1260 Burrows Rd. (92-01) ....~", ("'OP"'1: This document has Ol: b8~nCO'~1p~lOd with the original. SANTA. CLARA COUNTY RECORDER NO FEE [Jj' 12084100 I f-ILEU fOH HcCORD AT REQUEST OF SfP Z /0 3(, AH '93 DEX::LARATION OF <DVENANI'S REGARDlliG ACCESS FASEMENT OfF:(;l\_ :- SANT~, GU.i<,>~ l.':. , LAUF:if.: r::'~iF: "."irc':,....: ' --.-' 'Ihese Covenants Regarding Access Fasement are entered into to be effective this ~ day of OCTo ~ , 1992, l:7y Richard G. McClelland and Karen M. McClelland, hereinafter referred to as Declarant. Recitals A. Declarants are the owners of Parcels 1 and 2 as shown on that certain Parcel Map recorded the ,;}8 day of OCTn6Erz :> 1992 in Book 61{1 of Map:;, page5 3(, 1>'.3 7 Santa Clara County Records. B. Declarants have applied for a pennit to develop said parcels . c. Declarants l:7y this dOCInnPnt intend to bind thPl'llSel ves and any SUtXeSSOr owners of said Parcels 1 and 2 to an easenent for the p.u::poses described below. NCM 'lliEREFORE, it is agreej as follows: 1. Declaration of Intent. '!he undersigned hereby declare that Parcel 2 shall be sold, oonveyed, encumbered, or leased, subject to the follaring ea~ and exwenant, which shall nm with said real property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the described property, or any part thereof, their heirs, S1~ or assigns and shall inure to the benefit of Parcel 1, and for the purpose of ingress and egress only. 2. IDeation of F::lSP.nient: the westerly 140 feet of Parcel 2. 3. ~i ntenance of F::l~t. Maintenance am upkeep of said easements shall be shared l:7y the owners and Sl~ive owners of Parcels 1 and 2. 4. Covenants runn.ing with the land. It is the intention of the " EGOING INSTRUMENT III A ~ undersigned that the foregoing Declaration is and shall be a ~;RR'ECT copy OF THE ORlalNAl.covenant runn.ing with the land ahd its successive. owners. _E IN THIS OFFICE. r: ANNE BYBEE. CITY CLEN<. CITY ,MPBELL. CAl-IFORN'.... L \e.JI- jl w~ ~\Qj/ ~.~~ ~J,A~J Jtj 111tCUt ) 5'\ ~V\~ ldchard G. fot:Clel1and \ \ .kalL{n ft-1 fl-1 C CU(~tfiJ/LcJ Karen M. ~lel1and - NOTARY FOR INDIVIDUAL SIGNATURE STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara f f SSe f On this 9th day of October , 19 ~, before me, Diane L. Urata a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara , State of California. residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared RICHARD G. McCLELLAND and KAREN M. McCLELLAND ~~~~+~~X~~B*~XlijX~ (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons whose name ~esubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that RICHARD G. McCLELLAND and KAREN M. McCLELLAND executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal of the aforesaid County and State the day and year in this certificate first above written. jJl ~~ f L~ /1J:~o Notary ublic in and for the IINOTARY SEALII County of SANTA CLARA State of California My commission expires Feb. 15. 1996 N 3 6 , pft GE2 0 9 2 v"/ 12415590 ./ tBtEO FOR RECORD /4.T .i\ECUEST OF C i +~ (')~ C~ Wlpbel HnR 23 ! \11 Ai: '94 . . TO !E ReCCIlDED WlTltOUT fEZ SECilON 6103 GOVERNMfNT COot! t. T 1';:: P;:Qllr:~T OF CiTY OF CAMPBEll ~<v~ ~O CITY OF CAMPBEl!. 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 DEFERRED S'lREEI' :mPROVEMENT AGREEMENI' OFFIC1!IL RECORDS SANTA GLj~it~ COUNTY Bi,[;-jD\ :i;,\'IS n[c:~::\~CR lliIS JIGREOO'llT (identified as No.Pld 335) made an:! R E C E i V IE ';>> entered into thi.s ~_ cc..y J.E' ..()r-1{)6~ll. I 1.!?~, ~, ~ M'll ..., between RICHARD G. ~ and KAlID{ M. McCLELLAND, husband 14Y 1 B 19Q., and wife, as Joint Tenants hereinafter referred to as "owner," v~ rill ........ . . and the CITY OF CAMPBEIL, a municipal un~tion of the CO\mty 4DMINIS":R" '.' of Santa Clara, state of california, hereinafter referrej to as ' AT/u "city. " WHER.EAS, On September 19, 1988 city granted cxnlitional approval of Parcel Map I:M 88-08 upon that certain real property described in Deed filed ~ 24, 1990, in Book L 574 of Santa Clara COLmty Official Records at page 1296, am 0: oI1,.,nnly known as, 1260 BurrowS Road which property is hereinafter referred to as "said real pLaperty": WHERFAS, compliance with the t.enns am cam.tians of this agreement are ocnii.tians to the final approval of abOVe-descrihed application to divide said real property into bNO lots: Na'l, 'mEREFORE, m <DNSIDERATION OF 'lHE AOOVE-MENrICNED APPROVAL, am satisfaction of the cam.tions to that approval, (1) owner shall provide, ccnstruct arxi!or install at 'hi~ awn ~ CXJSt am .ex:pet'l!