1436 White Oaks Rd. (84-18) I CITY OF CAMPBELL Department: Pub 1 i c Works ,-'-[''''-''~'>--~'_.''''''''.'''''' , E't,i~~I_\,,~~ _;~~_,,~~o.~.~?.... _ :,. - lH:'";"'AV';l, ",.", ' . 1_ .~~} j-;.i~0~~L~: l D'ke I.' I..f rJ1d'A', '1 f--"--"'I---;._'~~~j! 1-_~r1 [ C"" ,I l II., l .....-::,t I" .' r-------i--;'--.-----i..-- , I I;; I ! I ___i' i I J.--- -'----f I I i -I--I ......__.,,_._."'_'.......'.._...,:__.~i 2. 1986 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Bar~lays Bank of California 111 Pine Street San Fransico. CA 94111 RE: Adron Fulk Letter of Credit No. SB21/85 Gentlemen: Enclosed is your letter of credit No. SB21/85 for the account of Adron Fulk. Mr. Fulk has fulfilled all obligations requiring this credit and it is no. H:>nger required. Very truly yours. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works ;PI.I' l f;VL- David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer cc: Adron Ful k / CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 ~_._.~'--_~_..~_ (408) 866-21 00 r~ ~~~-<_ ,.~-t-II I H,,, ., \ ~ ." '" _ I : . ------J_ '1 I I Department: Publ ic Works : _. ! I J-c:.~z-==-J. "~---~~~--,!=f" I CA,,[ i I F-- i-- ',' - - ._--. - - "1--" L... -", -" -, ---~"'-~."""'''''-''_.,,,, . February 5, 1986 Adron Fulk 120 Stonybrook Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 File: W.O. (59) Subject: Letter of Credit Dear Mr. Fulk: The letter of credit covering your Whiteoaks development expires March 31, 1986. Please have this extended for one additional year. If we do not receive this extention from the bank by March 1 we will withdraw the funds to hold as a cash bond. The letter of credit is No. SB21/85 issued by Barclays Bank of Calif- o rn i a . Please call if there are questions. Very truly yours, Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works y t~tZ/ David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer cc: Barclays Bank of Credit "1 Pine St. San Fransico, CA 94111 Tic k 1 e r : 3/1 / 86 "0 BARCLAYS BANK OF CALIFORNIA Corporate International Dlvl.lon CD 111 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 94111 IJ 515 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90071 O THIS CREDIT IS IN CONFIRMATION OF THE CABLED ADVICE TO THE ADVISING BANK WHOSE NOTIFICATION OF SUCH CABLED ADVICE MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO. THE TWO JOINTLY CONSTITUTING EVIDENCE Of THE OUT- STANDING AMOUNT OF THE CREDIT. DATE APRIL 4, 1985 BENEFICIARY IEl THIS CREDIT IS FORWARDED TO THf/X8~'uQPfli~lIl BY AIR-MAIL. IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT ISSUING BANK'S No. 4JI1[S'1 ADVISING BANK'S No. Advising BlIAk SB21/85 Applinnt ~ < Z o ~r&. ZO ~tIil ~; ...~ OO~ Zz StIil f!3 ~ Dear Sirs, ~Z ~tIil WE HEREBY ESTABLISH OUR IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDITNOJSB21/85 IN YOUR FAVOUR :6~ AND AUTHORIZE YOU TO DRAW. ON BARCLAYS BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE ACCOUNT OF ADRON FULK ~~ UP TO AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF US$84,000.00. ~~ DRAWING UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS AVAILABLE BY YOUR SIGHT DRAFT(S) DRAWN ON US AND t3~ ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR SIGNED STATEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 0= >O:;J a): "AD RON FULK HAS FAILED TO SATISFACTORILY COMPLETE AND PAY FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ~oo ~~ DEVELOPED ON PARCELS A AND B SHOWN ON'PARCEL MAP FILED SEPTEMBER 28, 1891 IN BOO_K_~~'-'-,_~_ ~< OF MAPS, AT PAGE 115, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS (MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1436 ;0 WHITEOAKS ROAD, CITY OF CAMPBELL)." :;lZ !