1520 Westchester Dr. (65-61) Copies: File 1 Bldg. Dept. 1 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL RELEASE TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DrvISION DA'l.'E: //- /-~S , r Rt:;'. .u . / /y pu --/ r"/.li1 {?L b(; , (Subject) Y /I,A, A r;: ~ A..-. J i2. j::: I.J, Co. , (Owner's Name) / S <(') (~ Er;/r l-/tc5'7.rj(" AI? (Address of Property) The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. ~ X r' '.f I ~ I-l-;-/(...\. I , . r~fh. 1/ J- (" !e r , L~ C I.//;-:-K ~ -----...- ---- CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DIVISION By ..2~/ ~~ ;/ ~LA . ,I).r.E / 1 of 1 /~ ~ 'f\Jt -31 PLANl lG DEPART1ENT CIT OF CAI"IPBELL 7 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE AMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 5 October 1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Yamagami Development Co. , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Industrial Building tS20 Westchester Dr. TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: 1. Parking area to be developed in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code, including a decorative wall, fence or hedge at a height of 2' to 6'. 2. Landscaping to be provide d as indicate. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500 to be posted to insure landscaping within three months of completion of building. 4. All signs to be approved by the Planning Commission. S. Plans for future buildings to be presented for "s" approval. 6. Excavation Permit for drive. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one llundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAivIPBELL PLANNING COM;\lISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 4th DAY OF October, 1965 ::TY w~:;;~umSION ~~~~\~, Secretary Att-l set plans " '5" / -,-" CITY OF CAi'1Pi3ELL PLANNING COHMISSION APPLICATION FOR "S" APP!{OVAL Sept 17 Date 1965 In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Cam~bel1 Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes appli- cation for approval of the attached Jlans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (Insert or attach legal description) All that certsin pa4rcel of land situated in the ~ity of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, Stqte of Calif., described as follows: Lot 18 as shown upon the Map of Tract No. 599 Westchester Industrial Park, wich sa&d Map w~s filed fot record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Cl:ra, State of Calif., on March L'.5, 1964 in Book 175 of Maps, p ge 47. ~,- \,~ t ~ <;;:20 W ~G~~ Pt')...- 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed inprovemerits are: (Applicant should attach a written statement settinz forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City officers in con- sidering his application). Service Enterprises.....To be used for our Landscape contractors Office Part to be sulet to other sub contractors. 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ I1uder .i570007()O 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of the site plans and ele- vations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Plan- ning Commission, one by the City Engineer ~nd one to applicant. Attached: by Architect Warren Heid of Sarat I ..~ Partner Filed in the Office Planning 'De~~t /l/J. of the P. O. Box 561 Address of App11cant Saratoga, Calif. on: City State - --- 19 tb ~ ~1 9~65 e ep one Number p~ v'" Secretary ~z/{. e~4 / " ~ ~ % ~ "" <..- ., ... ~ ,~ -~ I " ~' , , - < ... ' \':qlb'~ lA,,; "> '0 ~ 2 ~ <- ~ -: \\ \'lq lb'~ ,,:J'l t:, ~,I, ,ol,Q4 (""") ~' .-~ n ..0 :;0:'" " -i:, } ... ~ ~ CIO , '" r:._?~'~'~' "::.2Zgi.f to. <> ~ ~ <>-, i i; .... <> -' ~#.(k- ~ IT) ..... <> ... t. <::: , >- G " ., ~ r- ,~ oS) "" ~ I - - "' " ; t' c~ W ~l. t:' $i..J:. / SF /0..7 .:7P S II;' iHlIl "- M.;7..ttoC ... t;.LV1Y ;:1 Co" ~t/,q ".5(7,- j,),JPjt<J' 0' J/7S-''-''--"lL9 /0 (Cq'l'l 'o~H,C\< ~.1IN/~ ,".1JJ 'J7l'IdWYJ S?UO 7 "'AI ~ a:: ~ ~ ....I ~ ~ ~c:C~- z ""~ _ '$:'- ~ "., d tY >-:::>. "" ~ .... .ri - ~.a c: LO"'~~ 0 -c ~ II ~ E rt')en~~~ ~O . :::> E ~ -' I ~ u 09 o '""' ~;>......I c.~:~0!'2 ..... c.> UJ......... ro c:: 0 c:: :z: z: ~ ~ U E e-E~ __ <ri Z "'C co :::J a =:r..J~ ~:;,8- l.- = ~ ... c.::J CI) ~".,<I- 0 "'''' , ..... .... -:J. ?=..J ~ Q.)~.g '-" I. I 'U < ") ... ::;::; u ~ <C ~ z: :r. 1.1 _ <= ~cn . Ul ~. I-LI 0 r-- c:: "" l- := ~ m , .~ F ~ ...... ' ~o = a.. - I- "'., .s ~ LL1~ ~ ~~ X~ <t: (.)~ U 1_ dl en LIJ ~ \