1800-1834 White Oaks Rd. (00-78) ot . CA-t, ~'~'.' /.)~ - r- l.i .' r .', . . ... ... 1- "- <" , <.. ORCH" \1." CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department - Current Planning December 6, 2000 Bob Dubcich 1834 Whiteoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: PRE 2000-00078 - 1800-1834 Whiteoaks Avenue -F Dear Mr. Dubcich, Thank you for your submittal of a pre-application for the division of the above property. The proposal, as submitted, creates a new flag-lot in the rear of an existing lot, using 5 feet from the adjacent parcel to obtain a 15- foot access, as required by the Campbell Municipal Code. The lot split proposal results in a parcel with a width of 58 feet, where 60 feet is required in the R-l Zoning District. Staff is unable to support a lot width that does not meet the City's requirements. If you would like to continue through the planning process, without staff support, the Planning Commission must approve a Variance. A Variance approval requires the following specific findings to be made in order for it to be approved: 1) Show that there are special characteristics of the property. which deprive you of the ability to divide the lot in a similar manner to others in the area having the same zone. 2) Show that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specific regulation (for a 60 foot lot width) would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance. 3) Show that this would not be a grant of special privilege, inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zoning district. 4) Show that the granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Enclosed, please find comments and conditions from the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. These comments and conditions are preliminary, subject to Variance approval by the Planning Commission. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. I can be reached at 408-866-2143. Sincerely, O. ~Sc~t'A CP Planner II encl. cc. Harold Housley, Public Works 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008-1436 TEL 408.866.2140 . FAX 408.866.8381 . TOD 408.866.2790 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner DATE: 12/5/2000 FROM: Bill Helms, Land Development Manage ~ ft Harold Housley, Land Development En~1jJ 6TC Cc/ll>>t. Site Address: 1800-1834 Whiteoaks Road DEe 0 · reD For File No(s): PRE2000-00078 Ct,.." 8 _ Project Description: Create 3 Lots by PM from 2 Existing Developed Lots PI ~..~, CAh_ Applicant: Bob Dubcich ""1IV~~, COMMENTS .)f · It is understood that the driveway will be part of the proposed residential lot in the rear. The existing residence will be on a separate lot and will have an ingress-egress easement from the flagpole. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map: The applicant shall submit a complete and accurate Tentative Parcel Map in accordance with the Planning Division's checklist. The current application processing fee is $2,348.00. Parcel Map: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the project, the applicant shall submit a Parcel Map for recordation upon approval by the City. The current plan check fee is $1,170.00 plus $25 per parcel. Preliminarv Title Report: Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the applicant shall provide a current Preliminary Title Report. Easements: Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the applicant shall cause Easements to be recorded for private utilities, private storm drains, reciprocal ingress and egress, etc. Monumentation for Parcel Map: Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, all Monuments shown on the map shall be set. Street ImDrovements: Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement and shall cause plans for public Street Improvements to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, pay fees, post security and provide insurance necessary to obtain an encroachment permit for construction of the standard public street improvements, as required by the City Engineer. The fee for a non-utility encroachment permit is $245.00. The plans shall include the following: · Removal of existing driveway approach and related curb, gutter, and sidewalk. · Construction of ADA compliant driveway approach and related curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Page 1 of 3 Site Address: 1800-1834 Whiteoaks Road For File No(s): PRE2000-00078 Project Description: Create 3 Lots by PM from 2 Existing Developed Lots Applicant: Bob Dubcich PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL · Installation of new City standard street lights, conduits, conductors, and pull box(es) in accordance with the City of Campbell Street Lighting Policy. · Installation of tree wells, irrigation, and street trees at approximately forty feet on center. · Installation of surface treatment or reconstruction of one-half pavement section as determined by City Engineer, based on field tests of existing pavement provided by the applicant. · Construction of conforms to existing public and private improvements as necessary. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s) shall be installed on private property behind the public right-of-way line. Utilities: All new on-site Utilities shall be installed underground per Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. Utilitv Installation Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits for the site, the applicant shall submit a Utility Installation Coordination Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of street improvements andlor abandonment of all utilities. Streets which have been resurfaced within the previous 5 years will require boring and jacking for all new utility installations. Applicant shall also prepare pavement restoration plans for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation or abandonment. Grading and Drainage Plan: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies based on a 10 year storm frequency, prepare an engineered Grading and Drainage Plan, and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits. The plans shall comply with the 1998 edition of the California Building Code including Chapters 10, 11, 18,33, and Appendix Chapter 33. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee which is $2,000 per acre. Page 2 of 3 Site Address: 1800-1834 Whiteoaks Road For File No(s): PRE2000-00078 Project Description: Create 3 Lots by PM from 2 Existing Developed Lots Applicant: Bob Dubcich PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Storm Water Pollution Prevention Measures: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements and the California Storm Water Best Management Practices handbook prepared by the Storm Water Quality Task Force, Santa Clara V alley Water District and the City of Campbell Municipal Code regarding Storm Water Pollution Prevention. Covenants. Conditions. and Restrictions: Provide copies of CC&Rs for review by the City prior to recordation of the Parcel Map and CC&Rs. Demolition: Prior to recording of the Final Map/Parcel Map the applicant shall obtain a Demolition permit to remove any nonconforming structures. Lot Line Adjustment: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall submit a Lot Line Adjustment application for approval by the City Engineer. The current application processing fee is $600.00. Site Plan: Upon submittal of a formal application, the developer shall provide a complete and accurate Site Plan in accordance with the Planning Division's checklist. j: \Ianddev\ 1800 _1834whiteoaks Page 3 of 3 FIRE DEPARTMENT SANTA CLARA COUNTY PLAN REVIEW NUMBER 00- 3106 14700 Winchester Blvd.. Los Gatos. CA 95032-1818 BLDG PERMIT NUMBER (408) 378-4010 · (408) 378-9342 (fax) · www.sccfd.org CONTROL NUMBER FILE NUMBER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS CODE/SEC. SHEET I NO'/ REQUIREMENT Pre-application review of a proposed Parcel Map creating three residential lots. UK Appendix III-A 1 Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access and water supply as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 2 Required Fire Flow: The fire flow for this project is 1,000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure. The required fire flow is available from area water mains and fire hydrant(s) which are spaced at the required spacing. District Policy 3 Flagged Lots: Flagged Lots shall conform with all access and water supply requirements in accordance with Fire Code Article 9. Contact Fire Department for applicable means of compliance. UFC 903.2 4 Required Access to Water Supply (Hydrants): Portions of the structure(s) are greater than 150 feet of travel distance from the centerline of the roadway containing public fire hydrants. Provide an on-site fire hydrant OR, provide an approved fire sprinkler system throughout all portions of the building. City PLANS SPECS NEW SECJFLOOR AREA RMDL AS I OCCUPANCY CON ST. TYPE o DO! [LOAD I I ! AppllcantName eBL o o BOB DUBCICH [ DATE PAGE . 