1436 White Oaks Rd. (71-39) PH-'S5 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public ~I]orks Department have been satisfied for the following developIaent: APPLICANT ,~ ..( ~r--;> ., ,,~-- /....:... /" - '-- ~ ......,., , j ! <-~. /.. - ,.../ '_. 1__ BUILDING ADDRESS , I ..... / <~"' -J~ i:----> . ~ _/1 / '.' /.----~/~ 'r'\ ,.'/- _;-' / , /,/-r/ / '- ~ ,-.4-. . 1 I.. ..... '~_/'-') ':.-~, /e L ~ ..L COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4-/:: /-. ,-- .. I::. I ',..; "5" APPROVAL NUMBER - -'7"- .~..... / ). / / - PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER /~ // ,---- // V /-/ / / !-':-'" / J'~'''- .-I ( - %".\ /'-' ... ,/1- WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By /1t/-< ..6lI~ f / '/. " /- -:> '..I J' I -"") / Date j (/ ~ / . -:- ,~. I , .L _ " ~ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMP~ELL. C:,L1FORNIA NAME /J~ J~-L ~ A~~ ADDRESS ~. -~ ~ .. L~~v 01.<<- c;!"?/-r3~ . c-3:/c.,~ / /;{;it. ffu &;eL.:, ,e4. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3(;, / FUND NUMBER If- RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA DATE AMOU NT E a J~~ /~d~ &4-~/~ 'ESS " 7' cL~ b~tj Dir CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BElOW. JUH 11-11 .AJN 11-71 001 .***31&0.00 61 001 A ***31&0.00 @s ~~Jh~v~ /~~P~.. ' ~ ,~ 4e-- ,- /'1 7/-.3 7 .'l - /t' f' ;?J? /lu t4-L 4 - ~ 4962 BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy NUE ACCOUNT NO. J4 FUND NUMBER /!- ~HECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT JUN 30-11 003 .***168.00 MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND .AJH 30-71 57 003 A ** * 168.00 SIGNED BELOW. @s 5153 "' xfk1 ~k You' CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy Adrian & Wilma Fulk 120 Stony Brook Road Los Gatos q-I-C>-~ ~T( F(U'~ ro \A-1..h> l UT& l 0er;;, c..~ .B~ 9 -~O"~ 4- Audrey American Savings Los Ga tos 354-9910 Audrey wants to know if we can mail book (savings certificate). Improvements dated 1971--savings certificate. Certificate due in September. Needed to renew it. Needs old book--can we mail it to her? } i J G ~)-R,b co_t= -r?~{ / \_~C. n ~ ~.9 "P;~ ~./-.- /"' , < ((? J J ). // " / - , '/L....JU.~.L] L- '- i~ . ('. 0-- 'J /. (i l~j;I:.r,,'1 -. .'., / I ;' C j 'rJd ~~i '. "" ~/l \ f.J: ) t;J i' I f\- , ('b .../ , ~ '\ L1/vj /Y).,) &\ ! / I_-X,j .' (/ ~ \-, ,..-.." ~ "'-.J >Ee 4L50 LuD (S'1) ',,' ',:.r:; (J'..r:,cJ.' '.):( b. savinGs ,,',CCCiL!nt [J,t; Arnerican Gdv1ncs (",ro IOem Association of CaJ.i.:i:'ornj.<.'J. r~' ~ ,. - "',., ',' c"" -'.' ;'.~ ,. '" ,. t T " " ,."" f ., r""."f .' , I " .. ,... " + ~~"J __t ~',,',. 1..J.i.. ~..L.l. ~J~ Ul J. 1-1..-1.... 0, .~~9-2-:-,...~q~;.~=-~::.~____.___-::.....".._....__-.,_.____..__,_~ \.-8..L.L .()rr1J~d., rJ.veu llJ[!E..rl~, ' !.. '^ " r' r'." ,\ .') I r ~,~ '-'7 ~, r I / J Y 1 ...:r (' Y ,'. Y~ eo" " r ", T,\, " , .. r .: . II v_.c '.!."., '..~,'JC; "". '. ~.L':-:L,y.._':.:Z=..7_.."" v I . ,.C1~'.' '. ...__.._,.,r,;2:Q7L...I:...i.J....~.~;_W..jLi..l.;,:;,:l.....Eu~__.___ ::-.c,V::":,:, C; r)J:"~:;E:ij,t 02,J.I.HJ.ce 01 $ L 800 6' - .... . . -*...;::;. '_~_w4-___ ::: [.1:.'1'(:;';,./ zran'c, tnlnsfer and assigr. said account, s:j.J Inve.:;t.rCicIlt Certi ficate: 8[J,id oi.i,lance ,p~-;';.-(;~~c,.,~,+.;=g-.;ci'Ar2::.~':'&t '.I[Jj.cfi--&.-(~-i:0B-:(;.{--i-(.-"i-'-(-K;H - exceptlnc; interect v::\ich accrueQ thereon .x): &Ld Q,L o'.;hcY rig::its in connection t::J 8yewi th to __S.:.~!:L of CJ..'EZ2c11...L. COL?!