996 SEIR was made available to the public and distributed to the public agencies that commented on the Draft 1996 SEIR on December 18, 1996. The Final 1996 SEIR contains responses to 12 letters received during the Draft 1996 SEIR comment period and to comments made at the October 29, 1996 public workshop on the Draft 1996 SEIR. The Final 1996 SEIR also contains text revisions to the Draft 1996 SEIR made a result of responding to the comments received. The 1996 SEIR (with the 1992 EIR as a reference) came before the Agency and the City Council on January 7, 1997 at a duly noticed joint public hearing, at which time the Agency and City Council heard oral testimony and received written communications. The CitY Council and Agency acting jointly certified the 1996 SEIR as complete and adequate. The 1997 Addendum has been prepared in compliance with Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines to address the changes from the Original Project to the Project together with any relevant changes in circumstances, new information or -4- potential new mitigation measures. While CEQA does not require a public review period for an Addendum, public notice of its availability for public review was provided beginning October 17, 1997, ten days before the Planning Commission public hearing to consider the Project, and 30 days prior to the City Council public hearing to consider the Project. D. Use of 1996 SEIR and Addendum: Imposition of Mitiszation Measures. Two primary sets of local discretionary approvals are required before the Project may be developed. The fIrst set of approvals consists of approval by the Agency, and consent by the City Council (with specified fmdings under the Community Redevelopment Law), of the DDA. The DDA sets forth the terms and conditions under which the Agency will sell the property to the Developer. A primary condition to the sale of the property is that the Developer must first obtain the Planning Approvals. Approval of the DDA is scheduled for consideration at a duly noticed joint public hearing on November 18, 1997. The Planning Approvals constitute the second set of local discretionary approvals necessary to develop the Project. The Planning Approvals include a proposed General Plan amendment, a Planned Development Permit, approval of a vesting tentative map, and Site and Architectural approval. The Planning Commission considered the Project at a duly noticed public hearing on October 28. 1997 and recommended certification of the 1996 SEIR and the Addendum as adequate and complete in serving as the CEQA document for the Project and recommended to the City Council making the statement of overriding considerations. In Section IV of Exhibit A of Concurrent Resolution 1997-1 and 9181, the City Council and Agency adopted specified mitigation measures to address potentially significant environmental impacts of the Original Project that still apply to the Project. Those mitigation measures are reaffirmed by this resolution and incorporated herein. No new or newly feasible mitigation measures have been identified by the Addendum or the Commission. In particular. no new or newly feasible mitigation measures have been identified with respect to carbon monoxide emissions, the one unavoidable potentially significant environmental impact of the project. If the City Council approves the Planning Approvals in their policy discretion, these adopted mitigation measures will be imposed through conditions of the Planning Approvals. Imposition of EIR mitigation measures through conditions of land use approval is the standard procedure in Campbell. and most localities, for imposing mitigation measures related to specific projects. Nothing in this Exhibit A or the Resolution to which it is attached will affect the City Council's discretion, as applicable, in taking action on the Planning Approvals, or in imposing conditions of approval in addition to the mitigation measures adopted -5- 1030Q6.P50 12130196 below. n. OVERALL FINDINGS Before the Agency and City Council may act upon the discretionary approvals described in Section I.D above, CEQA mandates that the Agency and City Council consider the record and make certain findings required by Public Resources Code Sections 21081 and 21081(a) and Sections 15091, 15092 and 15093 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The 1996 SEIR (which incorporates the 1992 EIR) and as amended by the 1997 Addendum, identifies potentially significant impacts on the environment which are likely to result from development of the Project. Based on the following findings as to each such impact, the 1996 SEIR concludes that changes or alterations have been adopted and will be incorporated into the Project which avoid or substantially lessen all identified potentially significant environmental impacts except for the local air quality impact identified in Section ffi. and in Section IV below. Further, as required by Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, a monitoring program is adopted for the mitigation measures stated in and required by this Exhibit A. The purposes of the fmdings contained in Exhibits A and B -include: (1) certifying the 1996 SEIR including the 1997 Addendum prepared for the discretionary approvals described in Section I.D above; (2) briefly describing and summarizing the potentially significant environmental impacts of the Project; (3) describing mitigation measures for, and alternatives to, the Project; (4) making a statement of overriding considerations for the one unavoidable, unmitigated impact and (5) presenting the Agency's and the City I S fmdings as to the impacts of the Project after adoption or rejection of the mitigation measures and alternatives. In addition, Section IV of Exhibit A to the Concurrent Resolution of the City Council and the Agency, Resolution Nos. 9181 and 1997 -1 respectively adopts mitigation measures for certain other environmental impacts that were addressed in the 1996 SEIR (including the 1992 EIR incorporated by reference), but determined not to be potentially significant adverse environmental impacts. The description of impacts contained in this Exhibit A is intended as a summary only. The 1996 SEIR, the documents, which it incorporates (including the 1992 EIR) and the 1997 Addendum, describe these impacts in detail. The City Council and Agency certify that the 1996 SEIR with the 1997 Addendum has been completed in compliance with CEQA and ~t it was presented to, and reviewed and considered by, the Planning Commission prior to acting on the discretionary approvals related to the Project. In so certifying, the City Council and Agenr;y recognizes that there may be "differences" among and between the information and opinions offered in the documents and testimony that make up the record related to the City Council and Agency actions. Therefore, by these findings (including Exhibit A of Resolutions Nos. 9181 and 1997-1 by reference), the City Council and Agency -6- 1030Q6.PSO 12130196 acknowledge and certify the clarifications andlor modifications of the 1996 SEIR, the 1997 Addendum, as set forth in these fmdings, and determines that these fmdings shall control and that the 1996 SEIR shall be deemed to be adequate subject to the determinations reached by the City Council and Agency in these [mdings, which are based on the substantial evidence in the record. ID. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT On January 7, 1997 the City Council and Agency adopted Resolution Nos. 9181 and 1997-1 (the "Prior Findings") certifying the 1996 SEIR as complete and adequate for the Original Project under the Original DDA. In compliance with Public Resources Code Section 21081(a) and Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City Council and Agency in adopting the Prior Findings made the appropriate findings regarding potentially significant environmental impacts related to the Original Project as identified in the 1996 SEIR, including the potentially significant impacts identified in the 1992 EIR that have been found to remain relevant to the Original Project and the Project. The City Council and Agency reaffirms the analysis and [mdings made based on substantial evidence in the record including the 1992 EIR, 1996 SEIR and the Addendum because the Addendum identifies no new or more potentially significant environmental impacts, and no additional available mitigation measures, the Prior Findings and Mitigation Monitoring Program are hereby incorporated by reference. For each identified potentially significant impact, the Prior Findings: 1) summarizes the impact, 2) describes and adopts applicable mitigation measures for the impact, 3) adopts a monitoring program for the adopted mitigation measures in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, and 4) makes one of the findings required by Public Resources Code Section 21081(a) and Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The City Council and Agency recognizes that in certain respects the Project contemplated under the DDA may have impacts less than those of the Original Project contemplated under the Original DDA as described in the Prior Findings. In particular, the Project will contain only 280,000 square feet of building space, not 330,000 square feet as noted in Section C.2.d of the Prior Findings. The Project will increase critical movement traffic volumes at the CamdenlUnion intersection less than the 1.35 percent as noted in Section A.2.a of the Prior Findings. Nonetheless, despite any reduction in impacts, the Commission recommends implementation of all mitigation measures described in the Prior Findings, and therefore reaffmns the Prior Findings on these points as well. IV. UNAVOIDABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACT -7- I030Q6.PS0 12130196 Based on the analysis contained in the 1996 SEIR (including the 1992 EIR), with the Addendum and Section ill of this Exhibit A, the following unavoidable significant adverse impact of approval and implementation of the Project is identified: The increase in concentrations of carbon monoxide at the Camden/Curtner and Union/Campbell intersections as a result of anticipated Project-related traffic would represent a significant unmitigated air quality impact because l-hour and 8-hour carbon monoxide exceedance would become worse under Project conditions. As to this significant environmental impact, the City Council and Agency finds that there are no feasible mitigation measures identified in the 1996 SEIR and Addendum that might reduce the level of significance of this impact, and specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the adoption of the only possible mitigation measure (as detailed in the Prior Findings) or the project alternatives (as detailed in Section V). Therefore, in order to approve the Planning Approvals, the approval resolution or other official approval action must contain the City Council's statement of overriding considerations (contained in Exhibit B) in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21081 (b) and Section 15093 (b) of the State CEQA Guidelines. V. ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT A. OVERVIEW OF ALTERNATIVES AND EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. Introduction. This Section V provides an introduction to and overview of the extensive evaluation of alternatives to the Project and reuse of the Property that has been performed by the Agency and City Council, in consultation with nearby property owners and the general Campbell community, over the past several years. This section evaluates four specific alternative uses for the Property in terms of environmental effects and ability to achieve redevelopment and other community objectives. The information and analysis is drawn from Section 5 of the 1992 Draft EIR, Section 4 of the Draft 1996 SEIR (as modified in the Final 1996 SEIR)including the 1997 Addendum, the ERA Alternatives Study, the Staff Reports on Alternatives, and other information known through deliberations and discussions on alternative uses for the Property. 2. Overview of Process Since 1992 EIR. Th~ 1992 EIR evaluated several alternatives for the Property in accordance with the State CEQA Guidelines, including the No Project Alternative and several alternative land uses on the Property. After the Agency purchased the Property in 1994, it conducted an extensive public process to determine the optimum land use for the Property. A variety of land use concepts for the Property were developed, and were formally evaluated in the ERA Alternatives Study (1995) and the Staff Reports on -8- 1030Q6.PS0 12130/96 10]0Q6.PS0 12130196 Alternatives (1996). The purpose of the ERA Alternatives Study, the Staff Reports on Alternatives, and the Agency's public input process was to help determine a land development strategy that balanced environmental considerations, Campbell's financial and non-fmancial objectives for the Property, and the ability to improve the McGlincey Lane area's infrastructure. Through a series of meetings and evaluations, four land use alternatives for the site were developed, taking into account and building upon the evaluation of land use alternatives set forth in the 1992 EIR. The predominant land uses in the four alternatives were: commercial recreation, industrial, residential, and public park. Because there was an interest in relocating the City's corporation yard to the Property, each . alternative then had two sub-alternatives or variations, one with and one without the corporation yard. The land sale or land lease revenue potential of each alternative was analyzed, in addition to overall municipal cost and revenue implications. The cost analysis included roadway improvements, utilities upgrading, park development, park maintenance, and other General Fund service costs. The Agency's evaluation on how to proceed with the use of the Property also considered the compatibility of the use with the surrounding neighborhood, other environmental issues as outlined in the 1992 EIR, the desires of the community, and potentially creative proposals which developers would be able to bring into the process. After the ERA Alternatives Study was received and reviewed by the Agency Board, the Agency decided to issue an RFP to developers, corporations, and other parties that might be interested in purchasing and developing all or a portion of the Property. The RFP did not restrict the proposals to a certain land use or development type; rather, it identified the range of four land uses that had been evaluated in the ERA Alternatives Study and encouraged submittals for creative projects that could meet the City's and Agency's financial and non- fmancialobjectives. The Agency received eight proposals from developers; four for commercial recreation, three for research and develoPlJlentllight industrial, and one for a private school. Upon extensive evaluation and public discussion. the Ageu:;y Board chose to negotiate with the Developer for the sale of the Property and development of the Project because the Project appears to best meet the goals and objectives established for the PropertY, taking into account relevant environmental impacts. -9- 1030Q6.PSO 12130196 3. Redevelopment and Plannimz Objectives. In determining what land use alternatives were viable for the Property, several objectives were considered including the following (the "Redevelopment and Planning Objectives"): a) Land Use Com,patibility. The Agency evaluated what kind of land use would be compatible where the surrounding land use consisted of primarily industrial uses bordered by a freeway. This setting makes a residential reuse of the Property very problematic. Additionally, residents of the Paseo de Palomas Mobile Home Park immediately adjacent to the Property are particularly concerned with a recreational use that might include sports activities, such as a golf driving range or sports fields where noise would be a concern. Development of a research and development/light industrial business park on the Property is generally viewed as the most compatible land use. The site reserved for a public park or open space in the Project as more recently modified is at the far side of the Property from the mobile home park and will minimize any effect on the mobile homes. b) Redevelopment Goals and Objectives. The Redevelopment Plan identifies several goals for the McGlincey Lane area, including improvement of Cristich Lane to a public street, extending storm drain to address existing point and non-point source water pollution concerns, improving water supply to provide adequate fire flow and to address inadequate fire suppression conditions in the area, and to facilitate the development of the Property which has been a blight in the area for 15 years. Existing redevelopment funds and anticipated tax increment revenues are not adequate to finance these capital projects. The net proceeds generated by the sale of the Property and the development of the site itself could help finance many of these improvements. Without such net sale proceeds, Agenr;y tax increment revenue from the area is not likely to be sufficient to fund new redevelopment activities in the forseeable future. c) Financial Feasibility. The City loaned the Agency $3.34 million to acquire the Property on a short term basis to help facilitate its development. The Agency determined that, at a minimum, the sale of the Property should genera~ enough revenue to retire the Agency's debt to the City, net of any Agency costs and obligations associated with the development of the Property. Based on the commercial recreation projecJS proposed, none were determined to be financially feasible under this standard, while the proposed research and development Project is estimated to provide a net return sufficient to fund certain public improvements including storm drain -10- and a four acre public open space area of benefit to the McGlincey Lane area and yield additional funds in excess of $2 million after costs and expenses. d) Public Open Spaces. In addition to the acquisition costs, developing and maintaining the entire Property as a public park would require an additional $5 to $7 million depending upon the extent of on-site improvements and required off-site improvements needed to develop adequate access and infrastructure to the Property. The focus of the Open Space Element of the General Plan is on creating more neighborhood parks; and in particular. the east side of Campbell is deficient of neighborhood park space. However, the Property is challenged in meeting many of the criteria established on page 8 of the Open Space Element of the General Plan for acquiring and developing open space. For example, the Property is not within walking distance to a significant number of Campbell neighborhoods, it is not particularly visible or accessible to Campbell residents due to lack of convenient pedestrian and vehicular access. and the frequency of commercial trucks and vehicles in the area does not provide a desirable condition for public open space and park land as defined by the Open Space Element.. Given the costs for development. a park occupying most of the 23.58-acre Property does not appear to be financially feasible , for a City which already supports a City-wide 30-acre recreational facility at the Community Center and John D. Morgan Park, a 2S acre public park. In addition. local youth sports groups such as the Campbell Little League. Bobby Sox. and Soccer Leagues have not expressed support, and other public agencies either did not express support or were not financially able to consider a pannership with Campbell for development of the site. In the Commission's April and May 1997 consideration of the Original Project, substantial community interest was expressed in setting aside some portion of the Property for public park or open space use. Based on the community interest, the Commission bas determined to recommend a four-acre public open space. The response by the Commission to recommend a public open space component is at least partially to address the need of a four to six acre -neighborhood - size park while preserving the development of the balance of the site for an economically viable commercial project that addresses the Agency's redevelopment goals and objectives in the area. -11- I030Q6.P50 12130196 These Redevelopment and Planning Objectives have been distilled from the General Plan, the Redevelopment Plan, the 1992 Report to City Council, the Agency's Implementation Plan, hearings and comment on the Original Project, and other evidence in the record, and provide a basis for evaluating the ability of various alternatives to satisfy the Agency/City goals for redevelopment of the Property. 