900-902 Whiteall Ave. (2000) ~.O.\g"b~ &:)'- ~~ . {~} l ~:MCt:IVt:D .l1CHA..1> ~J", f", -- I.J I" 1 //..' ,~ Ci ZOOD ,"',}e, I'" AD ,-, C f"'fJi"iST~~ ORK S IlATtON CITY OF CAMPBELL City Attorney's Office June 13,2000 PLEASE RESPOND TO: Winstan Chew 1321 Pargy Caurt San Jase, CA 95128 455 Los Gatos Blvd. Suite 208 Los Gatos, CA 95032 TEL 408.356.1950 FAX 408.356.805\ Re: Develapment .of Assessar' s Parcel Number 282-17-18 Dear Mr. Chew: This letter will canfirm .our telephane canversatian .of June 6, 2000. In that canversatian, I advised yau that in .order ta develap the lat knawn as Santa Clara Caunty Assessar's Parcel Number 282;..17-18, yau must .obtain a Canditianal Certificate .of Campliance fram the Cammunity Develapment Department. The reasan far this requirement is that.the City .of Campbell enacted an .ordinance an May 8, 1961 that mandated that all sub- divisians .of less than five lats be appraved by the Planning Cammissian. At that time, Assessar's Parcel Number 28Z-17-18was part .of Assessar's Parcel Number 282-17-14. Withaut .obtaining the approval .of the Planning Cammissian, Parcel 282-17-18 was illegally created by Grant Deed an March 3,.1964. Hawever, under State law,. if yau purchase a lat that was illegally created priar ta March 4, 1972, you can still develop it if (1) yau are a bana fide purchaser withaut actual .or canstructive natice of the illegal subdivisian, and (2) yau .obtain a Canditianal Certificate .of Campliance. At the time .of .our canversatian, it was my understanding that yau had na basis far knawing .of the illegality .of Assessar' s Parcel Number 282-17-18. Therefare, if yau can prave that yau had na actual .or canstructive knawledge .of the illegality .of the lat, and yau .obtain a Canditianal Certificate .of Campliance, yau may be able ta develap the lat, subject ta the conditions .of the Certificate and the applicable regulatians. I hape this letter is .of same use ta yau; and if yau have any questians, please let me knaw. Sincerely, ~~p?-- William R. ~ligmann City Attarney .of Campbell cc: Bernard Strajny Sharan Fierra Bab Kass "UIc-!u./'/{a-L! U1L ( ~ /32- I f2t;y &; ~ 95/2fi 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008-1423 . TEL 408.866.2129 . FAX 408.374.6889 . roD 408.866.2790 t.....1".CA1thoJ': o 0 - . ~... ...,' ,~ I? ( Ii , \l. \' CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM TO: Darryl J.ones Senior Planner ~ FROM:Tun 1. Haley ~ Associate Planner DA TE:N.ovember 22,1994 SUBJECT: Parcel Map Reqiurement (porgy Comt) The Planning Department has received a request from Mr. Everette Root for infonnati.on in regards to the method to .obtain approval .of a building permit to canstruct a residence an APN: 282-17-018. This assessor's parcel n.o. was created as a result .of a record .of survey prepared an December 2, 1963. The City of Campbell had a parcel map require as provided in ordinance n.o. 423 secti.on 9115.5 which reqiured Planning Director's approval and the provisi.on .of access to a public street. This .ordinance was adopted .on May 27,1963.The Planning D~partment does n.ot have a record .of a parcel map for this property, c.onsequently, the subject parcel was nat legally created by the record .of survey. It appears that Mr. Root needs to process a parcel map to legally establish this parce1.This parcel map W.ould be rather unique in that it wauld be a flag lat with its sole means .of access to P.orgy C.ourt which is in San J.ose. I W.ould imagine that both jurisdicti.ons W.ould have to approve the map. Bath Steve Piasecki and Bab Harary seem to be supportive .of such a parcel map. If y.oU agree, I will proceed to d.o the fall.owing: 1) C.ontact San J.ose t.o see if they are supportive .of the concept. 