(~ orb): IlA CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED AND 18 PAYABLE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 15 ce (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 3082) OF PART 4 OF DIVISION 3 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE." ~ gore): "ADRON FULK HAS FAILED TO SATISFY THE GUARANTEE OF WORK PERFORMED." ~~ WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY ON OUR PART, THE APPLICANT ADVISES: "THIS RELATES TO THAT PARCEL S~ ASSESSMENT #41371010 AND #41371011." ~ ~ PARTIAL DRAWINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED. ~..:l o~ DRAFTS DRAWN HEREUNDER ARE TO BE MARKED "DRAWN UNDER BARCIAYS BANK OF CALIFORNIA, ~~ INTERNATIONAL DIVISION, 111 PINE STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111, IRREVOCABLE ~~ STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO.SB21/85 DATED APRIL 4, 1985. ~~ WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH YOU THAT ALL DRAFTS~(~ UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS ~~ ON THIS CREDIT WILL BE DULY HONORED IF D '}'N., PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT AT THIS OFFICE ~8 ON OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE.MARCH, . ~~_ . ~ ~ THIS CREDIT SHOULD BE ATTACHED TO ANY DRAFT ICH EXHAUSTS THE CREDIT. ANY CHARGES MADE Z ~ IN CONNECTION WITH THIS LETTER OF CREDIT BY ANY BANK OTHER THAN THE OPENING BANK ARE FOR :;l; ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARY. 0< ~::c tu tIil ~ ;J 00 N/A ADRON FULK 120 STONY BROOK ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 030 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1ST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 U8$84,000.00 UNITED STATES CURRENCY ONLY EXPIRY DATE MARCH 31, 1986 COUNTRY OF THE BENEFICIARY OUR THOUSAND Beneficiary Initia IN THE YOURS FAITHFULLY, -... (l, -#a<<u Z6 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE em 35462-8 (R 6/84) TO: ACCT. 3372 3370 (~'~372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3395 3373 3373 3373 3373 3372 3373 3521 3521 3521 3520 3510 NAME ADDRESS C I TV CLERK PLEASE COLLECT AND Rr .PT FOR n-JE FOLLOW I NG MON I ES w O. (5 (.,) - . W. FILE NO. ITEMS AMOUNT ENVIROI'NENTAL ASSESSMENT ($420) STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I, $1,875; MULTI-RES., $2,060; ALL OTHER, $2,250) PLAN EXAMINATION AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE (7% OF VALUE) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($300) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE ($290) FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($275) FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE ($275) VACATION OF PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS ($455) ASSESSMENT SEGREGATION OR REAPPClRTI<::JtNENT ($420 FOR FIRST PLUS $130 EACH ADDITIONAL) LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FEE/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ($300) PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ($1,097.00t) COP I ES OF ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS ($.50 PER SQ. FT.) WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK ($2); ADDITIONAL ($t .501 PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ($10) MAP REVISIONS TO MAP COMPANIES (SIO) -5 7 I (;2. 0.-'-.. EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ($35) GFNEP-AL COND I T IONS, STD. PRO\' I S IONS & DETA I LS ('10; OR $1/fIG) CASH DEPOSIT FAIn-JFUL PERF~~CE DEPOSIT M."INTENANCE BOND DEPOSIT FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ($195/EA) POSTAGE 011iER TOTAL $ Sf I .) - 0 0 M V , h....,. I \~ PHONE 3s--(., L/Cj I '1 i~C' L O~ G: c~ .it)!: S+V'~'1 brDok .e~. 95030 ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. .....