1300 White Oaks Rd. (1998) 14399524 Titles: 1 / Pages: 4 Recording Requested by ) DOCUMENT: ) I UIIII~ 11111111111 Fees. . * No Fees CITY OF CAMPBELL ) Taxes. . ) Copies. When Recorded Mail To ) _0014399524- AMT PAID ) City Clerk ) BRENDA DAVIS ROE ~ 002 City of Campbell ) SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 9/18/1998 70 North First Street ) Recorded at the request of 8:00 AM Campbell, CA 95008 ) Chicago Title /7PN'tl-/~-?7-CV/' (Space Above This Line For Recorder's Use) GRANT DEED FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Santolina Associates, a California general partnership hereby GRANT(s) to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street and related purposes, all of that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit" A" attached hereto and made a part hereof Said property contains. 008 acres, more or less, and is generally shown on the attached Plat Map. \ ~ \ STATE OF CALIFORNIA._ DATED s//Ai COUNTY OF Santa Clara ~Jf~~~~~ :a~~~ii:~n~:s;~~:~:~'partnershiP ~~j~~.~j:S:: ~ /. '1C~' On U Sf before me '~I#:""~~f~ ~ ~ the under gned, a Notary PubliS; in and (or S~id'~W~'I~~~~r SI9NATl!RE State, personally appeared K~3!!s~; ~n ~,,~" Klm ;<;~ley m~%~~l partner t6-1fte (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory Typed or Printed / evidence) to be the person(~' whose name~ is/aR subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/8fte.4ftey executed the same in hisfMl:l SIGNATURE their authorized capacity(WS), and that by hisfftel:t- their signature(1) on the instrument the person(1), or the entity upon behalf of which the person~) acted, executed the instrument. Typed or Printed "- / WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature tJu;)}jAU./ AhfW)fJ) Name C/lenne. Brewef (typed or printed) ~ ..... .A.. A.......J' ..... ..... ..... ...... .... ..... "'1 I~_ " CHERINE~Q .. / .. " . COMM. # 1(311)16 ~ $ ; -.r: ..; 6 Notary PllbIIc - California ~ Z . ~-. .' SANTA CLARA COUNTY I ' C"::':.: ",M1,~c:m~:.~~:esSe.P24.1998 J ~~'''"'Thlsarea'-foroffiba'Mi6~ j : \forms \grantpsp( 1/97) ACCEPTED ON nrs __j~!1J dW of ~f!-;;~<-' /ctfi for ,,"'-! r," h"h,,'f ",' l',Cl .-;L'I '\~\ C3n"""'opll , Q : ~;,,,; d I i ~ t II (J 't' l_, 1 ',~ l,j I :. _~ IJ ~ \ II ';-- -..., , a ~run!e;n)1 ('''r~'nr",:i',~.n "f Tho State of 1\ I - l' "'.' I ~,u . 'J,) :.J J .. ..1 u', -! ,; 1 t,.li ...J C"Ilif,r;l'I">' nLlrr)'!~':-I'l' '0 l)0~:hI;.i'''n No 749 \. _ .J~' '...." fJ ,,' ..........1 ~~ r\.~,.-,,--,~ ,:..} . , f2cor,:!ad in Book 4509U"b 180~ Snt Clara CounLY Records. / ~ ---- --.. ~ Anne Bybeo, City Clerk City of Campbell, California EXHIBIT "A" August 5, 1998 Job No. 98-254 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LANDS OF SANTOLINA ASSOCIATES TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast comer of that certain parcel ofland granted to the State of California by that certain Grant Deed recorded on March 5, 1970 in Book 8849, Page 221 ofthe Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence from said point of beginning along the easterly line of said lands of the State of California South 22032'20" West 96.17 feet and South 09051'56" West 2.76 feet; thence leaving said easterly line, North 25047'55" East to the easterly extension of the northerly line of said lands of the State of California; thence along last said line, North 89032'45" West 6.89 feet to the said point of beginning ofthis description, and containing 346 square feet of land, more or less. . , EASTERLY LINE OF LANDS OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (0003 OR 545) / - N- / U) to<) ~ o u_......____ ...... I / @ .J?Z....."........1~ "Iwj .... "" ~ ^o/''''> a :v .... CO ~ ....................0).. .U) U) -@ ai !'> Ol Ol ..,........................... 0 en EXHIBIT "A" / POINT OF BEGINNING .. o N89032'45"W 348.41 ~ ". @~ ~ 1/~l.J h fa" '.1rJ "v ~ OlZ' " Co tj rl........, ../$!2@ AREA TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 346 sa FT TRUE POINT BEGINNING ~ ,,--..... Gill Qr-r) 10 l"-N r-r)r-r) I~ ~G ~ ~ ~::t:t:: zU (LO <(8 EASTERLY LINE OF LANDS OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (0003 OR 545) AREA TO BE VACATED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 2,227 sa FT .~ .............,.....@'~~ !t) o~ ory ...............~ "5 @ 26.92 f;j 589'32'45"E 259.55 NB9032'4S"W @ REFERENCE FOR BEARINGS SHOWN @ PER RECORD OF SURVEY (86-M-4) @ PER CAL TRANS ROW MAP ROTATED TO ROS (86-M-4) @ PER IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR WHITE OAKS AVENUE DATED 10/19/83. "-::11 TS CIVIL ENGINEERING. INC. ~I. 90 N. FIRST ST. STE. 101 SAN JOSE. CA 95113 ~ -z. CIVIL ENGINEERING P\lI 4OlI.993J1IOII TILL fREE' 1188.327.1010 f'/lllJ 4OlI.993J1662 PLAT TO ACCOMPANY THE LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE VACATION AND DEDICATION OF WHITEOAKS AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALlFORNlA Ill\m SEPTDlBER 1DOlI ~ '.-Ja _1M loIJD ..-n 1M loIJD cttEaCED 1M loIJD ....... ....... TJS _ ........ D8-2M " Recording Requested by CITY OF CAMPBELL When Recorded Mail To City Clerk City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 DOCUMENT: 14399525 Titles: 1 / Pages: 3 1111111 ,,~ 11111 mIl 10014399525_ Fees, Taxes, Copies, AMT PAID 13,00 13,00 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title ROE fI 002 9/18/1998 8:00 AM FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, The City of Campbell, a municipal corporation does hereby REMISE, RELEASE AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM TO Santolina Associates, a California general partnership the real property in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof \ Said property contains .051 acres, more or less, and is generally shown on the attached Plat Map. STATE OF CALIFORNIA " COUNTY OF Santa Clara ..... r-- On ctll b lq~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pu~~ and for said State, personally appeared >(t- /<.4,j ~ personally known to me (or pre'lee te me 011 the BatiE gf sadafaetory- ev~ to be the person(~ whose nameOO is/are- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shefthey executed the same in hislherf- -theU' authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisIherf- their signature(s)" on the instrument the person(s); or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s}-acted, executed the instrument. Signature WITNESS my Name SI NATURE Robert Kass Di.r,ector of Public Works f=.o(36\Ll kA-s S Printed SIGNATURE PriTiP .... · ~~ .. .... .. "':f"" .... ... -1 .""" ANNE :;YBEE - . :~\ Commission tJ 1086504 i ,-,,;~, NotalY Public - Colffomla ~ j ", Santa Clora County - My Comm. E.pi:es Mar t:i, 2000 -..:.... __ ___ '-iII'" ~~- This area for official notarial seal. August 5, 1998 Job No. 98-254 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF WHITEOAKS AVENUE TO BE VACATED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast comer of that certain parcel ofland granted to the State of California by that certain Grant Deed recorded on March 5, 1970 in Book 8849, Page 221 of the Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence from said point of beginning along the easterly line of said lands of the State of California South 22032'20" West 96.17 feet and South 09051'56" West 2.76 feet; to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence continuing along said easterly line, South 09051'56" West 99.59 feet and South 31030'56" West 30.25 feet to the southerly line of said lands of the State of Cali fomi a; thence along said southerly line, North 89032'45" West 26.92 feet; thence leaving said southerly line, North 25047'55" East 137.38 feet to the said true point of beginning of this description and containing 2,227 square feet ofland, more or less. ~(~ft6 EXHIBIT "A" EASTERLY LINE OF LANDS OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (0003 OR 545) / / POINT OF / BEGINNING ..... o N89032' 4S"W 348.41 / ~ ", @~ ~ Ift,~ h fa" . .lrjry ~ Ojl- " fa tY // f~'@ AREA TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 346 SQ FT - N- TRUE POINT BEGINNING ~ ,--..... 0(0 01") 10 I'N 1")1") I~ va ~ ~ V:::ij:: zU (LO <{S / I @ ;..~~ .,......,......./- "'I- ". .3: '''YIo A:> a ov 0-.; CO ~ ................'...0).. .1/) I/) ....@ oi 50 Ol Ol .............................. 0 en EASTERLY LINE OF LANDS OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (0003 OR 545) AREA TO BE VACATED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 2,227 SQ FT ..~ ..............................co @ .(,j ~ Orv 0'"3 C' .....,................,.....~ '"3 '" 26.92 N89032'4S"W o REFERENCE FOR BEARINGS SHOWN o PER RECORD OF SURVEY (86-M-4) @ PER CALTRANS ROW MAP ROTATED TO ROS (86-M-4) @ PER IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR WHITE OAKS AVENUE DATED 10/19/83. o S89"32'45"E 259.55 ...-.:. TS CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. IIIl".: · 90 N. FIRST ST. STE, 101 SAN JOSE, CA 95113 ~ -z CIVIL ENGINEERING PlIo 40B.993J8OD TOLL FREE' 88B.327.7070 FAll, 408.993.0662 PLAT TO ACCOMPANY THE LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE VACATION AND DEDICATION OF WHITE OAKS AVENUE CAMPBELL, CAlJFORNIA IlIaE: SCAlE: -III': ~III': CHEDCED III': .......EII1IlIl.: ... ...- SEPTDIBER 111118 ,0_30" llJD llJD llJD TJS 118-254 ( III (if (tll1l/iUpll City Council Report Item No.: 8. Category: Consent Calendar Date: September 15, 1998 TITLE: Authorization to Vacate Excess Right-of-Way and Accept Dedication of Right-of-Way for Public Street Purposes - 1300 White Oaks Road (ResolutionlRoll Call Vote) RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached resolution summarily vacating excess right-of-way at 1300 White Oaks Road, and authorizing the City Clerk to accept the dedication of right-of-way for public street purposes at 1300 White Oaks Road. BACKGROUND In July 1983, the Planning Commission granted site approval (5 83-10) to allow the construction of an industrial building at 1300 White Oaks Road. As a condition of approval for the development, the property owner was required to dedicate additional right-of-way along the White Oaks frontage of the property to allow for the realignment of White Oaks Road. In connection with the proposed White Oaks realignment, the City would also need to abandon a portion of White Oaks to the adjacent property owner. Both the industrial building and the realignment of White Oaks Road were completed, however, the required dedication and abandonment were never completed. The existing property owner now wishes