1320 White Oaks Rd. (69-13) if I , I I , I d.s II L{)l 0 f' - (..9-/3 PLN~N J NG ULP J\I~T;'IE:';T CITY OF CJ\i.jPBELL 7 S NOWHI CE;nlU\L 1\ VENUE CM.IPJ:ELL, CALI FOl~:dA DATE: March 4, 1969 CONlJITIO:\S AT'fAClILD TO llS" APl'iWVl\L OF PL\NS OF ~3U-l---Q1.l-in~Ui-.----------- rop CO~!(H-TW""~O'l 0" , .___________._.______~____________________, . , . .~,) 1 \\.,1.1 I', l' c.on-tT8ctoX-.S--prd_&..______ TO BE LOCATElJ V", carport h 1 , __ _.__.~..3.20.--.Whi.t.e-.1)_aks__ .Road.___________ __________-'__________~ I CONDITIOUS: " I conditions attached S(':Cd.O,l 9316.1 of the Canlpbell ~.runicipal Coele reads as follo\.'$: Any approval granted under this section_ s11.:,ll cxrlj 1'c one hundred (;j 8;1 ty (180) days after the datc upon h'hich such 2.pprovCll was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obt~)jncd by niCd:ing \Hi ttcn 2pplicl'.;iCJ;'. fOl' sa]:,::~ to the Planning COj,~]:lission elt. least .fifteen (15) days prior to the cxpi ration date of such aplHovaJ. No building permit shall be issued afLer the expiration date of any approval until 2_ no\\' Cl_pproval has been obtain;;:;d in the manner p)'ovidec1 for in this Che.pteI'. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF C:-\l-.WDELL PLA>:NI0:G CmI:\!ISSIO:~ AT A I~EGULAR f.rU~'1' [;;:; HELD ON TIlE 3rd DAY OF Marfh, 1969 ", CITY OF CA:,!PDELL PLAN:-HNG CO:,I~.iJSSIO:~ att: cc: Engineeringw/att. I .- , . U'-'- / By , ,.- / .-.. " . _ - .- " .I' . ,i ---j,L ---'i..t.R.11r6r/-~--tr:-~-'S'i:--;-;-il;-:-I"-'1 -y-- -------..- , 1\ \. ~fJ,~".~~~i\.J. "~'.~' ~ I The applicant is not~fied as part of this application th~t he is re- quired to meet the f lowing conditions in acco- '~nce with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. The proposed type of construction, J-V,is permitted only when 10 feet from property lines and 20 feet from other buildings on the same property. B. Applicant to pa) torm drainage fee in the ~ount of $230.00.< C. Applicant to process and file parcel map for minor subdivision. D. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. E. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. F. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities iricluding water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele- vision cables, etc. G. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with prOVISIons of the sign ordinance for all ~igns. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. Approval, subject t, the following conditions: 1. Property to be fEnced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Plan indicating type of fencing to be presented to the Planning Director for approval at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted to illsure fencing of area within three (3) months of completion of development, or applicant may file written agreement to com- plete fencing of area prior to final Building Department clearance. RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA /)_12---- NAME c;l."r-.e~ee~_ ADDRESS /79'7- ~~L ~<--e.~ #~I !kaA-. r V FOR dr~ Ma4v J~ /(:2 30 ~ t ;:/'f b 7 - Ij f REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, c7 c:: ? FUND NUMBER r!- (tJ CZ~KO o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR 26-69 MAR 26-69 008 ****230.00 66 008 C ** * 230.00 9435 BY @>, CITY CLERK CITIZEN COPY I, \ ,,- " " () ;u /fI -i l> ;u -< '1- ..... J~ I,. ,'- 0 fl1 0 )> )> ..- -< "'I ~ 0 ~ 0~'11 o . :r (1 '-' r.l 7 ~ 'J i-j '. .r;; J ''>, --. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ '\ Cll c m l.. /II () "'I ~ ;" Ii . ~., ~ 6~:'> ~t 0 >Zl ::; .. :1, II!-< :J ~:: i" ;; 0 ..:.. "'I -,' ,,"1f fl1 :r J~ " W, ~ .;~r ~x'\~ ~ g Gi _ .71 ... ~ c..: -j J ...." ~ ; ~~' ~ ~ S:()J: \:r f' m )> m , /II :J~;~ ,~~ :Zoo> )> r- H I{ c : i oCo > z7'~ r-"--~'~-" .. J 11 I , I I i I I' ,. , , , , - /y -' /Ii 1 -'''t: ~':- "\ -' \ l~ ,\ \1 l' " -r 1 // ' ,.. A. .... '1 '1", ~ J ;.