4. The 1996 SEIR Alternatives Analvsis. Several of the land use alternatives for the Property evaluated in the 1992 EIR remain relevant and valid as alternatives to the Project for CEQA purposes. The analysis of these alternatives is incorporated by reference in the 1996 SEIR and is summarized in Section V.B below. Specifically, SectionV.B.l evaluates the No Project Alternative, as required by CEQA. Section V.B.2 evaluates two land use alternatives for the Property that were initially considered in the 1992 EIR and that have been a focus of continuing consideration by the Agency over the past three years, as outlined above: a residential use, and a large public park use. The only uses of the Property that have received serious consideration in the ERA Alternatives Study and subsequent Agency deliberations, but that was not evaluated from an environmental alternatives perspective in the 1992 EIR are the commercial recreation use and a small public park or open space in conjunction with light industrial development, which has now become part of the project itself. Section V.B.3 below provides a summary of the environmental and other impacts of a commercial recreation use, based on the new discussion of that alternative contained in.the 1996 SEIR. The 1992 EIR and the 1996 SEIR did not analyze any alternative location for the Project. Recent court cases suggest that CEQA may, where appropriate, require an analysis of alternative locations for a project, as well as alternative projects on the same site. CEQA requires that the alternatives be capable of obi.Jini"l the basic objectives of the proposed project (Section IS 126(d) of the State CEQA Guidelines). For the following reasons, it has been concluded that there is DO feasible alternative location for the Project. The Property is the only relatively large, currently undeveloped site in the City of Campbell or immediate environs that could accommodate a high-end research and development park of the size and scope contemplated for the Project. Assembling a sufficiently large site to accommodate the Project at another location in Campbell or its environs would result in business and/or residential relocation, demolition, public infrastruetUrc -12- I030Q6.P50 12130196 improvements, and conflicting land use in built-up neighborhoods that would cause more disruption and adverse environmental impact than would development of the Project on the vacant, relatively isolated Property. The costs of land assembly would be several times greater than the land cost of the Property, making development of the Project at another location in the general vicinity of the Property economically impractical for the Agency and any private developer. In short, an alternative location for the Project would be prohibitively costly to assemble and would cause more severe environmental impacts than locating the Project on the Property. Consequently, consistent with Section ISI2S(d)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, an alternative location for the Project is found to be infeasible and has not been evaluated further in the 1996 SEIR or this Exhibit A. B. SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES AND REASONS FOR REJECTION Following is a summary of the proposed land use alternatives for the Property evaluated in the 1996 SEIR (including relevant alternatives from the 1992 EIR as incorporated by reference). The reasonS for their selection as the most viable alternatives are addressed in Section V.A above. The likely environmental impacts of each alternative and each alternative's ability to meet the Redevelopment and Planning Objectives are briefly summarized and are compared to the environmental impacts and potential of the Project to meet the Redevelopment and Planning Objectives. Each alternative is rejected as being infeasible because it fails to meet one or more of the Redevelopment or Planning Objectives in a timely mSln~ and/or would cause various adverse environmental or fiscal impacts that can be avoided through implementation of the Project. The reasons for rejection of the alternatives are summarized below and are supported by substantial evidence in the record. I. The No Project Alternative. The No Project Alternative means that the Property would remain vacant (unless the Agency permitted reuse for ODe of the other alternatives analyzed separately below). Potentially significant adverse impacts of the Project related to traffic, noise, air quality, construction impacts, hazardous materials, seismic safety, and cultural resources would generally not occur under the No Project Alternative since such impacts are generally associated with the development process. The vacant site would be less aesthetically appealing to some observers then a well designed Project. On balance, the No Project Alternative would have -13- 1030Q6.P50 1213M6 I030Q6.P50 12130.196 the fewest adverse environmental. effects and would be considered the enviromnentally superior alternative among those evaluated in the 1992 EIR and the 1996 SEIR. Most important, the No Project Alternative would prevent the reuse of the largest and one of the most blighted parcels in the Project Area, thereby frustrating an essential purpose of the Redevelopment Plan and the Agency's Implementation Plan. For these reasons, the No Project Alternative fundame~tally fails to achieve the underlying Redevelopment and Planning Goals of the Agency and the City. On this basis, the rmding is made that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the No Project Alternative, and the No Project Alternative is hereby rejected even though it might prove to be an environmentally superior alternative. 2. Alternative Land Uses on Propertv Evaluated in 1992 EIR (as Uj)dated in l.22Ql. Several alternative land uses for the Property were considered in the 1992 EIR. Two of the alternatives - residential and larger public park - are relevant to the current consideration of alternatives to the Project because they reflect two of the four basic alternatives considered in the ERA Alternatives Study, the Staff Reports on Alternatives, and the Agency's recent deliberations on appropriate uses for the Property. Following is a brief summary of those two alternatives that builds upon the material in the 1992 EIR. a) Residential. Although the traffic generation rates are lower for residential uses on the Property than for commercial, office or industrial uses like the proposed Project, residential uses generate traffic in both the morning and evening peak periods. Residential uses also place a higher demand on City services and generate limited City revenues. A residential use in the Property would not be compatible with the elevated noise levels generated from SR-17 traffic, and marketing a residential development on the site would be difficult, given its access through and proximity to the McG1incey Lane industrial area. In summary, a residential use of the Property might be marginally superior to the Project from a traffic and air quality perspective, but would cause greater land use conflict and noise impacts than the Project. Overall, it is difficult to judge if the residential alternative would be superior or inferior to the Project' from an environmental perspective. On the other hand, the residential alternative would clearly fail to meet Redevelopment and Planning Objectives related to land use -14- compatibility. For these reasons, the finding is made that specific economic, social or other considerations make infeasible the residential alternative for the Property, and the residential alternative is hereby rejected. b). Lar2e Public Park. During the public seoping meetings for the 1992 EIR, several comments from nearby residents suggested the City . consider a park/open space use as the main use for the Property. In June 1990, the Cambrian Community Council also recommended that a park be considered for the Property as part of a mixed use project. A public park use would generate less traffic than the Project, and gencrally would produce more limited environmental effects related to air quality , construction impacts, hazardous materials impacts, cultural resource impacts, and seismic safety impacts. From this perspective, a large public park use would be the environmentally superior alternative for the Property (other than the No ' Project Alternative). However, a public park use would be susceptible to the same negative land use compatibility effects as a residential use at the Property, i.e., traffic noise and air quality impacts from proximity to SR-17. In addition, the Property would have no direct access to a public street and is not centrally located to the remainder of the Union A VCDUC neighborhood. Drive-by surveillance of the site would be difficult. Lack of public visibility is often a factor leading to security and vandalism at parks. As noted in Section V.A.3 above, the Property is challenged in meeting many of the General Plan Open Space Element criteria for suitable public park locations. Finally, a public park use alternative for the entire 23.58 acre site could cause negative financial impacts to the City and Agerr.y as described in Section VI.A.3. Park development could require $5-7 million of City funds and approximately $350,000 in annual maintenance costs could further impact the General Fund, possibly precluding f\1ndi"g other competing capital projects, including implementation of the Campbell Community Center Master Plan and future park acquisition and development in other areas of $C City. The Agency would lose the ability to generate net sale proceeds to fund other activities in the McGlincey Lane area or to repay the City loan. In April and May 1997, the Planing Commission considered the Original Project and after recommending certification of the 1996 SEIR.' recommended to the City Council that the project be redesigned to allow -15- I030Q6.P50 I2J3M6 1030Q6.P50 12130J96 for incorporation of a four acre public open space amenity on the Site. On June 17, 1997, the City Council in considering the Original Project and in response to the recommendation of the Planning Commission, requested that the Developer submit a redesign of the Original Project, to permit consideration of a four acre public open space area. The Planning Commission, in making its recommendation, acknowledged that while it was not desirable to develop the entire Site as public open space, the Open Space Element of the General Plan identifies a need for "neighborhood" size parks or opens space sites (4 to 6 acres in size), particularly in the Union A venue area (including the McGlincey Lane area). And while it is acknowledged that this area may not conform to all Open Space criteria, this condition does not create a potential adverse environmental impact. In fact, it may provide environmental benefit. For these reasons, the Commission has recommended that a four -acre park or open space be included in the Project as revised. This acreage can be set aside without an unacceptable significant effect on the economics of developing the Property and furthering the redevelopment goals in the area. In summary, while a public park use over the entire Site would prove environmentally superior to the Project, that alternative would fail to satisfy nearly all of the community's Redevelopment and Planning Objectives in the McGlincey Lane area. For these reasons, the finding is made that specific economic, social or other considerations make feasible the partial use of the Site for public open space use and infeasible the entire use of the Site for public park and the use of the entire Site for a public park alternative is hereby rejected. 3. The Commercial Recreation Alternative. A commercial recreation land use on the Property might consist of a golf practice range, a family recreation complex, a buffer area between the site and the mobile home park, and possible inclusion of the City corporation yard. The golf practice range is assumed to have 50 stations on two levels, and a club house/pro shop of about 2,000 square feet. The family recreation complex may include uses such as. an arcade, restaurant, m.iniatur~ golf course, go-cart track, batting cages, bumper rides, children rides, and "soft play" area. Most of these activities would be outdoors. A commercial recreation alternative would generate approximately 5,800 vehicle trips daily (as opposed to an estimated 2,538 daily trips for the Project), but the trips would likely be distributed more evenly throughout a -16- 24-hour period than the AM/PM peak: distribution associated with the proposed Project. A substantial number of trips would be generated in the late afternoon and evening, when children are not in school. This alternative would also generate higher noise levels than the proposed Project, because the majority of activities would take place outdoors. Several activities, such as go-carts, bumper cars, and children rides, could generate substantial noise levels which may impact the Paseo de Palomas mobile home park. Other variants of a commercial recreation alternative might have fewer high-noise impacts, but any commercial recreation variant involving outdoor activities is likely to have noise impacts that exceed those anticipated for the Project. Environmental effects of a commercial recreation alternative related to construction impacl, hazardous materials, and cultural resource disturbance are likely to be similar to the anticipated impacts of the Project. A commercial recreation alternative would fail to mee~ fundamental Redevelopment and Planning Objectives related to land use compatibility problems with the adjacent mobile home park (see Section V A.3 above). One variant of the commercial recreation alternative considered by the Agency was the proposal in response to the development RFP submitted by a non-profit recreational entity called "Sports Mall". When other development proposals were rejected by the Agency Board, the "Sports Mall Task Force" was provided an opportunity to demonstrate the financial viability of their project. The Sports Mall proposal includes various indoor and outdoor sports activities on a lease or membership basis. An independent economic report commissioned by the Task Force indicated that financing for such a project was tenuous. It was determined that this kind of facility would likely serve as a regional rather than local resource, and no other public agencies were willing to step forward at that time to participate in financing such a project. The Task Force was not able to adequately demonstrate the financial viability of their project, and the proposed sports mall concept was not considered further. For these reasons, the rmding is made that specific economic, social or other considerations make infeasible the commercial recreation alternative for the Property, and the commercial recreation alternative is hereby rejected. C. OVERALL FINDING REGARDING ALTERNATIVES After consideration of a reasonable range of identified alternatives to the Project, the Agency and the City Council find that none is as beneficial to the community as the proposed Project in terms of achieving the Redevelopment and Planning Objectives, and that because of each alternative's inability to achieve one or more of the Redevelopment and Planning Objectives, each -17- J030Q6.P50 J2I30196 1030Q6.PSO 12130196 identified alternative is rejected as being infeasible. -18- ... RESOLUTION NO. 9307 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A VESTING ~.ALLOW THE CREATION OF 4 LOTS RE~OT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE AND 571 McGLINCEY LANE. APPLICATION OF MR. KEN NEUMEISTER, ON BEHALF OF WTA DEVELOPMENT AND HEUTTIG & SCHROMM, INe. FILE NO. TS 97-01. After notification and public hearing, as specified by law, and after presentation by the Community Development Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the City Council did find as follows with respect to application TS 97-01. 1. The proposed lots are of sufficient size and shape to accommodate the intended mixed uses 2. The proposed map is consistent with the Planned Development Application (pD 96-06) which has been recommended for approval subject to the proposed conditions of approval. 3. The proposed subdivision layout provides sufficient open space to accommodate the intended users of the facility and the surrounding area with inclusion of a 4.0 acre public open space area. 4. The design of the proposed subdivision allows for the appropriate grading and drainage facilities, public utility easements, improvement of utilities, and private driveway and access easements necessary to serve these properties. 5. The 1996 SEIR and its addendum prepared for the development of the project identifies the impacts associated with the development of this site with four industrial buildings 6. Absent the easement, the development of the industrial park would impede access to and from the existing and proposed recreation areas in the City of Campbell. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, the City Council further finds and concludes that, subject to the imposed conditions: 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the policies and intent of the recommended General Plan Amendment. 2. The proposed subdivision does not impair the balance between the housing needs of the region and the public service needs of the residents and available fiscal and environmental resources; 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development and the proposed lot pattern. City Council Resolution No. 9307 TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/57! McGlincey Lane Page 2 4. The design of the subdivision provides, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities. 5. The subdivision of the property does not alter the intensity or impacts of the project as examined in the SEIR previously certified by the City Council on January 7, 1997, and as discussed in the addendum, the revised project presents a less intensive use than the original project. 6. There is no substantial evidence that the subdivision of the property, in-and-of itself, may have a significant effect on the environment. 7. The subdivision of the property will not substantially change the proposed project from that examined in the SEIR in any way that would involve new significant environmental effects or a substantially increase the severity of any previously identified significant effects. 8. The subdivision of the property will not substantially change the circumstances under which the project is undertaken in a way which would involve new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. 