=:e, I"..1hli.c street iJDprcvements as described in section 11.24.040 of the City COde within 12 m:mths fram the date when owners or their S1.]OOeC!c:nrs are ootified to do so by the City ~. . (2) All of said i:mprovements shall be <XII1St:ructed and/or installed within 12 DCnths from the date that owners, or their ~rs, are notified by said City EDPneer to do so: provided however, that in the oamputation of said twel Vt:rllDlith period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz., lmUSUBlly inclement weather, major strikes, ard ather delay beycrxl the UJuuol of owners shall be excluded. It is expressly umerstood ani agree1 to that if CMner shall fail to oamplete the work nqui.red by this ~cemettt within the said 12 11D11th period, the City, after gi~ ten (10) qays written notice thereof to owner, or his successnrs, JJB.y- construct ard/or install said ~ ani recover the full CDSt ani expense thereof fran a.mer, or his ~. It is further expressly unierstood that the ~ of this N 3 6 I PAGE 2 0 9 3 . . agreement is to defer oonstruction of the abcve-mentianed improvemnts mrtil SCIIE future date nme camuci ve to the overall needs of the City of ~ll. In ~ with this lU'lderstanding, the right of the City to give artj of the notices specified herein in Section (2) of this Agreement to install such ~nts, or to nq.rlre oonst:I\1ction or installation of such improvements, or to install such improvements itself am recover the costs thereof shall net be l:m'rBi l:7:f the pBSv~ of time or delay by the City, b1t shall remain open am enfcn-ceable imefinitely am forever. It is also 1merstood that: the passage of time or artj delay caused by the City shall mt relieve the owners, or their 5'~<;OrS, fran performance under this hJr.eemerIt, bIt that: the o.mers, am their suoces~, shall remain bcurxi imefinitely am forever. }nf i.n::reased const:ruct:.i.on or preparation costs caused as the result of the passage of time shall be the respansi.b; 1 i ty of the Q,mers, am their ~<;OrS. Nothing herein shall be deenv=rl to prohibit: ccnstruct:ion of said :illIproveIIBrt prior to notice l:7:f the City EnPneer to ~tnJct or install such improvements, provided that prior to such installation, all of the provisions of section (3) shall be satisfied. (3) owner, or his successors, shall cause to be prepared at his cost am expense imprcvement plans for the const:ructi.an am/or installation of said iJDprcvement:s prior to such oanst::ruction or installation. said plans shall be prepared by a civil engineer registered by the state of califamia am subnitted to the City Flaineer for examination am ~. All of said improvements shall be canstruct:ed arxijor installed in acx:ordance with these plans awroved by the city Engineer am shall be made umer the supervision am inspection am to the satisfaction of the City ED)ineer. Said oanst::ruction am/or installation shall be in aocardanCe with the existirq ordinances am resolutions of the City of c,..hl(lhAl1 am. to all plans, specifications, st.arxmrCs, sizes, lines am grades approved by the City En;ineer, am all state am camty statutes applicable thereto. Upon caupletion am acx:ept:ance of the :iJDprovement:s by City, OWner, or his saxesfsnrs, shall provide reproducible as-b.1i.lt plans to the City ED)ineer. (4) '!he construct:i.on ~ of the ~ embraced by this agreement shall be done in aocardanCe with the specifica- tions of the City of CMI'l~ll am west Valley Sanitatiai. District, where iJ'Xii.cated. (5) Prior to approval of the plans l:7y the City ~Ieer pursuant to Section (3) of this ~':=lIIelUt, owner, or his 2 N 3 6 I P ~ GE 2 0 9 4 successors, shall pay to the City for examination of improvement plans, field inspection of construction of ilDprovements am all necessary expenses incurred l:7y City in oonnect:i.on with said i.mproverIents, a smn to be determined when said plans are sutmitted in accordance with the rules in effect at that time. (6) owner, or his ~C!nI"S, shall file with City, prior to O.JtIU.....1cirr;J work, surety, accept:able to City, to insure full am faithful perforIllal'K:e of the construction of all the aforeme1rt:ioned improvement ~, excludi.rg sanitary sewers and water distrib.1ti.on system. said surety shall guarantee that owner, and his SU~, will anrect art:! defects which my appear in said improvement work within one (1) year iran the date of acceptance of the ~ by City am ply for art:! damage to other work resulting fran the const:ruction thereOf, as well as pay the cost of all labor am mterials involved. 