11/27 /2000 ~ OF ~ BY NAME OF PROJECT I DESCRIPTION I Residential Development LOCATION Hokanson. Wayne DUBCICH PROPERTY 1800 White Oaks Rd Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell. Cupertino. Los Altos. Los Altos Hills. Los Gatos. Monte Sereno. Morgan Hill. and Saratoga FIRE DEPARTMENT SANTA CLARA COUNTY PLAN REVIEW NUMBER 00- 3106 14700 Winchester Blvd.. Los Gatos. CA 95032-1818 BLDGPERMITNUMBER (408) 378-4010 · (408) 378-9342 (fax) . www.sccfd.org CONTROL NUMBER FILE NUMBER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS UFC 902.2,2 UFC 902,2.2.4 UFC 901 AA CODE/SEC. SHEET I No.1 REQUIREMENT 5 Fire Apparatus (Engine)Access Driveway Required: Provide an access driveway with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Pire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet D-1. 6 Fire Department (Engine) Driveway Turn-around Required: Provide an approved fire department engine driveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications D-1. 7 Premises Identification: Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall contrast with their background. 8 To prevent plan review and inspection delays, the above noted Developmental Review Conditions shall be restated as "notes" on all pending and future plan submittals. CBL City PLANS SPECS NEW BOB DUBCICH SECJFLOOR NAME OF PROJECT o RMDL AS I OCCUPANCY CONST. TYPE o DO, I DESCRIPTION Hokanson, Wayne AppllcantName DATE PAGE o 11/27/2000 ~OF~ BY AREA Residential Development LOCATION DUBCICH PROPERTY 1800 White Oaks Rd Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell. Cupertino. Los Altos. Los Altos Hills. Los Gatos. Monte Sereno. Morgan Hill. and Saratoga STANDARD DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS Spec. No. Rev. Date Eff. Date IB 07/03/00 O~97 of 3 SUBJECT: Specifications for Driveways, Turnarounds and Turn Outs serving up to two (2) single Family Dwellings Approved By Page 1 SCOPE This standard is applicable to driveways serving up to two (2) single family dwellings where any portion of the dwelling(s) is greater than 150 feet from the center line of a public roadway. Note that the specifications contained in this Standard apply only to properties located within the service area of the Santa Clara County Fire Department. DEFINITIONS Roadway: A vehicular access roadway greater than or equal to 20 feet in width. Driveway: A vehicular access roadway less than 20 feet in width and serving no more than two single-family dwellings. REQUIREMENTS DRIVEWAY WIDTH: Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill: 12 feet paved surface Los Altos and Los Altos Hills: 14 feet paved width Saratoga: 14 feet paved width with a two foot unpaved shoulder Unincorporated: Per Santa Clara County Standards VERTICAL CLEARANCE: The vertical clearance shall be in accordance with the Fire Code, 13 feet, 6 inches. GRADE: _ Maximum grade shall not exceed 15% (6.75 degrees). Exception: Grades up to 20% may be allowed by the Fire Chief provided an approved automatic fire sprinkler system is installed throughout the affected dwelling structure including attached garages. In no case shall the portion of driveway exceeding 15% gradient be longer than 300 feet in length. For longer driveways, there shall be at least 100 feet of driveway at 15% or less gradient between each 30D-foot section that exceeds 15%. PAVEMENT SURFACE: Driveways shall be.surfac;ed roads of either asphalt, concrete or another engineered surface acceptable to the Fire Department. FIRE DEPARTMENT- SANTA CLARA CODNlY 14700 Winchester Blvd - Los Gatos · CA 95032-1818 _ (408) 378-4010 SD&S 0-1 Page 2 of 3 BRIDGES AND CUt VERTS: All bridges and culverts shall be designed to support 40,000 pounds. TURNING RADIUS: The minimum outside turning radius is 36 feet, unless otherwise spedfied. Exceptions: Modified turning radius may be allowed by the Fire Department in cases where conditions acceptable under the Fire Code allow for such deviation. Requests for such deviation must be made in writing to the Fire Department for review. TURNOUTS: Turnouts are required every 500 feet for driveways in excess of 500 feet. DIMENSION A 40 / +- . 