to sell this parcel, but would like to record the dedication and abandonment prior to the sale of the property. The attached plan shows the property line at 1300 White Oaks Road as currently exists, the areas proposed to be vacated and dedicated, and the resultant property line which will be a uniform distance of 10 feet behind the existing curb on White Oaks Road. The obscure property line at this location was a result of the construction of the northbound Highway 17 off-ramp that intersects with White Oaks. Following the State's construction of this off-ramp, and the realigned White Oaks Road, all excess right-of-way was relinquished to the City which resulted in the existing property line configuration at 1300 White Oaks. The applicant has filed a request for dedication and will provide all documents necessary to complete and record these transactions. FISCAL IMPACT There are no fiscal impacts associated with these actions. Authorization to Vacate Excess Right-of-Way: Page 2 September 15, 1998 ALTERNATIVES 1. Do not approve the abandonment. This is not recommended since the realignment of White Oaks is completed, and there are no future plans to use this property for public street purposes. 2. Do not accept the dedication. This is not recommended due to the need for the existing public improvements to be on public right-of-way. Approved by: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Attachments: Location Map Proposed Vacation and Dedication - 1300 White Oaks Road (plan) j:\mq\ld\1300whok ", RESOLUTION NO. 9434 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL VACATING EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ACCEPT PUBLIC RIGHT -OF-WAY AT 1300 WHITE OAKS ROAD WHEREAS, on July 26, 1983 the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell granted conditional approval (S83-1O) for construction of an industrial building at 1300 White Oaks Road; and WHEREAS, a condition of approval for S 83-10 required the property owner to dedicate additional right-of-way to accommodate the realignment of White Oaks Road; and WHEREAS, excess public right-of-way also needed to be vacated following the realignment of White Oaks Road; and WHEREAS, the realignment of White Oaks Road was completed, but the associated public right-of-way dedication and excess public right-of-way vacation were not completed for this parcel; and WHEREAS, the public right-of-way dedication and excess public right-of-way vacation will result in a new property line that is a uniform ten feet behind the existing face of curb on White Oaks; and WHEREAS, the property owner has requested the excess public right-of-way vacation, and has prepared all documents required to complete both the excess public right-of-way vacation and the additional public right-of-way dedication; WHEREAS, this vacation is made pursuant to Chapter 4, Summary Vacation, of Part 3 of Division 9 of the California Streets and Highway Code; and WHEREAS, the property to be vacated is described on the legal description and shown on the plat labeled "Exhibit A" on file with the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, the property to be vacated constitutes excess street right-of-way not required for street or highway purposes; and WHEREAS, from and after this date that this resolution is recorded, the street portion or portion thereof vacated no longer constitutes a public street; / ." '~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Campbell does hereby vacate the excess right-of-way on White Oaks Road adjacent to 1300 White Oaks Road, authorizes the Public Works Director to execute the necessary documents for vacation of this excess right-of-way; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Campbell does hereby authorize the City Clerk to accept the dedication of public right-of-way and execute the necessary documents for this acceptance, and authorizes the City Clerk to record this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September, 1998, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers: Conant, Furtado" Dougherty, Dean, Watson NOES: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: None ^2LA~ Anne Bybee, City Clerk h: \Ianddev\ woresol(mp) I I I ! mrCU~T~ER m' I I ' : I I ~ ~ .. ' 0 01 . r--: ! r-----1 ! SAN JOSE i i I , ' , I ,4 .a. 7,. ~ I , .... I '" ..... , '" . . LOCATION MAP 1300 WHITE OAKS ROAD NEW PROPERTY LINE (10' BACK OF EXISTING CURB ON WHITE OAKS ROAD) / I / I EXISTING PROPERlY UN; ~ IV" ~t{ ~":. ill &j Ii...~~ / 0"".... ~~ ~ / ~/ ~/ ~/ cr/ ~/ ~/ ~I / / :fl / I Lf.~ h~" "yrr:- l8 0""'/ " g ~ JtJ ~. Q) <' -0;: i A / 1/ /--i'-~I? IN:==. # . 26.92 I '- / / / N89032'45"W 348.41 6.89 AREA TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 346 SQ FT EXISTING PROPERTY LINE AREA TO BE VACATED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 2,227 SQ FT N89032'45'W 259.55 o <( o c::: en ~ <( o W I- - I ~ o o M ~ PROPOSED VACATION AND DEDICATION OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 1300 WHITE OAKS ROAD PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT Elr~tiyC; July J, 1996 TO: City CIeri< PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO, ,. d_ PROPERTY ADDRESS ~ ::?.A1!f ~/.2'. Y 'c Pleasc collect & rcecipc fot the {ollowing monics: ACCT, ITEM ....... I ..... 