~ % J AMOUNT PAID ~ '7 1::1 J RECE J VED BY Lo , DATE S-{~- fs ()-i) .JULY 1984 ~ S'Jrur / CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Pub 1 i c Works March 21, 1985 Mr. Adron Fulk 120 Stonybrook Road Los Gatos~ CA 95030 RE: Bonding estimate for 1436 White Oaks Road Dear Mr. Fulk: At your request we have determined the bond amount for your required street improvements at 1436 White Oaks Road. That amount is $84,000.00. If you decide to proceed with the work yourself, you must: have construction plans prepared, obtain a Public Works Permit, post an $84,000 performance bond, pay a $5,880 plan check and inspection fee~ post a $1,000 refundable cash deposit, and hire a contractor. If you would like the City to include your work in their larger contract, and thus benefit from the potentially lower unit prices, you must post the $84,000 perfo~mance bond with the City in a liquid form (cash, cashier's check, assigned savings account, or letter of credit) and pay the $5,880 plan check and inspection fee. The City will have the,~ork<:fone, give you a detailed accounting of the costs, and relrun~ or release to you all monies not expended. / Please call the undersigned if t{ere are questions. ",,----- /cs J If! b 8' fC, r'j ~ 5 i n ce re 1 y , Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works /N1 <l kt ) f/ ->, 1/1. ~ >1' W . 'j)~ cf(~/cf,) DNV:dc (L.L. cor ;.! 7~LJ! 0 I r....~ . ".'--. '",,"'J 51.> v Lt/k: oJ- CKdf Oc,r-cJi) O~KJ il( ft~ S,r- 9{1(( Ltikv.+CI<'/"'1 :If 5 0 2.//85' 'J/f/-CJ7~cv~ David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer Enclosure vvJrJ (Lj ) March 20, 1985 TO: Department of Public Works RE: Estimate-1436 White Oaks Rd. Campbell, Ca. Street Improvement I would like an estimate of my cost for the street improvements of my property at 1436 White Oaks Rd. ADRON FULK (;#~ ~~ 0(,,.1, v ;0 {( ;? ell 0 ~ ~uv- J ve(> 1(}V ~ -: tz \-. e )~ l/''1 r _ c;V'). )g ,'j ~v rd () \. ~ y ( )cJV' /1/J- / .~ ~ .-/ ~ (-1oJ' "}rI~ 'ViI z) ,ttCOLK CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR File/Permit' illite ~o-'/.:)'"'6-~j"~ ,,?t~/;'~~~,(,J "I:.,;' By 3: /z o/F;- DK Address Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing lllllp SIII1 Esti..te . $ Z oc:o. CJV t. .,'~ Sawcut Concrete l.F. . $ 3.00 1/1;" ' Concrete Removal S.F. . 3.00 (( Curb and Gutter Removal l.F. . B.OO Inlot Drain with Pipe EA. . 500 .00 Curb and Gutter ;2/ C, l.F. . 18.00 . .) I f; f,h ~.tI Sidewalk 16";2- S.F. . 5.00 1:?{/O.(Fu Driveway Approach ~V(, S.F. . '7.00 . 'I, )'2-2.(/0 Handicap Ramp EA. . 900.00 Barricade l.F. . SO.OO Street Excavation (391~ S.F.)x(SO.Zil)x(/Z- -) ~ r10, t/(,.) A.C. Pavement (39ft. S.F.)x()0.6O)x(!L-) . ::Jf. 77/, ;'0 Adjust Manhole to Grade I , 300. f/I..) EA. . :KID : 00 Adjust Handhole to Grade EA. . 200.00 Monument Box w Monllllent / EA. . 500.00 . '500t tJ . ) Street Tree (15 gallon) ~ EA. . 200.il1 <5" 00..00 Pavement Striping ($100 min.) "2.'Zl L.F. . iUO /33.2.0 Pavement legends ($100 min.) EA. . ~.:>'J Stop, Street Name or Other Sign EA. . 120.,):) ~- .," , Pavement Markers EA. . 15.00 /5.()'(; Pavement Key Cut LF. . 8. c.:> Street l1 ghti ng Electrolier EA. . 3,000.00 Conduit :2/~ l.F. . 15.00 ~2vO.r7() Conductor. pair 2/~ L.F. . 4.00 '1,6 c.(.,v-v Pull Box I EA. . 200.00 -2ov.o(l Storm DrainaQe 12" or IS" RCP 18" or 21" RCP 33 l.F. . 10.00 I, 9Rav:J l.F. . 65.00 . I EA. . 1,800.00 /,9 00. V'j . / EA. , 2.000.00 . '20 00. ~-u I EA. . 600.00 '7-, '2.. L.f' i$S.oo It!. 8?eJ. err.) , TOTAl ESTIMATE $ ~ 3~1,~O lISE FOR BONO $ IS 'I. !y,'JC.? Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole ~o., eC. ?' Revised 3112/84 ( CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL C AMP BEL L, CALI FOR N I A (408) 378-8141 AVENUE 95008 Planning November 28, 1984 Department: Mr. K)srtan O. Armann P. O. Box 1080 Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: OUR FILE NO. S 84-14 SITE ADDRESS: 1436 Whiteoaks Rd. APPLICANT: Mr. KJartan Armann/Mr. Adron Fulk Conditions attached to "S" approval of the above-referenced proJect are attached as Exhibit A - Conditions 0% Approval. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code provides that any approval granted under this section shall expire one (1) year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension or reinstatement is approved. Approval is effective ten (10) days after decision 0% approval of the Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 27, 1984. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION a.~ y~ ----------------~~ -------- ARTHUR A. KEE, SECRETARY Id Attachments: cc: Mr. Adron CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 84-18 APPLICANT: Armann. K. SITE ADDRESS: 1436 Whiteoaks Rd. P.C. MTG. 11-27-84 The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the Laws of the State of California. 1. Revised elevations and/or site plan indicating revisions to parking layout and trash enclosure areas to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Director upon recornmend~tion of the Architectural Advisor prior to application for a building permit. 2. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. 3. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee and/or Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee prior to application for a building permit. 5. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of S5.000 to insure landscaping. fencing. and striping of parking areas within 3 months of completion of construction; or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas. Bond or agreement to be filed with the Planning Department prior to application for a bUilding permit. 6. Applicant to submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to installation of PG&E utility (transformer) boxes, indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the Pl~nning Director. 7. Applicant to submit a letter to the Planning Department, satisfactory to the City Attorney, limiting the use of the property as follows: 3110 sq. ft. office use; 34.841 sq. ft. warehousing/manufacturing use; 2800 sq. ft. auto related use -- prior to application for a building permit. 8. All mechanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 9. Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. 10. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. S 84-14 - Page 2 11. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 12. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 13. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the Slgn Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by Planning and Building Departments (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbell ~unicipal Code). 14. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell ~unicipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all Single-family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. 15. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure<s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-clOSing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adJacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. 16. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. 17. The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction co~mences. All existing structures shall be secured by havin9 windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. Sect. 11.201 & 11.414, 1979 Ed. Uniform Fire Code. e~~k!g_~QB~~_Q;r~EI~;~I 18. Process and file a parcel map to combine the two lots. 19. Install street improvements across the frontage of the property. 20. Pay storm drain area fee. 21. Dedicate additional land from APN 413-71-011 to realign Whiteoaks Rd. in accordance with the plan line on file with the City Engineer. E1Bg_Q;e~EI~gNI 22. Access driveways shall be marked and designated as fire lanes with parking prohibited. 23. Provide an on-site aunicipal fire hydrant at the rear of the property. S 84-14 Page 3 24. Provide an automatic sprinkler system for the building. System shall be monitored by a Central Station. 25. Areas designated for auto repair and other hazardous occupancies shall meet construction requirements for H occupancy. ~~IbQI~g_QgE~BI~g~I 26. No comments. Conditions presented reflect revisions recommended by the Site and Architectural Review Committee. and as approved by the Planning Commission on November 27. 1984.