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1850 White Oaks Rd. (1977)
-- .~. - .;> I Public Works January 28, 197~':l;')';~~~ '-~:.~~~~G- r"" , r _. ~j TO_ I : I ..r~. __~_ : ' : r ,~2.o...6r . t "-.: : e... ..--.\-. ~ . -', ..--t--I ~-I- !!--=-=tJ l - L Mrs. Gregory Knapp 1858 White Oaks Road Campbell, California 95008 RE: Proposed Development 1858 White Oaks Road Co. File No. l4A76.l0/l4S76.1Q Dear Mrs. Knapp: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation regarding City of Campbell conditions for development of the subject property. Were this development taking place within Campbell's city limits, this department would require the following: 1. Owner to enter into an agreement and post bonds that would provide for construction of all standard public street improvements throughout the property frontage. The construc- tion of said improvements would be deferred at this time. The agreement would provide that the City Engineer could call for the construction at any future time, however, the objective is that they could be constructed in conjunction with a larger project such as a Local Improvement District. 2. Owner to dedicate right-of-way to a 30' one-half street. 3. Owner to pay storm drainage area fees. 4. Owner to file and process a Parcel Map. Sboula ~h.Te be any questions regarding this matter, please contact L,aaSnyder at 378-8141, extension 220. l~:""" Very tfuly yours, BILL ',M. HELMS" ENGINEERING MANAGBR By Lawrence C. Versaw EDgin.e~~ng Technician I :}., 'Ii' :;. :'~' e1.tt?i 1 \$ilL., ~1(/: J 4.s '/~ J /0 ~-' ,'" /' t- / j ,,(", ---;.- ,; /~;' -Y)I< (1/ \_~/,'~'_' (.'(.( ~~/ ."! ,,/r'/"Y'j-J <._.....~j.,..~ "~'. /. ~L' j{.::', /\,tC_ I~,F"~~ C"-t.,.rz/(.'/i :.' -\....(<:./,,/(,<:,>,/(-1 {" '1 {/ '7 -j- /1- !t)rJlZi>c~ ~ ' , (~'77Y?t1.cLe;) (~. l~(')OL? tXJz : ,/,lz<ri/ CU~~g7~ ~.:;l?t{_ 4Jc:t/--c~~~l.J (2/ , " - / / . ,? 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I i'l";~ "" " "\ " \j\ ~-" <I .-1/':/ WO.7,"; V'>/ .~ (J-I Uf _i ,I ,/ /i1 /' J ,.._ .__ ~~ ._J MEMORANDUM ~('!\\.,\ .", "",:.." '*, " " " . ~ : ': ~' CITY OF CAMPBEll From: Santa Clara County Planning Department City of Campbell Planning Department DaW: November 19. 1976 To Subject: YOUR FILE: 14A76.10 lands of Knapp ----~----~---------------------,------------------------------- The City of Campbell has the following comments in regard to the subject application: 1) Subject property indicated as less than 6 units to the gross acre on the Campbell General Plan. Would be zoned R-l if it were in the City of Campbell. 2) A minimum lot width of 60 feet is required for R-l zoning in the City of Campbell. Subject lot split would not comply with this requirement. Thank you for letting us review this application. Very truly yours, ARTHUR A. KEE Planning Director BURCE R. POWEll Senior Planner