~1;.;L-2f_~[l):1 ::,rl._ CJi~=u f~ss:'.gr:ec) fo:( c... ;jooJ and valuable consideration, receipt of which is Lere"by aclmovrledged. :;: 'have ~)[.Y :;ics.lly delivered said Invest~(,er..t Cert,:ificate and duplicate of t.his Assignment a,Tld Rece~pt to said assj.gnce~ =: 1.:.r:,lc'c:.;tcl:1c' 'c[J.at a,s~:j,gn2e car; \.ri thdra\'T from said aCC0u,n; any t:i.iy,e on his signature alor..e ':::90:'1 j/c'cs'-;;ltacio;} to 1.,;'W Assoe:iatjon of thE.' Invc2tJlicnt Certifi.cate. I also understand th[~t :: r;,.s.y ,.c)':'iri"c:-.dYa'..r from. said aCCO"llnt unless I pref.>ent said Investment Ccrti:Cic0.te i~QSl th~ .~jJ3r:~:.~:..:.::.:-'.C.~:.!: .i::Zpi~J2ce__~0l);:ovi:-jg sai.d. vr.L!:~~3:~i,t':!..~1. The association aSSUlnes no :cesponsi b:U.:i. ".;y ~'OY '':,{j.(: con0u c:,. o:t' D ssignee and may act on tile sign{:~1.:J'e of the assignee 'vi thout. further ~nq-;li.ry' l ::~)~~'~c.c..ted 0:), 31..1110 25...1- , 19_11__at said y)" ice of the Association. .-/ J "-- - //,,/ ~( Ct/ic/:rJ-J " ~[~:::,,2;;::::-_ Assignor -.~~~~ :;;L~~_. Assignor ~- GTOSS OU~~-:. inD.j!pJ.icable section -.-.-.--,,------.- ...... ACDW~':I.EDG:S?,;:;SI\;j' BY .I\SSOCIA'1:'ION J:'he above de[;c~~ibcd assignmen-t has been noted on the records of said Association. . /'/ /~ --7/ By ~L~6 _ ,.,~<--".,,;?----, Autnof~z~~ure Ds.:te 'i,]~,(,?s. 1 Q'Ll _~..-J.;""''''''~-bV..,-__ ___ INSTHUG"'IOj{S '1:'0 ASSIGl\TEE ?lease sign belovl foj' signature indentii'ication and LlS ackno't1J.edgement of ~rour notice of ass:Lgn.";,,er;::; B.li.d B,S recei:Jt of said Investment Certificate. Return this Assignment and ':<",('C'i:::.)~' tr-- i'.l,,,. '\St.OC':;A't,i.o:1 at its ado.ress above. Retain one copy of this Ass5.gnment and Receipt ~'o:t YOUI' files. Date <::"'.:=..i' ;;:":..:::...,_____19E_ I Assignee's / _ ! Signature X {'~L_/(-,." :/'J:.L..--- .r.' ";..c,,v oi' C~')")b-ll ,y..-{. '1---"""'- V.J ,i.; '1 e REV~ASE BY ASSIGNEE ~ne undersigned hereby releases ~;o said aCCoUl1t) and Investmer,t :':'1ej~e\Ji t,;1.' r fu'1d relinCluishes all his right, title and interest. in &nd Cel't.:Lficf~te, said "oa,lDnQe, and all other rights in connection n<ete ~l_ '8:_19J~__r.:.. A". "..'l""."'''''''r. ~~itL; ....,toJ_ t.::-.L.I.'--''''-' r / \ S5.t)1Cl.t.urc\ _ '~-_. For City of Campbell =::~.:''':;':':';;;~:':::::'::''-:'::.:.~:-:==-~7::::-.::;::::.:==...:.:.:::.-...-:-,;.::::=;:.=-=.:::;..:;..-:.:...:.."'=.;.::;;::.:;:_-~:::::"-:"::;:":::=:':';'-';::':"::::=~;';:';;:=-"';;;;':::''7.::::::::::=.:;;;::.::::-,_::;:~:;:.::==.:.::::.~..:==-...:.:.=:-:=::::;:.:::-=..~.:.=:":::':':::'.'=':=::"'..;,::::::"":,_::;:;:::::c,:::..-;;:'-- For Office Use Only C<~'G. )1[.c8o. },n ;':8,il IntC1'8s't ci',;:'vLori~.~(xtion 1"11..: b;t:....~___on_______19 ;\:::1. -.:..', :L;lt'l'/'cSt. C,u'd l'e:i\0vcd f:co;n file "b;,{ on. 19 ..._,------..,- -,_._~..- -- " r ....... .... 1 JUne 25, 1971 L. .))0- J'\) ~ II (j{( \\ ") Adr1en and W11ma Pulk /' 120 St.onybrook Road Lo8 Ga"t08, Ca11f~n1a 95030 Dear Mr. and Mr8. l'ulk I '1'h18 1s 'to a<tv1.. you that you MY at. any t.1.M be re1ea..d :b~ the ..8~t. of 1.nvestment. 'Wtlidb you have .8s.t.ped 'to the C1qr of' Callpbell. 'the aa.~t in quellt.lon haa been deposited by you at. Amer1cart savin.,8 and Loan Aasoc1atLon of Cal1fornia at. Lt.s Los Gat.08 branch, Inveatment. Cert,1ficat.e No. 40-.20726 which baa a balance of $4,100.64, dated JUne 25, 1971. . 