9. The subdivision of the property does not present any new information not previously known at the time the SEIR was certified that would indicate that: a. The project will have any significant effects not previously discussed in the SEIR, or b. That any effects will be substantially more severe; or c. That mitigation measures found not to be feasible would not be feasible; or d. That mitigation measures or alternatives exist that are considerably different from those analyzed in the SEIR. 10. The subdivision does not require any minor additions or changes to the SEIR or its addendum. The applicants are hereby notified, as part of this application, that they are required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California. The lead department with which the applic~t will work is identified. Additionally, the applicants are hereby notified that they are required to comply with all applicable Codes and Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California that pertain to this development and are not contained herein. PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS 1. Map Requirements: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare and submit a Final Tract Map for review by City Engineer and recordation upon City approval. The current fee for processing the Final Tract Map is $1,380 plus City Council Resolution No. 9307 TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane Page 3 $25/10t. Applicant shall provide all documents as required for review and approval of the Final Map. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the applicant must provide evidence from each utility and special district that they approve of the filing of the Final Map as submitted, that the easements shown on the map are adequate for each utility to serve the proposed development and that the r>rocedure for abandonment of any existing easements is acceptable. 2. Dedication to City: Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall dedicate, acquire land for dedication and/or obtain dedications as necessary to accommodate construction of the required public street improvements for: the 45-foot public street access to McGlincey Lane; the 50-foot public street across the south end of the site; the'right of way needed to construct the cul-de-sac and intersection at McGlincey Lane as shown on the approved tentative map; and the right of way/easements necessary (15-foot minimum) to construct the public storm drain system through the development and through the private Paseo de Palomas street. Applicant shall prepare all documents necessary to obtain the dedications and/or remove any existing easements, provide all information required for reviewing these documents and shall pay all costs associated with obtaining the required dedications and/or easements and recordation of these dedications. Should it be necessary for the City to implement eminent domain proceedings in order to obtain right-of-way, the applicant shall pay all costs associated with the condemnation proceedings, including attorney's fees. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the applicant must determine the adequacy of the existing storm drainage easement along Paseo de Palomas. If the existing easement is not adequate for construction of the proposed parallel/up sized storm drain from the site to the existing system in Union Avenue, the applicant shall provide all documents necessary for the City to obtain this easement. These documents shall include all engineering plans, plats and descriptions of the easement required for construction of this storm drain facility. 3. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required storm drain area fee of $2,500/acre. 4. Grading and Drainage Plan: Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies as necessary, prepare grading and drainage plans and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits for the site. Grading plans shall include the disposition of and abandonment of existing utility lines as necessary. City Council Resolution No. 9307 TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane Page 4 Hydrology studies, grading and storm drainage plans shall include the public access road from McGlincey to the site. Storm drainage plans shall include existing invert and top of pipe elevations of the SCVWD culvert crossing the proposed roadway. Hydrology studies and storm drainage design shall include the drainage area bounded by Highway 17 to the west, Curtner Avenue to the south, the City limits to the east and the existing storm drain in McGlincey Lane easterly of the development to the north. The storm drainage plans for this drainage area shall include removal, replacement and/or installation of new storm lines as needed in McGlincey and Cristich Lanes to connect to a new and/or upsized storm drainage line required through the development, through the Paseo de Palomas private road and ultimately connecting to the existing storm drainage facilities in Union Avenue. Completion of this design is required to determine the appropriate size, location and invert elevations of the storm drainage facilities to be constructed on site that will allow for the future construction of the off-site storm drainage improvements in McGlincey Lane and Cristich Lane. The applicant shall be required to construct only the portions of this storm drainage facility that are on-site and the connection to the existing system in Union Avenue through the storm drain easement in Paseo de Palomas. The applicant shall provide a "stub-out" to Cristich Lane to allow for the future storm drain construction off-site. 5. Standard Street Improvements: Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare plans, pay fees, post securities and provide insurance as required to obtain an encroachment permit to construct public street improvements as required by the City Engineer. Public street improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer licensed in the State of California and shall include: . Construction of the 45-foot public street access to McGlincey Lane to include: 30-foot of asphalt concrete roadway; a standard marginal 5-foot sidewalk and a 5-foot landscaping strip along the west side of the street; a 5-foot landscaping strip along the east side of the street; no parking signs, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lighting facilities along both sides of the street; construction of driveways as required for existing parcels; and all conforms necessary to accommodate the existing improvements on the parcels south of the proposed development. . Construction of a 50-foot right of way public street along the southern frontage of the property to include: 35-feet of asphalt concrete roadway; standard driveway approaches for the entrances to the development; a standard marginal 5-foot sidewalk; and a 10-foot Public Utilities Easement along the north side of the street; a 5-foot landscape strip and a 5-foot separated walk along the southern side of the street; no parking signs for the northern side of the street, signing and striping, standard curb and City Council Resolution No. 9307 TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane Page 5 gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lighting along both sides of the street All improvements shall be designed and constructed to allow future continuation of the improvements on Cristich Lane and an appropriate cul-de-sac terminus shall be designed and constructed at the western end of the new public street. . Construction of the intersection as shown on the approved tentative map and as directed by the City Engineer. Intersection improvements may include sidewalks, handicap ramps, signing, striping and increased street widths as shown on the approved tentative map. . All streets and their intersections with access points to the site shall be designed to accommodate all truck turning movements. Improvements at the west end of the new public street shall be constructed to allow for a future connection to Cristich Lane. Street trees shall be of a type that will not grow to encroach or interfere with public traffic. . Construction of a complete traffic signal system and equipment, signing, striping, utility relocation and related improvements to provide for signalization of the intersection of Union Avenue and McGlincey Lane. The traffic signal system and equipment shall include but not be limited to: vehicle detection equipment, traffic signal standards, street lighting and electrical services; pavement repair; signing and striping and other components as required by the City Traffic Engineer. . Reconfiguration of the intersection of McGlincey Lane and Curtner Avenue to provide for a free right turn lane from southbound McGlincey to westbound Curtner, a free left turn from eastbound Curtner to northbound McGlincey and stop controls for westbound Curtner east of the intersection as directed by the City Engineer. Existing pavement in this intersection may need to be resurfaced to allow for the additional lanes and new striping pattern. . Provide signing, striping and pavement reconstruction at the intersection of McGlincey Land and the new public access road as necessary to provide lane configurations as directed by the City Engineer. . Construction of the storm drain facility extending from Cristich Lane through the development via storm drain easements to connect to the existing system in Union Avenue. Construction of storm drain facilities for all public streets including the public access road from McGlincey. 6. Completion of Public Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of occupancy for the site, all public street improvements as required by the encroachment permit must be completed and accepted by the City Engineer and the applicant must provide the one-year maintenance security. 7. Landscaping Maintenance Agreements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall prepare and execute a landscape maintenance agreement requiring the development to post securities and maintain all landscaping, irrigation and irrigation facilities, walls and fences within all public areas, including the public access street to City Council Resolution No. 9307 TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane Page 6 McGlincey Lane and the new public access road adjacent to the property. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to being executed by both parties and recorded by the City. 8.. Underground Utilities: All new on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting and fee requirements of the serving utility company. Applicant shall submit a Utility Coordination Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of all utilities. The plan shall minimize the damage to all public facilities. 9.. Soils Re,port: Provide a soils report prepared by a registered Geotechnical or Civil Engineer 10. Title Report: Provide a current Preliminary Title Report. 11. Street Name: The final map shall contain the City-approved street name for the new public street. 12. Storm Water Management: Comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board's industrial storm water general permit and California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook, prepared by Storm Water Quality Task Force, Santa Clara Valley Water District. 13. Coordination with Capital Improvement/Other Proiects: Applicant shall coordinate with other city improvement projects within the vicinity. Location and installation of off-site improvements that may be required by other districts and utility companies shall be approved by the City. 14. Monumentation: Prior to recording the Final Map, the applicant shall provide security guaranteeing the cost of setting all monuments as shown on the Final Map. 15. Street Improvement Aifeement: Prior to the approval of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement and post securities to guarantee the installation of the required street improvements. 16. Notification to Adjacent Properties: Prior to any construction activity on the development, applicant shall notify all adjacent properties, including the management of the adjacent mobile home park. Notification shall include a contact number for the developer which can be used by the property owners during construction should questions or problems arise. City Council Resolution No. ~07 TS 97-01 - 535 Westchester Drive/57! McGlincey Lane Page 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION 17. Emergency Vehicle Egress Access Easements: Emergency Vehicle Egress Access easements (EVEA) shall be granted and recorded to the fire department for emergency egress. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of vote: November, 1997, by the following roll call AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Watson, Furtado, Conant Dougherty, Dean None None APPROV~~IJ. ~ Barbara D. Conant, Mayor ATTEST: ~~ Ariiie Bybee, CIty C erk t.AENT 18 A '""" 1M! FOI'\~OOlNO IN~~F THi ORIGI- CORRECT COP :0 FILE IN THIS OFFICE. GIn . ,.",,,,E BvaEE, CITY cLIRK. . Ii. . PBEI.L- CALI FoRM'" , Of ' ~tkJ:- 6 RESOLUTION NO. 9308 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL (S 97-05) TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO OFF-PREMISE SIGNS AND LANDSCAPING AT THE McGLINCEY LANE ENTRANCE TO THE SITE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 571 McGLINCEY LANE. APPLICATION OF MR. KEN NEUMEISTER, ON BEHALF OF WT A DEVELOPMENT AND HEUTTIG & SCHROMM, INC. FILE NO. S 97-05 After notification and public hearing, as specified by law, and after presentation by the Community Development Staff, environmental consultant, Redevelopment Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the City Council finds as follows with respect to application S 97-05: 1. The proposed entry signage and landscaping is a permitted use for the site and is consistent with the M-I-S (Light Industrial) zoning designation and Industrial General Plan land use designation for the site. 2. The proposed project is of an appropriate scale and design and is compatible with the existing surrounding uses. 3. The proposed project site is of adequate size to develop the proposed entry feature and street. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, the City Council further finds and concludes that: 1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, or be detrimental or injurious to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 2. The proposed project will aid in the harmonious development of the surrounding environment. 3. The proposed use is compatible with the surrounding uses in the area, subject to the Conditions of Approval. City Council Resolution No. -9..lQ.8 S 97-05 - 535 Westchester Drive/57 I McGlincey Lane Page 2 4. The conditions of approval are roughly proportional and reasonably related in nature and extent to the impacts of the project. Further, the applicants are notified as part of this application that they are required to comply with all applicable Codes and Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California which pertain to this application and are not herein specified. And, that this approval is granted subject to the following Conditions of Approval. 1. Landscaping Plan: Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material and location of the irrigation system, type and design of proposed walls or fencing to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. The minimum size of trees and shrubs planted on-site, except as modified by conditions contained herein, shall be as follows: A. Trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallon. Twenty four inch box trees shall be required as a mitigation measure for all removed trees. B. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallons with the exception of accent shrubs that shall be a minimum of I gallon. The landscape plan shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Standards (WELS). A WELS checklist shall be submitted with the final landscape plan. (planning) 2. Property Maintenance: Before and during construction, the site shall be kept free of weeds, trash and litter. (planning) 3. Underground Utilities: Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code. (Public Works) 4. Utility Boxes and Back-Flow Preventers: Applicant to submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to installation of PG&E transfonner boxes and San Jose Water Company back-flow prevention devises, indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the COD. (planning) 5. Sil:!l1ing Prosrram: Applicant to submit a signage program plan for approval of the Community Development Director for the project site, prior to the installation of any signage. Signing program to provide details and criteria for all exterior project signage and to include the following: A. Off -site directional signage for the project at the project entry at McGlincey Lane. B. Building/tenant identification signage. All signage to comply with Chapter 21.53 of the Campbell Municipal Code. City Council Resolution No. ~ S 97-05 - 535 Westchester Drive/571 McGlincey Lane Page 3 6. Standard Street Improvements: Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare plans, pay fees, post securities and provide insurance as required to obtain an encroachment permit to construct public street improvements as required by the City Engineer. Public street improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer licensed in the State of California and shall include but not be limited to the following unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer: . Construction of the 45-foot public street access to McGlincey Lane to include: 30- foot of asphalt concrete roadway; a standard marginal 5-foot sidewalk and a 5-foot landscaping strip along the west side of the street; a 5-foot landscaping strip along the east side of the street; no parking signs, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lighting facilities along both sides of the street; construction of driveways as required for existing parcels; and all conforms necessary to accommodate the existing improvements on the parcels south of the proposed development. 7. Gradinl! and Drainage Plan: Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies as necessary, prepare grading and drainage plans and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits for the site. Grading plans shall include the procedure to be followed for abandonment of existing utility lines. Hydrology studies, grading and storm drainage plans shall include the public access road from McGlincey to the site. Storm drainage plans shall include existing invert and top of pipe elevations of the SCVWD culvert crossing the proposed roadway. Hydrology studies and storm drainage design shall include the drainage area bounded by Highway 17 to the west, Curtner Avenue to the south, the City limits to the east and the existing storm drain in McGlincey Lane easterly of the development to the north. The storm drainage plans for this drainage area shall include removal, replacement and/or installation of new storm lines as needed in McGlincey and Cristich Lanes to connect to a new and/or upsized storm drainage line required through the development, through the Paseo de Palomas private road and ultimately connecting to the existing storm drainage facilities in Union Avenue. Completion of this design is required to determine the appropriate size, location and invert elevations of the storm drainage facilities to be constructed on site that will allow for the future construction of the off-site storm drainage improvements in McGlincey Lane and Cristich Lane. The applicant shall be required to construct only the portions of this storm drainage facility that are on-site and the connection to the existing system in Union Avenue through the Paseo de Palomas private road. The applicant shall provide a "stub-out" to City Council Resolution No. 9308 S 97-05 - 535 Westchester Drive/57 1 McGlincey Lane Page 4 Cristich Lane to allow for the future storm drain construction off-site. 8. Completion of Public Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of occupancy for the site, all public street improvements as required by the encroachment permit must be completed and accepted by the City Engineer and the applicant must provide the one-year maintenance security. 