'Ibis surety shall remain in effect mtti1 one (1) year after date of final accept:arx:e of said iJDprovements by City. said surety aDDmt may be ~lOeti l:7y the City ~ after the date of final acceptance to not less than twenty-five (25) perceut of its full value. (7) Upon final release of said surety by City, the obligations of owner, am his ~, arrl:ai.ned in this AgreemeItt shall be considered null am void. (8) When called upon by City to do so, owner, or his suocessors, will emcute a petiticn for the formatian of art:! specia 1 asses~ it district created pn:suant to art:! special assessment act as provided in the streets am Higtuays Q)de of the state of califamia created for the pJrpOSe of oonst:ructi..ng am/or installing any or all of said improvements. (9) owner, or his ~~, shall participlte in am ~ a part of any spec; A1 asges~ district as described in paragraP1 (8) of this Agreement. It is expressly understood that art:! obligations of owner, or his ' suacessors, ccntained in this Agreement that are aD:> .''{ ..Iished to the satisfactian of said City ~ by said speciAl as.~es~ district shall be oansiderei null am void. (10) owner, or his suocessars, shall make such deposits or file such bcn:js am enter into such ~ as nquirBi l:1f West Valley sanitati.a1 District to insure the installatian of a sanitary sewage system to serve said real J:.1Loperty, am 'OWner, or his ~, shall file with City, upon executian of this Agreement, a letter iran said Sanitation District stat:in:J that owner, or his su~s, have nade 3 N 3 6 I PA GE 2 0 95 such deposits or filed such l:xJrrls arx:l entered into such agreements . (11) owner, or his Sl~, shall pay to Pacific Gas arx:l Electric ~ny any and all fees required for installation of . ~.".,...,......~ " , .' to ~ I' 'thin 'd --, ................~""'""_ WlrlllgCl.l:"Cl.U:_ 00 all. electr:o 1ers, W1: sa1.1.=:u. property when owner, or his ~, is notified by either the City Engineer or the Pacific Gas arx:l Electric crmp.ny that said fees are due and payable. owner's, arx:l his suoces.'SOI'S' , obligations urrler this section shall not be relieved by delay or the passage of time, bIt shall remain binding i.rxiefinitely and forever . (12) owner, or his S1'..-cc!c:nrs, shall make such deposits or file such borx3s and enter into such agreement as required by san Jose water C'rlnpmy Wlen called upon to do so to insure the installation of a water distribItion system to serve said real property, incllJd.irg fire hydrant. owner's, arx:l his suoces'Sm'S' , obligations umer this section shall not be relieved by delay or the passage of time, bIt shall birv:i owner arx:l S1JCC@S.c;()I'S indefinitely and forever. (13) Any ea~ am right of way within or without said real ~-opel.ty nec-~ary for the oa'Iplet:.i.a1 of the i:mprovements ~ upon af~i d iJDprcvement plans shall be CKXIUired by owner, or his Sl~sors, at his own cost an::i expense. It is provided, however, that in the event EIIIi.nent (brAil'l J:n.~ are required for the plrpOSe of securiD;J said ea~ an::i right of way, owner, or his SJ.OCeSs0r5, shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum ooveri.ng the reasonable market'1a.lue of the lam ~u~ to be taken an::i to be included in said smn shall be a reasonable allaNa11Ce for severance damages, if arry. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees an::i costs, ~ an::i ather incidental costs shall be deposited with the City. (14) owner, or his suocessors, shall carry out arry an::i all negotiations with all interested parties an::i shall perform or cause to be performed at his own cost an::i expense an::i to the satisfaction of the City F.rxPneer arry an::i all wcr.k required to abarxbl, renr::we, raise, lower, relcx::ate an::i at:herwise 11IXiify irrigation line or lines within the boul'xiary of said real property . (15) 'lb the fullest extent permitted by law, owner, an::i his successors, shall i.D:iemnify, defEDi an::i ,hold the City at, C<;I~ll, and its agents, employees, attameys, officers, officials an::i assignees hamless iran artf an::i all cl;:!1;'1'IR, damages, losses and expenses, including, tLot not liInited to, attorneys' fees, arising out of, or resul~ iran arry negligent 4 N 3 6 I PAGE 2 0 9 6 or intentional act or omission (incilld:in;J mi.scarxiuct) of said owner, or his su~sors, or arry suJ:x::ontraCt., or anyone directly or indirectly employed l:7y him, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable in the course of perfonuance of the Agreement. 'lhe omer, and his S1lCCeSsars, shall also i.njemnify, deferrl and hold the City of ~wq;i)ell, ani its agents, attorneys, employees, officers, officials, am assignees harmless against and iran arrj and all claims, demarx3s, liabilities, loe;.~es, lawsuits, judgne1ts, damages, CDSts ani expenses (including, bIt mt limited to, attorneys' fees ar:d oourt costs, ~ i.n::urred at trial, appellate or administrative levels) which the City of C~l may incur or suffer, or to which the City of (lAnl[~l1 may be subjected resulting fran the failure of OWner, or his succesSlJI'S, or his agents, employees, sul:x::ant:raCt, or anya1e performing services urxier him, to fulfill art:! of the obligations ~ umer this Agreement. (16) It is acknowledged that the provisia1S of this Agreemeut. constitute ocvenant:s for the improvearant of the subject real property for the lIUtual benefit of owner's pt-operty, o.'.'"-Ylly known as 1260 Burrows Road ar:d the City's pto~, .~.,.."-D1ly desCrilJed as Burrows Road where it adjoins owner's property. '1hese ocvenant:s shall be considered to affect rights in the atave-described real propt:Lties, am shall be bin:ii.ng at the heirs, assigns, sn~_~, ani grantees of owner to said real property . (17) Nothing contained herein shall be <XJIbb:lBi ,to transfer art:! lmvested interests in real or persooal ~operty for plI'pOSes of the rule against papetui.ties. (18) In the event that owner, or his suooesso:t"S, should breaCh arrj of the 1:enIs, C'Cl'ditions, or ccvenants of this AyJ:~, the City shall be entitled to recover, in addition to arrt other relief available in law or equity, all CDSts i.n::urred in attempt:in:J to obtain enforcement of the ~cCI0el1t, or uUl'llATlSation for such breach. 'lbese ocsts shall iD::lude reasonable attcmeys' fees ani oourt ocsts. ( 19) 'lhis is the entire Agreement between the pnties, ani there are lX) representations, agr~rt:s, arrarqemants or urx]erstarxiing that are mt fully expressed herein. (20) 'Ibis Agreen.:a1t can be executed in ccunterpart:s 1:7:/. the parties hereto, am as so executed shall oansist of one ayl::eement, bin:ii.ng on all the parties. 5 " ., 101 . N ~ '\ -, PAGE 2 0 91 lli Wl'INESS WHEREOF, said City has calJSEd its name to be affixed by its Mayor arxl City Clerk, who are duly authorized by resolution of the City council, and said OWner has caused his name to be affixed the day am year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVED AS 'It) FORM: 2~~ william R. gmarm City Attorney a~~ Anne Bybee City Clerk ~&~ .Barbara D. .Conant CMNER: ~m~ Karen M. !t::Clelland 6 " . J . . N3'6' I PAGE2098 NOTARY FOR INDIVIDUAL SIGNATURE STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara I I SSe ~. On this 9th day of October , 19 ~, before me,' Diane L. Urata a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara , State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared RICHARD G, McCLELLAND and KAREN M. McCLELLAND ~~~~~XiHB~Xl~~ (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons whose name ~esubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that RICHARD G. McCLELLAND and KAREN M. McCLELLAND executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal of the aforesaid County and State the day and year in this certificate first above written. 'Z///////////////////////////////,////,////~ ~ ~@I DIANE L. UflATA ~ ~ :', .> COMM. 952669 ~ g,. . ~~, -~ NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNiA . SANTA CLARA COUNTY - r.; ....... My Comm. Expires Fe~. 