435,lJH921 Project Rc\'cnuc (specify project) S ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 4722 Applic:ltion Fee Non.Utility Encroachment Permit (S225) R.I First Pennie (No Fee), Subsequent PcrmicIYr (StoOl Utilitv Encroachment Pennil Arterial/Collector Street (SJ25) RcsidcntiaJ Sired/Other Are:IIJ (S225) 2211) Plan Check Deposit - 2% ofENGR. EST. (S3110min) , 12113 F,ithful Perfonnan<< Sccuritv (FPS) (HX)'!.of ENGREST,) . 2203 Labor :1nd Materials Security (100% ofENGR EST,) 22U) :'vfonumenUtion Security (IIMI"Io of ENGREST,) . 12113 Cash Del'Osil (4'Y. ofENGREST.)(S500 minlSlII,OOO mL') . Plan Check &. Inspection Fee (Non.Utility) ~722 En!!1'.EsL < S250,OOO (IZ'YoofENGR EST,) .. 22113 En~r.Est>S2'().OOO (Deposit X~. of ENGR. EST .J1JO.O()() min.)" . ~122 Utilitv < SlOO.!)()(I Minimum (Darge Per Location (SI211) ConduitslPipe:Jincs up to j()() Feet (S1.60/ft) Above SUO Feet (SUO/ft) Manholes/V ,uJtslErc, (SIII5/ea) Pole Set/Removal (SI05/ea) Stcect Tree Planling/Rcmoval (SI05/""") .. 2203 Utilir,.' > S IOU.OOU Actual Cost + 20-/. .. . "722 Street Tree Plahting/Rcmo\lal Permit (SI05) ~16U Project PIlln. &: Specifications Project No. 4760 SlD.ndilrd Specific:uions & Details (SIIPI S12/Bcok) "'601 Copic.! of Engineering Maps & Plans (S,50/.q,n. ) 41221 Penalties: Failure 10 n:store public improvements (SICXI/Calendar Dav) I (Muni Code Section 11.34.010) 4722 Pen:dtics: Failure to correct unsafe conditions (SIUO/Calendar Day) LAND DEVELOPMENT 4122 Lot Line Adjustment (S511O) 4722 P:uccl Map (4 Lots or Less) (SI.060'" S25iLol) 4722 Final Tr.1ct Map (, or More Lou) (S1.380'" S25/LoU 4122 Certificate of Compliance (S5IXI) "122 Certificate of Correction (SJIXI) 4722 Vacation of Public Streets &: Easements (S550) ,"7.?rJ "122 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment Fint Split (S550) Each Additional Lot (SI10) 4721 Stann Drninagc Are:! Fee Per Acre (R.I. S2,000) (Multi.Re.. S2.250) (All Other. S2.5IXI) "920 Parkl:md Dedic,uiad Fee 4965 POSlil~C TRAFFIC 4728 Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) (S60) 4128 Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) (SI25) "128 Traffic Aow Map (Daily Trame Volumes) (S21) 4128 Campbell Tr.atlic Model (Full Scope Assessment) (S2.2511) 4128 Campbell Trnftic Model (Reduced Scope Assessmenl) IS740) 4271 Truck Penniu (SJ5/trip) "128 No P:trking Signs (SI/eaeh or Slj/IOO) OTHER TOTAL S .",5lJ ~~, ~..L//~a /J '/06 NAME OF APPLICANT / YJI" If // NAME OF PAYOR PHONE ADDRESS / / //7/ d~ ,,) R/ LV"5~hf ZIP a.c-A~V . .. Aerual Cost Plus 21,./. O,.crflcad fNon.rn~ng deposit) I I~I 11-rr FOR RECEIVED BY \li - 1 "-v' ~ .. CITY CLERK ONLY $' 1/"tJVd. IT?1~.cj ~.'" ..._,.....x, 'C D,IC ...... f -For Plan C!\cd:. and Cash ,Deposits. send ).eJlow copy to F'man~ Dalcflniti.:als h:I=fnu4(exclmp(rcv IM1) I" , ^', t....:: ...... " ~ /-' ./ .---- ..----------- _""\ "~~I ....'1- ....... ............... . 0li I U~ G~r~ftLL~ ~~ -~ .~-.--~ :y ~ .]UDY5 ~ 1"'\.....,..,.,.,... "r~ j~N~U~l~H H~jUL1A!t ~3 D~:E; 08/1:/72 ... - . ~.. .'.,. ... ~ , ''''' I , . '''"'''' :- ': ,;:_;.: ~~... . - r,:-':r'[.,:- !:,.; ii...; ';"-_M'.~'" ,...; . _ _" :.... '.... ,. I _ " . A',_ .. _' "_'.' ......... ~ : -4;...J.: ....: :~T~! :~~:;.. ".'-";,' ~ >:': ""'.';;.. "' .....,":,": ! '..ii,.. J.; ~r: ....~ h- ~ ........ni::.i, ~i'li..H.n;: ! .. . - .... . . ---- ,...'..,r.....; i ..;,.;~.. ~.; .1.........j;./.i. ~ w:..,;.,j; i.l.i!'-= . . -- -- ....... .... j ~. ...-. --.". .lu=-..i__;:..... : .,:._;.~..... .....F:..' :;i...:...<.':'.iiJ @ Of'C",A.t . .p I-.~.~tt\ .... r" U r"" o 0 ..I ... 1> A, ~, ,,' Q"'CH"Y.O' File No. APPliCATION FOR VACATION OF EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY Public Works IN"artment 70 North First Street. CQlT/DbeLJ. California 95008 (408)866-2150 APPLICANT: Santolina Associates ADDRESS: 16496 Hilow Road TELEPHONE ~ 356-1588 CITY/STATE: Los Gatos, CA PROJECT ADDRESS: 1300 White Oaks Road ZIP: 95032 c, ~ of ('Amp be.-I , ~) Excess n-.I~ riqht of way DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE VACATED: REASON FOR REQUESTING VACATION OF EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY: To conform with improvements constructed in accordance with the 1977 & 1963 iite d~\I~lnrm~nt rl;m<;; PREUMINARY STAFF REVIEW OF APPLICATION: Staff shall notify applicant of the appropriateness of the application within 30 days of submittal. Only those applications which are found appropriate and complete will be processed, FOllOWING THE PREUMINARY STAFF REVIEW AND DETERMINATION THAT THE REQUEST FOR VACATION IS APPROPRIATE. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS MUST BE SUBMITIED FOR PROCESSING OF THE DESIRED VACATION: 1. Processine Fee - $SSQ-receipt must be submitted to the Public Works Department 2. Leeal Description of area to be vacated - prepared and signed by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer 3. Proof of Ownershio - documentation indicating ownership of adjacent property AFFIDA VIT/SIGNA TURE(S): The undersigned person(s). having an interest in the above-described property, hereby make this Application in accordance with the provisions of the Campbell Municipal Code; and. hereby certify that the infonnation given herein is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. ,~ ~ ~/5f Applicant's Signature Date OFFICE USE ONLY Completeness Leaer: Fee Paid: Legal Description Submiaed: Proof of Ownership Submitted: Receipt No. Final Action: J:\torms\vacarow l @ CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY PRELIMINARY REPORT Dated as of: May 28, 1998 at 7:30 AM Reference: 8560441 Order No.: 800254- Regarding: '1300 White Oaks Road Campbell, California CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception in Schedule B or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in the attached list. Copies of the Policy forms are available upon request. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to in Schedule B and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in the attached list of this report carefully. The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects, and encumbrances affecting title to the land. THIS REPORT (AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS HERETO) IS ISSUED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE AND NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREBY. IF IT IS DESIRED THAT LIABILITY BE ASSUMED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER OR COMMITMENT SHOULD BE REQUESTED. The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY 1990 qg--3SL( RECEIVED JUL 0 6 1998 TS!(lVIL ENGINEERlNG,lNt Title Department: CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 110 West Taylor Street San Jose, California 95110 (408) 292-4212 @ Laura Miller Lar Miller, TITLE OFFICER PFP ..09 '04/97bk SCHEDULE A Order No: aO:<25~ :.~! Y(lUr Ref: .... - - ~ , . . --.- -- --....---- 1. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or r;:ferrc:d to Cll\aed b: this repllrt is: -~ --........ 2. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: Sa~tolina Assccia:es, A =~:::~r~i~ 3e~e~3: - . =- 3.~::r_e~s:::p 3. The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California. C)unty of 3.~;:-.::. and is described as follows: -. "'I -.... ........... ""\-.-..... -....--, - - -- -..... --..-....-- :=:3:?: :::-:::'; F~EA .'0 31 < 97bk Order No: 3002:4 1 DESCRIPTION ..;;11 chat cert.31n. ?~ea.:' ~~c;::e:.-~~./ .!....:. ::J.e :~':./ --- State of Califor~:a, desc~~ted as fc:l8~S: =........,....."r~ -........:;.--........--... I _=~~~v 8~ 53n~a Cla~~, Parcel NO.1: Beginning at a : ~n2h p:~e a~ :~e No~~h~est C0~~e~ of ~ha~ cert3i~ 30 foot strip of land con'leyed by JeSSle L. :"e'.vis t:J ."'., C;, ?ete:::-sc::n by Deed reccrded ln Volume 287 of Official Records, ?~ge 247, s~:d point of beginnlng being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by Jessie L, LeltHs to Anna R. Toepfer by Deed recorded Aprll 22, 1932 in Vol. 614 of Official Records, Page 73, and running thence from said pOlnt of beginning, along the West line of said 80 foot strip of land South 216.00 feet to a 1/2 inch plpe; thence West 322.31 feet to a point in the center line of an lrrigation ditch on the Westerly line of said tract of land so conveyed to fu~na R. Toepfer above referred to; thence along s~id West line North 30 deg. 11' East 249.88 feet to a 1 inch pipe at the Northeast corner of said land so cor-veyed to .~.nna R. ~oepfe:::-; thence along the North llne of land so conveyed to .~-:::a R. Toepfer, East 196.70 feet to the pOlnt of beginning and belng a po:::-tion of Lots 4 and 3, ~s shown upon the Map of the Redding Farm Tract, which said Map was reco:::-ded September 28, 1831 ln the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California in Volume "R" of Maps, at Page U.S. Exceptlng therefrom so m~c~ the:::-eof descrlbed ~s follows: All of that parcel of land descrlbed :n the Deed :0 QuintillO QUlnt~relll, et ux, recorded on October 13, 1354 In Volume 2980, ~t page 544, Officl~l Records of Santa Clara County, which Iles Westerly of the fcllowlng described line: Beglnning for :::-eference at the Southeasterli' co:::-ner of that parcel of land described in the Deed to Charles Ferroni, at ~lias, dated on December 4, 1959 in Vol~me 4628 at ?age 7JO, 8fficlal Records of Sant~ Clara County; thence along the Southerly llne of last sald parcel North 83 deg. 55' 17" West 335.52 feet to the True Point of Commencemerit; thence South 23 deg. 09' 48" '.'i"est 96.17 feet to the general Easterly line of that right of ','lay riO'''' kriown as \'lhite Oaks .:wenue, conveyed in the Deed to Santa Clara County, recorded on April 18, 1924 ln Volume 79, at page 443 OffiCial Records of Santa Clara County; thence along last said line South 10 deg. 29' 24" ~est 102.35 feet and South 32 deg. 08' 24" West 35.97 feet to the Southerly Ilne of said Quintarelll Parcel. Containing 6.919 square feet, more or less, lricluding 5,468 square feet, more or less, lying within said White Oaks.A~enue. Parcel NO.2: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of :"ot 3, as shown UPCri the Map hereinafter referred to; at the Northwest corner of that certain 9 acre tract of land conveyed by Katie Hamilton to Antonio Catarine, by Deed dated February 18, 1935 and recorded March 18, 1935 in Book 721 of Officlal Records, at Page 392, ln the Office of the County Recorder of the COUri:y of Santa Clara, State of California; thence from said point of beginni~g, South along the ~~esterly line of said 9 acre tract so con,eyed by Katie Hamilton to .;ntonio Catarina, a dlstance DE.