9. Landscaping Maintenance A2feements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall prepare and execute a landscape maintenance agreement requiring the developer to post securities and maintain all landscaping, irrigation and irrigation facilities, walls and fences within all public areas, including the public access street to McGlincey Lane and the new public access road adjacent to the property. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to being executed by both parties and recorded by the City. 10. Title Report: Provide a current Preliminary Title Report. 11. Coordination with Capital Improvement/Other Proiects: Applicant shall coordinate with other city improvement projects within the vicinity. Location and installation of off-site improvements that may be required by other districts and utility companies shall be approved by the City. 12. Street Improvement A~eement: Prior to the approval of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement and post securities to guarantee the installation of the required street improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of November vote: , 1997, by the following roll call AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: Watson, Furtado, Conant COUNCILMEMBERS: Dougherty, Dean COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None '---411. .. 1 . I. .. J(l ;(J.. 1. APPROVED:~' L.I-1/.I..Jt.T Barbara D. Conant, Mayor ATTEST: ~ ~ Anne Bybee, Ity C er 1ME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRUI AND CORRECT copy OF THE ORUIINMo OR FILE IN THIS OFFICE. : ANNE BYBEE, CITY CLERK, oa:rt PBELL, ALl FORNIA. (;Y lLL~ t) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: 10/17/97 FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer ~ Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer ~ RE: APPLICATION NO: GP 96-02, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 ADDRESS: 535 Westchester Drive APPLICANT: Ken Neumeister PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Technology Park PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDmONS OF APPROVAL ARE ATTACHED: Page 1 of 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. GP 96-02, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 SITE ADDRESS: 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE APPLICANT: KEN NEUMEISTER DATE: 10/17/97 Map Requirements: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare and submit a Final Tract Map for review by City Engineer and recordation upon City approval. The current fee for processing the Final Tract Map is $1,380 plus $25/10t. Applicant shall provide all documents as required for review and approval of the Final Map. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the applicant must provide evidence from each utility and special district that they approve of the filing of the Final Map as submitted, that the easements shown on the map are adequate for each utility to serve the proposed development and that the procedure for abandonment of any existing easements is acceptable. Dedication to City: Prior to approval of the fmal map, the applicant shall dedicate, acquire land for dedication and/or obtain dedications as necessary to accommodate construction of the required public street improvements for: the 45' public street access to McGlincey Lane; the 50' public street across the south end of the site; the right of way needed to construct the cul-de-sac and intersection at McGlincey Lane as shown on the approved tentative map; and the right of way/easements necessary (15' minimum) to construct the public storm drain system through the development and through the 'private Paseo de Palomas street. Applicant shall prepare all documents necessary to obtain the dedications and/or remove any existing easements, provide all information required for reviewing these documents and shall pay all costs associated with obtaining the required dedications and/or easements and recordation of these dedications. Should it be necessary for the City to implement eminent domain proceedings in order to obtain right-of-way, the applicant shall pay all costs associated with th~ condemnation proceedings, including attorney's fees. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the applicant must determine the adequacy of the existing storm drainage easement along Paseo de Palomas. If the existing easement is not adequate for construction of the proposed parallel/upsized storm drain from the site to the existing system in Union A venue, the applicant shall provide all documents necessary for the City to obtain this easement. These documents shall include all engineering plans, plats and descriptions of the easement required for construction of this storm drain facility. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required storm drain area fee of $2,500/acre. Grading: and Drainag:e Plan: Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies as necessary, prepare grading and drainage plans and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits for the site. Page 2 of 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARThfENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. GP 96-02, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 SITE ADDRESS: 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE APPLICANT: KEN NEUMEISTER DATE: 10/17/97 Grading plans shall include the disposition of and abandonment of existing utility lines as necessary . Hydrology studies, grading and storm drainage plans shall include the public access road from McGlincey to the site. Storm drainage plans shall include existing invert and top of pipe elevations of the SCVWD culvert crossing the proposed roadway. [p(}[t pili IJI Hydrology studies andi;1storfn drainage design shall include the drainage area bounded by Highway 17 to the west, Curter A venue to the south, the City limits to the east and the existing // ~J~!rm drain: in M.cGlincey Lane ~asterly of the development to the no~. ~e storm drainage 7/ '1ilims for this draInage area shall mclude removal, replacement and/or installatIOn of new storm lines as needed in McGlincey and Cristich Lanes to connect to a new and/or upsized storm drainage line required through the development, through the Paseo de Palomas private road and ultimately connecting to the existing storm drainage facilities in Union Avenue. Completion of this design is required to determine the appropriate size, location and invert elevations of the storm drainage facilities to be constructed on site that will allow for the future construction of the off-site storm drainage improvements in McGlincey Lane and Cristich Lane. The applicant shall be required to construct only the portions of this storm drainage ,facility that are on-site and the connection to the existing system in Union Avenue through the storm drain easement in Paseo de Palomas. The applicant shall provide a "stub-out" to Cristich Lane to allow for the future storm drain construction off-site. Standard Street Improvements: Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare plans, pay fees, post securities and provide insurance as required to obtain an encroachment permit to construct public street improvements as required by the City Engineer. Public street improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer licensed in the State of California and shall include: Construction of the 45' public street access to McGlincey Lane to include: 30' of asphalt concrete roadway; a standard marginal 5' sidewalk and a 5' landscaping strip along the west side of the street; a 5' landscaping strip along the east side of the street; no parking signs, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lighting facilities along both sides of the street; construction of driveways as required for existing parcels; and all conforms necessary to accommodate the existing improvements on the parcels south of the proposed development. Page 3 of 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. GP 96-02, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 SITE ADDRESS: 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE APPLICANT: KEN NEUMEISTER DATE: 10/17/97 · Construction of a 50' right of way public street along the southern frontage of the property to include: 35' of asphalt concrete roadway; standard driveway approaches for the entrances to the development; a standard marginal 5' sidewalk; and a 10' Public Utilities Easement along the north side of the street; a 5' landscape strip and a 5' separated walk along the southern side of the street; no parking signs for the northern side of the street, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lighting along both sides of the street. All improvements shall be designed and constructed to allow future continuation of the improvements on Cristich Lane and an appropriate cul-de-sac terminus shall be designed and constructed at the western end of the new public street. · Construction of the intersection as shown on the approved tentative map and as directed by the City Engineer. Intersection improvements may include sidewalks, handicap ramps, signing, striping and increased street widths as shown on the approved tentative map. · All streets and their intersections with access points to the site shall be designed to accommodate all truck turning movements. Improvements at the west end of the new public street shall be constructed to allow for a future connection to Cristich Lane. Street trees shall be of a type that will not grow to encroach or interfere with public traffic. · Construction of a complete traffic signal system and equipment, signing, striping, utility relocation and related improvements to provide for signalization of the intersection of Union A venue and McGlincey Lane. The traffic signal system and equipment shall include but not be limited to: vehicle detection equipment, traffic signal standards, street lighting and electrical services; pavement repair; signing and striping and other components as required by the City Traffic Engineer. · Reconfiguration of the intersection of McGlincey Lane and Curtner A venue to provide for a free right turn lane from southbound McGlincey to westbound Curtner, a free left turn from eastbound Curtner to northbound McGlincey and stop controls for westbound Curtner east of the intersection as directed by the City Engineer. Existing pavement in this intersection may need to be resurfaced to allow for the additional lanes and new striping pattern. · Provide signing, striping and pavement reconstruction at the intersection of McGlincey Land and the new public access road as necessary to provide lane configurations as directed by the City Engineer. · Construction of the storm drain facility extending from Cristich Lane through the development via storm drain easements to connect to the existing system in Union Avenue. · Construction of storm drain facilities for all public streets including the public access road from McGlincey. Page 4 of 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. GP 96-02, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 SITE ADDRESS: 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE APPLICANT: KEN NEUMEISTER DATE: 10/17/97 Completion of Public Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of occupancy for the site, all public street improvements as required by the encroachment permit must be completed and accepted by the City Engineer and the applicant must provide the one-year maintenance security. Landscaping: Maintenance A2feements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall prepare and execute a landscape maintenance agreement requiring the development to post securities and maintain all landscaping, irrigation and irrigation facilities, walls and fences within all public areas, including the public access street to McGlincey Lane and the new public access road adjacent to the property. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to being executed by both parties and recorded by the City. Underg:round Utilities: All new on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting and fee requirements of the serving utility company. Applicant shall submit a Utility Coordination Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of all utilities. The plan shall minimize the damage to all public facilities. Soils Report: Provide a soils report prepared by a registered Geotechnical or Civil Engineer. Title Report: Provide a current Preliminary Title Report. Street Name: The final map shall contain the. City-approved street name for the new public street. Storm Water Manag:ement: Comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board's industrial storm water general permit and California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook, prepared by Storm Water Quality Task Force, Santa Clara Valley Water District. Coordination with Capital Improvement/Other Proiects: Applicant shall coordinate with other city improvement projects within the vicinity. Location and installation of off-site improvements that may be required by other districts and utility companies shall be approved by the City. Monumentation: Prior to recording the Final Map, the applicant shall provide security guaranteeing the cost of setting all monuments as shown on the Final Map. Page 5 of 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. GP 96-02, PD 96-06, TS 97-01, S 97-05 SITE ADDRESS: 535 WESTCHESTER DRIVE APPLICANT: KEN NEUMEISTER DATE: 10/17/97 Street Improvement Agreement: Prior to the approval of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement and post securities to guarantee the installation of the required street improvements. Notification to Adiacent Properties: Prior to any construction activity on the development, applicant shall notify all adjacent properties, including the management of the adjacent mobile home park. Notification shall include a contact number for the developer which can be used by the property owners during construction should questions or problems arise. CC&R's: Prior to recordation of the fmal map, applicant to submit a copy of the CC&R's for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Community Development Director. J:\MQ\LD\535C0A3 Page 6 of 6 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: March 26, 1997 FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer f-LQ Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer SUBJECT: Development Review Committee - REVISED Formal Conditions of Approval APPLICATION NO: PD 96-06 GP 96-02 TS 97-01 ADDRESS: 535 Westchester Drive APPLICANT: WT A and Huettig & Schromm. Inc PROPERTY OWNER: " PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Winchester Drive In Site - Proposed Campbell Technology Park SUBJECT: Public Works Department's Conditions of Approval The following are the Public Works Conditions of Approval: Map Requirements Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare and submit a Final Tract Map for review by City Engineer and recordation upon City approval. The current fee for processing the Final Tract Map is $1380 plus $25/lot. Applicant shall provide all documents as required for review and approval of the Final Map. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the applicant must provide evidence from each utility and special district that they approve of the filing of the Final Map as submitted, that the easements shown on the map are adequate for each utility to serve the proposed development, and that the procedure for abandonment of any existing easements is acceptable. Dedication to City Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall dedicate, acquire land for dedication, and/or obtain dedications as necessary to accommodate construction of the required street improvements for: the 45' public street access to McGlincey Lane; the 50' public street within the site; the right of way needed to construct the intersection of these streets as shown on the approved tentative map; and the right of way/easements necessary (15' minimum) to construct the storm drain line through the development and through the private Paseo de Palomas street. The preferred location for the storm drain easement is parallel to the sanitary sewer easement shown on the vesting tentative map. Applicant shall prepare all documents necessary to obtain the dedications and/or remove any existing easements, provide all information required for reviewing these documents, and shall pay all costs associated with obtaining the required dedications and/or easements and recordation of these dedications. Should it be necessary for the City to implement eminent domain proceedings in order to obtain right-of-way, the applicant shall pay all costs associated with the condemnation proceedings, including attorney's fees. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the applicant must determine the adequacy of the existing stonn drainage easement along Paseo de Palomas. A minimum 15' storm easement will be required. If the existing easement is not adequate for construction of the proposed parallel/upsized storm drain from the site to the existing system in Union Avenue, the applicant shall provide all documents necessary for the City to obtain this easement. These documents shall include all engineering plans, plats and descriptions of the easement required for construction of this stonn drain facility. Stonn Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required stonn drain area fee of $ 2.500/acre . Grading: and Drainag:e Plan: Prior to approval of the fmal map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies as necessary, prepare grading and drainage plans, and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits for the site. Grading plans shall include the procedure to be followed for abandonment of existing utility lines. Hydrology studies, grading, and storm drainage plans shall include the public access road from McGlincey to the site. Storm drainage plans shall include existing invert and top of pipe elevations of the SCVWD culvert crossing the proposed roadway. Hydrology studies and storm drainage desig:n shall include the drainage area bounded by Hwy '17 to the west, Curtner Avenue to the south, the City limits to the east, and the existing stonn drain in McGlincey Lane easterly of the development to the north. The storm drainage plans for this drainage area shall include removal, replacement, and/or installation of new storm lines as needed in McGlincey and Cristich Lanes to connect to a new and/or upsized stonn drainage line required through the development, through the Paseo de Palomas private road and ultimately connecting to the existing storm drainage facilities in Union Avenue. Completion of this design is required to determine the appropriate size, location, and invert elevations of the storm drainage facilities to be constructed on site that will allow for the future construction of the off-site storm drainage improvements in McGlincey Lane and Cristich Lane. The applicant shall be required to construct only the portions of this storm drainage facility that are on-site and the connection to the existing system in Union A venue through the Paseo de 2 Palomas private road. The applicant shall provide a "stub-out" to Cristich Lane to allow for the future stonn drain construction off-site. Standard Street Improvements: Prior to approval of the fmal map or issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare plans, pay fees, post securities, and provide insurance as required to obtain an encroachment permit to construct public street improvements as required by the City Engineer. Public street improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer licensed in the State of California, and shall include but not be limited to the following unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer: Construction of the 45' public street access to McGlincey Lane to include: 30' of asphalt concrete roadway; a standard marginal 5' sidewalk and a 5' landscaping strip along the east side of the street; a 5' landscaping strip along the west side of the street; no parking signs, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, and street lighting facilities along both sides of the street; construction of driveways as required for existing parcels; and all conforms necessary to accommodate the existing improvements on the parcels south of the proposed development. Construction of a 50' right of way public street along the southern frontage of the property to include: 30' of asphalt concrete roadway; standard driveway approaches for the entrances to the development; a standard marginal 5' sidewalk, a 5' landscape strip, and a 10' Public Utilities Easement along the northern side of the street; a 10' landscaped strip along the southern side of the street; no parking signs, signing and striping, standard curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, and street lighting along both sides of the street. All improvements shall be designed and constructed to allow continuation of the improvements on Cristich Lane and an appropriate temporary terminus shall be designed and constructed at the western end of the new public street. Construction of the intersections as shown on the approved tentative map and as directed by the City Engineer. Intersection improvements may include sidewalks, handicap tamps, signing, striping, and increased street widths as shown on the approved tentative map. All streets and their intersections with access points to the site shall be designed to accommodate all truck turning movements. Improvements at the west end of the new public street shall be constructed to allow for a future connection to Cristich Lane. Street trees shall be of a type that will not grow to encroach or interfere with public traffic. Construction of a complete traffic signal system and equipment, signing, striping, utility relocation, and related improvements to provide for signalization of the intersection of Union Avenue and McGlincey Lane. The traffic signal system and equipment shall include but not be limited to: vehicle detection equipment; traffic signal standards, street lighting and electrical services; pavement repair; signing and striping and other components as required by the City Traffic Engineer. 