15, 1996 ~ ~///////////////////////////////////////;M lQJ- I U~/ Notary~ in and for the IINOTARY SEALII County of SANTA CLARA State of California My commission expires Feb, 15, 1996 CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: Frank Mills Senior Building Inspector Date: August 19, 1992 From: Mike Fuller Assistant Engineer Subject: Grading Plan - 1260-1270 Burrrows Road ---------------------------------------------------------- Our comments on the referenced plans are as follows: A) The storm service installed in the street shall be 12" RCP, and the connection at the main shall be made with a manhole. B) This grading and drainage plan assumes that no street improvements are being installed. A deferred improvement agreement is currently being considered for this property. PUBLIC We. .; REVIEW SHEET - BUILDING. ERMIT APPLICATION :llffiin~iDi.I..Jat1J!21~!![!l~'Jl1ill~1l!:{~nlr.*fjl:l]:m'if.l1KfJ~I~mrt.I*1!~~]j~I~~!m~]~ I~~ ADDfSi~ /0 $o-eiav s ~oAb !APN: tfoc:; - /6 -- 0 ? 3 IN:e/:;Pp~.H1/U IDATE;j i7'r L CJ~ :i9ililt..mY!qfilll,q'$;n~:al\tqJI.i;jj~lil~i%tljti..lj1~ ll~il~I~~l[:!::::~fj:~~~ili CHECKLIST YES NO CHECKED BY: street Improvements Required , (f YJ - Dedication Required -" - , (I V'I ,1"- storm Drain Fees Paid J,..-- I (I !,'" i:~I]:m:ij\:~Wi1'W~..]~~ilifillltlU:ill:i::~gl]:~~:I::::t:~g~11~lEf~iilill~~:fi~!~I~ff]:i~::~ili::ltlfl~~j~1J::gfililiI::fJjlfK~t~:liili:llml:l:I~::I~:li:i:I Ipw - ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS:l - Complete the p~ocessing of the pendinqpa~cel map. - Show drainage inlet in driveway (from qradinq plan). - Label and dimension area to be dedicated along street frontage. - This plan shows a sidewalk along the frontage. A deferred street improvement agreement is currently being considered for this property. IAPPROVED BY: /JPztt ? IDATE: ~!rf /;1- { 1/ ( I: '; / _.J..-- I / -/ r I CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP 8 ELL. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Planning April 29, 1992 Mr. and Mrs. McClelland 1260 Burrows Rd. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: File No. S 92-01-1260 and 1270 Burrows Road Dear Mr. and Mrs. McClelland: Pleased be advised that the Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 28, 1992, adopted Resolution No. 2795, approving your request for a Site and Architectural Review Permit to allow the construction of two single family homes. A copy of the adopted resolution and the Conditions of Approval are attached for your records. The approval is effective ten days following the Planning Commission's action, and is valid for one year. Should you have any further questions regarding this approval, please do not hesitate to contact me at (408) 866-2140. Sincer~~ y, .../-~~U;-&~~ Lynette Dias Planner I enc: Approved Plans Conditions of Approval Resolution No. 2795 RECEIVED APR 2 9 1992 2ubJicWorbJfn9111"~, 19 cc: Building Department Public Works Fire Department ~oJb: ,~ ~ ~~ Of P I, CA-tu~ .&t /VW clS o.../VVUL.ht CLQ utAACL~f}'\Q),J . {tC.(QM f'fl-4-fAV\ut4- RESOLUTION NO. 2795 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATION ALLOWING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES ON LOCATED AT 1260 AND 1270 BURROWS ROAD, IN A R-1-10 (SINGLE- FA MIL Y RESIDENTIAL/LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, LESS THAN 3.5 UNITS PER GROSS ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT, APPLICATION OF MR. AND MRS. RICHARD McCLELLAND. FILE NO. S 92-01. After notification and Public Hearing as specified by law on the application of Mr. and Mrs. Richard McClelland, for approval of plans and elevations to allow the construction of two single-family homes, on property located at 1260 and 1270 Burrows Road, in an R-1-1O (Single-family residential/low- density residential, less than 3.5 units per gross acre) Zoning District; and, after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Planning Commission did find as follows with respect to File No.5 92-01: 1. The proposed single family residences meet or exceed the development standards of the R-1-10 (Single Family Residential) Zoning District in terms of setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and building height. 