'l'hta aS8i9J'llMlftt. rill be reI_sed by the C1t.y of Campbell upon your post.1.nq with the Cit.y ot ou.pbell a J'ait.ht'u1 perf01'Mnce BoneS in the amoum: of $4,800. very truly your., BILL M. BBLMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL BlGImmR By Cruz s. ac.e., Jr. CivU Eft91neer CSGllw IN!TIAL TO & DATE WGW BMH FTL J I, .>J t(f;j)~f4I- FiLE /' Boor ~41 q 'oJ '.' ..../1:~l\O r. ......, _.._" ~....'" j /":"'::' VII> RESOLUTION NO. 3154 TO BE RECORDED \,viTHOIJT FEC SECTION 6103 GO'/ER:'H~e:-lT C:OD~ AT THE REQU~ST Or CH'l Or c^v.~~t\..\. BEING A RESOLUTION OF Tfill CITY COUNCIL OF Th~ CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLA~~, STATE OF CALIFO~~IA, ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT OF CARL A. AND WILMA E. FULK FOR DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPER'IT LOCATED AT 1436 WHITE OAKS ROAD AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, Carl A. and Wilma E. Fulk have submitted an agreement to this City Council for the development of their real property located at 1436 White Oaks Road in accordance with prescribed conditions: and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited in the agreement and concurrently herewith Carl A. and Wilma E. Fulk have submitted a Grant Deed of certain portions of their real property for public street purposes and related public uses; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that said agreement is hereby accepted and that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell; and, BE IT FURTIlliR RESOLVED by this City Council that the said Grant Deed submitted in accordance with said prescribed conditions be and it is hereby accepted for the purposes for which it is offered. PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this 12th day of July, 19 71 by the following vote: NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgo'rsek, Rogers, Smeed, Doetsch None . AYES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None 1\PPROVED: 'I 1\ ~ I, Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk of the City of Campbell, do_ . here~? ce~ti~? tha..; the :ttached is a true and correct copy.. .~ of ~i"_J"'_u ({'c.-/,>v . ~ 0/J -( passed and adopted at a regu.l,ar., .. m~et~ng of the C~~Y,Counc~l of the City of Campbell on ,t'h.e ",- '.., /Jhf day Of/{<'Lc_1 //7/ ' ,,- , ./'/ / '-/ '~- . " . ....- ... .....,,,~ . ~- . . ' . ....... ., ....1. " t- ." ?\'~ June 10, 1971 CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR CARL A. FULK PROPERTY "S"71-39 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 1436 WHITE OAKS ROAD 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq: Remove AC (14)(106) = 165 sq. yd. @ 1.50 = $ 248.00 2 . Earthwork: Excavation (1.0) (30) (106) = 118 cu. yd. @ 3.50 = 27 414.00 3. AC: (18)(106) (0.33) (0.075) = 43 tons @ 12.00 = 576 . 00 4. Base: (18) (106) (01.00) (0.070) = 134 ton @ 4.00 = 536.00 5. Curb and Gutter: 106 line ft. @ 3.25 = 346.00 6. Driveway: (27.5) (9.5) = 261.25 sq. ft. @ 1.25 = 327.00 7 . Sidewa lk : (78.5)(9.5) = 746 sq. ft. @ 0.75 = 560.00 8. street Liqhtinq: 1 complete electro1ier @ 500.00 - 1 junction box @ 40.00 = (pull box) $ 500.00 40.00 9. Unq. E1ec.: 106 of conduit and conductor @ 2.75 = 292.00 10. street Trees: 3 @ 1 7 . 50 ea. = 53 .00 11. Redwood Headerboard: 20 I @ 2.50 = 50.00 Sub Total: $4,142.00 15% Contingencies: 621.00 TOTAL: $4,763.00 Use $4,800.00 for bond amount. Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee = $l68.00. ~ A Y.J' /''':ll.. , :r..,. \;' ' ",(l \, wo_ ((1)) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY or CAHPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFJRNJA DATE: , ;.