3 Reconfiguration of the intersection of McGlincey Lane and Curtner Avenue to provide for a free right turn lane from southbound McGlincey to westbound Curtner, a free left turn from westbound Curtner to northbound McGlincey, and stop controls for westbound Curtner east of the intersection as directed by the City Engineer. Existing pavement in this intersection may need to be resurfaced to allow for the additional lanes and new striping pattern. Provide signing, striping and pavement reconstruction at the intersection of McGlincey Lane and the new public access road as necessary to provide lane configurations as directed by the City Engineer. Construction of the storm drain facility extending from Cristich Lane through the development via storm drain easements to connect to the existing system in Union Avenue. Construction of storm drain facilities for all public streets, including the public access road from McGlincey. Completion of Public Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of occupancy for the site, all public street improvements as required by the encroachment permit must be completed and accepted by the City Engineer and the applicant must provide the one-year maintenance security. Landscaping: Maintenance Agreements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall prepare and execute a landscape maintenance agreement requiring the development to post securities and maintain all landscaping, irrigation and irrigation facilities, walls and fences within all public areas, including the public access street to McGlincey Lane, and the new public access road adjacent to the property. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to be executed by both parties and recorded by the City. Underground Utilities: All new on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility company. Applicant shall submit a Utility Coordination Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of all utilities. The plan shall minimize the damage to all public facilities. Soils Report: Provide a soils report prepared by a registered Geotechnical or Civil Engineer. Title Report: Provide a current Preliminary Title Report. 4 Street Name: The final map shall contain the City approved street names for the new public streets. Storm Water Management: Comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board's industrial storm water general permit and California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook, prepared by Storm Water Quality Task Force, Santa Clara Valley Water District. Coordination with Capital Improvement/Other Proiects: Applicant shall coordinate with other City improvement projects within the vicinity. Location and installation of off-site improvements that may be required by other districts and utility companies shall be approved by the City. Monumentation: Prior to recording the Final Map, the applicant shall provide security guaranteeing the cost of setting all monuments as shown on the Final Map. Street Improvement Agreement: Prior to the approval of the fmal map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement and post securities to guarantee the installation of the required street improvements. Notification to Adiacent Properties: Prior to any construction activity on the development, applicant shall notify all adjacent properties, including the management of the adjacent mobile home park. Notification shall include a contact number for the developer which can be used by the property owners during construction should questions or problems arise. cc: Peter Eakland Bill Helms Kirk Heinrichs tiJ... / .. . " tJa'lriU~ I v , .4' ~ k,,/:;?:r~h:;b;%' /~c; #:--> "z::~ 'L;/.>d;~/ /;r-W / j: \mq\Id\535coa2( word) 5 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REVISED TO: MEMO TO FILE 535 Westchester Drive Harold HOUSI~ Land Development Engineer DATE: March 7, 1997 FROM: SUBJECT: Telephone call with Ken Neumeister I talked with Ken Neumeister on the telephone today concerning the letter from Michelle Quinney dated February 28, 1997. Ken said he was hesitant to put some of the information on the map and prefers to have issues addressed by the Conditions of Approval. I explained to Ken that it is our position in Engineering that we will process this project and application the same as any other we process through the City. I explained that there are a number of issues that need to be resolved. We believe the applicant has to take the lead to solve public street right-of-way dedication, acquisition of easements and related matters. Therefore, we want the applicant to indicate on the map that street right-of-way will be dedicated to the City, and that the easement for ingress, egress and stonn drain construction will be acquired as necessary. I explained that we fully understand that the applicant may not be able to acquire right-of-way and easements since it is an offsite issue and they do not have the power to condemn private property. Therefore, the City/Redevelopment Agency would then have to use its power of condemnation to acquire property. The applicant will have to provide all documentation including legal description, plats, etc., and pay all fees associated with right-of-way acquisitions, including condemnation proceedings, attorneys fees, etc. After further discussion, he indicated he would process and comply with the requirements of the February 28 letter to the best of his ability. I suggested he may want to send a cover letter confirming his understanding that the City/Redevelopment Agency would use its power of condemnation to acquire right-of-way. In answer to a question of Ken's, I said the City has not in the past two years required that a TM be changed based on comments received from others after circulation of the TM by the Planning Division (providing the comments of others are not significant, according to Tim Haley). I also told Ken that the City would contact the SCVWD re acquisition of right-of-way for public street purposes. I told him they would have to prepare the related legal descriptions, plats, and pay fees. He intends to submit his map during the next couple of days. He wants to process the tract map concurrent with the general plan amendment and planned development permit application. Cc: Michelle Quinney Kirk Heinrichs Bill Helms Chuck Gomez Tim Haley Peter Eakland h: \landdev\535west(mp )wd DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Distribution: March 12, 1997 Completeness: March 17, 1997 Conditions: March 17, 1997 P.e. Meeting: Tentative: April 8, 1997 ROUTE TO: X ArchitecturallLandscape Advisor X Fire Department X Police Department X Redevelopment Agency X Engineering (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) X Corporation Yard X Building Division PROJECT DESCRIPTION Request for approval of a vested tentative subdivision to allow the creation of 5 lots for a speculative industrial business park.. INFORMATION: File No: TS 97-01 Applicant: WTA and Huettig & Schromm, Inc.(Campbell Technology Park) Project Address: 535 Westchester Drive Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 412-29-07 ,412-30-35,42,43 Zoning: General Plan: P-D(Planned Development)7 M I-S(Light idustrial) Destination Retail(Proposed Industrial) PROJECT PLANNER: Tim Haley DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: A focused Environmental Impact Report has been prepared for this project. Status Initial No Comment Additional informationJrevisions( see attached) Draft conditions of approval attached f~~~ f"7'7 V'~~ ~~~ SANTA CLARA Valley Transportation Authority March 10, 1997 RECEIVED City of Campbell Community Development Department 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 MAR 1 l 1997 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPT. J Attention: Tim J. Haley Subject: File Nos. GP 96-02 and PD 96-06 / Campbell Technology Park Dear Mr. Haley: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) staffhave reviewed the project referenced above. We have no comments. Thank you for the opportunity to review this project. If you have any questions, please call Julie Render of my staff at (408) 321-5779. Sincerely, Thomas Rountree Environmental Program Manager r jr4195 3331 North First Street. San Jose, CA 95134.1906 . Administration 408,321.5555 . Customer Service 408.321.2300 O~.CAI\t f..4..~. ..o~~ ... r" U r-' . . '^ .. .;. "- ~. G.... o,q CH A \\.\1" CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department February 28, 1997 Kenneth A.Neumeister, Project Coordinator WT A and Huettig & Schromm, Inc., Applicant 900 Welch Road, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0854 Re: Preliminary Vesting Tentative Map (VTM) 535 Westchester Drive Campbell Technology Center Dear Mr. Neumeister: On Friday, 2/21/97, a meeting was held at City Hall concerning the completeness ofthe preliminary VTM (Tract Map) for a subdivision prepared by your consultants. The meeting was attended by: I. Kenneth Neumeister, Applicant's Representative 2. Bill Wagner, HMH, Applicant's Engineer 3. Harold Housley, City's Land Development Section 4. Chuck Gomez, City's Land Development Section 5. Tim Haley, City's Project Planner, attended first part of meeting 6. Kirk Heinrichs, City Redevelopment Agency Manager, attended meeting briefly Following these discussions, we received a preliminary VTM submittal on February 26. The City staff listed above met on Thursday, February 27, to discuss this submittal and has prepared the following list of additional information that must be provided on the VTM. Additional information which must be included wit!l the preliminary VTM submittal is summarized as follows: A. New Street from McGlincev Lane to the Property I. All assessor parcels and lot lines related to the proposed new public street including: 412-30-042 & 044 412-31-002,020 & 029 70 North First Street' Campbell, California 95008,1423 ' TEL 408,866,2150 ' FAX 408,379,2572 ' TDD 408,866,2790 NEW PW l"AX # :.tIlA..~"'h_OQ"'~ 2. All existing and proposed easements 3. All current property interests, recorded and unrecorded, of all parties with current ownership and interest in the proposed new street. Include the recording information. 4. Indication that irrevocable offers of dedication to the City will be recorded for the complete new street right-of-way, including the entire parcel located at the McGlincey entrance. (These documents will need to be prepared by the applicant, reviewed by the City, executed by the affected property owner and all holders of interest in the property title, and shall be recorded prior to recordation of the final map. Recording information will need to be shown on final map). B. New On-Site Public Street 1. Proposed street lights, street trees, and other landscaping areas within the public right- of-way. 2. Redesign of the on-site public street to provide the T-intersection as requested by the City Traffic Engineer. C. General I. Preliminary grading and drainage plan for site and for future public access roadway from McGlincey showing storm stub-outs for Christich Lane. Show all pad elevations. 2. Show landscape areas and street lights in typical sections. Indication that maintenance agreements for maintenance of all landscaping in public right-of-way will be executed prior to recordation of final map. 3. Cross-section around perimeter of property where retaining walls might be needed. 4. All existing storm drain and utility easement across Paseo de Palomas that benefit the subject property. 5. Verification that the proposed emergency ingress and egress across Paseo de Palomas can be used for subject property, or indication that the requirement easements will be prepared and processed prior to final map recordation. 6. Proposed easements adequate to allow construction of future storm drain and other utilities. 7. Submit proposed public street name(s). (Final map to have approved street name shown). Providing the items listed above will allow us to process the VTM in the most expeditious manner. If you have any questions regarding the items requested, please give Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer, a call at 866-2158. Upon acceptance by the City of a complete VTM application, the Tract Map will be scheduled for processing by the Community Development Department. Based upon the completed application, the City staff will then be able to prepare recommended Conditions of Approval for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. Sincerely, ~e~ City Engineer cc: File - 535 Westchester Drive Peter Eakland, Traffic Engineer Tim Haley, Project Planner Kirk Heinrichs, Redevelopment Manager Harold Housley Robert Wagner, HMH H:\ WORD\LANDDDEV\535WEST(JD) " ]JJ_,J . ~. .' ,,/-,t, .' , , '\ .' ~':"'A ' .". :,,:,.~.:,., ,:,'\, , .' . , ,;-., l" ,,4-J, . 't '" '... " ". " .,' ,.J I'~' ..'.'. ~' ').,:;~.l..,. . . .,." ,(:Y~~'., " .' \,1 .' .1 ~ ) 1 (. 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(f!;) /~~~s, na~e?,_ ,!n;~ widths of both existing and proposed streets 7. .-, ~~)andpropose . easements widths, ~ocation anq purposes R e c . ~llayout~ proximate dimensions and number/letter ~e 9f each parcel ~ building(s) ~- 11. ~:areas proposed. /(iY) Names of adjoining property owners ~ Recorded maps of, or adjacent to, subject parcel 14. Established existing monument line .(0/ Basis of.1:>.earings -'~ property lines to be removed or changed (not to be shown on final map) ~g trees (type, diameter, approximate drip line, for all trees with a diameter . exceeding four inches measured four feet above grade). ~EXisting use of the parcel and ~.~ting zoning/~eneral p~,., No~~.~~nts~A~property..=rr'0 ~-- Rvsd,8/30/'l3 PUBLIC W....i(,'~ ADMINISTRA TlON Distribution: February 11, 1997 (Revised Submittal) Completeness: February 24, 1997 Conditions: March 3, 1997 p,c. Meeting: Tentative March 25, 1997 ROUTE TO: X Architectural/Landscape Advisor X Fire Department X Police Department X Redevelopment Agency X Engineering (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) X Corporation Yard X Building Division X Santa Clara Valley Water District PROJECT DESCRIPTION Request for approval of a General Plan Amendment and a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of a 330,000 square foot speculative industrial business park.. INFORMATION: File No: GP 96-02 PD 96-06 Applicant: WT A and Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Project Address: Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 535 Westchester Drive 412-29-07,412-30-35,42,43 Zoning: General Plan: P-D(P1anned Development) Destination Retai1(Proposed Industrial) PROJECT PLANNER: Tim Haley DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: A focused Environmental Impact Report has been prepared for this project. Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions( see attached) ,XJ Draft conditions of approval attached o vjzlC'l 7 CODE/SEC. SHEET NO. UK 903,2 SANTA CLARA COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 14700 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA 95030-1818 SINCE 1947 CONTROL NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER (408) 378-4010 FAX (408) 378-9342 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER 97-0354 FILE NUMBER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS REQUIREMENT Second Review of General Plan Amendment Application for a Planned development to allow the construction of a 330,000 square foot speculative industrial business park. 1. Previous comments issued under Developmental Review number 96-3281 dated 12/18/96 still apply. 2. Location of some fire hydrants will be required. Contact the Fire Department for details. 3. If project is to be phased the developer should submit for review a phasing plan for roadway and hydrant installations if applicable. CBL 0 DISTRICT PLANS SPECS NEW RMDL AS OCCUPANCY CON ST. TYPE TSH I PERMITTEE DATE I PAGE 02/13/97 ~ OF ~ BY SECJFLOOR DODD I AREA DESCRIPTION NAME OF PROJECT LOAD Commercial Development I LOCATION 535 Westchester Dr Veargason, Chris CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Proudly Serving Santa Clara County and the Communities oj: Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill and Saratoga m Pacific Gas and Electric.. ARpany 10900 North Blaney Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 February 4, 1997 tN.. r= It;~ -;=: T\~-,-::2 D 1.., -' : ':?-:I ' ;.c:J IJ ~~ ,'~i i -~ ~ ~ lJ l,J Lb' FEB 0 5 1997 City of Campbell 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Tim J. Haley Cl-j'{ Or. C ',~~-:l'"l":'l , 01 )1 ;""\11.. L.__._.:..t L" ' ., .,,' '("\ :.' 0".. ,'- F h.,:r';lj'JI.,) t..-":'.-' /. ReQardinQ: Campbell TechnoloQV Park. 535 Westchester Drive Dear Mr. Haley: In response to your letter dated January 22, 1997, PG&E has determined that: . PG&E will reinforce our existing overhead lines from PG&E's Substation to the customer's jobsite. . lhe onsite improvements will fall under the normal provisions of Rules 15 and 16. . PG&E does have the capability to handle the proposed 3 MW load by November 1, 1997. If the loads turn out to be greater than this, we will have to revisit the customer's loads to verify if we have the capacity for the additional increase. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (408) 725-2101. STEVE SMITH Industrial Power Engineer January 27, 1997 Santa Clara Valley Water District (:) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY/~? SAN JOSE, CA 95118-3686 ~/:: / , TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 ! /t:2..~. ~~. .-::, FACSIMILE (408) 266-0271 .. ~ y . /~~ J> . ../ _. t:t?1J':, '~~~. . -L"~?"'-" AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ~ -;?'" ~~ "~/V ,.~ RECr.nlf~.i'tl ~l Lb U LJ ~ (i.JI JAN 2 9 ~!;97 CITY OF CAiVipnFIL PLANNING DEPT. Mr. Tim Haley Planning Department City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Haley: Subject: PD 96-06, 535 Westchester Drive The Santa Clara Valley Water District (District) has reviewed the preliminary site development plans for the Campbell Technology Park at the former Winchester Drive-In site, received on January 9, 1997. The plans do not provide sufficient detail at this point to provide significant comments. We note on Sheet A1.01 that the District's adjacent groundwater recharge pond is labeled "existing drainage pond." This notation should be corrected as no drainage may be directed to this pond. The landscaping plan shows perimeter street trees and that these trees will be of a deciduous variety. While it is difficult to determine the spacing and distance from our facility, we are concerned with the leaf drop from deciduous trees and the introduction of leaves into the ponds as they contribute to debris in the pond and increased maintenance. We prefer that an evergreen variety be used adjacent to the ponds . Additional comments can be made upon receipt of detailed drawings. Sincerely, .Ji ((/ -ZY~4" Sue A. Tippets, P .E. Supervising Engineer Community Projects Review Unit o recycled paper .. Of' Ct" At ~~.~. ,o~t\'> .... l'" U ~ 'I _. . .. ... 1- "- ~. G.... O~CHA,,\1' ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department' Current Planning January 17, 1997 Mr. Kenneth A. Neumeister WTA-Development and Huettig & Schromm, Inc. 900 Welch Road, # 10 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Re: Application Completeness- Campbell Technology Park GP 96-02 PD 96-06 535 Westchester Drive Dear Mr. Neumeister: The Community Development Department has reviewed your application submittal of December 23, 1996 for the development of the Campbell Technology Park. Based upon a review of this submittal and pursuant to section 65943 of the California Govemment Code, this application has been determined to be incomplete, Those items necessary to complete the application are outlined below. Additionally, comments regarding the site layout, design and improvements are included for your consideration. These comments summarize the response from the various participants in Campbell's Development Review Process. Items necessary to complete application: Planned Development Permit Proiect use: 1) Provide a description of the project use. Anticipated research and development, storage/warehousing, manufacturing/processing and other expected uses should be described. A letter describing use, hours of operation, projected employees, need for hazardous material storage and restrictions regarding outdoor storage. 2) Provide for an allowance of retail or incidental retail uses on the site needed to support the primary use. 3) Delivery hours of the uses need to be better defmed. 4) Describe security measures necessary for the site. Site Plan 1) Provide dimensions on all property lines. Illustrate existing and proposed easements. 2) Clearly depict all public streets in the project. Show the project to the center line of McGlincey Lane and the location of existing and proposed driveways. Provide seetions of the following streets(Entry roadway from McGlincey Lane, new on site public and private streets, transition from future Cristich Lane to public street). Street sections should show street widths, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights and trees. 3) Provide preliminary grading and drainage plan. The plan needs to address the acceptance of runoff from Cristich Lane and the access roadway from McGlincey Lane. 4) Provide T- intersection as required by the City's Traffic Engineer per the attached memorandum. 5) Depict lane configurations on proposed public and private streets per recommendation of the City's Traffic Engineer. 70 North First Street' Campbell, California 95008,1423 ' TEL 408,866,2140 ' FAX 408,379,2572 ' TDD 408,866,2790 Completeness Letter - PD 96-06, GP 96-02 Page 2 6) Provide facilities for various transportation modes. (Bicycles, pedestrians, and service vehicles) 7) Provide required fire department access through increased driveway widths around buildings of 30 feet and provide appropriate turning radius at comers or present alternative staging locations for ladder truck access. 8) Provide locations for significant fire protection system equipment such as sprinkler valves, 9) Show preliminary locations of utility transformers. 10) Depict project phasing. Each phase should illustrate parking, access and landscaping provided. 11) Preliminary concepts of project lighting should be shown. 12) Show buildings and driveways on adjacent properties from the McGlincey Lane access. Elevations 1) Provide additional detail of building window treatments and entries. Sections may be helpful to depict these architectural treatments. 2) Detail screening of roof mounted equipment and trash enclosure areas. 3) Submit eye level perspectives of the two building designs. 4) Indicate conceptual signage placement and size. A signing program may be helpful. 5) Provide sections of typical project fencing. It is recommended that an open style fencing be utilized along the Highway and adjacent to the percolation ponds, Landscapinl:: I) Provide a tree retention and removal plan. The size and type of trees should be identified. Additional comments: Percolation Ponds The project site is adjacent to a percolation pond system operated by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Staff would encourage the applicant to work with the District in further development of their facilities for landscaping and possibly recreation purposes. Staff will assist your offIce in facilitating a meeting with the Water District. Pedestrian Circulation Pedestrian circulation throughout the site needs further study. Please incorporate an effIcient pathway or sidewalk system between buildings, par course and the public right of way, Perimeter Landscaping Expand the size of the landscaping area along the north and west property lines. Generally, a minimum 10 foot landscape area should be provided along the highway frontage and a 15 foot landscape area along the northern property line adjacent to residential development. Reduction in Parking A reduction of approximately 100 to 150 parking spaces may be justified based-upon available data for research and development facilities. A parking study of the anticipate research and development use may support such a reduction, This reduction would not require modifications in land use or changes in anticipated trips. Outdoor Amenities The development of outdoor amenities such as picnic tables, seating areas and shade structures is encouraged for employees, Further development of plaza areas as depicted between Building A and Bare encouraged. Completeness Letter - PD 96-06, GP 96-02 Page 3 Building Entries The building entry treatment for buildings D and E could relate better to the other buildings in the complex, Further study of this treatment is recommended in terms of material use as well as scale of the entries. Proiect Entry and Building Orientation The project entry concept depicts the T intersection towards the center of the project as the primary project entrance. Please review the orientation of Building E and its entrance and entry driveway in relationship to this design concept. I have attached a preliminary review schedule for your entitlement process, based upon a revised submittal by February 1, 1997, If you should have any questions regarding these items or the schedule, please contact me at (408) 866- 2144, z~ Tim 1. Haley Associate Planner Enclosures: Preliminary Entitlement Schedule Traffic Memorandum - Peter Eakland - January 13, 1997 Development Review Comments- Chris Veargason - December 18, 1996 Memorandum Public Works - Harold Housley - January 6, 1997 cc: Kirk Heinrichs, Redevelopment Manager Steve Piasecki, Community Development Director Chris Veargason, Central Fire District Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer Linda Stansen, TSH Architects Bill Wagner, HMH, Incorporated Civil Engineers ..\,~.o~. CA-l1...O' !:: ~ u ~ o 0 ~ ... ... ~ ~ ~' 'O"CH""":O. City of Campbell - Community Development Department 70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008 MEMORANDUM To: Distribution From Tim Haley, Associate Planner Date: January 17, 1997 Re: Tentative Schedule-Campbell Technology Park Reauest: Ken Neumeister has requested an anticipated schedule for the development of the Campbell Technology Parle. Based upon previous discussions, the following applications and schedule should apply: A) General Plan Amendment- Amend the land use designation from Destination Corrnnercial to Industrial B) Planned Develooment Permit- Approval of a planned development permit allowing the construction of a research and development park on the project site. C) Tentative Subdivision Mal'- Approval of the division of the property into 5 or more industrial parcels. Based upon a complete application submittal of January 31, 1997, the following schedule should apply. Schedule: January 31, 1997 Application Submittal February 3, 1997 Design Review Committee Distnbution (DRC) March 13, 1997 Planning Commission's Site and Architectural Review Committee Review March 25, 1997 Planning Commission Public Hearing April 15, 1997 City Council Hearing (Introduction and first reading of ordinance) May 6, 1997 Second reading of ordinances June 6, 1997 Ordinances are effective Distribution: Kirk Heinrichs Darryl Jones Bill Helms Steve Piasecki Robert Kass Peter Eakland t r a f fie MEMORANDUM To: Harold Housely, Development E~n~ . Peter Eakland, Traffic Engineer W L- From: Subject: Winchester Drive-in Internal Circulation Date: January 13, 1997 I have revi~wed the proposed internal circulation system proposed by the developer. My primary concerns are as follows: (1) the two access driveways that meet the proposed public roadway on curves; (2) inadequate throat for outbound traffic on the driveways that would unduly create congestion; (3) absence of an efficient pattern of sidewalks and crosswalks for pedestrians, and (4) absence of two outbound lanes for outbound movements on major driveways. The attached drawing presents recommendations designed to resolve these issues while retaining the basic circulation plan provided by the developer. Key elements are described below: 1. McGlincey Access Road. Driveway A T-intersection would be provided with crosswalk on north side, two lanes on southbound and northbound approaches that do not have traffic control. On eastbound approach, provide left and right turn lanes. The driveway to Building E would be closed off to eliminate turning movement conflicts close to the intersection. Parking would be eliminated on access road to the north of intersection until driveway in back of Building E is reached, once again to eliminate conflicts close to the intersection. 2. Public Access Road. Two lanes (right turn and left turn) would be provided eastbound at T -intersection with McGlincey access road. A driveway to Building E would be provided to front parking lot. Southbound approach at intersection with central driveway should have a right and left turn dane. At intersection with west side driveway, only westbound right in and eastbound right out would be provided. Left turns can not be handled safeli at this intersection. In order to eliminate conflicts near the intersection on the driveway, the parking aisle to the south of the driveway would only have westbound traffic out and the aisle to the north of the driveway would only have northbound traffic in. .., ". Pedestrian movements. The drawing shows recommended pedestrian paths. Sidewalks are recommended in front of all building:s and on west side of Building E. These walkways make possible more efficient movement between buildings Harold Housely, Development Engineer Page 2 January 13, 1997 than is shown on original plan. It is likely that one company will have space in more than one building and efficient pedestrian walkways are important to create a campus-like atmosphere. 4. Truck movements. :rrucks for the most part will utilize the peripheral driveway. It is important that adequate turning radii be provided at comers that will be used by trucks. Of particular concern is truck movements to Buildings C and D that can require more than a 90 degree turn depending upon the rout~ taken. In summary, there are significant problems with the access and circulation plan presented, but they can be addressed within the context of the overall concept proposed. The changes that have been recommended would have a slight impact on the number of parking spaces provided. Approximately 38 spaces on the east side of Building E potentially would be lost. It might be possible to- save some of the spaces at the northern end of this section. / a~ ~~ o ~"i~ ~::5~:!: ~ e 1'l ~ ~ !: ~ ~ ~ ~ !: ~ !: !:: :: .: ':: ~ ~ ~~~~!: ~ ::> f,; a i::'~ ~ ! 3 .. ~ _ . ,n I~ I;; liil '; ..... ," !~ 'i; /".... i~ II / rU. ~ " ) I >1'; /r />/ I /' G :::G::J G8EEGI , -11"1 '" r I' !:";"') ! j; ! h: el I: i :j. I ; I "i ' I . '-r} , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a j 0 ;= '" a n .. ,. I s I I I I !~ ~ c ~ ! :s 8 a -J! ~ i8lJ g 1;" fl ! i:1 Ii a ~I ~ l: III .. n :: :I . .. I , , , , :: ~ ~ y y .. 0; .. - .. .. ;; .. co , '" ... . . ~... '" . .. ~:: ~ S III t: t: II ~~ '" ~ ~ i "'.. g ~ 8 !:~ '" '" '" co co .. ,. ." ." ." ... ... ." n 0 a '" '" y . y ,1i!!! '" '" .. . .. sOl .. .. .. .. .. .. Cl 1ft 'f I j~!~ '!HI !~ il ;'1.' 11=;1 If'" II Cl J~ j q " ~:':. _. . ~ ,i ~'I ;1' l:'"-r I H :U;l .,' ,;; ~! .;: :-:,- uU ~ ~ I t! 'I! III .~ t! IfJ: ,: ,: " I! U :il. ':i ;: z . , ) J ,. 0 . J ' 'I ::: t I j i i r ~ ] '1~Ii"r~Il~'~' i 'IO'~I,:: 11 i 0 I ,..., . ' I"'.' 11'1 L; 1'1 1:/'/ 11 / .., . ~ !/ e/'IJ 'iil j ~ .1 ~- ;. -l f :,: UJ_ Of'CAAt ;..~.. A~~ ... t"" U ~ o 0 '" ... '$0 .c. ~o ,,' Q"CH"Y.Qo MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: 1/6/97 FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer }~ . ~ / _ Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer ~ RE: APPUCATION NO: ADDRESS: APPUCANT: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PD 96-03 535 Westchester Drive WT A Development 5 New Industrial Buildings at Former Drive-In Site COMPLETENESS COMMENTS: The site plan submitted by the applicant is incomplete. The additional infonnation required has been previously summarized in our Preliminary Application Comments for PA 96-44 (attached). Please refer to Items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 of said Preliminary Application Comments. It is understood the subject property will be subdivided and therefore a tentative parcel map application is also required. H: \545WEST 0 COA(WP)(JD) Of'CA..tt I-.~.' .o~~ ... ~ U r'" o 0 "" ... 'So " ~. ,,'" t)4'CHA1lQ' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: 12/24/96 FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer ;{il .__/ Harold Housley, Land Development Enginee~ APPLICATION NO: PA 96-44 ADDRESS: 535 Westchester Drive APPLICANT: WTA Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 5 new two story buildings at Winchester Drive-In Site RE: PREUMINARY APPLICATION COMMENTS: The following comments are intended to address some of the more significant issues and questions based on our review of the preliminary site plan: 1. Street Svstem Attached is a memorandum and red lined site plan from the City Traffic Engineer concerning the general design of the new public street and private driveway circulation. The street layout needs to be revised to eliminate the entrances/exits at curves in the roadway. T-intersections are preferred and Public Works would like to work with the applicant on a revision to the street/driveway system. It also appears that the curve radii and intersection angles do not comply with City standards. 2. Typical Cross-Sections What typical street cross sections are proposed for the public street and private streets? Which streets are to be public, which private, and where does this transition take place. Please provide typical cross-sections that would show the proposed street widths, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and property lines for all streets within and surrounding the development, including Cristich Lane and how the proposed Cristich improvements will integrate with the new development improvements. 'Show how the private access street from McGlincey Lane will be improved, and how the new improvements will integrate with the existing improvements on McGlincey. How will this access street and all private streets be maintained and by whom? Please indicate any phasing that may be done with the improvements. 3. Encroachment Permit and Requirements Prior to the approval of any fmal maps, and prior to the release of any building permits, several Public Works Engineering conditions must be met. The attached application packet for a Non-Utility Encroachment permit contains a checklist of items that must be completed prior to obtaining a Public Works clearance for the building permits for the site. 4. Preliminary Grading: and Drainage The grading and drainage concept is not shown. A full grading and drainage plan will be required. The plan needs to address the acceptance of runoff from Cristich Lane and the access street from McGlincey Lane and what the impact will be to the existing City stonn drain system? 5. Emerg:encv Access Have legal emergency access rights been obtained on the north side of the mobile home park? 6. Santa Clara Valley Water District The project must be reviewed by the Santa Clara Valley W ater Distri~t. 7. Record of Survev We understand the parcel site is one legal parcel, but a Record Survey will be required and new monumentation will be required for the new public street. 8. Site Plan The minimum infonnation required for a site plan is shown on Attachment n An. Additional information may be needed after further review. P.S. You already have the red lined site plan prepared by Peter Eakland. H:535WEST.COA(WP)(MP) t r a f fie MEMORANDUM Subject: Harold Housely, Development Engineer Peter Eakland, Traffic Enginee~ /" Winchester Drive-in Internal ~ To: From: Date: January 13, 1997 I have reviewed the proposed internal circulation system proposed by the developer. My primary concerns are as follows: (1) the two access driveways that meet the proposed public roadway on curves; (2) inadequate throat for outbound traffic on the driveways that would unduly create congestion; (3) absence of an efficient pattern of sidewalks and crosswalks for pedestrians, and (4) absence oftwo outbound lanes for outbound movements on major driveways. The attached drawing presents recommendations designed to resolve these issues while retaining the basic circulation plan provided by the developer. Key elements are described below: 1. McGlincey Access Road. Driveway AT-intersection would be provided with crosswalk on north side, two lanes on southbound and northbound approaches that do not have traffic control. On eastbound approach, provide left and right turn lanes. The driveway to Building E would be closed off to eliminate turning movement conflicts close to the intersection. Parking would be eliminated on access road to the north of intersection until driveway in back of Building E is reached, once again to eliminate conflicts close to the intersection. 