2. The architectural style and building massing is consistent with other recent residential approvals in the surrounding area, and promotes a low density rur. · character as required by the development policies for the San Tomas Area. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Commission further finds and concludes that: 1. The two existing lots do not conform to the General Plan of the City, however they were created prior to the adoption of the land use designation of less than 3.5 units per acre. 2. The proposed project will aid in the harmonious development of the immediate area. Based upon the above findings, the Planning Commission does hereby grant the requested proposal, subject to the following Conditions of Approval: Resolution No. 2795 page two 1. Approved Proiect: Approval is granted to construct two new single- family homes. The building designs shall substantially conform to the project exhibits listed below, except as may be modified by the Conditions of Approval. (Planning) A. Site Plan prepared by Augustine Designs, stamped received 4/14/92 by the Campbell Planning Department. (Planning) B. Building Elevations and Floor Plans prepared by Augustine Designs, stamped received 4/14/92 by the Campbell Planning Department. (Planning) C. Color and Sample Board submitted to the Campbell Planning Departmen t. 2. Public Occupancy: Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. (Public Works) 3. Tree Preservation: A tree protection plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. (Planning) 4. Parking and Driveways: All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. (Planning) 5. Fences: Fencing plan indicating location and details of fencing to be approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. (Planning) 6. Dedication: Dedicate an additional right-of-way to widen Burrows Road to 30 feet from centerline. (Public Works) 7. Parcel Map: Process and file a final parcel map. (Public Works) 8. Utility Boxes and Back-Flow Preventers: Applicant to submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to the installation of PG&E utility (transformer) boxes and San Jose Water black-flow preventers, indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval by the Planning Director. (Planning) Resolution No. 2795 page three 9. Utility Connections: Plans submitted to the Building Division for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for under- ground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. (Building) 10. Underground Utilities: Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code. (Public Works) 11. Property Maintenance: The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. Section 11.201 & 11.414, 1985 Ed. Uniform Fire Code. (Fire Department) 12. Garbage Collection: Ordin~nce No. 78~ ofth~ Campbell Municipal Code. stipulates that any contract for the colleCtion and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. (Fire Department) 13. Park Dedication Fee: Applicant is hereby notified that he will be required to pay Park Dedication In-lieu Fee of $10,990. (Public Works) 14. Street Improvements: Install street improvements as directed by the City Engineer. 15. Storm Drain Fee: Pay storm drain area fee of $758. (Public Works) 16. Grading and Drainage: Submit five copies of the grading and drainage plan for the City Engineer's review, showing the relationship to adjacent properties. (Public Works) 17. Sprinklers: Provide an approved 13-D sprinkler system for the rear unit per Section 10.207 of the Uniform Fire Code. (Fire) 18. One Hour Assembly: Provide a modified one hour fire resistive assembly between the garage and all parts of the residence. (Building) Resolution No. 2795 page four 19. Tempered Glazing: Provide tempered glazing at all windows within 12" of a door, within 18" of a floor or seat, and at all tub/shower enclosures. (Building) 20. Building Permits: Approval subject to all codes in effect at the time of construction. (Building) Approval is effective ten days after decision of approval of the Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of April 1992, by the following roll call vote: A YES: Commissioners: Alne, Higgins, Meyer-Kennedy, Fox NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Perrine, Dougherty, Wilkinson one APPROVED: Chair ATTEST: Steve Piasecki Secretary