705-735 West Valley Dr. (71-33) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: BUILDING ADDRESS d{A. '7, ~. {At..'" t6y' ( <-- ~~<;. (;...J ~ L/~F-""/ (YC, r APPLICANT COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4-13 '-5" 1- z.8 II S It APPROVAL NUMBER 7/- 5) PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER /Z7<:"- GL - //7 WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By ~/ /~ ;)L- Date 1'-2#8-7/ Pw-~ INTER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT J.t4 ~ /51...'/ L.r:P~ S BUILDING ADDRESS 7 () s- t...) &</ U Ac--<-,t:: v 1><<' ( COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 41 ,'"') ~~ S/-zej . "S" APPROVAL NUMBER 7 ) - 3<l- PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER ft/l C / - . {;-LI--'CC-/ I 117 WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By ~/ ^-.1.k~ Date 0- cD - 7 / , PW-6:.>' INTER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public ~vorks Department have been satisfied for the follOWing development~ APPLICANT 12 - ~'-1 ~\ (.; ~ b L. L h ~ ^ \-\....J ''"-f B P- BUILDING ADDRESS--=:!":-;'~ l~c':.,T V~LLe'tf';p- COUNTY ASSESSOR'S LeT (~- J T r? .~ (- T .::'\- f:.~ ',~ \ PARCEL NUMBER C1 I '-~~. <:.'" \ C:_: L <C::. II S" APPROVAL NUMBER .1 '; l\ 'u - :~-7 PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER l' \ I' J ,\ C (,,-i L, t k. C \. " I WILLIAM G. l1mEN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~;;L~L PW-63 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public ~\]orks Department have been satisfied for the following developnent~ APPLICANT ,,~ / ,(/ .~ IL A<>-J f\ '--'-J Yp-iC ( 7'7. S ~. U0'-"-..E::./ '\)? . / BUILDING ADDRESS COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4- I 5 -- 4c'/ - S .. S" APPROVAL NUMBER 7 {- 3 <: PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER /~ ~ r;.. , (// 7) WILLIAM G. ~mEN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /7 By & /.A. /? ~---I ./' , Date ')- C)-"7 / , 7?tu ~jf/ (~ ,) 1'-1" 7' --.... -,. -:> ,> 1-:1 '.:, J (I ,.-, .. /'2 7 ;fC" 't ,)" r' L t\ /1 N J Ii G IJ }; l' !\ r: T 1-[ 1: Ii l' CITY or Ci.:,jPDl:LL 75 1IOf~'j'H Cr;Nn~AL AVI;liUi; . C Al-i }> B F; L L ~ C A L I r 0 R H I A .. JJ 1\ T E : __J: ',! n ~:.....2!.L~~1.J,____ CO}l D 1 T lOll SAT T A CHI.; D TOll S II A P PRO V 1\ Lor P J, Mi S 0 r ___~E5_.!..~ n a 1!Y.~!'.-_.. -- ------------------------------------ , rOR co~rsl':~uC'nO;i or __i.Q~_~~mi_'!__~artment -'_._'_._-------_._~- ---------------...- 1'0 B1: LOCATED 1.1' 7.0?--.Jle~.!_ Va~~~_,D~ive --------_._----------------------..-------~---._-----_._--.------.---..-------------...------- CONDITIONS: c0nditicns of ap~rov31 attached . $ c c: t i 0 ~J 93 J C ..1 0 f t h (' C i.' F: p :., c 11 ;.; t1 11 j c 5 p ct J Cod c }". c Ci c1 s a S J' 0 J.1 0 ',.J S : 1\11)' 2ppr'o\'al gP2nic'c1 und'C'l' this Sc:ct5.oil S[I~J.J. c;.:pi~'(: Olle yea!' e~f'tel' t 1- c~ . t' -. t~. ..., ,. tl;, .. r'l C l -)...;\ (1 ", J .. -1 ..f)....::1.l. n ....' 1." J r> Co' <.-':') .. ~.oJ. ...~ ; ~.... J J ~ .\ d L 1 .f) () u ,',.. -. C fl " , d C'i) ~L \~., d~. S "'. c. n c ,. ,() ,I.. " " -' c, n c ,', c (. d S _ (J.. f-()}' SUC!l c~pprOV,tJ. Is OJ)t::.5.II[:Cl D)' Ll(~}:illg "(;:oitten ~~l)l)J.ic(~tJon for 52L1C to the PLl11lling Co;:n,15ssiol1 at least fiIte<::-r} (1:.) days pl>iol' to .,;H.' c>q,j.l"atio!1 clute ,of such apl)}'o\'ClJ.. .110 bui~c1).ng pC:l'idt shed,] be Lssuccl after Ole e;':l'il^CltioIl date o~ any clpp~'ovz:J. untiJ.