2. Public Access Road. Two lanes (right turn and left turn) would be provided eastbound at T -intersection with McGlincey access road. A driveway to Building E would be provided to front parking lot. Southbound approach at intersection with central driveway should have a right and left turn lane. At intersection with west side driveway, only westbound right in and eastbound right out would be provided. Left turns can not be handled safely at this intersection. In order to eliminate conflicts near the intersection on the driveway, the parking aisle to the south of the driveway would only have westbound traffic out and the aisle to the north of the driveway would only have northbound traffic in. 3. Pedestrian movements. The drawing shows recommended pedestrian paths. Sidewalks are recommended in front of all buildings and on west side of Building E. These walkways make possible more efficient movement between buildings Harold Housely, Development Engineer Page 2 January 13, 1997 than is shown on original plan. It is likely that one company will have space in more than one building and efficient pedestrian walkways are important to create a campus-like atmosphere. 4. Truck movements. Trucks for the most part will utilize the peripheral driveway. It is important that adequate turning radii be provided at comers that will be used by trucks. Of particular concern is truck movements to Buildings C and D that can require more than a 90 degree turn depending upon the route taken. In summary, there are significant problems with the access and circulation plan presented, but they can be addressed within the context of the overall concept proposed. The changes that have been recommended would have a slight impact on the number of parking spaces provided. Approximately 38 spaces on the east side of Building E potentially would be lost. It might be possible to save some of the spaces at the northern end of this section. if) E-< U ~ E-< ....... ::r: u 0:::: ~ Ifl S i , ! ~ !I hI ~ Ih a o z UJ !-' ~ ~ ~ I ~ [I) ~ ~ S _ t o .L <~ I~i Z H hft .__ ~ :Q .:i~ i~~~ ~ y~ ~~"l ~!.~;; ~ ~. ~~.I/~ ~~~~ UJ 5i f6~!* -I~:ii (.!) lE- ~_w S~ Uh r UJ '6l !-' '6l '6l UJ~ '6l '6l '6l CD ~ co co co ~ N N CUJ M M [I)> 0 Ll u. u. u. u. u. rn u. rn rn rn rn .J rn 8 ~15 ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ * ~~ ~ ~ M N S; Il- ~ ~ !-' on co :z:Z co co ... N 1l-:2 on ~ Il- '6l '6l '6l rn '6l '6l '6l ~ I- 0> on ~ ~ M ~ CO) CO) "- n. "- "- "- ..... "- ~ ~ on ... E CO) ;:: 0 CD ~ co Ll !-'~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ CO) ~~ ~ N ::l N M ~~ Il- ~g~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ n. ~15 ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ <D~ co S -'<<DLlOUJ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ o ~ o/l::f !-':: E~ ~Ll Irn ~ >- !-' :Jg UJo lDZ a..I~ ~~~, Lll-Q. J" M ~ ~ ~ ~~ , U~~H ~ ~ ~ i . ; [I) ~ ~ S n ' o ~ -0 Z ! i i ~ ~; ~ q i I p~ ~ ~Ji~ I ~~h~ G8GB EI BGB EI ~~ . ~ u~u y ~~ i~~ ;1 n i18~ H ~i AiH H ! ~ II D v ! v UDOOODU UJ ~ UJ > '6l 0 '6l '6l '6l Ll ~ <0 N ~ ~ N U) UJ Ll a:: UJ Q. 15 g ~ ~ ~ ~~"'0l'9, N '" ... 15 ~~ 15~1515 ~ ~ UJ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 15 o 0 J: .J j ll- l- ~ iil ~ 0 I- 0r- a ,....: <( I! II [J ; ~ /I;J / ..", tv ~~ u'" ~~ "'>- ~ B~ I D '--- J..~'O~' CAl\1p~ !:: ~ u r- o 0 A >. -s. ~ ~ Co' 'OotCH""'O' City of Campbell -- Community Development Department 70 N. Fint Street, Campbell, CA 95008 MEMORANDUM To: File Date: January 10, 1997 From: Tim J. Haley, Associate Planner Subject: Discussion Items ( PD 96-06) Site Plan Issues: t/i) Public street layout ; ~ Intersections on-site' . 3) Public street improvements Lane configurations · Improvements (Sidewalks ,lighting, street trees) Cristich LanelEasement Entrance 1'4) Use ofPer.eolation Ponds, L--5) Expansion of Par Course treatment" 6) Provision of improved pedestrian access to site and between buildings ...,... 4/..&. 5, t...F _ ~ ~~ .- 7) Provision of facilities for other transit modes 01 an Pools, bicycles, buses) -GH" Fire Department Access v ~~"9 uture Pedestrian Crossing over Highway 17 ' 0) Relationship to adjacent industrial development < Buildim! Desilm: 1) Style of Buildings 2) Additional information on details and materials 3) Pedestrian scale 4) Definition of research and development use Of' C"'At f..,~.' .o~tt\ .... r" U !"'" o 0 ... "- "So ... ~, ,,' Q"'CHAY.Q' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: 1/6/97 FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer ILQ / / _ Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer ~ RE: APPLICATION NO: ADDRESS: APPLICANT: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PD 96-03 535 Westchester Drive WT A Development 5 New Industrial Buildings at Former Drive-In Site COMPLETENESS COMMENTS: The site plan submitted by the applicant is incomplete. The additional information required has been previously summarized in our Preliminary Application Comments for PA 96-44 (attached). Please refer to Items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 of said Preliminary Application Comments. It is understood the subject property will be subdivided and therefore a tentative parcel map application is also required. H: \545WEST. COA(WP)(JD) Site & Architectural ReviedJ Citv of CWll/l!JC/l Attachment A Items to be Prwided on Plans A. PLOT PLAN CLEARLY SHOWING: 1) Scaled site pIan indicating property dimensions (reference recorded map). 2) Distance from centerline of adjacent street(s) to property line(s). 3) Proposed or existing street improvements dimensioned from the center line of the street (c:urD, gutter, sidewalks, driveways, tree wells, etc.). Campbell's Streetscape Standards may apply to projects along Hamilton Avenue, Bascom Avenue, W. Campbell Avenue and Winchester Boulevard. 4) Recorded or proposed easements/dedications. 5) Location of proposed building(s) or existing building(s) to remain. 6) Setbacks - indicate all setbacks from property line and distances between buildings/structures. 7) Existing or proposed driveways and other proposed ingress/egress design. 8) Parking/loading - location and dimension of spaces and aisles as specified in Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 9) Pedestrian, vehicular, and service points of ingress and egress, driveway widths and distances between driveways. ". 10) Paved areas - indicate proposed walkways, patios, and handicap access. '11) Landscaping - conceptuaIland.scape plan indicating existing and proposed landscaping. Show existing trees with a trunk diameter larger than four inches to be removed/retained. Indicate the trunk diameter, tree drip line and tree type. Landscape plan should be consistent with Campbell's Water Efficient Landscape Guidelines. 12) Fencing, including retaining walls, existing and/or proposed to- be shown (type, height, and materials). 13) Provide location and uses of buildings on adjacent properties. :Pl) Show location/ design of trash enclosures, utility transformers and meters necessary to service the proposed use. ts) Indicate public transit stops and bicycle/motorcycle 'facilities when appropriate. 14) Provide a preliminary grading and drainage pIan. ~vsd. 8/'J0/1J3 1 4P SAN JOSE t.AERCURy NEWS. Lo08I. TI-lJRSOAY, ~9, 1997 1 i a&J~i I , C. t!llfj . I f~! lH~f J .~, E"o~~ ~~-1. = =t! >. fi~t ..c 1211 ! ~~ . =:S!3 Jj~ Q.) 5 iJ i.j=~'O<( .c hiRIUi ~ ~ J~U i~i! ; lb ~~~I' lhl \ ~~ Hi J!l~j 1 ::s Q/ >. !lJ~ Q/ Q ~ .. ~ co ~~i 1~i1 _ .. , :a"~.J. t Q/! ~ ~. Q.) iJii ~~= ..= :s'Cfs!i~ -C-) .1;113 il _ .S t~ l:isr~t l '. ~ ij iii~!~ "0 ~rB01il:'~':. ..... ~;!Q.~iQ/~~ il iCO d!s~hbl .,.- . -- ... Wmchester Drive-in r JPRy be office park, 'J <<iespite opposition "~" .~ J If old of ... tthi".. ~ : '"4U111f7 tQi, tile .= If th~ signatures were validated and, an election scheduled, the projeCt would probably be put on hold. ' ' ~-....-he obviOU$ thing people were ieiiini the council is, they want mo~, recreational facilities. But the Council didn't seem to want to Iis1;en;" said open-space activist Gordon Reynolds. "1 think they made. up theb' minds two years ago',' .about a business park. , ,Dougherty said he agreed with the large number of residents for the city. But the Winchester ~~.i;iii ~~::~~ The former drive-in has been, are." , empty since 1982, while the city But a number of residents told ~d various business interests ,the council to invest in the city's struggled to find ways to buy and children. ' . develop it. A number of propoeala "I unclerstand that businesseS surfaced, including a shopping need to make money and that's complex, housing, a youth sports good for the city," said Debbie tacility with indoor and outdoor Arambula, "but we need to invest fields. and even a casino. in our children. BuaineIIIeS come :... Two years ago, the city's rede- and go, but children are our fu- BOP the ture." site forbad, The coundl ~ lOt a big financl problema. of support for its decision now ,is selling the' m elderly residents of the Pa-' million to WT A fo , de Palomas Mobile Home Park 1 lQUare-foot buaines8 park. . i1!?I-. the drlVttln site, who Vice Mayor Jeanette Watson,'.. :vored ttie quieter of. wlu) ,voted for the business park, ~1>u ding dev~lopment to a ~~~e is not against more parka nmlIIet' youth park. , '. - . , , ' I .\ 1 __ ___ ~';'::""'-:T::.:_~:.;- . ,t '" ''"'~'', "1 " I y~ ... ...", "'".. ,. , :~, ..).J'/:~::_:>:::~ ../:.;'~ J...;,J,J' ~ .............. J"/.J..;-::Jv..",J ,..J ; J..:_.; I -. Jose ..., News ~Ion :~ tan.n: 750 Ridder Pari< Drive San Jose, CA95190 I "'": lelterS@Sjmercury,com I, :la: 408-271-3792 , , , :~ 408-920-5572 I' '^-' Vu.a OC\........Iv...a.o ""'... "''II;;;;e,a-'''~- ....___ ways and CalTrain won't provide maximum bene~ unless sur- rounding counties ,.....ldertake simi- lar improvements. --ao-" .... Residen14 link the fig! gestion Wi1 fare. Fiftyl ~ f I r l j~ ~{I/\ ~ if~l VAl '~~ l~i-:77 J --..-....._- --r-J -.---- ._____ county to county. TV "lay Area Poll is a useful remin, that it is not. Regionwide, 69 percent of the Industry and open space should coexist in Campbell Why not preserve open space by putting parking underground or building taller buildings that cover less land? THE city of Campbell got a bargain when it bought the abandoned Wmchester Drive-in movie theater for $3.8 million in 1994. The 24-acre prop- erty east of Highway 17 is the last large, unde- veloped piece of land in the city. After entertaining various proposals for the property over the years,' the city council appears poised to turn it into an industri- al park, the centerpiece for the planned redevelopment of the surrounding run- dovvn warehouses and small businesses into a vital conunercial and industrial <lis- Editorial ............................ The opinion of the Mercury News The group ce the council on Thesday to hold off on the industrial park and look for a way to pre- senre the land in a city with densely -../' packed housing and a severe shortage of parks. The open space advocates make a good case. The city is short of ball fields for youth sports pro- grams. The homes east of 17 near the site don't have a neighborhood park Campbell may never find a bargain like this again. But the case for an industrial park is good, too. The devel- opment will net the city about $2 million, which could be used for recreation or park acquisition in other parts of tovvn. It . will enable the city to pay for much need- :~a:ko~~m~~~ 1n:.the.~~~ ~,approp~ for industry than for a , ~=~~=~::ir~~~ way. It would cost at least $6 million to develop as parkland, and the city doesn't i have that money. i ,l!owever, there ou&hLto~e~~ i"~afCli~JI~'a.. ~-,et some open space fur the ~ "ell. Prelimi- nary plans 1"Or the development show several one- and two-story buildings sur- rounded by parking lots, wedged be- tween the freeway sound wall and a trail- er park - a plan totally lacking in imagi_ , nation. It has no large open areas for em- , ployees to walk, ride bikes or eat lunch, : let alone for residents of the few nearby I, Qf";,.l.L .Ki1 .'4ltn:"d~""""-~.........."..-, Ii' , ~ Why not presenre open space by i: I 'j putting parking underground or building i' I it taller buildings that cover less land? If 1 t ~. the city can't afford to develop a 24-acre \ ! ~! park, why not at least a 3- or 4-acre p~~?".,,~, "..".A.;patch_Q.fg~en wa.tktenh4l~'tfie '. entire redevelopment area, and would ! senre the homes on Campbell's eastern ' border. Given the city's shortage of open space, the council should not miss any opportunity to add to the supply of park land. Supporters of the industrial park plan say the city already has done a lot for recreation, develop- ing a large conununi- ty center and build- ing the new 4-acre Jack Fischer Park, But those projects made only a small dent in Campbell's park shortage. Besides consider- ing the logical argu- ments for some sort of park on the Wm- chester site, the city council needs to be '!'~th ~~~';iierm~~unc~ candidates who favored open space on the drive-in site - Robert Dougherty and Matthew Dean - were the highest vote- getters; the candidate who openly op- posed it finished last. ".~ are tryiug to tell the council ~ ,aM the caundl ought to lis- Um. o,,'CA4t f...:~.. A~tt'> .... t'" U r-' o 0 ..I ... ~ ... ~, ,,' O-\'CH A. ",Q' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: 12/24/96 FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer fLiL . __ / Harold Housley, Land Development Enginee~ APPLICATION NO: PA 96-44 ADDRESS: 535 Westchester Drive APPLICANT: WTA Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 5 new two story buildings at Winchester Drive-In Site RE: PRELIMINARY APPLICATION COMMENTS: The following comments are intended to address some of the more significant issues and questions based on our review of the preliminary site plan: 1. Street Svstem Attached is a memorandum and red lined site plan from the City Traffic Engineer concerning the general design of the new public street and private driveway circulation. The street layout needs to be revised to eliminate the entrances/exits at curves in the roadway. T-intersections are preferred and Public Works would like to work with the applicant on a revision to the street/driveway system. It also appears that th~ curve radii and intersection angles do not comply with City standards. 2. Tvpical Cross-Sections What typical street cross sections are proposed for the public street and private streets? Which streets are to be public, which private, and where does this transition take place. Please provide typical cross-sections that would show the proposed street widths, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and property lines for all streets within and surrounding the development, including Cristich Lane and how the proposed' Cristich improvements will integrate with the new development improvements. - Show how the private access street from McGlincey Lane will be improved, and how the new improvements will integrate with the existing improvements on McGlincey. How will this access street and all private streets be maintained and by whom? Please indicate any phasing that may be done with the improvements. 3. Encroachment Permit and Requirements Prior to the approval of any final maps, and prior to the release of any building permits, several Public Works Engineering conditions must be met. The attached application packet for a Non-Utility Encroachment permit contains a checklist of items that must be completed prior to obtaining a Public Works clearance for the building pennits for the site. 4. Preliminary Grading and Drainage The grading and drainage concept is not shown. A full grading and drainage plan will be required. The plan needs to address the acceptance of runoff from Cristich Lane and the access street from McGlincey Lane and what the impact will be to the existing City storm drain system? 5. Emergency Access Have legal emergency access rights been obtained on the north side of the mobile home park? 6. Santa Clara Valley Water District The project must be reviewed by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. 7. Record of Survey We understand the parcel site is one legal parcel, but a Record Survey will be required and new monumentation will be required for the new public street. 8. Site Plan The minimum information required for a site plan is shown on Attachment "A". Additional infonnation may be needed after further review. P.S. You already have the red lined site plan prepared by Peter Eakland. H:535WEST, COA(WP)(MP) t r a f fie MEMORANDUM To: Harold Housely, Development Ef1~n~ Peter Eakland, Traffic Engineer W v From: Subject: Winchester Drive-in Internal Circulation Date: January 13, 1997 I have reviewed the proposed internal circulation system proposed by the developer. My primary concerns are as follows: (1) the two access driveways that meet the proposed public roadway on curves; (2) inadequate throat for outbound traffic on the driveways that would unduly create congestion; (3) absence of an efficient pattern of sidewalks and crosswalks for pedestrians, and (4) absence of two outbound lanes for outbound movements on major driveways. The attached drawing presents recommendations designed to resolve these issues while retaining the basic circulation plan provided by the developer. Key elements are described below: 1. McGlincey Access Road. Driveway A T-intersection would be provided with crosswalk on north side, two lanes on southbound and northbound approaches that do not have traffic control. On eastbound approach, provide left and right turn lanes. The driveway to Building E would be closed off to eliminate turning movement conflicts close to the intersection. Parking would be eliminated on access road to the north of intersection until driveway in back of BuildIng E is reached, once again to eliminate conflicts close to the intersection. 2. Public Access Road. Two lanes (right turn and left turn) would be provided eastbound at T -intersection with McGlincey access road. A driveway to Building E would be provided to front parking lot. Southbound approach at intersection with central driveway should have a right and left turn lane. At intersection with west side driveway, only westbound right in and eastbound right out would be provided. Left turns can not be handled safely _at this intersection. In order to eliminate conflicts near the intersection on the driveway, the parking aisle to the south of the driveway would only have westbound traffic out and the aisle to the north of the driveway would only have northbound traffic in. 3. Pedestrian movements. The drawing shows recommended pedestrian paths. Sidewalks are recommended in front of all buildings and on west side of Building E. These walkways make possible more efficient movement between buildings Harold Housely, Development Engineer Page 2 January 13, 1997 than is shown on original plan. It is likely that one company will have space in more than one building and efficient pedestrian walkways are important to create a campus-like atmosphere. 