~CRSO.. I: ~ 91 AA Order No: 300254 - Li'! 2 DESCRIPTION of 265.205 feet; thence 2ast and paral~e~ :0 sa:d ~o~:he~lL' l:ne of sald ~ot 3, as shown on the Map he~einafter referred :0, 16~.25 feet to the Easterly line of that certain Parcel of lar-d conveyed by Anna C, Jolls to Adela Le Bord, by Deed dated February II, 1946 ar-d ~ecorded Februa~y 21, 1945 in Book 1333 of Official Records, at Page 92, Cc~nty of Santa C1a~a, State of Callfo~nia; thence Northerly along said Easterly line, said l:ne being the cente~ line of a 40 foot right of way hereinafter described, 265.205 feet to the sald No~therly line of said Lot 3; thence West along said Northerly llne 16~.25 feet to the point of beginning and being a portion of Lot 3, as sho'NIl on the Map entitled, "Redding Farm Tract, being a part of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, T. 8 S.R. 1 W.", which Map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on September 28, 1891 in Book of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on September 28, 1891 in Book "E" of Maps, at Page 115. Excepting therefrom so much thereof described as follows: Beginning at a po:nt on the Westerly line of that certain 9.0 acre tract of land conveyed by Katie Hamilton to .~~tonio Catarina by Deed dated February 18, 1935 and recorded March 18, 1935 in Book 721 of Official Records, .page 392, Santa Clara County Records, distant Southerly thereon 215.205 feet from the intersection with the Northerly line of Lot 3, as said Northerly line is shown on the Map hereinafter referred to; running thence Southerly along said Westerly line of the 9.0 acre tract of land 50.0 feet; thence Easterly and parallel to said Northerly line of Lot 3, a distance of 164.25 feet to a point on the Easterly line of that certaln tract of land conveyed by _~na G. Jolls to Adela Le Bord, by Deed dated February 11, 19~6 and recorded February 21, 1946 in Book 1333 of Official Records, Page 92, Santa Clara County Records; thence Northerly along said Easterly line, said line also being the center line of the 40 foot right of way hereinafter described, 50.00 feeet; running thence Westerly and parallel to said Northerly line of Lot 3 a dlstance of 165.25 feet to the point of beginning, being a portion of Lot 3, as shown on that certain Map entitled, "Redding Farm Tract being a part of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, T. 8 S.R. 1 W.", filed record September 23, 1891 in Book "E" of Maps, at Page 115, Santa Clara County Records. Parcel No, 3: A non-exclusive easement for street purposes including the purpose of ingress, egress and regress, the laying out, construction and maintenance of a street, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewage pipes, lines, connection and sytem water pipes, lines, connections and systems, gas pipes, lines, connection and systems, hot air and/or steam pipes, lines, connection and systems, power and light conduits, lines, connections and systems, electrolies, telephone conduits, lines, connections and systems and similar purposes upon, over, across and/or through that certain parcel of real property 40 feet wide, situate lying and being in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the mlddle line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Redding Road and the Southerly line of lot 3 as shown on the Map of Redding Farm Tract, recorded in Volume "E" of Maps, DESCRSO.. 12. 0-l:91 AA Order No: 800254 - L~" 3 DESCRIPTION at Page 115, distant thereon, 120.38 feee ~e3ter:L of the Southeasterly corner ~_ said Lot 3; thence along the center l:ne of a 40 foot r~ght of ~aL and parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot 3, Northerly 474.10 feet; thence contlnuing along the center line of "said 40 foot right of ~ay, North 23 deg. 12' West 109 feet; thence continuing along sald center l:ne and parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot 3, Norer.erly 745.90 feet to the Northerly line of said Lot 3 and being a portion of said ~ot 3, as sho,m on the Map hereinabove referred to. DESCRSO ..I~ 0.. 91 AA SCHEDULE B Page 1 Order No: .30025"; 'j \l Yuur Rd: - - .- ... . , ~ ~ - ..- - - - - At the date hereof exceptions to l. ;;rage in addition to the printed Excertilln~ and Exclusions in the r(llic~' form designated on the face page of this Report would '-;: uS follows: A Taxes fer t~e ~~scal ~.e~~ :;;3-;~f 3. . ~- ::e-.: ...... =. .. .:: ....... ~ .:=1 .............' -----. B 2. T~e ~~en 8f 3~ppleme~~3~ ~~xes, 3.33e33~::' -,.--...-..-"- ~ __ ::1_::'..__ pro~.lsions ~f :hapte~ 3.3, . , - ,==~~e~c:~~ ~::~ ~e=-.::=~ .-- - ::-.e ::~e":~::-......:e and Taxa~18~ :8de 0: :~e 5:3:e 8: :~:::~~~:~. c 3. An Agreeme~~, af:ect~ng said l~nd, f=r ~~e pu~p8ses, S:3:ea ~e~e:~, the terms, C8~:enants a~d concltions ~efe~red t~ :he~e:~ bet~een :~e partles named herei~ For: Dated: Executed Bv: ;'iater Rights Sep:emcer 30, , ,'" ... - ':"0:: Joh~ Goldswor:hYJ e: ~_I :cmpa:-.L::", a C;:)rpo~~::'8:: 7he Sa~ :~se ~a:e~ Recorded: :V!a:: 25, .. ............ ...:: i.v ::"'~ 3':CK :: ?3.g-e :f::.=:.~: ::Jo.....