~, I1C\/ ai1pl'o\'CiJ hc~s heen obt2.incd in the rnallnc:l' pro\'3,c::::c1 ,,,..__f.en' ..,i ]Iut r:j s, Ch2.pt ('1'. GIUllin:!J IlY THr: CITY or C1\1.1('[;;;LL P!u\li~il1!G CO:i~nSSIOii AT A RE;GULAF< m:LTINC~ m:LD Of! THf: --21s:t-__ (1ay of .h......J:lL;:;.C.__,._____,__~..____, 1971 cc: Engineering Dept.w!att.v Fire Dept. wIatt. Cll'Y or C^Ii?;n:LL PLAlfllUfG COtiln~;SIOt: , " J'y'. / /~. / " . I ". ' ). . 'f/; J //L./'i' /' ,..."...~." .'- .. _._--~"."'-"-_._-".~ ~~~--_...,-~ ,...~_... '--'--,,-- · AWj'iiUf, KF;F: ,'.; :C:kt.'Ud"{ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "8" 71-33, "s" 71-311-, "S" 71-36, and "S" 71-37 Kanawyer, R. 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped ~s indicated on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating location of sprinkler ~ystem and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the arnonnt of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area \'1ithin three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. Approved trash containers to be located In areas approved by fire department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the fol10\'1ing coriditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach. F. Provide approved fire extinguisher cabinets. G. Comply with Fire Prevention Code. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinance~~ of the City of CampbelJ Ylhich pertalll to this development and arc not herein specified. '/JM."-/ .~Lc J1k/d r{"i) PLANNInG JJl:P!\RTHt:UT CITY or Ct'.l'!I'B};LL 7 5 11 0 t~ l' if C F; fl'nUII, A V I; li U i; , C A 1.;1) II E L 1. > C A L I r 0 R jiI A If'(""'..i 7 ~ , -' -; 3 ; ~3 c/ 3--l37 lJ~Tr' · " ---.Ju.n.e--44-,-l-s.7'l---- COHDITIOllS ATTAC!u:n TO "s" APPROV!\L or PL!.~iS or -R-ay-Ka.Ga-~y~n". ~ rOR CO~STRuC'nO:'i or .f.o..u,'t!-u..n~1..pa,...tr}ent -- -~-----._._-------_._--------------- ----_.~_._------- ----------~-----...... 'f0 BE LOCATED AT ~--_._--------~._-_.-._--._- ._____.___d__ ----.------...,--1 J..5.., "a.t....Jt.alley..._,lir.i..y~____.______ _ __ _____________~_,.---.--- CONDJTIOliS ,: Condi~lons of approval attached . . Section ~131G.J of the C2r::pbcLll':unicipal Code r'cCic1s as folJo-,.;s: f,ny C:PP1"O\'c:J. i;P2ntec1 Ullc1<C'l' titis sCCt50il $It211 (:;.:pJ!'e Oile yea}' c:ftcl' tit c d ~t t: c tl P () i) fl'::1 I c h 5 tl C [I a p p 12, 0 V ~~ 1 \of C1 S l r c~ I1 t ~ d) t! I! 1 !:~ S~; 2 n ex ten s 5 (} n f 0 l' 5 tl C h e: p P!' (J V i:l 1 j $ 0 b t ::5 J t <::: c1 by i.l a}: j 11 g '.-;;" i t t C:J c~ 1-' p], )_ C c! t 5. 0 n i 01' ~; 2T:1 e to the PJetll1ling Co;;n,dssioil at JCe\st fiftc'2lJ (1:,) days P!'jo!' to th~~ c ;.: p i l' a t i 0 :1 d a t c ,of s u (; hap p)' 0 \' Cl J . . n 0 h u i ~ c1) n G P (: l' rd, t s 1'1 a 11 b c: i s S tl C c1 ctf t crt :h c c :-=} d_ rat ion d a t c 0 fan y c1pp!'oval until cl 11C'.1 a~lpr'o\'cJJ h2.5 been Obt2.iilCc] in the 1:1anl1r:1' p!'oviccc1 .__..__f.Q!'...illhtrd_s, Chaptel'.' G}Ud1Tl:LJ BY THr; CITY or CHlf:'r;;:LL PLr'.1diJHG CO:,[10SS101i AT A REGULAR }-ll:F:THiG HELD Olf Tm: __~_~~_~.____ day Of",__'_..J.u.ll..e._u.___,.__________, 1911 v' cc: Engineering Dept. wIatt. Fire' Dept. wIatt. CITY or CAI:~);l::LL PLA:WUlG conlH~;SIOtr BY: ------.- -^-}~1' ffu-R-.-k' f:i~.~-s.E:c.R-C.l:j~!