4. Truck movements. Trucks for the most part will utilize the peripheral driveway. It is important that adequate turning radii be provided at corners that will be used by trucks. Of particular concern is truck movements to Buildings C and D that can require more than a 90 degree turn depending upon the route taken. In summary, there are significant problems with the access and circulation plan presented, but they can be addressed within the context of the overall concept proposed. The changes that have been recommended would have a slight impact on the number of parking spaces provided. Approximately 38 spaces on the east side of Building E potentially would be lost. It might be possible to save some of the spaces at the northern end of this section. SANTA CLARA COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 14700 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA 95030-1818 SINCE 1947 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER 96-3281 P A 96-44 CONTROL NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER (408) 378-4010 FAX (408) 378-9342 FILE NUMBER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS CODE/SEC. SHEET NO. REQUIREMENT UK Appendix III-A UK 903.3 as amended by CMC 17,04,040 UK Appendix III-A Section 5 UK 903.2 Preapplication review of a plan to develop a 22 acre site into a research and development use with five buildings totaling 330,000 square feet. 1. Required Fire Flow: Required fire flow is 4,500 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. This required fire flow is NOT available from area fire hydrant(s) which are spaced at the required spacing. This is based on the largest building of 100,000 I square feet and Type III One-Hour Construction. i I I I 2. iAutomatic Fire Sprinkler System Required: Buildings requiring a fire flow in excess of 2,000 GPM shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. The fire sprinkler systems shall conform to National Fire rProtection Standard #13, 1994 Edition without the use of exceptions. I ! i 3. Final Required Fire Flow: Required fire flow may be reduced up to 50% in buildings equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems, but can be no less than 1500 GPM. Therefore, the final required fire flow is 2,250 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. This flow may be taken from the two closest public fire hydrants so long as they are spaced at a maximum spacing of 250 feet. i I I 4. IFire HydranHs) Required: Provide 24 public fire hydrants at locations to be determined jointly by the Central Fire District and the San Jose Water Company. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 250 feet and the minimum single flow hydrant shall be 1500 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. CBL 0 DISTRICT PLANS SPECS NEW RMDL AS TSH ARCHITECTS SECJFLOOR NAME OF PROJECT DODD I AREA OCCUPANCY I CONST. TYPE I LOAD I DESCRIPTION I i Veargason, Chris PERMITTEE DATE I PAGE 12/18/96 ~ OF ~ BY I Commercial Development LOCATION CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK 535 Westchester Dr Proudly Serving Santa Clara County and the Cities oj: Campbell, Cupertino, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Saratoga and the Town of Los Gatos / / ~BF ,/ ,/ / , /' SANTA CLARA COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 14700 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA 95030-1818 SINCE 1947 CONTROL NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER (408) 378-4010 FAX (408) 378-9342 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER 9 6 - 3 2 8 1 FILE NUMBER P A 96-44 I CODE/SEC. SHEET NO. I REQUIREMENT UK 5. lFire Apparatus Access Roads Required: Provide access roadways around the 902.2.2 Iperimeter of all buildings with a paved all weather surface and a minimum . width of 30 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating Iturning radius of 50 feet outside and 35 feet inside, and a maximum slope of ! 15%. Installations shall conform with Fire District Standard Details and I Specific a tions A-l. I UK 6. [Timing of Required Installations: Required fire hydrant(s) and paved all 901.3 weather surface roadway installations shall be in place and accepted by the fire department prior to the start of combustible framing. Bulk construction materials shall not be delivered to the site until the hydrants and roadways have been accepted by the Fire District. Clearance for building permits will not Ibe given until such time as this requirement is addressed by the developer. I UFC 7. I Fire Department Key Box Required: Provide an approved fire department key 902.4 box and appropriate building keys for each building. Installations shall Iconform with Fire District Standard Detail and Specification K-l. I I I I I I UK 8. Fire Sprinkler System Alarm Device Monitoring Required: Provide approved 1003.3.1 type monitoring for all fire sprinkler system alarm devices for each building. I UK 9. I Emergency Gate/Access Gate Requirements: Wh~n open gates shall not 902.2.4.1 I obstruct any portion of the required access roadway or driveway width. If provided, all locks shall be fire department approved. Installations shall conform with Fire District Standard Details and Specifications G-l. DISTRICT PLANS SPECS NEW RMDL AS I oCCUPANCYT CONST, TYPE 1 PERMITTEE DATE 1 PAGE CBL 0 o 000, , TSH ARCHITECTS 12/18/96 ~ OF-L I I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS SECJFLOOR I AREA I LOAD I I DESCRIPTION I I Commercial Development I LOCATION 1535 ! BY i Veargason, Chris NAME OF PROJECT CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Westchester Dr Proudly Serving Santa Clara County and the Cities oj: Campbell, Cupertino, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Saratoga and the Town of Los Gatos 'JJ'-A--J~ O~.CA4t . ~ f,..,~.~tt\ ... t"" U !"'" o 0 "" .... 'So ... ~, ,,'" OI/CHAV.\l' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: 12/24/96 FROM: Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Ii~ . _;7' Harold Housley, Land Development Enginee~ APPLICATION NO: PA 96-44 ADDRESS: 535 Westchester Drive APPLICANT: WT A Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 5 new two story buildings at Winchester Drive-In Site RE: PRELIMINARY APPLICATION COMMENTS: The following comments are intended to address some of the more significant issues and questions based on our review of the preliminary site plan: 1. Street Svstem Attached is a memorandum and red lined site plan from the City Traffic Engineer concerning the general design of the new public street and private driveway circulation. The street layout needs to be revised to eliminate the entrances/exits at curves in the roadway. T-intersections are preferred and Public Works would like to work with the applicant on a revision to the street/driveway system. It also appears that the curve radii and intersection angles do not comply with City standards. 2. Typical Cross-Sections What typical street cross sections are proposed for the public street and private streets? Which streets are to be public, which private, and where does this transition take place. Please provide typical cross-sections that would show the proposed street widths, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and property lines for all streets wjthin and surrounding the development, including Cristich Lane and how the proposed Cristich improvements will integrate with the new development improvements. -Show how the private access street from McGlincey Lane will be improved, and how the new improvements will integrate with the existing improvements on McGlincey. How will this access street and all private streets be maintained and by whom? Please indicate any phasing that may be done with the improvements. 3. Encroachment Permit and Requirements Prior to the approval of any final maps, and prior to the release of any building permits, several Public Works Engineering conditions must be met. The attached application packet for a Non-Utility Encroachment permit contains a checklist of items that must be completed prior to obtaining a Public Works clearance for the building pennits for the site. 4. Preliminary Grading and Drainage The grading and drainage concept is not shown. A full grading and drainage plan will be required. The plan needs to address the acceptance of runoff from Cristich Lane and the access street from McGlincey Lane and what the impact will be to the existing City storm drain system? 5. Emergency Access Have legal emergency access rights been obtained on the north side of the mobile home park? 6. Santa Clara Valley Water District The project must be reviewed by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. 7. Record of Survey We understand the parcel site is one legal parcel, but a Record Survey will be required and new monumentation will be required for the new public street. 8. Site Plan The minimum information required for a site plan is shown on Attachment "A". Additional information may be needed after further review. P.S. You already have the red lined site plan prepared by Peter Eakland. H:535WEST.COA(WP)(MP) interoffice MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Date: December 20, 1996 To date, Traffic Engineering review of the project has focused on external traffic issues. This is the first time that comments are being provided on the internal circulation plan. For a large development, it is important that proper attention be given to circulation within the site and especially to major turning movements to and from the site on access roads. My comments at this time are as follows: 1. The access plan along the southern edge of the site is unacceptable. A large number of movements will go to and from the outer site loop road and the future public street. It is important that these movements not occur from driveways on a curve, which is shown for both access roads. The attached drawing shows recommended modifications that improve safety and reduce delays. From the McGlincey access road, there are still free lefts and rights northbound, a free right eastbound. Southbound lefts must stop but will not be turning into a curve, and southbound to westbound is a through movement rather than a right turn. From Cristich, a slightly different approach is used. The driveway on the south now meets the access road at a right angle, and the access road continues and curves to the east to meet the center access road. Movements are facilitated from one side ofthe site to the other, and there are now no left turns on sharp curves. The McGlincey site become s more of a major access point, and there is space for additional vegetation at the Cristich entrance. 2. I am also concerned about the lack of an internal cross-roadway intersecting the middle access road to Building C. There will be considerable traffic from one side to the other if drivers take the most direct route to building parking spaces. My recommendation is that the proposed aisle of parking that crosses the brick surfacing be converted into a roadway without parking on either side to facilitate Harold Housely, Development Engineer Page 2 December 20, 1996 traffic flow. In this way, traffic on parking aisles in this area would be less likely to have through traffic. 3. The two recommendations above have a minimal impact on the proposed location of buildings. Building E would have to be moved 40 feet or so to the west and would gain some parking on the east side. 4. Parking requirements. The recommendations would require a reduction in parking of approximately ISO spaces, 80 of which are related to the creation of the cross-roadway on the north of the site. The parking analysis indicates that the site probably has an excess of 300 spaces. My recommendation would be to reduce parking by ISO spaces and proceed with the improvements in circulation. Good circulation and improved landscaping is more of an asset to a project more than empty parking spaces. SANTA CLARA COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 14700 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA 95030-1818 SINCE 1947 CONTROL NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER (408) 378-4010 FAX (408) 378-9342 FILE NUMBER 96-3281 P A 96-44 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS CODE/SEC. SHEET NO. REQUIREMENT Preapplication review of a plan to develop a 22 acre site into a research and development use with five buildings totaling 330,000 square feet. UFC Appendix III-A 1. Required Fire Flow: Required fire flow is 4,500 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. This required fire flow is NOT available from area fire hydrant(s) which are spaced at the required spacing. This is based on the largest building of 100,000 square feet and Type III One-Hour Construction. UFC 903.3 as amended by CMC 17.04.040 I 2. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Required: Buildings requiring a fire flow in excess of 2,000 GPM shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. The fire sprinkler systems shall conform to National Fire Protection Standard #13, 1994 Edition without the use of exceptions. UFC Appendix III-A Section 5 3. Final Required Fire Flow: Required fire flow may be reduced up to 50% in buildings equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems, but can be no less than 1500 GPM. Therefore, the final required fire flow is 2,250 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. This flow may be taken from the two closest public fire hydrants so long as they are spaced at a maximum spacing of 250 feet. UFC 903,2 4. Fire HydranHs) Required: Provide 24 public fire hydrants at locations to be determined jointly by the Central Fire District and the San Jose Water Company. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 250 feet and the minimum single flow hydrant shall be 1500 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure. DISTRICT PLANS SPECS NEW RMDL AS OCCUPANCY I CONST,TYPE LOAD I DESCRIPTION I I PERMITTEE TSH ARCHITECTS DATE I PAGE 12/18/96 ~ OF--.L BY CBL 0 0 0 0 0 SECJFLOOR AREA CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Commercial Development I LOCATION 535 Westchester Dr Veargason, Chris NAME OF PROJECT Proudly Serving Santa Clara County and the Cities oj: Campbell. Cupertino, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Saratoga and the Town of Los Gatos SANTA CLARA COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 14700 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA 95030-1818 SINCE 1947 CONTROL NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER (408) 378-4010 FAX (408) 378-9342 FILE NUMBER 96-3281 P A 96-44 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS CODE/SEC. SHEET NO. I REQUIREMENT UFC 902.2.2 5. Fire Apparatus Access Roads Required: Provide access roadways around the perimeter of all buildings with a paved all weather surface and a minimum width of 30 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating I Iturning radius of 50 feet outside and 35 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 115%. Installations shall conform with Fire District Standard Details and Specifications A-I. 6. ITiming of Required Installations: Required fire hydrant(s) and paved all weather surface roadway installations shall be in place and accepted by the fire department prior to the start of combustible framing. Bulk construction materials shall not be delivered to the site until the hydrants and roadways have been accepted by the Fire District. Clearance for building permits will not be given until such time as this requirement is addressed by the developer. 7. Fire Department Key Box Required: Provide an approved fire department key box and appropriate building keys for each building. Installations shall iconform with Fire District Standard Detail and Specification K-1. I UFC 901.3 UFC 902.4 UFC 1003.3,1 I 8. Fire Sprinkler System Alarm Device Monitoring Required: Provide approved type monitoring for all fire sprinkler system alarm devices for each building. UFC 902.2.4.1 9. Emergency Gate/Access Gate Requirements: When open gates shall not obstruct any portion of the required access roadway or driveway width. If provided, all locks shall be fire department approved. Installations shall conform with Fire District Standard Details and Specifications G-L ~;~ICT P~S ~cs ~ ~L ~ OCCUPANCY I CONST. TYPE I AREA I LOAD i PERMITTEE DATE PAGE TSH ARCHITECTS 12/18/96 ~ OF ~ BY SECJFLOOR ! DESCRIPTION NAME OF PROJECT Commercial Development LOCATION Veargason, Chris CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK 535 Westchester Dr Proudly Serving Santa Clara County and the Cities oj: Campbell. Cupertino. Monte Sereno. Morgan Hill, Saratoga and the Town of Los Gatos SANTA CLARA COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 14700 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA 95030-1818 SINCE 1947 CONTROL NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER (408) 378-4010 FAX (408) 378-9342 FILE NUMBER 96-3281 P A 96-44 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS CODE/SEC. SHEET NO, I REQUIREMENT I 10. ILocation of Required Fire Protection System Equipment: Location of Fire ISprinkler Post Indicator Valves (PIV), Fire Department Connections (FDC), [' on-site fire hydrants, fire sprinkler systems risers, and fire alarm system equipment shall be coordinated with the Fire District and the Project Planners. I UFC 1001.7.1 1001.8 UFC 901.2.2,1 902.2,2.2 11. Required Plans and Permits: Plans for fire apparatus access roads and fire hydrant systems shall be submitted to the Fire District for review and approval prior to construction. Permits are required for the installation of all Private IWater Supply, Tank, and Hydrant Systems and must be issued to contractors [prior to the start of installation of such systems. I DISAPPROVED: Developer should meet with the Central Fire District, San Jose Water Company, and the City of Campbell regarding issues pertaining to water supply prior to proceeding any further. In addition, the developer should meet with the Fire Department to discuss Site/Building Access Issues. DISTRICT PLANS SPECS NEW RMDL AS OCCUPANCY I CONST.TYPE LOAD I DESCRIPTION I I I PERMITTEE I TSH ARCHITECTS DATE PAGE CBL 0 0 0 0 0 12/18/96 ~ OF--.L BY SECJFLOOR AREA CAMPBELL TECHNOLOGY PARK Commercial Development I LOCATION 535 Westchester Dr Veargason, Chris NAME OF PROJECT Proudly Serving Santa Clara County and the Cities oj: Campbell, Cupertino, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Saratoga and the Town of Los Gatos DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Distribution: December 24, 1996 Completeness: January 13, 1997 Conditions: January 20, 1997 P.e. Meeting: Tentative February 11, 1997 ROUTE TO: X Architectural X Fire Department X Police Department X Redevelopment Agency X Engineering (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) X Corporation Yard X Building Division X Santa Clara Valley Water District PROJECT DESCRIPTION Request for approval of a General Pilm Amendment and a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of a 330,000 square foot speculative industrial business park.. INFORMATION: File No: GP 96-02 PD 96-06 Applicant: WTA and Huettig & Schromm, Inc. Project Address: Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 535 Westchester Drive 412-29-07,412-30-35,42,43 Zoning: General Plan: P-D(Planned Development) Destination Retail(Proposed Industrial) PROJECT PLANNER: Tim Haley DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: A focused Environmental Impact Report has been prepared for this project. Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions( see attached) Draft conditions of approval attached DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date Routed: December 16, 1996 Distribution: December 16, 1996 Comments: December 23, 1996 ROUTE TO: X Architectural or Landscape Advisor X Fire Department X Police Department X Redevelopment Agency X Engineering (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) X Corporation Yard X Building Division PROJECT DESCRIPTION Preapplication to allow the construction of 330,000 square feet of research and development use in 5 two story buildings on the Winchester Drive In . It is anticipated that a General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Permit will be required INFORMATION: File No.: PA 96- 44 APN: 412-29-007,412-30-35,42 Applicant: WTA Development Project Address: 535 Westchester Drive.. Zoning: PD (Planned Development) General Plan: Destination Commercial Currently to Industrial (Winchester Drive In- Development Policies) PROJECT PLANNER: Tim Haley DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions( see attached) ,x Draft comments .. ~ r D/5/fP//?c;Jz/~~ c~ael7 ~ ~