2) Contact Mr. Root to request a parcel map and advise him .of the process. Please let me kn.oW h.oW y.oU W.ould like this handled. cc. William Seligmann, City Attorney R.obert Harary, City Engineer Steve Piasecki, Community Devel.opment Director PILE. O~ 1<~!I 1!~3 /9V 0- ~ .. 09 -t a.a W ~ :2> 'If- - a.a a::: LOI 0 ~I 59'1001 89'1r01 ex) ~I ,.... o ~I ~l'b01 ~I 0- ('I ~ "'. o. -. Ot !ell "., I ~ I ~.. t\I ('J 112 ~I I t\il ~ :. I ",I -t i~SOJ I g, -------1>> ~ I ~ I ~ 10 ~ \~ I I co... oq.l 'It ~ ~ H'.S b.S ~ -t t\a N F---~-----1.--r ~\ .f)"~1 / U !!! 5""511 / --------~ ~ / $. \~ N / -!Z '" ~ ~/ ~ ~ ...... It') \pI ~l ~O/ ,,*,.:l i\.~1 t\l "'I '" ~/ ~ ~ -" ~I / c:;. '!.. 011 / U'~, ~'ll' / ~I ~I f1" ~ ~ 111 'If- (\J --------- l8'~EI I 1JJ :J ~ Z to ~ lLI '4) 'Q' > <( I I (\J N ~I S\ ..... CD lID -0 'If- --------- " vEl l"! CD ,.. N ~ ~ N t;:;l --------- ~I ~ ..... cD 'If- -.0 ... ~a:'~ 1"')0 Z ~ ..... 01 <t ~ ~Z~ .....~ u:x: <(<t ~ a::O &11- ~ ~ U'vtl - - - ~I- __ ~I ~ ..... cO 10 ..0 ... o -0 'It N ~I --------- .... 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CII 01 ~ It) ~ ~I --------- sniEI ~I ;e ~ If) .... if' I ~ ~I ao ~ -0 'l8 - - - ii:SEi - - - O~ ~I ~ ~ l~' -Ii ~ ~ rt> -0 "'l --~ In+, ,'&1 '101 9O'\f. - ~ C"': f'.. C) cl ): .-3 1" l'~ ~4 -~~ .~ .A .",..... V) ~ ~.~ ~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~3 ~ .3 ~ tID ~ -t5 ~ J~ ~ <7- -~ ('J -...) 3 \l !, 1 1"- h VI s: a:: <( --I :E <( a.. r" ? .~ ~ i.J . ". ~ -~ '">J ~ . so 1- -+-- -..:1 Q '- '~.-c-> ',-J " '-'> ,~ c :-.) ~~ r-', -- ------.---. .-- -- - ---'-- - . -...-------- . -- .-- ---- '..1 - - !J/JIWEYOR'S CERflFICATE Th/"s map ~d4r ~.s- <7 """""y~ Pv __ <7r ~'""51 a'red""" /i'1a:wTDr~ JYl'lh Mt:o ~/~~;~ of/he tond Sur~~!;Or'3 Ac} a;.I~ nY;ues,.sl-o/ H(!*","!/ L.~lil'n /n NOj~~r 19(i,S. ~....4.~..J!JIflI /: II II N I j-- ~~~~A;At;.:q:;77 CDt/NTy SUI'~~ CERTIFICATE I~ .'?lt7~ """''':1 !.'Kt7mlmd Jt.;- a:wJf.v>>IV~ '1M Aft- J'C9IV;";'~~lh at'.Ine- ' ~ ~~ ~ Ihb....,..t.......cbvd: /)~r:.~m6.~r.. ~. ~ .b~5" 7: ,t:b/I e. ~41 Surwp- By. .~<ff~./;;~.. ~~ 1 I ~S.2. '15.30 COlIIiTy ~$ CEH11F1fJM~ . ...,.. c?' A.. /l~ m,.. n!f::Dn:7 .:lb. 3. ~ . GE7.r 0': .r..e.", .flAtI. .': t~ 0'1.. . ,./1$. AI. /h tt- .:It ..1.7(1.O/'.#Ifp$ a'~~ r..a' t~ ~""R~.7;U 6t>/~ ~ks. n/ca Ab.~J:"~......."'.c...... ret:.'s:.o~.... FOld ~.r'!..!!- 117v/ JP. JOr~. a;un4' ~trlc:r ;// .~~.. O~ulY" IlASIS OF BEARlAliS The ~hg~Na;,9~2'~ al'#I~ 1~~4t b~oI"hI /4~ os sb~JI'ht:n 1&'1 ~h /nap lit:;a' JCh.I9'9z ~~:t7' Q7 ~ /K 0/ M7ps o/""09'=' ~ Sqhh Cb'~Gvni' '~n:8' /IUs b~ C:~ The:- /.10.5/5 OT 01/ ~it;ps .s~~M7 '~~17. RECORD O~F SURVEY IJEIIItJ LOT Ml/4 0"" TRACT lvo. 1949 CITY OF CAMPBELL CALIFDIWA FOR HENR)" LEVIN -- . RUTH AND tIOI/I(J' ASSOCIATES SAN JOSE" CALIFORNIA SCAJ"E: '''.40' NOVEMtJERI9S - - - .---"-...... ..------ .I1'lh AI,. ,. ~ 0 >,.., t I :i - -- --- -~ ~ I I I I~ _._-~-~~~ ~ ~----.-..-,---- -------------------- .--------------. ...... IiOl ~ ... ~ ",~.. -. I I. 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