~'y- '-'--- CONDITIONS OF APPIWVAL - "S" 71-33, "S" 71-31+, "S" 71-36, and "S" 71-37 KanaHyer, R. 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating location of sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for apprcval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the a~ount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be muintained in accordance with the appx'oved landscape plan. 5. Approved trash containers to be located in areas approved by fire department. The applicant is notified as part 6f this application that he is required to meet the fOlloHing coriditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveHay areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach. F. Provide approved fire extinguisher cabinets. G. Comply with Fire Prevention Code. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. .. ~~xd (I, -0/ ) I') '0(_"-'"7 '?.J I ,')). ,') ! , '<; Co\ :~ '7 }, LA H ? I J l! G D}; P II R T 1'; 1: Ii l' CITY or Cl.1H'BJ;LL 75 HORTH C F~Nn~A L A VI;liUE; 'CM:PBF:LJ,~ CALlrO}~1iIt, D/'.TE: June 24, '1971 C01l D I T I 011 SAT '1' A elf}; f) TO" S" A P P F:. 0 V fd, 0 r P L!, ?; S 0 r Ray Kanawyer ------.--------- ------- " ~ rcl}~ COl'! S TP-UCi' I O;i or . ---------------~--~--------~------~--~-- -f.O-U-P--i.l-~i+-a_:~J e n t _._._'._-_._~--------+-'-'- _._---~-_._--~-~---. .. l' 0 m: L 0 C II TED A T -------.---.--------------- - ------- '--.------- ...--......22-5--W.est._V alLey,._ -D.rJ.ya___~._____,_.._,______,.___~_.---,-..- CONDITIons: conditions of app~ova1 attached t s c c t ion 931 C . J c> f the C c' ;;: P~)::: 1 J I'; t' n j c 5 p Cl J. C (> Gel" c 2 c1 s as 1 0 J. J 0 '.... s : All)' c:ppr'o\'aJ. g1""~lltecl Ul1c10r this sect5.or! SIt211 c;.:pl~'c Oile ycc~l' c:ftc}' t l- d' t-, l" '1 ,. ~ 1 ~. '1 C 1 -I..' ~... , -I] . ~ ::l ~f Y. -1 -I. - n --', 1 \ 1 n r. <' :'l. ....J...,..., ; ... J1 C d ( Il' () j ... d 1, C fI S, .! ~,,) ~J, (> \ <'.. ,', c. S 0 _ c. n c ,. '_') t, L __ _,.... c,ll C ,', l. C" S ~ (J 11 fop sue It c~ p P l' 0 V <I J. J sob t :; 5 II (! cl by II <~ }: .i 11 g ...; " 5 t t c :1 <~ l' P J. 5. C cl t 5 0 n f 0 l' S 2 1:\ C to UtC I'Jcl1Jllin~: CO;;ll,tiS~d.O;l <1t JCctst fiftc'C'lJ (1::,) d<1Ys IH'iol' to th~ C>:ph'Cltio:1 date ,of such apl'l'(lvaJ. .No hui~d}I1z.; pc,1"','1it s1'1,IJ1 be issued after Ole c;':ph'cltion ddtc oJ; any ill'pl'OV,:J. until 2. DC\! clj.1Pl'OVc1l lidS heen obt2.in~cl in thc manncr provided . __... _ f. Q 1'...5 11 ._t id. s . C h <i P t (: l' . ' CR/diTl:lJ BY THr: CITY or CAI-!f.'I;r:LL PL:\li~iIHG CO:'f1"ISSIOii AT A R[GULAR Hn:TlliG HELD OU THi; ___..2..l.s.:l:__ day of ,______-.JJlnL___.._n_________~ 19 '/1. cc: Engineering Dept. w/att.~ Fire Dept. wiatt. CITY or CAI:~);I:;LL PI.Al!llING C01'i1-:ISSIOlf \ . ./-/,1., ,./. ..-", ..... J Y . _':"_c:+Ei11~Tti ~'R--.Ktf~..:-i1:~1{1:-'l;^fZ.{ __.___ '. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "s" 71-33, "s" 71-311, "s" 71-36, and "5" 71-37 Kana'tlycr, R. 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating location of sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the aroount of $1,000 to be posted to' insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area 'tlithin three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. Approved trash containers to be located in areas approved by fire department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to nieet the following co~ditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to beprovidcd as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building depal'tment for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach. F. Provide approved fire extinguisher cabinets. G. Comply with Fire Prevention Code. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. ~v4 (-i I~ "", " j Ii 33 . ) ~J j, 3("'\'t 3"'1 P LI\ II i'; J II G DE P Ii K 1'1; t: N l' C 1 'J' Y 0 r C i.I'l I' B 1; 1. L 75 1l01<1'H cr;WftUII, A VE:liUF; , C Mi }' H F: L J, ~ C A L I r 0 }~ IiI A VATE: J u n e 2 L~.; 19 7 1 COHDITIOIlS ATTACHE:n 1'0 "S'I !d'PRO\'ld, or PL/\~~S or Ray_J;?",,-1!.~J:-ry.~!,_________ . . '. -~.,-___._____________ _____________ s FOR co~sn~uC'nO;i Of _[ou!'~:!...it _~~.!'ti'i1ent ---....-----------. --------_._-_..._~------. .- '1'0 BE LOC;\n:D AT 2.3~_.I'1_~~'t__ ValleL_~~'ive --.-- ...-- -_. ----- ---~-__.__~_ ___n_ __-.____~ _________~ _~________. __.___~__.____________________.__.__.~.___ COHDJ'J'J.OiiS: conditions of approval ~ttached , SecticJ,) 93JG.J of t1]e; C<:':;:pbcll :':unjcj,l,al Coc~e l"c<:;c}s as foIlo',-,'s: A n ~{ c.' P lJ r. 0 \' a 1 l'~ l' ant e c1 u n c1 ~ l' ~ 1-1 i.s see t ri. 0 i! S 1'r 2. 1 J (: /: }) J. ~l (; 0 r! C :l e a l' c~ f tel . t] , L ,. t, ~ .. c:" "r- -1"''''~"\ .. -,"" .. -1 <- 'r """'\;l .I. c.';', ,,1 r. C' C::' ~. .._...._..... ~. ~ ..-... 'J e Ci <:[ . . C t1 P ().) ,'". J. C [) .' de.! o:.,I,:J, (1 \ c J. ..t c.~' <..,1. c.. fl '. ~ '''') t. L L ... ,:. -' c,ll c... c (: oJ '" J (l" f 0 l' 5 tl C it ct P 1'!' (J V c[ J. 15 (1 b t :~ 5 J 1 cd 0 Y i:l " }: ill g ',,':c' 5 t t C) c~ l' }) J. 5. c c' t j 0 Il i (11' 52;;: c to the PJ<tlJllin~; C:o:;li,15s~;j,o;l at lc<:\st [Site,,:I] (1:',) days JH'iol' to tfl(, C); p 5.1' at ion cl ate ,0 f sue 11 a p p!' 0 \' Cl J . .no bui~d)ng pCl",'lit she:ll be issued after tIle c;':pirCltio!l date o~ elf,}' a p P!' (> V <:,], un t i J. <\ n c \,/ a j.l p r (, \' oj 3. h C:t S bee n 0 b t cd ;1 ~ d jIlt h e I" a llIle: l' p1' 0 '" 5, d c c1 . ._.._ _ fQl'....i 1) __t hi, S. C!12 P t (: 2" . ' GR/dITE!J BY TE!': Crey Of' CfI.IH'i;;::LL }'I,,\!iiiHfG CO:HllSSIOii AT II RF;GULAR m;f;THiG HELD ON THf: -2Ut,..--- day of,__~......I.;"uLl:;..______..__.______' 1971 cc: Engineering Dept. wIatt. Fire Dept. wIatt. ....' CITY or CII1i~'i\::LL PLAnnUfG c 0 t,~ t.! ! S S J 0 r: , , }, y . /.. i ". . ) . ---+,~;~,Ll{f1- ffuf~-K'f;f;"7~~~8-:-fj~i~Y -----,- CONDITIONS OF APPFZOVAr~, - "s" 71-33, "s" 71-34, "s" 71--36, and "s" 71-37 Kanawyer, R. 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating location of sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the a~ount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may fil~ written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. Approved trash containers to be located in areas approved by fire departrnent. The applicant is notified as part of this application that Ire is required to meet the following co~ditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to beprovided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbe],l Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in ~ccordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach. F. Provide approved fire extinguisher cabinets. G. Comply with Fire Prevention Code. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of C~mpbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.