10 i --:L ~ ss 12 FT MPBELL )ERTINO ..i GATOS MONTE SERENO MORGAN HILL A ~ ~ A 14 FT LOS ALTOS LOS ALioS HILLS SARATOGA SCALE: 1 IN. = 20 Fr. DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEEr TURNAROUNDS: Turnarounds are required for all driveways with a length in excess of 150 feet. See Attached Detail Sheet. so &: SD-l/DJM/IJccJ970123 SD&S D-l Page 3 of 3 - _ _ 2Q _ _ _ h(l A 20 20 50 30 40 20 60 - ----- A 20 - - - - - --, 20 QIMENSION A 10 ~O 12FT CAMPBEll.. CUPERTINO 30 LOS GATOS 30 MONTE SERENO MORGAN HILL 14FT LOS AlTOS 20 LOS ALTOS HlUS SARATOGA 80 20 20 30 30 '. DASl{SllJNE INDICATES POlNTOFCONNECnON TO DRIVEWAY nRE AREA. OFnmNAROUNO SHAlL BE PROVIOED (;Ql-DE-SACnJANAROUNO OCMENSfONS RAnft f~ OF 35 FCOtJn:;(OE ANO 7.1 FT.JHStOE 20 ZO- l - I 'f I ( I I I c A c c ARE DEPARTMENT SANTA ClARA OOUtITY DRIVEWAY llJRNAROUND OErAllS MARCH t997 <:!!>"...,-- ..... CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DMSION Date: \l---z..--<b C:;. Site Address: \~ - \~ \x..J/1 I . - ~ ~ , _ ~_ '1~l~,-,~~ ~~, COMMENTS: For File No(s): ~-Fcc..1::IC?-C:C"'O ~~" By: 0, ~)"-'1Bz ~ "E::-~",- Tentative Parcel Map: '-(~---=- Parcel Map: i-lb Tentative Map: "-1:0 Final Map: ~..oS:' ~---"., Preliminary Title Report: ~~~:::. Proof of Ownership: il ~e-~ Right-of-Wav for Public Street Purposes: 'T(:, ~~I P~1,f1.-1 .4 ~ (:?..-E3---..'.)"1~-4)LJ.-__.J.w.~ \ // / ~ Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for Public Street Purposes: '-f~ , .'-: t _ v:::::;~ Public Service Easement: LC:::> ,?~~ ~ 17\ t2{ U--) L l t--.L. ~. f? C)II. -m ~ X''')C)~ -;f/' Page 1 of 4 Easements: ~"" Monumentation for Parcel Map: k..W\ Monumentation for Final Map: Street Improvements: ~~ A. Curbs and Gutters .tz-E~P-)\...ll~) tZ~="'CCN~'-:'~ 'J<::sr- ""-t...~", B. Sidewalks ~("")'~I tz.~k~.....T"'\Ll ?csr ---te=::~ c. Driveway Approach/ADA \Z-~O~~1'2 ~c~ ~~~ D. Landscape and Irrigation E. Traffic Control F. Pavement \. / \\ . \l/ \l '-<-.~~ G. ASPh. alt Concrete Overlay \ r2 y." .\'_. Gtf/L'/..-tt--... . f~~. 0'..L~~'-t ~\t?:~ LrrcLDI \M=---'-~l L __--.:..:-f""~~ \-.l.O H. Seal Coat ~B:::.. 1. Street Lights l-\tJ J. Pedestrian Rampsl ADA Page 2 of 4 "-(~ K. Conforms NO Unsecured Deferred Street Improvement Agreement: N() Street Improvements Pursuant to a Minor Encroachment Permit: ~ Water Meter( s) and Sewer Cleanout( s): '-Ce-; Soils Report: Traffic Mitigation: ~~ Utilities: ~~-~C~. '.~ ,{{~ '-t'e=" Utility Installation Plan: ~ Coordination with Caoital Imorovement/Other Projects: ~; Grading and Drainage Plan: ~::. Drainage System: tD \-e~~ ~~-GI.-~ '--ee~ Storm Drain Area Fee: c:t:7C".C}~~~C'~S;;;:;::- ~ t \ t \ . DC::; kiD Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD): "'-t:...E:.:-:-~ Storm Water Pollution Prevention Measures: Page 3 of 4 Conditions. Covenants. and Restrictions: '~ Demolition: W:> Reapportionment of Assessments: ~) Lot Line Adjustment: N('I Certificate of Compliance: ~. Vacation of Public Street and Easements: Reimbursements: Nb Plan Lines: ~ Legal Lot: ~..:... Site Plan: J :\FORMS\PRELPROJ Rev. 9/27/2000 Page 4 of 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COrvnvrnNT SHEET Pre-application Distribution: Comments: 11/20/2000 12/4/2000 ROT TTF TO' X Architectural X Fire Department Police Department X Redevelopment Agency X Engineering Traffic Engineering Corporation Yard X Building Division PROfFrT m:;srRTPTTON' Pre-Application for a parcel map to create three single family lots from two existing lots TNFORMATTON' Applicant: Bob Dubcich Project Number: PRE 2000-00078 Project Address: I 180r- 1834 Whiteoaks Rd. / (j 4-40-86 & 10 Assessor Parcel Number: General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Zoning Designation: R-I-6(Single family residential) PROJECT PLANNER: Tim Haley OFPARTMFNTAT RFrOMMFNOATTON' If it can be detennined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial ~~<J ~ ~~~ ~.lG ~ ~ *"'b~ h.V ~" ~o~,O ~- ~~ ,v~l\~ q~~~~ ...<J No Comment Additional infonnation/revisions(see attached) Draft conditions of approval attached (/- 'j.--,. I . ^ -7 ct a: ct ..J U ct I- Z ct C/'l W (!lO <f:q- Q. :.l:~ o - ~q- ~ ct Z l: :> .... .J <t t..) rr> >- f- Z :> o t..) l'- 01 Z 0:: ..... I.LI u U) <{ a) -l I'f") a.. ,... _(f) 01 >- Z Z o ..... I U ~ <{ 2 Q: <( ~~ .ut t-N (/)~. It) ~ ~ ~ Oa:~ ~ ZW~ C/'l O:.!J~ (I) ~ ... w .:J (I) W (I) ~ ct ::1::: ~ en'''' ~ b t . u ...... :::: 01 Z u. t- o U <{ 0:: L&J ~ U u. u. o [) C\/ o C\/ co 01 Z a:: ..... ,Oil ...."'. I ~o .. ~ c>.- I ",I .1 21 I u U I ~ ....J I 68""~ ~ ~ ~ ;'1:: !~~ i, ~ I,~ ]'ln~1 [- :i ~ ~I:Il"'" ~ ~~ !<'\{'" ~~r- ~I t - - - ------=-~dJ ,..~ ~~ ~~I~~~.J'i-Lr-..I.lL r-- 98'4;91 .., 1..=..J -1.._-1 ~.".,-'!:!t..... 0; M> , to.. toe ... ?CO.L r;~ . :: -(IIJ1- -(}6I- -;?6/- -M/- ~~I ~IIII".I ~"tU-. t LS'S51 . i~ I II~ I ;.g . 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