-_-4..... . "'''-__'-'.... I,..,.i.,:) D ~. F~ e3seme~: ~::e~~iug the pO~::8~ 8: ~~..._ seaced ~e~e:~, ~~d ~~=lde~:5: pu~pcses, --,-. ..;.. :1..._ 3. :-.. G :8!:" ~::e p"..lrposes r3."'.rcr 8f: ?a=:::2 353 ~~d ~:ec=~:= ::;:':".p,5.:-'.::~ , 5.:::=-p::ra:. ::'2:-~ F8r: ~lec:~:=al :r5.~3~:SS:C~ ~~~~8ses Reco::--ded: 5ep~e!T'.l::e:- :;,2.3 --. ~:::::: -,.. :1_ ?:i::?,e 259 0:::':::3:' ?ec::~js Ar:ec::s: ?3.r::e:' _':-..!.~ee B 5. Covenan~s, :~ndi:'l::ns 3~d ~es:r:c:ic~s ~~ :~e :eed. ~es:.r:c:icns, ~~ based on Ra=e, :clor, Rel:gic~, Sex, ~5.~d~c;p, ~a~ilial S:at~s, or National Or~~i~ are 1ele:ed, ~~less a~j ~n:~. ::: :.~e ex:e~: :hat said ~_.. ~."j , co'....enant (a) States C::::de 13 exemp: u~der Chapter ~2, Se::::::~ 3607 c: ~~e United ~r (b) relates -- ha~d:c5.p b~: d8es ~8: jlsc~:~i~a:e aga:~s: handi~apped perscns. Executed oj': ... ?::::-..emore an~ ..~ >7::-.l.:1:.e - ?:nr~emc:'"e, :.r' - :l'..ls.oa:-..c 3.:-.= :'I:fe Recorded: Febr"Jar~l , "" , 1933 38C~: , - . -:'::-: 3.:' ~-_o .. :::t~_ . .,- .~:J Cffi.:::..:i:' ?..ec:Jrds , Said C8~.,"e:lar:..:s, Cond::.:icns a:-.d ?estrl::::':'::::-:S ~- .......... .l...___ prc'\/::.de r-,.....- '-'- "-.0'" .,:..."......... -.- _ _ . __ ::t _ _._ of title In :~e even: of 3. breach ~l-orQ-: -...--.. -......- . G Said matter ~::e::::s: r 3. ::--.:e 1 C'r!e ;:REa -10.31 97bk Pagt: .. SCHEDULE B ( continued) Ordt:r :--;0: 3':',:254 YlJur Rc:f: - - - ~ . , ~ ---.-. -- -' -' .., ... ... -- H ~::""'''1 easer;le:-~": ~:: -==:. :.:-.~ _.-.=. .........-.,....- - ..-...- ~-- - - ---- 3~:..i --....:; _ .::l........ ~:-:.j -".... .=. ;''':::-;:'::323 ~-=-.=.-, - -..... --- ,...0.,.....0........ ........- --...., 3.:-.. d ..--..-.;.::::,--= ............-.....------ ;:'''::-pCS2S I ~Y".i. =:::...........,.... ~:: ~- ' .... --,-,.......-., ..-_.o.___...L__ :3:3.:-:':-:5., 3. :.j :d::'.~:e:- ?or: 5:.~ee~ p~~~~se3 ~:-:.= 2~~e~ p~=;~se3 Reco:r-ded: >~:i~~ 31, :939 ,- 3:::;% 33: a: ?3.ge =~'... ::::::30::' - . ~.e=:: ~':'3 .:"'ffecc:s: =:,:;'s:e:-: :" :ee-: ?3.:.-::el -;:".'/C I ..~.n ea s err~er.: a: : ec: '::-,;,9' :::e ........,.-..,....r-..--- ~"-'- --........ 33.:'::' --,...;; _.::t......... 3. =-_ j :::e -,.-,........-.....=:.,.... ~...._::-' ....,J;:'__::: S:3.:S:l herein, and .,: ,.....-, -40.....)-1 ..L.4"'_ _ ..............._.....::4_ pu::-pcses, In 2a-'/:J:'" r- ~ . --- . C8unt~.. Sa~~:ati=~ =:st:.-:=: ~Jo . ... ::-.....~- _:::l..4_Cl ,-.- ...,....... \.-_.::t~-:1 C8untj", 3. c8d:/ pcl:.::.:: 5.r..d ~::~cr3.':e F'or: :":-~3tall, repl3.ce, :T.a:'!::Ei::: a::d .,lse ::J!.'" :::::-.....e:,..::19 s e',v303e Recorded: ....5.r:uar:l2...;, .:.;1:: _ ~.s : r-.s: :.-:.:.~.e::: ~,~- _4- . -S S2:'2 3 ,...,,;:;:.;, "-'-------... ?e:::ords Affec'::s: 7::e :'Jcr:.;-.e:-::' ==e= cf - . .:-ar.:-e...s "":"". -= '=':::1 -':'.~:~ J 3. 7he fact t:::a,:: :. :-. e ~"J'.T:e=-s:-::p :~:::r :::.-~ ...;.-.~.... ......___.::l' :::::... ....::::e :;J..1o': -.. --- ... -~.....- :r-.gress or egress ::lr :!'"c;;. :::~.r;t"::1./ ::::::::::. :;~:::'_:3 -..... Q-~-....... -....--- -- -......, :;5.1.0 r :9':""..':.3 ~a~.~i~g bee~ re::~q~:3~ej b~ j~ej ~ ~"::~;l: 1l(.--....----..... ......... -- ::.-~. ., .. 1IC.-4_...-.-- --...- 3.:"".d :::r.3: 3.::ce ......" __ :::.....-01"1.. 1l(.............-.....- --........, :::3 :':::e ~-. ~:.a:e _=:._::::r:-..::i :<ec::::-ded: :,!s.r:::-.i. :s-- ::: .;;::::.-< - ... , - :-:."% ;1 a: :,5ge L~_ 8f:1C:3.: ?ecords Sxcep":: 5:-.3.:' ::. 3C~..l: ....:pcr. :i::d h3 ":e "--0-- -J."-__':).:J sa:d frontage read ~~l=~ ~~~_ ~e c::~nec:ed :0 :he ~~ee~ay On1'i at su=h ::~:r...:'s :1::: ~3~~ be e3:5bllshed ~:..:b::'2 :;,ut:ho~:. t.../ 'K ;I. ~Iv.a.: ~:e::- :a"'~"::~ =r:e ~:3.:e :50::.:::::-:::3. ~:: 3.:::; =:3.:.ms :::r damages sald 13.::d .0::" ::-eaS8::'S ::e~e:naf:e::- S::::'-o\',:"".. =::::r:ec: 1:::: ',', ~~ :; ;-.~9b:a:/ =~~::g~~~s ~~e::-e~=, =~~ta~~ed ::-.e jee:: .?r::!r: : Q~l~:::::: :'..::.n.: 3.re: 2. i. -~.... .:1....._ :~::'s~3.~ce Qu:nta~e:::, :-:.:3 ~'i ~ :: e Reason: Shall abut ,.--,...., .....__..~ 3.:-.. 0. ha"."e a::cess t.he freewa:l --"... -- _.I...: ..::t_ such points as ~ay be established by publlC auttori:y Recc~ded: ;.!arch 5, . -"'". _;J .~ :~ 58C~ 3349 ~: ?a3e 221 ~f 8f~~=~a: ~ . 7_eccras PREL:MBC.9 23 93bi< Page 3 SCHEDULE B (continued) Order :-.'0: 3C')25-i Your Rt:f: ... - -..., ~ .:=::....-=~- L A~ ~~re=~~~e~ ~e53ef ?.:: 2:: ::-~~ :..-.~ ::~e:":~.:.3~:3 :-_2::'-2:':: 3=3.:2::, exe::~:.e::. _ =~:-,;,d betwee~ :he p~~~:es ~5~ej ~erei~, :~~ :~e :e~~ ~::j _ :~e :e~~sJ co......er~a:1 ~ 3 3. :-. j .. . .. .. =C~~l:':'=~S :~e~el~ p~=~:=e~, Dated: Lessor: Lessee: Disclosed 3j-': Recorded: ..':'--=.g"...:.s= 3, ;...;7::= San:ol:~a Assoc:~:es, _ :;e::e~3._ ':)::Y"~r-..=.r"""r,..;""'" - ........- -..-- ':'.._~ ?acifi:: 3ell >~::bi:e Se~::.ces, ~ :allfcrnia Cc~por3~:::~ It!em8r-andum :J f T ~-...~ ....._.:::1.,::)_ Mar::h 6, 1990 :~ ~=c~ ?233 a~ ?~ge :~a2 of Official ~ec:::rds H 11. Other ~a~:e~3 0: rec~rd ~hlCh do 'r'-"- .-4o....,...,.-..:no. ..........- ......._,,:)---...,;- sale 13.z:d, btl: .~lh i ~:-.. , 1 f an:/ exist, ma:i affect: -:he ~.l,:le. The necessar~./ search ar.d exarnination will be completed when a Statement of Infor~a:icn has been rece1ved from Jan E. Crawford. , ~ ~'" , The herein refer~ed ~o property 3ppears to be free and clear of Trust or ~ortgages. ?lease conf1rm 1: th1S 1S the 2ase. ~~ '-'~ 3ny ;)eeds o 13. "If an Alta Policy prior to the Close i ~ ~=> ~eq:;,ested, t-'"-...., ._..._~ ::~lp5.n;. ',,,':..11 rec',..ll re :in In,specti8r:. ~- ~- :::s C::8....