~ "'l .-.'~ I .c!'. ,l., J..\. COND1T101:S ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF \_"l ~ .4 , , -l-.J. _, -----~-_.._._----_._------~-_.._- , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF :J t c 1.J :": ~ C'. --'.'__~_~4__._..___._________ TO BE LOCATED AT .if ~I-/~.,~ ~"(~C'~ ~5 ---------_.--_..~------_._--~-------~---_._--_.._------_.__.~_._--------_.._---._--~.. CONDITIONS: (,-. t". '.', .: t i ~.;':::; ~; ".j "1 ..J ,';" t.: . /',.. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such app~ovaJ was granted, unless an extcnsiOl! for such approvol is obtained by making Vlritten application for saTe to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to th~ expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. ~~~~'~'~~ ~~L~ H~N C,~ ~~ OF~ ~~~~~~.~_E~~y P~~NN I~~__~~'~r~I S SJ~~t~~~~ R~~U I~1R . , i ,.. \. \, /' ,~. ...; ,,/ .!.,.. \. . : l... ~:; ,\:, I , '... "" 'I CITY Of CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: -_._-_._---,.-_.__._-------_.._--_.~---._-_.- -.-.-.----- ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY L CONDITIONS OF AI- _.OVAL IISII 71-39 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. L~ndscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler syst8m and type of fencing to be submit- ted. fOF approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful perfurmance bond in the amoun~ of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 2. 4. Landscaping sahlI be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed in an area approved by the fire department. Said enclosure shall be of sufficient size to house all trash containers and have self-closing gates. 6. Area at rear of property to be used for storage or parking of equipment shall be surfaced in a manner acceptable to the building official for the proposed use. 7. The area in the front of the property not proposed for develop- ment at this time shall be cleared of all debris and the land treated with a weed and dust retardant surfacing. 8. Applicant to provide seven (7) parking spaces for' th~ ~ropo8ed development. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is ~equired to meet the following conditions in accordance with ;~dinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municip~l Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campb~ll Muriicipal Code. C. Plans submitte~ to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities inCluding water, sewer, electric, telephone ~nd television cables, etc. . '. .. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved andpermit issued by the building department. j . t E. The existing residential and accessory buildings located on this property to be removed ppior to use of the property for storage of equipment or construction of the p~oposed building. F. , Adequate water supply and hydrants for fire fighting purposes to be provided as required by the fire department prior to issuance of a building permit. '" ------- Applicant to dedicate to 60 foot right-of-way on Hhiteoa~'s ') Road frontage. . Applicant to enter into agreement and post bond for street improvements on Whiteoaks Road frontage. G. H. 1. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee in the amount of $340.00. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pe~tain to this development and are not herein specified. I l. . ,-' I r"