~.. " ; ~-:: . Rlg:-6~S of pa~:ie3 :::;S5e23::::-.. 3~::: ::.-~ -_........... ~-e:i s :::-. 0: :.:.::recGrded :'eases, if a:1::". Q 15. ~~y easements ::Ct d:s=:=sed by ~hcse 1""\........ _ ....- .........~- -"- rec8rds ",\'::1. c:'-. :mpart =onstruct1~e ~otice ~~:c~ are ~oc ~.l.s:b:e 5.~d appare~: ~rom an inspec~lon of the surfa=e cf said la~d. R 15. Any facts, rIghts, ir:~e~e.s~ .....'-~........... ....._.:t_...;::l' ",\' :-~ 1 = :-.. 5. ::::rrec:. survey would show. s END OF SCHEDULE 3 T NOTE 1 Title of :he -,-escee here:n ~5.S 3c~uired by deed recorded prior to six months from the date hereof, r1 NOTE 2 Effective March 1, 1979, there ~ill be an addit10nal $10.00 fee for recording a deed w1th a legal descript10n ether than an entire lot in a recorded final map. If there are any guestIons, please call your escrow officer or title off1cer. v NOTE 3 If a 1970 A~TA J~T.er's Gr Lender's or 1975 ALTA Leasehold O'Nr.er's or Lender's policy form has been requested, the policy, when approved for issuance, will be endorsed to add the fGllowlng t~ the ExclusIons From Coverage contained therein: Loan ?olic1~ Exclusicn: PF=E~IMBC.9 23 93bl< Page , .. SCHEDULE B (continued) Order No: 3G.J254 Your Rd: - - .... ... . . .. ..-....... -..... ---..--- .:l:(/ :: :. 3. 1 ITl I .,'-."~"'" 3.:-~3es :;~..:.: :~~~3~=::~~ :~=~::~~ ::-.:=:::-es: mortgage :~3~red bankrupccy, 5~3ce based C~: " - .:::-.. ~::13 pc_ :':~", t:-" reas=~ 8f ~~e ~pe~~=~c~ of federa: :'::5c;~ ~."e::::}' I 3:~:~3:::- :~=j::~:::-3' :::-:g::~3 .i.a~liS 1 -\--- _...l.::l '- :3 ,'.j \ I. ....,1 ~~e ~~3~sa2~~=~ cre3::~9 :~e :~:e~es: ::-..e :~s~~ec ~c~~;agee be:~g deemed a fr3l1d:..:.le::: :::::-.. ",:e:: 3.:-..:: e ::::-3. :..1d'J.::' e:-..: ::-3.r:sfer; or (U) the subordi~a~~on -~ :~e :~:ere5: ~- :~e :~3J~ed ~o~:gagee as a result of the app11cacl::n of :he doc::-:~e o~ ea~l:able s~bordina::s~; or (iii) the transa~ticn ~reating the :nterest c: the lns~red mortgagee be1~g deemed a prefe~e~tial transfer ex=ep~ Nhere :~e preferential tra~3fer resul~s :r~m ~be f~il~re: (a) ~_ tlmely ~ecorj :~e l~scr~~e~: ~r ~r~~sfe~; ~... ~~ (b) 0:' such recordatic~ :8 1 rnp3.::-r: ::ct.:.ce a p''':!''c::3.se!'' ~.......V" .....3.: '..:e .....V" a Judgmen~ or :~en 2red~tor, O\\'TIers Polic1~ Ex::l....:s::::-;,: ;'.n:..: 21aim, ~~:=~ a~lses ~~~ ,:::e :~3~sa=~:=~ -..e3::~g In cte i:1St~red , :he estate or :~:eres~ :~s~~ej b~. :~:s po_:=y, b~' ~e3S8~ 8f the cperat~8n ~f federal ban;.c::-'..lpt=:. , 3~3.:e ::-.s::_ -/e::::~' I 3::T':1_3.r ::red:.:::rs' righ:.s la.'N's, that 13 based on: (i' the tra~sa~t:on =rea:lng :ne estate or 1nteres: by :h~s poli2Y belng deemed a f!'"a:;d:llen::. =8::~/e:.;a:-.ce ::)r ::-a:.:dule::: :.ransfer; or (ii) the ~r3~sac::c~ =re~::~g :~e es:~:e or :~cerest insured by this policy be1ng deemed a pre~eren:lal transfer except ~here the preferen:ial :~5~s:er results fr~~ :~e failure: ::ffie~~. re==rd :~e :::5 ~ r....::;.e:-.": ::-3.:1s:erj ,0; s~c~ re=8rda.::::~ :~ :~par: ::-:::::::e ~ ;:;ur:::-..a s er ::;r ~'/3.: '.;.e -:r a :udgme~c =r ::e~ =red:~=~. II NOTE 4 ?=r :~f~~~atlcnal t:,~.,....T"__O'" ... _J.:-,_::J__.:J I :he GeT'ler3.~ 3.~~ Spec~a~ Taxes a~d .~..ssessments, if ani~, :or :r:e ::sc3ol :/e3.~ :957-195.3 ..~..ssessment ~:::. Code No. : ~1,,*-3:-C..~::" ?i~st I~st3::~e~:: Second Insta::~en~: ... - - ~ ,-" ,.... :;~~,-s.:)~."'%~ -.... --- ,-- ,- ..........- :;"''::','"t:1'8,'''%: ='.-\__ PRELiMBC.9 23 93b. Page Order No: :::25.; SCHEDULE B (continued) Y\mr Rd: x y z AA A3sess~e~t ~-~:~~::== ?erson31 ~~=;er=~.: ~8mec~~er ~^e~p~:~~: :3 :';:: =-. e .::::-.:: ',..~"":. :::~."'-"""--O"" ___~I.",..::J__::J -..,..... -. - .....-: 1 -:':..xes -".-.:=; fiscal j"ear . - -.., -;l _""'-"~ - - . _::::: :-::-.a 'C :. ~:::3. ~ assessed purs~5~= ~= ~~e ;r=-::3:=~S =~ :~3pcer 3.3 ::-..e -. - ::: ....i.pp i. er;~e:-.. ': a__ =f c~e ?e-.-e~::e ~~d ~ax~::~~ :=de =f :~e 5:a:e 4l~-37-~O:--5:' $63.63 ~.::~ .::~ ;:;:>....-....,- ~-ir-1 .:::1_...... NOTE 5 :commencing ~::~ 3e=::c~ of Califorr:1.5. Assessors Pa~ce: ~~. First Install~ent: Sec~nd Installment: ?3.id NOTE 6 ~~~ :~f8r~3::8~al ?~~p83e3:~:~', :~e 5~pp:effien:3.: 7axes for tte fiscal year l~9~-3S 3ssessed purs~anc == :~e pr~':lSlons 8f :hapcer 3.3 (commencing ~::~ :::e=~~o~ ~-\ c: ~~e ~e...e~~e 5~d ~ax3tio~ :~de cf the S:a:e of Califor:1:s.. AsseSS8rs ?a~=e: ~:=. ?lrst !nstall~e~t: 5e:8~d :~s~5::~e~:: NOTE ! ';:4 - 3"7 -':'J 1- 62. S"'79=.';~ ?3.:d .5-3'=.-4;; ;:3:~ K,'Y!/r::l ~~~.~ ~~:e A~p:::3~:e ?RELIMBC-9 23 93b~ ------ ----- HIGHW Ay 17 ~@ o Cl Z en . I.. ,I t ---l . ... ~ :II z: f 40' "/W I'S." --:;-;;OH MA N :II ~ n ... ... LANE (PVT.J @J:. .. .. ~~-~:-'~------. iCl t~ := ~ ,0-' ~. ~ ~~ I" IS IX )ARSONS-.~"t cfo ~ .' ~ J..~ / ,,:,"< / . .~,,'" ~ , " @ ~ \V NIMliZ FRE:E: . WAy. ------------ ----- "" ") ~ C>~ ~", l> 101 ,,. ~ ~\ .rf,O ^" ~ \~ r4' 7 ~\ ~ r." ~ ", - I ~, ~ " o ... n o :r .. .. . .. .. .. '" .. o " Lj n r- ~ " . n o c: z .. ." ~~ ~O " ~: ....,.. '" I --,-t-oo , , j I I , --'-~'-r- I _~__L. 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